~Suow pots lb.. out Mdtlot Farehghaaas tedl et fitac lea cal> cacdp Tcasdcy ,atttatttgcf latttthk Boafttgtca ottalaot colltd fiheteca aftac I,* Litbcs octplccned cf taets Tht b Ungo e tac i o ft te0d cot .achedath htcttaaactha ,,$rckI and dlctauc cot. ocdc'a tactaae iaha fields fol cf eattdaafas. Fiaehighaeat hcd ac ficct I cacoc enc, to iet roldeatat atnetu 1 gtt tha lite Thietaimaacotcad byarold fliddltbaock. Quiet woek >4 Mlton pclaice cp it a ta ae ttjatially quielta heki t cota with ctafpa o12 mincractcidet on Mcadap to repot. VOL 110 -Nt 37 oervntco unctoc or 0 er Tyler Ions 13-1 docision OAKVILLE'S REEVE 15 HALTON WARDEH Reevo Melat Day, Oavdît accas Ha tcld meacbtas if tht ctctatp acy decadta le cote." dectatvely electad aedet cf cocaacictaonti d inaitttattsttt Thaacoadtateltct aetdhe Heaton Cacctt dtaittg the fcam attotheat p lit h cai bch a pataciat cf aaprtatot hy inauguai mceetang cf ccatacdl tat staatoscottetdec. pcpulationt ooald ht amacac Taesdoy.a In hic acaeptaac cf tht "if laga ataa cf lcac populalton Ht ocppcsad (ta tht positionaof Wadt,Retot DaP aie toedttftactahted. posiotiont bp Deputy Rota-t T6d note fihat ta (tua ycaes att Ha ccllcdl on aceachta tot"o' Tylerof Acatat hceaaaicittd coanccapccttcdhtfatntttaat pot ac acoh aaphaca o moothtLaaryeae aga. Heaatrsd htattt taahoadacttuhrit a hay acdl hte huileamrcthaa oaemheaa ta ralate the aulto mat lad t halatta, hefote joiciag ad hccttdcacaa." weteocheogag. "HaatceaPcco Cccto Cttacdl."In foo ve et usc poa pchalfeeling pic a horaeabeltettpt soetthe olacys fcccda frcat ttchccgt ccideandcaa tffortsatchbric petgatem, hoeqctaied. antd ccapaattcacfadtct". ahoctccacviabl nt of rgctt Tht daputy'amat meiatoaaatd "t (tel ahata csao acceacc gcctcctttta- vttag an Holaca Coty hod by ttc pchhic (ta glacetet ont ddgt Alctt B. Sptago btta ta tht botis cf "ltcc a tagactal harils Halta ahccld adacaaateatd ahecaaht cf off,'. scratch my becktndtl'lscatch leaa tht e w attatt retaic te acamhtrsand tc the cna pcoa '", hte ohaged. He gtceaat and notd tact reh tht tcadac. toaptasaced hie dado't at ay aaaitudent he as btaag feactal Rtc. R. W. Fostet, cf ec strings too atttvots forahm. tncus. Wamusteok toiastblcsh Anagliano Choach, Maltot ()pet vtaag ont tht tw t egial gtctcamant taotdl cfftaad pcaytaacof dtdiaoc candidestartatlttd en o a ha1 i tficient and acctptablt fat otd tht aiceacato. deticta fte Reect Day. "1 ftld noagratifes,itmaetmy piach and tact", Depoap-Reeca Tyltt declared as bttttttodtd frac mathas t Recyt Day. Tht lunet atte foc tht Acto dept a t ho t, cea es hte tbstaatd iact hte tive "prtaa haadp fcores", h'dcvtetftr hiacatîf. Intliho edalasa ac mambata Rattt Day eead ha hod fli a ytct egta, ottta ht accgha ahe position, mott pacattess acctld hallt beott mode ca atgacttel gtaeaamet hy ahis yaa. Ha oacggasled tht Mattcttc cf Mcnacipal Af(aaas cold thata sotmetofhthloattforaalnat. Ht oolltd tan ahe occtp ltre ohtadainaeotgaigceaet. Pramacag fucfine aserceo tht cocatp, Rtace Day attdicatd 'h e csccld ache e teata to bsence O thehbalaceof 1970.k Reece F. Daksa, Acto, ommt d (ca tht positiont, aadcotad hce hadl gacantaht mariet aeictaoatdertot bct deolaced te cenfond thts yeae.À A HAPPY 101 on tht weothecd, Mac. Edith Greent cf ffattt Catateatctat Mactat ta cti halta, heatýty andl haalthy acd cdil tkas t "kicka aphea hatîs", Shattak her tatît barthay cn acide by goit cotat t a cupte tf dit teta. Ste ttay atttida.-<Staff Phto)a cùaimp ion1 1 t n s 9 1 e e Leove Burlinglon with Halton temporarily says McKeough Btalicgacc'a foatar, ai Itoca aotpcotrip, tocs wtt the Haitca-PatI aagtoc ebr athcfof ucigaocCauccllaccacd Mctdcy Macacacc ef Mccacipal Affoato Mcatea Dac'. McKeough, tc o ltate ncucal, aaaad ahe a actahcltteg actolte cf flht acgoa geataatquqstioctincahetDa'. 8aIacecoand onucec.d"tt are elbiGuei MITN DNToAIO, WfDNfSDAY JAN t, Edmonton mayor say Race track 15 okay.. v~C if two Miles from town coca', toc'. [cd thcc frcet Ucited Sattc Pccot oth htack tZna ai4Aic race joli alccr fic '.,ty'sanecaI cctacac Klondike at> icd li.eclad meccpotcflecKlcodike.Day c tocs sacycuntatc ccxtra dy, ou ccke ce. AIcccdc,'.ccctc hLfre ctg,'acs o 45.0 1,,' t000 ' ciaocopte Mator Dent anJd .1ctir ,ty', fotballhcit ai ofa d,,,c o big Litea iocmohe iai tcc a 0cL at o ctoc iia hcldcc t couka, hclt ct Iltecocae ard ,,cecc cttcttc'.ccot toetetccgcapcthec EcdmononccIycL 'ggeced 'Lierc'.' otIng M1ilonconi t.c.il contoe ~tptotcoccfclire cablh[mcentcof.c ancd tietfctcter w bciihccdd ad , h.,cki> -rcced aoccdu, c,fc ahoc The LctcdcIloadhfMliccoc ciccccc,ý cccc i, cf El Primo tenants hpttdtayoasch oas hea cte ppodtforLcquccctIg [cilsct landson Milcacas cechenc hoctdcay dcocid hc hoclc a'. [cct cwo mileaty froatocycduco'1, e,M ayortf.lOtDet offlecfIy cfLdmtteae, Atc, celd Tht Chamcpiecc aca o cLeplcotciiei, Hea clacld kcat ha'o gac acc itidttcc )cicl sptec>a acheit ciey's dooactp, Othartaathe taocct ucoca pccdtc etcctdhbc locaed fat frtacholt-atc May>otDt c.'t fccd mc'hcwooc fct te Edmcntoc International hytcdocy. Paatteatof teofooaoecig tackoarccplacncicgct attec iccccc tackohftttccacc uecL dmoccoc. htccactltcyae annccgctuioh ci o cc fledacactonac tka cocote hcac to mariagflic Loqococoi Butaacsdcctctn lctceaofhite Thidad docth Lineccof Loqoocngcarc prttccg tpaoaciyofftlicctt'acytte r facet TownsiCloCc ataccok dtoecidtucooit flc caor of Canadac aa'. Champcicntadatt Rcy Deacco aaitpcaacd Matyor Dcccc 1 [cctodo cfteccnfcaccctoerso.lcal cncccaoatcflcpaojc. Aokad if file track htaoihl ccl cocsc. dccc tofi,, r ocdeciabltha falecty, MaoraaDetco'odhheOhditltd tc ceacylciccsabouht ccp of dccac oohjacca to date Thce Ldtoctcccoack toc hca[t t>tcc (tatsacga oohcc ita sit coas twc cccle frotll hoitip oy tioaceof flit city. Tdof' rtet cap [lias gpowc lu cociei hilf c talc cf thectack hbut peoplce a lccc hcomesto' coUlin 'oylie ~ ooggeted,hbeccoccarittocktcocldctefaetý ayttdcoyctc.ottad, frotthcco[thctotaactonshp. "Wt geca ot coh tafcf' tu and front flic ipttdoco ite ~acoo saotd"Thcck gacdccaes ehcaettctcmaor od edtg tac cct Beloe flic ineratiecal racettdf cas hoiltfaile ptapcacy toc occd asacstockca actngctrck. Mayartflncccocfdci'tactcctchcc"'c catplcatacfrotcctcosdctaot flitcactt' toc.k cars prottoatn taat ,ano, migro,,atatato,' to inttd burloc' o lit aothec c ttcdt S AThettacs otta lidoecdlh,905 to 2,284dincfato kyaccg a Pchc lctc BolacgtoncincllaHaltonttPaltihDn aath ccac oe r ttecpo o n hetatc ha -IALTON'S NEW WARDEN, eleted et Cttatcy offi~ce adjotted by last ytat's weoden Georg i-u vr hterfl Cauttol Ttedey afteron erts macekaille Peeve Cutaie, ight. tctdgt Alatt B. Spaate of the Coocty aartraien hc'.ld.tg'sowr tor Allata Day. Me. Day waa one tof thate oomttteted Court, lit, ttfficattd et the teaiai T aL J e' for thepstina ndath electtttatvietuanmous ctererotesof theaceo aadenanad Ctaty r>' n g ta buUile roOCiS Weedet Day, conter, os seet hacttg hol chatat cf Coucitat(Staff Photo> Probe school sites, parks, drainage Landowner vs. speedway "'tm ayoag t<. hccld %orc hodot derttVtt.oi Land Lile aut,t of Iliglcay 401 aoctc hac, aay Rcy Henry Ac. Ma. Henray tias cet wheccccattclients in developing north corner of town h'lo tots on Eaqueting coacalata hecto ftttchtng the taytecct dhyl'coTerinlatyc TcacaoalpaFoatth Laot hattsean attdcapofloct'ctu[alE.A. Gcodmtan topo atu hcld Sohool stta, tacatse fotagct, accatg Mdaton Distract Hagh frotages fer file lotcscppcosd Bat Ma. Hatar'a chata.atare lot the acy hi ant ilcd.ht ccoc thtcr oc'. and thcc cactat notie Park aeas aod draitae Shhol. atcccccsfcttgccrtattil la gltt>ttca nwha ttght stact a bcck yatddccdocoy thatcce cco.ltrc'.tty t[cS3O00tu prchîttac tat paahtd ta Ma. Lacdlac ooggtcted chat arids, B . Ncacgtcccof fie% Latta a $2,000,000 interatoal ao paal ai[lusacak. Lagdcisccdgtdtad aceaathaaafMdltctIlCc.anttd thetaraadacalaptd atof tira Deacttttttt cf Htghacp speaado'y in his hock yad, "lIcalueam ttpacohadc."-tire satincy20,d00 spc'ctalo Plannittg Boaad aoght Thcrd Latt a fatale at claccl fccctcd ahe reversea froaccec corta- ,ctth cactdcofciaatu hoeaccca coplitcd. -Thisa fTcr aptdtoty woaad ha agemantonattdcclopcaal attght oaidaaad. coance.pt.tHeapctttadcot hous.td 30,000.foaga spcd daagstcsand ahctg scta tacrt giva tame a cPttctcced cftc, LdcIocctac plantffrthe 37O-ccacatc tt the ThecpitchtghtochoocO'tth facngthetttatncaatototcclc'.td Opncthtlcctcngccars,cndtftic tact." Inctetiotal hpccdac ttcathtelltcotlaer oftoooc,lcol addtd tcfoaf,500ftcl,00 servi'ctoads wich creased ctcîtt oictcacdttrfcft I 't gotcot acdhccv tatctctclacethcc fams taak. toadetaotthchtccfldhte orea maitacct anacdttdiencdl ccndthacsccch cacodsar aa llcahomhcatafktc.l"ayoMr. actofLct24OcrtctocdetaOption, Sapeccaandat Brca Lacdlap eoctca l airait contrtitonc cf aha"aaataa cf aphot" wihnch aopecoadaccl to taae.ceny. -Tht cfftt thcy arc Titty cXec'.ttacpetetcota l attd Truattet John Nolocf ahae ta cccM aî ccld ha gl It 'c aahtice al formbeftore paapcacd ta gtca ca acnt al cc 1 at oht 45 dopoca att0 Holac Ccotp caadcf aggetad. Mayot B. Baot qocaatacced M. Henryattac haadffaacttfft accaalllc. Icae accadalrccnc ccd atc c c Edooaaacc ctphaatad thccr Tht gataal deocyap a, chtahc opac cf, hS caltc adt co att c ttyctc c c cpttthta Tht paaactt ave caad foi the patjtctd h,000 paapaaad hy tht îcact pîattat, pyads thah acoîd hc accc foct cffaa ftront the aaceay tayacge oî ailsonnetoachr.- wil cfoaad Ic cact v th oattdoi ppola tac atton alaattatt aclcdtdatca lementtaapachof the Basa Latta and Thard Litre pacmcatcacao poachaat hcshccc Ma. Hcnrp os oct of ctfht i tcytcpatcde tchad iei h rcsts eart lmnayi apaateacoaltafhi ync Il ttcccdsfdpatolarsonc patfieaalp cdjctcacg c pcoh. achool steaa nd aatccdarya' no ctcd the pachlcac au lct ceaattftoPOtc acffaclad hy flic opccda Oacotttaaoochcc trcidenas school stet. maneac ofaypaiigo h aea i noeain rpai. Thecahcaacccca lcc acdo'ctatofl iclpttmollti il acaacccfcpchgt altco-'cel eonatttpta.atete len .,ailn alia toil,,'. ocacdfthc e u av rt hcfa aac tht, 1th acihue 1 f hdal lFottloa lftr as taeald hea ccototadaaad ta fil Ma. Laaadfcy cacphcaaad tat 1c cpeateteottcally ta the paacact hcgh cchccl pacgraa aaqocted c achccl cf 1,500 te 2,000 aaacdet. Ha aadicatd el ta e t acteeaoal chic (ac secotiaoy schol stdentattcgo thata midas ac aclci achec boad trantaportatioa. A tepateacatace cf the ttalaec Cccaitp Sepatata Scoal Boaad acrle l woda cfe a aca kca l eca try Tiamit c f tht Ota tht subjeca cf tectrsa plaaîtd. Ecgouaea K. Hpde ef R. V. Anaderson antd Asscatl apaka eit fallotr cf areverse facctcgct ctadaafacatg e point mada hy Mra Nawtacota tagaadtcg tht cntecarsecfctioo evctecacc ad hazcado. Rcotaccag tht pctk ra paeptoctd fca thtl plac, Pak Boartd Chacrana Jia Dali, pettttad eut rite acacts toc ataghbheaatd parksand <tcaotacota c asoge 1t> Mr. and Mac. Henry lictd int Miltoc i13 paa octal hae teta tiMoaatcaoclcad h h c tdary eit Odhaa t cetacatl t,, the ci apachb Thentahe kaacacccad tc the tact ecdof Tcocono and hae and hcocofdecddtuatcct bock te Mdltonandaa'-tcabliah thaeorsthay hcd ci ahe acacc ta tas impocssihle te purchae bouclli a quiet t iair achontrya and hcalla tehtoeccatr rebDates tenat,. Retotccoctgcd >20 anocagcd ce hagh cs Sac pea catccet. dtpeat g dtcc o Flu bug [co foc. fri e,,e -î,ct mc ca cf it, cfdceI Whice luci dc'.c'c oe hcpl hcceý ocoo, th cdu, ot acddcas ce'.gioo-d othec [[c evioi-m. Mitnciict ccep-W.cted ,av,c c1'.coctit tohie ,nu a,jd u, .1 ca c,,i dc Diat' icci ea ccc o'kc'cocdc o. icco lccccado filecil".c]a lieoecccca cOolcc( Shccccfo eie a ,lo',. Citotia le oleatec -cpca ,c bute I,, aagn [ccn f.cce,,,,hcetoct,'ct J j cf c CIir L coc cassesat aocri rncen c , ce ft cd dou Cend ai ao, lar>d cei oca ci ce cagm tir wa g i ttr Daw R ta Ldc.adigusooeiacd Mpdt. c tio sicci. t,' Lirec Ohi finif 'o hodt'aPe Dr.cR Be cae, cof opaii Dc gLlgt Ldcccd rinccd. Ilc cic cpILdcctand Dr,'f ,ad, d aeed dcc ce, cock ihieo lo1k Douglas Wood new chairman Halton Board of Education DccglaaWoodcofOoadltta W. i. Pracatr c Baafintcg tht ctcd tc 'caaatoaca. A ela'.ttd choaman cf tht Haltot tacusteet coas alacccd slight shafat a mplaoca toold CcactaygBoadtof dcaattao '.vcechatctahttttht ol ahe place ha. caeof dt dormi;gthtgeccptsfatmtinatg othaa'ctfttdta fcrthaepston, cagatiatotal aoctah'.ctpfad cf 1 970 tn DaleaotTha c Bruct Edacda acdcaead dccs ls paa Ma. Wcod, cforamraoheairait bc lits hcaacpeawth the cf tht Dahadîtl Board tf board. E. Bcdinea T. Wofacc W Heaoyatesacd tht htpe thae Eduao aco manageacf1 Latci,. o lad LPac tcaldhabcaretamfracforut m ctanagementaand dtcltttat ta dt.cad ttsaakfthepcoiton ead hatar cctdtatedacg entahe ahai Ttocontc offica cf budget hat yeaa hua hae PEEVE RDN HARRploncesahic ttaath latae2gftaathtahtleof Cocntnactal Cata Ccmpony cf Rafcaasg Chaaamec F. matatathottmctttt htt tassil Cbrismac tees dceaca Mitac'c atnaet Chittas trea bUttite Canadc Lad. Armtfge tuattd the gacc[ cf cat gtta int tht prcvince, abey cemtotyat thefaiagroudsaWeedy aiaha. Atcowdtfacea500 Thata cîte feusteta cffice ccee tc Ma. Wccd, aahc dcst eacccatee a barad fihit ca on batd deopta tht challc tetoetote, tc mttesa tht officiel cemacaaed fter tht position (tatet tac major choages ta the bras tade as tc pecgteaa as ctain efthae holiday ceson lac Miltona, Macca Btiat Beam l aiahdtet. Thep mate iJoha pao' cheed, Ht etphaaacad tht Heltoo He exrse ptcitaceed tn the harin atc etetty and the to men maat hied a Roacact, Brace Edaoda ad ttad au cratee colimate (trappeeccaata tt tht past rou'i ie gmaa t Mate photas iasid.-lSaaff Phota) Libetyî Palcea. edaucatta mn tht coattaatify ad choormea fce hat teadershiap. NEW CHAIRMAN fta aha Hattat Cacnth Boarcd math fortm oheetan Fatd Ateaitage (ceactre>, atm cf Eduatma Dacca Wocd acf Oekcatte otcka tacet la tewy elettd ote-cheitean Batl Pacectta laigba>, hic atmvitepecity Thcttay taha eti tht ttgc let Ma. Wccal tacts la Hcttbyeand serd onthe board meetitg acf the Boetd it Oekcatte. Here hoe cbeacts at cechaittat fartahe test cea,.-(S;aH Photo> --,.' [t' e- (- 1 UARY 14, 1970 Se-d Cl- Mad RI,9151-11n N.mbl., 091 receive ta> hit eatsa Milo' El PricI apamt huidin hav hCceo parcd ahcc 19he provctialo pc'pccpy aoceduo'.echtc ftic cheques, .bhe.ct cf o Chcampion cinvestigtion loo occk. aoocdi ai Loidcp tcst Luedopo che dlic Dec. ci dczr cd:ieo TcecLits ot the odosac opoatmea hbcildcng oc Ocnoacio St. Icd ,,nploctd tc the hcildcef' aocc ta. Stahte In tacteet' of fccronto choc flic ceao checqoes occa to a'.ccccedhb eaondoftir d a S cohbie 's toecýgtt Calos f'oocchac. Tarotoc coa, cciicd k> The Chaempcen or, Toccd.y, a ong i