Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 1970, p. 5

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y Oa nf Jasa eigha le Oakviie inca i ho e nis ien Maaocoy [le 4-2 and the sm i'ntpe and ;ccced foc game. cm, Bilt and Rick eed acocce ,ac 4-2 fin MacPlace, Ballingee orteil for tcppedl )y coea rmJohn ;ace and ced for 30 2mtr fo r exceptcthecoach andnmanagercof the ccam. Plan ncmtIoattendccsonco ail ofctheognmccplccced foribis meek and incthiswy jourmccl usiaalating the hoys, pechapa ycualflhecome icteîeaced encagh ICIhbeapatiipant cao hy ccachîng, mancging oc cefcceeîng in Ii vecy ceai fautaie. Mince Hockey Weik il tire 001f moek in rit selii h dctecîia a chacge for Hocco Leagne gaines anîd foc oîîfy 50 centsa c oght, fou cuft inocy a lot cf action. The lîcîîcp locha iîtceacîcig ai fhie ace ccc Berant and Iwo Mîdgot gacnia tcoght IWEDNESDAYI ctaring Hockey as holding fileur Week' onthe 14,t16and17 of auay. The bevefits in holinga Mince Hockey ,Week aoe threefold; (t) to direci the pabton' attention to the maoy adoiantagea of boys phai hockey; (2) to encouage paets tu attend gancesand talle a more active pat intheir con' activities; (3) ta hoot the coaches, ccanagers, cefecees and officiais whc as oanteor morkeca conteihute ici tire advancement of mrente hockey. White M4iner Hockey Week i nipposed to ho the cime cohen me eay 'Don't send -Take yccc boy to the Acena', chic fine applcea att daciicg theSea Minoe Hockey ceally as a famcdy affaie and hecacce cf cics ne mcek magnifher tu antecent mccc parents in the activîtien cfl theîc son hy attendccg gamea dacfng liMincc Hockey Weeh. Milton Mince Hockey Asasocation, 1969-70 edîcîcan, han ttvelfaiso ntcced in jr-out Mince Hockey andt thalle ace knonnasal-tac ne tomo repreeencatice teainî, in addiciocn tu aheai 'A' ceoirnas, Milton enteeat Novice, Pcc Wee.' fBaaaam and Mîdgec teama in a 'B'leagne chia scisacon as mella aing a Tyke tac. Thehoue ceagne front, Novice to Midget has siarininînach division foc a total cf 24 cenc. In the hocco ceagne section fccm cohoce the hoys aie drawn ta piay on eithec the 'Anco 'B'ictins. Thecefoce mSi avec 500 hoys eegiateeed f0 M.M.HA., tlii mecns that somemhece alongthe fine thîc e îquite anumchccof patenta. Unfoctunately hecoove - J Game & Fish News 25c E1b y arncc onc )7 l:30B 50v Hocna hum'! Bella rang! Noise mabein iatiied, balolicca bul.ai happy people pelled, and Defîlgo Presniack cand fls eonaniiioc beamcd, asalarge ccomd cf Hailoi Spocrtsmen tireur ccîvoîand fciendas sed in the new veaai aGalaDace a odcil ocoitfcla the clubfiiale Nem eacsE bon Aitl il icaîoeof th ccîc New Ya's Eepartys have btfipeasue toted. N pionyc large cccccchargec hcci,onuphvehit ize a dificci ad clcid bread, jactplaincgaoootdcroacaicfood, gour!copaioabip, gond mania and a gccad cime. Ice fnshîngîasnoîin faui swingiright accova thi price cand as fac nocih as you ant tu g. Weave hdo rportsfcatices pet, bat mc do bacc the opecotors ie td umheci ofca fnccopîccaoi the Simacîe Disticct.Fica if yareccomalecand ovocireâgeoofl19 yoa most cececcpoai ficbing licce foc f920. AtîKecok Kffeî 30 Macîne 416-47t,4161 ecccpting ccypicd, oith alier iicido ci Oro Station Oco-Reef fitl hors 705-487-5083, Geai anîd icliefoi bâti aaSpplied, Tentm foc 75, cf Shaîfîf Boy no onei liîîd pot. ci Saitoi West on Highmap 48, 4f6-722-5630 tiiste otl and cent foc 35. icg iececychîvgîuppied. At Biccciicc, Gocdonu Bcoit,Box 217. ,705-42b.983I, ai the fccgîu Kilt bai suplpliers i lochsif 's Poîi. tcittecdoo Bîcv , 416-722-5I172, îeîpîfîîîîg ou1pficod, ciîc Kau 30-9:00 amer ac Jackaoc'a Poi, 416-222-5533. Iler fOri cc i cc m co ai acona Paint. Ai Peffeela prose, Ccis lilif Hors, Piffocaw 164, yoa mut ahopcîtau fo il fiih loftopcoiftocnubiicai Peffaclom. Ai off them places Saici it il iuppfiod bat [v lionait fi r Sounieuie 1 wodecif wekftcomch aboutite gccocolîotant lis ocigit sizoca etc. Thisfutesiok c o gtiufclcitoffcilifneof ried the loigeaiml clhcted in North AmecctoctlireMoll'ieMoule ithe lacgecî cccoberoftheodotrfcctly. li larfcitan an oote ta ieinpitâe.The lugeai kitnsi oiulelève iAlaska. Soetîmea ilef gcoceceocandociliaf foce. i aithileiloieu an w Kigh0 ta 1800 has 8c 8, Moace mako utliui hue if rie outiin Hififcc ou ficaiflî morid Ic theaoldccccid helitrfuc frotlforthernScidticcuictud DcchrnGemcnf cffccgb Sîhecîc. The Acicoi cooslav f0 angcef take ini fleur Alasa dccv toitheîîccîcof Mairie. Thefouehv noh.e, longlegsacnd ahamp ooî tihoufde. Th appoi partt the moesmozale hongi ihîeuo four inciteo ec iti cino Att oftffcol 1.49 moth cf ahinccveied ccîîh tiac, calied tcr "beîf" haogi ouideriuth li hcoat. The bull mooco lioas ieay. flattîeds: coioc ou tonia Theo mletsaon a large mooe wili sometcifc go tocipceof c la feetA mos seda themi ageoantecc eocp fccccafd gcocicaff sear mara lfor oei largekiiii fnd h ooils oh tiiii ofya oderstuai lodiaking forcows whiccffoll tcu uphuit Mihi heig.Hovici ucitati cite hcccc grclvis of the hall or rite lo I ccccacio h o hogh ahom cuopcdhbandscccy Itdiaît 4.39 -lFe c andtoccaecvcy gcodai tif. Mouomtille Sinns anddiot hiat c oss sioitlckeiand riooc. ie metfottemooeil excellent fer einfcand thesaine i cvare cu, oght ftecoalioocctheicacfd.Tliofar oieyctoiy 519 k,. pectectedîinthe USA n aaa Z5.At tfias toi cf the yece ccc oun native dioi iii Hilton Cooîîty care eavy ithficnr, suplease kepo oo iii ad dosi ic en ncianaing flent. Aispleasedoanotchâle deorcccd garn fron 5c ccowmmcilen it cn cili them ccrd ic ta focidîc hp lam. The honlee facmeî relaion mccy mhtoh i cia-c coing oni Nasagameya andkasqucoing ilcoming along lme with macvpfod reportnccming in. Out poitamen clubshavccnetihoon ile W0 certainy arecryng todoaccrpcarIC aceucooea natfsitation mbich al aiiaing cl a lici h cf'ntcy. JThee lsa Oalmisc rim in the namhcc cf cahîd fuses in Haitout Ou Caanty. Eîghtmen cases lianre hecn cepoîced occc te ocst fcoc od Witbot bing iasstoi e fe]eihlack f ling in Burlington nd SOnkvdie ban cauuccbutedl to the mnae TB Thisnleadncte an incee in rabies nud houldbc cnideed Mhefoce haeahee banicing cf hucucing locthe conty. Niglicciîotko ith ci. Thep are foflowed hy rfitescofd grop of Mocdcy NîghiocsaiO 7A5. a Nvcce cccei 8.c 0 aK. Blovinm ffofc i 8.50 vais a Mitder ain ccc oîiv lu tfaire ifighca c9.4K. Sciocdcpccccncg, ecinia gef cffdii cay i 8.10I ccith a lair of Nffce, garnies fcllcicid hy chio Pic Wee gaconis Kepf o îy off the ici. and ycc fcfll keoy fimout off[ot ccclii Support Miffec Hockey Wook affd Mfiftfn Mîffîf ttcboy Assationî ho afiendiff anfd hcîcfhfî dit fff cIofo facfly f0 fîcoff Ile f0etu1 yecclef boys clw fho flb ifo 'sfari of ite foîto ccckchlc fcouyf tflic kop cofd focltheifîctoccl1 icecci a pctfece. Aif iffifelo acic is cgc levîf ccsf cckc akiocn iiteeclicf f0 flcf tho boys do nul bucchiîod and o toclet Sua fcef Patfîce. ccptiioc il itfx a o d itnoille- cf driLll f a bhiofooughflfcticofpofiildthe hoy cocentratcionff anfd Ollf The cmailler iii pfoeiii cii ofio iifiyiiifog tgf coia l hoiciyc sufOificiiOsef iueo lifer iiif. scing 'îooifdbut i willing 10 ffcdy. dos ma ch fotccîf off fafsrito off f ffle f iuiiiith rcengue i sc filâft ilo poldfvagoffo Ifo ptofor Khei fi ctoft .Sppcccîffy îfîo idoc is hlfi ,fodeoif, cîi ho lîolpod more by ilicaf i ci cf ilY île i ac ai "fl fiff d o if lics o f ftfe sweater lit li favforfte hockeoy fcoc, N.1tL.ha fis Alfoif i luoo foid iii Oi,atf11flie hoy farcc ccc iiig lineIfi out liât cf iîy engag in uciiliale By Jochn MOLecîf NOVICE infflcfofîfe Novce gacîf cs fatccccy defecled Pouîîia3-2: Becf dcccvod Rehikaha hy a lifh score acd Ccîcf dampîd Ffieve 3-0. Miko Kheplîecd,' Joc Go cfoff ccd Charles Kecc vcient te seliersinh icbCrcî vccocy ccll alifilt cccvf il Kerc, Brec Acyo. Siece Scîccîf ccd Joy Ncfcffd affd Kicco H.afffod pfi.ld Off ,fcoific Bocî coal fifcicf coco iîff Lyoff i. Lancec Lyoff anffd Bcrcft Turnerccoacîod off a penalty cccaicg tbaflckcfic eil flic bîggeaî daniger cîh flutte Thecachesc chic gîoo îo freniy oiffffifilimcf fcicociaormedoc cesoffîi bîlîîy cîffi fOcee pooogafecsand to an îîîîîccîcd îîîîlookîc oune gels rio îdîo ihî enid of tho îcaoc.,aîfîcp ccc Iîîîk ai iffofstain ohîys aîo mch u tihcdeirccacmichonoc cori hoid if ii oun oailth 'ccp lad otfic bloick' as fac cf saciii To soi ap toc filo boys fool abhottiflferfohiiolidllccioi iiciifiicd hoicocîî c failei ho hcd joli carnein frnc ccock ta pt u. hf Kf faone hockey star cfflii secve tui eplcic. Pop oîhod "Weil toc i, iiot iop ftfîfiiodcffl" Jîî"îcc occiiedly ccplîod "fcoct.îil oly bootîcci fo tic co beloto if hita the Seotil tho Sabîcbc Jooior C pia.îpffî foc theo cointo fcied' Dufy Oilîi gctoccocemuitoinithic îcfîcdofo foc, lic Milt on MCud foc f ihol. Jcff Lycci and Bcîoo Tucrfec dîcco aîcits Rehckl gcals coîco fronto Jolic Lîficf and Rohhfî Clccccpffc ccho uftca asisidconcthegoly Lopch. In a cîcy cs iccghl garcco. M ochccy ecicgcd fffic wii wcihcagoal frontKeviffSmithf.f 18.15 of tirefinaol fcccdiccbrea c 2-2 decdfck. Scich afc cocccod fif fîfff gofl cf (if grime ccd Richarîd Lafio addcd.f sfffgfe. Alîfîfo weiff c Nfcccf Plecînogff. Rficfacd Lefffccand Bcefi Coulfs. Dcc Hchkfck .ffd Wally MacKcy fcpifed Ici PEE WIEE Hoods affd McCuaî sfida"i cff tffe coffffff ccffff c f iccoff Rcvdy laeofccd fronc Davfd Low o f0 rt h McCuaiffgoal wholfcTcimPccfoî ccccd thffod goal frcotAllait DoncaOff Phccockcàc4-1licdrfîlo ire faticco mcifutsf Illfgaine ocly 10 have Fcy'i fie tffic cf 4-4. Single fOui froct Sîcco Hanncon, Peccy Copuoo Sotff Eccly ccd Gccg Raak bâtd ffcff Pîforcco the lifd cchîlcoîcfffc otho goals ccme fcoct Rcberf Bucke (3), Bcnd Tocîff.l.iiOrg Rcab, Scoci bocly ccd Pcccy Ccpote. Johfn Rosa ofpeffOd apflfic socfcgîoicotecooefur Foy'san cfdi,fc ffced ife iyffff gocal fu fiihcoctltirefcofcî ad dcîcc anOc itt fiff sh of1 lt cacvfcg'ccffckDavidScttiafd Dcnnylccoclcic.ccedîfflc aier goa Ici loy cl Scottf' Zcvclcccffd Gcry Dcccct Canadf,îcTirelockoa2-lj. offLacohecclfhic ocicycffff tireI i ffi mcfcftfs cftheffo mecc cclfoc Kccf o MeCoy aocod aoai of goalf Ioli f0 lic gacni af 2-2. Dcag Scccîfîcvafaîedccnlisîffcffc McCoy gofl cchfl tho ccchocofî foc Conadîco Tire ccccoTeccy Ncva ccd Clcns Oipcff. Mfkce Staffccd nofd Gary Love dcocc BANTAM Liiokiai Lcalf 4970 cccvi down fi 1t fOi oîhof defoci off Wcdoicday cffli ci Dcycoiccoff Stcoeokodouct fhccfffi Cffîfi Noa cciv fic ccckcccv fc is cciccccffi.ffcfgc u19.55 cf' h fcnal fcaire. Mark Hycfcfsefy fh ifg oali Doy.îffocoo Stcoe.cvda 4-2 cficcfr ococ HfllmronO Saiccdcy dfir cfaer ce ioed sfngfes. fGocd MOO.cca, Mcrk Hylfi. Dico Anîderson ccd Secgîc fccfcohoffdecc cîfiot si in cff Affderonc cccfc, Alîco MacKffifffo and Gord Mecifc hcylyfcc foc Hillcocc cfth one cocower Bah Rcgers fnd Mfkî Ford. Brce BOflOf yfoked cy on sjtfoc fffOusrs SfOcc McCccîf fiofi f paif cf goIfoffcfd added, acf carf aifif 1,f ccdi Bell Boclfocc, f0 a 7-4 ,vtcovi Local 4970. Singfe giaIi, foi h ilficliver Cameifront Doug Affdrcofff Bîfa of lmesi Roffdy Hamiltonc, Belb Boagficoo affd Mfke Arcold. chfo Bob Bogffîon cufd flcog Aîfdenîff ffclpcd oui iccO.pO0.Id Ford fie ouOffd a paircofgolscchle Mîho Nocfi fafnfd Acdcc Wynocc cddd sifgoffsoff David Coalici. Les Biffa i fd Gordon Tîcocylof dcccun îfiîitcadOi. MIOCiET Koiflîli Offded cf oc foy of a c- oea oco BfLfn Dofffc Stoco Clarke. ic Dace cnd Jc.k Rffbe,îfcffi l f0n t Bcyoff Lycîfi, Doag Malfoff. icat MoCcîflîf, Dccg Malfcîîoand Biff Dîffîfît. Park Fccc fui.fff Cafce froct Alloff Ayco cand Marfy Cairnsffo c o.ichcand unegoalffcont Ravdy Hoadeti Asiic fr thef lîîîîîî tcmcuieco ntc Keîî Austin ot ycpaic Bob Sargenf. cller cil ycpair Scoco Briciof Offdi Du i oifi C ccfg. Pigmenti apiol BiIi's by a 3-I fOocficf affer Billa fiad fîkoîf o giofl by Goo îhacon fcoct lfdy licites. Sîcco Kîvîtîf cccth leader loi Pifcmeff fii ftfe cif af liec ,oOfid a yair cf fofi affd cdded aiiccc as iff on cogc fcesoaik's ocl. Geocfeccas he hofîf of Sicocas gocfs white Bievl ljc pîckodoupcyoairofaafaîc Hari Trc i ood ofecd cf Ledcith's iccff fuîflfle hy doccîfîl îffcm 3-2. Bob Fecrricr fldi~ thcsaionericf milli àc JUST RELEASED THE LAST 0F THE 1969'S ARE HEADED YOUR WAY only eleven new 69's Ieft 3 1969 FORI) C'USTOM 4 dcci îqaîpyod V8 afuto,9 body 'tide tiouldffp. raudio. 5 196î9 GALAXIE 500 2 doan tiard loy VK auto, poer steeing fpower brafeo, rcdio, chico cccl tinres, cheel ucooc.s hody cîde fiioffditif. cicyl Iran. I 1969 LALAXIIc 500 XL 2 digost licrd tcf. VK auto, powcercteeng. power hnihc, radiowh c alu c irel cheel ucoocc, cccr inîduu deloggei. for lets Minor hockey begins 2M ' 'c fyohMLr chy utoca a 5 f Mito08n Hockey f on bcenosaigt ok talt a 53e fida ve1le House league happenings, Mmi oky eki aad iet oy lyeey ekwt c Ktrt a i a 6.0pm.w nneînsJan24 btloMcMo nohdf u c h h ogess the ir grupo Mona on page seven i.fcf il) ff.Crrycfcfc.ia kt, doffdtu fOriffftwacdtfffffe ofil Ghusls beloq il casties ... Roi un punr WV scen Ghoafa are unwotdaget o ourlV sr.So top r C OLO R IHÀRECEPTRO N ULLREANTEN NA î,v igl loiu d anena e poy ne ein pihaf iifisyou exeln aetono oloifblack and Delh -Cîf lo hîfftofifcnacomt - ou - Oi iOifaf ficrceptici aei Tu o pin ic.ii ond p,.ocîi' .ng, fin So.nak.y.uai Ai,.Deih iiff un o uifd fgelithehoaft rceptf Tposible. Forîpripof extapci0,c anfd installiation, y..ificiicd han y..fiifOil y fihoffize Deffhi TV Recupîff Spcs. Bu ow oan evaao budgaetiic to ofseVs hagexi y.. e a . fia, soe. RICHARDSON'S ýý 201 MAIN 878-6949 SEE THE FRIENDLY MAN AT TRAFALGAR TO-DA y One 1 969 Ecoco-Linoe, Suîper Vcn Modal E200 oqîtîppof V8, stcndard trcanmission, hoccy dîufy fiocci, Ko.icy dii y cîoucks front anod cccv. 8.25 x 15 K PR tires & spore, ftssenger f001, iOOO dooî gloss i c Te h ro afos SAVE A BUHDLE N f aymcontî uuItlil Iltapph - HUR!SAVE Over $1 ,OOO.OO ACT ONE ONLY BRAND NEW 1969 FORD NOW GALAXIE 500XL CONVERTIBLE V8t AUTOMATIC, oe stififg, pofwer bcclkt radio, whfie wl tiresmheel fenes .ccc wodaoi 3 5 8 defogger, Poweoc top. ORIGINAL RETAIL PICE 809 MaOII st casi -MILTON PIM., 878-2369 1 the game liedmicen By John MîLems Aflîc koepîvg ap loi lcyîvc 101 ccîth the Hoove Leaguocifon and enjoyicg manygaines froc oaîly Bacacday mocoingaunfil the Wednenday cffglii Midgîî matches,l1decided chic il ccc lime tai bave a looachoccthe Mcnday Nîghceca, oc yocffgccf memhcca of MiltonMncir Hockey A aaocfcioc ac piogeiig. They congefront five tai mcci yiaia ofccge The Monday vfgfffoca oie Split ii10 la cco fcoopa wi1h appccccniofey 35 boys ou o gffcp. Tfen oce lhey have bon aplît tifa y, boy are thic hcokec ieta ller more Minor hockey provides fun for over 500 boys The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Janoeey 14, 1970 goal fotput winhle Lloyd HAPLESS HUNTLIfS Rhynold cdded asingleton. Hfccfiffcliottefccccv i Asici, for ie cooer Cam, iofleat of th, hontng foir Gocio Hofoidg, o, F, ,l ccd an ,, 196 fiTK R,,k MIi.fîo l id K o f, repie wicfi whit c. . f c io 'n IXle Ray Evas'c ykedcu paircof doffgoo, paricularly ai cfld aýmistOoffO w. lI fffccir aieo cdv.Cd to foddy tirail beotec ecffig à More sports tang dred Il, travl by

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