Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 10

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p w. Ceena ChampIon, Wmnd5la Ocloba 29, 1969 Chain sawing coe ony i NwsroO,,D jModern co-oP Store Nes rom .SD adapts to, changes NORTHERN COIJNTIES TRACK MEET On Oct. -9, the O.S.D. track teom joumeyed t0 Fergan lu take port la the NorUseor Counties track meet. The useel lavolved hoUs "A" sud "B" ichuols. O.S.D. Miltron won the trophy an top "B" schanl la the meet wiUs 163 points. Milton alse tndr third overill. Bill Whyle wsea top individual senior hoy. He hait a perfect aflernuon-fsve, evenîs, fsve fits. Ha won the 100 sud 220 yard dosh with unblievahle acceleration sud then suchored O.S.D.'s relay leamn lu uictory. He set a record in Use senior hoys' pote vanît and seon the higsjinp. Gtrog Ceohfuedwai close hehind-he hruke the diarus record hy 20' eilli a toms of 143' 4«' sud the ihol put record seith a standing heave of 42'. Bob Cudy, Phd Poseera, Larry Opporman, Boh Ounktey, Mike Smith (fit in 880) added t0 Use senior teamu polars. Bert Day seon Use Junior Discus sud shot sud ploced third in Use javelsn. Werner ýZauileiler hait a record crf 5'51i" in the Junior igli jumap-this seas 4" uver lus previens hent. Mitron rnidgrts seere poced hy AIrn Suer selUs seconds la Use igh jump sud pote vault. Srad O'Brien visea Isird in the vailt. Joe Sertoli added points lu ibis total veilha placings in the triple jump sud long lump. The 0.5.D. girl's tramn odded enougit points t0 ruahte O.SD. t0 eitige out Arthur hp 10 polars. Due t0 re-alignimenr of coanty huards tis ws the tort NorUsoor Counlies meet sud O.S.D. seitI have permanent possession of Use "S" meel trophy. 'tC" WING'S TRIP TO TORONTC hy Marilyn Cundy On Oct. 18 at 7:45 la the murning the 't" Wing girls tefI O.SO. for a day's toip lu Toronto. Tseeuty rseu girls tefI hy school hon for Oalcudte sud thon on the "ýGo" trois lu Unon Station. Wr seatced up Bay Street lu the Dominion Centre selre se seent hy very fant eevator straiglit up ru the 54Us fleur. The vire wsea very goud of Toronto. Wr seere anorous ru tank aI the stores and the fashions. Msuy girls secte seearmng long coats and higli hanta. A loue of the City Hall ws vent sehere o guide shosed us sehere the mayor sud aldermen of Toronto meel. Lunch, seas rotes iu the cafeteria. The suhoop oui sent on out adrenture. We rude lu Danforth andl Pope selere vie nase the morte "Oliver," follosed hy more travelling on the suliseo and hus lu Peppio's restaurant. Our counsellors did nul help us seill the menu hut se seere lochp lu have Rosa fraie ltaly w11k us. She bold us sehat a gand tu rat. We returned lu Milton in the rrruing very huppy, hut or kuese t oanuagoud idru tohave îalkrd and planurd for our trip hefote guing. Wr thîvk il is hetter tlv ie Milton thon Yurkurtte. Our imaginations had cm alire! Feeling ou sere adlt, or organized a "ýGel Together" parîy. Soundi grrol duesu't il? TIre slroîrgy wsolt rrvahout social lifr, lu improo our life iu resîdruce. to have fun and lu sose thol or sere hecoung odoîts. The scrvr oui the gaines route and snack har ru the Senior Girls' Resîdence os Oct. 4, frome 9:00 pm. tilt '0 lOSor. for "S", Wivg girls and dites. Il wsail Joanne Stephrns' sud Kaîhy ONeit's idru. Theîr idras sere dîscotord seîth thr rest of the girls. We came lu decinron. Wr orrurged aprogrose and refteslvments. The girls dîd o change-about andi nvîlrd the hoys. If pou start seunderivg hou se preparrd oit the rrfrrsltmevts, here is hou se did it. Wr att chipped il SI for food sud supplirs an follosn2 pkg. pizza min, 1 green Popper, 1 pepporoni, 1 con mushrooms, t jaor cherse sehir, t gouda cheese, 1 jar pickles, 1 pht. Rîla cracers, 1 pki. mini.rhipr, pkr. Wlîîiieî, 20 bavouar. chocoltle sauce,1 jar cook ohip, 1 gallon ice crram, cherries and nuls. Sorair Boumn, Kalhy ONrît and Joanne Stephens consîdered the gaines. liverythlag a haadled except sie haed lu have pearissun fromt oute counsellor MamYoung. We disceaird tis selUs ber sud se ws planord because il ws our osen project. Cuequentp e mulouEI Ihe p sae n namtee sral u arro AestantDen f Ràde= Perinialaun s gie. The lie selhed plsuned hfoýre san 7:30 pra. lu 12 rladnighl, selUs the food supplies fronm the schoul. Mr. Mirtini hadt brIser suggestions Usan ours. He chauged Use lime lu 9 pm. lu 1:00 an. hecause hie Usought dhit see seere beginniug lu hie young adilîs sud lhsl see oece old enougs ru remain ap. Me. Mirlini frît that vie shuuld hui responlahîr sud oau re enuugh lu hold o porty aI inis tale lime sud lu purchase u osen food supplies. Tis seuuld help teach an the valuse of money. On Fridoy, Oct. 3, we il made our seay lu Lulases lu gel our fand supplies for Use firal parîp vie hadl planard. KaUsy culeted Use mari sud Joanne kepl tracli of prires of items. We chrcked and compared the pricea. The store seas cruseded ohes ore finI enîered. Wr totilîrd liefore see seent lu the casher lu enanre thal or bail enougts money. A man and o ooman commrented! lu Miss Young ahutal the pretîF girls wîlh long hsir. Mims Young soud 10 feet tilt seith pride! She'd botter, eh! Wr seosîrd lu huy lirusnies hut ore orre liroke su eent rhrough the coshier. Wr rrceived a picture thot seos free of charge. The very sent murning or sere energetto. We moved the cuches and ormn chairs from the T.V. reine lu the goines monm. The tamps and coffer tahles orsI os oieil. Then or cultecîrd il the tops and animois and placed thean un shelves, chairs, flae, etc. On the seu seuIls ore mouuted pîctures and designs. We decuraîrd dîfferenlly sud slylishlp (helier ir or volt!) Il ressemhlrd a recrealion tenim. The girls wshed and curîrd their hait, rager for 9 u'ctuck. The fandowan prepared and put in the fridge and the pizzas sere ready lu put in the oves. Wr gur readp sud rucited! Mian Youg sud Mes. Culler sere the chaperunes. Our doles came as 9.00 p.m. As rach une orrived, hie seos hlîndfoled and sent int Use gamnes ruumt lu tep lu fiud li date. Girls hadl un the hoys' coals lu hetp lu confuse lhem. The hoys trîpped and frît hut they aIl monogrd ru fiud Iheir dates. Wr serr off lu o gand irart! Wr ploped o game calîrd Inaiu. We wo051 mention ohat l t s. VouIl have lu fiîd out on pour usen. Cupoîseosw ind of o trick gaine that or pîsyrd vent! Wr tururd ther music un and dancrd. Wr suaclird durîng the gaines. Wr ployed Il's Your Mure and Carol Buseman seon. Wr did morr dancing. Wr 1kn haid a Truosuru Hunt. The treasure seas pizzas and hanano splîts sehîch the girls haid preparrd and lefI in the snock har. Il was o heortp snach-'duv't gel liuugry. Wr dîd mure dascing. More gaines haid liesn planurd liut Ilîre seos nul enugli lime. That dîdn'l stop os froni lioing a gond time!r Wr said foreorîl lu our dotes. The lioysvservt hock hume and luen li ed andl or serl lu seorh. Wlien ore were linîrlird cteonîng. pou wold nver knose Ihere liai hemn o porîp. Euerpthing oas tlirsaime as lirfor.« Tlirr sere oulibs ru lie doune ru thie moruivg. Wr stîll couldu't sortie doses seithool tlkînit about thie porîp. We hadoagroosy fiier. -"S"Wing Girls. STUDENTS' COUNCIL Once ogoîn tlie Studeuls' Couvrît vs in operaîrori Wr have a ueo rurcotrur and ueo terri reprseulolîurs as oeil. The ruecotire ihis peur cousrsts cf Rus Hall, prrsrdeul: Kalhp O'Nîl, vrce.presrdrnî: Pat Dietrich, secretory: avnd Larrp iOppermor, ireasore. Tiey see rîrletdl as( Jute. The reprrseutatrveî seere rîrcîrd early ru Seplemlir The Couvrit foncîrovi lu oltose stodents tu traru ond practice the drmucrarrc syslum of governrng. Theyoaeeolluoed au opportunity ta have a rap ru ther managemenut of thlir ac Iries ru the foaim of recommrndalrons and assistance lia rrsrdrvcr and school staffs. Ofîru ueo voles ut chaugrs ru olil rotes arr formultîd Io goveru Ithe condocî of the studruls liollin rn orut olf vrhiotl The Slodrirîr Couvrit helpi tirer tirce rlos, nid in ciiu.rperatii ir eti tic' iCi:: school, hetpv t0 set cp prefecti seho grue guidance aud hrlp thie atudenîs seho do nul uderîtanil Use rotes. Cormmiltees arr setlup for orgonizing parties, fund raîsing sud ailirexra-curricular activilier. l is hoped Ihal o clu ser re laliuuship lielseeu stadents and staff resulîs tran Use arîluities of the Studouls Councîl. AHl meetings of the Students' Council are presenly fieldl evesy Adaptlng to the chanio limnes seems t0 be the mot uf United Co-operatives ofOntario. The changiog limes were evident Thursday as the SJCO Hallon Broiscl opened ils resnodelled store iu Georgetowen- a modern facility desigssed to cater as much t0 lie urlian population of Georgetown as the rural population from seliols il osce des aIl ils cusaomers. George Pellellerio of Mitron, chairman of the Hilton Braoch UCO Couscil, officiated as the oponials. lu a unique coremony Georgetown Mayor Whtldon (Steamer) Emoserson used a chain ans loalu a birch log, held across Use alose's front dot by Mr. Pellellerio, Halton East MPP Jim Ssose and UCO vice-presideul Fred Hamsilton. A unail crosed wus on hand for the speeches, the official opening, a tour of the store and refroshmenls, Thursday morint. "In evercsanging tirnes vir mass adjual tu the change,' Me. Pellellerro blid Use galhering. "Thsely years ago 15 to 20Oper cent of the population of Ontario oas rural or fatin; today Use peecenlage is down t0 saves per cent and in the County of Halton Iris thon four per cent of the population la an Use faim." Nine formera' clubs seere foemed helsean lot16 and 1932 lu serve disteit farmeru-at Mount Noe, Milton, Asgrove, Arton, Palere, MrCurdp's Corners, Postville, Steseaetlosn sud Terea Colla, la 1935 they increpoeated thse Milton club as Milton Disatic Co-Oporative and la twu years 50 meanhers did $34,235 seoeth uf volume, la 1937 it affilialed selth United Faussera uf Ontario (tuday lICO) sud la 1947 the newstoe, office andl food mill oponedin l Milton. A few years later the Georgetowen mdl was purchasei and in 1952 Use tinue s chauged t0 Halton Co.Operalive Supplies. Bp 1959 a thard brsuch wun purchased aI En, and la 1966 Hallon merged wiUs UCO sud Use Orangevile mill oas alse placed in wiUs Use HIton group. lu ils lait fuIt peur of operation Halton Brauch's 1,250 memhees contrihuled a biusinems volume lotalliug $2,128,558, Use staff had grosen toJ su ad Use services lacluded Usre fred mlis, lseo hulk liquid and hogged ferîdlizer locations, u grain dryer, three lawn sud gardes centres, four retait supply stores sud Uree petroleui centres. ".Shordy sftee Use meeger seiUs UCO Use e moaneil and raie officiais met ru sludy Use situation Geoegetnown. Il seas decided facilities seere lad "ute' the store wsea tacn mai1 ud pakn pace Wm almoil nil. WiUse lacreaing urbanizstios of Use taes il becarne apparent the Beanch should assume s differenrule Useu it har! la Use pull," nid Mr. Pelletteeio. Il wsea decided t0 rehuild Use aitd huilding. Me. Hamsilton reviewed Use groseUs of UCO lu 50 branches sud 160 toris la Ontario sud ptedged UCO "seUl ilsesys strive t0 serve Use people". MPP Suose hogl greetings and cogrttin on Use directoei' foreighl sud planning sud reated the fion's groseUs wiUs thut of Ontario's, Mayor Emmnerson lied il la seiUs Geurgelosens groseUs, currenltp addlag 150 famiiles pee monUs sud showing a 15 per murt population increase la Use pans peur alune. Ed Schenck of UCO's engineering department houded Use keys t0 contracter Oseen Adoas, Guelphi, and he passed themn atong_ t0 Glen Kelley, store manager. V111 - I A UNIDUE OFFICIAL OPEPIING cremouy was ribov-coltrg coremovy. Helping lise bol the log held rerrt pot Georgetown wliev île relirlt are UCO liraucl preidnt GogenPerterioof sore ut Matou S aucl UCO oas opeveil for Milton, Inft, Hettov East MPP Jom Siose andI UCO buioss Georgetown Maor Wheldur Emmerson orne-pranrilsl lur Ontario FretI Hamilton nul a log o lb a charn saw, ustead ut the anael rîglit-(tIlaIt Photo! LOWVILLE Moudoy vîgltin r the Sports Buidig fom 6:0 800 orm. gprxmaey Tse REPORTg Narse Wl.n maal may~ o Mss. A. Hoen nd F rs Wtuhet aff and moulins, uf oote lr Ilipuo ichuolt ar elaped ot l eetsa uatend tare threv opoe ru.u. D e a stetSruruî l Boys Raîctin aI ogianln atuug ie toa uf prgre of Th . Th . spart ueo ho. her ruolll oas Mrs C. N armrtarhe "rolmusn phve of rrrkj. he lad in he Senior BoResdr, aor nogtEgiand d hat hake rute efonst nor thep Qofu Mes. Scouudg lipe felluse stopnîrupîda u aod coeorseiof atîkes Th rfTre saukderi ne oyshv ucl Ms. G. MNC asmlTthe rs rampere sf reort unhe Wrl fuîte vofg ahe prst n oi r the Cuuelin. aI G: rooiSO. foThî arem pring 9. riasa McCur dailp adnb geeatlp sprokrg. deeoted aS Bue gr uelor goude occuont an Mr..allom Thersorhts prgramm frsoin Ceommionlte me rul iswri ord hrpn have he Conhvenior lrpugod. ol iemra tcn unru.re Ms. mC l.M LarUsg ad Lorp ppamont haf Mrs. . Helotha pourd pîoliims, liotithen Tîhrs Tlr.aodrn huprs hlue ha er ulr frthe ThCov.ie tme iit iak an hyhv en otherîchnirs trigHarrp Enp th seajo.drjure RohhC. Brll, Mr liers and.i Lariry uitemn he ,odgeB. Heae plpoffrrrder progrev out hume ailier tepa or ilbok hae bee ptuss fot The Nov 18eseimec shicl etram efrt liwhen seee lu St.Panid'sen indout ~ ~ O sucer Chci lampb Afnduý speig uf acrier, Iasi Ro prese enrar O.S.D circt gi flea last Tee Chapan onaTs rminng s preseucei r11es ivd Dr.e Cliipana ct opeslion osîl ul side O.A.C wis Usle a schols. Durl boy the binee n boi. sud'em pingo a ccrul Ipp hougreMs, N. anglo sud houe brenranytliinglbuti kuor.n for lie pushovers for Use opposition. la oit, prescre A STERBO SET ses Ibe aIf pvoeaed te loral selle, lf, excamine Uhesae ahaaiahng selUs Mr, lbrleader uMarty Ceputo Satinday igIsI by men Caputo and hils sella. Thse t mus praantad by Use fromn U.A.W. Local 1087 sehe held a testimeonial miew Miltn UA.W, diector 0111 Zlllo.-(SaIff dinner for lium et tbe UA.W. hall. Canadian Photo)l direelor uftheli U.A.W. Donni McOaeeoOand film Local labor leader honored at testimonial Over 100 peuple gatheeed at Use United Auto Workers Hall Saturday niglir lu honur Marty Copulo, a local labos leader seiUs die U.AW, Local 1067 seho lias heen promuteil ru the Toronto office of Use union ans su international representative. Auuong thone or Use dinner s Dennis McOermott, the Canadien diseclur of Use U.A.W. and Mns. kirDermnoîl. Going over Ms, Coputo's background, Mr. McDermoîl nid lie oas sent lu Milton in 1954 lu urganice the U.A.W. union ut Use nese Ontario Steel plant. "Ils oas Use une perman I rould relp ou lu lielp orgpin e Use union il Use steel plans," he naid. Mr. McDermoll lanked bock on Use eortp doa of Miltron sud tlId Use audience hose he lis seent il grave sud naid lie bail alse seen Mr. Caputu become.puet if Usis groseUs, lioUs la hetping Use Milton brancha of the union grase sud la conmounitp aclivaties. He uoted lie seas une of Use flot members of Use Milton District Hospital bosard ohen Usey seere planning Use ueo hospilal. As national direclur of Use avion, Me. McOermott naid! lie oas hippy lu have appolaîrd Ms. Caput t lois staff. Bdll Zflio, ueo director of Use U.A.W. in Milton presentrd Ms. m scholarship fund onor Dr. Chapman S. Solto et uitIhe hume iOct. 21. The ring o pictore of ctrpprng dmalrug rosI 25 yrs. Ires bound mony îustngruncidents iglis, uinîtes and trcf fror the for the eveuiug ush of Stoney cf lirr trip lu presenltrton lu Nos mode the rot of the 0.1. scuru ludies :krugham Polace ce of 9,000. cunack gare o lces lustîlule amîpli un Oct. 8, mnark o uolrng trumpanird hy nil Mrs. William mherv ru chargr re Mss. C. Prgg. s. H. Huit and rriugloo plaped the social rime. tmng oitl froture aI Healîli". tîMI C.Yunog, irorge lîrtard, t and Vichy tort r t ururd pîtlt îap Hope elI soun. Presbyterian rîluille, os the itribule aid lu Dr. Elliet resdap Oct. 28. sehu oltendcd uthos of many si, Loseville seil heautifial seasha Il Dr. Chapsean serth a painting colîrdl "uld Mill Rod" Mrs. Longton oas the rrcipirvl of une of Dr. Chopmau's books. A $2,000 schulorthip for Hilton girls in Use Duclur's noune rndoed by prîraîr donrations andl W.. biranches seilI lie mode availabîr os a trihole tu Dr. Chapmoo's gondl och ond fluei ltrary contribiuons. Manp frrends aîteudrd the service fronm this Sondap ai Looritte United Church there seos o "Fireside Hautr" held ofler the eeuiug "Avnrrersorp Service" lu say forrorîltel Rer. E. E. Bosier and Mrs. Boskreasllirp prrpare tu reloru lu Winnipeg. Mr. Bashier oas otdarnrd in Gracr Chuîrh. Winipeg ru 1943. We sersh lhrm hoppinets and God's lileîsrug ru their ueo hume. Wr ure delrghted Ihat Mrs. George Foute has aunouncrd lier inteution of pollrng lier rame i.n the eteclion ring for courîti ru Wrd 3. GoodLuck! Mr. Tom Ramshao carved o cross for Luserille Church. Il oas dedirored liy Rer. E. E. Boshier ou Sondoy morniug Mn. andl Mrs. Tom Fusten celelitei their 121h seedding anurrrrsarp ou Saîuedop. Tom has heen siging in"The King and I- Congratltionsr ru il aud Diaenregoorihu onihehmrîhhof rherr daughter, Tara-Lee. Mss. E. Knighl h as relurîrd aflenoatrip tu Catifurnia. Iirngy Janzen lad a speca porry lait Sundop. Amuira bis gueisîs Gary Richards, ieff Doris, Michael Putcock, Michael Stermch and Robin Mitchell. Pttli'Aîîî Davey liod ber birtlidoy on Suîdap. The Teen Town Baud han heen invited lu play il a specist national tleoision 45 minaute so 100 doa hefose thie Pasadena Parade. There seere four other bauds inurted. The C.B.C. att'star stage sbowe lad ru lie posîpoord tseo seeka bunt il is liopol Use final money sredrd for the trip seill he reaticed ot ibis lime. Car hits fente for $350 dmuge Osty oie major accident uccurred sn Mdton durrug thie pont seek ny police sud ibis rîrulurd a collision lietocen o moturist aid appmoximorety 38 feet of pickel fonce. The accident happened Wednesdap. Oclulier 22,' on Mars Si. E. and inuotreil o cas drrurn liy Pop Fruit of R.R. t, Milton. blir lit the fonce, osened hy James Langedyli of 2138 Main St. E., causing $250 domage lu lier cor sud $100 damage ru the fonce. ALL-iIoy wasia-i In an effrorarse fouds for cuni p irnd euopoeul end seppiesr, the Scouts of Ben Nyhoît's ist Milron Truup ore planuing on ott'day seosk pruject lu eam tlie necersary monep. Tis Salurdoy at Galllager Mutons in Milton Plaza the boys oilt raIl op Useir dleeves sud haul out Use hases for asiax bour oanli'o'Uson. Thcy'se cliarging Si pes cas plus 25 cents for inlerior clesuiug aid Scoulmaster Nyhoît pruae Usere seill he "20 washero-nu seoiting." Coputu seiUs a atrer ceisole on behalf of Use uion mambers sud hie alse pmesentord a gift lu Mr. Capulo's olfe. lu rliauling Use members for OBITUARY Gordon Hili Gordon David Hdll, osener of Hill's Bookkreping Spslems, 420 Pine SI. Milton, died raddeulp as iiresideoce an Tharsdap, Oct. 16. He oas io lis 48Us pear. Buri aid educaîrd la Milton sud district, lie Oas Use son of Use lare Mr. aid Mss. C. A. Hdll. He oas educaled or Milton Heighrs Public Scliool, Mdlton Higli School sud Norîlieru Vocalionil Scheel in Toronto. He lad liveil in MilIeu, Toronto sud Newmarket, retumning lu town flue ypeorsago. Mr. Hdl s a member of Hiton Sportunens Association sud lie osened lseo hsmems hunses seicl raced on district trscks. Surviving are lia sife, Use former Main Bray, 100 sons KenurUs sud David andl a daugliler Bounie, ail of Milton. He is iso murvived lip four sistrs, Mns. Stanley Thomas (Mitdred), Mns. William Mouslain (Gertrude) sud Mns. Jack Pearran (Donna), ait of Miltron, and Mrs. Albert Greco (Pouline) of Woodbridge. A liroîher William pedeceosed li. H e resîrd aI the McKersie FurraI Home aid furraI service seas lielil or Grace Anglican Church ou Oct. I8 wiUs Use Rer. R. W. Fuites officialing. lulerment oas la Euergreen CemetesY, Miltron, seiUs Rap Varlep of Moffat, Eosliby Thompson of Knsoick, SIta n H en dear son ai Camplielîville, Cy Hilson of Miltron, Elgin Bonus .. --hile and George Presusiak of Campbellville as paltbearers. Use diucer sud peesenratios, Me. Capuo ecallid Use earlp days of Use union la Milton sud a11 Use problamas Usey had lu sunlend seiUs la gerring a flrm footing. He bld lios le hadl became invoîved la community activities sud ungcd oîher mambees lu gel out sud seork la il an sel. He naid! he latendeil lu stdll make Milton lii home althaugi bis coverage torritorp nose ranges fromn Toronto ru Windsor. Master of ceormonies for tlie evening sies Mc. Copulo's brother Vil. Caterlag wsea donc bp Use ladres frumn Use Scotch Block lasîrtule. FOR ALL OCCASIONS CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIFIS OF DISTINCTION 184 Main$ts Milton PRIVATE DRUM tESSONS INSTRUCTED BV BOB McLAREN BA AT GERRY PLANT MUSIC STUDIO Bob McLeren ta ligly profeminal aid maIl qualifted. He la ding rncordigq studio semIs for R.C.A. endi l presentîy stodyeng pieno andI percussion at Ibm Royal Couservelory in Torovto. He alan bas enperence onhe road. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 878-4671 7 CHARLES BT, MILTON 'I À

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