Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 13

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Milton District 143gh School Cabinet bars press, no news il, 222,' cin 262, o7, Iea 130, Cira 114, Para iSlasn atm 23. CiriI Padata 36, Cake as 7 for M ,. Para By Richard Pigg Aarathre fioar-day mach, titis limne Taciday mas tire day off, as M.D.H.S. became sllat to commemtorîtta Remtembrarce Day. Tire day off came in tandy for bot 8tudea cead teacirers tas tise finit trma lat deawing ta a alose mitir a namber of projecla tai be tampletadl and tests ta ire mared. Thtis idea of nu etamas asay do away mitir a merir or prerapi tmo of cramarming every tirea moatira, bat forcer tire sttsdrnts 10, keep osa traie tors day. iy day. Mary of tire teacirees, moît of tire mare ercnced oaci are agamast tire ia but mce oatvoted by oar yosatgee aremberi of tira staff ced oar progressivepriaciprl. Tira grade tles woekiag tomard tircir traditioaal trip, stria Yser ta Qarirc City, treated tira icirool to as ail-star (?) hockey g em oa Maaday. The ga irelmac tire grade 12 baya cd issn teacirs lit ircoaalag an semeal affale. The Sam as ornai mas full of aatici but aa incident lirn thame's footle tank tire cake. "llparky" Sproît mas oas ta kilt, afcer mistaialag a kara lajrary rarlier titssoa oa a typical cireck from Marty O'Neill. llparky playing for tire 12s, liead icrappcd mitir tire ieacireri' oa Hearas and fagly expccted a contait of fisticuffis tl O'Neill as tirey encirongeti morda at tire game'i ead. Homever Marty, almays uapredictairle, atole tire dhom as ire peoceedeti '0 strip Spet o ii clotirea-eaviang lire red-raieed damea sirockcd anrd harely clotirrd. The gaats lat oaly one la a serie, I hopa tise t.acr. miii ire bock 10 taire tire itadeats on in irastetralt and aIrer aports, ava tiougr thir atîrmyr ta gala tire latea-rural irstîkall crama provedl fruitiese la treir fieil parne. Wednerday, tire midgrt gilt particîpaîrd la a iraketirall itarimeaet la Oelcnile and came bacir miti 1-4 record, typical of Miltion trams titis year as a irigkiy maaaesfa clu airto fald to, ire prodaced by M.H.S.. ilte tire soccer testa of '68. Homever, titese girls are tire makeup of nent year's juaior club and biaketrail coacires fret tiraI tire future of girls' baîketraîl at Miltoa ha proisiag. Attotirer tram, oae of tise lamser kaomn cremi, tire car building club compoard of Rlck Champion YO UT'H White Oacks Secondary School Brama, Linda Mucai Lia Richrdsonancd Karen Telmirle, campetedl in a caa building contait at tire opening of tire Tomera store in Oairvile and camne la second, as tirey mere iset out iry a quarter fromt Wte Onka, tire only otirer entry in tire contrit. One titing M.D.H.S. did tort meair mai brlag a name bard oui front Toronto. Tire Combiat, talevision rîtes ced one of tire Most recommeatird banda iroard tramaid Milton tu a nigirt of uita froar ileir T.V. shrom "'Ils Happeaing". The group mot tremandoos, eîpecialiy miren one coaîiders tiraI tire tram guilariat mas only mitir tirem one merir prier to titis dance. Tire geoup la made up of fine talented musiciens and singera, bat as comadiars t faIt liraI tiry mere a grisai deal more entertainiag mhile conversedt la a musical namber. Lot's have a bard for, M.M. Robinson Senior band debuts at commencement By Dona-a'ane Byrs Toronto lied lis Sonta Cloua Parada Catueday morning, but M.M. laad ils parade of graduates Peidayavenitg ai Robinson calebrated lis sintir annuel commencement. Marg Peileterlo deliverei tire natedictory speech. Tire audience mas rnteetaiad by M.Mdi Senior Band, an excellent but seldomt ieard group of Young musiciens dieectedl iy Me. Cirabot. Aatoog tise places pluyed mas Tara's Tharna cirasen fromt tire Movie Gone Wiit The Wind and Tira Blackr Kniglat by Clare Gcondman. Everyone in tire bard itemns ru ke enjoying liremseîves very mucla, especially "tise tirrer muiketeters" in tire front rom. Playing un a mudden-deaîir playff gsmet Our girls' junior baiketali tramn mas defraîrd iry an exploive Ceotral offeoce Monday niglar Robinson's squad poppeti la four earty baskets to begin traie tempoeaey minnmng itreak micir eaded in tire tirird quarter. Leading 12-8, il seemeti as if M.M., mach ltirah diakelief of lire Nelson cromd, mat guing to pull off a nictoey. Homevr, Nancy Beomne, CentraI's star performer, itored ramarda M.M's basket and reattued tire audience milir tmo quick baskets. Prom Ibmn on Central, spaeked mitir sudden datearmnation, advanced to a 32-20 nictoey. Witir o total of 16 points Nancy* Bromar lad tire scoeing rate for trer crem. Le-adig adorera for tire M.M. tramt mare coprain Imnite Kay mitis a seven posi effort ced Karen Langdtam mitit tmo field goals. Homever, aur midgeî girls tram, in traie fient yer of contention, plactd tirird in tire basketraîl toumament ireld Wetioesday a1 Gairville'Trafalgar. Tire 1l scirools competing mere divcded colo tmo groupi, Gyma A and Gym B mitir tise minor of raca te play off for tire tille. Coscbed by seniors Lyar Youag and Carol Morgan, tir=igl won four ouI of thiri iegms The minner of Gym A mas Blakelock miro pîsyrd Central of Gym B in lire fiaals. The vicier mas Ceatral-yes, Yeu test! rigirl. Not only did! tirey captare tire junior and senior lttes but lire mitiger as meil. Oe aspect of M.M's mitigera t0 ire notrd, la tireir terrific spirit. Tirrougirout tira louareot Robincor' tramn coutd ire tecogaied by thir original cirant: Peacires anti cream, pescires and cream; me're tire girls front tire Robinson tram. We're not rougir, and me're not tougir, but boy, are marrver sexy!! Bemare Centrai, me'll gel Yeu nent yrar! (and mayire yoar boys titis yeae). Do you finti yourself befaddlrd by iraskeîball, vesede iry volîryball? Wiry not try gynsnastics. Gymmasîlca club iras begun again and lit t0e birelti eveey Tuesday and Wedneaday aight is Gym 4 after scirool until S. The tiree coachres in charge are Mes. Clark, Mias Adicins anti Misa Kinlir. Mes. Clark expecîs close te 100 girls mill tura out anti as aresuil certain mIles ced regulaliona have hemn set dumn regarding tire in anti ouI traffic fromt tire gym t0 chrage tennms. Ail of tire rquipment iras bien piaced in relation t0 tire space requied for racir. Gyomsts are to graduate from, one level t0 arotrer ard it is iropeti tiraI studenîs of tire previous club miii irelp arme of tire grade riaera miro are lira experienceti. Masit la pravitird for tirose girls wistring t0 pracice flner exeecises anti otirer routines. Membrs for tire tcirool trami are t0 ke cirosen nul only for titeir ga'ntiic sirility but alto for traie attendaace, co-opetation anti attitude. Periraps Yeu have a iriddea talent un tire aneven bars. Whro knows? Goiy you tan finti out! Executives for tire drame club merercroao Tirursday aond arrady a prospective acîiviîy caleodar is ireing planord. Electeti peesidror mas Coanie Macfatiyen, vice'yreoidonî Sue Gutigron, teceary Grbie Brotik tond treasurer D. J. llyees. This year's production mi irave Mes. Vosirurgr aI tire ireat. Studroîs of tire cluir miii ire in Thre Canadien Champion, Wednarday, Nov. 19, 1969 831 charge of maire-up, tceneey, costumes and ait otirer aspects of ttagcng perforances. HANGIN' LOOSE 1. There s stme "teckel fuel" lrft 000e front tire receot G.A.A. Cadie Hawins on taie. For detutir rer yoar G.AI. rorcu tive. 2. Girls' anigel, junior and senior volirybaîl tryoutr tit 3. Boys' meestliog begios a Oem season tris merir as meil. tWe have failed youth" says youth week speaker Wr have faileti OUI youtir ut today becaose me have put tire ampirotis oo tire mrong place, me bave put il on getting ratir titan receiving, according t0 Rev. R. W. Poster. Me. Ponter, rector, -of Geace Anglican Cirurcir, ma speaing tu mue Ian 50 Young people anti aduler at tire Millon Opeimisl Clair's Youtr Appreciation Wrek banquet Tharrday nigire. Tire dinner mas apansoreti by tire Opîkecals tu ironor representatves of local sports ced Scouliag grouys laciutiing Girl Guides, Scouts, local atltrs aond a group of seudents fromi tire Ontario Scirani for tire Draf. "Wr have irero 100 materialirlit in our oullouir," ie saiti. "Wr irave looteti upon a A BIT BIG for Kîinîia tirat Witt! van det Vont, nigiri aetitutis mIcir thy earasally irolti at tire thMs sait ira ap iforcela et tic asuction ircît Friday baill Inalatdei In thiri ian are sparts art oraes, f1055 l Irath Klirea baIll KlIlitlm wiro put @ana enti dancai for mici Ircy hopa tomrai the an Ira mie, bopa ta taise moviy ir riri Frsiay manay ru birng In a gueti kenti Iltraf Pirota) mue as ireing succrssful ifhie iras acquied a great tira of meuler or cf ie iras matie a naine for himseif. "t irelceve tiraI tucceracin life us oniy tire iry-yroducî of ticg one's Ciristian tuty day hy day. VOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK ias irait tt wash, sponisorei ty sire Milton Optimit Clubr. One og tire irigirligirt ofthrie wek a ca tinter irostci hy rire Optimints or micr a cross section ni Multon's youtir mas honorei. Scout Micirael To tire youtr toncgirt, 1 aay tirir Yeu. Sirure youe lirougirts anti iras. Tire youeir milI hune 10 givt in a ltle uod tire adules mll irave 10 give in a uitie, irut tl.,s s far ireitr Iran heuog s stuhiror that ne one gels anymire." Oukville, Georgetown students Win Bolton poster coRtest An Gaice iroy anti a Georgetoma girl siret tire apoîligre titee mei iresues o f Haltoo County Pue Preveoto Ourant' 1969 Pue prevrotuon yosterecompetecon mere aooounceti. Gerond peuze munsers are ninr-yerîold Matrk Bomen of Gakirvlle anti i 0-year-otd Coran Mellor, Georgetown. Tire contes t uiso nameti four "hionorable mention" peceeminners afler iruodes of mnres ersorleti anti jutigeti. They are Kennrtir Hart of Mltoo's Bruce St. Public Scirool, Dmayor Hamilton of Speysitie Public Scirool un Etquesing Townshrip, Janine Stewart of Robrt Little Sciroot in Acton, anti Karen Kirer of St. James in Gairville. Ail six muoners anti thir parents mdll ire honoreti hy tire Pire Prenenluon Bureau on Tuertiayrevnrng, Dec. 2 miren an amaris banquet miii ire irelt in Millo Pie Hall. Halton irait MPP Jcm Snot us tu ire gurut speaker anti abrout 60 firefigirtees anti county officiais miii ie on handti l congeatulate tire cootet minors. Marirs anti Cotants posters carnet! them engraveti deti yen sels anti thirer scirools mill taire hume tire Halton Mutoul Aid Pire tosurance troyiry. Tire emo potersnwillaisoe b entretinoan oll-Ontario u.ompeiio~n in wiccl tire two firt prizes are SICC; irontis. Tire honoroable mention minners wcli rocir recrîve a crtificate asti a silver dollar. Halton Pire Preveniion Bureau conducteti tireir 13th annuai poster comrpelitior among tire grade Oive studenis in HalIon's ictrools. Cludenta more inned te mirmil a poster illurerasing "Pire Pevention in tire Home" anti as inon as municipal minneer la Oairville, Acton, Mtitoa anti Gergetoma areat ta re selecteti, tire top posters fenar racir muoucîyaluty tare sent te tire fiee prevenn officees of Kitchener Pire Geptmene mirere tire county minors tare pickrd. istiges umartieti their prudes on tire bass of oeiginlety oftdesign, aîtmork andtihie fie prevenlion mlessage ire yostrs contaneti, enlilaineti Bureau chirman Chief J. Cunningham, Georgetown. n A T. MOORE STUDENTS 30 Openings lar 31 DayExcursion toUX.< Holloti Grvny, U.SS.R P nlanti Denma h Jly 2 teAu. anst $695 ALL INCLUSIVE F5JLLY CHAPERGNED Mr. anti Mn. Eîhigt5on Allie 5.30 fue futIne Joirnston shows iris badge sasb ta guart realait Rev. R. W. Foirer, O.SO. football raprcsentatioe Gary Wirelpdale anti Girl Guide Lauria Carnie. Tire tirrea Vourie penple mare gests ar tire banquet. -(taff Piroto) bad news the dance committee fo bringmg them to Miton Hli; and a hanti for the ttudentt for gîving them foul sapport aod eoabting more naine bands t0 corne oat fromt T.O. The daoce committee rs tire oniy club an the achoot maingo moeey for Studeot Couricil project aod aithoagr their proft are ttippg each dance, providcogl the studro ta mith top danetro te holpe chat tire S.C. doem't try to tomer rte sandard of tbe.. daoces for tire taire of teyiog t0 malte more morey . MY coltuos of tbe auit emo weekt bave droit mitr rire Stadeat Cncti and tire Cabinet aod 00w 1 fiod tirat tire "pressr" jr barred fromt futore Cabinet meetings, ut memberr fret tirat tire etudenre mutl become disappointrd miren tirey irrar of idear tirat are rearard te cabinet meetings but become bast as tbey progrer tirroogr tire S.C. Idear mentioned i athee meetings are carual suggestions and many are ner romn boped 10 irecome a Meaitly. At presrit 1tam waitiog for leteers fromt Cainet membeet, irtat l oks as cf tbey witl not arrive in time for tit meekas report, Oh meli, tire Cainoet meetings miti tirerefore remain myrteriour, so uoleat one attends Stodent Couocit meetings tire rtodents witi remaio unioformed. CaIm before storm ... busy week coming ByPat perd On tiremore seeioaatiae, Rick of eneptitude iretmeen officiatty rigee tirat day, bar This meri. sems to bave bero Clarir and fiis rorco tive goiveroimeot aod opposition tire opposition frît tiait tre week tire proverbial "calm brefore tire sertetariet are eopectiog studrot portier. A lot of tire trouble betmeen tre paming of tire ttorm" at W.O.S.S. Ao observer goveroment matteer t0 Fcar t0 a etemmeti feom tire face tirat antit tegirlalton by tire Hoare mnd tire woatd notice tirat maoy geoupr ireati sooo. Tire foortir sestion of tirat meeting no one ied sert a officia rigning by tire principal are irury gettcng ready for orot tire Hoose of Araemirly mat copy of rire officcie constitution and tire ruecutive mas too long a week's "rain". calîrd tiî weeir, mirir oaly 26 of anti so there mat neme debaîr period. Itlaj hoped that Poremoat of tire upcomning tire 50 iereseotuîcvet preserit. about obut correct proceduret procedseer and tegulilies caa reet ta Commencement, Nov. As in tire prevtour meetings, mere, erpecialty in reference tb soon ire straigirteard out se that 21. Tire commit tee in cirge iras tirere was a great dral of tire bill coocrning girls mearcng tire readeot goveroimeor tan gar ureang ed an evening of dining confusion and a frm accustions stuckis. Tire illit ed irero on mîtir ts mork. and dancing aitie Holiday Ino for tire gratis aftee tire - ceremonies. Tir eercirer mcli i alto inctude tire deirat of tic year's Senior irandi mth vocalirî Marilyn Lyont. On tire ramne day tire boys' Senior barirethalt tram is hopcng "' ' t0 play an eibitieon gamne against M. M. Robinson. Wr mcsir tire Seniors iretter ludt tis year tirar tirey have irad en tie part. Alan, orot merr lire girls' pomder puff football tramn wil play G.T.H.S. for tire champiooshcp. Tire gcrls hase eveey hope of a vtctory aftee defratcrg C T. 35-0 tic wreir. W.O.S.S. seotets mere Doeothy Tacirrît, Roarlyn Merry, Drice Howard and Diane Giirsoo. Ho pestae higr tira rire girls cao fcncshr tir uedefeated teuton thi a min. Tire staff of 'ire Lookcng Glass", oue scirool oemspaper, are aise mactcng for a rire in actcon one merir. Tire fourir etion, and aiong mithirt, a survry of studentr' rractcoos t0 tire paper have jurI heem put out. The editors are hopcng for tome good constructive criticcsmr on irom tire paper migir ire improvrd.

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