I-ml CANADIAN METER GIRLS Ladie*Mi single Gardet Mouinlain 2, lais Male triple Glenn& Rush 683. Oite Senti trple&, Joce- Scultz 637, Kat Coatet 633. Boaie Fay 6 18, Jeu Smille 609, Doaca Granite Tmiu7 fu 7f7, Ca su r 7 for 7,tsaa 2 for2. SmithiQ feo.,Getnke0for , Fair n for 0. MILTON RATEPAYERS' AsSOCATiON Ontolee 28 Ladies' tigle single, Gircds Sherwnood 229; Lattas' hidi triple, Nnsi ingapclei.MLod31 Fiw 274, R. bin. Ir. 271, 24c, a. Robertsoun 233, N. ManMurple 228, 208, N. Preston 220, 205, N.Coiis 218, 1. Feldamp 217, M. Oeis 214, i. lisptrm 211, K. Fm 209, 209, E. Sait 205, D.Gâiez 203, 201. Gine enti trdples, J. DBtit701, J. tidd 670E. Be Irt. 649, T. Fe 639,K. Fmr61, N. Colson 605. Ravum uat non c fat 29, Tht Iiionde7 foi 28, Bair Bou 0fore23, Nuctiokits 5 fo 22, Nalceankees 5 fe 22, Pleaicoms 7 fo 19. Tht fort1S, Stponessfot9 lwe. s WFDNESDAY NITERS Onlahut 15 a b Ladies' igh nle ai ae Deileguw 223, ladies' Sigl triple, Leone Flarilv 600. Ginet giad.,ticttts. Leone Fiarity 211, 202, biancs Momala 204, crlia Feuleers 200, Mmmia Ferie 203, Litili Mi-r 221, 202, Linda bans 208. DIte paod triplot, Fart Diadat 513, Ra beZauu 551, Snlit Petres5 31 9, FaytWod 504 ,Ltesdi Mile 590. WEDNEnDAY SITERS Octiiteo 22 Ladies' hicti sngl, Gail Cochson 237, ladies' high tripls, Fine Wood 622. Oltter gond singles, Cancie Dagicir 208. Anne brut 212, Alhez Joalcema 209: Leone Ftsoîty 221, Shireye Hanl 200, 227, Faye Wood 214, 206, 202. Otheo gond triples, Canere basane 3009, Aene Dent 538, Liont Ftsnity 545, Gait Coalton c14, Shirley Hait sa1. WEDNESEtAY NITEIOS Onînhet 29 Ladies' igh singe, Lono Flstîiy 263, ladies' hlgh triplo, Connie Dasuay 614. Oine, gond singles, Coîcie Dcgcen 237, Faye oodn 223, Fine beedge 205, Gail Cautioe 200,MarsgReenei 209,Sharon oerîin 213. Oite gon triples, Fine Wood 583, Andey ebitnis 548, Len Fîcolen 572. Gaii Cauion 554, DotneoaWatoe 525, Mars Rreese 547, Orlons beZrguw 520. Lotie'2 fno35, Shî,ly'.s fol 33, Faynos 5 for 31, Gail'î 2 for 18, ,4 Alîe's 7fort17,ttilvia's2fnol6, CLUiB24 i s Lde' Ont.ber29 Lidiet' SigIeiI, NuacysAngee 272, ladia hit triple, Nota Allen 668. Otlier od singltes, Shirler Sûr 264, Milii Dance 262. Otitoî gond teilles, Shirley nim 659. liens McKeff62. Sema Allen 7 foi 39. ileco McRest 7 foe 28,FenkTeasde 0 for 23,Giadya MrRtesio 0 fo22. 48 ALLEY ROCKERS Ortoiteo 20 Ladies' hiate single, lune Gold 317, iadiei'hitile 7 10. Othe'cgond singles, PatMarshall 2274. Caolttih 255, Erteen Hrcaogall 24 1,icy Toelli24 1. Olhoe uooit toiplai, Eiren .cosil93 lef JiCleliiad 640, CiotSble 633. Maritrenao 7 for 23, Mittie 7 fo 23. Boefor023, Murel 0for 22,Carol 3 fo22, Muegfoe, 2 1, Jeu5for 20, Geac 2 for 14. EARLY aines Octohee 31 Ladies' hicle single, Jean Sales 269, ladies' hiale triple Jean Waters 705. Men's leigit sine Hsoy Smith 344, men'. high triple,HenrSmith 803. Olheondsingles,t3 Deany319, 2 r aye 305. 248, Sien Hacîte 292. JucO Goatd 275. 263, Reg IThnnis 267, 249, Feed Rille 261. Forank Sites '264, Joan Wtest 263, Norme MnMurphy 25 1. Otite, gondl triles, Dean Geay 770, Jack t2old 769. Roc Tama 750, Ret Gray 747, tIea nein 645, Fled Ruao 699 , tcf McCtnllnod 640. leas cales c44, Lea Maison 634, Jane G.ucM 634, Daa, Fichte 632, Frank Sales629. Jack Gold' won7 fr7, Roy Ra atrst Ofor 0 POLLOCK and CAMBEL MEOILENRVN HGLY ROSARY Orltet 30 Ladite' higle suitl ara Hoaps 241; ladies' Sigle teiple, Miry. Lant 624. Men's htgh stagle, Frank Fndatta 286, Cheat.. Vees atoeo 719. Dite gond singles, Mstitrn Ettis 240; Mary Laisset 230 cod 211; Asic Windmotice 229; Sndy Scoeî 220; Oeils Leaoîre 203; Gas Tirtocces 235 ted 223; Henrty Vsedee Heaer 242, 220; boug Hîdlai 251, 211; Gaed cmiîh 250, 216; Vin Heaps 201; Iran Gitipea 266, 216; MOse irtedeet 263, 216, 2co; Chutes Vuoden Brook 259,' 233.' 227, John Stie 253 205; Fele Vianden Hetisot 251, 207. 203; Boet Chuarcll 251, 216. Othot aond teiples, Ott Wiedmniir 588; Saedr 8cceot 566; Manetre Elles 563; Caron Heape 546; Anita Loanet 541; Vic HeS 637; MiLe Beteede 679; Fet Vcodien Heunet 661; aret Chuicatie 634; Hery Vnidee Hece 652; Gord nmith 630; Iva Gatipesu 630, Fraek Fedutin 636. Chantes vendun Becok won 2 foi 39, Jots Laini 4 for 3 1,2Gord Smith 7 foi 31. John Sache 5 fot 28, Gus Ticetman 3 for 27,FPaul Lingen 5 fo 2091, Biliaxmell n fr 149',Pte Vsnden Heuvel2 for 5. 40 ALLEY ROCKERS I4oseme, 3 Ladies' hinh tingle, bossa Fan 3 10; ladiec' hicS etple, Jane Goaid 059. Oticti gnd sinalec, Eitoeu Mcbicaait 305, Jane Giatit 293, bonna F an 202. Gîtet gond triples, Donea Fnr 781, Eîteen Mrbouaat 760, Carolino MatsSall 759. Bonsi.en 7 for 32. J-n 5fner30l Caro 4fe29,Morte[ 2for 29, Gace 7 fore28,Mîttîn0fco27. Mars3 for 26, Meiyn n fer 23. No marier hcm hecutîtut youe cae's finish, ru us hachoat up lin ram mercI surfaces chal are constactîn esposette the coreosive aOcti ut eosit sale ccd mater. Coîtly bodty damage usualln stares hero ..rcvuidtquartepanels. .. usater tenders ccd rocker pavos .. ceounit heattigicis ... incracksatd crenucs and metli joints you cocoer set uctil eoc, lato A nom kunat cf urdeetrame coatunc GOODYEAR Underframo Ccaeucg -applutat un a nom mcn hn or crettnlin-ttnuned speriatises gîvel non the protrection non neta i ihese vital spots t0 avord cosily repltacement latte. GOODYEAR ticaerfeamo Ccoeung ut NOTa mensy asphal or goron grese, hue o foee.focming plastic ccceung mhich ic appîreat ir a ricin spray te peneerato deep int the tunurîl 0cr Undercoatîng Deparrmenr i cu.mplefely eqciplied, monneit and trciceal ro tire ynu reol quolury vair protection in thce quur-krri rime. Your caor rs ehoruocrlr srayeul cnterneath ant incite panels for ponîeir e potection. Tw. give t.stmony concemlng their falth At the @vening services Sundaye, Oct. 19, following Rev. C oe'concise yet inclusive expj.acatian cf Believer't Baptisai, tain young metuibeos of thse congtelion, Mite Donna Lec DeviSe and Waooen Chcolton K voeIctimonies to their faille, te He hat hcdton tkeio livet.iThoean, in ohedienco to Hit conmand ihey foliowed lhioi Lord tleoag tht Baptismal waters, tymleolioieg theto daîl acd lenoii t0 lice "oid" fllfe cnd Ileie oosnroctioc to lice "ccw" life with Christ. Me. Coiet" message t0 the congtelgation mat thal coctaiced ivn the foaoth healitade, - "Blesued! aoc licou tisai teck aftoo righeusnaom. -"A Choistian man oniy ibid ence happineai if ha tares hotteai the chiot cbit of icis flfe, - pun-ia thet ilings of God, licrongl woothip, ttudY, pocyco, service and self-discipline. la Donna Lot, comta trudent ai lice Ontario Bible Coliege, Tooonto, preparing hereof faor more efficient Christian sérvtice, ccd In Warren, daity mecting hit chcallenges in the leusineta woold and aciivoly Parliat g in macy of lice progonn oiod ni theo local churce, are Imo ouitstnding examlspes of thote mico are poomiiod lice hiocoicgc cf the foaoth hecoitudo. OUR lEADERS WRITE:J ACTION SPEAKS LOLIDER THAN WORDS Deor Sir, il's cern ccd iedeed tllar eveenthing taket tuce c long lime ta S01 dont cn Milton. Like for instance, tht trottin tiglets at tho Main acd Ontario St. intersection. i romeaihor eeading (aman hock micen) thal then mere soins 10 ho pot en tiglt omay, hut e t o nothing has hoor dont or il. Manhe moe waiticg for acother pooir tout to lose hic tife or mcyho comeonet1 child?7? Thon icone mas lice maenîng 10 the people on Ontario St. 10 decan op the m6cc on their peopeoty, so fao il'S stitl a ment. Ita sure the ecidentcmwho have t0 look out thie windoms on cucle a night foot like poying their tantes for thal nieR? Andt miat ahout att tht talk ahout re-eoating thetruocks off Main St. tn tht Baie Lice Rocd? 5h11l nothîng atone on licol issue etlicr. i suppose they'oo maieing for cee cf theni t10 secnt cf lJiti trucks ccd tee ie go crathicg theougc ont cf lice storet ccd kilt comecce belote that cs dont. micat do ycu thick? Weit1feet (and I'm sure many more foolthlie satire) il if lice elocted people mico are suppocoat te ho îtrivng Io koep Milton mcutd quit their aeguing ccd tongue-laehîng tank oticto att tht tune, they'd get tomelhîcg coins fut Milton. Thoy knom as meil ae t do that Milton us co fao bhihnd inoeverythicg il's Serties te ho serd. Loch aI or streels, haîf cf thoin creont fit t0 walk on ccd tht tigleling on conne cf lice sresis lot ditgusicg. le oct i stue cf Tht Champion you restd lice council noms micere some ont tu ccest a n impeovoment, anat coul issue eomehcdy tIse opposes ut ormwe don't need il. i holiene if lice couniciltors anat mayor icat their min me'd oot have acy progrtct sort e attil Loît wook i read about mantiof to fiu up Fine St. (mhich 1must sayis incaheckcof a mess) hut vo, tey ceen't in accord mîeh ticci tither. i %verdier if il wouldn't ho to thetoIcn's ndvantagete1 put an ad in tht papte, "Fiche cigici aI tice conrcil Chambhers." Charge admitsion ancd with tht proceodt, do tomne cf theto local impronomenes. Theoe'c so mach t0 ho dont cn Milton to milce il a tnmn 10 he ptoud cf, ticat ita afraat l'il nover tit 10 tee tl dont i lice tate thty are movins. Not content fighlinc rcch other. ihey are note pînking on Mou. Anna MacAthur, a womcc mico is a moît oducateat, hîghty etpecto 4 porion in icto romicunien ccd alto hats macy foiendt att river. Jut leecautetsho hic lice gumplion to stick up for her omo opinions ccd micat thte foot s cs right, the is hiei. r hetlttat hy ceetain meaiheet cf lice Milon council inctading Mayor RosI. t coy loch afler Hilton and its nrdds befote picking on or eigihots. Lot's practico tht "Docat Ntichhco Fctîcy". i remember mriting tact noe aI thie lime to Tht Champion, hopteg mo mcutd hoe moît omon in 1969, nom t Soins to ho 1970 soon andtsofaet1ecvery tittoe chance in cIcr tome. Att i cao ccy us, if thtte ptople can't do thoit johbs lotis etect tomoono who ccc, lot's pot Milton aI the top cf lice tîst for hoicg "The tomo mith lice mci". Yours truty. Edith Shaipe. MERV. COLLIHG ANNOUNCES Fme Pick-sup as DeRmtes, fie MIea Aram Cuatemfiait EASTSIDE AUTO ELECTRIC OAKVDLRE Ttusp sud Cartientasdiu Pl- 844-9641 crERvedfflh 818028 cracksn uhat nId, hutky coaturn sumply conoi recch.I eiiualoutemcîisteoadeemainsecough anat pliahle long aftee mary cldtyle ccaigc mcclii hare chuppeit, croched. porleul oe maticta amcy. Hot impcrtant, rnrry carre cf Goodyere Undeefeame Cocturg us coadet ih pomerful rote unhiiteors mhuch figici hack and neutealuze tho ccricsune effecii ofmaeesal,calcum anda oter hartaful agrents un tune your cae coceîre protection he y0e 'round. Geting tiî nom kunat cf proeection us lice tasuesteer Tluereuis riolongdelay ... noreat oe loy your cor cF. THIS ccatiug can'i ateup ce euh off. Your cor is reedy fnt aie mithun tht houe! Derie in for on enriocore on yone car. Toicro hon o minore, and you cuill 6ie ioerrnuued to leccv r/ratu uc -n hiave thue Juuuest tr-ne of nrryruproectuion fieras lowc ai $35.001 on our itroalactrey ryrcial. Yoc mnsy pay au mach on $65 regnlarly. Minister's wife speaks to Mes. Hd. Caultion vice-premîdect of St. PauI's U.C.W. epened the geceral meeting teitit the singing of hymc 577, "Comfe Ye Thankfut People Camne". Ambulance does 10 trips in week Mitions ambulacce srice handted a total of 10 catit ii week. Tuesday, Octohet 28, they handted an accident cote on Highway 401, hringing the nîctinta to the hospitat je Mitton, ccd they also dîd c teacîfer from Miltoc Hospital ta Joseph Brant Hdospital in Bartingeon. Wodnesday, they hroght a pattent ftomt Camphettittle to the Milton Hospital. Thootday they hmndted theee catit which wete teantfeet frot pninato homes to Milton Hospital. Satuoday, Nov, t, they hrogtst an accident nîctîm to Milton Hospital and latet took a potion feoin Mohawk Raneway t0 St. Michaet's Hospital in Toronto. On Sunday they hroget nn accident nîctim frcm hit home to Milton Hntpitat and on Mocday, did a toanafet front a home to Milton Hospital. u.c.w. Mrst Cotaison wetcomod ail momher tacd thae guet tpeaker Mot. Bernard Waren. Mtc rsW. Mahon, tecoetary, oead themicotet. Reports were givn hy Mrn. llarlottie, lîterature convenet and Mot. Edgar Fotter, ttewardnhip ccnvneo. Dc oicg the denotîccat ccdocted hy Mon. S. Lino on "Thaksgi n d Antumo," Mo.Watrentsang a colo, "Asc ond You Shaîl Recoivo" Mot. D. Lawrencetinteoduced the got speaker viho ipoke on hon life ai c minitter's wtfe.* Roc. and Mot. Beonard Warren, cou lining in Milton woto formerly cf Atdeowood Uttited Chntch i West Toronto. She told of their nom ventute of huytng tend coco Camphollîllto Oc hilat a Reltoat.« te will ho hegon as coo as possible. It cs hopoa tIhat the totreat mut! prove hecofictal to ticoso requteîng itt Anantages. Mes. Charlot Thomson lhanked the tpoealter cnd pretenîrd a gift ai a token cf appronitton. Lunch and a social time moto enjoyod hy afl. P1<WE '4tfft SHOP MILTON PLAZA 878-2881 For The Best In Wedding Designs - Anniversaries Hospital Gifts - Funeral Tributes- The Canadien Chat0'IDon, Wednendlay, Nonember 5, 1969 -Buetîngton's nomination -Se. Dovid't Chuech, meeting wilt be hetd at Centra Camplivite cetleocates ils 1 00th High Scicoo at 7.30 parm. Noir. anoivertaey this weekend with 20. The election will bie on Dec. special moroîng and esterling 8. services, PORCK CH S .........85...........3 c lb. BEEF LIVER ... ............ ----55c lb. RIB ROASTS .................... 69C lb. ROUND STEAK -----------------95C lb. SIRLOIN and T-BONE STEAK -- -- --99c lb. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ------ . 75C lb. P.E.l. POTATOES -- -----....25 Ibs. 99C Heinz TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. 10 for 99c BuIy A Reli-able (/sed Cart! lut the right price CHUCK BIEON SAYS*:ýý S"Ou r sale 4. for last week was a rousing success so let's repeat 4. with some new special offers" SO HERE ARE THE DEALS... 1963 Chou 4 donc, maron, ced intecior, 6 cylivater atamnatur, Lie. 694-079 1964 Meteor 4 donc, martin white thp, Vil actamatin, Lit. K21712 1966 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon, peicde beiue, bitouoontocioe, V8 automatur, power steeing, power iccakes. power ecutgaee, radin, Lur. it9336X 1967 Couar, 2 dor hacatene. hciiht lelue motalur, hiat intOCior. V8 actomatucrcaduc Lur. 236-63it 1967 Fortuac, 4 donc, voggot Golli metalic, plat intocioc, V8 actomatif, Lic. K21697 EEYCAR IFULLYI GUARANTEEDI a., Nssk. htm .rtk.,d.-eY -l N.h. -bafit.d. .. prous of kt- , es a-s 55,, i Fieancieg amy ove et tee beaniies is as easy as as sigeteg yaar nome... that ait thare is le iii Came en ... pch yaac cao ... sge yaac name ... and away yaa drivet SU8JECT TO CEDIT APFROVAI. UP M024 MfONS r0 PA y 1966 Meteor Montcalm, 2 dooc, hacdeop Prenîdont kico, iclue unteruor, V8 actomatur power stoorivo. power Scolies, caduc, Lic. K21223 1965 Meteor, 4 donc, Silcec Sica, Sîco untoruor, 6 nylundor standard transmission, Lie. 18480 1967 Galaxie 500. 2 donc hard top, grittavY Sîco, matrhuvg intocuor, V8 aceomatîr, pomot' steorivg, ocwer icrahos. caduc, Lir. K21696 1966 Meteorc, 4 donc Rriteavy Sîce. hîce ivimuior. 6 ryluratec automatir, Lin. 793-514 1964 Galaxie 500, 2 donc hardop, V8 auromatir, pawer stoacivg, power itoakos, radia, Lic. K34209 LET US Rustproof Your Car NowI THE GOODYEAR WAY CARS RUST FROM THE INSIDE OUT Gallinger Motors Ltd. MILTON LAZA 87- 28 THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND MECHANICALLY ppj R jCHANI LLY RECIATED. TOP-NOTCH CARS. THEY MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. SEE THE FRIENDLY MAR AT TRAFALGAR À T M=O'lrrORS F 0 P Il 1 CO. Lin 409 MAIN ST. MiLTON 878-2369 11 73() i 878 - 28U MILTON PLAZA