PIv@p Ontarie Federseleel o Aclee ss inl Toroute grv. 1012. T1as attendla frss Neee mr . .C tai, Fdstiee; Deuil 'Lswe.ect Haieoo Pesgd.and Zone Geor end bis wlfs; Te.l tAldermen snd Ttc. Poetai HaIton viels-orets; Hareit Mdiddlebroelc, chbsc Heitoe Federetien a Agriculture; sl Edrie Delss Ties eale t lis ceeveatia. heqst on M daNv. Il tise erpailon fer de pue idrce yeara. He mas tcni elocted prosideet if thi Canadien Fedieretien a Agriculture and moe receatiy i vice-président osf titi locsrnateeesl Poderetion a *Maseroapais oe tic p dotin ef Agricultue lodsy te roise ofte Foese.ioo oi Agricuture, miset cas bone yeer, and msat le itopsd foc dtis Me. and Mrs. Monrt essterteissd Iet e t-home le dos pro ietia saits et do. hotel, aer tIs banqet: Mru. Ro) Coultet, Mrs. Dope Ceuiter Mca. Del Lawrence and Mrst Roy Hrel assleted! Mes. Muere wlsla tise refredsuents. A hillishaisl of Tuesdey' prompose au spiited speschby Sit ho. Mooe fra. th. U.S.A. Hor spseecit ws rcin l ic.r tiy eataces aed ce aaodlgsahilty te ile eut tise wekeasce dans eto a iinltr l eo U.S.A . ced Ceosde, cnd enilice caey speakers sie dld net ieeve us slflleg dicre. Sitelied sole ced wise rcnedl for tite danogers, tlials ced malacdies tai ce afflittin agicailtre todcy. Eveepees feit site adfile tise csialion sqcurly cdwe saw aurmeiveas neyer hefaro. lit set movone duinkleg. Teesdcy evsnleg sol tise sisetion of dhs nol execuîv ced directoiro. Frecedeel weu set hy the5 tckeg of e ftril vote ta aliait the moutohs te dos wishos of the convention beflr the officieI vote teck pale. Som. eew Fedprtion by.cw ced 00w matîha0ds of eiectica of Oxecutive. Hauts of discusion seuils neatrl ta ciecify the miu ced preduce Uhe triew voe. One big point moade by he c.ec.bocati c.ebers shauld have Ue passer ta vote le Ue ftnel vals, la c.eie oir %vidsae keame. Tlie direct c.5cbersip m iepouler ced e sol Site affaie f agricultue ced Uhe action of the Podetation cf isl Uhe averge ferm.er redlly has net isad le the pust. In the puet, aniy c.ec.hrs and conventiovn dialogues bed e vals c. decie"On' macde. A misole n0w concept of c fai rc.ceeizatian wouid sele ta ha ec.ergieg. Thia peint wua furtiter eniseged misea Uee straw vote ced Ue officiei vote siecteai Gardon 18111 a form.e' presideot efthUe Ontl arlePers Union s Uhe Proudent fer 1969-70. Ho hura Wahile vicespresidenta, aen Wi firet, cnd RelUe Medoles as seeond. Gardon Hill Govetaient Ministe.s. Titere ecue ce averflaw aitendace ecido Mc. Otares Munroas cisuirma, oneiel hy Me. Gordan Il11 tise newl president. Han. W. A. Stewart, Minisiee of Apiculture, silh of te good reiatiandoip hatol Ue Pedertion ced Goveruseni, ced ectthUe Gaveemnent bal uSiec.pted ta do la hitp agriculture dols pear. Hon George A. Kerr, Ministet of Eaeegp and Resoarce Managem.ent, spake an Use probleins of polltiionancd echl goveraient intends doing ta salve the situaion. Han. Wc., Davis, Minlier of Education, ecas uoc.ewit under fiee an Ueo, subjcct of educetion taxation afier he spate on ttc aew County Spsec af Edecetion. Hait. Thsomas Wells, Minisier cf HeiUe, filk on lise new Gavomc.eni beali echec.ee. Han. Dercy MeKeaugit. Minister af Municipal Affairs, raeile the M.oat questions i regard ta land ced foin. taxation. Ha ecas under fire for saine llsee. H8e MUET ARTHUR MACI Arthur Mac. origîeolly troin Peterborough are. eshere he lilia Up on his father's beef vatrle tare. hea joivei the staff vof UCO Halton Bravch as store clark in the Milton store. Arthur graduated in 1958 from the two voar diploma couru ai Keceptoille College of Agriclture and Technology, ilsen ree.aieed there for a vear for en arîcuitaral sechanlcs sourse. SIoce greduation'he hec beee stedl Ilberel ac t at Bible collegle et Winnipeg. Arthur la loekleg tormeerd te e.eeting aIl the people ln Mltoe aed ise forseerd te serving their fied at the Milton store. Me taIses the place of W. M. "00e" Sceelle eho ba retue.ed te the eew store la Georgetown afler ssel utrers le the Milton stiore for thse plat six seethswlll thesae Georgetowent m s wu der costruction. Mr. Gardon HUI1 doaakod Ue Mlelalecs fat iekleg do. tieeut of oit b hs cisdulos ta attnd dos breakfast, ced for ceaw.eriag cor qustions. wma .de a seeharnt dos Beu Bord alter dos pe.osdcel tIse flue, set a diese sesebec, nuit froc. Uheosard et gvemors or directeca se tissy are note caiisd, s hua hecto dos proctie le Ue pool. Ip dore portseueti peoulett marchber, foverser and sveutually tiseougit tise vlerudte Se veryoas esiste ne why Ue colonistieon body fait "ail situakt sveetfel day Tusdy.o Tise feslss was dout dos Pedereelen moouid neyer ha the unie haut tise pascal ceeius et opinion semoif ta e hait it would peobuliy ha ail for the hast, haut susse ste blding dooer opinion le c "alat anod ses" ettitude. There Seere 4U5 saine add uontes naoinatsd ced 27 staad for election, for do nseats as ditoctors froc. dos conveton aaslc.ec.hrisp votera. Tiso succoesful candidates wore: Jonees lacil, Zone Geveruor ced motere froc. Bruc Couuty Thomasu Roisan, formesr vi; preelident ced c.«ehr froc. tise Vegetehie Bd.; Roy Couiter, former vice prealdeat ced mer frac. dos Wisoat Bd.; Rev. B. Duynard, .ec.har frac. PerUe Cauty Bruce Taylor, .ec.harfrc Durhaum Counei. Odoore are Ciore Curtin, zone Gaveruor and .ec.har frac. Hotg Bd., ced Presidrut ai thse Hog Prcducert. Rohert Alian, gaoruar and me.r of lest yeur'e execeîlve; Meicoha &alon o ar and c.ecber fraUo h el Seclne section; Chas. Oluffasce Peot preeldent ad tembler froc. United Co-operativea. Three moare directora Seere etectrd froc. cenong tise 12 deiegetes ehasen hy the direct c.Oc.hrship uithUe reglanai m.eetings on Monda.Tei're mere Deioor Bennett, pat e reideet of Potc.tr'e Union; radopHouton, eehr froc Tic.iokueing; and Brion Ellsort. The iltitlitt of Wednesduy ci tise Convetion w.. tih. The Sutadanu Holsein herd of Howard Tcril Georgetown, soid Nov. 10 ut Hope Saes Mrenu, Oakvili, for n toal of $234,200. Tise 149 iot'aevetaged $1.572 ..ch. TIsi lit the second itigiesi average ut a Holstein dispersa sale la Canada dois ytar, .exceeded only hy Ue aerage of $2,476 ai Ue Fietidaie diapcrsai fil Oct. 20 ut Oshawea. Higiteot prie of the suie of SI15,00 pcld h y Lais Hataclo de fities BePatdo irasillo, fardte aix-pece.oid itfrdaie, Roc.cedaie Mapie Toie Ho is a son of te Ciase Extra Sire, Roe.andamc Sisalimar ced fils dain isoa Vetp Goad daugitter of ceother Ciass Extra Sire, Bond Hlaven Rag Apple Mapie. Tise dem hue Peaue e total of 26,318 iha. rif sltle365 days. De Nielo hauglit 18 itead. Top prie for o fesel a a SI13,500 paid hy Eugene Veseip, Lupeer. Micitigan, for the Excellent caSe, Hilton Texel Reflectian Lady, e daogiter of the naied Superlar Type Sire, Rceied Relleciios Saveteiga. Vesey aise paid $9,000 foc caoer Excellent daegitter of lie cse aire ced $1,200 for hec îuhy cauf. 18e aie. beugtt e Veey Good cow wiUe tisree direct Excellent dam.s et $5,600. Claude Picket, Georgetown, f ai $S10,000 for e 'ive.c.onih.oid daugater af tise $13,500 top price cow, sired hy tise fee.ed Roaadae Rfleclian Marquia. Roe.ceee Ferm, Unionvile, hougtt c fouc.yeae.oid Marquse daugister ai $9,000 ced titre. otiser .eme.hes of ier inunediate fac.ly ut $4,000, $3,500 ced $2.100. J. M. Priser of Sprlag Parmo, Streetsvlie, poid $12.600 for Ue six-peur-aid Excellent cave, Peirtea Wayne Reecard ced titrer of -, hotdesedtac The Swm istougit $7.000, hier iwo-yuer.oid daugister $3.100 and iseifer caives frac. dte. two $1.400 ced $1,100. Amsai the 5i iseed aild for Snow sp.aks for farmers Sue. Snvw, hIFl for Heston hast spoke af the pligit of Chaennel Island cettie breedersîin tise lefistaite ceceotty. Mc. Sow aoied tise proate. hla caused when Use Mils Marketing Bard usseaed ihis itrord af coutle va evr I tva iicers. Pcevioes iv titis docie pcvduci iead comnsedd a bigle prie ced now have ta seler fvr a tvwer. ceturr for doeir prvdscî, he said. federotion meeting apeko u e do aw plan for taion e isais is te a ted out l Fu ce aid dut theo Fedoration weald ha hapt lefolmsed of dirvolopsest. By a. Ceook Tha Llvestock Mceagceent Tour ws atteadsd hy 59 ledildoisos Yeu. The tour ha n Guelphs an Sundey, Nov.9,midohbrisfdiscuaeionson tise dairy, issef, emine, ced eiteep industries und f.rc.i maenagem.eet. Oe Moaday, Tuauy ed sday, harf, darw nscd dloop fustooro more vflet .h tour itrossed tise managoement aspect of fclrcing and dois wau a excellet apportunity ta ses and complors varce managem.ent practicea. Eech e=na discuaeions were iscid ta viucte Ue différent eaterpriseu ced ta diecuss these maunagem.ent pructices. Tise tour arrivedit Ute Rayai Agricuiturai Winter Piairt Tharsdey, et wlsich imee Ue ledividuels teck port in the lnter-County Livetck Iudgiac Coinp 'on. hai country toei afUeed as îjudged titres claeses of deiry cuttie, heef cotte, filnecd aie clase af siteep. The stceding of the catuaty tere was as fallaws: Sie.coe N8, Oxford, Lincoln, Maitouia, Atgoc.c, Middieeex, Ferth, Petersoro, Prescott expari wvie parchuses hp Itaiena, Brazilian and Mexice. hupera as ell as dt U.S.A. Dr. T. Tavegl Milan, Itaiy, paid $10.400 for Ue peur aid huol Saradane Citation Andoy, a son of the noat Clees Extra Sire, Rafe Citation R frac. e. Excellent duc.. Taveggla aisa, id $3,500 for a Vney Good daugsier of Roc.ondaie Reflectian Marquis ced $3.100 for a hrcd liedfer. 61 iseud brougt at toet $1,000 and 23 topprl te $2.000 figuere. Six bhSs uveruged $2.767; 79 e.liking fee.ees $1.715; 22 hred iteifees $1.042; 22 open yeariags $1.164; ced 17 fielfe catvee $1,032. OUser higs pricea lactuded: $5.200 pald hy Claude P. Pickt foc a e.ilklag fec.ie $4.000 ' ad hy R. Dole Jones cend B. J. all, Slver Lake &i Fennvlle, lad. for u e.ililg fe.ae; $4,000 paid ty Eldea J. Cuitt, Sieyner, forac ueikng fec.ae; $3,700 paid tp Botram Stewart, Hornhy, for e c.lOtlng feelie; $3,700 paid hy Sprlag Peun, Steetvle forea .ilking feaie; $3,700 paid ty Dunlea Ferma, Jcrsevle fat a c.illting femele; $3.100 paid hy H. L. Beauhteu, Lannoxvle, Que. fvr a hui caif; $2,700 paid ty Jota L. Moae, Pairport, N.Y. for a e.ilig femele; $2,000 paid ty Dr. T. Teveggia, Miano, liaiy, for u e.iikiag focuie. BRACH NNUl MUETING ERIN L.EGfM MAILL WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 3, 1969 iOT TURKEY DIMNER STARTING AT 7.30 P.M. Entertainmn Cy iooatd Ticets. $2.00 BUSINESS: ELECTING COUNCILLORS ELECTING DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO TH1E UCO ANNUIAL IN LONDON IN JANUARY 1970 o RIEF REPORTS ON YOIJR CO-OF'S PROGRESS. ENTERTAINMENT. *CY LEONARD -COMEDIAN, VENTRILOQUIST. a PREgs'rAION 0F AWARDS TICKETS ARE $2 AN5D MAY BE OBTAINED NOW FR055 tCO OOIINaLLORS AND STAFF. TICKET SALES LIMITE M0T 250 A FMf MJJ 1,AVES MI~LON O().4( GEORGE PELLETIREJO, R. 1. WRIGHT, 121C. 3 AT 6.10pas. Chaisman of theColman Oce Hailon, WelliegtoaRenfrew. Mgoc.u ced Middlosex tied fer fifdo whde Perth ced Poterior tied for sevanh. The Heitou Couety teln spaaaorod ity do. Haiten Ccie.ty MIl Cor.titsl ws made op of DwieJtt May froc. Horuhy, Bruce Cales frrnt Aetoa, ced Robert Foaler frac. Baltiafad. Cash prine me ardcd te Ue cedl Bruc Caiswo3d.Du Lanaea fra.irni td e sigist score la Ue coc.pctiîion. Thursay evenlag c.cey vf tise contestante teckit adve.tace of the ticketa pravided for tise ashow at tise McLeugii Fianetorlue. Priday Ue tour visited vaciaea etock yarda, peeking plants, and mareketing hourds dorouot Toronto. An Awerds Banqoet wasa it! for Ue conteastona la tise Ring Edward Hotei and icketo for the Horse Show ut don Royal ecere providod for Priday evealaf. wich conciSded the tour. 1968 Cortisa G. T. Tudor. Radio. Ose Owscr. Immnacuiate. Dark grecs with black interior. Lic. 324863 FULL PRICE ONLY $1,695 GaLLN MOTO iscep our acre of budldings flNITED OPEN HOUSE Novembe 17-22 24-29 HALTON COUN1Y DAY IS NOVEMBER 27TH Ca.e in and se Ue ltest la A. I. itousiag, pcoceeleg, stoage etc. Yaull fied ue Uee miles nordhof Guelpht an Hp. No. 6. - I Livestock tour alfracts 39 men H. Tarzwell Surodana herd seils for total $234,200 WANTED - RED CLOVER SUED We are buvais of Red Claver, Timothy, Birdsfoot Trefoil and Alfalfa Seed. Bring or Mail a represontative sample otailu voar Name. Adairese and Ouatity for sale, to: ONTARIO BlED CLEANERS AND DEALERS LIMITED P-0. Box 219 Breapton, Ontario. W. arm loco.al an ilha No. 10, tco miles Northof hhahnav No. 7. IF MASTER FEEDS STEWARTTOWNf WELCOMIS YOU TO THEIR NEW STORE OPENING WITH GIGANTIC SPICIALS ON ALL STORE MERCHANDISE Friday Nov. 28th 9 AM. to 9 P. Saturdoy Nov. 29th 9 AeM. lo 5 P.M. MR. GEORGE CURRIE WARDEN OF MALTON COUNTY WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN OUR NEW STORE 2.30 FRIOAV APTERNOON NOV. 28th LUCKY DRAWS, REFRESHIENTS EVERYONE WELCOME UT WILL PAY YOU NOT TO MISS OUR SPECIAL OPENING MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) Phono Georgetown 877-3512 or 877-7375 The Canadien Choampion, Wsdeesdey, Mev. 19, 1969 Demonstrote tractors By fi. J. Stanley Hacrieton et te jurectiets of A demsstation of Zotor higtweye 87 ced 89. iractors, c.onufacîured la This is bri spone.red by lis. Csosovkia, is tv he oit! on Ontario Pare. Machinery Saturday. Nov. 22 at tise foin. of Ageacy, owocd hy lte Ottarlo Barry Gray, i asile west of Pederationoef Agricuaitue. Ourl the plat year c.any Reid sousi ow tractors and other pieces of ut Asie sal, f r hea ci ai= H. Craic Reid of Milton acidea Coosiderehie avief ta Ontarcio daugitter of Thomuise Texel fermiera. Supreece ai tihe i9t annuel Noec, treetore frac. Show Wîadvw Saie eposred hy Czocitoslovakia ae biseg Uaited Breedera Artificiai coeeidered. Peur differeat Brceding Uti et Gueiph tractea wiii ho de.oaeteîe reccaîiy, wherc 35 daugitters of anin froc. 35 ta go A.I. hotte ecere soid! for an horsepewer. Dee.aastration a te average of $805. ' i 10t 4 pa. with a lt5o Reida case was soid ta ecen Steeceethavea Ferine, St.s Cathacinea fvr S1,i175. WiI serve AN as dire ctor AR RyCouter vi Lowvle asill serve ae a director on te 0 Ontario Pedcratioa of O Agricultare agaia tii ycar. At a m.eeting last wecit Gord Hill vf ~ Varaa wes eicied preaidrat fh j~ wet Freank Wall vf Povrt Doter U L op o was eecicd lirai vice e.d Keith Mathi ecas eiectai ta Ue Ny, vie act t aitng position of second vice a witaîe acre of huila, hut ve peesidrot. Ht ia fraie Brockviic. aesoigtehlsdi t TMESE FIVE MEN RECEIVED recognition et the renta United Breedere trac. emorda aigh for ih.lr achieceseent le ertificieiiy ltsseitating 35,000 caesoach. Ail hmc belon ee.picyed le lthe A.I. iradasiry for more thon 15 eus. Prose lit they are Bev. Baril Geelpht; Len Mutn, Mila; Gord Cisard, MensUel.; Ken Mitchell, Segrove; Murray Heywood, Action.