C2 The Cinadimn Chamnpion. Wsdoudy, Ocobhr 2W, 1969 Mayor Best wirws second for plowing Mltcon'î Mayor ahoweil cm magistrote Gordon B. Henry, Uie hoî flot "the old gay ayor mon who won the tontact at tast whcn hc viir Uic lontiota ycan' International. Mayor Bust Plowing Match ontr Paria mai ccPcciaity hoPPY to end up rccenUly ta competc in a cacanot ahcad of a Zravious winncr. Wctmpction for Ontario mayors. Arcas ayorî Whctdon Wih onty one praviooi "Steamer" Emmerc* on of soooant piowmng (toit yna'î Georgctown and veterafi mac)t hic crcdit, Mayor Boit ptowboy Les Duby of Acton took Uic tractor in hand and oiio repreccatcd Hnitoo ai the with a kee ecyc aod unfatcritig competitioa, bot neither non o (atmoît) furrowî ptowcd n few prizc. T'he Exeter Mayot wnî rawî s neoaUy they awardcd huim presented with a trophy whtc second paize. Uic otheri ieiccttd for the to The wincr mi Exctcr'î thone positions went home Witt Mayor J. H. Detbridge. Thitd oothiog bat the satisfaction of palot wcat ta tngtriaii's chief honing won. Obpdioes to zoniu by-Iuw to b@ coiasidered là détail A dctniled consaderation of 20 ta one wny Utracts?" hae objectios ta tht town'i oing iaquircd. by-taw mns initiatcd by Miltan Coancitiar G. Krontz poaitd Council lait waek befote the out il coutil lt 20 yearî hcfara objections are cubuittail ta the the îtrect mas 86 fcat mîde bat Ontario Municipal Board. the adoption of the pion Coancil trok na action on the mndcatet an inttnt ta aay wha objection tadged hy Yvonne build ttre. C..Zt. and cWilliamt Woods Mayor Btit ahitrved theistteet r ladigtnd on tht uist aida of width pattern mac a part of thc liante St. The objtction mac ta Officiai Plon that hiadt nteody the Devctopm ent zonetteceivail coancili appravat, bat deigtation. An R6 zona was htcaoit courncil hiait reqaoîtod rcqueîtcd. iti tafèeoca ta t Ontario On a tacotdcd vote cauncit Municipal Boaatd objections tok no actian on t objection coutdl ha hoard front, ratapayoti of 27 ptaperty amnara an Pint whan t 0MB haaring is St. ta tha projections chat Piat ichtdaied. St. waatd avetuatty ha an 86 AU mamharî voted in fanor of foot wida scecet rthcr tan tht taking no actioa on the pillant 66 foot midth. objection with thetexctption of Councittor Chaatts Fny Cournctttor Fay. oppoied t ptopoatd 86 foot Paopoîntî hy Oakview width, Uiown in tht hy-taw. Hc Devctapmeatî ta hava tand ufa tt Uiwidtning projetid hehind tht Uiopping rentra woatd anty ha for parking and zoad R7 tathet thon O mat aot hae mas oppoied ta widaning actcd an, ns mai a imilaraqarit ittocti for parking. "Why flot go ftom Milton Induittial Potkî. MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNtONisne $75,000 ofice ilahiding an Main St. wvaîatficiattY apetcd on Saiarday afttrnoat, higbtigbting tht tonal cradit union math catabratiana. Ontario Credit Union Leagua repreuaatatioc Haj Shiga, Raa. Pathar J. J. Murphy who deditatcd tht Steam, Antique Preservers report reunion successful Reportsi oa a succesîful 1969 tht cookboak campiled and îald eqaîpratat coutil hae îted Stam-Era ieunianmttre heard by tht ladîi wai theit firit h etwnet n ani ihows. îcantly mhen thc Ontatio venture but it mat a tribout "and Tranîiparintian ci a major Stam and Antique Pitiacteri me could have îald a lt mate." eîpna tacli yenr aid mach of Association heid choir Octoher Bail Daviîai eeparted an tht tht eqaipmeîc juil ciii unuard meeting ni Abeîfoylc Hait. Cias i sonuvenir haath wtcich bit %vife front ont show ta titi neut. ta 90 membeca mare de hand fat chairsi. Ht said it mac the second Tht club is putian on ili tht business meeting and htît year ta date f or souveanir annan diîplay ai tht pragam. ialts, mhich tatulld $2.326. Ta Iteatinal Piamcg Match and Pianctal reparti ara itill haîîg date tht souvenir cancetîton, hai farmn machitery demaaîtratîoa compilaid bat dîrectarsintdicated talil $13,000 woeîh ni tht firît niai Paris Oct. 15 ta 18. Six il mai pîoably a "break tien" mace rauntant, iliumt engiaca, ima gai tractait, shom ihia yent. Attandance mai Hetrend rncertc fram came a thceîhitg machine and a fan dama framn rtceaî yeatî but tht leîcîti of appreciatian i lia nti mii hi ai o dîpiuy and epne tilt mun acaund rtctivtd. "t certuaiy hud a goad marktng each day of tht match, $12,000 a year, mhether tht day ai Milton, iiis brune chai and one term trigint miii boul cromdî are gond or liad. tht Exhihition," wiace one ut tigici batam plam foc Mis. Jeon Parier of Woodstock tilito. Member of a U.S. îcîam plowing demacîtrattani. exionded ihanki ta dazoni of madel club wiace ic mai tht bet Pragrala foc che r ining mas memberi and choit mîtet mho shom thry hiadit eer tata. A pravidrd hy Bera Patter of hadt maîkad ta hard ta tht buclai of 30 mate had calai Waadîtach, mia îiomed clidît mamenis sections of tht 1969 frnm Canîngion. Mi. Datiiot taken oa arecent ccipi aid sot rtaaiai- tht diiplayi anil hoathi notaid tht attrait ultendance wnî pîccuren of tht 1969 reunian. urder tht gianditanil, the dama, nlthaugh Mardny of Vîîîîaîî ftont Western Canada, county store, tht headquarierî Lahat Day wehtnd tam a Jahn M. Peîîy aad hus mife tramt lent and fidm baach. She nateil normac atlîndanci. Ht inggitd North Baticeford Sask. mec a. soame atm pragramis fui tir attadance, Priai o ta.. tht Pro .stSatuday patof theshom, to InternationacPl.wncgJac tai day. many lîde pîclarti of tht Bill 205 Mi. Datîcan aise, iuggeted il Pioceca Reunian aiSakto was dim0 tht Asinaion put up and iquiplaral ta tht Westtrn ci0 a perinmat itatagt building ai Detriapmeni Museum mhîch, han prIovIi ons Milton, mhere ue htnty chier branches an Saskatcheman. In animai ta a îeqneîi front fat continents and suggetionsi âK Lli about Bdtl 205, which coacorni Uic itaknng anti of umeimacant hi thc pratincial gotemment, Eîqaeîing townsitp cuncil paîmed tht faciaaiag aciolutian aiUtc raua metn Mndy Honey Oct. 20. Applels "Reîalrrd chut Uhit Cauncil mctheî ta prairît tht proviioans of Section 52 af Bccl 205, the Assuniment Ait 1968-1969. Fuîst, chat anc lawyti i suffi ccen t t a ratait ihai procendingi are carriid an in a praper legai manioc. Sicandiy, that arither tht chaîcacan nar vicctchatinnan îhauid nrceîîarily hca n amyti. Bath îhautd hoe ctected hy the mambeci af tht Caurt mnd imstty chat tht major bucitilai in tht mnnicipatity sainid ha ttpttitntcdý on t Court, a farmer, n builder and a marchant, fac instance. And fuether, chut copies of ih is iciatutian Uiautd ha faimardtd ta tht Honorable Me. McKeoagh, Minuster of Municipal Affaiti and ta Mr. Nixon, tht leadr af ber Majcîty'î Layai Oppasition," MILTON js U P TEEPHONE AEB6E AswERmN THAN EVER *CONFIDENTIALB R *PERSOINALIZED building, pruidant Jira Langcdy and Hlton East MPP Jim timow match ai Rccmc Aacten Ledwit cl tht white cilubor ta offitictly dctcrc the building open. Aboat 80 attedit Uic tccmatp and taurtd thc non building altecr thc ribboa cutting.-iltaff Photot HRCA offer turned down A $47,000 offer for 95 acts offer. Autharity officiels mont of lard owatd hy Dr. Maurcec ta prtvant any building on Uic Pliai front tht Hatta Rtgian Buelingian proptrty, homatot, Coaservation Auchority wai sinca thcy hope ta catahiish iutned dawa by Dt. Pliai, il moi watr caîtrotî in tht area ta itarneil hy tht auiharity ai their http cala the îpring flooding of Thututay meeting. tht 12-Miae Creek. With tht poîîihiiy of furihr __ deneiopmrent an hiî lnnd, Dt. A natil to iî a place where Finat saysb htchinki il i matth they ara proad af ttaffic moretchat the $500 per acrt congestion. Au#ofIc h.. . 97 Devious di' ff.IIC oaafr yalg aU dlntance mills anId =oaca dauo Wb 'nb07bild for a cadi toia doot knom= ý onochZhnr a a ctivîng town, Uhn yoc're ot idl Mil aton. a x thog This situation claits d=cbil Urgiuth Uitao of Mihton Wliat odla ony acher Oncario bas u ioaiaimcl. nambc A'tnod Biachforî, Bali frustules Canada'. tonal ares managar, htouvr soya mc arc wcrklng on on honni youe iycm ien mce plana long gclag In diala inal Milton. When madcs b Uic opeatta comte an tisc lina affina andl anks misat oumbor you arc nalling from, you givc your oui nambat bat Uicrc ara sogi davins diattri mho a luhUir numhars ta, Uic aparacar and Uic hoi fia choino but ta bitl Uic numbar Uiay baue glncn ior. Sm c alors banc misai Me, Btarhfoad cterilaIn "nutomatin Conservation foundotion "MeThtmseis have ben est in Conîservation Poundation, Haitan Reglon Coniarvtian Authaeiiy board chainnan Barry Hnlamphriai rocnacy taid Uic board. Ha taid meahtin aich a ichema bai aitaady bacc mcesfut la Mettre, Toronto. Ho said thero arr "mnany large industiea nil business people in chia arca mha arc interutoil in Conservation prajacta," Mr. Hnmphriî sid! Uic faundatian coaid hoe composait of a minimum of fi mombats but auid hava 12 maciclice mich ont or two comning front the nuthatîty. Melahari af t baard laet ta dacîde on a furtisor course of action, Jc R. (urie, o.D. OPTOMETRI1ST BIJRUNGTON MALL ?BWNONE 632.77»8 :iers and DDD dicnam yacr Cent bucrttaUc eaoauin chsages con oaly sc i Toronto foa = ZaUicOb ta yot aa nabat.cpcaittytcalcd B itt ptnyca. a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h enticllMtoh sittdoacfccxta ton la btidi on thc tin, ast and Bai lai thc touS job b O mak61oct dtat on cf fisidbig out ce4i0 ruily madc hll tionaU 1972. Ui cB o0 Uie devions dintot con can you doifiomaooc bc btgd. lad chahr catI ta yaar Who lakdi f Bacm C inail a? Tclcpisonc BcII's toaing mony wm &diiou o fficeaond tell Uicinyau dialcas gle achat nobati, M. Icilued on ancra catI on Btachford saild$ aci roy oa- 118I miicis yoa arc flot Mcea honusty in dulog wlch cpay for alna li mai nat 1008 distance opcmtor. ta glu yyo. Once Uic bausi tlght nambor sn moocy cao't bas rcnivcd yoar hli t. ax Notice RATEPAYERS of the Town of Milton are Remlnded Thot FINAL INSTALMENT 0R TAXES Ns DUR NOV. 3rd, 19699 PuiictY of 1% Pcr Mantb or' ceporatian tharcaf, ha tbi cargcd an «Cht ovcçdac itaimant clatil [a.31st, 19U8, alter wbtcb datc, iotirest et the ratc of 2/3 af 1% Par Montb witt ha addifad on tc@ firait day af esai moctb. AUDREY a. BRUSH TcaAWiJca