Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 13

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* eHit Coaiaty io stili pressing ta bave tise caaaty tamamn as o nit af rclonei gaveasmoest but tise bond wtltiag ofprovincial ganemrment policy rcrtiedy appeuas ta ha on tise mati. Twa notable examples tiset milit be constdoted isondwtitisg oe tisa rccao sisfs in ossesassena. Holtan ccd Peel bave ison grocpod cadet ana asaessmens camiussoner and ibis desigssatton bacons effective on Joncer>' 1. Thon tisaalter exoemple is in aise Ifeolti Unit fieId wisee tise prossor bas hanon ca ltan and Pool ta gS togotisot. B precnsr I masot tisa attractive Vrante tisas wacid ha mode iraitable ta o metgod codt campsrad witis tiseaosoioa ta twa seaetds. Wili Hellen surine ai a cis coder il itis U Lstanesg ta doisota lest wook ai count>' cSincil absot tise isocnaoies foc toao codts of a Hilton taglonil gavommont I mas lntatosîed in tisa obsorvation of Deput>' Roova Giios of Ooavillo. Eyeing tise mvai proposadt foc Milton hoe dciggod u, ont thesolad cod'isoming of nisatisr Milton eoold supply wîtar fac tis ores. lHe worned tlir toe ectins cocos>' wocld bava te pay fr o maoa line feani tise latro if the Milton supp>' toc oct. Ho ompresed no sci coicena for tiso Acsan-Nissogwaya arco niiti is of a considecaisly lanea sire, or tiso GeartannEsqaing oreo micis toocisos ta isi.smy 4il I.slsng't is aboaut finit Milton didn't bava ta jusaif>' is servicing capeait>' an>' mare tisa Doavillo bas ta Jstsify is obilit> la rîcis ni>' cp ta abat lang-ssonding' idctcil a it cantrats cthe nomr its notisoan isacodoty? mihwtrad senon servics? l'mn real> toacing fotnmrd to tihe doy ne coin enjo' sisat tbe-day woek waok evecybody's haon peonsising os for obout the pss ail yoors. Matlar of foct l've ilrady gos my> own lime ail ptanned fat tisa day tiseoes jcsa abre dsys of woek in abe savon day woak. Tise experts cloim il witt hiea o eatity in Canada by 1975 ... and boy, I con hiodly wail. Boing abe type to pla fat socis abings nol in idvonce, I ail down the naotle day and mopped oct my amn sohedote for tise falte. Cocnting on my work days to iso Mondoy, Tcesdoy and Wedaasday of each ek, live lincd cp abe tefst of the weck abcsly: SLEEP OAY-Thot's abe one Wt ptesanaly cott Thccsdoy. After abrea deys of wotking isîed, i tisai once>' mon neodsao misole day ta sloop and test ap fromt bais tablois. Aftec 1975 don't isoîber tolopisoning me on a Thotoda>', l'il be aiieap. Ait day. I baven't figcced oct yct misas l'il do wbeo tise day is ovoc-l scre nonst feet titre sleeping on>' marc iy aise finme suppersime ratls around. Bus 11i probaisly manage ta tess on abe coci. IIOMEWORK DAY-oat's my cen mnis for Friday. Evecybady inte beraed bas c pi of wocr jc* t 'ing ta hae donce mrocnd abe iohuse. l'tt devotemy Ftidays to ccsching op on abe homnewank-nia"g abe cor, coltine abe leavas, cutsine abc gris, sisovciling tiesa nan, trimmine risc htdgc, digging abe gadon, pointing, ctcaing md tdying cp. O8nca abe tisrec-tiay naok stoaans Ili peoail>' spend my l'snst lune Faidays cp ta my cars in jcnk in aise tassment. Ptiday wiil ollai li haeb doy for ce ail ta catais cp on oct nriing ... yoc bom, wnising ciseqces for ail tisosa bitls the tailmaa brings, neiting lttera ta distont feiede, mayis aocqciring sane pani pots in foteign o noîies wiab whsom freqoana correspondance migit futfdll my lifietong wndorit. Mayiso 1 coutdl aven devote abaet day ta mnotisar pcrontl dteam, airiaine novets or hitos>' books. RECREATION DAY-That's my linaop for nibal is nan knowo as Sarday. Thost ha my day for tong walbs in tise bush, hisnog, fisitine, goll'sng and oxarciasng in abc geat ocadoots. I coutd ipeni my Reccotion Deys watciig isockey, footbsatl ccd isaseaol gainos, or gaing la ail the e shows, or mîyha jost waLkiag aroond abe ontysida. 1ii bot o failon coctd nover o lot of accota spots if hae wena foc an ait'doy witk ace a week. FAMILY DAY-That's coct proenot Sanda>'. In t975 lIm tooking fotnatd ta spandune tht aihoir day wuth ai> fatoit>, yooer ganeration ant i oder gertrraruon ton. Wt't ha for ta hava a aihoir day wrrh tht kidsanmd tise gcandiprns, ptaying gapisses, going for drivas ta e abe cocntrytidc, planoing ccd eating big famille felaits, and golting to knoo one anolisar bot ter. I l And tioe you have r ns ffuttae. Maybe Smn deesa U iopmng i aim ontsre. if nl tos ainseaime dceang ni' face i, anyting meci ie b .plan for abo tg bol 'm et b>' 1975 at lifarime. Lat's car thon dus meeking nom. n Daisata on tise Middle Scisool concept of adocotion as tise racant ccd i peviceu Meeinsg of tise Hoitan Bloord of Edcntion, lanes me wondoingjcst aibat klnd of scisaol we'na got i Morates St. Officie tefor ta tlaos thec Morales St. Seisoot and occordiag ta aise gSuidalines it isn't a miüddio scisoal. la bai allia bin neilten aff ai a pilaI peaica middle scisoni heaose it isn't bsig anaugla. The fat ablle grade îlex, savon and aigs tcdente attend it is jestifiod b>' officiale on lise bosat af accammodction cashier Ibmn plagins or aperton. It lased! ta ho a seniar pcublic sant ccad tison tisa grade six stcdants wote iddad. Ccc anyone tallai meisit trnd af a icisaol taisa. c Lait weetre enow, nom lang sinre a cr oa f issoey, provided one of abe mass îctifcal concoctiansoaf noIue. Brigistly calaced lcave of faitlniged les a brigis latn nis criop nisitancai of nom faion mn to produea ifoiey-land'tikc heaoty. Ceclain>' it iscaceis wiabi ai ois of proisiomo bot i joît coulda't got extited aouot abcmn wia ii il dazzting heaty in enidonre. e Meaihare of aba Oetcviltc and District Labour Cooncil ara righl in ctging marc parking hae provided i apoatraisnt bucildings nat oni>' to accommadatc gcosts bat atea lise icxiliaty oqcipmant lilca boit Inraie ccd enownobilas. Unfocscnotely, lilco tisa pravision of ccy faciisy, tisa praviston af o grcatat ncaihac of parking spaces will incroase cosas of accammodation. Wa're haing idealistic if me tisinki i unr sua. Tisera's no somnething for notising in tbis mgo and acxuliaty facilitias cmn have abe donger of pricing acconmmodation oct of the maret t is aimed ai. Weil, Thanangivung bas corne and ment, And ever since, Ive b cen os ont>' as a woif and bacc me are beadiag it dsismat mith a toothache, becoasa we bave a new November, and Sm fate belsiod ith eYetem. evecythetg thaa I nos lant Jane. WINTER CAME TO HALTON aest Tcsmly wbn anoaosanat rcordt snwall cmec dnmn lrnm aise skies. Rosirlenta anche as Woilcasdey macniog tn lied a tisee ta fnac nch layer of tbs wihite saute coring avocvsbivig. Tis on tarnesi tise district irso a pictaco postrord os tis aie cf lise Tiic Lino Bsqaming Tmp. iotiicaes.-taff Phoctnt [ laia P O ] In rerent nmrs lisre or The Champion neyve hiat a lttae preistam accansmodattag att tise nons in tise paper. It's a titttc isaartisreakin g fat stoffees anti carreepondonts misa go te il tisa mark of propaeing asto1r>' for publicaton, te fidi ta omiateti from the Wodnesdoy issue anti boait! once for anoabcr mactr. Bat itas eue of abosa peoblats ne binerta face. In case yoc're mandering, abe nomber af ats datarmine tiha sie of the papet-it's abc ont>' economical no>' ta mcita busines. If ne h ave enoogis adrtta finance a 22 page paper, abat's han big abe paper te. Sf the taot smalsanod me con affoard a 24 page nanspopet, that's nhal ne peser. Unfontcnatap sane neetrs ates an ovec'ahandancc of oena, anti that's nisan mcwe nitta pcoets te the nemaroaom. Il's bappeneti a coupla of limes ta recant naois and ne have bien forcati ta dola>' publtication of sorte cens itcems for a naak. Tisais nisen a netidine nrtla.p, a bowling teora, a meeting star>' or a lter taillise adiror gel put an tht "tefroner" 'tustl a case duke that the starici aed photos prapacoti tari>'in tht nana mrek robre prefecence over sane ai the brrer items mubmitaad-mhich ail teatia cp la oct ccquost la arponiaatioss soctrine space on The Chamnpioo's onaw cetunai, ta get yoe cens in as eacty as passible. On experts: Experts bine a difficcit>' fac cet>'y sitation. Semae experts are sa bes>' leamine the tricbs of the lraide, abe>' nover leaca tise traite. An iterstisg expeient in Dairvitta ticeine the pasi sameunet mas jotiget a saccesa, aihen or 5,000 yaclis sem Staton Cacas>' Board of Eticcation scisol facilites for a six meek "yoctinilae" recreotian pragramn sponoet b>' lise Oatrvitte Ractealion Coasatttea. Tht yocng people osai a ichool gyms for idoot sports inctcding baakalbatt, pieg pori&, badminton anti toci rugby, pics tise art clasmes anti norrahopa. Tise>' alie orgartireti a trip te Centre Islandi, a smim ta a qeone>' noir Georgetown anti o barbacue. Ose gtaap aven matie a ftim Tht misait peagram coal $2.300 anti for Oakiest' young peopleir t as o groovy way ta aproti tht sommeir. 10 tise das.s of ministricis, len>' meen> bitais, trpples dremos, peak'o'ban clathas and ncdity on screen ccd stage, da yec aupposa people mocti boricert tanok if Lady Godui dii o ra.rcn on hier cateratide tiscoagi tise streets? S tiuink tise>' mocld-after ait, yec sîdomie a ose an thistrmai an>' more. At a aime nisea rotepayars ara iaoking for improvamants in the educational systam, mrought b>' tha TIen cant>' hourds of edacation, ia jr discomfortiag te e tise diffocuttirs non haiosg pioceti in tise may of the Nartis Haiton Mutic Festival. Educational structura bas cisanged and nom nahoola apparentty don't hava thair music teacher but classroom tearbres have their consultants. That's flot enough ta do tise groundnark for a music fastival mhich, apparnt> contrar>' ta att popular approacisas to education, contains campetition. In Milton oni>' the senior public sabool bas a masir teaciser. Tisa saine ta tran in Esqunsirg, and in Nasaagaweya on tucher cvvers two scisools. Tise majora>' of munir g&W hunter4?iil Tise curgînsaneas of tise mnorit>' of isunters is risreaaermng to muin tise sport for tise majorit' misa ohe>' tise miles. Tisa buter contravers>' bas aIreoti> passadti aroagi tise Oakvittn andi Bariington ornas, resutting in complote has on tise discisarge osf gurns in bots municipatities, anti non tise tapir is reartat ts heat iîn tise rural township of Nassagawaya. Before long ta mu>' ha illagal ta use a firearm anynhere in tisa cana>. la's unfortunare aise careless or stupiti antica of tise proverbiat minority cao cause suais atarmi taurit coni ran aise sport for tisoasantis. Bat it's haoppening and tisera's a growiag nana of opposition facing tisa modemn iunlnr-not jasa ta Halton hua rigisa across Southern Ontario. Untit non no've ait hen prana to placn the htame on tise city alictrr, tise New Canotions andtihie tisriti.seering youtiss. But tisat tiaesn't ring tran, especiat>' ta Nassagameya, nisere Departmnnt of Lands anti Forrats officars ctaiis locat residents ara tisa higgesa lowhreatrnrs. Anotiser proist is tise lack of staff ta enforce tise isunting tans. Tisere are lana for motarisis anti Hatton bas bundretis of policemen patratttag the streets undt higliwuys ta make sure the tans arc not broisen. Tisern arr tans for hanters, too, hut Hatton isas jasa osa mon osaigned ta caver tise caunt>'. Tiss mon raid Nosanponeya Cauncil bat neetr ise spands 75 par cent of is rimie ta tisot tonship', anti ha cisorgeti anar 30 people in tise bat four montiss. Thasa tioys la appears ta eus>' ta abtain a isanting licance mitisout instruction in tise halance of tise scisools ta b>' rise ciassromr teaciser. Tise absence of auditoriums ut ail scisoots mokacs it tiifficutt ta mon>' parts of tise coant>' ta anar give sautants an>' praparation for oppearing on a puhlic stage. We mare cisagrineti ta fiat tison saime of tise senior staff present ut aise Music Festinai meeting neren't aven anore of tis disparit>' anti contitiereti tise Cisitmas concert stitt a tradition of atil nartisnrn acisools. We tisink it's aima officiais did some isomenaris" on tise foriltes of tise nartisean etiacation orna anti me sincarel' isope tisa questionnaire proposeti, ta cisart a nen course for tise music festinai, provites a reatistic anti approporiate, sotution. Wisat ta passe ta tise soutis isn't aatomatjcally rejecard ta tise nartis. trnoning att tise safat>' (anti coartesy) miles of aise sport. Sure, tise>' have sofa hanter training courses anti ait nen hsuniers have to tate tise course ta aistuin tiseir firsa licence. But tisera are no retraining programai anti once yoa've gar your ticence >'ou jasa iseep renewng it year airer yaar. Tisera serma ta ha no provision for tnacising sofa gun hantitinge otise eider hantera misa have iseti licences for 20 or 30 years. We iseartit>' agace with campaigna ta han basting ta hut-up ornas litre tisa lands sautis of Higisma> 5 in Bartingron anti Oaisviita. But it'a Ia baud ta toisa ana>' gooti isunain lantis -litre tisa rasa of Haiton Caunt>'- hecause of tisa miademnanora of tisa Wisat's tisa ansmer? Perisapa a steppad-np aducation (or re-educatian) pragrai, plus a uarger staff ai Ian enfarcemnent officers nauli allow basting ta continue un Halttans rural oac. St nautti atse mean increasati licence fats ta offset tise atideti cass. Meanniîe ltla hope Nassagaya Coancit taisles a tang, isard tookr ut tise isunting prohtem hefore ta catis for a compltea han on Suris un tise tonsahip. Remember, tise>' haven't pet banneti smooking .lthugh ut u isoanurn ta rantrihate to long cuncer .. tire>' haven't scrapped ail tise cars anti rîprd a>' tise isigisways despite aise dail>' carnage on aur roada .. andtie riahiavan't hanneti smimming hecanse a fan isandreti peopte dromneti tuaI summer ta Canada. Ler's bais for aise positive approocis ta tise prohlima of isanting belorewean it completel>'. Sn tsar tise pronincial goneramnena sisoutti ha raking leadersip. On the mecond day of Jcly, I isagan ctconing ap the bamemeol. And I con provo tl. Therras atiti a serdid tittle hrap ofdcsl, datergent and altr basement gatisaga titting tisace, peanf positive abat I gat anc corner sweps oct. la's in a direct lina mitis abe mashne, sm abat yaa have ta mils oroand il rvety tant. Thus ceatas sane inseresing commeats. My major peairat of tht acaimner mas ta hava helon patting a nrm tap on a tittta boctr poc, andar mhuch mc pot anc gachiga cana. Tharcas an ingeniaus lid taa apens, mode of tma'isy'foats. Ont hinga mas gaing and a coupte of thetlimsbara mece taame. With mioter caming an, bath langes are iscaken rigisa off, and mheo yoa mant to pas somrthing in abe garbaga cios, yan don't tift the tud. You liuft aight tmo'hy-faacs, singty, pite sheai ap, par abe jnk in. than reptace thcm. Iltalobs on>' about finc minctes. And rvrry time yac go thracgb tht aperatian, it's raining. Anothar ptan mas ta tant a chain son and cnt ap att tht haga oak toisbs pitrd alang the fonce, fo arse sn the futeptaca. Thaye stutt thr. Speaking of frcas, abere mas to hie a neai ana thua yrar. Bat I coctdn't get ai the atd ana bacase of att abose oatr titinlas pitrd agaunat ut. Prets>' frualtoting. Then tisera mas abe hcdge. I mas going ta tear tl ont and ptant a nrm anc. Tht aId ont mas grttiog rotton uo spots. It's stitt thoe. I mas going ta ptay a tnt of golf and gar fit. I aven askad ai> mifa inIa ptayung, and paid lier fran. I ptayad ahana rtght timas, and gar Sit atil rugttt. I nom Stl aire 33 panas instaad af 3 1. But ai> nife hadt a greal measaa. Sha sisot bier Scast goine ast meais: Fuve botes, at S 16 a hota. Anti the ctuh is ctoaad nom. systeai ancapt duos, titra avec>' oabea naw systeai, it'a tousy, comparad ta the nId ont, mhich, mas atme tacsy. As I prophetied a year aoa, casts bava eicalatad an dirct proportion ta abe inctease un ced tape and inefficitncy. It's smathiog titre the Bonis of Kings. Papecmork isat more Popermars, Rotas botgar Regetations at an atarming rae, and Comaittets beat Coormitars tike s0 mon>' raisiita. (Therr goes my chance af anar gattrog anymbere in the profession). Don't mor>'. I cm stand systrais. t an't ta the air farce fat fout years mitisoat taarntng hon té hoat ablera. Yan don't dafy thlera, yac just chrm awoy frain niabin, litre a termitte, until tise>' cattapme. Thanksgivog I toaked farwaed ta a chance ta Sat caoghl cp on cvaryttting, get out in abe open and reliax, mee abe cotors of foit, mnd forgrt about tht nyatema (ofter att, jausta olot of honrot men trying ta do a galad job. No momen, strangrty rnaagh). Sa my dacghtac camea hame front fSeat monab of nsvcsisy: isrmtdcccd, fntt of hang.aps aout courses, and drsperately tonrty. For tisa pat tma ycara, My Most frqnenl comment ta bier mai, "Nom, yoc ha in as a reamonable hour." This tinie, mie couldn't get bier ont of lise haale. On tht Satocday, I drova bacr domntomn and aaid, "Oct aat of tht cor ccd go ccd mce smciody." Sha mas home in an bonr. And nom il's abe noddy teoves, no panl untcnded. I hava tan maptles, threetems, onr isctcernot and tmo vat>' oaks. Tht impes came domn litre a shoumer of danduff. Ftous and hasternat tichia do niais maticioca pesvecoity. And the htasted oatrs mait antil everything atme ta rabad and abe anom ia falttng, isafora they condescend ta contribute their confetti. With sncb an action, atrenuoca aumotmet Oh meSl, life is the on>' one we have. bebind me, tl was gond to get bock ta the But 1 can tell yoa one thing. Thec't be no nader>' job of teahtng aibere yoa bave to mate $54. phone bilts for one mont of do tngs, whetber yoo feet like it or nlot. mfe.and-daagbter taika about nattaag. I - Pages of the -Past I ~ ~ ffrom champion filesJ 20 years ago Taken frutt tht isaur of The Canatian Champion, Oct. 27, 1 *949 Occisuret>' drabbung Clîntan un tht thurd Samne of tht sami-Sonat plo>'off seruas hy a score o>' 21-12, Milton non otivancas itta tht OBA Isteaneduate hasehati finals. Multas ploya Luttle Brutaun au Miltron Sataria> au 3 p.m. Sun Bartunguan ynnths pleading gtilt>' ta a thefu a>' gasotir a mrck aa aiben the>' apprarrdiun Caunt>' Magistrate's Court harte >'ttrraymrereracb Sorti $50 anti caus or un tiefonit o>' paymrnt nere ta serve a mnh un jaut. Tht sus. accardine ta eviaence, mee u ar syphanung gasotune fronm a cor onnt b>' G. Totabte. Afuar sevtrai mitas of chasr ou high sperda tht gag mas arraîtati b>' Constabte S. Hli. tr ia sot airer tht local fire iepartmrent ta caltai ta sabtiar tain Stes on anc cati, hout ut happanati hart on Satana>' afrarnoon. The brigade nos rotind ta a chumat>' Ste au tht homer o> ' cs R. Maurtaun, Pune St., nhich nos qaucisi> braughr antiet contrai. Fureman tai tht high wnst bien teavrsito tht chumar>' anti aien a frrsb Sure mas mati ut Suai tht hanse aiuuh omaoke. White tht Stne trucs merrîruitl standing b>', arr of the specuataca notucati tht badge au the Bowlung Club, Commercial Su. hiarune marrut>'. Tht Staeman hacisti tisa truck un utascre. Possible aerus unjar>' nos avrtteti Monda>' wite nouimen meut basut>' angaget iun iayung tht armets on Moto St. George Prtsniak ascapeti ahen a portin ni tht sie mati afi rtu coitapsat intto tht trench. liusiaegnas pnnrt anti brasai. 50 years agio, Takro fraom tht issue of The .aaiar Champion, Ortobar 30. 1919. Whan il nastaarratitast Fruiay mornung that the Prince ai Watts nanti posa thraagb Milton au 12.40 pai, an the G.TR. en route forHamult:on,Mayor Earl tidutearaethat thespecial train wol aaie a.l sot stop1 ai ite station. lie failed. bot mastorad that thr traiv moult stow up anti the Porrac matid be sean ou tht ruas roi of the tout cr. Thismwas matit hom ta tht cutuzens, a large namber a>' ahoni tacrtid out, muth ait the ppits and reaâchos a>' tht huelu anti puicu schoats. Tht train, mbich us a long ana. ait tht coa steel, arrivai on rime ant ilts speeti mas constierabiy atachenri. Tht Prince nos seran aihere tl nosanderstaadbtneaatdha, staning on the piaufaom aI tht rear of tisa observation car. lia mnre agra>' sutit, wiah o ry safs bat, nhich hie navati os long as.ha mas sn sueht, te responsa ta tht, cbeering anti hatnaving of tht citiens anti chittiran. lis appraranre anti bis muall saito deluget cet>' ont. Tht Fuel Superviser boa ussueti a narnuag that cool prucrs may cuse anti bas odnimed coosamara ta order nom andi taise ane pro cooli. At Torono yesterday E. C. Orne>' nos etectati leader a>' the U.FO. anti ledeprodent Lahar Part>' sn the Legustatura. 100 years agio, Takan frnm tht tosut af The Canaduan Champion, Octoher 28, 1869. On Taenia>', Mes. William Lague stuppati an the sen anti fait on biec irft ami, SO violent>' as ta fracture tht base ou the meit. Meducai assistance mas procnrrti anti at last accourir tht pattent nos dnung watt. As tht bahs ocre naitisg ta bie ashuhutai e the Nelson Shban, a sytanditi animal, aortid by Jashua Frarman. Esq.. mhuch abtaineti the Start pra.e tank frunhu ou sonerhung anti dasheti dama the sureau ai a furiuas pace, npserrung tht rudes anti crearine a ponie un tht avosat. Airer runnine about amuire, hae mas captuet mthant diamage brine taone. w e regret ta oary finat or Tarado>' nugbt last, tht sammitta o>' Mt. Rradhead. i Nelson mary ratat>' carsamai b>' Ste. Tht Sure us aupposeti ta have arusen traio traect un tht furnace. Na tosarance. The tostisestumatet i o $1,500. Tht Tetagraph favots annaatuan-o>' Yorsvuir ta Toronto. A sertes o>' dtructive tres, sopposti un bsrthenrk ofacrtaiuot. occuredast Sanda>' traiig ta Montrat. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION niais essano %o ,ssaui o. ias 1tm, .... S.-.. E- .,,ats,.5- 0.,.t..- & im. Ot.t.O *,A eontO.tat.,u sew..c.-:c_ 5 -I rn '~

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