-- ~ -- 0aia 1...... I. ES hlas tn do ai- liobs. 87&2926. 16c38-2698 alterations siy aiea. 878- 16c386-2 Products y dua aid Stog.e 'TON 853-1747 îoel Sut :avatlng TON19 1-9360 Dr Work marture >Ton Setalr' DS,0 lit and Ossîlal, cern. tares pusr. on l2anney, Ioveciments, sythane. 16lh43M243 /ILLAGE L V.LÂ dit in 1960. fn, 2 bed- imodern kit- r ssaom for sic, aluilo i-riens, lot 6,M0. Dowo Voodor wil' feat 958. x 200, na ready to . $8,50. ZSON -4472 brook 32-9281 17c37 Y'oods nited Milton - bedroam arge living rang rocin, i. fuIt base- id lasindiy 4lhedroom L - sliiped nom, fana- omni, 2- lji-st level. home, 2 ad. Asking ad. Asidng Ing 315,000. in Anton. to $26,930. proximat- i3-2000 40657 l7o37 L DE I REALTORS I"IDEAL TRUCRING DEPOT" - Looated ni a main highway Inter- maions on requestL "IDEAL RETIREMENT HOME" - Centratty locatod In Milton wai-li a spanios liviog room wirh nom hi-oadloo, hillcen, 3npiecc baîhi-aom and 2 hedmooms saill ocmly iilod flmes. MiI divided bostemeot, seodi-finished 3i-d liomn single car garage, lot 50' s 132'. Uisted pio $19,900. "4 BEDROOMS" - A onoîl but horna aiSIs atiaclscd garage . i ntod on n qoiet cul de macmith no ii-affic, idj iniog somoe of i-ho hetor homes in Milton. Tio cooriotal home ts 3iomplctoly fiiishod loees. Tho lomier bondl, win opents out note ati-oacd lawn, consist o3tmoomsand ahath- suenm. The main i-oi- is oomprisod off a combioation liv- ing and diniog mom saih a cosy stono fireplace, a wl desigsied kitahes pIus a 2-pice washroom. Thic third cooll mosiste off 4 budi-omos and a tiled 4ioce liathroonn. This homo was custom, hoili and i-cpi-ontrs, ootstandicg volae at $31,30011. Toi-ms niailabto. For Ail Vour Real Estate and Insurance Requirements Cal? "BEST" Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Milton 878-4118 17o37 96 69eontRd S.27-3 I COUNTRY LIVING 2 aci-es. mini of Speyside, 3-hidi-o oobugalow, ieatuing family hintsand lai-6.paroellilliing monise4-omot- toge piii-ioiîy icoîrd ai $00 pur mmdti. Bodi dwolîingt are aominum idingsa-ithoialminum to-os ad ni-occe Foi lthe Baore lovir, n 28 o 16 siable and hoard feced paddocks. Asking $36,000 siiol tii-ms. LAND BARGAINS CARLISLE - 10 antes somein suan bai-h. jusi off pavcd mad. A pictarcsqot'settiog siaiticg for- a homo. $15.000 or licol offcu. ACTON - 10 anres, partiîîly nliared. nalurai pond site. mnned hi-h atii-antiog manli nild hic. Psiced at $16.500 soith ex- cellemt tirets. OSPRINGE - 8.6 ani-es nienrdc lad sait 1,400' highway front- age, paoiamio viecm. Ao oaorptiomlly good iniostiocat et $16.530. For Tiieso and Other Farms and Acreagos Call: SMrs. JUNE WARNER - 878-3238 17h37 57 YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE Menei id the Toronto, Ootario and Onhoille - Trafalgai eal Hulule Beai-du MILTON - 2-hidi-nom, brick buogalnow, liviig roono dinng i-no. hichuun, 4-plein bnth, i-nil basnnîmoî.n ni-gonit. Rîqaur- esnCah tn 512,000 ten piar moi-longe an 91/a%. Carii i-ai $145 pur mootra. $19.900. Tty ni-i-n. MILTON - 3-hidi-n roi brck huogalow, lai-geivbi-n om aod lai-gi litohn, 4-pinu bath; aise 3-hidi-nom apartmmntin lianimint, fias livng runm, kiiohen aod biath. Home i-cet- ong i-ni $158 pin moilli. Onor moxinas Io seli Askieg piie $26.900. OLDER HOMES WITH A LOT 0F CHARACTER We hase 2 ianeiy 2h8-siariy eider bricki homes. in i-ho dnsmoao amsof Mio, Bnth ai-i 4-5 hidi-nm sai-h lais af lidong h atva. Titese homes aire on eocelleot cnidition, on hnaui- toi large, socil nied lots. Cai foni maie ini-oreatioo, 878- -9543. QUALIFY FOR V.L.A. spuesing, Sth Uooe imdernaonstractiaon), 3-liidroam redi bickl hungalowa, lai-r liviog ruentm weili fireplaci. kitchen, lais of naphnrdtaan lsces, 4-picce bath. full lamsoment xith walkout dorsiuaitid o 1are o afnd.Hou cauM hi nampletid to puonhasens opeciliiatioon. Palce oepletcd $28.900. EOUESING, let LIME - Just omplcted, 3-hidnoon brick lice galowa, large livng - dining mrot, broodlnomid. kitihie ial breakfast cmli, master hidroomt saili 3-ipic inth plus, a 4-pi liatlimom. BaIl insemont. roi-. ren (n50t fielohid), lias a fireplace, nine picoitre idoos and là, nic and spa-baus. &OTS - We havi sonn. Ti-y as saith yotar clown paymmnt. nDENZIL LAWRENCE 77 Place your message Easily, Conveniently, Economically EVERY WEEK IN TH E SCanadian Champion IPHONE 878-2341 - MILTON RE~AL ESlIE 7 RESTATE 1ls TENDERS Building Lot Ciuitry lai, aboat 4 miles front dono Milton, 100' froot, sopii-atud, gond residuential distim, nhOnol lias. Fall ask- iog pricm 16,500. Cootact RAT BELL 878-9511 ai- 876-792. Be A Home Starter Osingio a home usos nm a praad feeluog. Start ii tiu 3àhidrnosa bungalowa, siaid on a 195 lai. i-uil hosomuot, glassed in san pi-nb, situnolo nd shopping ceai linndy. Ti-y yaai-aiiu oni im nm. Osao- or bas bna0hî. Ashiog priun $21,900. Cali MS. NEAL 878- 9511. 17c37 d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER Mrs. Annette Chuchmach Miltn eprsmotatune Moving to the Big City? This immoanoinie ranch bauga- lion s nilatd on thea West lobai-h ofn Torono unose ta nndsouhoeieiiuis. ht basts lar-geulivngad dioing ai-un, large 'Holly-ood -kit-heu saith dinette 2 ashrooms 3or 4 large hidrmoms plis unira large i-e. i-ntm aid aiianbed garage. Prapeîly is nîmplete- ly fuiiuid. Vu7y reasnally priced asomoe-sbhave aime- dy baagbt. Milton $8.000 ti $10.000 canb saill hoodle tiu 4 - Oednnnm 2- slarey bisai. close ti m-ni-y- tinig. Seit i nand try yoin ai-e r Par fmi-iOn- iinorain pîrain "Givo Annotte a Cati" 878-2051 17c37 $23900,lvl -erobic bungalow minirn usi-is$1 FIT.s THE ABOV Ronri_ agped nio6fmmmdai 125,900muoty n andinias ini- li l Lint i papinrmni Iugao si ithme mntesp a3500, pi-up hdi-m îmce, ar etc.axcellntreaisyin-oan b kIiiosui h me,3slf.ntinr! laginbape in oingan -i- 1Mni-igamanîsa f Oo m mîdia or assnssunn. 0 uil ediconr lot ag inid 2on anes $13500oo Spmîsîde, bilding lai. $7100. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c37 19 LEGAL Notice f0 Creditors Take ni ihai b, iOn aider- mugnd. GESALD SCOSIE. ni R. R. Na. I. ilton,. Onînin. bînîhp enoice ihal I oi not bc nîpnîinl loans, debtincr îduinsay naonnor nuhumoise, uuithout mycnenta in niuing. l3aiid ni Hasailtn, tOms J5oi day ar Decmbni- A.D. 1969. Signed GERALD SCOSIE 2667 Lsanui Baie Liii. RR. Na. 1, Miltn, Ontari. Danid M. Tnink. 19n38 NO MOTTER at pauneoed WORK.n of i o anioadcrn p-ably has' it. Try die Wani Ad page firît REALTOR HOME WITH CHARACTER Oldmnnidichaninn s apiaiid iniis n .aiful2-sorny bick bone mhihnilininithepidn and oing aienof-pas aes The haine îaînisl ai 10 ipau.inn rnueras, ail ih hiani- i-ni innodinnik, distincine nninpiion hall. gaid 'iaidiiiid flnon. ihrnac-nia ti main pant ni- One hieuse. TOe kilmhen is cminitnly moden uith Oîlti n i-ange Einniiai bot sate ain nggoibasen t, douinble brickgaage, ai- trciv ore lt Pimi $45,000 Tii-in. Coul Annoa aind Anobie Ci-n 678-6980. BEAUTIFUL P/VO STOREY Fi-estige home n bnaaîilal ii-nd li on min hi-hap closet 401 ininrchno. This I pian nid homeî han 4 bedi-onm anid 2 blahi-ni om onncod fini-; min i-liai- cînnînun ni spaimia liing moin iih linplaîn. dioing mnin îîii lai-ge bonlti cina cabiînet, libany ai- den, lange pleaant kiîheo ih plny ni- inhicads, extra wsnhi-it nd sannomnmnii-oingnmnîic aiiy.n-alkioutbanina ne patio, Oas nuo paaed om and inniki-nin, sin fii-placin o aii i-uni doubnleau.bnhd gni-ngn. Tbis innuiyuestit, inusi bc naid ino asannen bas inannii-ere ta Westerni Canada. Pniînd righi ai $463500. Caîll Amia tiid Amuble Cairn 070-690. OWNER TRANSFERRED Smart 3-hidiomunagalnow an attrnacive untren ni., gnd bai-d- sniod flinons, i-ois ni- îopba-dn in moidemi-n he Flan sucve aod fig.. finishîd moum un Oasmnoi a lies ni- baiiiiîns. Thisis annire homieaanus hi seniai ibi ait pi-oniaird. Goid double gai-agi and paond driîeaay. An- ailabin inn inmindali possionn Fiin $28.000. Cali Ai-na mrd Ai-hie Cairns 8797680 BUILDING IN THE SPRING? WCu haive jani lisiud tim beuniiol tnai-pitnat pi-iperin. suparatrd mnd appronni i-ai buildainn bî hme. Partly ondid, in cumin arn. piue $i7,000 1 ai-rubaildinig lot in onh Banliogian. appnnsîdi Fiin $53500 ith giid te-nos Cali Anna aid Annbi- Cairns 078-98. BUSINESS OFPORTUNITY Nosa s the time ta u ha n iris-iig gmnuiiiso buainesns, 34aine lit idi 5,000 sel. Pi. ai- gnhnonnn. naiploely eqaipped. iomfariabli 6-nmirn huote and garage onvnienily lie- ated n paîed uiad. Lnok ihi, mve- oui and hi seitiid i-ar Spriag piamuiioî 1900 hlilînth gennolams inniadidi. Friuu $65,000. HalO nanh. Cal] Ana aod Armble Caiets 878- 6900. FOR PROMFT di COURTEOUO SERVICE, CALL GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED Represontalives Anna and Archie Cairns M4 Main Street E. Milton Phone 878-6980 Kenneth Spence Mrs. Susan Zilio RL 3, Millon 160 MiII St., Milton 878-615 878-4546 17c37 17 day. il- 2710 doy if Janaiyrp r 1970, ai the hr ieu o n 'nlnnck' m ecemoer rp r inathi, lairami ni the Concil Chambei-s in the Tonofn Mil. Of Milton Police ton, fni- the hini-iig oi ail pant ien ioteein-niiisnpponnîor Dnîiiig lîîîsaheî Milton nppasiog 0,0s nppicino. Fnlic reiporteid pînpaîîî vnInîd DATED ~ ~ n ATTOO at,783.17 niert and $1,700 DAR TTRNTO ihin sanîll îînnnîîîd. Whli ihîii 241h day ni Dinmbehin 1489. sar ivin pîn hnuit in nir (Soîl) accident iiiileto oui 17 accidntsiiipniiid tn linon hen R. SCOTT, nnîî $100 in dainage and nîîd Sec-uni-y iighit nndeî $ 100 diangi Tntal TOWN 0F MILTON damage furnit ilîn t aiiliiough RSTRICTED AREA BY-LAW accntîîîs amnoîd nu 08,895ý 31 -89 EXFLANATORY NOTE___________ This hy1.n is n complîecy LEGA nwZni.iByLawoncm-ingi _____________ the îoie Tnwn ni 'Milton,.io. cindini- the ninan anars id as ai Janay 1, 1969. Notice to Creditors Ail pi-minai onoiîg hp nons ANDbI OTHEES oili lie ripinlid sn ihni Bp-Lai 31 - 69 wiilsnpinidinl] pi- Ini the elata of ARCIID iaas hp-loins. HILLIARO MoGIBON, (aine knowmeand dmii-thid ai AR. J. MiGEACHIE, CHIBALD HILLARD MoOtE' Cle-h BONI, laite of 36 King Streot, Tisai ai' Miltn. Inthse Tome of Milton. in the 19c37 Caomty ef Halta., Rounrd S 9-9 Foimer, slecaeid. Ail persnsn havini-crints ag minsi the Eniin ni iLRCHIBALD HILLIARD MoOISOON. (aisa knnnn and deîînihnd as ARCiOI- - IALD HILLASO MiGIBBONI nit ofi3 Kin0 Sti-et,.in the ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Tnnn ni Milton, in the Conny 1IN THE MATTR OF~ Sction ni- Hniinî. Reiii-d i-ai-sain de- 34 80 THE PLANNING ACT, mi.niid. io died n ni-bou IR.SO. 1960. ..296). hoi 301h day ni Onînhen, 1969, arenhnuihpnifiid tnsind in -nd - tn he nd-îgined pei-oniaiiip- IN THE MATTER 0F an Mii- r nitt,, Qni thi 3id day nf- piiauiihihiCnpnaînaJaiini--, 1970, tit pil uar of the Ion of Miltn for apir ihen niais linsadi.iiip lui-alniaiamn-oOfficiai plani aîîhînnid dati, the onid for- the Milton Planing Ai-ia p-nnl nnnnnîaîo tu i lai Pian wih mai appinu di nriu-d th asn f-gi thep a hy 'i Uînanhi hiMie- thi-mininns ni nhich fi nhaii iheî inîii-aofPlaninig and Dc'ni haventice. ipitnon Angnsi S. 1956 aioen i anii.Oir î ri-uîîîmît iis Bnaîdhby hi, iOavle Otro The HionnînhieIhhe Mîii-rti 1818 day of Deousahîî. 1969. ni- Muancpal Ahi-airs. HALTON di PEEL TRUST di APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING TUE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hennhy appontsil Tues- day the- 27t0 day ni 2 nnaîn. 1970, ai theihia o eniiluk intihu ionon. nu thi Cm-nui Chamhirsin thi Tiown ai- Mil- ton, for the huaib ni ail] pue- seas îinnîlnsd in noppoin -nrni nppnniog thim applicauin. DATED ni Toi-on tis 241h day ni Decmer, 1969. iSeali R. SCOTT,. Son i-ntari- TOWN 0F MILTON NEW OFFICIAL FLAN A-MENI3MENT EXFLANATOSY NOTE This ianiinplenly mien Of- ficaI Fian unneriifgth ibni Tiso ni Multon, inladîog th, arias a-nodiasif Jaayl1, 1969 anid ibe prescrit Officiai Plan as nPPred liy the Mious- ter ai- Municipal Affairs an Aag- ast 8. 1958 aed ameodmmois ihereta sall bc repeolui on the app-onal if i-be omi plan. J. McGEACHTE, Clerli Tawn s Milton l9c37 SAVNnha, Cu., 282 Lakenhore Rd. East, O.îkîiile Ontioin MESSRS. SHARFE di NICHOLS, Onînîntein etc., 2n7 Mary Si., Miltn, Ot. 19c37 20 AUCTION SALES For Complote Auct ion Service CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONER Sales of air types. Big an small II do thomt ail. Sales aondautod ce>-shere. Tol. 878-2576 ESR. 3, Milton, Ont. 200-4 Ward Brownridge Linensed Aucitimneer Par - Liaoetoik Famiocu Sales Appraisals - AIl Types Phone 878-6730 lL0Sf A NEW COIFFURE Dcsigoed Jast For Yeu COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Calu 878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 MilI St. Mion CALL 878-3711 FOR APFOINTMENT -Moderneoqaipent. Extpert sîyllog, noloelng, waîing. lIc-tf PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor lodasisial - Svsdeeolnl latlorr Bicicelor Cail nain for Fiee Estimâtes 878-6137 Box 114, Milon. 21-tf TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNîGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Strcet PHONE 878-4472 2l0471 ACCOUNTINO BOOKKEEPIN2 and ACCOUNTING. HILL'S BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS IncmsaTax and Busjinss We il oiiiniocandaim- piiy ynnî hnihhiepisg. * We nvifi ciaisa ail poni- legal exemipins. . Wnnnîill Onu paa a break- ni-p thi-a saoaihs. * Wn null suine ail yaai i-m Ail books appiid aI n addîinonal icharge HEAD OFFCE, 420 FinC Si., Miltn, Ont. Phone: 878-9762 21-tf TV AND RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV & APPLIANCES TV - STEREO - RADIO1 SALES di SERVICE TOUR R. C. A. DRALES Rapid -Reiahle - Sinable 223 Mary Streot 878-4445 *BROADLOOM Sscideotal " Iodinstriab * Comsmercial Ready - made Drapesin etck. For Cutoam Seri-ce CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTMEINT SYERS 22à Maie StL 878-2067 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITES e INOUSTRIAL a COMMERCIAL a FARMS di HOMES e RLECTRIC HELATINO INSTALLATIONS M6 Chorles St. Milton 878-9513 - 877-3752 21041 CUSTOM UIPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Nasa asaed mdic oporated hy Larao Arthuar PHONE 878-994 S. R. 3 Milton *Re-aphoisteuy ri Aata ti-im ti Uphnisiory .cain " Custoin hon- fuire * Fi-ou picknup and dellvery lb-tf FINISHED CARPENTRY -RR7dODEL LING -REC, 500515 KITCOEN CABINETS VANITIES -ARB3ORITE COUNTERS CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 2h1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN Building Contractors Ltd. *Homie Inproveomoolj *Renaailau *Additions *Ciommercial ai- Industriel 854-2263 21o-t PIANO S PI1A NO0S TUNEO di REPAIRSO Faaîary Tiainid Sori-alo M. WINSLOW 334 Fir Str-eet Militon Phone 878-6572 lIeS TENDERS The nlion Cuniy Boar-d ni Ednarnnilnin mn-i on Cnonuabl Snpplies for thei Eliosooiary Sîhls. Tinders nîn clso at 4.00 pot. ES.T Febmary 2, 1970. The foIlOoo- ing ai-io are incndein 1 is tender- Arti Suppiesî, Cionnînnon Supiesî, Offi and Wioig Supi-plie,, nd Pip-n Suppies. Detilrd teidir i and otOur paiulas i-ni ennh of the nlinniclasoificions uap hi ah- toîoîd ni thi Central Adminois- ttin Office, 166 Soth Sir. vice Rond East, Onkîlilie, Oo- naio. Thri .owesor niy tender oiînnnsanily bî nueped. THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION 18b37 19 LEGAL R 723-69 ONTARIO MoUNICIPAL, BOARD) IN THIR MATTR 0F Section 30 of THE PLANNING ACT, IR.SO. 1960, i. 296). - and - IN THR MATVER 0F an appli- catin hy The Cni-porinofn thi Tonnnof 'iMiltn foi- nrt- pi-on!l ni ils Riniu-iniîd Aîîn Bp-m-no 31-69 pnnnîd ithi 4th day ao- Sipiii-ibo 1969. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIOt -MUNICIPAL BOARDO bei-cO appnoin Tocs- flA.coLi@5ti 17 MAOL LOI M 117 Storm causes two mishaps i n, nmnin-0 lighily ,,,inmedhiiiî -Inigîimnn niFniainnnilhapnnniaiiig dntiig flic iinoliiuin winh biankmîmd the aima. The iiiacidetmnnined ai 9.20 n u. nihen ata dîîouî hy Mary Rmidiof-Guelphbuntnout ni- cntîîliandnsidînîînadînh an the side of Hîghway 7ien, Siliir Crci. She cmipiainid ni- a sure tiglil nbînidmî. Damage ne heu mat totaliiîd S150. Highnoay 401, oaî ni- thi Guelphi Lîîî wno thi mmii ni- the second saîshap mihich a r epnîîed a thi MiIlton dîl-nohmeîi ni- the OFF ai 9.50. A car driiiit by Elizabeth GOndai ni- S-atbniiîngh ioeai oui ni- ottl onit sli IpFiiy hîghaay aod înllîd oîtr Shu ,ieuinsiinjnriesuntdowai laken tn Miton Ditrtî Hospital i-ni innîiioît. A motl-n of $900 dnamagia oani ieriu r. Briefs on religion f0 Februory horbi Stîi-i nît reiiinedmain inHaiîoninnhi ill hi inidered duntig Feiary by flic Halîn Board ofi Ediuuatîonu Conîmiul-îon Religions iducii-n boartd iiiilioi liai rid Thnîîday. Truiii L. O. Faisait, chamann ni- thiiîu tt reportid on caretiuidîiii-o flin Mnmkny Reporin the snh1ectinid plansiu lmn.ahmîi ini lnhii.iy aid p iepate concuins in Match. Tnîî hriii-î hain niîady buîîî teiimdhbythemuîiiiiiecnd i waniîuîdindnlîo-mmhesweei pnepnînîîîîîî. Mi. Paim-i ti-il-d. Buinli linon heii iniedmnsa iînlîîîn, ml-ndn conioils and The Coinadiin Champion, Wedncsday, Jeaury 14, 1970' 9 Foreign t rude necessary says secretary of union Ross Britnn 0i Acon. fic anii Ou, ni- evr ini Fiaçai Secretry i-ni loca dolars nniih ufgondspinded 4574 United Sieewofkein nri-n hiý contry, t dollars Amia. ponted ou[ te he wnîih i old tu friign imotnce of nCanda trding Exprt tu he itd States i,1 it her courtries and thi are prtsenly orix pr cnt o mpoapnîpartiniudohonr anada' otalnpiiiinade. h pinys in the production ni- nîd. Mîoethan 40 pet entn- gnnds ficiitotal epert tde gaiedniit yinoinîiîltd frnt shipmnn of Mr. Briton sind niey 25 petmue eilsd p arts cenof eveiy Cndinpay Canada.s enp.iîo ti West cheque ns dein'd i-ron muny Giiiiiny in 1968 roe y mure eneîdby enpoci ofCnndan than 28 pin ceiri t n prodnnis tenin uesnîn llnnoe $228,870,000 300 attend special tribute ta former Campbellville mon Onur 300 people aiiindud a inisteriiippliy iilnieiio tibtiîseroicen tBme J. C. a'hii h bas bn i-ni 20 ycar MnnNîîi ni Mannenn. Iliîno In addtin t is dune iîi îh recintiy.RevnMaNipreuclhid thi churnin Mr. MaeNoui lias ai Si. DavidoFiiîhnuii..îi sreniasipridiii.ihe ChrhadNsaaeacuc Mantn Rotary Club, ns herî fi-nm 1941 ne 1949. iiiehber of liei Kantkakin Bnth people i-rint thi Cny Hantit Relatinsnn onuinîy and congiionn Commiusion. and nisaiv in aiiiidid thi ipein serice and thi Maniino Cniinuniy îeetin Maiy caidi, iîiiîîs nlaih Cnisi , a wla and i-innnîî idicaiîd the naiu n te boads WHO DOES Il? BEAUTY SALON DECORATINO Vogue Beauty Salon DAEY