Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 11

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-I CHAMPIO CLASSIFII ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS SAMI - Me. aod Mes. lot Barr (nee fane) of CorBls Ont.,0ar 10ee to nnouoo tIse iit cd their sons Paol 1Y citac Barr, cneigitt 8 Is140. ono., aI Miltoo Distriot Hoý pitl on October 31, 1969. BASSET-r - Mr. and 58rs. Sc iBaosett I(nee Nijitolt of RJ notineahe ihci teirodaos ter, Lauea Ruth, cceig4t 9 lbi I oz., at Milton District Ho pitl on November 1, 1969. DE <SRA.4 - Louris and Catit DSe Graaf are pleaoed t0 ai nouroce te bit of tlseir soi Darren Mark, ineigitt 5 fls., Oas., aI Josepht BranI Memtori Hospitlt Burlinglon, on Oci ber 291, 1969. GAETON - Mr. and Mes. 1En je Onelon (nee Elda' Arpa) c 193 Ooeen SI.. Milton, Ont., ar pleased loa onoe lise blet of titeir dasogiter. Lee Anis Loi Lie, welgbt 8 Ibs., i oz.. at Mi ton District Hospital on No, eniber 2, 1969. HILL. - Mr. and Mes. Ihennet NIE5 <nee Steeveot 0f 2630On aria St., Milton, Ont., are pleai cd 10 annossoce te birtls o toeir Osaglter, Citeeyt Anis weiglol 6 lbs.. 5 ozs., ai Miîtoi District IlosPital oo Wedon day, Octoboe 29, 1969. Pies ge*osdclsold for Mes. Morion LI 0f malton. KING0 - It's plitk for n goi aI lte lGogs' bosse. R.R.: Moiltos. Jeanne trene wOO boF Noveonher 4, 19, an Milto District Hospital, weight 8 lbâ 2 00,. Prcrad parents are Rai and Joan. Sister for Siteril Risonda and Roo Je. KIRKBBY - Me. and Mes. I Ki.ikeby of R.R. 2, Roslkwoo are pleased 10 annulaire lb bit 0f ltuir daugitter. Tmn Ann, meigitt 7 Its., at Miltoi District Hospital on Tooesda) OtoUser 28, 1969. MATF0OES - Cinre and Ka '100e 'Loveelyt are haoppy t annoonce tite birtit 0f twi daughters. Metissa Anse. 5 Rits 10 ozs., and 'Michtelle Loise, lbs., 2 oas., Ocîcfser 29, 1969, a St. Josetoits Hospital, Guelpht. PIILIrPS - Me. and Mes. Jo mes Pitiltlips lnee Stuoart)0 1893 Davenport Rd., Torootc are .pI.ased 10, annoonos tht birtit 0f teie doogitter. Lawi Ansette. weigist 6 Ibs., 7 000 at Milton District Hospsital oi November 2, 1969. StOELLINO - Mr. aod Mr Roy Ssetiing (rin Wendy Ha milton) 0f 145 lNrtht Servic Rd., Gakviile, ore pieaoed 10 a0 ooce te hirtit of titeir daogl tee, Tommy Lee, aI Oabvilto Trafalgar Mémorial Hospital os Novemiser 3, 1969. First grand cbiid for Me. and Mes. C. Sn1 ling 0fl Milton, second grand doogitîer for Mr. and Mrs. C Hamilton 0f Oakvilin. WOLPE - Me. and Mes. Stem. aet Wolfe are htappy 10, ar noonico tioheit of a daogittei Stopitannie Lynne. 6 lbs.. 9 Ozs os October 20, 199 at St. JoE opits Hospital, Goelpht.I ENGAGEMNENTS 'Me. and Mrs. H. D. Coaite wisi to1 00000ce ltne engage ment 0fl titeir daogitter. Siteryl Janine, 10, Mr. Ganter Liodor son of Mrs. Marthe.oLinder, Sau elslertai. Gemany. Mr. and Mrs. G. Paxton. 11.1 1. M0ffat, are pleased 10 an. naunce rte engagemnt ofthleil doogitter. Denise Nancy, toi Me John (,Butch) Sondorson. 01 Peoce River. Alberta. Mr. and Mro. John Timbers of Milton are pleased 10 an- noonice te engagement 0f titeil eider daugitter. Eloine Rares t0 Mort Thtomas Hopins, son 0f Mr. and Mes. James Hop tios of Milton. 'Me. and Mes. Regioaid Max- well Berry 0f 11.1. 5, George- ravin, ont., are pieased te, an- soosice lte ensgagement 0f thiter nîdent dauoitter. Brendo Marie. ta) Me. william Poal Titomp- son, son of Mr. an4 Mrs. ROSS Titonpson. Georgetowon, Ont.b DEAT14S P.OBERTSON 'Benjamin - At ItalIen Coocooiniat cManor, 'Mit- ton, on Wednocday, Getohor 29, 199 Benjamin Robertson, fer- merty oftR R 5,Milton, inhîis 940h yar. its od 0f lthe ltle Mazigaret Artour dear fatitr 0f omuglas, Jean (Mrs. Jock Mc- Gibbon) asd Grave fMrs. C8sis' holim Homne), OUlof R. R. 5, M"" ton; prndeceansed by titree Sorns, Poak, James and Williamn. poosera Meece won iteM aI lte Rumley « seoemuker Fun- ea Homne, Actan. an 1Friday aI 2 Pani. Intârmeoi Falenico celn- eteey, -Actes. DEATHS as HýAI1MSTTLE, Fredeelek W. - e, Ativ'Milton District Hospital oz De Mondoy, Novemiter 3, 19 Il- Frederîcit W. Horbottle, in hi! 13 851h yeor, holoved busband aI s- Elles S4artIey. Restinig aI lte MaReesie Pon - e IlOlm. 1 Main St.. Milton 1, Funeoul service in St. Poulsi kt. United Citurcs on Wednesda3 sl- aI 2 p.m. Inteemient Locecilto t- United Citurait cemetery. Cas b. el wilI 'ho open in lte citorcl. s- from, 1 p.m. util bour 0f sec .y MoGIBSON, Archie M. - Sud s- denly, ai bis home, Milton, %, on Thorsdoy, Octoiter 30, 1969 9 Archie'H. cMc47ibhon, in itis 86Vb il year, uacnd 0f lte lto Ctaes >- Emosett; dear fatter 0f Helen (Mes. Tom Morsiti) and Emt -meut 0f Milton. s. Ponerol service was held on cf Saturday ai lte MoKersie Fun. e eral 'Hnme. Interment in Ever h green cemetery, Milton. i. ADOPTIONS I RVING - Me. and Mro. Ed. h word Irving, R.R. 3, Miltoon Ont., are htappy 10 aronnooce lte final adoption 0f tbeir son fMichael Edonard. A brother foi Lisa. t CARDS 0F THANKS OuGr sincere titanks 10 af -I titose 0f lte Scotch Blockt orea !, ceho gave toscords our weddina la gits. n David and ean Hm den c27-2024 00e moutd lite .10 toank oui fomily. relatives and friends foi -lte cards. gifîs and love e. iy floral arrangements received il on oor 301h ccedding onnivers ,e ary. a Jean and Robert Andernon. t misi to1 express my apprec. -iation tu friends. relatives and y staff 0f Procor for teir flow c) ers, gifîs and kindness durinl n my recent confinement ai Mitl .ton District Hospital. Aise sin. 5 core ltants to norses, Drs. Ros- t ocenii Legato and Joitnston.» cJ7i2058 Paye Vickery I wcould lite tuothankny rel- alives, friends and asnociates f for cards. fiomers and visits i. ccbile 1 mas in lte 'Milton Dis. e Oricl Hospital. A speclal titanks ÎinO thte doctors, I. A. HunIer and .1 W. Rostowsiti. I mouid also like i 10 tbat tbo nurseo and staff for lteir itindness and care dor, -ing my lime io bospilol. c27-1990 Lily Eltesston. e cwootd lite 10 thoot my -dear 'frionds, relatives 'and neighors for Iheir cardc and -gifîs sent to me doriogmyre- Ocent sîay in Milton District -Hospttal. Speciai chants to Dr. -MacKay and Dr. Legato. aise theb nurcse itoe sorgicat mard. Speciai tbants 10 my 'friendc aI the Gospel Hfall for titeir con- cern and tinO mords. c27-1985 Lii McL.oan. Our siccete tbanits 10 relativ- "cs, nghhors andfriends for thoir aets of tîodnoss. beaati- fat floral îrchotec aod contrib- uttons to the Bothot Pond in tbe losc of scsle, motter, grand- motber and rcat gradmotbor. Speciai tbavs to the nrsing staff. 6rh floor ol Josopit Brant H Iospital, Drs. S. Richards and McDonaO. Roc. Wragg an4 te Kiicting.Steepe Ponerat Homo. Jim Syton and Famiiy. c27-2054 toit chaoits and appreciation -t0 our maoyrelatives, frillds and noighhorv for the tindnesc and symparhy sitomo os in tbe sod- -don loss of oor blovod son and brailletr, Ted. Wr espocialty cicb to thant Rev. Canon Ma- son and Rov. Poster for titeir consolicg word, ail the dontors aIo tio many heaotifoi floral trioioc, toe patîbearors. tbo Lions Cloit of 'Milton. lte Jon- ior'Merchants HockeyClub and ibe 'McKersio Ponorat Home. Joan and Morray Hoad. 'bra tho, 'Porri. sicterc Cathie, Judy, Palli and <mndi. b27-2010 IN MEMORIAMS GFLMOUR - In ioving morn- ory of my dear moter. An- nie, mito passed away Octoher 31, 1968. At homo. on tohe aotifui titis of God. By the Valley' of rost se facr, Soec day, -mtimccc, weo ccc cash is do, Ged ccillcog. I citait meot nty motter tbore. Sadty missed and almays e memteed 'hy daugiter Isaitel. c27-2014 MALPRESS - In taving mcm. nryof a dearsasband and 'father, Tom. csho passaid away Nocenlber 6, 1967.- Loved and rememitered aI- sonys. wîfe Bea and family. ç27-2008 IN MEMORIAMS - DILLDW - In toving memary 1of -fadear bosband andtiller , George E. ITedI Dilacc, mit, i psssed occay Noveonber 6. 199 I Tiioing soday of yoso. Titen taI s nofting Oece. - 0e ttoogitt about yoo yester - day, iAnd lte day hofore titat, taa. 00e shahl thint 0f 5100 1020e -And eacet day trough te yoes, iTitougit absent, yoo are veey 5h11l loved, stiti missed and - vory dear. - Sadiy minsed ity celfe 'Flor- -ence and fomity. c27-1987 -SECORD - In ioviorg memoey o f o dear itodhand, fotiter and grondfaeter. 'LaVerne <Diek), coto passed accay Novemiter 5, 1969. One year bas pacsed Since chatsnad day, Wten fte one me toved mas calE- edaccay. God lotk him tome. Il was His cciii, Bot in oar bearîs He tiveli, Almays rememberod hy mile *Laora, son Stewart, dougittes' * n-tam Ano and grandcbiidren Colteen, Sharon and Lamnie. - c27-2019 - COMING EVENTS *'Bingo games evory Mondoy ai 8 p.m., Hoty Rosary PoFisit Hall, Milton. c24-1742-tI ' Eochre, Salorday, Novemlanr 8, '8.30 p.m.. in 'Kilbride Poblic Scitoot. Admissiosf 5Oc per pes' *son. 'Ladies pioaoe provide. * c27-2005 -Campbell Social Cloub Eucitre -parties, Noven4her 7 and Nov- eeler 21, àp.m. Admission -75c. Masonic 'Hall, Camopbell- ville. c27-2006 Eocbre, Nov. .12, aI Nort Tra- falgar Recceation Centre, Nom- -by, an 9.30 p.m. Admission 75e eacit. Rofrectmenls provided. Sponsored ity Sonitino Ladiesc -Auniiiary. cJ8.2057 Goureacit arts a04 crafis ex- hibition and sale. Priday 2 o 9. and Saiorday 1010 J , Nov. 7 and 8, in Losit Hall, Si. John's United Choreit. Oatviite. Ad- mission 50e. c27-2016 Camptetivitte Air Rangers present Paît Pastions tram, Yel- lom Botinon and Burtielî's on hionday, Nov. 17, ait 8 p.m. SI. David's Citurcit. Campiteiville. Admission 75c. c28-2051 Ture1 Sopper. Satorday, Novemiter 8, 1969, St. George's Anglican Citarcit, Laceille. Set- sings: 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Ad- oits $11.75; ciodents &12 yearo, $1.00; ciidronounder 6 yeors, free. c27-1834 OpenNHoacoand Bazaar, T- esday. Nov. 18, I to 5 p.m. and 7 t0 9 p.m.,, a, ARIC. Industries. Base Lino. Narnhy. Refresi- ments served. Sponsored ycte Northt Halto Association for lthe 'Meniatty Retaeded, b20-2017 '10hAnnivesary Sorvices of St. David's Presbyterian Choreit, Campitoîlvilte. cciii he ýhetd on Saoday, Nocembor 91b, aI 11.00 a..and 7.30 p.m.. miten 11ev. lao C. 'MeNeit. minister 0f St. *Davidc '1941-49, cciii bo lte faect minis1er aI 'bot services. 'Music cilt beprosonledhby theo St. 'Davtd's Choir in -the morn- ing and by lte Campibettcilo- Milton 'Men's Choir in lte ov- coing. Att are invited. 4027-2011 i FOR SALE GAS range, aparimnnsizo. 24", Moailat. 878-6056. lc27-lSOO 'MCCLARY rts-grscastor, caod condition. 854-2203 ofler 6. le26-1956 21" GENERAL ELECTRIC TV - in fand ranning order. 078- 2044. 1c26.1973 GREY faite far jactot, sie 16. in escellent eondition. 878- 3035. lc27-2029 TRAVEL trailer. 1968 Gtend- elle. 26', complteoly self con- lainod, tito neco. 878-3458. lc27-2028 COB corn. is te tan; 1 side dolivory rate; t itay moccor; 1 Gohel disc, brdraolic. 878-98'73. lc27-2038 ADDING 'MACHINES, type mriters for sale or rentaI. Phono 878-6962. Narris Station- ont. lc-tf-417 "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" " READYaMIX CONCRETE " SEWER PIPE. ETC. for Milton coslomers. Weihave amaretouse al 3547 25 Hwy. aI Borvitamîborpe Rood PHONE 827-1087 Daily - ex. Ssnday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE FI11EWOOD - Mixed soft- P-LOOR tonolth pinit format ccood and tardmood ends. $5. vever marn. sizo 10-11. 845-4022 a toad detivered. 'Pitone 878- lc27-201i 3881. lc38-1933 -- MAPS of Milton soowing li PERSONALIZED alationeFy, ncm housdnýros miai tact 0f 1001 siteeto pIus envelopos. o. ledt Januar 1. Single copims tow as $3.40 at the Chsamspian 24c and lc tant aI TIhe Ctacmpior Office. loU4t office, 191 Main St., Milton. 1 FULL sice lied, tigitt mood, 4.llý alominom fIaI springs, nece matlress. $15; t dresser. $15. 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE 878-9157. 1c27-2022 ______________ SNOW TIRES for 13' woieet, APPLES. Melviocit, Cvrtland nsed ose minlnr. Vent reaso- Delicioos, Greeniogs. Spys, Pan ohle. 878-2883. Ast for Dave cy and Cee grades. Cider ano Saonders. lc27.2009 polatoos. Bring containers __ - Opon daity. 9 a.m. ontl darit NEW prdfessionai figore sits- Ctosed Hondayn. Roy Bousfieo tes, sizo 7, $15; disit aster, 878-6355. 2c38-196 1100; chrome and red ktciton set, 120. 870-769. 1c27-2031 '16 ARE no open for tht sao.Appins, ait varielins,a KELVINATOR ceringer wshi- seasos pragresses, 5 mite ing machine, in gond condition, norlth of Milton. Bra-Ba t35 or nearosî offr. A. Higgis Parons lformerty Glenspe,; 332 Oak St.. Milton. 1c27-2035 Fruit Markt). Open 7 daysi INTERNATIONAL. cottivalor; wek 1'm 6pm 2o1304-V i Litle Bean oproyer; t atum- inmstaonn door. 81" n 33)4. Roasonobte. Phone 878-9695. ~ AIASFRSL 400 BALES top qoalty horse 13 PIGO, 8 meets aid. Witsos hay; 2.000 hales moicit 'by, free MjDomelI 878-9463. 3c27-203. for lating off field; 4 bos sîsîls. open for hoarding. Reasonahte. 2 PURE bred Holtleins hell 878-5200. lc27-2032 ors, don in Sept. 878-3518. 3c27-202 3 'PORCS hbedrosmn suite, mot- vol finish, no matlress. 170; BULK sitacings, hiao in, ha malciing end tables and coffee les avoulable. Ballon 857-2336. table, $15 sel. Encellent condit- 3o25-t ion. 878-3001. 1c27-2020 PALO)MINO stod; black ebest *DRY weat slram, 20c 'bated val mare. Thoroaghhbredc. 878 MeCormnicit 'torse momer. trac- 3597. 3c27-19$ tar bilcit; land ratier; horse rote; 12 mire gale. 'Phone 827- GERMAN SHEPHERD paps 2608. 1c27-1984 7 scenis. Vent reasonaitte. 872 6209. 3c27-198t 14' 6 MOLDED ptyccod '6oa1 coitit filareglans hotolnm 35 100 NEW Hampshtire s Ligit Merc. motor, eteciric siart; Soses paileis. 20 meoits olO ciio, jackets and traiter. 878- 87&89306. 3c27-191 4624.1c272OlS GERMAN SHEPHERD jvop YGU WILL LIRE boyting you pies, no mixod breed, 6 meett bailding materials and cool As olO. 878-4367. 3c27.201I Cramford's Compbettvlle. 0010k: 2 GGOD grade Holstein bei service. Higb quality. Phono fers 1 springnr and t fred] Campbeitvitte 8.4-2232. lctr-416 a medts mth beïfr calf. D. Lace 5' ARCHERY itom, complete son 87-297. 3627-1871 * cili accessories; 2 pool eues; BLACK Poodie pappies, min Boston hall sot; Lionel traie. iataro. 3 months oid, qualti station. anitches. otites' acces- breedieng Piroette Konnett sorios. 870-9568 0f tee 5. Reg. R.R. t, Adto,, 653-2269. 1c27-2026 " 3c27-200 LARGE glossy prios Of Cana- 20 WESTERN Hereford bei dian Champion staff photos. Sx tors aiso 20 oleers, cceighirq 7 lire $1.00, 8sx 10 fine $1-50 Plus 400 its;: 8 Charolais iteifers tait. Cash muist accompanty or. phone S,.roisville 826-4476 col doer. Saquire 0000 aI Chompion cted 0627-2031 office. 191 Mais St.. Hilton.. USEýD baroilare af ail tinds' checs.s dressors. diving sets; 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE gnod soleclian of stoves. refrig- 0,-alors and ceringor masters; 1961 PONTIAC, 6, aulomaîic vesc and osed hods. 00e alsO Bosi olfoer. Phono 876-2964. boy good used fornilore. John- 5c27-191.1 von 'Poraitore and Appliance Exchange, Office & Shom Room., 1969 F100 FORD pic-op 160 Main St., phono 878-3701. $2,000. Cati 878-d594bcstoro 5 p.m Largo scarohoose stock,. 2278 Ni- 5c27-1995 pissi00 Rd. Open evo7y MUOT sal1 1969 Mustang Past- evii 9 ,c,,,t, act, 2,000 milcs. Nood cash. 827-3398. 5c27-1992 ER PRIVATE, 1969 V.W. sindoce TV sOWAI -an. Bosi a)for. 12.000 mites. Cati 878.4350. 5c27-1994 SALE1966 MERCLIRY 11311 ton picit- 30' tocor instaHnd mviri il 11sohn- ouacloed box. ToI. 058-9960O. vol head 162.50. 5c27-2055 40'tawr nstlld wthUchn- 1967 DODGE Monaco 500 2- 40 lmorinnotld otitllcan.Oa, hardiap. hoctot ceaI,, au- net head 176.50. tamalc. console. $1,800. Reo. 50' occor instlled miitail chan- 844-9721,- bus. 870-2962. ticI head $91t50. 5c27-1996 Esîa badslIa- scon ~ For Your Next Car ... sel). Iestlled 120.00. R F.M. stereo head. lnsîatted 120.00. BUCK HAMILTON 15 dammnt color itead. Insîalled AT 164.95. Aolomatic rotor. Insîoited BELL BROS. 169.95. 870-380 *5e-tf Sopaîrs of lit typos. __ __________ 6 BULS. OPPORTU=NITIES ISRCOR manind n Mil- RICHARDSON S luOajoRillBrigtn it i.rict 'for demonsllOliOg Tri- Radio& TV C'om, 'Liqoid Embroidery on lte 201 Halo Street Eaae home party plan. Port lime. MILTON Good remoneralion. For détails, write or phono Doris Scoyne, Phono 878-6949 111 Etizabet Drive, Aclon, Olt. litI 7h19 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 18 HELP WANTED FOR AN 0K USED CAR tTHE CHOICE IS VOURS AT t Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited r 1969 Chevrolet Impala 1964 Ford Custom F 2-Door flardtop inished in Tro- 2 00011 pic Turquoise, blackt intcrior FiOihd in Emfier- Red ci th and blackt vioyi top, eqoippod motchiog ivoorcor, nqtoipped f citb V-S engine, autoO00ic cch V-8 eogino. automatic trancimicsion , sadio, white- transmission, power stnering, tes, fll chrome schenl radio, ',hitescali tires, wtooni diss, exceittionaity tOm mile- discs, Lic. K17809. - g .00 appros. 6,110). License K<17250. 16 hvoe 3 1968 Oldsmobile 196 Cheroe * Delta 88 Finishdcino Tccoodo Black, red 2-Door H.0tdtop, finished in iîerio, qopped with 6 cyl. 7 inih 000,00. automatilI transmis- S ion Bu cciih matcing Sien. Titis auomobiln has hlco inte,-ior. eqoipped Witlt bocn kept in altove average rocket V-S engion, outomatic condition, s saloty cloecked f transmission. pmcnr stenniog, and0 ready 10 drive asvoy. Lic. * pocer braites. radio. white- K<17618. scatis, fll chrome vobéet discs - Another one ownnr, 1000 mile- age auomobile. Lic. 578 MANY MORE 0K USED 1967 Ford CARS TO CHOOSE Station Wagon FROM Finished in Tahitian Trquooise,______________ t cith matching itterior, eqoip- prO ccith V-S ongine, atuto- matic transmission, power TRUCKS sleping, powcer btraies, powcer -tailgate cotodow radio, witto - cail tires, flt chrome scheel 1969 Chevrolet 5 dises. Here is afamty wagono1ltoncab adchassiso quipped - that has Steeo kept in im- ccith 350 V-S engine, 4 opeed macolate condition. Lic. X13- transmission, dual rear O 740. ccheets. hoavy doty suspns- ion, 157" oheet base. Drin O 1966 Chev. Biscayne ooty .0pproo. 7,000 mites. Lic. - 4 00011 30306B. Pinished in Cameo Beige cciii contrastinig red ioteriorThere are stiit a fe 199 ne eqoippod cîith 6 cyl. eogine and demonstravor modets and automatic transmission. acaitahie ait exceptioosatiy at- Wiiteseati tires. chtrome tractive prices. wheet discs. Lic. 42358. Come on or cati us today for a 1965 Chevelle docco to earth priceo one CONVERTIBLE or thece fine automoles. Pioished in Emhoc- Red citt m.0tchocf iolorier ood blackt top, eqoipped wcii, 6 cyt. on- There is also a Good gine, aotomaticctransmision, Selection of 1970 i adio, wchccscalt tires, chrome cche dises. Lic. 1<21630. Models on Display Cali one of our Solesmen today for a test drive Cal[ WILF HAGGART MILT NICHOLSON DAVE RICHARDSON Budget Terms Avaîlable - Ail Cars Guaranteed JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open titi 9 p.m. - Monday tlsaoglo Fo4dy Salsorday 5 p. 6791 1lsccay 25. Miltono South 878-2393 - 878-3812 5c27 7 WANTED 8 HELP WANTED BOY SCOUT aoiform, siao 12 MATURE tseman canted as te 14; alco ror saleo6montt c.ompanion andcook, totivn in, etd hiaci Labtrador, femate. no hooisetsork. Appiy in person, 878-4539. 7c27-2030 Milton Gopartmrnt Stoem or ____________________phone 870-9261 for appoiotmint. 8 HELP WANTED8c723 LADI ES. Holiday soason i LIVE IN hocereper for .îppt-oachog. If yoo need mo- Mocheclcc lacoilv at 4, Phone ec bv le ft he tyc ...cc for Chict- 854-2523. Sc27-2037 niay, selou cce auccfol lice of ____ c.smccc and thor prodcts. RID0E te Torooto scanted, ta Large pcofct. Write Raceteigit, ariethere 5 p.. ioascng 1 Dept. K-lOWI-t 4005 Richelino St.. a.m. 878-3248. gc27-2053 Mootroat 207, 'P. 8c2&-1675 3 SALESMEN needed for 00r NEED money for then holiday oecc office in Milton. Bosier' season? Yeu con moite il oelling ince oo lisser bot 000 noces- Eowteigh Cosmetics and other sary. Contact Mr. Neal fori- seaonssinproducts. Saeseasy terviewe 10 discoos commission lc0 moite. Big profil. Write 9,ow- and bonos arranogements. 878- trîgit DepI. 1-284OC. 40015 Riche- 9511, N. J. Loogo. Realtor. lieo St., Mtornaî 207, P42. olS27-0f ôc26o674 c Maple Lodge Farms LITE2 Norval 611 Lino, wesosif Bramnpton, 1îmite nortit of Steoles Ave. REGUISRE A TRUCK DRIVER Mioimum age 22 years, for 3 ton van. Top satary. 555 day cceit. ynar round nmptoyment. dclivoriog oggs and dresoed poult. Apply in Person Saturdays 10 arn. f0 12 nooin gh26 Real Estate School for bot Ladies & Gentlemen DAY, NIONT OR HOME STL9DY COURSE Jaîn Canada's targest snller Of praperly - ropresonî Reallor MANN MARTEL Prom your omn tomne . - in yor omn coommonity. As a îomn or rur-ai satesann A poasant & eardisg profession . . An excellent "Second Career" opportoniyc Esperience ot eqaid - 00e train ymo. WR OPPER YGU: "Double p.oblicity" ctraugit extensive newspaper advertis îng. bath in yor omil tcality andin Tronto. Esclosive photo catlogue of Ontaric properlios requested hy thoocands af prospective boy- hayers. Canlinos effectivo radioa d- vorlising. Nasses. addirossoc and phono naol.s on soriaoc prospects ccio have canlacîed os te, buy property. Campltî training and contin- uosguidance. Unoqoaitod oppertunity for advancement. If you are ovor Z1 yoars 0f afv, hase a car and hase iteen a residenclof Ontario for tue pasî 12 monts. esqoire nom to findcouthomeasy itis tagel started. Tolephne Georgetown 877-2198 or Toronto cailoci 11121 923-2211 'MANN MARTEL 0499 Yevgo St., Toronto 7, Ont. MAN or WOMAN Ta sceigit pocdîry in proceso- ing plant. Abotoa 48 honas' mort -5 days a ccetk. 8.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. appras. Apply in Person Saturdays 10 arn. toi 12 noon Maple Lodge Farms IITED Norval 6sb Lino ment of Brampto 54 mite sortit 0f Ste"ic AVe& SOLVE y-sadc Hswéced CLASSIFIED RATES 7411011111 The. camd 1941 Md,à et. ru7m.06 Osa.PlI. 06140ci, Ontario FOR 50.0 FOR"M RUR 10 . IMCOM 100 0.,000oine. e So ZGGEM- Ne Charg0.0 e. 000000011 0.00 cO s9 oi MET. MMn -oooo -$.5 ois- Charg f, 105 -rd0. CLOOOO0Z 0O5PL. R W TATE - $.50 frtet fi-0 lires I OOJIR - .50. l.o 1- pa lno. Moo.y DEADLINE 1S 12 NOON TUESDAY The Canadien Champion, Wednesdlay, November 5, 1969 i WHERE IT'S HAPPENING - AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 1969 BUICK RIVIERA Driven less thon 16,000 miles by Original Owner. Lic. 360913 1967 DODGE Corsonet 2-door hardtop, 383 V-8 and autoonatic. Lic. 1K20897. 1967 MUSTANG. Another low mitooce car. Lic. 639953. 1964 GALAXIE 5W4 2-oloor hao-dtop. Lic. K<20801. 1964 BUICK 4-door sedan. Lic. N22972. $1,095. 1965 ECONOLINE van. Lic. V29562. $895. CALL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton 5h27 EXPERIENCRO tairdrmsser ccanlod foll or part lime. Apply Ail Seasens Naîr Otliss 14 ,Martin St. ne cati 878,2021 or 876-3976 aller 6 . g627-2813 RESPONSrBLE lady com:ps- nian -toseeepor to livn in mit otderty lady. Rnmaneea- ion. Write Champion Bon 419, Miton, Ont. 8h27-2052 Local Mon Required I eednarepresenatice fnr my firm in itis ares. Titis open- iflg may ho mortit op 10 $8,000. yoarty for te rigit person. PFull or part-lime. Over 21. Con yo mate short auto trips? 00e tope yoa cciii starl soon and gray mitbvas o long imn. Apply hy lettnr giving phtone nomnber ta Division Saperviser, 3 Ecito Place. London, Gnt. 8M2 ADDITIONAL CASH FOR YOU By demonslraling lte bet eosmelics ovaitabîn. Yeu con oarn $10 or more por toor In yoor spore lime. For forltoer information Please Cali 877-7840 ab-tg MECHANIC Full or Part Time Appty in person cac: CY HILSON ENTERPRISE 32 Branle !Street MILTON, Ont, 8M2

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