aThose people mho eceve anmanted mai, mhethee jet corses front book clubs, record clubs, grertisg card soppliees or alliera, don't have tai uccept il. Any iadividual bus the peivdrege of rrfusing mail. ut mark it refuted, sign i and retors it 10 ite post office misere il mdll ho dispoird of i acardance mille pestai regeilatians. That's the mord recentty in a reiraoe frore thr Drpartment of Conumer and Corperate Affairs. AI thtis tire of the year it may ler of sonne bnp ta ehose reeiving anasked for items. IIt's pirasant Ire report that Hailomr'en terems in have paoud mule a senne and sensihie criebration. Ire paeeicutarty ptrasrd that hanches tefe out in Centromal Park, s0 they cooid continue ta serve residents tleeougb the minier, mient untoiichrd. The stase caie i that park tont ment mithout the tarne kind of casdalisn that samll it dosed i peint tant yer. With the theats of booby tropped treats prrying on the reindu of many perents it reay ha that the territory coveed by the yaang ones mus restricird hy parents tan, If so itj's a sep in the rigse directios. II The pressure of mare and larger sheoppmng crntes mithin easy deiving distance of Miltas is bousd to have its effece on thereension and impeovereent of toaa shopping facilities. Miltas bas haro unique in the kind of diversified shopping it hus made avaitable. It bas haen potaible because of the mide area seeved. ThaSsrea kerpa geting nibhtrd smay mille grater detvtsg distances conidred concesient and mille the establishment of enctoard mal n d parking arras. Down [s]j in this Corner with roy downsJ Was Hallomeen niglet as quiret aI your haute as il mas aI reine? le appears many parents kepe their childeen homne, or aI leasta in their o neighborhoods this prar, peobably because of tht ayions of a frm tadialic sous in pust Haltomeens. il's a dors ahaie a fem eazoe biades, pans and poisons in apples and Haltometsn ereas is semîing ta spoiltehe chidetn't fus, on one bmnd; yet on tht olIver land, peehapa il's tire mie stacid polline in oue hors (no pust intendril) an ihis sorertimstr slopîd celeheanion of a cause long forgotîro. Hailometsn is fus if you'e 100 orander. Sol those youngsîees suon pour op and haconîr gangs of thrdll.terking teenagers mho roi peicate and public peopeety, laus rgg and toreaturs, meeck signs and anaithones and grnrally use Ihis eute foe a niglet of sheet hrlt.eaîsîng. If thee maes juse sorte may te0 enfore a hte, that Hallome'en coulid nnly be crîrbeateil by childeen agrd 10 and under ... Theve's a*great tuffle in nemapapr omrships in and aeound Halton County these days, as tht daity nemspaper empires native mbt tht subueban areas ta huy up meeklies in an arc stretching aeound Toronto fvomt Ajax 10 Bortînglos. The Toronto Telegeare, Toronto Daity Star and Thomeson Nrmspapees eîthr Oms ur hace a big financial inîererîlîn a total of 23 nemîpapees in Hatton, Peet, York and Ontaio Couchies. Thee aee luit sorts independentty omned mttkly nrmspapers rfI in Hatton, Peet and Yoek and Ibre store continue in Ontario County. Triy holdings inctude Bueieglon Pose, Oakvîlie Bravr, Brampton Guardian, Stouffville Tribune, Nemmavket Era, Ajan Adveeeîser and Missinnauga Nems. Thinam Nemspapes ectntly operaîrd a dàivision caltedl Haste Nemspapees Litselted, ebrooge mhich te sbaeed omneeshipi of sevrat nemipapers milb Tht Toronto Star. Effective tais stl the Imo omnees Iplt op their holdings and nom The Star owns the Daily Journal-Record in *Oakviltr, and the Port Credît Wrrkly. The Star atmo elaunts fioancial inleress in Buelingeos Gazete, Nem Toronto Advertîsee, Etohicoke AdvertlîsrGuardiun, Wesîon Times, Woodbeîdgr and Vaughean Nems, Elobîcoke Press, Willomdate Entrprise, Aucora Bunnr, Richmond Hill Uhaeral, Don Mîtis Mieror, Scarboro Mireor and North Yorkteîeror. Thomeson relins tht Geoegetownî Heeald und the Brampton Daity Timees and Conservator. The Thoreson chaut, of nemîpopeesseretches eigbt acvoms Canada and 010o severat foteign countrîns, and is beaded op by the nom fastous Lord Roy Thomeson of Engiand. The trend tomaed daily nrmspapee amnrsbp of meeklies is also spreadîng amay feore the steteopoliîa uttras. The Kitchenr-Waterloo Recoed rporely omns tevrat meeblîrs aeound that axea. Wbere miii il end? Prhaps 25 ynes froret nom Oive or six gvoups of putishees mutl ome evtry nemspapee in Ontario.-but me hope 001. Local omseeslap mnd contrat of the nemI media is an important part of caremunîey tife in Ontario. The "fee" pess miii bie trutp free mhes Ire is no stosapoty of omneeships. OUR READERS WRITE:J portions of theîe operations? Have you GOOD CITIZENSHIP maeveited ai the park-hike almosphee AND THE QUARRIES ceeated hy their generoos piantingo of rveegeen sheubs and deciduous tales? Will Dear Sir: ynu be milling to compliment thean on We are veey peone to notice the ugly their piacing of ponds, thooge these may scars on out landscape created by tie hie related to their washing operations, so excavators oftons andtoos of gavî that thevbeauty of advevpast ti: Often me have expeîed indignation that propertie:s senhaced? some effective measoie of rsteint oe This is afine gestureWe, the ctizens of contint has nos heen placeil on these Halton Counîy, siiooid be genr os in out apralora. peaine of thîs movshy effort. May me hope Whal a eefessg change wire nom thrait othee oprators mli ho inspired lt obseeve us me paoo the site of opeeations5bf foliom the leail, may eveo endeavoue ta Canspbeiiviiie Geavri Suppiy! They aee suepais, this move taward 'Igoed takin a moethy iradin hecasting "good cieizrnship". citizens" of thr costmueoty. Have you pet noticed the bock filang af the exhauuled Aimeested Moîoeîst 1M The Cuiedacs CJ»mpion, Wcdmeday, NSmvehr 5, 1969 (ISug Thee's noehing more bouasg than listeauag ta a geoop of aid amants talkhsg about "lise Wae," cale.s aou yoarseif happes ta, ho an Olid Smeat, au me oid smeats are called. Thea, il's fua. Tbis year, I mus skei tei speak ai tmo diffrent Retembeence Doy banquets. i mas aisable ta accepi eiiher, and waa genoisiely sonry aboot that. Thre' uothiag likr a crowd of old inmeati; ling thee hoasi off on Remembaace Day. Dos't thinli of il aa a brlond of Thats belcause theae ren did have reiddle-agrd and eldeely mens itling aroand smtisg dthy rli oe qlo l all ayNov 11th,"reembrin" teir even thouge il suigt hoe 50 years aid or "failes carades" lugubriaoaly. moe -They shahl fot grow old" *Dantors, like lamyrs are as a geoup very ascorereanicatice genrrally, banaing soce teiitgs au profeallonal advertising carda in local nemspapeen. Soddesly, mille tht introduction of OHSIF tht doctars freid thererves mille a stoepr ttl in defente of their bitling peactises and semspepeet hogis ta recrive mrekly "nems releates", from the Medical Association. There serins ta hoe anîtrange contradiction i tais attitude. On one hand corerenicating mille tht public indiciduafly is unethical but os a geaap it il quitte peoper. Unied mue stand, 1 guru., IAnother remindr: Local nominations are schedulrd for Mosday Nov. 17. Thats te days hence. gy Ibmn ail candidates and moald-ha candidates for cousicil and bydro conmssion positions have ta he in the field. II Again Ibis yrar Noverer Il is a schoot holiday. 1 thouget il had hors droppeil front the tust of "hoidays" bat appareesly 001. t seil feel, au 1 did last yere, te mont reaingfol expressions of reerance day mUtl be leeld for tht studrntn sn the arboot. Foioigta il a holiday jant dentsinte appeopriauny longr. II Miton mnteodoced ils finet intran ton billing in 1967, catting for payrent of the firsI instalihart of taxes in Febeay. Nom tbe nerd for emo instalrenîs blrote the budget bas bers ses, is connidred nrcessary. In 1970, tuxes haurd on 30 reitîs, milI ha payable in emo installments, one at the end of Janoary and another aI the end of Matche. Succreding instatharnes miii bie based on tht finithed budget. (Lait year's intrire rate mus on 25 mills). thsegreotest arns race of ail tire. Unless tise urms race is baltrd, on a global bonis, futue genrulraions moy meU look bock la lisose 90,000,000 killed in 70 years, not mille isorror but mils sortir surprise. For if ocvr lise super pomiers start huring tistir nucîcar meapons, for store thon 90,000,000 miii probobiy be killrd in tht firsi houes of thr nent global mur. Let as rrmrebtr lise fiallen of tise morld mars lisis Rrroersbronce Day. Let lisose mho more involved dll in liseir mrmory on tise sacrifie of corodts and loved ours, let us ail givc thonks for tiseir color and stradfastnrss in otrsming lise lisreol 10 lise world's freedoan. Tise inscriptions on lise pages of isistory are very real and meuningful bryond thse tanks andl dog figlsîs, lise broches of Dieppe and Norrsandy, lise agonies of prison camps und botles ut seu for lhey mIre posasible breouse of tise valire of mny and lise sacrifie of tisousandn. But for lisose of lise nem generalion lise "over kil'" copacily of lise morld's urmumnenîs poses o nrm thea for lisese limes. No one con prrdicl misot another mur mould be like but Canodions ut home are flot apt loi escape untouched an tisey dii during ther pont tmo global confliets. Le I u s rrmrmber tis Remembrane Doy-rememisrr tisr sacrifie mode on our brisaif mort tison Imo decodes ogo.-rrmembrr lise challenge 10 morli peace misicis mounîs by lise reonti n tise hou up cof lise arsenals-remember our idividual responnibilily 10 maintain freedore mils responsibiiy. Oh, they do thal, but il takea place in tht mreaing, aI tht cesataps, ai Il ast, mhen tht Sionstaepped flrisg in Warld War 1 and thr îtuaned tarvivora lanked ai each olter and evrty stan alive could scarcely haliece il. And theres sathing lugubriaus or mourefai about tht ceremasy. Therea a crtain peide au tht aidattr step out a sorellasg resesnblig their aid quick merde. Therets a poigsancy as tht calora dip and tht Lest Post soanda. Tleet a lump in tht that and tht odd conlorteil face, and a fem tears in thetwm minutes' silence. But Ibmn therea tht triomtphaat, jaasty sound of Recrere. And off they aming, purged once mort, and ready la gret doms ta tht serins observance of Retrnembrance Day. Back ai tht Legian Hall. A fem of the smtnes, thetlianid ose, and tht mife-acartd ose go home for lunch, but mst of the aid nmeats have planned 10 me a day of il, eves Ihouge thry reiglet nerd plasma tht sent marsing. i don't antan il's an aegy. Far front, il. But il iî a thacking off of tht daily rut and routite, a oncr.a.year geltatgether misera y ou cmn ete Il ad aborita mith freash rembroidrry. and lauge a lot, mnd recepture. feagenlaeily, tht feeling thal yaure 20 again, sot 50 or 70. Psychologists, ceteruns' mices, and other non-old smeats reay mcli look doms their nases and caI lise misait thing childish. 0f course, il is. But thtrti a bond tiret (and Lce, reud, sotty officiers and a mllitary apatere of inceedible atupidlit coaid sot quesc tisent, Tht osly lhlsg that coutl do that mus dints. And tisey licked death. Sa they have sosnethinrg ta lie ahane, and lauge about and busdy inulta abot, and jusl plain celebrete. Canadian Legion celebratiaus have sathing quaùsilarp about there, Thers are no officiers and other ranha. Thons are just legiomaires, misatever thsir culer an crend. There is no linkiag of armas and siglng aid mac songs, us you silialh llnd lin a Geren veteranas ora t An Asbody mho teied ta sing it' At Lon Wy la Tipperaey' mould peobably ha long eut ito tht ailey. Therr's osly ose thisg that's hogning ta culi a aleodose ocer il. Theyrt hoglisslg ta Iret tht mn in an il. Tais is gaing ta enrage île ladies of the Lein Auxillary, bol, girls, mhp don't yau just gel a big diner redy, dlem ouI at16 pan., and came back and do tht dithes in ise rearsing Evcest if pour hasband is a Seltle gren amrouid tht gifla sent day, and pou don't sptak ta laren for Ima days, 1 think he'd appreciale il. Taking wmen ta a legion parny is like lakiag poar reother as yaur honrymoan. On Rererbrasce Day, remembr, il's anly oncr a yer. Gice tht peor aid dcvii a chancr tu ha 20 agaie, for a fem beouta. tet mi Neinem6ep Tise pictýre groms dieutise bomed iseads grour femer lise pledge of rersembrance is 10ken by a dmindiing nombr as Remembrance boy 1969 fteelingly approachen lise pages of history. Tire lrugedy of mar is stil] very real to, isose misa mere mnvotved-10 tise misose comeades didn'l reluen-lo those miso experiencrd in foir off countries lthe moi uni muck and bell and halte of baIlle-t10 Ihose misa experienced tise feliomsbip in distant lands shard mils comeodes-to those miso suffeed lise agony of lasI loved For lise generalions tisaI nom foliom, untoocised isy lise fears and desperatiores of mar, il is difficuil 1ri bring mbt focus lise importance oftlie sacrifice made by so many un lise name of lisese very generalions. Bol mhile wc remnember ibis Remembrance Day 1969, eacis in bis omu may and racis in bis own experiences, litere is a challenge for lise dienerations of loday msicis bas flot pet reacised lise clarion clarily prodoced by baIlle calis. Tise International Red Cross eslimales tisaI mars Ibis century alone have already kilird some 90,000,000 people and attse saie lime Ibis 201h cenlury isas seen tise morld's nations spend soe $2,000 billion on armuamnus in 130 mars an d conflicîs on five continents. And despite tise slaggering evidence of pont Iragedies lise arros race continues on a morld mide basis. Hislory bas repealedly bold us tisaI every major armns race han ended in mar, pet loday me are participating in 20 years ago Taken frore the issue of tht Canadias Chamtpion, Nocitbner3, 1949. A fiank of rors assisîrd Milton matrialiy mhn they edged oat Litile Buitin bp a score of 610o3 in tht finit of a hast of ibee seeiea for thenChaanpionship of Ontario, brie lait Saturdap aflersoan. Milaon Icok tbe lead in tise second inning mbtn Dacr Breai ceossed tise plaie for tht firsi cournier. Tbe visilors caste back in theer half of tise fourlh milh at couple of euns as tmotlong triplesmad a single liedhbe angtd ainst ot ofbauns. Thes mises tht teiltas lads menl tu bal in tise faurth, a couple of erroea, a single by SIen Fay and a triple by brother Keith seul *face ros acastpeeisg aceosa the pialter ta, give the locals tht tige for tise second liane in thse cotesl. Repeseniclicra of the Depertanenl of Wnlfmne mee pesenit aI counicil e the opnning of lise Nursery Clins. teiss Stapteford mnd Me. Basanqai mee tise eprestenlaices. Mes. Stephsensosatatti that a teacee bad! hors btainei, also a auppiy teacher. Tht coascUl n respsibe la tht Departanent of Welfare, bal tisry cmn dringute the administration of tise Nursery Ciasa. Thee is sofficiesî elquipinent tuhagi the classes. Tise Wnlfaee Depariment ml make aI n lis het ispections pet pear. Thry miii aise pay 50 per cent of ail appeoced espesîdituea. Four yousg Milaon men miso hi han ouI hostint have han sustsostd toaoppear in Hai ton teagisîrats Coart an a charge of diachaeging fiearans an a public higSmwap. A mon, filis sister mnd fiieni mere ridig i a horse dramn magon dams a sideeoad mhaa thep met four pouag men mithguSrthasiie a parknd cm. Tht yausg people biait gate about 200 isparda mises thry hoard a thol fied. Then tht stan fele a Sharp pain in bis riglet shoulite. Ht pushti bis sisiter doms in the magoa. His feiesd jcanped for cavier as anotser shtham fired. The then llldhohand the magon antil the hsumteramcedao. 50 years ago Taises tram tise issue of The Canadian Chsampion, Nocemaeti6, 1919. A Nelson fariner ays lehebri Ibme sisals fored an bis peemins ont tveaing iatrly. A litile latte ie met thien poutha front teillait, tach of mham lied a Sunt md a gant bag; mus samtling in il. BIhl latte len counted bis chickens and foani tisai thee mere miusing. At Tceaday tcenings meeting of rounceil a grant of $10 muvte maie ta thc public library. The Sraint miii ho higaly apprciatedl by the iectori uni sainthr. Mosey mss bediy sneedd for snm booha mnd Ibis miii hae enpesded on there as aaan as posaible. At Tuesdap ectning's meeting of tise toms cousncil a ltter mue read front tht dnputy fart adreisator in campliance with mhich a cussesitten mas formed, coreposeid of tht reapar and coonicillora Syne and Rasam, 10 look 1110 île fuel situation in MUltonamd ta repart bock la, the adilistrato. 100 years ago Taken feore tht issue of Tht Canadien Chamepion, Navereber 4, 1869. Wereret 10, mars thaet tht grialstili halonging ta tee. Coick. at prescrnt accopitd by tee. Hoetap, mus lotally daslrayed bp fie ynslnrdap. TItis accident wiii prove a great tous mnd isconreaience la tht farant in the icinity, by mhost the miii mas entessicnlp usdn. We mne uncertuain mhelhnr the milI mas isred or sol. Arsymay mn cast bol daplare the face of tht accident, happnt just aI tais particulir tesson, mhen il i in 5 Silet requisitias. Wr osdnrstand Ihal tht commtnee aippoisîrdl bp tht Direclors of tht Mechaica Instilute are busily engsged in lsyaig late ge up aseris of lectues and readings. mille nmlections of vcaaiand instrumenta meusic for tht minIer stonth. They are anxians lu ituanimosiL eceey Ima meeha, the admiimion ta mhieh miii ha Sa tam as ta place il mulhin tht reacs of ail aur cilicens. If an Ilinais miftl or husband manIa a divorce eight bad, and fve dallais is ecery cent tirait cmnb hased tai gel il. mhy, thare are lampera in tisai state misa mont ane hal fice dollars go hggiasg. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION e baédS ati Pacaci cs Amaaa.ia taLie. 19-M' s-,sa E., ta- 87e2341 Aua ras , O anse eeg: Cen,miet leIm M -w r a- us y »el i t., Mnam sale=ta. w WW inu n bssu a s ie deeni malter mhieh mur you maie in), that pou cag'e find anymisere cme. Il's sol sseaey as ciish as usaiversity clan eaaiens, ait wbich a lot of enddIe-ags people ha rieuer did Imom e .hohr very mell, gel slaned and staudlis and nostalgie leyisg le eecapsare someithing they saevee hud. Nort ci as chi"s as buslinesu conventions mhere a loi of peuple gel drink and tep lai capture soaneltig they erer mli have. Iae jftePs frst champion files g. M .w;