Mrs. Ella Foote in Word Three seat Skis maek w itk an a nua outeme'S So dsy (Woduesauy) thuS Mas. G. Elae Fioote milS contear the sos presently bhl hy Art Lndop. Mr. Lindop annoascai Smo meeks agio hae wculd againe has casSender for Burlisgtos's sorte tend tst on conseil. Ha mas an usucesuefa candidate ie the tst aleeSîcu but mas sassaitSu 1111 tht naeoney on caonSci tuirot Sia ytat wkan Causeillor W . A. Reane mavad ap t boauma daputy-tteva afler tise deatk cf Mec. Evelyn Barka. Mes. Fote a mail knowu in Burlinn sudc bas batsn a hskoeysss tCedr,uenS .: Uppar Burlington CiSizans Forum abut 12 yt5t5 silo, Break and enter causing concern Thee homes et Milton mar broket into cnet tht meekanu ard crie mas beobto icto lut meekeod bat tht burglars bad outy ore thsog on mini-monty This, acccedrng 10 tht Milton ,- Police Deparernent, mas tht only thrng they mere afler. Police Chref Ray Andresa it oen credmith tht rash of break sud enters and offere lhest sugglestions to thmart moold«ht booglare. Ht sayt homneomners thouti: -not leare any mcney Iying arond tht hocst euch as piggy hurbu ce eny large turne cf mcney. hkeep mtk hontes citler ocedt or if basng busît, aoruy feom tht door sa a bueglat cosuo eeacb un and onlack the isur. -]cave sorme ligbtu on orban yau ga aoray for rh totoing or for tht meekeuud. As cf press lue, police have ne ltadts on the hueglars. Ban parking on Mary St. Parking mmli be probibitri on the ncrth sude cf Mary St. belmeen Brown and BtS, membaru cf Mdton Council agreti Mcniay. Sn tht total amoont- cf parking mdl cal be retioct, a tomoi-oroti lot on Mary St,. tet cf Hugli mil ha gravellai ta accommodat parking. membere agrett. Membere acknorleiged tht midth cf Mary St. mas not ufficreut fer parking and to may treffue. Ceunciier C. Fuy sugilestrd cf peccete drcses mure rfi cpen there mculd not hie a loue cf mort than fore parking spates. c Councilîce G. Lesnta pointait out the police chief bai! nat r. eeammendat! elimination cf Par'king complalaly ce introduetion cf oct muy tuffro n the sreet. He muggasti yellam rosi murkings. Tha eauncillor muggeted Skate mas aIreauy a purking problemi an ltusn sud ioing aorcy milh candidate Burlington semail s iS preaident for titaes yeora, sud hu a rapaSatios for bil;an suapokes defesiat cf tht ncrth Burlisgtos ures. $ka is aise active je Louevile Unsited Churtb. Baefore tossisg Su, Burlingtos, aht mat sotsuSaty-troasurer cf tht fuir board OS Ramsau La Muashoba sud sailli several yare on tht athool hourd je thal "I tisinb the sortk end neds raprasanlolion by tht people mho raally om tht sorth," SHERIDAN COLLEGE unstrotto Mrs. Pacte aaidl. "I viril cloue Sc the Htacy Equipmenr Sc iaîiuilely bea candidate." ir the sprint of t967.-$ra't Phc Active sportsman to be remembered r M. Rooaeymwitha otts uteocerai boni on Nsmawva's $ioth Lina tol Memoriai fund underway Tht Tri Hoci Mernorrat Puni, a fond elabîrsedbthy many groopu andirniidîcle mho hune inditatti thair deerre to cot je sorne m'cy a token in hie rnerory, bas got enier may je repud fashion. National Hockey Lague referea Brute Hooi, uncte cf tht ycuth mhc mur kilîi on a eue aecidest Imo sud oct baîf meeks qgi, hue heen eo-ordineting tht many effarte cf tht conors. 'Pcllomrcg tht trageiy, seneral people carne 10 mie uni usaSai lhey mccldlik Isb l set mathti qdI ee in whiqh T"«e aw a s be erernbeeed," ecerd Mr. Hood ibis merk. "Af tr severat différent people lied conte ulocg mirh tht tarne idru aed nter tbeiremisbeeoprrcipaee,riemas tirantIbet t decrded bhar un otite for scrnrtbrng cf a significant nature te br dont, ait cf those mrlteng ehecti b heramo tegerber roto one fund." Witb ibis en mird the Ted Hoci Memrnoial Puni mas estabtiseti mth tht Banh cf Menteal tht location cf tht trust accouert. To date seerel donations have cerne in and mapty rathete have- made hon their igntention Se pareicipaur. Ted bai bren vrry activa in tht to cf Milton and bai purtrerpati in rrery sport going. Ht mue cueeentty a rnerber ci tht Jonior "C" hckry ctub white in bru t3th yeae ut Milton District High $cbccl. Ht bai ptayrd hasebali and footbalt fer Milice tearns and atue had batnoune cf thetobp ornpirest tn ocat hasehaîl and, following in brsuoncle's parkt, bai gainri stature as a seferer in tht Milton Miner Hockey eystern. Having Irft echool lest Match Tri bcd gone itr tht busineess mathd, sud ores cul of schest taret, rnonthu. mhtn sehoot resusuti this yrar he realiod tht ceed te cetrplette heu schccîing and had rtred juse onemweeh prior te tht furt accident. Whdte sterral different aeas have bren porsuot, a defnile route fer tht fond has nue bato autabieni A local cnnittet foerntd te cosiier tht use cf tht mocy bas agreti soe cf tht peccerde mdll go roman con ticcasiccal bursary uni the craIes refi on tht Octarie Se. remainder eIll bc channetird undustrial site norte cf tht CPR, aile a sports peogearu. if appeocal couid be obtarord fronm tht Pollution Cunteet Tht pctecbiuey cf a type cf Beancb. No action bai bren bureary eitihe high schccl il ote lahen hy Harth Industries on tht cf tht situations berne cleanupofetheieehey have ccnsderduandin viemofîthe nom nacaîrd. fact Ted bai refI echeel and then retrrue te cemplee bus aCalIed for an alterniat to educatico, ut gises Ibis ara a the reverse fruntage concept defrrrite edgr. propostdiun tht devetcpmrnr Other udeas bave bren put plan euhmitted tant meeh te a forth, rnciudrng many in tht demie session cf the ccuncil uni sports field un the bown and Planning *Board ky thetbown thesetaretalto te beconiered in platnr. Mayor Beet suggste tihe planning. tht uppearance cf ran yards Tht H amuli teon Red frcm tht Base Line and Thid Wn-itnMrhn eei Lie ccctii be enerceme b y Wgam .7un Mecabi heneft planning a secouce road. An gamte Non 7asî ai rg eesul aiternaIt te tht original tentaeueti e thfudaaitecedmi plan rsehebcanrangri. go cno tht accouni. Thoe mesbing te centriburte can dor ho y mailrng lu'the "Ted -Acton's Ferry Lake mii be Hood Memerial Fend,. Beank cf tuened rno a midlifeusasctury, Menîreal. Miton, Ont." Cheques accodirng to Beardmoeeand Co., front $5. te $100. banc hot te orners. rnceîsnd tcdae. wALL EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL o e AND THEIR DEPENDENTS otk.ARE INVITED : t aeadvantage of à o SFree Legion Service il le or SMR. C.F. WALL o * SERVICE SUREAU OPPICER PROM TORONTO o * wiII beaut Legion Branch No. 136 o ON TH-RSPAYNOV.5 orAT 11.3J A or orTo give skilleel atice on Voterans' Sonfio r S Anyoee ueituing Sa ana Me. Watt sa sredn ta, salIs or or rea Mar. C. R. Andarasou aS 87e.2661 or 878-9728, o * uhn uell arrange an appaintueut o eIn ccmmuiltt uni counicil d meetings Monday membere cf t Milton Cuercil. ha Learoti construttion meuhd bccompletai this meeh on tht trunk storer project and dlean-up machd botgin. Top dteessing cf tht surface orilI ha delcytitunti the 55tting. a Appronai sigcing cf the eontract mith Tara Andersn on tht coeneclicg Iink ruai moek and approvai paymeot cf jetereel amnounljeg to $85 tu obîi an extentsion 10 tht Tort Anderson cotreet on Main St. retonstruction. Tht entension oras reqaste i to perumit tht oeesary dispensation cf tht ralepayers' vole and Ontario Municipal Boartd appronul. a Amariti tht conleacl for construttion of the 12 inuh mater lune on tht Third Lite Esuesrng la Edgar Homien sud Sons et 01.25 a font. Tht tint- milI ton from, tht tae Line ru, Higbmay 401. Maleurele art te be snppiiei by tht tomo. a Approvai promotion cf Coeur. Robert Innes 10 second elase constable effectue Non. t. *Nansti a committet cf Coancitîce G. Keanîz, Dapuey Reeve Harris, tht mayor and clerk ta met mith objection te thetbown acciog by-Iam prier se the Ontario Munieipal Board heaeing. *Laarned the Onutario Muniespal Board bai teneatrvety ret November dates for tht heaeing on tht tomms ew oieg hy-lam and officiai plan but reporte ce agencire required ic tht Drparemenu cf Municipal Affects mcud not be edy iru trnme. A nem date us brio5 considered prce le Decembr 15. * Pavred hurning cf oootn spates mues 001 insprnning il. Members ugrati Seat tht espeovemnent tn permis purking an Smo lonnomnad Mary St. lots mccli compesaSa for the iest parking on Mary $t. baloreen Brown and Bell. Struck by car youths hurt Tm a ntha atil le sacb sud walkisg emay fratu the atknnl bat a uly Sutuardsy marsisg as dua Ptae m osgru f onWiilamssAv.asthaya frlesian thDaycarormw makn ose after s dase ball ciin oamards the etrnmS tn aMilsDistrict Hieja ScIrooL th enln ilm Ana. Day Caras MeGeaure, 20, nf amarrai In the riBleS aide of the 344 Williams Ave. and Wallace ruait Sa avoid cilfidieg mith an Cnx of 92 Ridge Rd., Oabnlia oscgmig ear juat os Cox and mara strueb as Skey mere malkiug MeGouebe manierai Samari the onnthesintatSmith agraupnof centre ofSteetnadet theame friens. floSk reeived Som Sbae, poicsu ii. After kiSSlsg Eigasatots in Shei legs as mail as ha YO thuDay park is tues a sud abrasions. je th shs o and c e CuThay mata atrucb by s statios Sn the aconet. wagon diien by Anderron Day, Thotwo injsrei ynnng mas 16, of 6430 Winstcn Churchill mere Sta Sa Miltoc Hospital Blvi., Stretmiil. by Miltn Ambtulance. Aceoriing ta, Misasn Police, ConsSable Lies Pichatt af the 45 MeGeachie sud Ccx mare Mitas PM. is investigating. ,School board deficits are due on 1970 taxes Milton, Oakvillîansd Acton Saupayars mil ha piekisg up dafiits icnril by sekootl hors in 19,68, wkan Sty reteinetShahr 1 970 tes kill. A report of tht hourd of arhiteators cireulut Mosday naSas s defiSi on Milton Distriet Higu Sekuol 1968 opeautioes of $25,147 sud oc tht Milton Publie Sekesi operations cf $3,967. Tespayars miil have a toSal cf S29,114 to pay in 1970. Tht Miltos dafieit on tht kigk sehesl is iseurtai largaly hy tht instaillion of a lreek ut tht Hieju Sehool coiSe $26,500 wkieh wau psd feot carrae ravnueonathar Ibsu eapitlbztd. Tht dafueit ce higtt school opararione affeets areas cf Esqueujeg ced Nsmagaweya. Tht Acron defili ineluitu $31,203 deili os high sehoo operaticos in 1968 sud a surptus of $11,241 os publie aehocl optestione. Aetoo teoipayars wilt ha pickisg Up a dtfseit cf $19,962 orben they rectume thair 1970 lest bile. Oekvilla tespayers facea defaili cf $11t9,084 orhieh je made Up of a $127,084 daficit on recoedary sehool operations ccd a surplus cf $8,826 ce publie sehoot operaricos. Nassaguweya, Esqueeiog, Georgetowns uni ltartmgton teupayers ce cn for srtie relief as e remîat cf turplustu Want taxes earlier boost interim bis A larger abatte cf te ton paymece cf 25 mille bai! fallait laces mil tomae dot tarlier in due tht toi cf Pebeoary. 1970, fcllooring appeoval by Business tas earne due in cnt Milton Council Moniuy talling instalmene cn mii'June. for c highte inteeima payoeo. It mat enplamnei the ourlir Counci uppennai an interni paymrnî uni iaegee amcnnt mas payuest cf bown taes of 30 equirai to reice hcrecming tiilsa, no ho maie je toro eaely in tht your heforo budgets jenalmaente, one due on Jan. 30 are ficalizec. Mcnehly sud ana on Match 31. Tht reqursitioce are reeivri fruts, paymtcnt mauti ho on business Se Board cf Eineanion, Mayor test au moîl as property tes. Best notai, citing ibis us a nord Previously an inlerim Ses for tht nrm pructiore. Set eU.em.ntary school limit ut 900 pupils Aiopting gudelioee for uchool fecililies, membrs cf the Haleon Couy Board cf Edoucuo, agreed Thursdey tltrntry schbole shculd ot enceed 80 le 900 pupils. A junior eltrntary echeut cf thernaximumrneizemoulieclude 22 instruceroaincas, a leaorg rersece centre, music rccrn. geteral porpese monte mitb ch ange tourne, double kierdergeetro, guidance tira, hralth reosu, procipates ced vice principal% offices, generai offse, staff mont, and staff mork rou. $uch e schoot mooli have a rttt popit espaciry cf 800. T ruter R. E. Goodin Stolen birds modeed if tht staff couldo't gel along mi eh une rccrn rather thue a Iille ari a moehcmont. Assistant Direceo D. S. Lemiesu pcisled eut ut ont lime tht staff mue peoveded mrth oct large rccrn. Tht tendrtcy nom mas te, spie tht ceu for mue effectie use althcugh tht total area tohen mas ot orcessarity larger. Truster E. Beicer called for a ermeilar pclccy lu tht oct ce facetitirs, ccerrng tht site cf erres and tht facelities te be ptecei on sites rock as tracks anodoutdooreequipno, asmell as parking. ------------I may rebel About 20 ut 25 ulrickensoused as breedees aod valuei ut abut $300 mere eepceted rnissiog aod believed lu be stolen feorn AIf Waldie on James St. on Milton If the chickeos more stolo3 aod ued for a Thaoksgiviog diuoer soreonecol h quie tickets a resuait. Th=cicens bud ail beto ioJecred with 400 ut's cf Torearnycineon the Tutsday and Wednesday prier te therna disappearing.tJI Not anexpert onTeranycin, Mr. Waldie i beieve it weuld milie onebreak inoa rash and becomne Ili if the bcrd cas rateno G hefore emo months paseed frorn the terne tht drug mas enjecteil. / Me. Watdie saed the bind er moeth about $300 as heeeders hut oty about $20 ce thetabe Tbey are a purrbred stock and 25 Comemercial St. mer a staodard cf perfectieon. 878-3961 Mihen Mut cf the bâtds hadtbtec pesue z cierts at tht CNE IEverywoman's guide toaRO U For thesman wo ialwaysauner.tRogutheToal Ereeosure imuge akar Char emer eauruls wrh Milton 878-9941 auereed je tht 1968 yaar ci operatices by thair total hourds Naesagcwtyc ccumultd a surplus cf $36.379 os iS publie uchooil operclicos sud picea eap a dafili cf $ 13.641 on ita distriet bigb sehool partieipation. Tes bills je 1970 thouli refleet ullonvescat for tht 022,73$ surplus whieb remSaite je 1968. Eeqcasng hald a surplus of $52,952 oc uts publie echoot operatcon sud pucked uop a deieit cf $ 12,6t2 on ire district high uchoot hourds. A surplus of $40.340 mitl ha appliad to 1970 lentes. Buelsugeon optruttd je 1968 orith a surptus on botb publie echout ccd stcctdary tehesi operuticons as did Georgetown. In Borliogcon the total surplus omît be $77.262 whie je Gaegetown tht surplus will ha $65,080. Milton Couricet Mcnday ueeepled tht repot cf She erbelealors and Couccîlcer P. Barr chrerd he hudc'l hete mong about high ethool oeraticot e coopte cf years cgc. Mayor Base ealctated tht jecreae otcetsary ru pick op tht deicet mcotd ha emo mille for 1970 "If there are ce other changes". Ont cf tht facture snootetino tht Milton District Huge $chocl defecet, tht report notaid, mue the face the ceretchiog staff sud eterical mcrkere hed ot beto enrolted in the Ucempîcymeot onsuruoce prugrasu. le mur necessary 10 mehe up hech paymeoîs for a t1O yeae peric d. Acother factor on tht deficit mas tht projection cf a $5.000 grace frcm tht Deaerm;enol f Agriculture mhich mas ocýt peed, but wbich mas listed as an asset. New tilbs rlalton jeadeisg for a dtputy ceek-ttaure to rapiate thecuntY" deputy cerk Clore .eeokst rasignatios Saints eËac Non 3 0. The paronal eonfisttee, Sali meishiers cf County Coneil lett mark thet a change an liftes setmtd neesstty. Rigbt nouesi Gar1field Brcown is cttth.adiunissutator sud deputy teasuee, and tht cornaittet faes ha thoutd ha ranaina cttek-trtusuter, admsntraSor. Miss Margatet Marsttd je ronnty tsurrbu kw hlb reig i Memhe edorstd ad utiig fo ppycan fo he potf depu cek-trasurr The Managemnt of Bst Raîry & ersrance Lsd. art pleased to annoane that Mr. Mika Ltdwith kms foirai or Reul Estuta DapS. Mr. Ledueith ha ue resstetly enmPiatti the Ral Estate - Courue 1 miSs a puass mach o1 93%. Mr. Ltdwith beings to Skis 0attfire a n attOn s iut administrative kncmletita, and exPtriaott inthe lca rs, and miii bceiat t amieS fou ie att asaret of Real Estute in hie ateeprtid Shorouts ami efficient Notice of Annuel Meeting AND The Election of 0f flcers for 1970 THE PROGRESSIVE 'CONSIRVATIVE ASSOCIATION MaIson Eina.lPrevindoi) Haieon (Pederal) Ridinga WEDNESDAY NOV. 5th 1%9 8 P. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL' OAKVILLE 136 Chaeeh St. Conter Navy St. The special Guest Speaker wiII be The Hon. Rone Bruneli. M.P.P Minister of Lands and Parents Important emmerodmenre to the Riding Association Con- stitufion will ho presented for consicderotion cf the memnbershîp We'd bute to think what you'd puy if somnebody else fluât it. TOYOTA MARK il NARDTOP A cern aduance in autornotice engineering. A handsome rombination of luxury and power. Ail Mark Il modtae haut a big l0t H.P OHC 4ecyl. entînt: Buchet stars with heatiress; tittei tlas; and a tîcr consoît wrth tîther 4-spted fully evechro. stick shifet or optionat actomatir. We canet think ot an etra tht Toyota Mark Il dotent hase. And you gar tht wholt beautitu package tur ott low price. $2884 Tbrek about it. Cee yao rmagne at yuu'd PaYif sorntkody tise hut ut? RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LNITED TOYOTA ISUZU Sales & Serrice 1502 Speeta Rai - Oeknlillr, 827-1021 - 827-1031 van. to Thun. 8 9P.t.; Frdset p..; Satueden 9 nue. as B pue. -I Milton Cou ncil B r ief s Mhe Canadie am upion, Wednieaday Octaber 29, 1969 2