NAIN AI Mi Halton Health Unit B6 The Canadian Champion, Westnesday. Jsauy 14, 1970 Dr. Ivan Hunter acting MOH SA Rni oza, taI of e asc 384 pi. 01 Pal t ths PR Mil i Hi Mie las i aiî Up i Ubs b i Bas Lia Th Ii Ut Il loi da Ba la i La 1, Cha Dt W. ci lM fimirdy and helpa lbreasile decida Thecountry 's btilisrvc bas a iambe, of public liecili aspcl rietaurehts for ceinesi. check tew,, instllaetions aîd fellex ep campîcîns an poential heaib biaadi. Il a lîeellb liacrd exsttîthe inspecir can nîder belt il hie fLcsd. Il actin issii laee, hie miii ceaie hack le tha MOH ahwlla isse an nîde, tu hae the prencîî ccîîaciadeaîd lehen ihîti it casi t, hîghl te said Dtr îîa. 'te -inict wear luire te gel tle jobhdonc nnî topunish people. By Brian Ward Dr. IvanHuereisîabanyimni, eiining hiiîiss pssîatt eedical pliclice in Milles ni Weil a îeesîsg as Halles Ceastyts actinîg Medîcal Officier of Healîs. O,. Hante, look ase, lb, added deities ci Hiltanis MOH on the fît if orptetsbetnafteî refaîîngîintialerequets frontthe Stand cf Haith. "Lok arond foisomene andîif yaecis't fîîd arenne ta tîke the job, thes lIlI do il," hie tîld ibem. A Isi d.ayi lite, da,înghîltffce houts, the trlephane ting and hie mci agies esknd ta tîke the job. mhabh he dîd. Hîltants plesîna, MOH, De. L.M. tartetedîai lb, end if Angîll. He spertîi si cuf the Halles Ceaîiy Heeitb Unit in Miltin andseeiadtieclterflhestaiff n'hic is disided iaiethteehbaic services. tht public bealthnus srie niomental liniiiliii. and plesesitine dntistty. Inan i nvibi a bou job, De. Hmete sd ics and the Heîltb Usîtis main pîîpîan istu "elîmînain eny înîoaîd elements s'btcb are a eainth, biiitd."Tmardsiiend,.the safl aieks le plesent disenai belare they have a chance le happent and îpîîad. Public hcalîh nus,i. ha tid. aecencernad priaîîly aiih femîly heîlth. They look elle, chîld cae clisici and ine indisiduel help te meiheti mbe are haing pbleni cping iil theit fimily's die1 i, healh. Tht nussaci cen bn caiftd sn hy înîcba,î mn the caanly'î scliel syitn te check et a chl d ihey lnelmînyhbcîlL Thenurse thîn gels mn toub aiih the childis He said tbe presetine dentily sericeisan important part cf lbe aterall public bealtb ciieraeoflthetceastyinitb ils maiin job heiig taceutdmnaon the number of aities nd plumulte dental healtb and hygiene aid edîicîtîn. Othe, ciaiti, nîtedUDr Humle,have foea,îdated mites which il a limtat dental healtb. The tanin treetmeîît of a ahildis îelh by lb, dental sertice, hesîde beisg goûtdfur the cbildts lealth said On. Hanta, elîn cors dams as lbe bigb cosl if dental bills lb, parentsa mud lie ta Pa' The detatl stie diresin pîeîîdî tetmnnt fat patiens mlihav bis avie tretb filed anîd cîtiffî,d to py dentl hbitl. As ii nemstands Ibey bise tgoeccateachisg dental clinic insToronto fie freetdentllxaek. Dr. Hante, îs plenîedmwith the Helti Heilîh Unîl's services but adnîîîed tiis ice Id tes mach moesmaelhly mîlh a fl-tane MOH. The one drawback, be said îibnhecaenty cîn'ttipect tule la gîed mes t îthe job and lan pey himiafily ln t.alaiîy Fin ihaegh lie is ait lbeîeigîly femîlie mîtb the inr ci f the Publie Health Acd., tua provincial legmlîlian eint tulsîtvy country beîlth usii. Dr. Hintel snys lie îîtreîlly gttig;tc knamhlitjobhand the pîchînaris cf pîeîîding e beeib srie the Ceanîy of Haltes. "I dciii îatend ta qi untIl tîey gl a cîtapeteat Medial Olfîcei et Healtb te inke aie, ltae job tri a full lime capacîîy," lie îeîd. f Ce inumicri neci meib.) ,Iicemnan" AHs theft of iatel t. burar lidiîiage qie ilogt bf igici.iletm.icid it's Cut Wtckmt livuianetraii p licema if tostaffc gad i mîtkit1 24 Iiurse dcy." Poilice de inabt iiugit Itcis ot ai bm,îttc'is plaes iii Miltn anîd tîttsit iltien a clackad imiccla iîdil Bct lite patemlîg icoutibles cciit bn aîeîyxhere Ciîn Aîîdress said cuh lit toislaet smilntd tiot, aeas if il-i ftyp if bteeb.iti. îîd itîtîi tîds il dotlars mrtt if siîci but icaie ittiishv htettoIciet Downs' Corner ... iCcstuiitld frtil Pign 83) gaiug ta bc îtady?" t set outat pet ite thitg tageabet, ose way or asaîher. Weil the fitat three niiys 1triied didn't woeb but we lidridne luck onthe fourth ty. Il bîd n Iran ie i drunken a dulr ead there mere annen pueces 1,11 river, but ut dud'î lookîtc anbd Nimhee tis aightee leied meuirlier narre us lheb, lckhad sude and oser îî ment, cbipping the aone, an the colle, table and îcîaieîung an ishteîy (full,.ofcouese)aaoundhe living toamelog On the fi11h ty 1 disaanened the enin, ol ny wiys tstead if plîcing clmp "C" asde, gadgt 'R" and bndung frime 'K' on c 41 degree angletol biook up xuîh beachîl "M' mhuch sceeed inlia leg" Ihît cenîîectd ai cemp "Eh and midget "O", t îhîuld readly bas, slantd xîlb leg "S" and cannîcî,d ilite clmp "C" cnet gade"R"xhichbend tufeamae "K- and concled te xudget -O" beaide clmp 'EE'. Once dent. tho, îalîed the pioblen of the see extra piecra ... as a mcrierof fact 1xitsixdiahortfouclmps, eeg and insametîhît paiense. cutte kund neighhet dapped ta and lie xcî c big htlpý Ht bemgbl bus bloxlneh. mutît xbîab xe aepcîeled same if the pitcena cich t had lient the sces and cams n diduthe tilp of$4 mîtb ofhallsiaid nuis ad clampsfont lii bisenenta ewe glase cf Ctisitmas chee frant tbe liuqeîccbinetcaidtiipai txeinc nasemhlusg jet fughat planes, me hîtelîf geaatletluîuîtadinîg up fmly sioîght. Mid yue ture hlackhiied mci epsmdt daxut but the kîda îlîould stanr silice il. And lheee natcoemt cf cîîpi iui cf lue blackhecd and a dtui rxiw in t frct if the antc uîda tfront fcthn, henig buîlutoadnuepcîîl Thetend veult a mc,îeai wo of ait, ITELEPHONE I ~~ANSWERING j~ SERVICE f Il î CONFIDENTIA. L sf PEOSONALIZED 878-2020 tlsough. And il anly tank us tonr hants front th, tane a', ripped the ban open astil 1tseewhee ... The lain of Oakville is planning a sister casial camplete n'ith fOgie skating, tees dincesannd ice sculpturing in laie Febnuay Tan bad Miltan sailda't do likewtn, as soggested heme sesernl weeks io -nThe tan'econd assui tree burnisg ceremasy asînther rnaing siccetss The pile of trees, the cnsd nd the ensiîîm isere ail bigger thîs esc,. Itiseent, hike ii thît keep ap Miltants repuanhan ns "the fendly tain" wtee Ihings gel dose. Falks ap Actai, mîy are i a sit aie, Milton gettiag specil permiss fain the air palletion peaple ta batsn their tteeî. Liai lime Antan .ipplied fa, tanisa privileges l t xi turnît dan, and the Twelfth Nighi tice ceremany t, Actas iied ta bc i pipelertlhicg. 0f course innyhe thate ait pollution people mne sight in titrning dan Atins tre file, 'tanyt im" lias enaugli air pollution is * Caiiy Caincîlissare achageable hasch. Tîh, Reeve Allent Day cf Oikvdlle. fa, instance. He mît a mnbtt of tire Child Heaith Canstitiee aboi btaigtit 'nia reporelin Decemhbetîadvcing theisetup of Scil ervices unit n caesîy-widnhbaii.andhle fiaeoedhaîlîhe unit and the tac men vi.arnd t i cd ie ni thet tin. Hecs lse oi the Personnel Ccmmitiietcaîd xluen that cctnnittee hid an 1 ]h hourmetig onDetinber31 lie chacngdr[ his id and fasiîd aeaîîlcticn dtleting lb, natiet of the depeîy dî,ecîîecof the lita unit Wlia tht Personnel Comninsalcti filed te gea enaigh suppotîai.i cil meiniig l.itrîh.iîtitae dcy. ReevtDey changcd hiittiiid ieîand siiicd ith the (wxiiistmijiy. Ah wnîl. liii i pulics FAY'S ELECTRIC ACOMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE EED USTRIAL O COMMERCIAL 0 EIENIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING 0 RUSAL POLE LUNES and SFRVICES 0Cascade "4W Werne ales.. & RaSails PHE 7.2ffl for _ RIEE ESTIMATIS.... Te - ven e n * es the ta rue - You can savci up to $2,500 a year of You pay tax on the money when you your earned income, watch your money choose to pay it. grow, and sEull have control of it. This has led some Eoi caîl the plan a The government says in effect "Plan tax shelter. now for your retrement, and we'll allow One fellow we know paid inEn it for you to pay as much as $2,500 loto a regîs- five years, watched it grow, Ehen Eook the tered retiremeot savings plan. And we buodît nut and used it Eni replace normal won't tax you On it." income while bie lazed in Majorca for six So you merely lower your taxable io- months. corne by investing up En $2,500 in nue If you care to, you can leave it in tilI registered retirement saviogs plans. you retire for gond. You save on tax. Either way it's an excellent plan for you. You cao get your money out toi. It's especially valuable because we don't And it's ot dead. St grows. have a lot of salesmen out making calîs, For instance, suppose you had invested therefore you doo't have Eni pay high sales in our Equity Plan just seven years ago. commissions00. By nom ynur mnney woutd have more AIl you have to do is cail us. than doubled. (If yon're already in a plan But don't put it off. and its grnwth rate can't compare with The deadline is the end of February. ours, come on over!). You canEt declare any contributions for We also offer you an alternative plan, 1969 after this date. which guarantees a rate of interest estab- D tnw lished at the limEt of March each year. Doit noewt ile That's delinitely o edmny Use the cuits. Wheo you withdraw lit, of course, ynu have tnpay taxesonoit atthat time. But H ALTO N & PEEL this ils exactly what's moat important. 'R S A I O assnciated with CANADA TRUST Main at Ourles SI. - 878-2834 in construction in town building mîspeatat and eanîng admmîist,îte, bimelcsed the tîms buidmg Dpitmeit'i report la, 1969 and îmeng oatlerîthngî, il ibiws tb, vale of costruction in ttin taxi aîad i $2,999,253 fit, the itea t. In lisbu ildng teport, Mi. OIens aip 60 budlding pelanuta were sed and 262 dellng uIts mete c,,îted ast cf Ibese. inclsdîng lxi epeameni bidings. The lirt a s fot 87 1b0 suites altbasgh tîtis lîlger pînject biai set hreîîîtî,ted. Thete mee 15 single lîanly resîdences hidIt, Il cdditios pet ci ieiideices hnec ,nîîdsstîîl rensîîalîîînîîad 12 gerages huili. Foi, îccrîîey buidings xt,î sil comsmei lb,,ato, onfcea commertcl addiion, ilîtta îsdusîl,îl additions, les, demeliions, cie construction irop and xo siinig poits elso ,eceeded mîtb ibis cflice. A In"tel il four sebtial addtonîxeîeîlî ptoetîîd lbiiughti he building depetamîci. Thee mise cuotl cf $5,745 mn buiding permit fers cellecled and capitlliiies pidy cequae ieltled $42.120 ahile lîsîeî peîd by ltte, tif ceedît îdded sp ta $41,600. Tht aanîal report af the Tiennc Escanctotis Potection Adt fis, Mdlton nus alan telcased and îbîxed mîspect Wdlf Pensîonmade 47inspections on ais oe, five mûesof tenches xithin tb, tan. Mt. Oies tepotad no one mai kilît iled maîkingîon aîeaclîandsno xob stoppage odrs me,, iiiiaed. Weaiig lb, bat ofea plemhmng inspecta,, c job ties ciel frant the Haltan Cassaty Health Dm1t on Ostaber b. Mr. Oies rpoîled 17 plamhmng inspections wete csmpleted xîlh no ejeto Tes pemnisxere iissdnd $46 i inspectin fera collecîrd. Six mee inspecions wr requested and six appred, mbdle tna wete rejected. prè J. L Corde, oD ~their OPTOMETRIST ta], i aad c37-2, BURUNGTON MALL TOWiONI 632-77U in '69 ,iqmeestrd auid 14 eppli.caionsî xereappcced mîmîla Il w ,aî,cied. Fais, applicîaos wr relared tu lte C.mnmit et Adsataitat. The plenhmuîg. ctaeanud aemummmgreports atnd.itad front Octoet6, h. tîMî l. Olcît xci îppîîîted le titi prescrit position. pltec at.d hîtîgiti .îi.îîîîîît mu.Id lite,, àct io lt blue>te ld lîiîe Chnlut Il Ab hîîgieî cainî tt.d lîîîed ttîîcee wlio itemplt1ied to beakt Lîîîîuied li. il'îît u Onl.taio', Milieu hiiîttior on11 tt Briite ht i td.iycccttîtciii n 4ý lite tiiel uir lii wii.d btiiketl tiemgt c h.îîîmetî xî,,dîîme,îî de'ileîî myef tii. l t Lil but i il the: t ied (oi i diipe i.1 lio il t e l tie h.ugittil. iiiiittJg .1]d .îîcd lie woulîd-be nîiiru dci .î Reno IIow much home are you missing through outdated wiring? Wbon Ibis houe esîs hetît t was bard to imagine ail the wondeîlut aap in anhich electrîcîty would ho sesing as todlaj. Thats anby tbe aniring in an mîny oIder homos jist iss'i îdnqsato lot todapas snda. Thoro are many signa. Fusesa bloaning. Ligbts dimmîsg. Appli. ascos performing sluggiibIli. Cîîttoeed extension corda. Not eoungh oults. Ssi, il you'te planning 10 ansil entt yose home. tbink f test of the wîîîeg. Have a qualilinal eloc- ticat contactse check it. Yos'l ho sîprisod ut boan eaîily andl înnnponsisoly it cas ho opalatoal. Tht Hydro Finance Plan makos it ei5f 10001t stared rigbt aanay. .lsst askyoar Hydro. MME. Th. Ne-5. sO tgh ssG- i. El..tei.a Living. Near $3 million Praises "silent pc Dr. Ivan Hunter Halton's acting Medical Officer of Health 111111111111ilko Am a Ah dm aille M @Son 1 mýý - -ým ý M A a a À& Je. 24-25 spmIur tu discuss pollution. Ochvitlîes Moliday Inn mil be pollutin. , ponond hy the Oaklic ad District Lahat Cncil. Il mdl be open ta the me twa-diy canfetesse is slated ta begîi Sîtaeday, Jan. 24, wîth a discumsion an "Mînkisd and kxtinction by o "Ai Mangemen in Ontro and a feno ae pa disuio i mgke h Eio mnena Heh. grn srai aniest n INSURANCE) COaEflAG E How much is your home Worth fa a burgiar? Mcla INSURANCE ai 208 Mate Se. E. 878-2894