w. ~.' I .ceslei Championa, Wvthsy, Octolve 29, 1969 Fumny miney M'iie .gt, »aY Mla ol wtth thtwsevsy of a bogaa $10 biSl ta the elgiat duutoat chute of the Bank cf Nova Scatla, Monday ngt. Poiai the bilta nunabared P/T 1437246 mnd hu no front ar batkh plate. It lat osf poor tpaityoL mdi oe quarter of an latsottan regolar batl. Caittrftit moneyr mode lis a iir nt MilIon a few moteaowith bog.a $20 bitte Oenn p la marchants til. Pol remeectanta 10 checa mny eeapflcoue money with tht pamphlet calîrd -Tht Coantenfiit Detantor and ta ca polila if mne is detecttd. Raspberries in October Rueptarries growtat ta late Octotar? Apparentty lin, eeye Naeeaaeye former Tom Howard wiro hrootit sot of th nttto The Chatmpion offe.Pr-itd.y. He said ha hadl uncoverad tht wId C rr baitre, efter tht ofl ht hit thia Irai Tuaîdsy nittat and eerty Wednasday morniot. Me. Howard's forte ie on the Base Lie Road oppoeite Craford'e Lake. ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKItNNER B-Axci. - Mli.iC 17A Mit Street' Suite 2. Actai Tetaphone 8i3-2740 or 20 Stavehana Rd., Fort Crtdl 274-34Ul Office Noars hy Atotatn ACCOIJNTANTS EARu G. BLACK 'B. Com.. 8.5.4, C.A. Chariarrd Aaatotsuot 063 'Main St., Mitlton FPhone 878404 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor Of Cttrqardctic 237 tCiaga Court Crescant Corner Martin St. PHtONS 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home, Frotection-Ancii. ont uni Sictaness - Faily liahlttty Fart Liahllty Yoar Milton Agent Stru. Thea Kart R. Ri. Nu. t, Milton Phone 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Htome Proection Auto, Anoidetetal -Deart uni tIipairrnet Sale Driviog, Etea Veitile Raitact ion Fretalums Most F.oononsical Cati: S. S. ýHearbeaington RA8. 2, Milton, 87&-455. Ovr 21 Yoors' Service Mi h Matual lité ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Ornilte Roai, Actan Bus. 416-451-3460 Res. 51".53-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIR Puea rHome Our 1tlh yrar of heltll, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. MILTON - 184 Main St. 878-9972 Toesiays andi Friioys ACTON - 54 Mill St. S. 853-2520 Wenesdays and Satardays Residence pthone 878.9670 LIBRARY HOURS Taiday, Thuarii an d Friday 12 atan te 5.30; 6.30 te, 9.00 Manday, t2 noan tu 5.30 Cased Wednesday Sabaety - 9.30-12;,1-5.30 MR. AbNO MRS. ROBRT ANDERSON, 200 Sarah St. cclebratc a happy 50th wedding anniversory with an open house at Boye Commonity Centre. They are lifelona rosidents of Milton and district.-(Staff Photo> I>Iâr&5 Jei KNOX PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH lneriru Moderutor. Ran. P. N. Young, B.A.. Georgetowon 877-6206 "0 ceme let us wornhip and han dene; let ns knot hyfore the Leni our Mairo. SUNDAY. NOVFÀM-BSS 2, 1969 9.45 arn.-Se. Choral, Schoni. 9.45 e.ot.-Yaong People's Bible Clans. 1O.50 arn.-Jr. Cirnh Schont. tîn.0 a.oi.-Atoriîîg Woiniîiîn Otiotoinr, Set Prolo:ior J. C. Hay. B.D., PhD. 11.00 am.-Nutrsry. Mondav. Nomber 3 _ Thre Gel Togetirer Group wilt teentin the Sttoday Shooýl Hall ut 8 to.. bMILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christiats galtheret in tire note of the Lord Jetas Christ. Lord's Do>. SL74DAY. NOVEMBFS 2. 1969 10.30 a.rn-Breaking of Breai. 12.15 p.a.-Suoday Sehool. 7.00 p.m.--Gonpel Service. Wednendoy, 8 pin. - Frayer andi Bible reading. At> ar e nlroto te tiraie (Chrnist) Wh. hi, on tei> hareou no inr His oin iodn on the tro. l, Peter 2. 2À. BOSTON AND OMAGU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHIS Ministen: Re. Staoley. E. Smbih .SA. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1969 10.00 inn -Bn-ion: Wormhip Servnice0. 11.15 a.m.-Bnnior Chnrch Sohont. 10.15 amn -Oniogh. Churoh Seh.l 11.30 ..-Ormagh: Woi .hîp Servicer. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CI4URCH A local assmbly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OFP CANADA Patne: Rer. M. Cirristrsen LORD'S DAY S iS\Y, l is0 [Illil 2l I 9.45 o nm.--Sniiday Sohool. 11.00 a te. Morototg Wnrsit. 7.00 p-.rn-Snangeisiic Sericr. Weciaenday, t p.m. - Bible Sludy aid Frayer Meeting. Plier. 8 p.m. - Yoiug Fre'pleas Service. A Cirni Yen Cmn Melle Yoar Hame A Warm Wetcome to Evîeryane CHURCH OP CHRIST No. 5 Siderooi uni Ats Line Trafalgar SIJNDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1969 10.00 ooo.-Btihle S5deo Glaiss for ul oges. 11.00 ano.-Mornion Wmrhîp. 8.00 pasa.--Proachiag cf the ospel. GRACB ANGLICAN CHURCH Mitton, Cantario. Senior: Sm. R. W. Paster Assistant: Cann P. H. Mason SUNI9AY, NOVE4MBES 2,.1969 Ti 111> XXII 8.00 i.or.-Holy Commnmion. 9.30 a.te-Jr. Chorrh S-hon>. 9.30 ..-Maio and 10.45 a.te-Or. ChantAi Sohon>. 11.00 ..eH>y Eonirisî andi Sermoon.. Proachor at 9.30 and Ilot. nerviest, the Rn. Caon John Boihanella roocotine diroatar Anglinnn Choroh of Canada. Thnnndam. Ociueo 30 - Holy Commnion, 10 am Yu aoe Alwuya Welcoonsd at Gruce Churcs9 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Coteeial Strrei. Milton Paston: Sen. Ctaylnn Cotes 878-4473 878-3542 The Lord's Day SUNDAY. NOVSAt.BER 2,.1969 9.45 a.m.-Snda. Sohont. 11.00 ate.-Monino Worthip. 'The Falnrm if tho Spir- it seond in a Seies. 5.30 p.oi.-Ynah Meetings. h30 Pm.-Sng Srice. 7.00 p.m.-Eening Wonthilp. Gieton opeikert Mn. Enootsi Loit n. Sarorinirodoent oi Torono Joînmh Mission. >SFONESDAY, NOV. 5, 1969 h.3 hi m.-Jtnior Cluh. 8001 p.m.-Bhle Sindn, Tra- cher Training, Pnanon \Nronn a ,iSuda% Snicet Evron 0 Wetonte ST. PAUL'$ CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main Si. aîlJames St. Miolsten: Rot, C. A. Hainon. B.A., B.D. Orgonist ond Choin Leader: hMr-. Haroldi 7dgee St \DAV. *'OVEMBER 2. 1969 l1tnl Annitonm.irt hiC î: -m-I Service. R-t S% L. Bnl.nt B.A., CHLSCH SCHOOL 9.30 a..Sanîdan% Sohoot for ai 1m1btv and ginlt oee 8 t1t.00 a.te -ofnt Nunrer in change of regitterd nurse and nonnery- drpanttent. 11.00 a.te.-Kindengaren - and Pniteany Departteent, aget 4 - 8. Invitation Te All or., am hf aaa Happy 501 wedding eumlvrsaty Reldinta of )Ult an i wkai liv.a, Me. mnd Mes. Roert Anderson of 200 Serait St. ailebeatad their golde w.dding mnlvteeaiy an Wadn«aidy, Oct. 22. flaay haldi an apta houge mnd fimily dinner et Bopea Commuait. Centre that afranoan and avenig, wbame thM welcomead erotad 225 filadnd werm ahomertd with gifla, cordsanmd flowere. Me. Andereon ias ilvadint Milton att hie lita, with the eepion of two ytens ta tht strvice durang the firit wen. Mra. Anderson wtt e daughter Of Peter Henttey who livii et Ratîtranak a Point on tha tescenpmant oIl tas livtd ta Milton rince tseir morriae. Ha hrlptd hie fether rn tht Aindrson Livr> Stabla on Mata St., than wortad u P.L. Roberteon Mmoufacteriegi foi yrar tafore ire went to, woetaet Heltan Crant and Botter Co. Ht epet 43 peu.s as e traca driver aitir the filmn, malctag tht rounds of mort Haltos farte, 10 nolteot tire fermera' crtem. Me. Anaderson suya at mne lime hae tanew pructicelty avar>. ferimer le tire ooaty uni ire hus e a elot of changas in nearl>. hâtif o cto> cf iaeting with tht frcr.Whrn ha finit eterted tht job he irai to uae e horee.rawn wagon for atatter pictaups e aua tructa couin't munaeuvar the onplowei rada and heen>. wtater enows. Tht creamrry on Commercil St. (note Milton Marine and Sports and Petggy's of Milton) wua canri b>. John Irvtag, Cy Whitanoee and Huroti Moode we ha first teortati there. Lter George Dawson uni M. E. Nixon houtirt il, than Mo. Dawason eeor il itlf. Latar it tees enti te Frank Bolt uni finolIy te Bert Porter aire cloen il o yror eto ah en cra anot te acarce. Her connerte i the huidin.g tato o atoe. Mr. Andersehon h eto retiei for the peut eix yraru. He rnops hetpint han aife aith tht hooaeaerk and spanis ia sormmer te the garditn et theoreae of thair home. Mrs. Andrson as ergaolat ot Ken Prethyteriun Church fer 11 peurs, tir alo, teoght Sottday scireel there tnois onarkedi n jest uhout every erganizatien ie tire chorcir. Recent. tire has htro lamine eut soee autiful Iiqoii emhroiirry tobtaclotha, plocemots and pictores in ir spae lime. %Wlth the exaepttan of the &It stx inantha aflar their merda. the Andersans ham lay Ia an Saa St. Tlasyhaebnt their prenant haine 35 yetaes. An tateratag stoey about ha fanly wtt aecsBeti trueii an thr anmtvraty dey. Ttam wete four girls ta thtealt fainily and Rav. A. R. =aiel of tht Methadiat church ptrfeamtd att their wtddinv ta tht Hartlay home an the mounitata. Afttr taca wtddtag the widding ptrty went tn tht Milton hnn wh.me John Mitchll ervtd tht wîdding dimer. Mmny aid famlly picturai wtet an dispuy at tht opta houae. TeGot-Togother Group cf Kneox Chancir catieed for the opten housse md femilyr dient an *W@Ïffesda. viendswons Kleaardtn.g, Lotdon -and Taranto e ae ails tii mnd the hap couple recalsai etclal -mtsaes of tagrtlatlaas fetin Prime M taaTrudeau md MP Rud Wbltlag as Wall ui a PZOvtnala Teyhmv two sans, Herli ne ort Cidt and calta of Oakvtll, both ta tht tnranai business. Thîra are aie 7 andchtldrtnanmd mait of tht sinilpatri able ta ta prisset ta halp the Andatsons calabrats their aaaiveesaey. Tha fmeily had atmo beldi e distrait ta their honor n mata talote the Soth First liste of winfer is four inch snowIfall Tha aittres frel mcaw fien on Mitton and isetrict Union Tuaida>. evtniag of last wee and it wtt e dllly. Pour tachai of caamp, hav n>. mca rtcordtd, uni thie au e record for tht data. Botir Ontarie Hydro menanmd toan erat watt taep bue>. fer e coopta cf daye cleeaaiag ep aftae tira etoem. WItilt no eareoe damage au reportr! four aervices ta privae hanes atra iamegei and trae tee blean te tht gromi att about toan, obstroctag treffic ta tomne planas. Hydre aoert tera bue>. cteartag treas oui brmches frete thair aires as the town cee ecrrniti about taten clara8 up minus pioMlema. In tht ruamu re aroutai towm tha atijalt of theanoa bant trae limbe down onta poivre liea and any fais atme aithout hydre, for boues at a liait. Oe@ fa nt the Hcmby district raportai a 10 bout blactacat fromt 3 e.m. ta 1 pan. Wedaesiey. Tread nage at alto ha>.ta Neaaagea township and eonna of tht comt>. rma ara blactaci by fallan traies. Polila MkI district couda mude for hazricua driviag as the plowing and emdieg crevas acre ceught unpreared. Tirer tire alarma tera tomai in te Milten Pire Depenlment in the pea teri hua ore cf tram provre ta b net ealy e fuille olerm, bot ealsiie thir r overg They atra collai teo t ire Toeiay anening of lest teri hy tire Burttagaon Pare Deaertiennt irapatcher, but on tter aay te tht Pinr Siiereai aiddre lira> atre tornci hucta aienearuio signol tadicaeail att a faill olerat. The>. luter leaeea the tira Plan to build retraut clos. to Campb.livilI. Mes. Dorta Warren as lire great oiventura in fotth. Ran guraI speaker ut St. Pool's Warren iropes yeutr groupe, Unitedis teerl U.C.W. meeting people te neai cf spiritual Oct. 20. Mes. Warrtn, aife of ranewal and people ta ane cf Rev. eroard Warren tpore of cunrtltag and heop, aitf malict irer 11fr as o teinite's aife and ue of the focilitias thot are aiîoeooîoe tri tire faitr airicr pionnai for Oaa Retreut. anas reaponsihît for ir iroshoo gvng op luts miotslty le o patisir Buildina ted t 01aat antil and of tiroir ploos 10 huiti o spring as thry hune only jasa retîttous Relorun Centre on farte finihr geltiag tiroug the rail laid porciruiei aI Cutephettilla. tapei nnotned ln tht fial Norman Hurt,ý a r ongtlime porcirase of tluair proeepit>. They forni of Ren. Warren and iris ire te h ava sleeping onife Sioa hune tirrown in lireir accotmodation fer 25 et more, lt i nth ther Wurrro s on tuauani iig facilities for 100. Fox believed rabid hits Lowvile area Pean of aoraifroxoinoirthe seounîty rf familles in lire Loannitte ond nort Booton area last eeki. Threfox isrnown to h are sttcir ai o placrs Tuesiuy Oct. 14. tI iaogled airh Rm. Ken Cacpirett't Shertland îireep dog on tht Appler> Lice haIne Raitesoahe Point. Tire fox utîncirri tire do8 uni bit tire drg noe tire face. In oeotr attecr on tire nate do>. a fox, hettened to ire tire samte one, iaogted cir a dot iretongtog 10 Mo. and Mos. Joe Rumme. on Loannitîr, ner tire park. Aflera cattng ther Heallir Departmeoî Huteane Socîity uni potice lire> incie o d unay teith thiroog rair tan luire lire chanoce of eoiaoterioe ortghhooiîtg chîirto airo cote tu niait tire ing. Uoderstnlaoh enoogir, ther Ruooneryo fer: hodty about tire dogirecuse iîirhaiiree a petlin lire fateil>. foi a long t tee and "a ira> pal". Tire Campbirrls chote mi: pro lhirrr doti for a peîînd of hie neis and potttirlytsixeonirs, iroplng lire iog cn ire tanri. Bot ngo irai robles itots. Mes. Campbellt wtt anîreml>. eneteful tiret it irai net been one of irer fine chdiea. Tire bah>. tees tht main cencera. Tira tao-yan-ati tees playingS cutide and iral tara nattai ta onl>. a minuta or tac bafore the fox appeurai. Tht chili ht anted to sa> eut and play. longer Sut came in on>. ut tire eethar's îosistencr-oni note Mra. Cameirrî gla ti sire ii. Apporeotly airen a nei fox dora attunir onirer animais il lie i ils tant stages uni reai>. te dit. Tire fou hua nt hemn founi but iraset h eeo sean recroît>. ettir o ilt iropri il cratai hock la a bush aires 10 dit. wtt ta Plamboo outaida thair district. A coeman steve startied t ira ta the hanta shed ut tira home cf Murcel Pettier, 6751 Waltaars Lina, Burtiatton on Saturday morn. Someont as hoiling potataes ahan a cortea atu tht stoe cagit fie and aprai ta tomne arey honte. Ther as ne duamage te lira builin. Milton Pirefightae, irai tira tira oaamid mere pactatat ap to go hrome airnas pomnpte urrivai froat Buelingtoa Pire Daparlinent. Moaday evaning a cor canai b>. David Gillias, Borttagton caugirl tire arooni tira metor ai ire ae irivint on HiShteey 25 nortr cf the Beyne intersetion. Tht fira tees antiagoitirti ta short crier. CAN CIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESH LOOK Corna in for a comploe. appralmal today. BILL'S AUTO BODY KING KONG ESCAPE (Color) TNURS..IU..SAT. NOV. - THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS (Colo) ELVIS PRESLEY 1 BOATING WOODY THE PREELOADER PhoneI ONSIOSos 878 643 F .HROASTED PEANUTS 2 îe oR79C KOTEX 12 ie. ph. »9 SMAIlLE M AADE--A4Di.fer $1.00 t.1aaY B BRAND PANCv OJALITY -I P ta.It 6 '1.00 JOY LMO DEIER6ENT SIZE BOTTLE 39C MAPLE LEAP WIENERS 55c . FREat4 PORK BUIT CHOPS WallTrimed 694k LEAN PEAMEAL BACK BACON 98c» LEAN PORK SHOULDER ROASI_ 59C False olorm in. wrong orea omong week's fire colis Winter's elegant social season startn Dec. 20 cruises ta moice for1 1=West ladies ~j& &South America traditIo, Iroroue >t'i accalma itIrnua roitr 'Unger Longer" crilses shrowsand ieOor cntinetal Feb4andFeb. 24 aeîrndb 1forOa nd, ise . 20, Jan. 5, .1. Faillitb. sfo-, rt ley., Mor D tCAICsremous27 rtontae Pcb. 24, Mar. 13, Mer. 26 tarJdon rool fflr Lido 0,0k 5~s.~p ann 1 vré at ei mane fr en .ta MON ms"" t ni n..uvettiter.' RAVE SERVICE ~~ 14 MARTIN F. 818-9211 c Il tel on sti ai tt ye ar aes ts. grtha Lantz, 90 dies at Hatton Manor At the apaof 90, Mms Bariba 11ea Nmly ttv.d 40 ystes tn Lmnta dt.d psa=sl ait Uatta Actuel. Contannial Muo nThmueday, Tht ttvaty Mns. -Ligotz Dotoba 23. thoroufhl aajoya hot 9Oth Mde. and Ute. G. H. Lantiz bltday paety ta Antan tut naad the Ba Tataphon NeF whan oea 11 tS .at orWa1t Antan, whons the. etaed congratlaatliaa e a Lqtlon hall ta note, front 1922 ta racaPon in Knox charcr. 1945. Shwaaat opigantoe, for Howa e abeauaitafattng sanm , z md ha volt wui a heatth for the plat two moatha. fan t n ta maiy Antootia. Uta wul bore Mday 10, 1879, Reeve drives Jaai GamieIP sd- a i~ta Captt.Ha w.ddtaa gas coroff une Oatba28, 1902, lati hir Nats-.y' Relev Mn. uar=ed daugtr. d son 'aClar rMit. Stant.y Cap) araund in a rieu 1970 Ford Sutctlffe) St. Clatr, Mign- Tortno hardtop Monday iia Ms .A odn avotai-bat uatmOaaatuaY.Wtttowdala Stuart of Gaipt sMns. MacAthur ts ana Of sud Graca (Mirs. Ros "eea muniipal officialt on R oa r tiaon ) Malton; plant ta h.tpi cetebratearecord Sily(Sutctlff) Henry ud thancar mardtmOuavfpaductl arda Elttcthntiffe NanSnd(r<Gardaoi»,, Officials aet!ardhi tu drtve the Heiae Carat. (Lent) Baf aew car aff the aaaembty ino John,~ Doris and Paater Lents, and il au tht Ford compaaya Starit, Jitai David Robertsn 444,976 vattictt beft i the and etaht grat.gradchlt"a. 1969 catandar yaar. Mayorsanmd ems of 15 ara Muactpattli Mea was prodacaaud by aL wheae Fard teortara lin. ware on daugtar Dara, $st Mima hand tat the arnnoany mnd a (Mers. Wm. Milter) mnd Lexie dinmar. (Mn., Wm. Van Normean) ad brother Chaie S. Gamabie. nimabaeatr of Ilatox 'Fourcrois alkichaurch,tht' Ladiea' Aid mud p Iann.d in'70 wmS. ad Wainn Inttaitate inatroduction of croatt in a Poara sevi wtt hitd at the a posible faonr locations witt ta Raiey.Shaamaaar fuarat considertd wen tht 1970 horne on Satsardey, October 25. budget la disctaaad, Mltton conducted by tht Rev. Andrew Catit m.gestei teoaday. McKeaoieanmd internant was ta tt was reportedistalltation of Faieview cametry, Anton. tht aaceaairy averhad sigai ut Palthearara watt Tad Cattote, caca croiawitt waatd colt about Jack Sinctair, Charles McGurm, $500 lae Fletcher, Jla Benhamt and Counicittar G. Lento actcd Gtorge Mitchell. disnusions htnge on four poasibta tocations, ona on ntaria, St. near tht apatmtnts, -A rahid fox wtt ihot by onr at tht Manor, ona et tht Jota Bigas of No. t Sidirmad, achat.s on Martan St. mnd ont on Bort me ton an Satorday the weat ead' of Main St. morng. Thea tame fax la Actanowidgiag thlicra art othtr tatityrd o have frigtatad a dog possible sites, ha iadicatrd thalle at a home on Cadar Spricia apptartd to ta tht mast criticat Road a faw minutes tafora Mr. aetai at praient. flua tcitad it. UTS3272 1<~ri t S a flIUUS..Ri. -OM. 30 - 1 A.N .1 100 RIFLES - (Color) nOta y IANCI JIM BROWN RAGUEL WELCH G ta enta a ove PIIANTON SKY SCRAPER - (cartoon,) MATINU NOV. 1 PERILS OF LAUREL & HARDY SUN..MON.-TUES..Wo. NOV. 24 UN1 ENEMY COUNTRY (Aduit) (Color TONY PRANCIOGO ALSO