Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 1970, p. 6

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mmowý B f flic R. me 0 te, PJO O cf m M dic 39t te 13 c Mi ho Ho Ki fi Cl Die o latt 'mi cc S i ed Hor b. M Ba acf Kfc Dm Col MOI tht Jan Arq fo do focf on e tone ai bate visito rs Mr.Vn Eh pndfi concert. Me. tHooo ld flic chtoirand sang trolo, -0Holy Noght". A biblo readin8 0000 gooto hy Roc. Mufler, ccliih 0001 lte speaker for tire oeooooog. Rofroohmoooî moît servod follomingthtconcertîond Mos. floco llocked flic es. Qtc. 22oagrooip ofgirlsffrom tho Hcly Rîcîîy Sîboîl, ii Milton, santg Christmas carco foi flie resodeots ic tho audditorium. Ccld drinks oand coooswr ttîced ond Mîs. Woirbooks Ilocokoil the cildîro fot oomog, Our vry good friecds hoom flio Rexdolo osptl Hall paod us a vilit on D0t 2h. Anoo1ooyahle eetooog wascpet inoîoodig îooîgîog ond poîyer. A loi'ely lur 000nwa corcod aller flic progran and MissoMoore gavea voteiofîhclitothecstoos wlo prtseted ouooh cf lie recodeooîo000haoofolody. Dec. 29, tht D. C.x, a 5li00p if 25 people front tho Calc00ry Chuch ti Oakvil011 paid a visiîîtu flicoreodootsoin Mairtin Hooso. Coolies mort refi for1 the cosideostooeto i oh tlîoîî meali Mr. Wcîhooiks was ogoir on0 Ioood t0 thactk tir isito Filmus omo 05000 heittg tloos ii flic auditoorium antd ot Qtc. 30 a film 000011d A Soar lisfion featoîooog lcdy fborlotoi an0d Chaorles Bickforîd 00000ettboofd hy tho restdictifs -This 00Otk os Miltonu Minor HOîkoy Week. Mîcîr hockeoy officiois lopeo 10sec fou i tire rn.Remme otieyu boR Ao' CHdfim many holiday fyhî MissL.Moro etrtîtind the trictfsontc. 0000d 19. A larîge coîd 000100 o od Mrs. M. Wooh0000ks nO 01fîlot eveotoof Mt. Daîtyl A ver- pI00000000 boit 0000 Catson 00010000 M.C. an0d tht opeot îor Mooody. Dec. 15 ioleii mu0010 0000 prîoodtd hy Rîo thoe C clv, e0000 front Browon. J Saltr ond piper W. Goor geooc pair!d ooiottorite Robertson Tht hitglifigltt ". îlot Ma oo Vir tativ lit00000 icir show wa fliooo cr0otiîi of a cetain0 blîoc kooo0and Milleo bouseo o w b000 y fle nainc o f foîtl thoy sang coolutheiO iciiiidts Cormier toho cooîitttJtoly an0d cogIto girls dol ao rooho drill dtliglttfl. Sancta Claus ployed hy 00100 o 00000000y preooy. W. Huglies mode sure thol gtfts Couoîollorsof theli Colvoooooeî if genret. i.oody, cigarettts and moto Alioce Dekîcco. Ria frut scero Ioîoded 10to cî cf thc Krotgto, Lucy Voodetthio, roxîdeoto. Tht lefio alîo Kartn forglmoo, andiIlrdtt Pool, ptcooded a0 100001 Chtrirtmasicake Miss Moote c.tod olookî to îlot ochilo a 00îîrved ifte tocre îoîotîrs anid thetttidets owe0d progrnmwth tto andoiodfftee thcor appreoi0o oh aherty Mto, Wachocks gave ao locoty roucd oh 0pploiOt. A lIglo lunochot o00if thonkt and Mo. Chatlton, 00001tien0 ooooodi îouroassistant 0dmitiOtratic. 0cr Choristmas p0010y was lorîd spoke ohe reodeooîîandoais in tire aiorium000 0000 l 1t 6 lthanlo.odor isitrt. îpocsood hy the Aîcolooîy if Tht aldait fellowshîp cf îlot flie Moor. The parîy 0001 Chooîh of îlot Ncateot paid a openrd hy Mr. Alleno li pi00 v0100 10 tht Marti ou uctn otorttoosdeotîad otolitd Dec. 20oandî0sangîcarîlîîoihe evoryone the complimetsltoforite crridor. Il was agreit treat as seoî Moî. Alleo who os mîoy of 110000 rcîodeooo do not presodeoo of flic Aîcolo00y goit lic elteottimentlinlfil M. C 'd tlie ofîer nout il îadiorium. A vicr if Ltances Eclortainnmoco00ooîprovodedhby 0000gven y Mr. WarthiOtand a wo000r0' choir00 titidlr flit heîoooîoîos poomoortdoîîoîtro a direction if Mist Jîdy Huctet a0 laote date and six hoysîpl0yocg fluoeofront Onctire ftorciicofl3to. 21. the Kilhridrt Public Sîhcol tho Hcly Cross Looheroc Chîîîh Eoercyonecrecocved pool> hais0 proîctot ao Chroctmas play0 aod Sonta an0d lits lielpeti fronot called The Nivocty" a i ong. tht Auicloory lootdedti 00 001 Af tel the1 concetîOa0iglO luch andlfritîooî riteîoîodoooî A of oooketîand drîînks0ore lioohroo 0000 sorvcdoand Moi sorved. Mrs. Smollolîooked the Woohoooko Olookîd ie ladis t iitOOlt fort aol ve 0010f00h10 tlie Aui0oiary fo àOOooio Oftrnoii 000dllofl Party. On Oto. 21, a Christmos Oc ie il OOOOOo of Doo. 17 iter Cocet moo pîoecootd in0 tht Slcotion Army partd a000,0 000 auditorium hy hot Chîristian flic M00000 and s,ioig oiltho Refrmd Churo..lof Bintîc corridoro of hoi Matini Houso acd flc Peiont Hîoose Soodoce bagtîdroîo 0 loîyold i totre hopînt a mrrc lo0000dod filer0 waoy olotoîg te hooldioîf Mn E, Plot tliockd th vors oiilith Marotinous oîoooMr, flooo gav a 100 vo o of îidl lo rte l0 4~ singeroin Prîîoo flou00 c Thec Legoooooooi ofieiiibeTMf Bto r o lcl 486 ii Blottie T IM E Board of Education outlines aims, objectives for 1970 th i 10 fot rooot. Hafoo is hooped 350 filmos con c eotdet An effort ooilil he mode for tht Sîcidocloof Aico nîy fioard oof Educa0tocc ot the supplyocrtioollycntilîthe tchocl cmfilegealeîiooecof Schîcî haveect broc a nin0 l1s progrm otî1970 iootclcy reache a upply of coolmocbytY orcs. Oeoftcf keror musoicrin ecen hcm il cîold hoe boîl one film pte t tcotff. tht 20 ptcgromr coocicils ThefBoardhopstohle a vert.Atlthe egular meting Tht hoard mili ho oîked o mecOîottd carlder mîlîrcvaluole offetothis to gradecîcoîls tho Board lit Qohovie consîdet ooiendicg vidto philcîophy of ooldcot evncifil meons a trait sday a repot ocllocicg ploiyhoîk facilitie oceoch ofthe alldcion anc ftiheld tript and Georgetown Distritoi sieod Omisoandobjectivets forctîocdacy tîhccls cit the oocnty. compile cctcocmiental, homoo, Scheeil. mol lahled wioo flot "Mor effetilveousecf schocl icdtrialladbuineesîoces A com addition a01 ionc of diocusing il a01 the lihcotîto 10 prime ohjetiveo" the oaalable te, tachrs and Blokolock Hloglo Schîii dlmeetinîg thimork. repoto toes, addooîg ioorcoctd slcdentsof HaltoncCouty.Thcis providr ecohnicol e t35-poge reportldels wllo ictogrio of cf locrioom molh iohtîng doctinîlthblefhe texpresionoî f htoîîtotî inovatoîliofor efî trdoî inî lobraryoc mos dooroblo. Budget îlodent wllhetcfom dortct ciomceorstesottiandoa on forî 1970 os cieil as a ollcmîcg, ol i hoped tho board leotliltgtI1tttitct loxohlly of pogramî, iownofocuricilum chanoges. moîl oppîcptiooo $6 peî popol fot Extroccsroîolo, oîîctiîtcîcîsh Lord Elgin High Sihocl, ieil additonsc acd cos tho poîchoseocf lohcory hooks ascîlodecîocociocils.ocimntsports, oopen inScptcmhtciof dingt a el l as cîote acd molorl. dcrallaclubs and lcoirs illh li ili liloocooious faiîl t0 0 i c IeIltifiormatiioc Incantffo opovidî ouiid rcouroped se, the otudecil c thc huilding -for osomplî erning the Hlconducati0on ttloiocolcp moolo parent,îOcd reîîtr hs ptO cl. concept iroos, lîhrr te te or toolalylhe comnmooo , Varoîscc rcctuclcm changes centresO anid tht use i o roport droloisihlthetcood the hoard placs mccthlp wlI ho coccîdetod in 1970. suciicrodilcîoolomt ptiogr.im coiociols. Twetcyctmsletîter ltu patento, Ciousitoo hto rtsand grade Tire repiot deoli ex couiiciolscîch booglt inol paretteachtt sorkthcps ocd 12 calcclocoaretheing cccîdrd osilh oprootol educiooO g li 1969 t0 docOl1iop icnvitatcons foî parettlo iio fci Perdut High Schccl. whîle oliidoottoervie. Il ograins a Icd offerclase o odcrin c oclhbouts as dat rocesrtog, massmedia, pcogîocoî are iîcooded t mmedtctoiions foot Ptogrant, viel asca progromt mhrcry CriOclond cretivetiîog are ccdctcooy fort flic emct 001. pareonts wooldîoaktpartîincfle htocg ioffertd a01 Gecrgtcmn diîîored asmoellos foot iresiofccmportanioci put îchooil prcgîcmoas ioliiteetîîin Districot Hogh School ,îd cn Prctullytoocdic.ppOd. hoe oiodtio-coctl deparomneot the lobrary and other oohciol Miltion jconloîo ocd data hetscols adidle lihtrr.l oreasî priocin wicmolhetffered. Ptyooloologtcal serviceoin is sat libtelow ttrogth and relief il oxpootoil hy 197L Cc rorco Iy thoc re to Orot p syo.lioologisot scand foot psyioomtricic in ite Ccotf. Tht hoard moîl stroor tu ocuptooc guidan oooooîOOîtloif for graode tootot and grade roght st LideIlto shby a soseoosiooog tbodrded tests, implementing C liotige, ooootraliziig tho asseossoog gcoup guidance as0i A stanodard martal fot buildinogs ooooooooog coprovecd roof structurs and iemofa 00000100 00001. r000 ad flic doooboopinento of itandards ii 0000 mosrutoîl hob goaols ,fill Boarod t li y ci ConsOtructiont ini 1909 fot o0CUpaoiy duiiotg 1970 Oc o.iricoi paroli ie Olouy In000fJ rlte 00000 00t Mioncl0i Scoîtor School and Thotmas A. tlaklook's addiotion arc hoooh dueîo leoloîîîold. lot ie ot100000a osond addition to Cetiitil Schoîl 000 $177,000; ao $659,000 moh at Josepho Gibonsoî Puic Sohool an0d h1,533,000 additiontu 0lic higli toohiooCl n100 Geoorgeownco me0 ail due fot ioccaiipoy 000 1970. Additon lu00 Mo0hawhk, $ 3 1300 0), Tecumse h (0474,000î. Rycrton Public tco.liil ($184,000) ciwl a h 0000 Lord Elgino Si.lool (S3,975.000) ac due orlo Dooooog 1 970 loe Board tOpectsitireasin0gtOeqiOtttrom 000000lo cornant0 lot use of icoliool 100ltito, Thte food'î Weilooo asoild hoi iii 00 oootteropitin flic otine of flic ocliol, Ecory otttopip il ho maode oo assigrooseiof buildinog 0010010a double oshift of 0010000er hoo oild nous. oflo 000 ly rodui îooî lig ANGE "4- Beginning Monday, January I9th these new prices wiIl be in effeCt at the following beauty salons: SHAMPOO & SET 3.00 HAIR CUT 2.00 TINT 7.00 BLEACH 7.00 TONER 7.00 LOVING CARE 6.00 SILK and SILVER 6.00 .o~o VOGUE BEAUTY SALON î ALL SEASON HAIRSTYLISTS DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS HENNY'S HAIR STYLING i PAM'S BEAUTY SALON W«tIo AF SHION BEAUTY LÀUNGE, e> ~~ SALON CAPRI F '> 4j& 6 The Cantadien Championt, Wedsesday, Jaeoary 14, 1970 innovations, changes prodict.d ______ ______ W0 Plco and achot of ThurI 1970 foc c Th Hait rocd bil pet Th fit ro of Il RE: THE WHITE PAPER Doot Sir: May 1orge aîl yoîrîflerse oîlchîor îcpy cf ibis documett as qtily a pososible. Havig duetse, 1mcldurgetthat ohoy mfio eoeîy tffort toacui ait thoms0lvet0001h tîîcotets -rad ncttly Lipari the ewt media for Iheot ccly Il os ocpecolice thol OU îetpcnoihle citltoec seoh ooiqualotaltio anti ccdtoîlîndicg on 00s ptcpcol. t il essmclol filaicosrct ice irttitsm ho formulald and goîn o ic thtooogltou' oloîlod Mombot if Paîloomoco., Ruti Toochogoasti duest.occy fohtiof todocodool rlt000htp woîh sno gccomocoos. mîtot out inorm acnd savings r cocorcotifotoloollo oîîopîooîe or nlempoîoîo toiso-makcg 00111 proO tîpectiely Octtwrdlg. As cîtizet in Ontaro, we have halld procossion of Prcoicial Gocîrcotocl actiots suporimpomed co f-oards cf lcdcto1 , Rogiool Goveîtîmeot, tc. PROPOSED TAX REPORMsS Thore vies no dehîte,norasiue ocletted heottî-he-fait inetio Whattoeîîtheocndivodcl's oows maf bc on tht Trudtoc Gorcmenl resptoting i11 record, tr White Pape con Tox Rtfctm is unique at offrtocg ad Canadiaotta oppcîtcoty 10 itltt ful pubic dethae Oc hlleoge 00hiih os proposat -t proto for oolcoeoos destrablo oltoooîocct In the weeks ahod 1would hope oce pubîlic meoltcgst omoîl and large- oit hodts and homes ioîtitutd; cut cf whioh wloliottencmmect, atgument and suggestions 001 ho -firtd"off to ourM.P. and the Miniter ofJFinace. Tht oodttotgnod mcîld ho pltamcd tc lrood any atsstance tctîycceorgcop ntlettoin Ocegttrtotg aoîg tht uhoco Yoîrsovrtîîly, George E. C. Jackson, 878250 174 Qotto OS., Milot. hIe 10 hIe 10 udents T. A. 1970, tics of if îlot and Halton CY HILSON ENTERPRISES LTD. FRIDAY, JAN. l6th GAS BAR AND DAYTON TIRE STORE a new seriN for Mâilon and COME HELP US CELE F REE - KEY CHAIN WITHC area iThorahre.J BRATrE SUER EMr )IN HOLDER 1tuck- tires CROSS BAW IJ Ëm"SU TfS a2-2« ftte aoomaertrttot fS tata o a.aah datt- ,,gi.ala .mstctoota.niue si t. a daad of excellenceso afasy, parottaoaoa so" stylitg tht sooth itite art.llble to My cuir fflpSa CY HILSON ENTERPRISES LTD. 32 BRONTE SI. MILTON 818-9133 THREE JOURNALISM STUDENTS hrom the first ottot stories, doirtg fiaes tantd intetrviews antd yaorse art Sheridan Colitte of Appol Arts takirtg pictores for thot week's papas antd andt Tedrrtology, Brarmptont are morkinq on the succeeding issues. Lookiof ocer last week's nesstaff of The Chamrpion thisweek. The etre Champione are, from atft, Chesyl Job of journolis class shppd otforoamttk of Misoistaugo. Arts Page of Oakville ands Pennry wok toxperiece in aila newsaprs Durn rthai Q'Drscol of Misissauga.lStafftPhoto) b rtf saour ca The Chamtponrth hgrls ar tmrtf OUR READERS WIE I4ALTON MANOR Manor residents have CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for a complete appraisel today. BILL'S AUTO BODY »9 878-2721 -- St. 878-32511 Pul yocs toocperincou harda Ot psrtoosoor octktooehip. W.11 dc hir job soho, rttoe colt ostoh lto solh-ortrtotg pdaeîssuranotcooce oinst okmasrship. 1f4 Mais St. Mütos A CUT AROVE PIE S f No. for the lirst lie. Ariars comptact 4 O.p. Srs. Thît for cloequart.,som lesta thtOb. Tht AisiaCo serrp gal. int ttht $Pics$ ehre Oths 0*tlt. fia t at allie0k .O* ia iot. aaao 43f Mar BI t. Mwoite, Jrfaio -Nos ontlya tha botta juas about etittoo bot slact h People tabo work iba one

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