jet and n i TheCdinC hmpin, WedtesdaP, Janay 28, 1970 t an na ptinte t l~ ' asion lit t I ap o_ _ _ nlp's 'offo»i ine titi s 740-foot-wi the nartie nle tî pack G nte tineke S C >tomrcautuet ave week off for work LAýtw atdentî fennitte pears agit and lton Ditoic attendînga couase incomputer 12 conietat otas ai n District Higit tiitnit ihîn tent off, but il int foti ap. ep arctiittkinitores and tsein t hie Mîon nea lt penctitat eîpereeinthet test;noetdandtwit la liediontttei tiitbtbhe s, Masejînt Powypi, iead if cnommercial depatlmeet of igit icititit tapi lte as ti thte ediatina mm s wotndefitand ttd Chamnpin ltent tient more itns nfeeed titait stidet Itpeongitti titi startd nd hool News rus bits teache 'atory contestI aid îotd bogs are sttl li ig the tioînds if Mdtion e jnos bot il's lte teautiets tivio gi 0-it atteîted tatitet titan 'tnetsAeadttaopo. Rontup tcoootsapititeitas pt seieuat ofh iet staff off tith t dis aid tht hetteif titi a tng off thetJnam rs. h bia speaitg coonpttitaii i 6, the îaid, eith 108 e entlaonpen hou loup Il rit Te aontest geli o etinp aI 7.30 p.nt. i lteh Rosarphiturti Hall. tie tabuau-gpninasitini cnttgaongtinai tbeoghi - toniptetin date itas leî -it fiatotet a tatge bulgtt astati tithi a stage, a fnsay execu e litn in lthe Halbi and Pent alaton fît tht Henring dtoapped. Aoog tose ed tre Suad Clecaunta, Jouit Scott, Mtî. tant tItil., Gatp tatitone, Gtb dIl, Tom Satitet aid Clio nthiastti carbet too splash p tn lte potol nI Ontatio Oui fot lte Dent mot etihît htcglttci tit 10 tee lat zetro neatitti aide. "the tîcotton miii hi ine edvd alpstiong thtsoatioia meting it. l bisî aheîed. oh sening itadeitatout mie fietd lte obtai peactitaà euinie. Thistieek iathtet teitas iîîeodîctotp neenkand p tuti patiacipale i anothet rttieet ftinatch lit- t9. wldeirngeioflitbs iiiffnttdt thte tudents atd ltep atc abte tep ther itaîd aI typîg, ohiteepit, oteetont l orttp mer tppe of tutti the emptoper titet titent to tp. Tie itodent doi't etcape ntetioek fi titi tieit, ihte, te tbep are eîpected be lepare a rport on Ibele pereeen ig business. Mes. Pntips, itereef, os b. 6 mraep, dtop toint atd n honte otontios otanitoot fot lte Nuit tmit îenî coontes ftt tuti St. totot ibis tient but lamcpai Toni Gîbso tipi jus aft itas lan i bt bp lthe irus midîîittleîatd îîeeoeî areltolb eatanad Il taffohrtont. The grade etgitt clastes hanve titted filihît oit lteit option teetihoergradeutmieicoussti te igi mitoot. aapa Me. Gibtoo, i îtep ti bc titetug on îlaî ortaiteot aitthetieek. npent a lib.. t the pampa. niant 'oyapn c engîce tiat ait dat long. nie op tn 40O la-inluding li, teont tnd -sed rilpees to bandte b lbr 3-çneti d a panieful î-tte-ttnnc hi uy antmatit »929 MURD tant un6 iteodant 1 tienh geade 12 tcommetoial olasses next peai. -tetd Satudap moinaga at teougetowtn telgi telbent, thte toure offets intction in tîompater peigeantng. tht obta thete tilt la a comtper iîîtatted aI lthe itigh attotl in Multot' as n tnaoihg nid! bt mtîndîtoitove iteeotasseîsntd th le aiaigaid tîniputet peogeanta ti Balitigtin fat 'The fottoihi hi a tint if Inteiof theenldeil gigut to tint, the typeîoftiink tte tilt la tuig and thte loctatin of thetr ofitfce. Donîa Stranti, Caiitl Renne, Karet Rattetta, Agnei Borit, Audep Attîin, Debbp Peestîn. Mytta Bentley, Sliaieoî'Gntni Jndp Gaeîtuote, Den Lpîîn With, Raiph Mtuktep. Ket Partent aid Kelith Bridgmn tedt atl it golng 10 lthe Pied oh Canada plaît i Bantatea ftot geîetnt office tioti, ntide Run Gîti tilt la toiuuihg titece in the cotntonetiti office. Mitetta Mîllat, tttd Kamin Miiiitetettili be doatg iffice teite at Maitin Disteict Hosapitat tiie Paîta Jackstit tit la tîoclaîg in lthe hitats nusing departnteol. offict motit me tntlp Maîfoîd aid Do De Beipi aI O.S»., Sandta Lpoîî aI Aveoo Pinance, Mitin, Dattette Pereier aI Hatii Ceutteiai Mariît, Rose Matie Cotp aI Hitoî Bail teams give us as a vtooi. titeit frît if lthe seasti slipped bp on ngan. Lot Puidap wtt basitetbait dtp ne Mitin Hagit au foot tient tnated te ot m-ittiger and sueo gaiestihite lte joîtout îraeaîned be taite on lthe Tabitbea aI Blabelotit 'rThe niidgetsor ns tatonialtai tean oh titi peau ueuatînd tie wntîing ote as îhep îtoumped Staitetîti 47-34. Thte lent vi, once gait, stoîng itoti on offense aid i deflense. Rutk Robeuts bîooghl thte itali op tint, oî dad ail lthe goordi bol n0t onip dîd 'ltteGioittted tit oin utobîoitethue'rabbe rushesiop beloteiaptitueat wa made. LauepBeaulienthteclub' top iouet oaid uti make ii fait breakt inottandmonieuea dot'oî hîl a ie defîniaetle lieMtangasoing punchtia t iis te d guetlp bp iti rudindmof Grahamn Bradeeat asMihtont vetsiot oh Wdl Chantberlain out1otPtt eteepote bp jait standitg teme ide t te eîp lte thi' ho pe :et M.M. Robinson Report "Great Feetsball Game"i won by girls Thetels no tait litta ano t:at UN HUHII Sravng titi bittur cid and tniec-daep tutw, tohtip Cns and I, (as "Grnat Peetitait Garnte" Attenloc tleot, ltai fît s longhad 0-en iddee beiîd nini-siati aod niaionti, tinîoîemrtbedPtEhdtit atteîotn meîn induades(f?), beltet tiom tas '(stiepis Gti", calieîged lthe bopi tona ga ne ogrgond - aamng'.iThe gaits wtîh the titubit asistaan oh Me. MctAdant, tuiaeted fie a doti on lthe Lerst plap if the gante bal tiete met bp abarragofiopen tntednmari. tiitan entititeet tinte hseqteit, and plîng on plapa Titi extot scite wttl Sketp nee la tnout, bol bot tenant, dad mnage to tnnaitdowit jeatta 'Te tec tai beoten, ho wien,ý hin Jait-Annie taifntd 10-et foratotiet. Yns, that wan tneint Tnt bad mn. Wnallniala a deat, pon titan us a fet if pone tiattetbat plapees and neît pean t un'it tep ait fie tte 1970 hootbatl eant, t That tas nlp thm lgniilag tof that tivas te la an ecitini taftentooi for Carniial Lanes t tnt ecutptures werc jndged ai 2.30 but uafnebunatelp th, peois tas ntuenudent. 'roboggan rae eea big smast hou partatipants aid ipectatoti otite. This inoloded hotur bopt to Pall and oie girl t0 lie on lthe board. ftnaitp gai) 'rTe gpmnaaontt aid cafettrin mute bosttlng tit aîlmuitp. RooI-beeu gamttog aid poe nathîg tinte popoint tit tht aoudaeitt bot are not un ooninded fot tiesi 'rtrongito lthe dap thîto tint folk sttngitg in the tuant tonoitîog ara and the gtoap TPout" titetaned aatnumilteol on stage. Atse popalan tit tht tdeeti, i thte anoal flot hockep gaine beluieui titi grade 1 Yand lthe teatheus heatnthog ttaued Baird aid Stidu Gnidt i's a tie miteo stndunts aid nteaestcai intie "otd mcotet". Antpa, the staduili dehealed thte tenotteet 3-2. Ttie twn day noîmutylpitneop unatpy 0-pi thte igit hehaun thth tie bug tiattntbatl gante 0-tien the CKOC Dits and our abenelcadeen. Enteutantient lafoant niai puoided bp ixo tocnly, ibaemniug hahep teggtd beeees titi, ganed in the guets' atieeuteadec garht, atîenipted th fiiraitIbm Haulemt Ololatnnttees inasitst Date Citaulet, Muki Kiamot, Bob Sualtnt, Suodoe Gilet and unortuatep toit] ptep to 'Rottuttoît' Reereit' Atnd mi gts eat hon... fai the guials Thup madtid the Dl' 26-. A hem oh titi Dî' tad onoito sponoruareord itop. Mi MM Robinstn Sioti Qoîci hou 1970 ut Cathp White. Titi mitol ougitit proht moi $4050. Wcotre no lOtet lte hall mop matit, tomoudi oti goal Oh $2,500, hortuho tiaud ou Joseph Suait. Tite CDCI West prescrits rte itth mnuai Folit Petival Matait 20-21. Regisîtttio ts Fîîdap tenat 20, u-5 pn and7tp.m Etiintino heiut iotudap 10 oi..- 1230 pn and t - 3p.m. Tht but tittîuoarc tomt in eoah aot, tith ovet $500 ou pcuoct. Pot moue inoromation ond applictno loîmi, cotta Mite Coulter. HANGtN. L005E t . Hnuap hou Roboison Raides, 4-2 0et Adecihot. 2. Sîutungtoî Mciis Ati-Staut vsHanihilot Ail-Stari. tan. 27 aI 8. Admtisin 25o. 3. Ht Whot Deives Litu Llgtilg, tintatp Stiee Tuiet Pinit. White Oaks Secondary Schaol Hockey squad in Iimelight tlyhottoFod too t -d ttotol ig,,tg tt Thre Wloto QOks hockey icotit ;"e witoootiol crto .to.l.d botit Motohoto 'titi ho lIgl ittoi tpptd toto titi tpothigita Aftet 79-49 loti t O1 T iacbt t of i les thcy lhtitptittitcfcttplacecinthe ohich ithcctdgttttiootdttathe accomoitdcolttt apcttod of icogeucomttted.Ia to3-2ti forget aboat, thop tcdtcited oeotar The htgliet ttomodttti orO.T.H.S, ptcttooîlp the îhcmtcite a bittpt on rnto hi a sweotet pctmcnted Iotite 0otlp Ookiot iichi tohoolltu behîod agotit Perdut to titi bopt ohiet 500 otiles and tu the beatus, RoctearristtçoedOone 42-36.SButtoptsemtrtand gttd gitl ater 350. Attet o long goal oucstd, Pool Lacoohoio Stophîen Loch mai ieid doot a bsece htoct tototot. tuic the motied on ittadouble atollt îlot os, hot film, a 'toet" 15 cîd of hiohoh' co-OoOoth front LoiiGirardand Bill points. seaoo.1 got out toptotiting Lomrece, aod Joho Dewey Aid netihortctttin tties dhe anddtt editheltetofithe taoted io seond goal oh the rite girls' juoior tolitytoit mai item ctoîcg lops truand thethord tiaton itttepfotRitLoi btoogttt honte titice tictoies flootototngti.Otip 347 mure and Gece Hîtdctdgn. ogooost O.T., Rtokeiook and mtiles let to go! Theotcatheto ohthe gottemtt Petde,hytwitihttthethlttttite goothe Hore Pickeritg. Wttt ganmes in o heitoh-thttt mîtoh in Neol htg cîcot otitl hi rite O.T. watiootltpingOusteh atlcases.Thteteniors hOdinet .AC i ooooo Valetine btdtp in the fittt ltwo pîttodi troohle otth rte TAB gîtls, bot Dotoce Tis yoot Thc Shoanes, Hittep hcpt asino the garnet. thcp tttotaged to te O.T. ood oho Oltet play ai the Cloh Attecetoîdi, thet O.T. oach Pttdoc mothoot too mouch toit Riviera oct hoohcd lot Ftotop, oolied ol tie hcot gooltotiot Tht Ctoss-Cioutry Clubt, tn Pcb 13. t-tout hoptog thot date t'tctsettintliccciteott" aociaionoo h thtoy'Oand mooîitooeoyoadverte effeatt Àhtoî hfoti years thc Giolt' Pitys. to dtpîtitts, Os on pouand yoorvtitite îoed papîog ditîdeods in lthe mocitat brn thihut ofhtho titi Imwo gomlesthep pttped îloctînatet it dîdî't matait tîg-tit totit champtioit T.H.St Tittîtcote wat 85-63. gains Pedoo rite eiorst tIi uetuticleailp 73-54 'Mipite titi çomeing ta do ith thte ew goid iîoîtit ltteyce iig hot hotu gtaies; lthe ites are uttotîted toi oîip fot Otr tet hopot hor tht teaomi e th t ite junoros, and topy egan tîOhhîîpîüaoot hepton hep doheattd Perdue 4bt-39and liert pttpod ocat petheot otitîtitti ai îthep fitttdtd ohh tît (.T. jootort 64-28. Str oh lie gomctiot Coig Carerttih 23 poitsi Dooe Lylle th 20 tht ploped tiol cooait Mr. Swian Iuihlights evening of fu for 135 yooths Sportstttghtat teitchoolhfot dance. Angood bandoOiihbconi the Deot otgaited hp hotd, su morkil domno yo00 Vooth-ot-thi-Moyt tat calettdoîot a otetlcntttgloboit Sotoîdo p eteottg titi a hocooto. maccetîhol and eîîopahlettiing Vootit-ot the-Moto ood iti hotr the 135 persmît iho tb expretssioitsttkstooatadolt attecded. A tombhet oh lthe tiho haoe portoaipoiod ithe membect made ueothe ol otnratioofo.oadtihttitaîo hoilitiet whih ot the htghltthl the Clob, otd itopet thot mooy oh thi ctcitg. Specao thaciti to mole poret i ttîttestd titi School Cottatlloct for thetr eioogh tn titi protoot 10 inoite asitne inthe ghmcootic titemiette in as ftoctiot. This ootttîtiet The otdoot îkitîg ts por invitoation ou hoitatte rittttctiimooiited. poouetl oith rite ohjecli of rtec Clob and mce poot yooîg A danceoit eitgplnedhfot people crrpotlhe plansîin Satoedts. Febtootit 7 and itlosthe mlole mti thtthearc hoped ltîat ail memteet and capatle oftmotogitg.Conme end ititmemhettntihnmahe iliuito îotîîtin ettolte tt>ou more mocesshol tit titi lostti wlmîhîîoppyoOlle. ti t Il MONOAY MORt4ING and itned ai nimtaieeady Sandra Lyniro tiT tbe Miltie Disnrict '118h Sibuni cotmmercal olass i sndico the t tient wneb nimb ai Atec Finance on Mate St. Mananer it tht Miltît tieatob Mes. R.W. CaebgieteiSdo attw ntucotinstieheba nit the offilce nink tie a dontt.-Stait Phîtîl Conservation Autolty, (lait MILaoglîli is ai lthe Halbi j Toietti aI Martin St. Seior Heaith Unt ille Zoîdea Millotr tcoot. i oitt foertth 'nntumof Barbata Citle ha aI lte Tîn -titi ond Tiiompon ot if Onkitihte oiîes hot getetti Milot. oficeon t , Nancy Peettr ts Neti Gibboot il dotîg geîieîol tiotig aIt Totoîto plaît moîk oî tcîîoîoond Inteernational Atepici, Dottna Hedgeî ti apton tiîle toto Kene sa Hari ttoey Clemtentsis oroig oit he Jann Wsn iwrngoD. nursingdeportimtetSl.toephts D. Haryi Mitn Sad Hosia ootoGoelph. iomnething to cheer Eetng attisedof itooiog ai repoltiogtandtiatoingtt0rlubsh oîinetesaatitptrootWtad, action titithote people0' Mtitetl defeitded ihis boys bp the court aie Miltoit Higit i'est iotiîg that lte Stahelotit boodi ood detecte ploieuc a bil itit lthe foois ated agaîîît îhtt tootîssteiî encatco tien lthaI Milton taod. relit ou. ho itetî tittir ient ot, Mnhtog thetriîp t0 T.A.lthe theo oui ort îopîecmîlolîoeî otd'i tuiors nete pltgted ititt o lacit olp mith 001 tupport tittoaglo oh ititng asititpdioolaid and tire teatot loit totse athlttti Pette RobertsiattaatlPmadeioP pîodooe tireur heot tott oh a dunt tn titi soîehoed As th titi i soculptrstho inoigitttlgitioit tehtotth Witeî Ca-toitoi timo and that quartet as '(boon- hooled 001 ai tit Sototday. toe d1i t, tite lthe Tabiit potted apa hot t lime ta maito tieti of ahI 55-40 ittoty. titotet meoitee me t h.toîtg Thte fait tinte theeoand thep Titi saculptottut wit e jodged. itooghl lteitspirt oloogibot the caoîts toit oompoio oit sied tentots tooldî't poli t ofh ot lacet, îomoius io bîeh oit s lhtit deftttiinenteditttotd fr uîoinaoog tiith stithg ot it oneîethie balljoîîmwoaiol hocitey wtihîdooî gaminsto s dropîntitthttbasket 0 eog .alowtoooottoowr potih d Palpertttled thecoiogtiith lune dorite dl Tirodantce .a doîci wite tohi 'loi ac i cittrtoo ofiitoeC-tii s Wiitgai' Witeeititt îttlied mutl b 10 rite motta oh "Helot", e onte agan ti points. Lti aibandhfealriîg tîoogtoi ohope taI te pîobtîmîoteareomt aid poitoting dîatoî. ho hf t giettometotiglot cee aout. geltoand conot liforol's 0 musîtitt ittebe oti in caattltol mie ai Mit Htgiot PEAMEAL PEAMEAL COTTAGE tOItS 65' BACON SUIT PORK CHOPS 65 e4 851 89-l PORK SAUSAGE 494 Maîte Lent iteti WIENERS 49 LtÎ PORK LIVER 3-t99C F-h c SHOF I FERSON FOR MANY BLAD ROAT 69111,UNADVERISED IN-STORE SPECIALS g I OAPPLES $2.25 49' PRO DUC MUSHROOMS 49, LETTUCE 2 ont- 39 GRAPES 2 as 35c TOMATES 29 Fb Valait Effectie ti p unM ,tataday. We Rennfe ehe Righi te Lise(atit nikt CAMBEL'S BATBROOM ISSUE 8 99V *BEEF NOGDLE Club Hnus h - Rte g. .2 nu r t 2. jabrn SCOTCH BROTE *MINESTRONE PEAN RFBTE 9 SOUPS RI TEk BAGS 79C 9 9oz C ai afitant î 9 kg. 5mwQUAKER ATS 4--. 59c nuai 4c. 2Ib. Btie .ii Datty Geade A CROWN CORN SYRUP 35c LRG CHASE 'N SANBORN COEFE19 GO 59n I S - Miton District High Scool Bp Rihard Rigg Wlth Wioget Caeîivai tine open os, Miltoni Higit tennis te hi cooning alite ai ou leams ate iteginitg 10 gîite os aLitet oheet aboot and 001 todn Cooncît i ut tite of tte ueîueolîoî situatlaon at MD.H.S. Pmîutated itp o toit Oh poblîctlp lthe juio girls' totiepitoit îqoad îooit adiouiboge toi tie scol' .,ssett raptil th atteoofmcotpapeh ht li iaseond oîotouy oh fle seatoo, liu time otit titi Onkilie Ttafalgat Deohis Comng frtom behîîdoattutoig lthe hîrt otet the Miton gitls taned on tlin chit te 1 onte op wth aopair ofttitato lobe titi beit oh thîee toîteit. Thi ituoou placet Milton Hîgt in lte itat oh titt oompeliîti îîit OatoitIe tcootî ai afi-atoood testeffotubtitnttlobe puoîit teif o mott ioooetihai method On the senor totihiphat aourtsi lte gîtas oame out on top ut the 95 ne