TERRY ANN COULSON andi Douglas Roy Rohotinos enritengeti wecidinq uows on Sat. 27 ut Lomoalle Ulnitedi Charcit. Titan hune tubes ap rmaidente an Part Credat. Rowbottom-Cou Ison A doublt rang cermoy ha Losandin United church et font oubloni on Srpîrmhar 27 unitcd in merriage Ttrry Ann Couloln of R. R. 3, Campitellndît and Douglas Roy Ruwhottom, R. R. t, Milton. Tht hride it the daughtcr of Mr. and Mms. Francis E. Coolmun and tht 'groom tht mon of Mr. and Mas. Wilaiam Rowhoilom. Ht aa a draftsmun, tmptuyrd hy tht tusan of Ouavitît. Ren. E. E. gaakar uffatad ut thecarrmony and tht church ma dccoratrd saith standards of gladsanmd muma. Mca. Etronor Coulter playad tht urgen. The brade mura wahite peau dc moie with lace hodacc and tact tcim, and a four-tar shuuldtr tanglt oral hrld wath a hand of rosat. Her inury turtanga sacra tht gift of tht groom. tht currird yettum cours. Maad of honor mas Misa Luis Coulsan, Toronto, sastar of tht bride, and tht hradrsmaidsamtrt Diane Rogers, Barlingion, friand of tht brade, and Miss Rohin Romhottom, Milton, saatcr of tht groom. Thry mort paît osant green Empitc-maaulrd gumna of urgencu uner tuffria andi carrird yrtto. daisirs. Tht hride ws gavn in marîsar hy itr father. Groomaman ma John Rosahottoos, haother of tht groom, and tht usher mer Frac Rosahuttom, hrother of tht groom, andi Durryl Coulsun, hroiher of tht hride. Tht rrcrptaon ma hcld an tht Yoath Crotte cf tht church, saith Roy Coultr matrr of Tht hrade's mothcr mort a royal hitte drus. pank actasorirs and a curagrof pink sacrthturt roses. Tht groom's mothrr mort grcy math hior acccsuortes and wahteuarnataon cursuge. Tht mrddang cake ma msade hy tht grooms othrr and dirorared hy fratnds. Gasta sacre prurut from Hamoaitou, gurlangaun, Feterhorough, Toronto, Milton, Cotlisait, Frtolton, Paîr Sourd, Wallacchuag, Oahnillr. Gor Bay, M assissauga, Wifisonillr. Sta Thomas, H anovr an d Cuosphellvillît Tht couple rfi ona trip au Virgania Beach,. tht bride waring a green amo.perorouat and datai ensemble math hlackt accessurats and a gurdrna corsage. They arr lining ut Fort Credit. Befote tht sacdding, Mca. Jran Coulmon and daughicc Sendia, auntaund cousin of tht bride, hrld o hitchan mnd halhrouos thosar, and Misa Judy Prict and Mca. Ducro Rouat hrlda oscauîbeous thomar ut tht home of Elcunor Coaltar. Woldie-Tuck wedding in Georgetown church la St. John's United Churcit, Georgetown, os Stpttmbtr 13 Roy. B. Scnavens offlciated ut thse mnarriage of Patricia Anse Tuuk, duglter of Mr. ad Mca. Bert Tuck, 43 Outen Street, mites site becume tht brida of David Waldit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrtd Wstdie. R. R. 2, Acton. The ultr mus decoraird wîith os urrangement of Pinta glucis, wahite shuesta deisies and baby's hreuth. Beraccrd Sitrubsole ma orgasiist und duriag ltae signing of thet rrgisttr hre ptuyed Oh Proinise Mr and Whispecing Hope. Mr. Tacta gave bis duughttt ia maciaga in u double-ring ceremuny. lhtc bride mort a toma of impgorird lace with long slntnts sd high nectalint ttîmmtd mith whitt satin rihhon and tact. A amrrping train of sit urgence rdgcd in tact and satin rihbon frît front hrr shoolders. tht saura hrr gruodmothet's lockai, a family hairloom. A caustar of pans and rhaaetotuat hrld in place hec shouldtr leoglt vraI. tht carrird a garland of pisk swttthert toses. white cumulaions and tradling iny cramiord saith wahite satan tithon. Mca.' Sharon Scheerl of Kitchener, cousin of tht btride, mas mnutuon of honor. tht mort annempire toma of huttrrcup yrlilom chiffon onrr taffeta trimmerd saih yrllom daiaaea, with a train falling fromt tht ahouldr. tht saorc o oatching itradpiacr of yellum flosacr sahicit sarcrn twined titroagitout the hait. tht carrd a garland of miti sauta dasira math grren ntrars. Mca. Marg Tuit, aittr-iit-asa of the hride, Mta. Lyn Mtdtund, siater of cise, groom. bath of Acton and Mc$. Msy Haynns. frirnd of ciao bride ad groom of Bcampton, wiem bridtainaids. Thty watt drtssed idtnticatly au tht macros of honor oaly thty mata ha peppermint greta. Thrir bouquets mare yr5owsa hasta daisita with ycllow nireamars. Thry mort, a attend of paols. gifra of tht brideanmd groom. Misa Christine Houn, coui of th bride and Misa Luhin Waldir, siater of tht groom. wra flowtt gicla dcnooed alika in yaltow bondrd crapa dresses trimntad with tiny bosas. Thry carritd hbakets of a msixture of yallom and wahite ttasta daisias and saura sterting sitnec laukats. gifta of tht bride and groom. Fred Collina of Acton mas tht groom's braI ma. Don Tock, hrothrr of the btride and Ernit Mtdlosd, itrothrr-in-law of tht groom. bolh of Adtos and Dan Hayots of Brampton acard as others. Thcy mura dinner jacktn, blacka pools and hootonnirs tinîrd te match currapunding bradenaida' drassas. At tht rrcrptiun hrld ut tht Odd Fellows Halt Mrs. Tsck rtccintd for bar daughttr dresud ina taght green ensemblet trmtd with bads mt bat and shoostel match, math a corsage of yellum swartheort routsanmd golci rihhun. Mrs. Waldie receined for ber sua mesring s coral assemble with bat and shoas to match, witha A dance patty wos held ha tht Ddd Frlluers Hall ha tht tvnng. For a hontymnoon trip nocth tht bride more a turquoise mmcl sait mith mutching for cuifs, black nelnet pictuca bat with black ecceanorias. Hec corsage maes ced ameatheat rosas. Prior to har marniage the bride mas Jaonortd mith fane thomere. Mca. Shuan Scheel mnd Mca.' Marg Tucta hatd a miacegmnos shomar ha Kitchener. Mrs. Mey Hayats held a miacaltostous shomer in Brampton. Mci. Lyns Mrdland and Mca. Ourlant Smith, sunit of tht groom, hrld a itubas shomar in Milton. Misa Jo-Annt Smith hrld a pmntiy shomer in Georgetowan and a. miactîlantoas shomer and presantutian mus fid ity tht office staff ai Lytton Systema in Rcndata sahera tht bride as employad. Thr merr Imu stag punies hrtd for tht groom. Oaa vios hcld hy lthe athra in Actun and tht offace staff of P. L. Ruiettrsona hrld ont in Milton foc tht groom saho in cmpluyed in tht office thara. They mati matat thair nasa home on 29t Main St. E. in Milton. Nassagaweya W.l. watch safeiy film Tht Nassugamtyu Wooes' instatuir hald thtir Octhr meetiang ut tht homen of Mrs. John Henry un Wrdnrsday anrning, Octohrr 15 math 12 osrmrs and une vstri attrnduncc. Tht prcsadrnt. Mca. Pyut. oprnrd thteomeeaing mith a pooos "Auturen Leunts". Tht Odt mos sang and tht Mary Stewart Culca repeated. Tht roll cutI mas tht numang of a puisonus suhstance found an tht huma and osuny commun unesvri mrntaonrd. Dararg tht husiness part cf tht meeting, a lrtarr cf apprrcatau mas rcad frein, Icane Kidd. a 4-H girl and Mrs. Moffuar spuhr of a meetiing hraog hrld an Autons chuol for tht sauman of tht uommunaty oaa tht suhict cf cancer. Mas. Dr Btausa gant rportu on thecdarectors'meting a n Milton and tht re convention an Guelph. Tht couorner Mca. W. Frrrmunathentuuk charge cf tht meeting and antroducrd Gerld Carton au ahe ladies. As tht themr mus safray, Ma. Cartun shosatd amo fims, one heang un tht use and htcrlit cf sufcay balta an autoobuiles and the second un tht dangranmd pcnnrntaun of draih hy rîrcirucution. Ht concludrd math auma morihoshile rosartas rearding othar angles of sufcty. Tht meeting cloard saith tht sangang of tht Quetu and graur mnd Mca. Prios asaisîrd tht hostaus an atrning a iosty lunch. Tht hositos and Mc. Carton sara thantard for pronidint a nrry pleasant and htnrfacal metiing. PATRICIA ANNE Tarh undi Duuid Wuldie were murried inj St. Joit's United clrurcit, Georgetown. INJUNS, FLAPPERS AND CLOWNS w..e on ta rîgt, Mr, and Mis. William Van rusan mita hand when Milton Curling Club held a Hallowe e came as Indians Mr. and Mia Geoif Snell Whio danceaet the curling club louage on Oct. 18. loed like hobos, a "gentleman" named Ruath Wanners in cte costume competition lntluded left MtKlnnon. and flapper Lois Her.-lStaff Photo) Our floor covering temrples for 1970 are arriving deily end they are SOMETHING! New broadlooms, new cushion floors and a whole new temple line of Armstrong's Corlon Plus the new Ozife Thatched Tw,'ed. The theme for f loor covering seems to ba NEW - NEW - NEW. Tl1ot's why we are worried. There are so meny beautifitl f loor coverings that we cennot tell you about them in print. So why not drop in and tee the best displey of ail types of floor covering et 123 Thomas Street right here in Milton. Also, we have been appointed exclusive agents for BAR- WICK IM/ILLS 0F GEORGIA meker of indoor-outdoor car- pet - "Kitchen Clatsict", "Carve Creft", "Country O7low" "Easy Living". You won't find enother cerpet to oufweer BARWICKS. We guarantee if. CHECK THESE SPECIALS FROM STOCK Armstrong Coraire reg. 4.69 sq. yd. 3 rouas snly (seconds) 3.49 sq. yd. Domco iniid Vinyl reg. 3.95 sq. yd. t mill only Ifirstl beige 1.9 sel. yd. Congtleuna Nuirn tpring Cushioneci vinyl. white and golci reg. 6.50 sol. yd. 20 sq. yds only (job loti ........................ 4.50 sq. yd. Printed 6a fi. wide .................................... 1.39 sql. yd. Congoleum - gay and bluck reg. 62c lin. ft . . clair 40e lsn. 45. REMNANTS Broadloom and inlays ........-r--------------h m soc ta $10-00 KEN CLEMENT & SON 123 TIHOMAS ST. MILTON 878-2194 "FOR A BETTtR UNFERSTANDlNGO" j' & LEST WE FO RGET" REMEMBRANCE DAY Sunday, November Wth, 1969 Mayor Brian lest CHAIRMAN Lorne Scots Pipe Bond Guest, Speaker Rev. Canon Mason of Graeo Church, Milton e Comrade the Rev. Robert Foster Chaplain Milton Legion, Branch 136 PARADE FORMS AT LEGION HALL AT 1.30 P.M. PARADE AND SERVICE VICTORIA PARK, MILTON 2.00 P.M. AT THE CENOTAPH "REMEMBER OUR FALLEN HEROES" * Parade ratorns to lte tosan hall for a presenlolion by lte staff members of tite Onatario Scout Jamboree la the Town of Milton. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 136, MILTON l6th ANNIVERSARY 1?ejetpn~akce toq ANNUAL BANQUET & DANCE SATUAY, NOYEN&R 8 Dînser et 7 p.m. LEGION HALL - MILTON Dancing from 9 fo 12 ADMISSION - $6.00 COUPLE