IARRfVfNG INSTYLEiteChristtmas acborrigocrmely FIR5 FRE BURNING BRIGH-hl t rWdhdlsc Ket Mittos and famy wetttrong~t otevera oa derts wofo r wamh vr1000 lcalChrsmstesmtP ir aee h drove tfeetro i ttvnobilt. -Saff Photo) argors Milo ak n Receto Gom eadTw Couni tragd tscn ltra bun emo nyadt o vr500.(tf Phoo Yul. trees go up in smoke The Ctradter Champon, Wedrtscty, Jarotey 14, f970 3 Lower voting aigle to 18 New Democrats suggest fototer Fydrlo tOrfdfdt lu, ilo oyotf dylo t!l ""d Jitt i. Ha-tofoNew DemufoofffParty, hforyd andoltf' VotY oetto lireNDP paoty oulft If er i basd o oooooootd today tho Riding focurf hyoeetonoo toud bc o k tyo.o scetioxtoyetuodfl[ eper00,00 h.,! y,.rkr have Association has prooeotod Oridoîfittn 120 days. peroottrryttdlo occpti.ontf hKid durfgy.f.f eleosi. Heofet Sggesttd chatoges in tht Canada Il to. rqutd littitos bcpLho P aref f.f tem porfaoly th,,tîh, ieschanges fore 'ct Electoos Ac fyfh efftading ftOpyfd onoo.afnip a ign onfred t.h.l oihoudoc dyofttle and pacticll Comriftt onf Ptto.oges atod erdtffrr. Atto. cafyddatrs Eletoo oh tht Hooor oh shouldhbcallowedhtttotmailing Contrion. oh one oletyoo ty.,f tu "Ch An issue ffffft rcento0vot,tltir rf suggts At cootrovry, ftttt ofIloothett presrit, otly Clergymoon or tottof Off tff 18, foot tfossly fo.oltrt ca otfefolffofty > 7' rosit branceteJc..w oneo the tot imporf.ttV1r wW ptopootd atotydruetf. WTCOOO OfOMONOS Cr150 GIFTS REPOIROS Otltttfcharges callrd ffft wootd coombioe tho Poltfog Tm POLLOCK 220MAN STRETEAST MILTON, ONTARIO PHOE78f6341 Podinialo Fdtt p.sil ld n The store wiII be Municipal elrotontu oiiettf0ttt C ÀM P8 E LL oadttoo, tttoy setk Il have HEPse alilaetrito toftfg feld lt tiret EH _,C o Il was heofldfog Oy tieE13 , -1for vacation NU itot otrr..o b ffOf ore and will re-oipeii cla l ietiie o blot ad fflMONDAY JAN. 19 offtool1 documts t..,ll Eletoforft.uld bc fied -e f fy __ FACES GLOWING in tht lifft of tht ffre, yorgttttfchalttht big e t ootr 1,000 Christtrrts produattthetfargroutdson fretnsd Il vies a great ftmify ootirf for oover 500 Mieereas (taff Photo> 'I ndorse J. Snow suggestion Snational building code btoltoo East MPP Ji Snoo Cort tteeo.. Unihorm Building _rt d otor pat on te O.ck Standardt os fored in ,idy A proposoi Or malleoyer Septmber oh fOot ytar. t-ycat ago on the Otarto .,.gisitutot toot ooerohottoogly "odoeed a eport '0 lha *oomttt r lheot b C...mîfftr UtomBuilding Staodards ~Reomotrodations from tht ttottttttlrortd arB practically deottool f0 Soo's lrefeidea. It adyocates tht jdopffoo oh Ohe Natoffof iotdiog Code asa standatrd iltdtog code tti Otattto; aiti Dttht Nattooal Fre Code Or *ado tootdatoty in Otario, and petret tolite hode eongwth 1perito potofe rottottb n ttidiog Ocretptotod and pledt tt theotffof ood a(iding and hitt codes, ethoctive ginuooy 1971. OMuicpal Ahhttt, Mtttttot 7Deeoy McKeoogh s setttl umlotttt oo thte report Oh Aprot t and it is Ortg tordrty distt.uted to Otatto C mofootipatttfet and irtertedci parttes. It t. (tope4 trg.lttott will be prepared for aosttog appeoydl. It Match oh 1968 Mt. Stoot. o t buoilder Oy prohessoon, inttodooed a ptfoatt mrme's A bill dealiog otth tOto topto in tht A 0 latetto Legislatofe aod tl teltor constdeeoOte support fe onm many quotteto. Tht Hfonor G. Kerr alt testimnuial Miitee oh hottE! ond Resootots antd HaitonWetMPP George Kerr wtli bchoottdat a tettmontal dittet to 0e field et Boebongtot Fet. 25. Tht goet lit hor tht ltmitet t heededbyonationaltCooratoe leader Robert Stoohteld wOo wi>l giot tht mainf addtess, Otarto Prime Mitteter Joho RoOorto Municoipal Affaito Meoteter Dm cy McKeough, Provtnctal Sectetoty Tom Wctch ond Heith Mio.etet rom Wtt>le. Sponooeit Oy tht Hattoo prgresstoe Cottîttoottot Ateocioo, tht $25-a-coopte di.."e toit> bc Oetd et tht E.temmnet Restooraot. More thto 400 people ore exptcted to attend. PLEA BLC 2- BUNDLED UP agaitrotthe cold itry air, fhis boy arroved et th a trec burninq certttony Suot.bly garbed. Orty hit eyes vilr etrowirgn Stf Pthoto) clmns&Noble INSURANCEI I AGENCV Lt MfTED 6 MARTIN ST. MILTON I8789523 878-451I I L<~4>,u'LFLOWER p#~jII'~Ve) SHOPI MILTON PLAZA 878- 281 For The Besf In Wedding Desigos Anniversaries EHospitai Gifts -Fonerai Tributes LOOD :LINIC MILTON BRANCH ~NADIAN RED CROSS WIL BE HELD THE CANADIAN LEGION HALL JAN. 22nd 1970 THURSDAY SE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND OD DONORS URGENTLY NEED .4 P.M. 6.30-9 P.M. SAVINGS ARE BIGGER THAN EVER NOWI -~ LA DIES' S -IDE DRESSES SPECIAIS GUARANTEED 1/2 PRICE TOLAIS WARM LDI YOUR HEART LADIES' HATS FOR DRESS WEAR 1/2 PRICE ~S COUATS tCOATS 12 PRICE ___ GIRLS' DRESSES EXTRA 1/2 LADIES' SPECIAI. PRICE PANTY HOSEMOU'S & DOYS' FIRST OUAUITY CLOTHIHG ONIY 99e 20% ,a 1 / 3FF Beautiful sellection of YARD GOODS 10% OFF MANY MORE BIG SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Il PAYS YOU TO SHOP AT MILTON DEPT. STORE 200 MAIN ST. OPEN ta 9 p.m. 818-9261