IClass on cro.kbonks is.new way to study By Bob Buens made far Ilamore realiotis vpent on the peesent peaject astre If n yue Oy a tt atte be hopes toi hune moeo by the second ptriad they settled OOc55tOt fset unieipa studies along tht dosen anId got doasn ta tht r chooteme'Isontri sps using mare business an bond. They mdl bc Olaat 16 Mlle Cckepddi saisied equipasent onte mathtd on peageesa made on the thrrýfido'tlieco = stadenns itle tht basins. pejen't and Use mark mdl mahe Theui tne becncemned. A stody af an urbon handet ap part of thtirareportmrdnsark. Thy asUece on legitimate toomas on tht futare for Milton Same time aftee scboosl ibe school business. District Hige Schani stodents. denaccd and infoematianI Itna o neas appeaach ta Bath Milton aod Meteopolitan collectaid on tht corne milI h education. Rathert th a oIsas af Toronto arc acteas that might bie isîcoepoeaîed in maps, geaphs oend stsadens attngadlistening to a studied. teaports compiled in tht teocher ut the front of tht ton Tht finst af tht fine ptniods classnom. they hane tahen thele stadios ta, theboardi oef Use ao l'ho postpose of the peaject iotan stsady thse physical peopertiesaofa river. Grade I1 rggaphy studesats, in groupa of four, sot out titis week wlUs camrpaass, Useesaometets, measaeing topes andhundredaffdtt of steing. Borne memhters af the geaap concerned themocînes mith -chattiasg the couese of the rinvean paptr, sbawbog the meandees. Othees wothed ta denetap Oam os profile of tise eivee renealing depth ut nuejaus peints and tht oae of the rivetr. Wter tempertues mcme taken ot slow and fost mavng points an inhtohadeaortsn. Ali tisplays a tole in thtirstady of Use naturel peopertes. Part af the ptaject is siea denaCedlc scmteaasingnmans effect on thsea as ocompared ta nosuaes. Broken boxeeomd tht tonoecluttebsg Use otreamnsoaed manbhadbtndeed bison there. Bob Collins sammed ap wht oeoaed ta, ht the genetal opinion af Use geaup, oaying '7bis is botter thon hting caoped ap in a cloom, There are mapa thot we coutl atsod but here me are, muking aur own mopo. ICI really iatesting. Athed wbut she Usought of tht change lu peacedfute, Lydia Dudolis deoceihtd fi as hkind af meird fot augil."She addtd it max prabably mare enjayable far a boy as they are moe mechanfically iaclined and tht waek didgset a littît tcchnical. Il1 soauld be neat tomaroas ashen me try ta meuture the depth." Lydia said. Retaming ta the cree the fallaming duy fac SETTING Up SHOP, thee students set up poons and prepare ta, mare infaormation, this reporter chuet tht course af tht 1B Mile Crash tlosning hehinti Milton District se mhat Lydia badl deseeibcd as Higb Schaol. The encire nlasu nanh part in the stady of the physinal "neut sehen Use maded acroas peapteties of tht nreeb. The nattinne, do-it-yoursltt typentf lesn s, Use atraon an high eubbee boats a firit toc the Milton sehool and is deseribeti asabreak in tradition talsingmeoaurements. by geosraphy teanher John Black. Pintured in tht photo are students Tochen, John Black nated it Ken Meecer, John Mnlllmraitb anti Lydlia Dadnih.-Staff Photo) mos the fieit lime the ides had been triein s the Mdson sehanl. 'He felt the neas may af study E*.D Newsj HAND CARVING IN WOOD Sculptue and carvseg are almast as nId as man honself. Earlitat eecordaid bsstoey shows that max bas almays been in teeoted an ahaping and fashioning firat the triols mnd meapono to assist bis sueviva] and later ta ceeating oaenents and athet early maths of art. Thee is mach satisfaction and pleasure in creuting and shapîng maad, soane, motal etc. Tht louis for each of these medsums are baically simuea. In the Cabinet Mutcsng Shop ai b 0.S.D. me bane a mide tange of mmod carning chiadas and msey of aut deaf students possess a R natural ability for tbis faona of -c cteatine maeh. Tht youngec atudents hting enpased to ic forA the finit ime are isitially TEMPEgATURE READINGS onder nariaas conditions are as onmitativne, bat mith senteal houes toniciamencal in determinsng smme oftche physical aspects aîîmtivg of &hop practice, il is possible 10 tht crash. Boh Collins tahes tht reading anti Pat Devlin carefu lly as sec sonne faint spaths of renards the measorement.-lStatt Photo> gi ariginality emeeging in many r cases. Tht aId adage "a pîclure is.. fi Worth a thausand asocds" is truc * N of people mith good heaeiog; in ,. ~ 'A the case of tht deaf person, tht nalue of tht pictorsal ,ty repeesentasion ot demonsteation s type lesson it impossible to M essais. de Sne the introduction of Sc Wood Catning to the school three yeaes ago. maay sW1 maeth-mhdle nhjects have been gis productd ranging fromt camnid fitr tiges in Otd Engtith oe Chaech Ja -0 Taxi letteeing to malt plaques j0 and antique reproduction op prajecta. Somne of these have S been txhihited aithUe local"Miltan Ge air. Dr By tdial and ereor, tht fouager has atudents acqaire a moeking BIt hnamtedge of tht variation on tas the grain, textue, coton and fie heauty of tht differet typet oft hardasood andisofiasood and their liontations ofroach. w Ct bas been rassucîng 0 findt yoc tiret sevetal of aur prite-assneing mh graduaie« bave elected Ca hane op Useir peine lu tht fon of tht mh hoai Wood catning chisels. Same atudeata even boy theit ame oft OOtt4sCg sets. age Regordlems of beit evntual nm., vocatian in flfe, 1 on sure ashen GETTING INTO THIE THICK oI Chines, Mats Falk measares the tsae Usey leane 0.1.0. Usey mdll deptb of the creeh heil et narieus poins. The measurements ae Car detine rouch pleamere feam the landamental in determinieg Use olope of Che river hed and the gau kssomledge mnd peoctias af thit resuiting carrent. These aend similer tests mere Cohen by grade t1t tht atcent set. stutientos e art afIe stutip,-(StafI Pheoo Ekampo Y O U TH Milton District High School They're gonna play W By Richard Fgg as me hoped il would, IL temperatares in Use 40's ntanoeuvered ioto position for and people beginmng their taso touchdowns in the fiest half Christmas shopping, je is onty by Pau Pau] Perrott, which astre traditiona that football in Miton convertedl by Q.B. Ray "Ange" slsold be once, but flot so in Tonelti. A latt touchdown by the 1969 . Thse MustangsofSeniorage Red Dentls left the count 14-6 at fsnatty convnoced the staff and the half. As the speed in the optimistic fans that there is bachfietd dmindted as most enough football talent in playeeswensbnchwaysafseeonty M.D.H.S. and it should be one week of praccising, the Red atlomed to play, Oct. 30 is fote to Denite ceecainty shomed tho start a football season bat Chia stoff at they rotted op their count seems ta bie diseegaeded as the ta 45 wshite Perrott and the boys Senors hope to play six garnes. coutl only findt theasselves in the Under coaching of Mr. Wilmnot 0.T. end zone once as the seoond snd Me. Pollen and with a ceew of holf caosing the score to read Junioes in the lineup. the 45-20 aitlhe game's end. Mastaogs teavelledl ta Qativille toi The 10 fans asho attended the tahe nn the division champs, conteat seemed satisfied with the 0.T1... asho are waiting to play count bot when Me. Wrbnot in the finals. The offence clickiog announcedit n on atlempt at Tht Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Novemhnr 5, 1969 B bail in the comedy that the club had loit, tl sremed normal foe a Milton High teami. Howerer, Use gasnes against 0.S.D. and Blaheloch asil smon (t hope) penne this club to hie succeassfuI repeesentatires of M.D.H.S. White the boys stîll play football, the girls heep on at their hashetbaîl, as a trip lu Perdue peored fatal as an injurf-prone club mas doasned 61-15 and a Pereeually weah Senior club asere dropped 44.21, tater in the aseeh, White Oakt hosted the Milton girls aod defeoted theas in both games of tht doubleheader. Sorees astre close and typical of the play, but Milton Juoines lost 31-25 and the Seniors bItas t 33-25. White Oaks Secondary School Slacks could replace those mi By Pat Ford Thismweeh at W.O.S.S. tht mne of tht game mas football; tht Wildcatc wca a place in tht finals and the girls' pomder paff teqas made their dehut. Tht boys played Blaheloch tmice Usîs meeh,' once in tht ffinol gante of tht sohedule. Asmered of a second place finish ta, Perdue, tht tea played i Is second and thîrd steing lint-aps for most of tht game and aost 27-18. Petter Rombottoas, Ron Bathet and' Bob Bottoni scored tht W.O.S.S. toachdomns. School mas dismisced eaely on Feiday for ose second meeting mith Blahtlach, this time on home field, in tht semi-final playoffn. Tht fiest steingeen mere ail out this lime to tahe tht game 15-t. Ron Barbet con tht ftrst T.D. and quacterhach Bob Bottons connerted it. Shortly aftee, ont of tht Tahhies mas lachled an hi somn end zone fora saftty. Tht highlight of tht gamne mas tht interception of a Blaheloch pans hy end Rich Boeomshi for a T.D . con. Once again, Boh Bottons hichtd tht hall betaseen tht uptights. Blaheloch astre held tonelets until tht third quarter ashen Peter Brownnrecoveced a thicd domo hich by T.A.B. into 00e end zone-one of tht Tabhies lachled himhbeforehtiecoutldtun ilout. Next me minet tht undefeated Perdue teami for tht tomn championship. Perdue'shboysnmay not lose, but W.0.S.S. proved tht sarte can't bie saîd for tht giels' football teamt ashen our pomdee puff squad a rer them 30-0. Darothy Tuchett and Roselyn Me"r each scored tmo touchdomns, and Diane Gibson added tht fifth. Tht girls' bashethal ttams played Milton for tht second cime, and stîtl came out on top, an me dîd hefore. Tht senmoes astre led hv Colleen McLaughlin and Sue Duffy In a 33-55 victory, and the juniorsmwon 31-22, Thece bas hten some conteontry and a petition among mmne of tht girls at White Oaks in snowdrifîs Speahîng of school spirit, Students Counicd reports alach of ias only 200 of 900 students shomed up for tht penny drive aest meeheod co collecl $350 for UNICEF. Meetings setas to bc anoeganized despite thetfact that they are notmweilattendedt 1fee Usat this is tht fault of tht farcec thal the electing of closs representotiven pennes to bc cf only these couldhe at leoschaîf as serions as the electing of tht enecutire. Eneeyont complains at c M.D.H.S. but they never go to the meetings. Cf aIl tht complaintesc ente shomed ap and roîced theirh opinions, it mnuld be tht gealtst thiog in high school hcstory, 50 complaintersget in there andg mairehistory. a fi iniskirts a regard co meaeîng dlachs 10 school. Certain members of the House of Assemhly at the last in meeting moved that drenssP regutations shoald be amrended to this effect, and tht motion mas passed. But there is sone opposition to the muling, and c motc iltdidnvoitbegin as an officiai i bill to be eead in the bouse, it has ne nt heen signed by tht H toreroment und is not yet ce effective. Homeer, ihis dlots not et setm to moecy chose girls mho wishtd 10 meat slacha, they- tarted last Thuesday, after tht notion mas passedl Wednesday îîghl, and they shoas aIl mntions of concinumngunil thte echnicalities have been cleaced iP. M.M. Robinson School magazine is Iively, sellout too By Donna-Jane Byrc Tht Robinson Scene magazine ment on sale again Thursday and il happenaid ogaso. Schedaled lui be sold at tht thcee lunch persodi, by tht end of the second il mas sold out. Pool McCartnry 'Wanttd Dead or AlIme", an editorsal, a band intervitew msth lsaony Squire and tht Brethren and tht Tero Sceor mee jusi a few of tht articles included. atchatîs cric of tht most popular teatuces is "Tht Dasly Blurh".* ere tht students are able to uggestion--and tbey do. Coming tesource Centre!", presencsng O mo-sded look atouc rtsoacce ente. Wsth a cecen t Nelson niccory tilt fresh on their breath, oun oy s seni~or voltybaît team ompeced in tht SOSSA Zone 1 ouenonient held Wednesday as obinson. Tht 12 mortifie squad. oached by J. Westhead, met foot thet high achools ioctoding ocaster, Dundas, Wateedomo Each teoni played taso gaines id a point mas amarded foc each amie mon. By tht end of tht îund robin play, M.M. masi t place assth sevon pounits, elo n second asstb six and ncse n thîrd place milth fout. tIson and Ancaster mece tht oteama enteed in tht mi-fioalt mith tht victot tu play .M. in tht finals. Nelson feattd M.M. in tht finals by tht ores of 15-7and 15-10. Wstb tht victory OC Aldeeshos ednesdoy Oct. 29, our junior le' bashethaîl tram is nom in se place. Spacked hy captait nîce Kay's 12 point effoet, tht 010e team trouoced tht îpassng teum 35.7. Othet orttt5 of tht gone inctuded oegcna Richmond and Josie ahe asho tach sanh taso shets. Karen Langsham and en Head oetted a field goal h and O. J. dropped on thee Id anit four fout shots. fRecalling lait meok's 60-20 tory oinî Nrlson, soi tis eh's 57-9 delea i OcAldershoi, arve gut to admît ont thsng, en aut senior teom defeats a pasieg teon, they eeally omp thora. penne Young in lier final yeae playinig fon tht senior teon, led s in the scoeseg rate nttsng efieldi gals and Chret faut Ca fot a total af 2t peints. ai Margan nettiog fine field ta and a faut thot max nent in soaing lrt. beas bas hten talli af the final game besog played on the Aldeeshot foot, I pensonatly hope chat this does nos come aboat as tht playsng surface is neey slippecy anit players unable to holit thein footing are calleit for travelling. Dam, de dam do! le's that lime again! Report papees asete issued Fcsday. Becaase Robinson srur, on a neas composer system, report sauts hadt to he adjusîed occoedsngly. Five shreîs ofypaper, roch msth cochon paper betaseen theas, mece handeit to tht studenis, asho thonacaed them fcomn clasi to class ashece the ttachter enteceit o mach ne commetnt in tht space pronîdeit. At the conclusion of tht day, tht fient shere mas cemoned and tht studetts ere itlomed 10 coke ihis copy home. le mould be întecostsng t. htarithettachcs' andt studenîs' opinion of thistes ',computter paptn". For "the d«eet maontl" Youfh Appreciation Week Peesîdent Jis fiîgt of the co-sponsot cd hy Optîst Opsimîsi Club of Milton has Inttrnational aid its 2,700 clubs apposoîrit William McGinnîs Ihîs thcoughouc tht U.S. andt Canada. fear's chaseman of Youth lis primacy purpose is Appeoaion Week. recognizt thr accomplinhmrncs Tht progcam, to be helit of youîh on thr home, sohool, itaeiîg the meek of Nov. 10 - 16, chucch andt commovity-ihr isan annual observance, dectnt maosty. Milton youth escapes iniury A Milton youshtiscapeitnury goideposti. Hîs car mas aimons in a single-car accident on tht totalîf meecheit mîit $2.000 Base Lîne Rit., etet of dtamarhrbivgdonct Eîqittsing's Fourîh Lior Fcîday rvening. Charles Wilson, 16, of 92 John St., lost contcol ofîtheNol cac he mon dicvng and il wenî off tht eoait ioing $300 damager lm ns o l to tht car. IINSURANCEI driertesoaprit irnous i050fry ona AGENCY LIMITED single-car mîshap on Hîghmay 16 MARTINST. MILTON. 401, tat of Hîihoaf 25. 878-9523 878-4651 Accocdsng to tht Milton itachmenî of tht OPP, Aloo-v Miller, 46, of Wesîon, ls conicol of hîs car, runnn off then eoulandos hiitiofl teena 1962 Ford Pickop. Imo ton Red and White. Lic. 2811 OB REDUCED TO ONLY $495. MANYMOREFROM WHICH TO CHOOSE ie * LAST WORDS I. Attention Juniors. A recet student opinion poil sndicated that tht seniors feel that sohool spirit han declîneit hecause of unschool-spiittigonmais'. PROVE THEM WRONG! 2. Do yoa hart four tft on someont, tht quarterback ofethe football tramt, captain of tht solltybalt teamn? Wel, nowanfos chance. Go gel huin!' Tickets on sale for tht Sait a010000 hoans. Nov. 10- 16 Opîsmîsi tnternational has focased i is efforts on youth strving actns ties since lis inception 50Opeats ago. Tht local' Optimise Club of Milton sponsors tht annual bicycle rodeo, theoatorscal connt ant supports mînor hasehaîl, hockey toit soccsrrclubsthetsaftitriving aseek anit nsmecous other activitis. In its ycuîh spyreciation meek eniteanor, the Milton club milI he rtquessîog thr co-optertion of oîtihrer orgonseaione and indîvidoals in the comnmun iy. Okoy $552632 schooi counoct for Georgetown The terder of A. Peteesons Limited for $552,632 mas sccepted hy the Halton Courty Board of Eduation for (instruction of the Joseph Gibbons Public School in Georgetown. The fion's bud mas the lowest f 12 rectiredcrangingto a higb f $708,000. Tht school wîll have 12 lassrooms, a musc coom, taso ondergactens, general puepose coim mcth change rooms, lihrary esoaececeote, health unit, tudance acta, administratire cea and auxilory areas thcmîîîl tonide foc latte addition of 10 Iascrooma. mi as repocrd tht $21 square sot cosc was high but il mould e in relation ashen tht school 'as hoîlt to its maximum site. nclusion of fuicote services Ttecttd the cuccent cost. Total coît of tht project îcluding atchîtecî's fees, quitîment and site derelopasent estimated ar $640.000 dîcacing $1,422 per pupil -Tht loog-amaîted Steele omasission report mhich mdll eterno mne mhethec Bueliogtn mains mîth Halton ne joins sasiliton and Wentmocth in a gional goneecîment acta, i pectd 10 be celeased shortly. Il 01316Y ffa; Great things corne in Bulova packages Wit0&50555 $79.5 cen cou ko hoa akees a ICcirhnuilsi"tAuta 220 MAIN E. 878-6341