D>yi The Canadien Champion, Wadns&dy, Octoboe 29, 1969 An untunedca is àwon't strt"tobe E0TTLE TABLE SYRUP fe WITH %4 Cake PANCAKE Cake SUPER SAVERIR1 4 c C e BUDGETl5 DOG FOOD 20 TINS '1.99 AIONARCH POUCH PAK¶ CAKE MIXES hlIX-EM Eight $ OR Varieties 0 MATCH-EM R SUPER SAVING 5c! 6E KELLOGG'S Corn Flak( If ESA FEGRANULATEr INSTANT SG COFFEE 100Z JAR 1.4 SUPER SAVER AJAX DETERGENT s1.29 4 KING SUIE 5 lb. Bug This wlnter. more cur won't start b.- cause of w r spr pluethan old batterlesWorn :arkplus?You'd bot- ter belleve Iti Especlallymn wlnter. The colder it gets, the more your battery's output drops. So there's lest voltage available to start. Worn spark plugs can easily require twice the voltage of new plugs. Result-you have a combination that can be too much for even a brand1-new battery. You don't want starting trouble this winter. Get a Champion Tune-Up now. Champion spark plugs meet or exceed the warranty requirements of aIl vehicle and engine manufacturers. Remnember-an untuned car is trouble! The heart ofaàtune-up CHAMPION I 9 COPPERE RETTI CHIC LEDI TH'S $UPE $AVEJA 3 mmï--