Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 7

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*Oant Ad Sales -CaUl 878-2341 a one tisey Novem br Oaa, COPESo4US - Oums uto daP_ pedl in? Warren Divid Cape- 1la" et Milton District Ifoai- tal on Decedser 1,1969, w9i 8ng In at 6 lus., 1l au. Ao er son for 2obm sud PetCp. Sbrud (nu Rom) of E R. 2 MES «Ou - Mre. amd Mn. le. xOr c Oso (ame 1us Nal- ividâo) ef 235 Ontorio St., Mil- tOUE, OnL, arae leaaed t n 0000800 the u110tf ia.an, levier del Gais. Ir., wd*~t 7 lb.., 34 oan., at Mhlton District Hos5opil on Nomer 39, 1989. mlIETO - Mr. and Mrs. Tia- W"E George Huston (neta Yus- .rc1.*> et 117 Mary. et., Mil. ton, Bre pte08 m0 000000 lub.ifria P= ison, Thomans Erownly vailM, weigst 5 los., 64 ois., at Milton District Ho.- pital on Novonober 26, 1969. MASON - Gary and et Muoan <ne. Iydé) of Ediertos, AI- hasrla, ara pleased ta aflosilOca the blets of tiai son, William Lesaad, wo1%st 8 ]lbs., -1384 oas., et Welomr*gtDistrict Hospiltal on Novenoloer 30. 1969. Grand son for Me. snd Une. Leonardl Mason, Matas, GEL. MCKI8EDY - lysa 8. happy to sonassoce tise arrivsl cf bis Stiae broter, on toveeader 26. 1969, Bt Graves Meorial Hos- pital, Pargis, WewldIng 8 Nos., 5 on. Prod Parants ara Gor- dos and Marlene. PriTsI.S - Mr. and IMn. E. Eletaan cf Horzdy, Ont., an pleased 10 annoonce thoe birtis of their son, James Edwsrd, waiglt 8 lits., 3 on5., at 841110 District Hospital on December 1. 1969. STITAN - George and Anne Stirtas R..R. 3, Canstdellville, are h.appy' ts aso.nce tise th-tth ce a daogbter, Jutieaase, at Joseph Brent Memorlal Hospl- tel on Docesober 1, 1969. A ais- ter fer Bhlly. DEATH8 H»EI.. Magdaleaa homo, RLE. 2, Mtl96bb, on101 nesday, Novesdoer 26, IM6, Mas-. dalena May, wldow et Josephs Hiel; dear Motiter cf Eva <(Unr. Martin Triscister Sr.); grand- mother of .Evs Ulyer and Matr- tin Triscloler Jr.; peat grand- motiser of -Michael, Tony and lot Triachis. leoneral Mass was ssld st iioly Rosssy hurab on Sstse- dsy morning. (Lntereet is En- ergrees cemeteey. Milton. MCELEY. Edward David - At Milton District -Hospital, on Tusday. Noveosber 29, 1969, Edbward 'David Mosley, babyv- ed issiband cf Alice Brooks; s&- so ssrvived oy bis fatiser snd Etosoral service wsu bit! on Iriday et tise Moierois Faon- erai -Home. Intermoerrt in Ever- green cemetery, Millian. STOVER, Elsie Wlusnlrd - At Milton District Hospital, on Tisuesday. Sloveorher 27, 1969. Elsie Wisslfrad ItawIes, belov- cd wiff of CUlffrd I. Stovar; dear mother of John and Daug- las of Msilton and Lorraine (UnirWIlamGI'ds) cf R. R. 4, Acton; grsa<disother of Gor- don, Rlobert asd William Gibhs; sis10r of Chasrles Hugheas and Eva -Round of Sudcbury, Grata -Maxwell ci Wisslpe and Ethel Irsein of Aiarkstay, GOt PoseraI aervice mss bhl os ldonday Bt thse PaRerais Ftun- eral Htoms, Mu1110. Isteontent in Eve9raen cametery, Milton. b W&TiON, Ste» Ires. - AS bier lafe rmlidenca. 15 MMI St S., WWterdown, on Sundoy, Novem- ber 30, 1969, Stella Iraaoe Le- barre. loeloved mite cg Eu"a WsLtaos, in hier 79th year; dier stdpmotber of SMmr. 2. C. Jsrvls ('Veroal, Rooseli and Oorwln, ail cf Eseliogtos, Msir. Gardon Homo fDoreen) ce Milton, 1Da- vid of Chicagoansd Milfred (ora- dectiaied5; dear sister of May I.dfarra (predeccasedît also ssrvivedi by 14 grandcildrefl and six great grassl.hdrOa. Eestisg sa thse Chscisg - Sepel Poneral Noms. 146 MM11 SL. N., Wlterdown. Funesal ser- vice on Wednesdsy at 2 p.m. ta' 10.100588 66 HamiRon cemetory. CARDS 0F THANKS -We mishin t thaok tise Milton Fine Dept. for their prompt- smo and iselp et tise time of sese fira. Slaceraîy, Mr. ad Uns. Martn Ri Ose sisncera thasks ta friaends r.ana feors ofddme praen ard fe~ors e iudImu rrsb talIon Party. In ue hoaar. Me. a" uns. Peter SuomnIL C31-23i DARDS 0F THAUK% I misi gh e0 its ald thesk mm0 sd f&Ctc0et Milton District Htospital. CSl.2259W. a. ;Woods. t wotsld jute go thask friandss for tise carde and Cowars, th~e Evens Star Edeauh Ladza, Dr. Eyer and Dr. Johnson aMd tise nurses Bt 8411100 Diatrict Hospital, for tiseir kisd atten- lion misile I was s patient. Mmle. Festoie Evsns. e31-1i8i IN MEMORIANS ELL1 - In mamMorcf a loy- Iog btzdoand and fstber, JMt miso passed away Decembeor 6, 1966. Wbat bas gone raturas oo more, But If In passisg It shlnste brlghtly, Tise reflectisn wIl long romnais. Wtfe Mary mnd son Ron. 661.2272 BROWN - Intin 0196otBtOY cf our- ieloved son, Melville E. C-Eudi. wbo left us sudden- ly i3ecember 6, 1961. Its ot -tse tstrs tisat are simd at tise tisse, TisaI tell oif tise isearts tisat were foroken, Its tise loosmame tesrs in tise afler yeara. Wisen tise isned ose's ,mr is ipobon. To tise wonrld, lie mali he for- matIon, To t.hers. jsst part of do. psst, Eut tu ut miso toved iin snd lost hlm. His Memorp -milI alwsys Iast. Lovingly rotensbered. Momt and S3ad. 661.2256 ;OGA - tn 1os4sg mnemooY or Mvrs. Sarahs C. Douglas. miso passed amsy Diceodier 2, 1964. Till memoey fades and Dite de- parts., Yeu lîve forcver in our ismrtt. .Romesxbered by Mimer, Hsr- nid and Jean. 661-2245 btdstSlRAY - In 1 vi9 m6nx- on. of s dear fatiser. lames H0<strry, wmo passed amsY Daeenler 7, 1*55. Unzesn, ussieard, hoe la sImBys Stijl i Ied, stilI misted. stili von, doar, ttl fa~5 leaves, tise yeiru Eut isVlrig mermories neyer dis. Always remensbered, Karn and Fred. 661MS93 84U IAy - Cherised mn- mories tif Jim, mho paSSed amay four years ago. December 766. Ils ont tise teara thet on uhed at che f me, Tisat tell of tise hesettitms broken, its thse lonesome tesrs 66 tise Wfter years. When tise isved 0.018 naine 1h spoken. To tise world. hie may 66 for- gotten. To stisers. lust pars of tise paît, Est 0on us wto loved himt and lot him, HNb memory muti alwayu Iast. Never forgotten, mife Sm and son EodneY. 661-2279 McMt3REAY - In tovng niema- ory of a dear father and grandfaflher, lames AfiomYa, io passed away Decendoor 7. 1965. Whalt t would give If I could say, Hello Dad, in tise saine old way, To iscar your noice. e you smile, -ra sit mils sos and chat Mobile. So yos miso bave a fatiser, Cherisis hem sciti cae. 'For you'l neyer kn0w the heart- achte, Tilt yon sec bis vacant chair. Lovingly renmeed by Omen asd Ernie. Cotteen and Sam, asd grandchildre. ANNIVERSARIES Mr. and Mrs. Jdbs MadMil- last, 226 Oueo St.. Milton, witi celinrate Iheir Golden Wedditsg AnsiversarY mils Open House at their home. Saturday. Dec- ensier IStis. for relatives asd friensufront2 tu 4p.m. in the aeexsng. tisey wilt bold s social erenlof f romt 8 o'clock on. in tise Mscnic Hal, 3wy. 25, 2 miles soutis of Milton, No gits, please. c32-2238 COMINC EVENTS Bingo cames ceey Msovday at 8 p.m., Holy Rosary Parisb Hall, Milton. 664-1742-If on Wednesdsy evning. Dec endoor 3rd. yms are isvlted to isear Canon Ralpis Latimer at tise Graue Anglican Paris Hall optait on tise dotalés and thse 661000 nons on tise proposed union of tise Anglican and Un- ited Ciombes. Qustion and ansmer perlod to fogow. NO chsarge. Sofrasten o. M2 Tise futare cef tise = ktIlii tut Muain PisetvaimO d Bie t a Zen"ra 00.1!Mn day oveWM Dec. 8, . "S Ia, obr à Sctial =st. AU selcome. b23-2M8 Annuel meesting cft tise Norths Haltos Assocatio for tise Moen- tally Eetarded et Sunsiie Scisol. Hornoy, at 8 p.m., on Moodsy, Decensier t. Eeyn welcome. b127 Hatton County Junior Fara- ers' Dance, Satssrdiy. Decemeler 6, 9 p...., at Eroukvitle scisooL. Young Beats orchemtra. Drami on Moto-Ski. Admission 91.50 cacis. Lunch provlded. Everyone welcme. b23-2383 Christmas progrsms to 66 presentcd by students of tie Ontario Scisont for tise Deal in tiseir mai, asdl10ritun, Friday, Decesiber 12 and Wednesday, Decnss'er 17, st 7.30 p.m. S11- ver ollection for popls wel- fea fond. c32-1949 Yon muti enjoy a visit to a- ton County Musem, Kelso Con. servation Anas, for their annulls Ci..rittmms Open Hoose, Decemn- bser 10 te, 44, 2 tu 6 p.m. Relax mith o csp oif tes and Christmas goodies durig tise rosis of the seauon. Informsation Milton 854- 9m6. h23-2501 FOR SALE SPACE heater, 66 good con-' dition. 878.4579. 1661-2348 LOT 35 .8 266, RIR. 3, Casmp- bellville. Phone 879.2036. 1e31-222 IOAD.- PAINTRD articles, Ilinem, quîlt etc. 954"31. 1661-2250 3 10-GAL. aquariums, eup lied. Rmasonable. 8782193 alter 3 p.m. -161-2201 I GUS fired space iseator. 59.500 .E.T.U.. neyer omed. 87&. 2221. 1661.2269 "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" " ýREADYsIIX CONCETE * SEW!ER PIPE, RT. for -Milton costomers. We bav . warabos at 3547 25 SOny. an Buraisamthorpe Road PHONE 627-1087 Dsily - ex. Sunday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LMO. lc-lf MOTO-SKI - '70 New and Used Snowencbiles Accessories & Service FRASER'S Marine and Camping Centra 1249 Guelpi Line BURLUNOTON 6y37-5268 TV TOWER SALE 50'îosver instled initis ail chao- nel head 862.50. 40' tomer installaid withaIl doa' net head S76.50. %0' tower instalai witb alîisa- nel head $91.59. Extra heads (for second TV set). tnstalled $20.00. F.M. stereci head. tmstalled $20.00. 15 etemont culor head. Imstalled $64.95. Aslnmalic rotor. loatallid S69.93 . Repafis of ail types. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 2081 Main Street Rast MILTON Phone 878-6949 lbctf AQUARIUMS compltee milh pump, caopy and filler kit 10 gal . 1.......... 24.95 5 gai ......... 18.95 Bodgic and cage .. 13.95 uP Canary andi cage $ 16.95 uP 40 tanks of tropicali Bob and 100 gai. tank co diaplaY Little PaI's Pets 115 Dunn 845-1420 1 FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE 1 Il 23" PHILLIFS TV, in par- fect condition, 975. Phone 878- 9751. lc3l-1890 TWOD77 x14 snow tires,.ap- proximately 2.000 miles. $25. 878-9247. lc3l-2244 10.3 CU. Fr. Prigidaire rofri- gerator, like non. $100. Phsone 878-925. lnSl-2269 3 ANTIQUE pine churnislhon- cem. 5 long, encollent condit- ion. 8782432. 1c31-2275 COMPLETE sel of light hor- ness, 130. 834-9923. Colt Tisors- day evenieg. 101l-2260 TRAILER for snowmohile. good condition, $55. 415 Higb- side Dm., Milton. 16631-228 011. spann. bealer, 200 gaI. cil bobk. Bolh in excellent condi- lion. Plune 854-2673. 1661-2261 ADDING MACHINES, type- mriters for sale or rental, Phone 876492. Haoms Station- en,. lc-tf-417 PE31SONALIZED stationery, 100 siseets pls envelopes, as tom os 93.40 nt the Chamopion Office. lc487-f PRIVATE, 3 - bedronma bung aIme in Nonby on large lot. $20,ff0 witb 919,000 down. Phone 8-03350. 1661-2271 SMAIL compact tape record- er, hattery operated. Original coul S3M. SellOng for $15. Phone 854-2537. 1661-1991 BLAOC Wels pony mone, 13 hands, brad; I yearling pinta fi117, troke; 1 0.ma.-cld Pintn coîl 84-23. tcSl-2292 SPIR4LATOR wsigmatch- i, equlppcd ihtime and psonp, gond cndition, 130. Phone 878-9395. 1c31-2239 S & B saddte and tack shcaP, Christmas Sole, 1096 off on att articles, pins nariaus specials f romn Dec. 1-31. 85e.2340. lc3l-2193 'SIRI9fG mfoking horse, slae 2- 4 years. 9750; Silvertone hi-fi, fln.r cabinet, radio and record player; hi-fi records. Best tofer. 878-207. lc3l-2208 NEW space sorcr, eieci- orl., chrome kitchen suite, plat- form rocke., nonv matîresses, el. ectric appliances. Mod.end For- niture, Aclon. 1is23-2410 YOU WILL LIRE huytng yosr building materials and CeaI at Crawford's Campbellvilte. Ouicb service. Nigh quality. Vison. Comybettvilte 84-2232. ctf-416 SOAFS oaf Milton sbowina the he oundaries wbicb tob af- fect Janson, 1. Single copies, 24c and Ic tas at Tise Champion office, 191 Main SI., Milton. 1c0«9-Vf WHITE Frexch peodte, min- iature; V.W. traiter hileis; cont slorc; new dnlsxe gos stnne; bousrbold tsreiturc; boy's clo. thrs, 14 10, 6, as nom. 844-1370. lc32-2289 LARGE gtoasy prints of Cana- diax Champion staff photos, 5x 7 size $1.00, 810tsize $1 -90plus tox. Cash muostoaccompany or- der. Enquire nom at Champion offtice, 191 Main St.. Miltox.. 'MEN'S metl skis mithbhind- ings. 205 cm, S20; men's Tyrol double toced ski bonIs. sice 10, $15; ladies' Ririser double laced ski boots, sice 7Hi, $13; cisildas double taced ski boots. size 10, $10; monden skis. 185 cm, needs kindings, $5; 0000 tires. used 1 season moned orirass14 for GIf. cor. $25. 878-207. lc31-2287 CREATIVE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS and ait Croft Supplies CoOdle Mobiog Suppies Shelis Otvrofcom Olp - Il Learhercraft Kils AND HANDICRAFTS SHOP Downtown OakvilIo OAKVILLE'S LITTLE ZOO citesîs, dressers, dining sets; gond sciectin of sînnes, refrig- eators and wringer mashers; nem and uscd heds. We also boy gond uscd fureiture. John- ton Pustumn., and Appliance Exchange, Office & Show Roomn, 16f Main St., phone 878-3781. Large marehosse stock, 2278 Ni- pissing Rd. Open encry nigbl iil 9. 1cl7l7-Éf AIOVANOR ordr for I800ltn Coanly Artisîs" are nom beistg accepled. This e18citing collect- ion of setches, cartoons, po- ems and artices by taton -wri- tera and arlista wili Malte smoeyou knom the tuost memomabte Christmas gift ener. Order nom. Limited numiser miii be pre-sotd. Phone 978-f903 for delailx or moul $1.09 plus 10c mailing fce In: R. FP. M. Fn.- ductions, -Rât. 5, Hilton, GEL. 1h31-2237 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE COR corn for sale. Appty W. Snydcr 804-987. 2631-2291 APPLES, Mcîntosh, Cortland, Delicinus, Grecnings, Spys, Fan- cy and Cee grades, eider. Ering containers. Open daily, 9 o.m. 10 6 p.mt. Ctosed Atondsys. Roy Bosfield 878.355. 2665-2283 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE t CORNISH ronster. 878j.946 3c3l-1899 PJART German Shepherd pup- pies, 6 weeks nId. 8764579. lORRE 10 gond country bonne, yoong mate kound. Phone 827- 3384. 3661.2274 IME 3 yeor old pure bred Hoilotins, springiog. Mm. Ralpis Ford, phone 879-639. 334698 il CHAROLAIS beifera, weigbiog appron. 400 Nos. aa.; 20 Hereford iscifers, approx. 400 ths. ta. These are western cet- dle and outstanding qualily. Id- rat for breeding purposes. Phone Russ RiOans 8264078 col- tect (Streelsvittcl. Fret deliv- ery. 3h51-1897 REG. Gormn Shnpiserd pups, -femaSes. 9 weeks. yen, gond, papers. Parents gexile and nb- edient. simed top minning shnw dag. $75. Cheaper 10 gond home. tel e, untit Christmas iffde- sired. 634-6924 evenings ormeek- ends. 3661-2277 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE HiO! HiO! HO! 1 SANTA'S COMING EARLY AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. Gef Acquainted Sale We've Added Another Dollar Saving Feature FREE 1970 LICENSE PLATES On Ail Accepted Used Car Deals to Decembor 17, 1969 1969 CHRYSLER New Yorker, very Iow mileage. Lic. 548042. 13,595. 1969 PARISIENNE 4-don, hardtop, company demonstrator. Lic. 152250. 13,284. 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne 4-don. hardtop. Gond transportation. Lie. 336939. $1,495. 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne 2-donr hardtop. Sec and drive this unit Lic. 242100. Only $1,379. 1965 FORD waogon, V-8 sotovatic. Lic. X13899. Ocly $1.295. 1964 CHEVROLET Impalo 2110cr ha-dtop. V-8 automate. Any rea. sonable offer. Lic. K20292. 1964 BUICK Skylark 2-don. bardtnp. Sharp car. One osoner snce new. Lic. 713124. OnIy 11,295. 1962 MERCIJRY 4-don. Custom. Ahove average car in condition. Any reasonable offer aceed. Lic. 26341. CAIL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton CLASSIFIED RATES 87844 chamion union. 0.8081 <A00- W. OMMe. maE BALM voit UE. MMC. - -01.8000 "- e.»0 0. le .00 IV9 NM05tA -1.50 u 10.0 0818 une c 800 DEADLINE US 12 NOON TIJISDAY heCanadian Champion, Wednesdlay, December 3, 1969 7 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 1969 CHEVY Nova SS, 396. 375 h.p., 4 speed, hlack interior. 845-5090 afler 5. 5661-2234 1969 VAUXIMLL Vina, guar- aclced, standard, 4-donr delsie, buil options. $1,800. Privat. M78 2998. 5661.2246 LIIKE hrand 1881, 1967 Vous- wagen, 'Oodet 1502, originel 2,700 mites. Eest offer. 80-4-9934 âftcr 6 p.m. 5661-2247 1966 CHEVROLET tnspala 6 A-t condition, V-t aulnmatic, 4- donr hardtup, power braises. power sleering, radio witb reor speoker, wicdshietd washera, wviect discs, sluddcd snow tir- e.Phone 878-3219. 563l189 For Vour Next Car.. TET BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 876438 7 WANTED 200 BALES oaf boy. Jon Ms.- phy 878-6085. 7c31.227) USED wheelbarrnw, in gond condition, flot ton heavy. 854- 261f. 7c31.2240 g HELP WANTED WANTED, an enperieccd tracter - trailer driver, slc-ady work. Colt 8764336 or Goelphs 824-6305. 8ic31.189 H9JMEMARER 10 cone for 2 smatt chitdren, One in scbool haff days. Needed 6 or 7 days weekty. 'Muat have personol ra- ferences. Phone 874-2847, and af- 1cr 6 p.m., phone 8793515. 8v51,1895 3 SALESMEN needcd for our n. offie in Milton. Exper cocoe on ossct but 1801 necs- sors. Contact Mr. Neal for in- terviewc in discussvcntrmi.ssloo and bonus arrangements. 878. 9511, N. 1. Longo, Reattor. 8cl977-tf WANTED immediatety, mon o vnu 10 suppty 81001080- er nrural area cif MI-Iton wits Rawîcigs producîs. Con cona $50 weristy part lime. S195 and .p -ui lim. Write Rawîcigs, Dept. L-284-»36, 4095 Richelieu St., Montreat 207, V.O. 8c3l.1676 COUNTY 0F HALTON Administrative Secretary (Mature person ta art as con- fideotiot secreton, 10, adminis- Irotor, Hattos Cenîconial Ma- Experienced in supervision 0< gencrat office routine and ah11- ity 10 bondite cnrrenpondence en osvn initiative. Appty PERSONNEL OFFICER COUNTY 0F HALTON Base Line, Miltnn. 03 8 HELP WAITEO SOIGLE y.oung max for hsorat foras. Own car. 6 hou. day, 8-. Roekm.od1 856980. 9661-227 $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH ..- ror mn aver 40, mils cor. te talai short auto trips to con- tact costomers in the MiSton anas. Air mail C. -B. Read, Frac., P.O. Bon 1787. Station E, Tor- nto 352, Ontario. ic31 COU'NTY 0F HALTON Building Maintenance Man 'Matura mon. praferably mitS bo ncewledge of floor main- Aisility In do miner repaira 10 electrical and mechanical equipmenl. 40 isoor week. Hfospital, med- icai and pension plans avsltile AtPPly PERSONNEL OFFicIE COUN1Y 0F HALTON Base Litte, Milton. 9631 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO 34OUSEKERPING or baby si'tting, line in, whiere 4 year nid net ohjected 10, prtiferably in 10801. 878-4693. 9661-2286 7I LOSTrOR STRAYED) MAN'S wrist watcs, gold en- pansionhband,west end ofilMain St. 878-787. 11661-2266 BLACK Labrador Retriever, lame in hock leg, bast secs mitS white Husky, Horday anas. 878- 94W0. 11661-229 13 FOR RENT FI>RNISHED raom for mork- ing gentleman. 8783135. 13c39-2227 WISITRR storage for bouse traitera or boots. Phbone 878- 2639. ,15651-2262 1- BEDROOM apatmient, quiet, central, maman prefer- med. M749228. t3c31-2241 ELEC11RIC HOT W A T E E HEATERS mils tre service. Phone Mikton Hydro 878-234. 13s-172g04 2 - BEI3ROOM apartmnent in Milton. Will take lease. Requin- ed immcdiately. Repty Box 424, The Canadian Champio. 13661-2270 COMFORTABLE, apartment, 3 roama. 4-piece bath and pri. note entroore, in fatn bouse on 401 Hay. Phone 6764781, 15313-2293 PURNISORD. honted bied- ron, bedding and tomels au- pied. centrally lorated, gentl- max preferrcd. 875-4675. 15313-2285 ATTENTION hsorse owoers, ýfarm for ranI near Mohawk race track, excellent horse barn, 2-hcdmon -bouse, aU modemo convenieces. Write Box 425. Canadiax Champin, Milton. 15313-2284 FARM, 4th Line, soutb cf Britannia, 200 ore fana milh buildings, bouse suits 2 famil- ies, 4-car garage. Lease will bc sagoed. Occspancy December 30. Toronto 251-5235, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. 1535-l2183 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 BEIIROOM boone, In town or contry, witbin 30 miles of Streetanilte. 854-2698 evcnings. 14c3l-2235 15 PERSONAL BRIAN W. Happy 2lst hirtit- day frmi Moher. 1561-18064 ENJOY quartette or chirk singing? jais tise Wldta 066 Chaplor Eambersbappara, Mass- day eneningu, 8 p=n. Bt Trigea gar Hall, or contact Sou ltsk- omss 87-K 2 15c-4774 16 SERVICES CARPENTER misises 10 do alteralioos ami odd jobs. V&8 2926. 16c32-2M6 W E LLS BO0RE D e CLEANED s DEEPFR MILTON WELL BORING M. Peltier - 87ffl32 Henry Guekask - Water Diviser Torosto 366-439 16>19 16 SERVICES NOSSES hnarded. La Min- c66. Eden Mets, phsone Roack- moodi 856483. 16Q31-2214 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LuMITE Higist eaab primas for ducd or disabied. cm* end bouges CMLL OPERATOR - ASic FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No, 183C69 10«' HOME DESIGN & DRAWING GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR Remnodelling and Repaira. Goamantmed workmanshlp. Gerry de Wiidt R.R. 6, Milton0. 878-3534 GAKVIILE EQUINE STABLES Special Wmnter rates nom Non hon otail Regslaetion ju.sps & mark ring Profemional ridiog instrucrtioms 4 Inae lessona 1 tot oms'n hnarder Phone: 878-3200 16n-tl CARPENTRY K & R Lumbers General ontractisg, rma elltng, alterations, ne. rams, triei mork etc. MILTON 8764917 ACTON 853:0633 Mcd Sewing Ma chines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL plum rami Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin SÙMW Services and Repaire on ail mknisa of Bowns machines. 160«f ED. MCMULLEN Gontreetor a Comont Plooes, Siaalisa & Stcops e Ciissy &i F10810819 Repaira tStucctsWsrk * Piradace Phona Acton 853-1818 1do25d Kent Pracast Products Sidemalk axd Patio Mise Cttimney Caps Curbing, ao" asc Cessent Flonra and Stoape a speeisIt Phone ACTON 853-1013 853-1747 25 Nigisway, 2 milles Bouts or Actun H. L. Stuil Excevatîng R. R. 5, SoILTIO Cdl Milton 878-9360 Georgeotown 877-3840 M&L YOU TGGING EDIEMENTS "No Job Too Eig or To Sm"" 104 Tree Removal " PRE.E ESTSIATES "FESLLY INSURED " FAST SERVICE Caii 878-3711 16b-tf Dead Tree Remnoval FOR ESTIRIATE Phono 878-2253 K. T. MICHIE MORE CLASSIFIEDS ON NEXT PAGE

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