Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 33

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01,YL .- ,« Tise Canadien Chsampion, Wsdoeudlay, Ocloher 29, 1969 Dg *i~impiou I iseorrd Ciao Mail Ssossrarjoc Niorter 0013 ...i.u lsioas thse redoood eIs.liSsp . bemra emilus la o inslhe lu ae 88 au fil, te of rellectorlsedl leesea phd... E ssio e pB. p.sss bows .0 car paro dnth darisisa - ilstslas s o . n hsse ilhibIlt fer drier of u a ppreseliog etir, op ,OO feeara. SMoit Wear on Car Tires Traceable To Improper Wheel Aligument A tip to motorlata wbo hâte In scuft tire damage eithin a to piaF It sale - keep, yoor car mile of drivlog. V'eau drivers on thse stralgbt and narrou. reallue tihe tremendous wear Proper tubeel alignasseot w111 On a tire tisat, for examisle, achlerve tisat objective. Wisen "toes-lss" or "toes-out., raris a tire, f orefually is a cisuck- 10 naites of drlving, thi tis isole or alnsllarly rougis spot, klnd Of Whieel mlsallgninent, tise reoult caus be viseel 100v- lu tiquai to tise tire Wear misicis loB lia utralgisi Ba prouser would corne If the icar more consrse. Tis, in tom, co re- dragged oldewayu for 100 fret. siItsuit only 1n coely tire wear L viicis tan create a uafety isa- -_ __ ard bot als clin reaoit In dam- age 10 tise caru trains. SIGNAL VOUS lATENT Apilroulsately 15 to 20 per On winteros lcy mroad, mo- cent of tire alier on ail of our torlots sould give signais of nationus cars cornes fromt tro- intention 10 torim arioer tison proper miseel alignent. Rogra- tbey would uasder oormnal drîv- lur inspection of tires 10 mate ing conditions. cerctain tubeêls are rolllng cor- -___ rectlp not Only .111 gave mo- TAEOM oTO torlato money bot w111 reduce AETN TOS P tise cisances of tise car "creep- Plan every trip sa y5 tuont 10g" totuard a dangeros rood bave toi force yourueif or pour sisoulder or acroso a renter car. Taire tîme ta $top, stretris, lunte, wisen tise driver rnîgit rest. isave a snack. Tou'Il be relax vigilance for a moment * more ulert, more relaxed, and A miseel oft-lIne co resuit more comfortable - and saler. Tsmpetre Going 52DWN Let us check lover your cooling system-today! DON'T DE CAUGHT COWD. USE OUALITY GULF:. SATTRIES ANTI-FREEZE WASIIER-MIX TIRES STUIS SENTINEL GOLF BASE LINS AT ONTARIO ST. e78.4311 £eumm I ~ GOODYEARW I IS DHIS YOUR YEAR TO TRADE UP? NOW IS THE TIMEI SEE OUR SELECTION Dp OUALITY USED CARS, WINTERIZED AND READY TO GO, ON TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET. DON'T 0E STIJCK THIS WINTER. SEE TUE FRIENDLY MA# FR01: MOTOR1F W 1C.LD 409 Main St. East MILTON Phone 878-2369 -~charges of big puy increases - R eceni ,epuors usai Hall on convnstion in Toronto Oct. 28. pnr cent of theu fees usai DHSIP Dr. Kunîca desctibed ibis doduers are enjoying o 15 pet Tise daclors dlaim in lise pastis îsefusîng la pay. Dr. Kunîco fear'sincreases as 'ieaiiy jasi a crn1 mucrruse io tees, and a 10 foars medical fers on Otario suîd lise Dntario Medînal case of living isecaso" mises misisier Son ferleao fi ai bave sncreased only 3.2 per cen ssoito reniomo fees enery risînganerseads, staff salaries ornall. ompre Ben aeso coul utwo frI ia a n rgpie r ae ia doduers hune had higiho anlv boi r of a cofin e appae ly oea s an nîglî per aanru ice r .e increae inincorne usas aoy -L. ..... cent ,, ., , autiiicrase inoi in g cuver oison geoap in lise coountry, isave made fle counly's doititri figiing mri. -Tiss is a sisocksog disionisan of rthe facis,' Halson Conry Modicul Saciery's njce-cbairmn Oir. R. O . Konica of Dakjille replled. 'We trogly eeserit lise imnpicautionoaf Mr. Beson's renarks and are nal prepooed 10 romain ijiosi scupogouis hefure rthe hae of public opinon." Sessos mode tise siolemeol ut tise Ontario Hospital Association is puil constriicio.tioad operatîng Cuill are tho prime raosfor a isigiser isealih ill. Tise docror sisorlage ss cieariy lise result of sl'orl.ssgisled and inodequale g oners mens planning," Dr. Kunica's oloîrmool erpiied. Meaombile, lise duclar casiagaled ceilts miso dlaim doclurs roceine a 15 per cool ncrease in lieir fees eurliee tibis pear. reportedly lu offset lise 10 't)1 ,îuud 19702 r Jor par ceniuypeu .i.iucr, the ard. Saooti do,.tuioi.oinoivd noi incrasen ornjtgislinceeases mitîe saine spenialisis mere ginen a beallby boostin trilieir fees, ise enplisned, bai il mvens oui lu fur port cent fai osgryasîe. Generai peociiasers recrsned "a uligisi jocceuse" fon bouse and affine nisils, pardialcicians eeceived o large increase, amd snme surgeons gsi no ncceéue, he explained. iiupcliauiuualoia, Ollsi>' i9'0 pot cent paymoîîi. honorai Viii billlise patint fartseirnernines and lise patient wiii ie responsihie faor coilecting misai be cas front lise gonensmeni mcdîcaîe scisume. Dr. ICurtin aaid dacrars mere usbappy bo A N leant il miii lobe DHSIP rua, la su, lhree monibu ru peucesu lheic her uccauntu aod mail olt ibje Car cheques, and hosides, 'il's preoll ber complicatid ibkeepiog. irnsjî lOTED AUTHOR as weil as hsing a magazir romst, Dr. Ethel Chapa a k ept hup at navets ut lise tesimaonial beid jr her h spiselille Sp theHaitooW. 1. Ths boos shis sa lalest caiiecb'Humanities Vu Hsmespuo." ilto de.-iSstf Photo) .ig cuts pay M 1 1te0J reguior meetling of ooscil Monday Il oceaei yellom .esising note, ami revrw listings of -eprtments in lthe r.eclty. ed acti0n on a K. Syer for o tre the extension of ie oijl a report and ,njis eeived fron i a reqarsi for o -Id front the Milton oho Ambulance, t0 ced allenducr of es front lise Parking or a Parking ,iKingstiin if any lubie 10 attend. illje declarrd lise unte of moncy. ird a rsluion t> lise Tous of srekiog legislaliitn Il munîcîpalîtîrs lu mmuniry antenna aspanîrs Ilial have Steele report expected soon Tise report of Ose Steole Commission is eopmcted about tbe aest week isn Nooembor, accorditu to MPP Jim n o. Tise repo rt s, a local goeromen on10irs 0 Surlirutot, Hamilton aod Waotasortb and is coosidsrod significant inthisaresabecausEuof Oecommendatiovs inoolvitg Buringoton. Reujiona' Doveesmerl ir Hailloo and Peel mil ii haffenod by Ose report's recommeodatiot Of asietiser Oseiouon trmains a part of Haitoo or is transferred - Wereadvised the CN was mon et pilanning restoralion of the M .r. Stoas reported tise borrom pitsfromwhich soi[lmas commissiot report mas ut tise luken Ia bisald lthe elevated rail rnesow line through Milton. Councilsas pitrox complainedl the expaîrd plis w e rec aIlS i Ilg S e r u S W omon hurt liseougs eroston of the area. Tise Two clderly Milton ae raîlmay plans 10 niocispile mrnowere injured in awo-car mail [romt theo Toronto collision ai tise intersoction cf Slocisyaids durînglthe wînlcrfos Higismay 25 and Fine Stderoad woring in lise soi]îi tehie ai noon Tuesday. Litled in sprng. sertous condition in Milton District Hospital n isi-year-old Approned a prod front Margarel Mîcie of R.R. 5 Nonernier liao 15 for cannasstng Milton, suffernng a eriounskli isy lise Senenlis Day Adnenlîsls. fracture. A pasienger inthes Tise geoup asised tise perîod 10 Mîciî nelicle. 79-year-old Ida Decernier 24 bal cousicllons Baîley, alto of R.R. 5 Milton, isalied alilîtng aside sucisa safferedanin1ueed lefl eye and leoglisy penîod of lime. isin satisfaclory conditioo in O Agrrd Vele iospital. Agee o iste Driner of lise aussi neisicle, Saînaton Army asking îisem 10 i9-year-old Cynthsia Heffrrnao sers municipal peemission for of Torono ecaprd injue>. cannassing infuturecyears. The Aacordîng 10 Milton OPP lte geaupmwas eporled cannanIngtin Heffenan car wan peoceedtng Milton iis ineci, allisiVg 10 South art Higismay 25 and lise permissionisadiseogeanledisy Mtciienvelitlrnnan crnîstnglthe lise munîcipalily. isigismay wnien lise cars colided. e Drcaned 0 ut OPP Constaisle Teeny Devnerto DelrdNon. 10 li 6 s investtgaîîng. Youlis Apprectalton Weeis on ______ behaf o theOptmistClu. -Champton classftnds bieng - mpon) l-t ing race tracjc? o answers for delegation àk help from province wiso gatiserd lu "Cas yo tell ibis caunicîl liication of any type of car ta poposedlrace walwe are gongtIoiae racng rcin thareasordred .queling townshsip îisere'1" tise reese asised lise on lise at isy lise Fiturris Lise, Tisrd and outs delegatan. "I mnt wils huit oin e eslsy theThinidLie f FiveSideraad lefî Snom andlthe pramolrrs and and on lise norh isy Fine counicîl mils no tise> dîdn'l isniw." Sideroad. ta olieir questions Me. Curîte admîlîrd. isomener. Pelilîitnernsiiaogs the îisaîîtheisayerrofiise land are promolersowerelthe sainegroap go Carne tld lise supposed ta bisrng plans and wiso uanîed a drag slrtp on tise dîdn'î isnaw any specîbcaltonn for thse myslery Gardiner Exprenswaf aion ry ddasoutlthe projecito tsonsî coucl i lie and ainaltreid iand ladt norlis of meeting on Nonemisnr 10. annaccessfuiiy ta locale in wici tuoas ray Jitu Sniiutaid lisey wouidibc Ciînguaciuny townsip tua 1 jnoa anar racing isene lisis enentng,- William J. fers ugo. P a ierion, doingat tan Lalnr in tise mleeting doers Del ipoisesman. ld cauncîl. Tis Frencs saîd stPP Jîm Snow isad iseaugis tise delegaltan aat ta isee in 10 lacs tish im lisecouocil meeting. eegardîng an> peopased IranS. Mi. Pailernon lisird tise Tise Halian East MPP said ise objectian S resideits isaeto any mat neîiser pra sot con on lise race irackin tehie area. citing suiset unilisn konai[îthe denaluation af resîdenial and delaîls isut lise pronincial surrounding properiies; plansnfor planningiboard taidihum caunicîl maty nemisaomesîin thsearealishe couid pans a isy lau ta prohîisîi -cansiderasie taise, genrai establtismentf atrack un thie nusneand noisypeole" aitsonsip andtttliyuiiid bc r ani ma uld atiruci. willing la annînt nsqaeing i itnercriiuding ofieislingîads, diafling aisylam. espeially Higisay25 and Fine Cauncîl drcîdod ta ans lthe Siderad piing mremarson pronincial planning isoard lai - aiready itnnrsorised police, nend a reprelentalîno ta tais ta poilation causnd isy tise lise dors, on lise urging of accamalation of moloîcycies Depaîf Renne Tom Hil. and cars. "Our firît oigationt s la tho -We c.n'i doianytingantl rtepafein ofth howanship," wo knîow Visai llîy are gaingl lo aid theodopoly-renve. do, tise rene tld lise Tise roone înîsintd agaîn ise ira delegalion. 001 aV010 af ot type if Ralepoyers waîlod aroand in proîrni promoinîs isad for île lie isape tisai mayise lise ara, despîle is meeting w lis promoîr of tsi rumard thsegroap Tuesday. -Idoo'tllke -i a projent Voldappear at tise illle asseesiga,"se conesed. meeting isat rit Vison il mas 1i donit bom, fou bo, apparenino one else Vas 00100 Ken?" lossowop. -I don't knoV. cîisher," Raîrpayers pînsenîrd a ansmered Coancîlior Marsisall, pelîlion witi 43 narae ailacied Visose faon is ose of lise lises ai lise lait meeting of cauncil iamed as beianging toltheland mici enyresîrdl opposîiain 10 ansemisly deai. MPP also in dark Halon East MPP im Snow goodiorisad foiteowsip, ins nosOig sure usas Reene isui expecird tise ansocers o'ouid George Canîte and En ueîsng isc gncn ai next Mîoday'n Ciiaicil.iabotth rc .traii.lndIicil eingV i it e prtîîyîî ilie aild ih ies,, aaat rinle, 10 ili îity..Pirsatneî Me. Sîîm is rnakîng Telclmember and Reene arrangements lar e ounsil tb gel Crihalameeing mils lise logoliser îish lise Deparîrnens of lisctr orte denelopers iasî Municipal Affuars planning webtdîdn'tl ary mach branchis n tse sce future. ne edisor and home about thse fiem's plans for 270 Councîl is secing Departorno toîeophing copims of acrcs of Esqaessrg lasd bermesn isep in case lisry decide la onr aest assek in lise Thîrd and Fouelis Lises. Me. invuke a bp-lau peoisibitis the lîiel bgeres, 0e of Soa said be didot bave eugb leacis. as tbeee is cuneestly nu ry and more photos ioformatiun con the peojeci su, cooisg by-iaw or officiai pion on decide yel weer jr wosid ho Ose township. Twevey-Two Pages - Fïfteen Censo ... WUTH TRAFALGAR MOTORS WINTER lUNE-UP -I CHECK VOUR: Auati Choke Coofng rsYtern Blake. a SýrýdC,ýuMý,,R.gu,,,!,nNurnbef.Sl3

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