*TIie Canadien Champion, Wedreeedey, Novembeer 5. 1969 Mountain Union lad ies get tips on real estate Memlbeos of Mountair Union WlI. ejoyed the scenic ratting of Mci . Meunellans home i Lowvville where they heid thein Octohar meeting. Mr". Norrinepoored the meeting .nd Mes. Allait Clemee ts mri tht minutes cod ganetChe finoncia report. Cerrespendence contaied litecatune cod intters fcrom tise Deparert of Agricoltture and the District W.. and thank yea noces. Fine dolions was donated te UNICEF tocacal Hallowe ,en M o untaîn Union W.. coetcihutedl $75 tocards tise ncheiecdiip, Fund oft2,000hting soi op by tht Hulton Distcict W.!. te honon Dr. Ethel Chapecan. Mes. Fred Harhotile gane tht District Direct ors ceport, that shed Halton Distictis alime te tht cors of tht organizution and thui eut District Dinectoc ns bringint hack te oui bcanch the information cod cepots eeded te do their pact le tht WlI. wock "For Home and Country". Roll coul tor the day was "cwhut happinrss means te me". Ail tise ansvers wece vecymuch the samne but expctssed en difféeet ways. Home, family. tniends. iseauty, ail tlirgsgflod, making pithers happy etc. Tht motte "Education isonot merely tht tond te erning a living" wes give hy Mos. J. J. Kennedy. Sise took hec motte fromt rive atticles critten hy Dr. Ethel Cisapman. "Front tht work of eut isuodo" tht quoed he tht pioneet did cahinet work tisai to-day is moce beautîful tisco ehen ficit donc; hec tht stone musent but wuis Usai ie.duy act as stcong as isnnthry wecehuili. They dîd net cork foc money uloe. le tht socood article "Tht Cornets of Our felîds" Dc. Chapman toid et those people cho uso Cheir aducation alfter, befoce, and dacing wock hoars te help free of charge tho se ho serd help. Aaeong the meny who do Usis is tht Dr. who heipa at a tftee clinic; tht symphony orchestra player. who plays in a sdid rew mission, tht registerd narae cio teaches a ced cross nurning courra. Use tracher who teaches in tchooi ail werk and then teaches Sunduy seheel an Sunday. Aeethcc techcr scho helps a nese Canadien leaco the Canadien lcoguoge or tht ont who tuors tht papil whe failed are included. Even janiters mnd heown te give fcee lime te extra dutiet wlsie a meney mainig orgenizatian pots on a play, areuchre, or danco e irei huilding te taira meeey foc heip to the lean fertonate. Mrs. Archie (Anna) daimns gorsa speaker foc tht meeting cms ietteduced by hics. Maurice Rtadhead. Most et tht mecohers owing Mis. Cuites agrerd ta ail tise kiod ihiefs sraid of hiec. Mos. Cuites beief a Reater choso huying and soiling ah ler iopic. She took un hock te the way of livngo years aleochencthehauying mnd ralling tisai wtt dot vias mestly bacter and traide. Most favoes and homes were handaid deen front father te con. She tookas frees rul teurhao living. frram icail hceaking se arpîcot; fretm trading pont te mupermarkei. to industries and building homes. She heogt us op te tht farteer et to-day when the fariner is tryieg te hald his lands and stt spehe et tht fersaken fares. She face ceosonts why tome soli mnd why stme boy. Ont ressort foc sellmng cra he hoara ne long saiîed the eeeds of the tamily. She raid ihere cere différent wuys of railing and baying. Open, exclasive, privat aod thcoagh a raiter. She raid an agent is asouri go balteau te keep bath bayer and soller from the "jitters". She gant a fése halpful hints te tht mesmhars foc tithar buyiogeor solling. but ssostly te tht seller. se ssid yenu neyer knose what mey eppeal to tht buyer. One may love Use look of snow on eveegreena or tht glose of a firepînce. Anothar may thrilI te a trire dtadtd laien on a bot serrrierday. Alwnys meke yoar home smile a selcome. Clem ap, f'or up, and peint ap. A teins lace and trire front entry, ne ssggieg or beoken stepseiltencourage bayera. Inside neet mons look larger. Do nos bave lruky faucots. Be sort eltctricity la werking and ligbt baeibisrat gpord. A nico kitchen ciii oftee sali e homte. If tht kilciien cartaies are admired! teSl tht buyer tsole that they stay with tht home. She fane gond advico if yeu hant on afent, les them do tht talking mnd shewing acound. She told of rayerai cases sehere tht osener qaeered tht sole, le another cara the sale wss made bat tht full prico wra losthaecoora of Co mxioos menner fronm tht eceer. Ie boying a home yoar source and kind of water mnd the type of coeeaeity arr god coneiderationa. Mca. Cairons aid a gondi agent cas youc bett fciend a bad code ofethict. Tht iodles foaod Mes. Caret delightfully iniersting as tht tpoke seerds helptal tea my one citio te hay or rail theic home. Mes. Leegion thenkeil Mca. Cairns and Mîs.MacAvelie and ail Chose bripint te make a soccoefol meeting. Lunch ws socved by Mcs. Langton, Mcs. Bert Jones, Mes. Stan Chithaire. Mes. Jamnes Robertran who sravtd foncy breadsanmd cheera. Mes. Chitholes auctianed tht meany articles heought foc a miscolleneous taie that netted tht ladies a fese dollart te further their work. MANY PATTERNS ami designs cee imptemented for quîlt cehlng dacieg a tee day qailt sommear for cuae eomen et Kno Prasisytacien Charch tein eeek. Mca. Doreen Seneiste, Hetton Home Economist ami Mca. Otan Campbell of Nelson WlI. are searted citis Usait pmljects white Florence 1. Smith, Croft Spetiallis for tise Ontacio Depatment of Agriculttare and Food lobks on. Seveat pensons front the Deparimeet ceca on banal te assist ln ennductieg thse leadership somiear.-(taff Photo) Local missionary tells of ber work Tht fuSi actinitite of tht Womten's Mjasiomary Ftaewsirp et Emmanauel Baptist Chuci liad on auspicieuî begineing last Tuesday evenief ehen memrbers mnd friendt convenred in tht Fellowsip monm for a pot iuck soppor. Mrs. R. Draper opmned tht meeting by ecoming ait praent, Mrs. T. Jtnalngs led i prayrr mnd attked! tise bieesing. Ducing tht meeting elecs followed Miss Aadrey Lawrenct, home on furloagis finim tht mission field le The Chad i Africa. wsathUe get speaker. Audrey old et hier cors aseeng tht many missienaries' cidren who attend tht boarding achool chere tht teaches. She aira showed many dlidet wlech added te Ch e interes t and understmndmg of tis vital eoîk. Audrey stresed tht gitat nerd for more Christian cachets anal pesyret on Usese hehalf by thora eho support them. Tht ladies of tht Ftieeoship ere romindtd of the cortent project. tht pocking of n box of clething for the Herrana se hae asod in thein eork in Quebec. Mes. Draper closod tht mteting eith prayer. FoIIow sfrictly proper dosage When saking medicalian, do yau fellow dosage instructiont rxacsly? ht is importent thut yen do, says the Food mnd Draf Directorate of Use Depeesmeel ef National Htalth anal Welfane. Tace eeiy tise preacribeal eusount-neither more secr letso atie deug, ehen and as often mnd as much as preacribrd. "'Ont teaspoan (et capsule) enery four heurs' manons juot tisa mnd net tee teaspoons (or capsales) evrry tigisi houes hecauso t dose cas forgotten! tepics incladlog teenagers et seork, gift shop buytrs, mnd volunteers ta chronicnlly iIl. Tht panai discussion on newalatters vias Chairtil by Mes. Stacoy fromn Willoedale and Miss Stewart, Toronto Arthritic Auxiliacy gave an interesting taIS an their neeslatter 'Tise Dense UShet". As turner ste foond tht format ussaally includtd e section on care and faediog of cemeaittets, thetubo, se editorial of pcesidtnt't message. briefcnse - moneymiakttt. pop pilI - on leamseork. They have tee issuesea year, Springmad FaSl ondfmd tis is s asofuli bot ofoommanication: heteen tht enecutive, tht board and maimbers. Color and publicity are importent as tles givet information on ail gronp activitits. Daciag tht diecussion pttiod meny idisas seere enchenged as representalives of centrai Auxilianits gave Useir vies on different aspectt of their neesietters. Tht Milton represontative poînted eut thal oar local neespapor gant a greet deal of nees coverage during tht year. GRANDMOTHERS WERE HONORE2 aest weelt when St. Danid's Girl-s Group et Campbellville helci a celebration for thein church's centennial year. Two sots of throe generations marte prtient-Mm. W. Gneenlmes. her ilaoghten Mrs. William Elliot and her daughter Kathy on the lain; Mrs. Boomhower Sr., her daughterin-lase Mrm ooboer Jr and har daugher Inerid on the rght.-Staff Photo) TOWN R BURISNTON NOM INATION MEETING t. The meeting te nominate candidates for the offices of Mayor, Ramve, Daputy Reave, Councillora and Members of the Public Utilities Commission shall be held on Thurslay, Nouember 20, 1969 in the auditorium of Central High Sohool, 1433 Baldwin Street, Burfington betenen 730 and 9.30 p., 2. Polling, if raqairnd, shaîl boe held on Monday, Decambar 8, 1969 fromi 12 o'clock noon until 8.00 P.m. 3. An Advanca Poil, if reqaired. mhal ha held on Wednesuay, Decermber 3, 1969 from 12 o'cloci mn antil 8.00 p.ee. WILLIAM K. SIMS, RETURNING OFFICER And liveý a litie! Ail you need îs an automatC washer and eleCtriC dryer. Wîth one settîng of a simple contrai, the washer fIS itseif, washes, drains, rinses, and damp-dries. Then the dryer takes over. Keeps your clean wash free from impurities in the air. Fluffs clothes into a saturai shape for easier iron- ing. And takes special care of your permanent- press garments. There's no hard work. No wafching. No waifîng. Your time's your own. You've banished your washday blues! Wîl h an automafiC wasiîer and eleCtriC dryer, you don't hase f0 do the whole family Wash the same day. Do a liffle aI a lime. Wheneveryou feel lîke It. Even when it's poucing rais. Gef yourself a nepe automatiC washer and eieclric dryer from your local major applianCe dealer, and live a littie. your hydro RICHARDSON-S 201 MAIN ST. - 878-8940 NF the dramatic difference you can see in color TV add color to your home life Tis TURNER -A4512W Beautitol Contamporary oiyied compact consolai Intgainea Wsieut colot on select hsrdnood solidsasnd veanete. Zatîth Titan 80 HanilCtttd Chass with exclusive Zenith Sotid-Ststa Citromaio Btoîn Color Oemoduiator. New Zenith Colot Commander Control. Super Video Range Tuiann Syotto. Sunshne*Cele TV Pctuo Tube. Advanced New Gyto-Druco ClI Channel Seledt 5" o 3" Ton-Cuve Speaker. VHF and ClIP Sputît Diolo. Veau offn it tii Vourelf te own aZenith colon T.V. $>849. buy now on easy budget terms ... or use your chargex ONE E FR88 SEMRC AT.- mICHARDSONSÇ*& os- 16 leaders leorn to qult at Institute training school 8y Mca. 12. Essusister wna tse iàsemator. M1e polatted lgeqseTa roao ia HOmeoness out that mnny people as ntice hi smlscoh Sixteto Halis Couaty obta o satisfaction fromt fieiehed sa e chair psd or Woasro's Instits membeca mat Ceaigsmthins elth tlseie cmillion top. eMiton recetly for a teali . owe I h In thia madane a. Ibo leaders who atteeded achool~~ ~ ~ le qilmadgTIe ultg a nnaew fournd airea of Ruera: Asgrv W.!., Mrs. M. Cee-day course wua sponsose exres ora yoaegr people. Bird. Mes. il. Ruddell- Eallleafad by tht Ontario Depasrttet of This craft cao bie adona vatnua W.1. Mca. W. McLa, Mes. L. Agricualtare and Fiood. The sl articles, in addition te Jle on; Homby WlI., Mn. C. woeoao are nase qualifsad Ce spreade for beda. PaCtereon, Mrs. A. Marty; teach «qsilts' te groupa of Mouetalo Union WlI., Mca. A. intarested parlions in Chair osen USa discusaed planninsg tht Clemeeta. Mca. V. Norria; Nelson commueitirs. They elill cooduct celler, desliga and matarials for W., Mca. Gîte Campbell, Mca. lt or tir meetings oet the quilta, makiog tesoplatas, D2. Sharwood; Neeval WlI., Mca. oacI fini menthe. A striatasry aaembling a piaced block, and D2. Murray, Mca. H. Chester; day la planed for Match 10 et fieislo canerand edges. Scotch Block WlI., Mes. C. sehich the rendu of the peojact U dr the guidance of Mca. Rowney, Mca. C. Service; wei bc displnyed. Samiths, each leader made oe Silveaeood W.!., Mca. G. Florence I. Smtith, a Cesftt quilt block in the patterns Heodarson, Mes. E. Willssaon. tpcas feont tha Home _____________________________ cnc Brnnch, Torontof uxlir mmer AY~ attend convention On Tuesday. Oct. 28 tht *LICTRIC president, nica.prasideot, A COMPLIETE 7LECTRICSUVC treasurer. gift thop coovreer and DSEL *CMECA sovaral MIlton District Hospital * O ID T RIAL 0 O E ERC HI N ThLon aisetem Aoxiliery memhtrs atteoded the 0RSDNIL0EETI ETN anuai conecon of Hospital 0 RURAL POLE LINES aed SERVICS Auxilinries Associatios of 0 Cacde, "40 Waee Nsee- Saesa à es"f Ontarioet tChe Royal York Hotel. %- 1 10