E A K K A ~m __ ____ - ~~ccnae OMAGa 12 The Caesdetn Champin, Wednesdap, Jaecaey 28, f970 4-H Debuteens elect new president for this year b p 1, i A tN s ti p b2 f H à ta t D t H1 By Mes. Cii Patiecsa The durci mneeting et the fnttîcuti qaittitf lais usas fictif ci che homse et Mes. John MLCrron, Miflton ait Tuesday, ian. 20 usîch 18 ladies preset. tItrcctncution iecing cirs usakiag bics bindint. tiaabei cnd ntter techniques mece fiain by lecdera Mes Mercy anA Mes. Pciieraata Mail uses ha ve ausplrteif tia qitid coifaiee os chcn ccd ced malt besui prepccusil a qatiata forsuusccy day. Nias meeting tho leaders asi be titan scîpaus akiogoa qutît. ie regardf ta fpaingieg sue. saloi. foi the ditterent catiaxpousi aidvaIou t ypes cf itacecaise and calai sahimeandifhcauaayuainthe actas ahect a, c guide. Mr. andf Mca Jack Triactttiiot Caateille and Mts a Croier ai Tarceta macstssppid ai Ouscgh Preabsterie choisis an Ssssday Jan. J5. A luige combec gatheredituheu itheriatinsst Rît. Statley Smash. pcecch lias lasewcll sermat. He ecprsed abs tsanka ot Mrs. Smuils and itanseî tas tttro kandaissandi taaeedssap tain the f eca ai thets stay. They asi take np ceaideaceins Afatasier Maos an Wedaesay. Mr. and Mca. Susmith have madeuscey trieraiand ilsiy malt be mochumssei Att usait abr gondf bealti csnd tscppins iir crus chacrge. Frcine Bsinks, Oeccy ad cetebcated hec asth bithday ce Saunsify Jan. 24 casd entaiisad yaung tssds for gauss tn ad c bàthifcy suppîs. Thoti atittndusg mire iecee iansv. arae Iusdift, Loceita Weataîchen ions Foa, Rasa fennecs. Liada Cei Theîcas Cave. Lid Chîce. Jeanne and Hery Bnk Mr. cnd Mcc. Jobe Wldgaaise useekesd atuaieca nssh ihear parents Mr. ced isi malit Wstdgeaus, Sîeaev and SaIt on thi Feutit Lie Get mll ushea se Mi. cnd Mît. M. Soceesnoftle Foocsb Luse mbn are patiertî us Oakvitte Trafalgar Hespsictalotog a t cac acccident aI Ousegl coincer en Wednesdcy afternern The Soerase actacte as travelngtusgeah herasracitiy a car teous the iont. The crash pusbad the Sornuonni ca i e as thi lame ot the Teuspîsce homeand bocbneeieemn out. Ms. Seerccnhbasbrvken bortes. Gimetiwl mîs an Frak Ktacsat et s. Th ted Luse mita spent saîcat dcys an Maltin Heapitat ced ciiir coatractedl the ttc ai Miss hiles Chapmao cequrd atnion as Mlien Hosital emegecyonvTuesdayseesrg .hcv tse c"s ites rfi bond miaî pcepacag mcci toc the tcusty ma.Fistiitchea mcii ceqord ýclose titi mnvd. Wî bnpr aise sc so ri eter. Ai titi mas meeting cf Hecvby South 4-H Oehatecaa Hidi Noassusaitm citesen by telînu Figures add up Mlice Pelisce bat iaueti a sstpplemroiccy fiaren ifespnct icit titans 15,180 maneur 3,231 campisets. The ftguret ais, s titaei offt ice tiýon ti laiors .ccctmaltlr 591ý lueurs tn crureati titry pas sas 472 btait it curt Occteg te fiai. nfies acia acciteifo tc chea forces, Oic ci stisg l o trfress sevg 764 cabr acusamonset soif ccstyieg cas 227 institat.î fuc cthsc poltce forîcesîtta Milic's. The foce ci t crie cvrdtitl oif 55,525 msles ifasvg thse frac Finsi saif te Malttaî ifasîeg ttte ycac toactirt $ 22.052.50 abats ccsififded aî ta mortîier $2.272. SELECTRICITY 4 Is Our Busitess claub usembies ai tlsrc pesideni for the ap cnussrg peofeet -Sepacclis sec Sumners. Thi meeting mas bîldin s tht Omagh Pceubvsecan Suniay Schoof taison Saincday iai. 24 miib aves 20 gîtas refssteeusf anti Leadfers Mca. Ceci] Patiesan ansdMrs.bM.Kiran mecoeud titi eccaf aid îxptcetied the dattes ofat clutb mnembr, that bhey shaisti acten d aid pcesacapaii is themeeings, heep a rcordci book, maki c sits aid mait ai shorts asnd top. toc acisetimeet day. Apatl 25. f1 mas dîcsded litas record books naetifthave gretscaaîsansd ilit tseclub narremaldbbeh sauteasbeltandatumeeteings maldhbelselifai 1.30pari. se abs charchi bail ce Saturacdoy rivi ons to bc Fb. 7. blet Kiesaaandsi Ane RubI asitantleradis ifimonratoed lakant meauseis thi maifel ma Nuay Rabs. Qtesttonnare tac meetino se mais complteii Styles. malecca cnd caInes mie diacusif ed andfemoostateif fcm pattertt booksansd tsplea ofmateciat Othea ais titi mxctv coe ess tiet aiceipsetitsin Pîso Lawrsence. scon isci-prieisin Karea blarsiaîl. ttîff cce.preîadeni Mccc Andsiont, rassaes Gusen litsscatassat rau ConCo u se secsetciy lussce Hatasoasasstseg Lsa Anderson. frîîpitavr caeaesster saclafe t-tise Maitscali. Aste Opteeo. Bîiîy Mci buseel. Nancy La rnssei Tse maths aise meiteif 10 attrendab the st meeing andf aivial accepîrd[a c tulacfrt iathe bj1ctives cf 4-H club accitastit peras toasSeparics toc Sassasses Befthifay gtistand gacif w lae Mît John Wllmott. Osimos Foccd, Le ansae DRUMOUIN Couple celebrate anniversary with district friends, family Mecktnon, Douglas Ooetey, Grossi Moabsonen, Bressan Huase.n loets Garchontha TIse Janucsy meeting et Hocîby W.f wci befd ai the bouse et Mît. MiJ. Bremn, MAltes en Wedieiday afternn Jan. 2f. Mis. H. OCennor coovrisse otbsscercalcrerch bcd ais iteestigpper onsthe maoy alts --pmdec grise. woln as ad pupeî nhacb mecs locateduin Hal n couny an ste paît andcee nnealy taîgaiten, andf Iboe efthab piescît. Thîre us ca seacîci as thas asea. Rollfcatlmas ansmiced mait _A rith b"A breftlisaaecy et yauc tausily datusg bock an pioncer days- and ahieusasse tIfialsar i tars"I.a Pisesadris Mes. CecA] Patceiveis maainchargetfor business. A doisation maamade to the 7 Yeac Aonisessaiy tard toc enacgisg Macdoisald fratacate. Guelph. The ladies decadeif te cales aioabanqueit is Boye Cintre ais May 2. Leiteis eftshunts usr ic eaif tenus Solatis Aeusy cisd adapter! chaud se Hong Kong. Tise Match mseeting malt be a sacial attcic tac lte membîcsac dsssvr telloeei by couds, The Pcesdistaidsccetacy.treIo usaitaranemnts frsaiguistacute Anisatiresalag andsinformative bulletsin front tbs Depacimees cf Cesamcicand ccpoelaasa moac ef Hlon te band jadgc dheis. "Tse fIsietars Wis aid "Te Hanif lites Rocks ahi Crilldir s abs Haisi thai Entes tbe Wetd- are smo ceaiias gisen by Mss. C. Wciggtesmeitb cans a titngitfo tahi day.laite lune tac 10 ltinst The fîatitlte cauc as san ad osfthe mecsting cevetadeif math c luncit sciserd by the besiess and Mca. W. t-. Ford. Feheuacy meeting loine soIfl aI tbs home cf Mes. C. Wigtleamlth. auRINIG IE 0f NATURALIZERS lAO Sia$18to $W) I IBOB BARTLETT'S I FINE FOOTWFAR 1250 MAIN STE. 878-3501o Dly Mis. Coci] Paitermon The famiily of Mr. and Mss. ionfustes ot Bobeaygeon gaihered or Surday lan. 25 et thr home of their daoghier Muiguet and son-io-taw Messin loch or R.R. 2, Kiektield, Oui., nous Lindsay io honor their poronte on a rîry ipeial occsinn thi 601h medding anriversary. Ms. and Mes. Listr me marrard ian. 26, 1910 ai Yarmoth Hiighia Si. Tioas. Theihrade matheiformerMary Asu Boats. Thîy rooh op residince ir Toronto ushîrs fuse of thio sus chaldren mcii hus, meaingitu Hony tofaimtfor many yeaîs and adaughier (nom Mes. Litchtitd) uses bore. The couple retrd in01957 and moved ta Bobciygeon. Galhring tes deicusus hot dusoisat 1 p.m. thetable centre wa hiaut,,ultbeeiarsrd meddusg cake. The atteenoon mciispert inressnsig ovra sceap book et gseetuss tîom hibr trendi and psctarrs and clippangs ovr the paît sioty yeaes. Greingi et coogratultions miii 'eied teous the 00cmn, Penne Mminie Trudeau, Premmr Rohueis and scaria ofccds and goodmuish trous traends atongmitb gsttaand use y heautifot floral oisonemesrt te mark the ocso.A apeciat gittoftmo doznred rosesmwaipesented trous thir 17 gicudohildre and rni grat gsanddaatdren. The tausiy preseted thI parnes maith a puiscet of oey. A fleoral table ceetre trous Ibîe trede as Bethel Churctt mas maca appîecated. The tsar chidren ail attended the happy eaentmsith theieaspoenhiy are lobs aed Gtcdyes Lister et Qakoaie, Frd aid Gmen Listes et Pairus and Merjeri Laster of Heînby. Calvan andf Olive Latcbtseld et Oakvsttr. Meris Coudiior Mhrgo Forts about lin b.iaîg conuouled Attendimg aGuelph plaunnn board meeting Thursoy NsssagawayaCoeirAln Ackman chargedo=lnj Hydre with coscealing tacts in c onnection wiih hydre's peoposed 500,000 volt power fine which wif I be cuting thlogh bis townshiip. Me. Ackman ioid Ontario Hydro mas conteofing the farts by using smafataps of thearea f0 show the proposrd fine route, TOYOTA COROLLA FOR 1970 and Margusel Teck m.,ee boats Congratulations te0 Mes. tee the occasion mith thenr Orîbsîl Domus os heieg daughtrr Joan et Ksrktield. A amarded the meslt diplousa toi diogbtee Louise pamsei amay ai srvice te the Miltos the age et 13. Me. and Mes. Horticutueat Society, ai theia Lister aie rnjoying good hralth, onnual meeting os Monday, Jun. Mr.Lsteii85 yeait yeongantd 19. Mes. Domni bas hein a his mite 83. Wetxtend mimber aid moîher in tht focal congratulatios and ud gond society tos musy yeaes and mithes te tis tine coopte sud richly desmeaes aid has eamed hope they mOt celeheate muny ihis honne. moe aniersariei. Me. and Mis. Saismne Sr. Congratulatuos and gondi bure becs qoîte ilIai their hoste mishes te Me. and Mis. Chusles mith the fau. Piiendu hope thîy Culhbert mhe mire marrird Jan. use aun uiproard. 14 ut Holdîn, Alberta aid aie eesiding in Edmonton. Me. Culhheii mat a fermeriieiidesl POLLOCK et tis distict and as a tay miniser tee the United Chmach ustd in Edmsonon aira. Mît. Pied Tucit, Mis. William C A M PBàL L Harris, r epresntitg Bethel ft.C.W. allesded moek h p at MunnsChurcheiMonday,Jai.M 26Birthday grithigu and gond -..ci G mishes go te Caret Sahhba, Rosat d Cote, Glenn Plant, Rasdy Neitsu, Rah irie Calvin Cordingty. iINSIDE SIBERIAîs te RAPOCEL GREEN Notice To Ail Builders, Confractors, Developiers Etc. A Builders and Developers Meeting mail1 ha held in the Milton Town Hall, Tuesday, F.bruary 3rd, 1970 at 10 ar. Representafives of fthe Ontario Housing Corporation wiiI he present to discuss the Building proposai cail for 36 Senior Cifizens Ontario Housing Units to ha constructed in the Town. Ail Generai Confractors and Builders are invited fo attend. ONTARIO HOUSINS CORPORATION WITI NHE THINOS YOU WANT Whit use ie the market tar a iacar ae Pu aipser a lt. Bonmmy, bethin te paobas prie atd se the pamp. Oueahiity. Gend looks, ced performancu. Wall, mat Toyota Cacuttu. Wiîh aîl Ibai and more. Leftak peformaneu. Yec gel a 73 bp f200 us angle that dalears tIse veeppient perinrmaece en lis dlam. lu chefbs qaishte ar ts 90, arA itII csesm cooity ai 78gaflday long. Baautoe witb att the permane. yeu Otl 9tt up is 4e miles pe galler. And aftll fefot tagat ette, sne mary Coeotta-iustcdieg thiege tiki pacdsd front seut bucd resteints unîlapsihîs naaerieg untame, duel heaic ipste, seuf halte. fesnt aed remr, oattide reraie miiese, tackaf ligti, 2-ised mipeet aed windshietd ases s fonitrand cear sade maîkar lampe. And ail Curultut come compltely aqcipped tu a basItheb isathest ter deîieig coneditions. Wiib tratuces tika 3-speasi lissier, aedseunatie, heavy daio haciary, and a pomaîfat mtarier motorus at ente. HERE'SMORE: As att seosheemesh 4-n-tba-floor le standard. Or, if yon prafar, an nefiria falty ocssmuîic tranesmsson. Luckant itemieg whuet and as rebhst purificaionmentc EVERYTRING FOR ONILY $1929 RICK'S AUTO SERVICE IMITED TOYOTA SALES & SERVICE IBI2 Speers Raad - Othvie, 827-1021 - 827-1031 -rit 16 mmmted of beare and mus detiled drumlgs. Haem Hydie preetalin useain ur le nt- Guelpb board. An asavaleif gueasC ac i.- hyd re commissuon net t mi lus a piaeft destry bai omis poffic pfao mitlh tht bie michj destused oe u a 740-funl wi corer of Nasagawrva. -Shirscontinue to puackG Ealen Sks Ares ent hi muche and the open evenings dorn tg meeh. Cromdî use bigger an hette than ever tbi syear