morf 'rsdey, Ntwmarbatr Boh Rasa rsaamd te ho tht quiet eourceai aclic of the cheb' pocer. Kae in aorepccer plcyesrr ' rrcspeioalyseciivr . The pra gaaee uKae, Kaeodoaeserhav to ge ie tirs yack. Heeetreinaohotryhbalayr ltarieate finishr tira job. Waerreffoirt Meltteapiayod ta bassets Kae oarkad arifas et haroerrig Kae e ar Faida1 Bal wehite ho eppeaed te ha fleo rhehowre 'dey a chaie ser cc aI stars ceame tee tis e tae Nrretseterfoarace eig aierh aolyaone arrst. Newamreboppeard arrsas asipsrehav t tha birrr psraod t'rsdey orghrt, okesg oct tart cexsee. Thty heertod ta etcy on tha gaieasoMiltondaireda oue(ieerhoeeardrtho rogitrtlco ad castred tdheaplay er genrac Il bcaee'raetirthe ie markaof the sape ..a h erocsbetguiehe,, barbe shoo nt.Milto oarsharsireat erthe firI ersilih3aut ed byeeiy a 2-0ecoog mcrgee. Heodyroar Keee ced bhar prehiero lter lt tira gaane ced tait tha test op ta hos cleeguear ut tetesti march. Nuacoaahe %vuc eodedrsneherscondmeeting as Noekarecaandsd a 5-0lad oaooli ede efhehisrrpraod amadearlsicb The Marcheere Cae e s glamner tle' ao thorahaidria, cne agareet Ajar aed the tst agaerre rear t Ilih acre dievasn Shaad Min celare tee lacs Narorarbr or tlia piayoil s Iy'l haro te do rtircar tha pyya irgcai attecet oi bramerg shey cuit heat boam. Tht ta, ares crie tsre teea big pols oha Radaste et tlire meo Ceace lot Augetret hal bcsborsg cn ehcen tugehahbg rod bttrchcseamachie ae, t- , chea aroorogcwayeTiec ofrhestghr gorns roeaeereeg ara agarore Thareeheit Whieinsherioaid he al] aeansofeiaoee bsixrpoitslforafleMeraereoiorohbc ro 8aeathaae fleboeencapretrhioaitheaubwoo eel1geharp t î 0 Pse t REAPINO THE 0150FIT of hotU taboac eesporir Par Asa Touraeorse hata erertlyt ire emat Jobs Toali of Edos ArIies Pst Aror descroer hestrsophe toc serea for the rap crea et the arase. hScett McKreoese or a omorl for the pasor cear m Heapiayri toc the Paees rr cei caret rearacStaff Photo) Flyers win two games beaten by Brampton Mirtoe Fiy arr twa syd Itaspar 9-2 ie lareeeachion Ootardcy, lors 7-Io Beramptone Saadcy aed elippad Actas 4- i Milras Moadai etght. Proma corrd thss omhas te tht Heseler gaiesi artlrcrere goreg ta Wdlson, t'gsoancd Evans. The hirorgoalcaei te los penocandrthethsereac i thetsherd. Johnon tcosad tac te asssgigtu e Fgae Fraros and It-sorlet. NortSh as sectret] swc i hoth Uirr cre uaseisd aede ceeUsis goinegtu Moore las hos secand proset Bath cae ta flht thord DOhsc godeats roroil hy Goodang, farguoa, Knols and Logasa. Milton Jaeasstae aira rarordail star peaisr as Haspslas caet off lsgbty mstb Oorrdoy. Brampton sosssd the tableo os Multas, ctahhrsg shaat 7-I ta Brampton. Bob feorror rerard the asly Mslton roarbas se aogainerorchmas taitentdhy figts ad aougît play and os tinte tbaaasrsad to gaI oses of cerriMe11rre1 ae Urresetharldai li s, Uegaroa octl liacy oc rsgesir dctciec-tacet dareile tur the ceeseer lire let reegit Acecet pund e vri err re Motion Aroeua cee ceraauwed 4-1b he eesie, cel fteic eileal gaies h regua hewn fat St hee an flic ft e pahd marc fcote aed Hli AserUt entt ta t-oedrap, Wtte asilso n Frose tes the racet , t'argoter les tha rcate boardcgcaecaWlh tteareSt gcreg ta Hait and Froae The therd portu ailer Mtonr agate tacore cew tte roih tae hoari gaeeg te lobhnron and tCaupot Hrlprag tharoi rs r efflors mass Keorotar, Dararte Andrews aed Tasr ro gai Paitt las the atress. Milton tkape tha pasalîrs, daman ta i gaine mrth sher abris Aasae teck broe trips la the os brrr Tbry rom ailercer he frs-foorty plaoals. Milton rosars Hselr an thr brost plaofi ga. ai tho roaae lfos the Gabaritse Iota te hiam oshsoaerg sale aitr pleyeog tht sarn club las Dteesxlime T h-3deyaasaptoi a cle nera caapasad te stha lOt1 dsrhheeg Sudey ta Noaroarbor. Moochanore the honly tero Frtdey er thsy hsld Naaaasbsr ocotreraed roohoor a obot hoi fihrsminue mrofathe hoas por ed. Don H tarot paed the Masaheoro. taaaeng tac goale ahete Ksrtlr Hrggr and John Gage asciiodarlh a goal caeh. Hoear rcaod hos hart goal an fia birrr pssiod. geeeog Mrltoe a -Oisad. Hsarsoaeeainaih Bah Rabsoanedi Fraek King, Tht play cae ta Hoers ho birodas[wde' o thet mea r ark aed chaeod afeoitar par cli the set. Thesfstrso acrougitesl. herd haerig eed heoeof a ovr, relaeerte torclamp dear rorrîaresi ai pesalter. Thrree nter hoa fi pealty baxrwaareapty catr tha boas parrod arre loro and lot bTsaarl]tdahooes pericd datrietg c pr lt-ap rier sthe Nesar etbstsa rsryNash and tacIte Rrcb MeGooas rossa she hoadiere ie thti mar hout. Nsrt eppscrsd ta ha porhod ito hal goa rileo rastria fler heg hos bart Belote erng thet tee clui trebed bore aassof Oglo ail cves the place. McDoae cae arr ai tht battis tho tasr. Nash cosoocrsd ache shar ta halacesad opsssd àcutesnthe bridge of fiht goaesns Whe the emabae lifteod ard tht elosser dalierrd bars' dactsoos 'orh Nrsh and McDoao aceovd mors las the i part ta ho brawl end gar erecodoct vient te Rey isarrbancd Bah Rahraeý of Rabso renaerrd fies lrcy ce c ccoroabar cedot ev hergli e rlreeeod frro ereaoeng thote otirhe Newamres plaeyer ha Shorthonded lets suffer Miltorr Sne esr teck taa e i re -oaery achtos rsak ced caroe aywn ao en perere Acteer Modey. bre, aorarce. Grog Chucîrmecr ta Mouillant and Htarold Morsy esa ail oct oflactionThsedey t rite 3_ tus h Ire e Debrett. Dace taKea tored ha trolit et eratrles reah Roeatrs ard eeerre islg Irae Gelphe -e 5-3. Ira Scier ecoreil Metraron eely oet Iteom Dccc Haripai aile trId Mery, el Murray aed am haler ait eretrrcili te r eapie cerceaurri Harpai tasy, Mursryeed MetrcIt ail errer d tes Miton te t he Guelpyh t'rectly caifl t rrengh tosdcy tlie Milton bey, rcppad erres 4-2 teraedeaoeirarsle un Scier tacuted twcee th Dors ta pot aed Hrgli Mashall ogheng. Asrert e t et ta ho uchI ach, Morty ,Arnol lorreyced Harpai. t 1 b M N M r fr w a R K w Il M c C H M a 9 M A J H b C M 4 Tht Canadran Champron, Wedaasday, Jasary 14, 1970R e m n sep er s 5 ports forum kecat it >.uinp s bahb beurst -ed , 1 OneDotha bs luoo C aasdad forhar costort but pasaltyrddad mott oaysg Gagas aespssdad wr ba esrodsofîtheayarmwashrd onr reatstd t goan masodaes thetgtaasdmorb fo am'stre arid tht paeb asa th Afe BbKa cre hieofNwaits io the a art teectisg goais of for hit efforts. goat sprt la thethsbed parsad. apparmng hlat tsar aa daiLftsd ArrBhKarcrdsasfN tbrtiegoalrsna -4 the raon orNware h Namtoakasli alos Kan crdhsfrtga n yteN mss eter tht Meashere Frtsty stghs. ia scaatd os if ail the Radars iseadrd Milton and Thtin Nrmar oaamo Oan end ths firtgoal osair Evy r t a tr aarbt Mcatterrod hve odorwooldhacta taireaeofKsatandoa saola a 5-4 esma-fsam-hahtisd l oosradaissai a ptt as .3ad tae thisa ptttlo soa. m earrg ofttrott ttatary oer tht hottsa term tn a sters Diveron aald rataIt. eectary, daflotsg tha Masehats' tatas ts tht goa isles ha lipprd Hi ait 7.32atbl rad a at rga scofmie N mrss tht massla. Maty Seadsmith a hgh stic. seamb Mito 4.rsd aptsra Therorartgy iailrdassehaly. Maehans retoasd tuoNsraasrt Marehasss' ago osdataass Saad5ssed asd rarde hosstickeh s se condsblr. rKn rid Te scodgiei Srtday eisr hletersg a tead hast Erday orght. Koos roartabase iosshr doflattas rotas the sn e asssg ta tht gorilie and shh thssesdns a n drin N kT a as al gam la ba ts ty th a ltonodas enti nal thtsea sasr hrlyakrog 101i os ,sa retrt as Newarea Stads hsom hthisd. Sads came trosshr s H o u haebad tae Ethtddog t Marehose1 hemret'ts sgotastlhly thaeaosoehs S Oay. Eeryrhrsg rot asosg ou eodb ntersahtsg rrsisg goal and bis third an shat may la the fiaal rosae. forrskrrica a the Mrhatsad hottia. otghs minutes afirr ha sttpprd Bah MeEtrsy soer!d tale for Neare saeat hsrttd an las Wiirsl nsss osd tht thaough tht dtltsa and Newarsha, las Coarol hrd Th est s sh heso Macheors* thard te srccoeooeand the tabrog adeastage ai tht faos Newaromrbt goa. hstsgtag appsoasd ta breat alose ailh 311 tao, Rardy Party hadl a pasr and stssaheor ceamp caohbeaolatad btlohbelh theamouddesd the color ai Morehars' rît artreeaeo ouresc thesoesao 2-t. Mechars tht osae ta tht aasld Isb Jon te, Pool Dixos, BUtl heeair. LoogharonathssonpaotheMcheor pitcgramthufat f~ia lare met the thsrd ta boppdstoae3-1ladasnHass' Witlh Milsas doros by smo Kayo andRoss0hropshirebail hts yaran d rohite rhty errîl sit on brrr plaein tahar drertren tha saccession afhr dsapprsg a seesnd goal ai tht gaina. Bah goals fas tht birot tsar ta the a goal raeh. lumposinaeeabe oean d douhble fiatgaiapoit agetoet Toasdey orght dacatatn ta MeEhroy teatad tharsecosd goa Machatfasraprsadap Marty Stado roed theteosa rircaesket 5hf Morcherr oiciale rrth tort rhae pterre fer tha clubh Dakllo Nsrm arbrr goal ta tht arrh -Lt's go Merebarts". Jahn goal os e ptay tram Doa Doas. foret lue Augerscssdted part Tht Marebanîs' rosas in thair the-gama tosmng rtra startad abra tbay drappad a 713 dran ta tbair aId rivaib la Dasiltr., Ta.rday, las. 6. Bob Rabros tad Miltss'r srtsg effort r 2.46sof tht ftrst pariod arrlstdhby Datas and il matast asstl the second ahas Dos Ctsohabae bit the math for theasty gatby asy tearanod thearsirtmvient O'Neitt. ttatfay tbroogb tbe thhrd pariad, Bridgansrorad mrth Dagne and Datas piebisg op assiots. Orattîrl slipprd smo paot Casasr an tht Oisa parisd as goals hi Pot and Asmstrong and thes came ta llfe an tht thiad mssh l'at osasrad goals by Chssholm vila scored smo, Girard, Arsrsong and Past. Mittons ICitIt Bridgan osd TEMPE8O PLAgBD oeil tros lita Prtday as Nrwarkrr Redronan od Darry Hosk and ta, shair sirht as ssrdastdraed Redatsics Martp (ire white) asd Mitons Mmes sag ano ail set barrir. Prank King Sarde ap white Bos Robos (5) sport airs a tIrrorarbas plor (9) and Dos Har s (7) Sah of Miltoe shoosa parsnros taars (81 -IOtaH Phssl sntarstrdoe bsg inwlhnhreri vn.Ons tshea saie McGosas tampon 4rts ig fRedmen Iead in east Merchants hold west Nearrb Radae usedoai a tata hillrsg egres Miltos To afMrchaorrs c sysbreil ta prar ssoe thy a trlam ta bctar wo local youngs1ers weigtognefrnth ecatin54nd0-cnes. The Radmare rs rsptepsd readars ai tht Easerns Divrion ced Mto sasses halls top hosars ta tht Wst asrb as arghr passer to represent M ilton peser Sahead hoorevlia. Brrh Ssrssrroetlr andl Dakatîla hareones By BreetWilo e o rousFcariy ofyithBoîs gaiert heilaerMlton. The For Otps ta heardom If yea arr aner 20 ysarsaof sgt area ersofaoraoeryoaesmrh atalcoe West-sroap DP W L TGt' DA Prr. leadegras hesfaeirosFials Milton 26 17 7 2 13h 93 3h bell roasahero te Eastrnr Stresroe 25 13 10i 2 140 '04 28 Caadt is a Lnieg CUlsa gOft en i akerils 25 13 Il t 125 87 27 Boys' n irls o i nt s hrom Fo d p Thosehiil 250O 24 t 57 218 t Miltoe. Wr de rat haro ta go throagh Uire tracta qaiiy tEoaass Fer oap rounds accase ort cvesagar 5WIga EIs Nseaskee 27 25 2 O 179 64 5U alrscily qatiy ce fat Utac zasa Ajax 2h I5 lb t 107 101 31 finals. A sole chirlas bar as Miltan Traflar Fards bplt BowanvilUs 25 13 10 2 132 125 28 poesilcle tho ias ai ta. ganesthnsoma oargo t-eLidsay 26 10 14 2 97 it 22 haoesrrho arsnredine Dedaki72eandoppsg Aroe psrt 2h 7 t16 3 8b 117 t? howieis reilraitof eiih gantes ardUte top hiesteetoardhrie feoos ch ntroeas Iseil trthe ptrernal fienals ced ther li ferados inl hedrohkyeandi1, Good iaeb ta tase h ar caaprterg las e plae as rtha Tht roreors aI tIra iarily short c 'sris sceerty. Tha mi laesfo the harltata faedycand Ms Rydaeondt-Goy aed Ms. Marstrall, Tirsrers tefori juniorr ara Kareeild Tesisacer. Tht ceerrs rire recaos ara Beiar aed Me. mcdoere roe ta harete cednUts fitaro As ofieretherate nsare aed tho harear bami hro i 00-2.30 aed hai junirandei tert hoa hro 2:3-4:0U. Tirs thejuniors hadsior agcoc ebsta garoes. I acatld ire la celcaste ahl Ulc eo raembr oohaile eY.Bi T ht Perd e lt bhhrd Gabarits 5-0 an Ulsercond peecil. Dae Mashall rearsd front Fiers abris Doaye tHamitonasecorail thesacond geai tfro Ira fartwarightr Milton alasel oule iraedair wiha 7-4 vceeri ces Actoe. Doa Mardhalt continue, ta bal caraotstck. ecarnghreoogoals aed ararerigaoce white Elior, Hoadr, Maere aed Hamiltos ait reegil Atterre reet ta Lyoar. Bleir, fteachmach ad Rick Hokme pot en c one man Show lot A eroo os')al Ceas galsr, tro ai aheeh maso osceerrteil Therrles rcge gge te t'rday tri Herpeler. CAR L DE GAMF Ta preet taeoreag ai mars, ganerhacld hae drssai sadaadeoy citr btlttog. Birdo Utoell bs drame briore hassg yiaasd inrcrryeeg poceho. Big gaine shoalil hr larg ta cool; lare flic hile os andl cavr sexpo sai pars fos trascepors. ilton Mlinor Soccer Association Rabbie Burns Niht Dauce SATURDAY 24th JANUARY, 8.00 p.m. Royal Catîadian Legion Hall, Milton Music by THE DEBONNAIREs Refreshmeîîts <with a wee touch o' hagizasi Admission - - - $6.OO per couple A1i Proceeds to Milton Minor Soccer Association Pee Wees win 17 in 20 game siate Edos Waldrsg pas res frnshad Elîrsas ail scoed stnglet in the tltir sclrdalt o a artsisg soet Aetss gaina bis eethtd, hetrrg Hetsîtse *Assistrzig ta tht Aetas gan 3-0 ,asd Actas 6-2. Thty aass Ras Cals, Pool Opra, caopîtai the reaas mrth 17 Dava Tassas, Rad Daadtsg, aras and aeîy shrts lustos aet Brue Eflios, Ras Tarso and ysrslong. BtitMurray. Datang the 20 goa rcedala laIts Tarati acoed tare and Ed's Wrldrsg pra arts scsard Paul SOerne ss ae re r s 107 goats and oltaard 38 gaired w tra cetts ta t ho egaist. Thay hast a hyt sta tht Hespslss gaise. Ras Raaloy ptayaffs osd asIl mat Heasata Tasatîr, Red iaeadrsg, Seats or OSttrodî is tht groap Stasay, Paul Spsa asd Erre fials. SALU TI TO Jsso s rasn Obf rsan. Aile 18. %Hom:ss Tosanto. Mesos Hockey: Wr a O SHockry Arma Jass.a Masoni Nosrsssbu trarram A.,., Terars Jr. B sss'ass arth Hert ail Wers Wmkr rr a aip'fflmits Bar Cesar ta JOHNGAGNE OSSrorouga AFIER THE GAblE TRYf MARG'S RESTAURANT FOR Home cooked meals Home made pies Deliciaus Hamburgs 175 Main Bt. E. 878-943 t t s Trouble ail started against the Blades sho ir iag tia abs lot Gou I te Ook's Drartond ssdrd the gamre rary la thr third prriod robes thrp hyoth go t fie minuoiti for Irploiog thr mooly art aIf irtieafls or t7.28B. Jastrgt otbr tosor prnaltesarr asotrard ta Milton rottir Dabsillr serrord niorthar miolltbrh penalty boa. 'B" toaims are beaten Driosa Brothars' Mrasry buass to soDabsilae 4-2 aad t0 Richond Hill by the ramae sore auday. loba Volpa aod Otras MeCano bosb ecord for Milton la thr okvilir parn. Asthaay Rrssham, BilI bMorgan teartd tale and Lobk Wrbb otagîrd for the roroarra. Doa Anderson reattd tate tas Miltan as tbrp tort 4-2 ta Richmond Hitl. Raa Mabtae, Erte Krrotscbi, Ras Battiogar atd Ras Lamb seosad for Chro goacoas y tapprd Datiogas Coogas 2- ia par mate B aetraon Kavra MeCay sored the oly Mrltan goal Itrom Jao Roam wil DarsDGaaeeand Bah M Lsad a ard far Chnguaaaay t THURDY a.1 Firer Sbasra 4:30-7:30 Pro-Ast 7:45-10:00 FRtIDAVJran 16 Msssr Hocey t4rghs SATURDAY, Jas. 17 Mrltos M. H. 6.30 ta t Peslir Olrsirg 210u4 -25e Tai Coassy Hockey 5 ta 7 Pubhic Okasrsg 8:30-10:30 - 5s SUPIDAY, Jas. 18 Ts, Csassp B gaaas 4 -7 ps. DOarirl as Maratrrsts MONDAY, Jas. 19 Mordey Nrsarr 4:30 -6 Tri Csassy A Clubs 7 ta 10.30 pr 1UESOAY, Jas. 20 Frgure Skasisg 4,30-7:30 Pro-Am 7:45 WEOP4ESIAY, Ja. 21 hrtetb&irae Saao karog t 4 10c and 25c rMMH HosrLroaat 530-9:00 J FAIOR Kentucky Frued CHICKEN Chks sc s 3 Streso aar Caip Ctis, t'c rasert Cota SI..r Ortesa Oa $1.49 o Srdr $2.39 jas6tPehteoFar 1.00p PrailpnRad C ol Sr i 4 2Drlsasar Faisent MrilE $hB. 35e -re rnh rc 5 Errasy Frent rcsrr t.Ic MuikisForrayik hoods Drie In3 .m BASE LrraE Rac am o HtG4WAY 29 LTOS S