Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 10

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Jbn Sn@w replies 10 Tae Cafladlan Chtampion, Doctors do boiter OHSIP, lthe Obînrir pay 15 er of thit ranrt more liste tise premalamasu will goveremeel's venture' mbt rer scitdulo cttpo ri r it=ra e t ad rnim wiB medficare, prorides "lte brs tddod. Britith Columbie pays rover 70 parerro ce tei lis possible roverage me cee ufford 90, Manitoba ted Nora Srolit gorereet exopecs tu pay out. tu ail lte résidents of tsa cn 85, and et Sasktchiewan "If uyrne bus furter sparifir Prtovincer," accordieg 10 MPP Jue il's 85 par cernt Plut a $1.50 questions on lisis, pieute do nule Strw. $2 fe citurged lte patient, for hitloe 10 write me el Quee's le e reviete of lte OHSIP offie, itome or itoapital visits. Park or rotl me et my botte or progrs releused Ibis werk, lte OHSIP mill ruse SI34,00,000 Queee's Park offie," lie raid. HIlon Bat MPP sticks up for lte medicure prograin ted ohr e aaaee four mmifor'u uetHalIns doctors wbo ri urit ._mPlenr OI m ie enl puy go Par cen ofP 'tie scidle fehwvr Rotary traveIague offe-il ev dedquateI rémunrution wbicit, "in many On Tuesduy evenieg. Nov. 4, lthe rontry rf Holland cuses mdll resuit in e botter lte Roty Club of Milton coosmiaired bit prodoro a returo due 10 lte virtuel prsne l eodprogeumn of sitnilur trnvelogue or lthe elIiminatîro of uncollectuitie th~e ,,iîel and Advroture Neliserletds, urdermritieg ail bis uccrruos." He suggests titrougit Séries" ut t pt. ut lte Onturio expertes - an urprerodrened OHSIP doctors miii br able to ritori for lte Deuf uuditorium. anraeme te inte Ireveloge cottece uit titeir accounts ted teld.Z hamvbue reteurket, "ýOn 'dortrs miii be ossrd uf Robert Brouer isearéident u par wiSth Cinerumea," ted puymnt for virtuuily uit lte of Grurd Rapids, Mirhigan, "Everye ie Amietiren aiould work titey do" us orer 97 par mitere ite bus brr e ite elerîrir tee Ibis." cent of Onturio residents are contertirg busiess for sevrtl "AMERICA 0 F TEE I covrîd by thte iteultit plan. yeus. Muey yeurs tg0 ite SING" présents o puerramir "Befote lte introduction of emburked on rte htobby of Irureloge of meepn of lte grosr medical îosueîoîc, doctors pitotogeapity and bit finrse rdes arenir montrs of lte country. devotrd ut leust e pure of titeir w ere enjoyed ity fciends ted lcudd elietgtyNbeu prersîce to patients mio could neigitiors. Many of ii slidea s cuue r h igt igr eoî offurd ro pay for titrir won nutional contents ted Fall, atumn color in Vermnt, services. Titis fiée mort is tuken recejyrd uccbiim fron t ait o împoneng Wushinigton, D.C., jetouccouot in lie Médical ram temr. The encoremet Colonial Williumsbueg, Assciotion's fe scitedule. Every of frieods und experts pnropteil Gettysburg, Grand Canyon, patientrcnbtequnlycturged at bito priainre u iihe fd Maire, Watbinî Glen, areusonuble rote mith lthe progrote. TIse fiesl one lir Iameslomt, Zio und Bryrt ureurunce that rte doctor mdll prodored osed re screeo and Parts, Disneyland, Yosemite, un ed q u i r e dqae one projecror. I,îer, ie usetd otrLIe iePrlcrtr rémnration wbicit, in muny Imo screens and tmo p)rojectors. Glacier Park and munit more. ruses, miii result on a ietter Nom, ite bus drvelopeda return due 10 the virtuel revoiutionry uand unique B l éliminatio of uncoilectable présentation in miticit ie uses Be lgoing uccounts. Furtitermore, hO lb rer screenruand foo Li itilling OHSIP dîrectly, doctoot prejectors. He aIse incorporales under round wiii muke subtstantiulaing 0 in 1 i'fidelity stéreopitonice r administrativercosts," ite raid. equiptet ted music ond erund "I doo't recuit uoy ellomance Mr. Snose suîd OHSIP miii puy effects recordrd rn-lte-spot. He fr movemeol of services otiter 90 par cent of lte current OMA carnies bis omn eqnjpmnent mitici titan bydrr and moter iv lthe fre scitedul bur titis drts oI tubes aecosiderable untounit of Main St. reconstructior meon ltai eoery docror mdll bill tinte r r set op inect prOgeunt', Courcior C. Sntillie teé putienr for lte extra 10 par auditorium., His prgotber obtervrd ru Milton Counicil cent , "te fact itesed oe our sometimet bren eerdmt a Monduy us lie suggested il experience mitit OMSIP muny "tsovie-slide presentutior". Ho uppared Bell cubles teigit end doctors miii uccept thte 90 par bat presented rtis ornerai up under rte nom curbing. cent os fuit puyment." progre n set rtie of lte lergesr Ho tetgested tore wruld boe No province purticîputînt in auditoriums in lte rountry. tentie doubt tit Bell Canada thte fédéral medicre sceme Recently, te truvet officials of would moor thte major cooduit Thr..-family garage t.rm.d 'deplorable" Nussagameyu Tomrrip's by 31 fret anti lie rermei rte building inspaîrur Cyti Suvuge is costruction 'déplorable." baving trouble mit certain Ho tutti counicit ite lied imsuet résidents in the townsbip anti ite imo srop mort orders itut rbere OxprOCteti bis coxcerno 0er the mar no response 10 tese. situation durteC bis report 10 "Wr ranIt altom ibis to counicil Monday night. ' t n ad ReiAr Accordîng ru Mr. Savagr, titere hapn"siiReeAn are titrée famlies living on wu MacArtur. "Wi cte'r have mus once e public garage. bo Netblsrngea . etécé ount. Onigînuilt he gaerage, inctuding ettîbn rcdn. ges puntps, nteusureti 24 foot hy Counrit tiecîdedti 10 uen ovor 24 fret. Mr. Soate tutti counrît the prohlent 10 their solicitor for rhey li etîpende t 411 75 fret furter action. Bell seeks rate increase council wanls more inmfo Milton Counril morts more téléphonesîin lte culing aireC. inforntation vo e rte increuse Milton teléphone users are proposeti for te urru by Bell prearnty groupeti in the 50,001 Canada. 10 I100,000 rt e classiicijos A bItter front Bell officiais hecause of te extendeti auea indiatei th nutbor of attng 10 Burtinglon, idteteiod trehe uMtr on Cateptettittle, Georgetosen anti téléphnes acessibl ubvîMlto avle. This represents culiers nom exceed thde présent 106,093 rtlépones. res muassiictint sougd rnT neut rate groute moult ieh incrase as eingsouht foin100,001 to250,000. titroughtrhr Canadien Transport twspitdoti h Commision.calculerions tue lthe 34h609 Counrît maoiod 1tos mte wt phonos in Burtinglon more giving the nom rares moutti bo and rtey e "mrigting factor of eS"' serre alto concernoti uhousa resullînt in e listing of 51,914. meighring factor useti in The sarne procédure mas applieti deterecüning lte number uf to Ootvîlte's 26,2990 phonos. Liberals seem happy with administration Davîi Butter, présidient of tht Hattoo Lihérul Association seje hîs contteeîeceveti un excellent respunse f rot e survey of association nemethrs astîni hum rhey fr11 ahout te Literai adininstration anti titeir representativo. About 40 per centrofthe 800 Lihéral tenters replîrd ru the questionnaire andi an overuti favorable pirture is cusr for repeeseo tetive Ruti Wbirîng andi lte adinisrrarion Mr. Butter raid. Mr. Butter eari a toute 10 tosse survey aîking ntuct the saine questions moutt ieh asteti in the neur future. But you cun onty expert atout tmo perroent lu enseer on a door tu dour effort anti many ofîthosembho do ansseer are ugeiner the goveromnent andti aking a chance to say so,ble noted. M.P. Ruti Witing mili retease resuts Friday in bis speech 10 the association ut a dînrer dance in abvitte. -This Snnday Miltron cetetrates Remembrance Day. -Checki the tnmn's voters' tises 10 hae sure your naee is includeti for the Dec. 1 vote. Eff W RI 3153 BnMELNE CD. MILTON, ONT. TE11P000E 878-4111 NADALIN ELECTRIC Company Limited INOUSTBIAL AND COMMEBCIAL CONTRACTING COBSTATIONS ANC MOTOC tREAIhS - UJNDERGROUND WVIRING POLE UiNE CONSTRUCTION - AERIAL FLOO LIGATING CUSTOM CONTOOL PANELS 24 Mot MAsNYUANCB teaVICB Lou tOA te es miticit run to lte excitante building un Main St. uitir Mayor Best suggesîrd Cruncittor Steittîr, ns citairman o)f lthe streets ted mutks cremiùttre uf counicit, toort mer rte drumittîs on tbe project befote ir procerds furîber Tenders on the project bave bren receiveti ted letring of rte tender for lte projecr jr omaiting Ortario Municipul Buard approvat. Wedneadey, Noember 5, 1*9 yIIm&s pleaur "ts"oi No parking-needed for three stores 'I tltiok the planner je ruts", rrquired for tite aparmens, Courîllor Bob Cooocillor Charles Pty explodedi notirg rote were rrqojred for referred to lte town là et Milton Cooodil Monduy when tc titrer storet. plan, approvedl by co hie leorord n prood tite Objecting to lte prinriple of wichitt wtt tuggestedl store and uparemnt builin or eile plan ameodmnteets, would ie oodertakeo Majin St. wtt nol reqir 10 Cooocillr Pty cittrged "rrery street parking., Titer provide parking for rthe oor of ltote thiteg hos 10 go rocalird qoetioong lthe comoercial section. back 10 ij (lie platiner) tnd hre on tite subjece antd hr e Stable Investments Ltd. gels bis moeey. That' oe of ne ltaI tiane je subenjeerd o proposai for a titrer te ressonts lin qoielîns concil res pore jitilij y o Clore bitolding miit titrer îwo Ibis yrsr. Tis plnnling is one of mtscipaily to aerrange sîorry aparreets titové, for a lte pooreal jobs we coold gel" je lie core eres. Ste brlwren te Crédit Union bie proîrsîrd. Membrs indjcae Building and lte L.C.B.O. store. Memiters oitservrd ltotre wtt disatisfaclion miit lin Thte itei asked t sjte plan no action tey could tete on lthe tnd the plant for rendmenl 10 the new zoeieg project ut lte montent itecoose lovesîments Led. wrre ity-tow tu permit lte project. lte zoeieg ity-Iaw bud 001 yrt tolite Planning Board. Witrn Councjllor Fny bren opprovrd ity lthe Ontario quesejoord on lte aoont of Municipal Boord ted Co il coold parkiog provided, lthe cierk 1101 lie amended os reqoraîrd by Specia I mu pointrd out seyant spore e opplicat. More residents angered by huniers' presence Honting mirbier Nasnugameyn Township is fast becomieîg a bot issue, boit mitit corncil anti the trmnCbip's retepoyers. Ten more résidents of rthe townsbip attendeti Mrnday ntgitt's regeler meeting of counicil to potIer rhe présence of huniers or their property, as ernier protest groupe bati dore. Reeve Aone MacArthur told ibete bluntiy rtere mosn't anytie lte tomnship could do in the présent pour tomards xtuppîng huniers, siece licensing baid eiready bégun. "We are quite syntpadietic 10 your feelings," she raid, "anti il mi boietpfuit u 50tany bave oppoerd in regards ro, curbing the probtent." Sbe furdier teketi titont ta pur doter their grievances on triting ru guide council's actions tomurds cumposing e by.Iuw eorty next yeer 10 bers ntost buntint. Once uguin, Burlteglon's nu discitarge of ftrearms by-lnm mies reeti rut in cruncil and councit members ngreed Itir ity.tam dirutti bc alont rte san linos. Thanks town youth for trouble-free Hallowe'en Milton police serre ready for Hallowe'en Ibis jour anti every tentier of die force mes on dury Priday nigit, jusr in case. Cbief Rap Andreer told Thte Chaimpion, "ttenks ir lte yourth of tis tosen nrttirC serjour bappanet is Halloween." Police more ossîsîrdl iy lte Rotlierute Point Radio Club mitose ntenbers képi rntijo conracr mitb lthe police tit.ougtoui the nigit, loobing for troubtentebers. Thte onty serious damauge tionc mas 10 Imo streel sgns micit mere benr ont of duapa. The usel eruping of windows mas decreaseti. Cou ncil supports proposai to licence cable companies AI Monde y rorninges regetar meetring of Nassuguseeyu Counrit, mntienr sere reatia ltter fron te Town of Mississauge usking thont, us seti as otitet munîcipatities in lte province, 10 give rheir support 10 a proposai ru licence ratio tlévision cumpanies. The ltrer stuteti these cuhie télévision rotepavies use lundi betongni lu, vreu townsips for installation of thoir untennas anti burirti underground cuhirs ser they sboutd tie chargeti by rte munîciputities concorneti for rbis prîsetege. Councit agreedti l endurse the pruposal mtict mdll bue presenteti 10 borh the province anti lte Canadian Radio anti Télévision Commnission. Ilts Rementtrunco Day rbis meetenti. Mtlton's observunce miii ho u Sunduy parade anti service et the renoteph. -Only 50 of e possible 800 parents of junior elententury schoot cidren ettendeti a spécial meeting Tbursday sehen principuis explaineti a nese systent of toucher rrporring 10 tht parents. No Halloween treuls more reportedtu 10 have been bootrappeti andtiheb usuel "trick or treeting" mus repret 10 have decreaset ris jour als. -Wise buyees reeti Chtampion clerrifiede mitere lte bargains -Ivreresteti in gooti ntusic? Georgetomn Concert Orchestreais Iooking for tentiers 10 join a Sunday night musical group. îî ,'~ ..7, ( for St. roui Mcuiig iofficiel tendi, in n atudy un off outcitlr eplamser indicaîrd ef rthe parking id dhie opoliry Stable refered sic ai s anr St. Poul's United Churit martoji ils t 17di tenivorsety Snnday midi Rrv. A. L. Boland preacbing and spécial munir by' die citurcit chtoir in lte. moning and by the men'n choir ofMitoe und Cnntpbrtvitre Presityterite Citurcitei evora .ng. During die moemng servicerMr. Borland, u couniseBlor miit lthe Ballon Couny Pamity Crunsetling Service, spoke lof the mission of the citurcs us die challenge tuogo teecititoptîre anti Car wash.rs Wei - little else Pirsl Milton Scouts itod e car math Salurday but it mer bardero tell mticit mer metter, the Scouts or lthe cars tbey more meriting. Il rained oit day ted cinly 23 people turred up et lthe Gellinger Motors lot 10 bote rthrir cars musited anti rte boys gave up et titrer in rte aflernoon. Scoulmeeter Bon Nybrît raid lte car matit mas "ont very good" and it resultd in just e litIle roor $25 beint tuken in by rte boys. The originel idru for rte mesit mus tutue rte procerds for lte purcitase of camping equipnt. "Wîtb rthe cotti eetier conting on," raid Me. Nyboit, "jr wiii bie ton cotti ro itold enoîber cur munit." onhip r*fses requesi for land separaon AI ltýet, reedrmaeting asolrer and untit o fun cosandil Moeday lit sqrigrunti mier patsent, pepsrcadioafrlearoluttion datialt Tepor tomtabhip dsolint*oe' Titomeo front R, Brase angeao points aI ateoliibar Pes embre dicte jes ere 125 intluedtin len te Morment Me, feel frottege anan «rlbllitet Thompace ted Me-Fa ousld rondhefue, drsm up boeeto dtseives t liea lise towshiap woulti nel ha Me. Therepaot furd prerloasly reapotaiblo ait ay liane hi lis pretel bis request fore aIuad future for eseleteleltg the rigist tepartioe te roammillers of ofmway. edjustment, misa refered tha Aller liateting 100the tonship mrier 10 notentl Ai iiseie solicitor's report, Mr. Thsmpaet Ortobr 6 meeting, coanril tld Camsctl ie tend Me, Petite posepoard a décisioe n the mere mtieg la dram up tep eqorat unt dioy ited a ritane agreement Cane mrtci oud tl 10 teck the advie of taoir enture diol the townaship mouid nt bea reaponribie for rneriningi the rigiet of msy. He nd speaker se de htte oewln tuabstitrah0e cotins of linte 6 liversorytonhpsiiio sue s commenta an suris an tolke die présene of Citnigl inîr agitetl the morld. Wien Romv George Curre SperIl munir by lise choair salkit! rouent for diele décisin, under the dirtion of Mis. H. depsety'rem Tuos Hi anmeed. Meger inrlnded endicnte by die 't'Lsyaistntd ronil titr dt Jenior, Inleceediato and Senior décision n dine propoais? ritoirs, Wisy sisaidde't dt coraestttl nf AI the eveeing tervie Mr. adjutimee do il?" Brrland litîrd bis addres ta Ibis Caterifirne Mar lit!t Cisriseiouity?, auggrstîng te teser fer the deputy-rom. Cbuistiteity involves murender of 'le th mS iInstne", ie self la God, the itmling of Godes poinird out, "diey mere aiketi forgivetess, the conatraient la nti la geanl septear miiaut die prinripies andipoison af Sema referring la Ceani" and and involvement midi Ged'a CotariBallr Wtfrid Ledit sit! cbildree i Ieti. hoe couid tee no objection o thse The service opaneti midi n proposais as long ns dt paaptr ityme sing fenturing documetsuere dramesals, congre guliotai favorites ted Hamever, Canri Marasatl noveai atems by dienmale nhir mondeed, tam tey olisees of the Knox anti Certpbrgvito mand pproachs council midi Presbtérien Citurcies. sheilur requrets se the future. Ht Rev. Gordon Home, a former expliuid dial peehaps the mon membr of St. Poul's, mnvalvedindthepréetsituation pronounrrd lise closing craiti afford, la puy for c bénédiction. saliritoras contierts, but wamts A brief discussion perioti sue odirn mauld heauble Io da fotlowed die rroming tervicemwidhit«o e il. n aneou Me. Borland us die Chisiane "cui oig egrni EductionCentre. cose ta honing e icte fer dt rinis and a lam for tise pore", ie _____ conleeded. -Millon's Rentemtirame Duy Depoly-Reeve Hitl sait! ie parade is aI 1:30 Ibis Suedsy couldu tee no harts enth0e aflernoor. Ereryrte je melcome proposis. Odirs roqnesting to match tise parade ted land separatirne of a timilue participea jr the service ut lthe nature in die future old have cerotephitn Victoriu Park ul 2 toa ciide by the serre type of p.m. agýeenet. 'se ordy lising I tee meong mshv idi lisis je il mould ceest e -Milton Hydro cris hae précéent", said! die remv. bren checking thte town'r Caunejîlor Maraitall's Chitrnstmas ligits, in préparction mitequte ntolion tises tise for lte coming holiday seoson. seues be refnted mua carrird. ý-Make gàoJthipg apn~v I G ~,~ aG4 > PROCLAMATION Bysirtee ofte authitiy vested it me and et lte direction of ltae Muticipal Corpation to lte Tewt et Millt, 1 itereby proolaîte November 10Oto November 16 YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK Witeres. a large maînrilo of loday's youlth are constructive, responsible citzeets drseroirg lte approvof thlie adule commurilo; andi Witereas, lte déentr majorilo of youts do rot receire jost renognition Cor teir acitienemerîs end actions, and Wberras, lte met of Oplimist International itave dedicaîrd ltoemsrlors le promotion lte public recognitior of ur ite yoorg people durirg Vouth Appréciation teri srci Noember, and Witeres. lte cilizens of Milton ite indicaîrd tev wisit te joie te Optimists in oupreming Iteor pride jr our yeulth and lteir approoal of lte mary ire lthings ltey are doing t0 improCe bot temneles and or cornrunity. 1, Brios gese. Mayor, therefore produait Nuvemiter 10-lit, 1969, as Youth Appréciation We rn Milton with te sircere itope ltaI rurry adule wilI rot only stop tu lini about lte mary plus qîtalilits o lte younr geteralien, bol activeîy rerogrize lte individuel ted collective attribules andi atiiarrnenla of te many yeurg people ate y cos ptuibly matit, te ltat our rîlieos of lemooet mey Celly realize ltaI vie are confident o their obillly le guide andi geveet ltae bright ld ofn ete. future. BRIAN BEST. Noembar 3, 1MB Mayor, Town ot Milter j4à F happan te you-now and in tae future. Mlin h otrtr vr ef Canadiens know this. Lest yaar thay bougitt New CanaaSvneBnsnwyodu more then Chre. billjon dollars urortit. Titair nadgeo 80a ag Bon d no yiald an reterce Cor buying? Simple.aerget.0%aer itnaliemtrl. Canada Savinga Bocdaaraaasylo beytertasher Eath *10 Bond begins wjlh $7.00 intenet Cor On instalments were you urorit, banils or invest. the Ciret ya, paya *8.00 intaraat Cor aacit ot Canada Savinga Bonda are coUd hard tarit- tae nast twe yaara, and titon paya $8.25 intarst instantly. Titay tan b. radaamaed anytime et feschtCaIa isea.Oneptttiyu taoir full tate valua plus sarnied Intrst. tan aarn intarsat on yeur intaraat. Titsy ar@ *af@-batitad by ail tae rasourtas of Doubla your monayn ýnn pearal Buy peurs Canada. A vary Wp.iai seturltp. Cedap and moite e ddhic a happan te youl1

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