r 10 The Cetadian Champion, Wednesday, Jsana 14, 1970 À~Legion Notes 1 B9V G. L.DAY Tht fsc Zone B7 meeting cf 1970 c:: hfield cn th: Port Cotdct Lcgoil att Oacday altero::: Rop:oaetat:ao: fo Acta:, Btara tia, Brampton, Botn Cackictllo, ho::, Gtargetown. Mtlton, Olakctllt, Paont Cttda: miel ohnecud due, a: dcch:, ta tho tactohla: qc::o a few c:omho::owaod:o a:ah:the "Scpto-Btcal" fotball gamneon fV. Mooho:: cf the Mâ::: htacnli at tite oeeting 00:0 Ttc:y Mtc:l, Lawrence Lakiag, Sc: ty Ross:, B:uc anad Dolo:t hy Otagma: and Derota O:ldoc Alto: filo princippal ha:::es: cf tho n tot itta g had ho:: coplo:od, Zact Ctcmo:ando: Chaolto Heath ptoo:::td Btll Shlcds (:ow Dtpcty Dis:trc Coýader)lo:t hi Past Tant l.oomacdot'a moedal -La:t:htflc ta:ber oh c :ayyd a rtalît' ecletmoat pu: on hf tht ld t o tcf:he Paort Cot: h :acch. M:oho: cot:o:dd tlat o:obrhop f::: for 1970 ottt dueocan. 1a. If fyen haconaot aitady docc:'0 ytcc m o:qca:ted t: pat' titt a: o: a: possible. hICK CALL Theo tcly laa eon atheSic Board atoh: mometnt ta oha: of idoa:d latcl w o c cn Mdit:c Hosptal, Wo a Il osh film a cpc:dftaao:ey. SPORTS In t ho Legt: Euchrt League afttt Ttct:day c:ght'a play', standngs ote olt and Na:: 104, Mahawks: 95. T:mmtoomaa't '15, Ltocllte 94, Ocffot:c 89. Bttoc:' 88, Happy Gaag 86. and BornLoser:c77. t: tht tcdc:cral Dat L:agco Dt t.:pl:: hace qait a c.oomacdag toad. Plactcg: a: flcmoe tr Dttctple: 154, hapot:::: 132, Eoca:: 102 and Trafalga: Mc:tct: 94. F4 Blair :t:l halds tho :ad:ada h:gh scoare oth :40 aad Mata:i Nisotho htigh hinah oth a scoef 114. lhc:tdcy the Mîlt::: tao ooc: t: Pot .edt andhta: the huoe team 7-4 ta rtet Icte:-Cou:::y D::: Loagc:. Pool playtt: o:ll ho glad o 0:10 fihal the bihtl::d tahlt t: the .ch a:rom as htcg reparlerd a: tho moet. Wt tcpoc: t: have ilomplt:d vety choty. ENTERTAISMENT. Theootnht>tsciald o:tnngcon ha:c:day ta:: o:: agar :i actot' :cntcyahlo af::. Mcsic for dancincg waa ptccidtdby Fttd ha:gtan: o::h hic st:ttt :qc:pooct and cc:g: hy Bout' and John t:'vtng wr app::ct.:ed hy :8::e prescrt. t acdo:ctacd tîtat tho Milton Mtncr Scc: Asocitationarc $162 in <ans aids campaigni C accoitar pt:ctd i oa l storea and offices c:oldtd $162 for tht Maaculao Oytophy capagn aivto thtc hahday san.Tht c:oectto a:up $25 river latccyar, h oted havng aaothoo -Rahh:t Burns N:gS: th:: yoa:. Thit w:11 taka place in tht Log:an Sanqtcet hall on an. 24. Moohata mhc attend:dilt Ibis 0: UiCilaadà y:ao a:l n douha, o::: t: do oa agata.' Tickett are aca:tahl, fro qa:oea ftwmoohttc Hydro lins or kigbway DHO says no plans for now OYp.,tttocc t:: Htha.týyc officaitel tcp t y ha:: pi::: fat o:: ori the fooo:eahloefautor foraaytaad ptat.ct:ain bscaa ha: havt ohf tho dact opea fa: posaitl utlzto fa hydre, rtght-af-oay lhtaagh t9actagawoya Townd:p. Indications la:: mttk fa0acaanga Ncosagaa':y.,Cccccil meting oh tha impretsion:ho HOG LINE Miton Curlin:g Club News la::a 7: O:od, Cattatho::. Sinclair, Wtlkinson 10; Knnedy, Davt. Hucghes, VctOotoon t. c aNoi,Gatditc os Fay ia::ola, Mtatanoa. Stewa:t 8; Anders:on, St: a, , Snell, Great k: Robtertso:cn. Tom, ntn:at 7,Gho:.e Cacot. 0:0:, Watt::g a, t'ailo. Cao:::" Kelly, Sot::: 2 litS:::, htcCa:cho:n, Otaotoe, a: Lm 3;Pha, Beaty, McFaddn, Jan. 6 7cm- t:., Eaoatrd, Hill. Soith. Doce 2. Mon,:t. C:tcttatl, Tahauka. C::c 13, Ezaaa a:.l Smth, Sac:: C:alt::, Wttat:::, MuNtit c. Ptaho:., Std:cccth. :atct: 6ý 9:0- P8olp:, Bt Lacta, McClure, N:.acd. ,ao 1 tac 7 p.. Catwrigh0t, C.atan:nht. Stnwart, Stewct 7; Monroe, tato, Srm htcPhat, Mh.it Ca:p, Clin a, Buber, ::oa, Falk, tamta::: R:chty no::a. :0:8.v Stoot: lu; Futtan McEttno:, '1anO cao: 4. Tact::, Dmran, Fletcher. h:ltaho: 1Glitho:, lItho:, 0:::::. Oc:tac Tact::, Du':naa, Fetcher, Fletcher 1C2 lItho:, lItho:, 0:tc. an:::: Phef:, Reid, 0o:d. Phc'1t 9. Bmo. Phot':. Reid, a::a, Ph:ip: c. nae, Dur, Dont.n , D, ii. Caot, toto::,n Fot, hd 8! Leato, Loie, Stewart. h:cnatt 4. Oadaltc Ouahtt, :attcc. Sala: 13 Wht:ht, Con:: Ol, Who:8:, c, McC:::, Sp::::, A:nac, Ftd 7. Ooa land,Boein Rateo, Wa::oc 9; Oeatt, 17o:: .k Stewart h. T::: cpoc:al plato: fa: ood:cal dac:sare:t a: flic Man hi. h att::::g huteau, ha: Mi:. Clie:: caîad c:: ta: :cact' dato::: are ap Pli:g fta: s :pt'ctal plates. sueas at yea o:i:i plates la: acateglittcyli:da:cartc:ti:g 835ý si.cyhircdaracnetspay $27.50, olle :0::::: of tact ayh:nd:: cohnloc t'a> $20 la: thet: plat::. Esquesingl to help students E:qco:: g Ccc iil agc od Mandat' nigh t ta co-upetatt oath Milton District High Schaal i h:ndîcg jobt fat Grade 12 cammercial idet c:oîd:ng Jc:ca:y. Dcpa:::::ac: cf Hghoaya :ht ho planning a oto mpohtghmay thtaaghthettoth-motcaoer cf the townthip, mho:o Ontar:o Hyda: toginotot are planning ta tu a 740-féot toa:h fa, a atm mata: hydre, hoe. Townahtp Dopaty-Retco otdon Agnom ftlt the hydo liewsa camoaflage fat a 0ilmay and taggottd 740 fet o:::::o mach land fojutta hydta lco Thetpopatderoute old Paoi :hrogh tecetal nalcahi: fautr. E. A. Ing::h:m,O:rctataof Infao atan Servicea fan the 0H10 oat! "Tht Departtott has Probe school (Chntittadj$m page1) playgtcaada and no provision had hoon made fat a cantotan::y plapgtaaad mh:ch caald accammadate hall mnd foothall facilitets. ta campatinan the ptajtct:d popalation of h6,0t0 fat the att: mat compatahle ta flic exa'tig ton. Thea"d fûtoan amenasite, cahjtct cf snnet discussion hotoooa:hti Parha and Atona Boards. mac n:ted amdit a a taggettd tht aaconda:y achaci alte o a: oqa:tedhy theoardaof Edacatta: mtght ht adapttd if hli Att:: Bard mat aatt:fed. lThe camh:ntd-atoc concept oho:t parlesandcchaal graanda arctadjacent.oas adaoosdhy flit Parks Bard. Drainagt poaltmmin:heoaoa oooot:ctcewod hy thet :oa acgtcoot and cl was poite outa tha: a: hc:ld ap doctlapod tl ocla taqcote a 50Ot:6 Touct Discussion aie! closed a pla 1 fa, ca:trctonofa aghm:aay an this aret: ha: :tht Dopattmtat'a pal:cy totc ly t:r atiliat any land ownod hy Ontaria mh:ch may ltaddiself to a t:ght-ofoway fat propantd highoays." "if, lit somte futurt dtt, the nttd thaald anie forhadd:ng a higha'ay in thetiownship att: mheme Ont:,:: Hydta proposea Io locale, a:t plaooeta old aatamatcally inceo:igatt tht possible cailizthn afaach tond fat anctausiaon in tht:t coa:derttttn of ai] ater:tnatives hf:te aettctiag a deflnite eoato," ho cancladeal sites ... olde chatoti ai thenreat of Ontarto St. apattmenta ta drain the att:. The channe oatdhb gradaally imtptand taices tas flw. Tht :tht altttnative oad lie ta, diatot tht watt: ta the main nt:tan lia: thter a ma:otaliy n oay it catdhbc tahtnaautnidt tht manicipalty. Caanc:lt:e C. Johnsoa qaetanod :okiag the flcm dama thtaagh the ceatrt of the ton ha: tht ongtanedtr al maatd reoqa: amasv diveion ta o t cne ta the BrotaatSt. aoeaa:trthof the Base Lote fertmpty interthe t:eamtat that potnt. Mtmhttn of tht Planaiag Barnd and Caancdl agmted ta a fardher meting at theaedof:the oath o ooco:ot final propaist ftamt tht gtcapa affocttdm discussonsa and honatat flhc plan tc permittht pltnert::afft the tact:: ansa Values peace, quiet Iawyer opposes track Aaa:hoahjection :: tho p:ap:atd Indy-type :poodoay ho:m.ooa the Thard and F:c::h Ltaoctof Esqaeaaogtownship jc: ath of ighoay 401, oa: caaoed a: EnqaesnagC:anc:t hold t:: seacand meetinag cf tho e yoa: M:aday o:gh:. Laoyto OtaS Haa::i,u :octdo:: of le: S:deoad hoton tlit: Fca,:hl and Fif:h Lo:,a:ocd h.ý diacpy::aatof tho pojoct, :t500angcdii ho fol: hoi establishment tcf thle cpo:dcaay mc:Id htomchsi flc iaI hoi::: bay of tho ccc ct:yttdo Tih: projo::. 'Ecyttoc Pt:ogam"md wlocchab tcdet t gai t valahe :0 tho jah ocpo::a::co. 'Dety-r00:0 Tom Hill ma: rite firt moohot af caocîl ta enoadcteodoa. R:o:o George C:ot:o qmichly addod h:a apptoa:l i haveco octittn", ht :comtnttd -Thty caaldn't paca na hotto township' RmcoOoGeogtCatoreaard Mt. Ho::t :h: discussion an tho ttodoat' as a:: claatd aad addtd hia: th. :ta:' agriaaltc:at holding hytlat has a:: y:: ttcoooed final apptoaa h:om tho Ontaro Muaicipal Bard. Mt. Haw:t raid caanc:l has offices are :a Toronto, bat o:pla:nod ho aanaidatt t o:othoh:leto: cultuaal hecacat of:Itir poaco andqaiet:the:ra rerhas homeo:ffota. Mr. Hoico: tatd ho thoin ptace and quieti::om:timt Oake: fat gratao:o hy long Oaa:: resricifoo:cf a rural aoea, ha: poa::tta cat filati::co:ey iaportant tepople wo have lvc in the cit'. Ho oet c: co plaise th: natua heaaty af' tht Ktlmc Constervtio:: Att: anal Rat:itmnaktPPoint. i oat husconctlusion thrat if tht township o:shesto tncaoage Peopleta conmeout f:am:the c:oattoa:esdohang a spttdmay oad a:: help it Two thîirds, fourth prizes for singers By Hughi Coaok Hat:: C:attty Junior Pormeta did :ery oel in the c:mpetiti::: belli t thetProncialtc:tfctece Sat:tday. lIt the provitciai ladies' tro c:mpettt:n, Hait:: C:::ty'a entty:of JantHater, Nancy Mah:t and Katent Camphbell plac:d th:od. Tht Haltdmond C::ttty e:t:y of Fit::::, Mat:lytt and Valet:, Bradford o: the c:mptttn. Batry Million teptetaet HoIt:t in the provincial vocal nolo c:mptti:n an ad e th:td. Chttyl Sandet: ftont Peth The Haltan C:anty Juniaor Fatoto Ch::r d:reated hy Mtn. Gtege Neotll paced f:thin the proviciaI chai, fetial. The Oxfotd C:anty Choit ditecî'd Tbree miembers joie St. Pouls$ St. Pui': United Chatch, a: part of it: Sattdy, la:. Il tttattingtttrvie, had:attcpta: fat titte neo meohet:. Mt. and Mt:. Gary Pteet of Fifth Oidetaad atd Mt:. E. Jamet Cattigan. Faatte:th Sidttaad, Miltn::r mtect:cd anto the chatch hy the Rot. C. A. Hainr Minise ofOSt Pauls sk, Representa te amNoatS F. LEI 878-2619 ELECTRICITY Is Our Business 0 "'j FEAIMERSIONE ELECTRIC i 878-6378 Mac> Mdlton otcorts otill bc laitil ho pot:cerictia i last-wooh.af-F:htay littcnce plate litto pc aga:: tht: foat, if sale itadateoateaayincatioan. Altero:e acven 'oco: otf: sales, aaiy h49 licence pi:::: la: 1970 haco h:n o:ld, caf cffletal: a: Mi:an': i:hct:cfn agoaay. Cloma:: Pa::t a:d Walipapoo a: Ma:: h:. Thai': ccly 10 pe:ctCof'itcotal o:poatod :a b: caid heo:: tir daadl:,,o Bat':: Ciao::: reports flic officeoh:taeliaschoa:tc:ad a tatal of h,400 plat:: ta: pacacagear us ia: fav i g: hala:: Fe:6 28. Tht: i tirhe final dat: sethbytheoOtpa::teit cf Transport fa: pataha:: aot pac:cge fltca: plat::. h::: ate tesitian siea:: oook: ohf heoa: lit: doadl::t: Scoohtlt a:: g:c:tngo ppaity and Mo. Ciao:::: satt the> tac:: talal hto:: 50 anal 55 platos faort: acines:a:du ho hia: a:d::od a::secd la: o pltes. Wh:nt:ho:: oac1,near licenoal hy hacgsýimit oc::, a:e ahie :a cus: Iio a: public maris. 1he970 Corollat TOYOTA COROLLA 1i00 6W( A dttlemt t heed af ecaaamy car omeed y a big 60 ho.teeog isquiaindma:mm,,,v Camenowta douhle hmmrliedca'h 4-om tht iIaa:, 3 tpaed hetr padded dash and m:ndsh:Md washes tt tle cr STANDARD EOUIPMENT ON COROLLA 1100: K-type 1077 c 0deo, O- suin.t oriine Ftt::.nt:n:ig:, foant :,et 2-taonl Aimm 6'nstao, 3-to:t maitli HihcamtIahuri toO .d DurtwsAak.st.ot 5-0..t:ig :. akosft 4-yao gn filo Oms 6D t a.0r 'o::: n',S.ash.. 4-sSed, ' ai svth:oshmrasmisst:n aOsO :0 ots 2ottsmiastseari:tnos, Pddatsrio, WRndstasmo wshen Whttsos:tires 3spu5d, hevy dut: hSt "00: ehoms" cm.tg Hffl jur 5y ba'r for rutpotection PLUS NEW FIA JURES FOR ONLY *12.. Ensioo * CoiiapuibIs Stsriog Column "Exhadu stmuisng Systm $1929 * Looalits Puriicion ISymI RICk'S AUTO SERVICE LITED Mon. telThur. 8Osm to9ttn'. FOV 8yRso to 6tl"m. Sa,dryR' 9 ... t 5:.. 1902 Optas Rosd - Oskvlte. 827-1021 5 27-10i31 -En Another highly interesting idea from the Commerce: ANU SPORT JACKETS I TOP COATS RE5. $500 - $59.50 REG. $79.50 - $95.00 NOW $27.so-$2t9I NOW $39.99-$47.99 STOCK SUITS REG. $95.00 - $99.5o NOW $49.994$59.99 GOOD ASSORTMENT STILL AVAILABLE WOOL SLACKS fSPORT SHIRTS REG. $14.95 -$16.95 PERMA PRESS REG. $00-8.00 NOW /2 PRICE f NOW $3.4-$3.99 DUttNt COTTON SWEATS REG. $10.95 NOW $5.99 TER YLENE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS REG. $9.00 NOW $3.99 marna a -- - Ili &he more-for-your-snoney 1970 DATSUNS are at NORTH END BP Ail models on display 'W1111 prîced from $1845 OPEN WEEKDAVS TO 9 p.m. SAT. & SUN. TO 7 p.m.. 235 Base Lins Rd. Milton 878-2471 OnIy 10 per cent gone Plenty of plates stili to be sold -plaid on term deposits The Commerce Pays 7Y4 n Toto D.pnss soin t un :5 1,000 OOnm md its frafial!rodpoaof tim5grine th..tme.oWs. VnatCommerceMngerhal iffetoinîeoms tates a:stiubio fut athst terma. Camn tand mehim. CANADIAN IMPERIALIŽANKc 0F COMMERCE [?iïiUY2 PUC COUR5TR F0R19900 SARGAINS i