16 suisCE 117ELESAE î REAL. MUTI! 7 RA ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE The Canatilas Chamtpion, Wedneadav Octbs 22, 1969 WAGB8 MTONS own 8h16 604-1547 ~ee 6 s-25-1911 TER mue, 4 ina, Es- Pa. ýClam- dus-day, Mexan g arge ýne M78 S di- on hy Mutfeti disOars, frect by attrs. as. We rna for w,. CalI M43 or ~264t913 T rimant aider 7a0 19- i2.5-17 Piar nations, -25488 Fs rage tirs tIRE WATER HAULAGE ELVIN COWAN Phone 878.4898 United Masonry Brick . Block Stone Work CALL ROCKWOOD 856-9957 nOter 3 put. 16c5 H. L. Stuli Excevatlng R. R. 3, MsILTOO4 cou Milton 878-9360 Georeow 773840 M. TOURhü in 100 ML OUftEMI7GIK "No lobs Ina %I or Tee &uai 1~ Kent Preceîf Producta Elidrwala Md Featiaaba Chhm Cave Ces-bim, t-p ahu Creo Pios ati stloops à aapeawry Phone ACTON 853-1013 853-1747 25 Rt1ovea, 2ta ues s or Amtn 1lm5le HOME DESIGN & DRAWING GENESAL BUIIIDIN CONFISlACICIR Rensodellag anti Repaie. Guaraxireti wos-kmnahip Gerry de Wiidt R.R..6, Miltan. 878-3534 16e-lb OAKVILLE EQUINE STABLES Spoclal Winte- rates noso ix affect. Naew bon eOtIs Regulation tas & seora ring Procoalional s-ldixg instrucions 4 Os-ce lassonsta "Ch cai Ws boa-tin Phone: 878-3200 16e-if Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL KM6 81480 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Uia ltarIl Orekand x Rapah on *I att ee a uvrlg utrdeam 1604 ED. McMULLEN co00mdter e Craur PIrate, Uidautrlha eteep o PIs-aàplr n Phono Acton 853-1818 WEEDS spray no anti gos a bonuti- fuI lama lx the Sps-lng. RESB3ENTIAL anti OMERIA [M 17c25 REALTOR BEALITIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE Enchante 9-min 2-étos-ey borne, 2 fleepince, 2 batheeuns anti seadaune, allaebed double garage. Tis; lx a very attea t"v haose. onty a year aid. Beautifrel treeti lot In vecy seeee ame, Juat 304 milea no-Oh of 401 loterebange at Mâitx. Owne- tranxfe-red. Iteqairea $20,000 cash ta fisn Morg. Petit price $46300 Cai Arasa anti Arable Calent COUNTRY LIVING Wail cnsstrateti 3-betirSne borne oe 114 acre lot. Delgbtfsal kit- obtus amd dllgarea lg living Main wltb fis-eplace, beobsoues wlbbtitI vaseity, bxt venter ail heatlng. Poli peler 834,900- Reqires 812.tt oiwn payment. Osener wtltng -ta taire bock fis-st mxsongage. CaI Amna and Amabie Calent 878-680 RETIRING? Ths cosy ttla bungalow le idea for a retireti couple ulso veotti hâte an bnmacuiately dlean 2-bednoans. nese seri ta watt beoadlcnm la dme iving s-oses naew gos fesesace, entra badnnt la temi-flssnhed baseent. Benestifis! back yard 601h rases, thsba, toine frist: ama and gas-dex. Garage anti pavet ds-lveway. On a qutiet reidentlal atsret in Mil. ton. $20300. Cali Ann andt Arctie Calent 87&6981. CAMPBELLVILLE Cttarng country butngalow of ruag brick consuction an hait acre lot, convenxlent ta 401. Tbis 5 year aid borne ton at. tracive living mairn 6011s fireplaer 3 sourny bedmoats. modesm bathroom 601h bsdtln vaxlty, large famlly, sire Ickdsen 600h an abondance of mabogasy finisheti cap- bards, newly finishet racreatiox saon 601h lerittIx bar- anti otIte extras, foraed -air ail furiee. $2000 cash. Cati Amta ant Arable Calme 8706080. S -P -A- C -E Planty of suons beie fur th5e tildran ta romxp and play eus this large 2.8 acre lot, Robot for dogs anti ponties, ton. Spac: dotax ll-suor beicke haine, naw diviiidinlto 2 solf-cootan cd aparinentx, Tbis lovely aide- type borne is bomactate tltsusfost anti mst ha sean ta ha appreelatei, Large brilck haro w00h attaced double garage anti worknshop. Stisool brin al gale, esovenleol On touer anrd 401. 142,900. Cail Ansas and Archle Calena 0784000 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Nent whtite brick bungalow 601h 3 bedenas, bathsuorn, titry liviog suain, and large fwssiy sire 'kitchex 600h an ahesnd mne of crspbuards, entra brtsornt in bosemex, foasced air ail frirace, pleant cornr lot 600h baurtifal mapîr Os-cas, gond gardon and patia, excellent seil Easy nom-. mring distance ta Hasitton district. Caxnsieso ta atissal, tisses-d asti sopping. Immediate possession. 82350. Cxli Anna anti Arable Calent 870-6980. INCOME HOMES Rorny 2-apas-tent dwelling were yori and your family canoOc- csrp Oies meain floor wltbi 3 bedroams. nae battexoso nawly utodes-niard biscisen watb lota of attractive cup- boards, large'living suorn anti dining suant. A 1-bedroons apas-rnent on second fixs- brings ix gond rnnlly in- corna, Convenions ta dasentson Milton. Ps-ice 825,tO, Attrctv'e apasitrarot bosse coolains 2 2-bedruom aparmenri, rade carnpletly self.contalned, catis 600h sica living suord, dboing aa, kitelsen andt buthr-or, exceptionally ole lot, tisse ta tiosetosex Milon, overixolaing: pa-b as-ns. Lat poeur borna telp pop expenses feues a goand ranI- al incarne, Price $27,9W0. GOOID BUILDING SITES In Nor-th Buerlington, I acre appeuveti lot for tse bomne of yocr tice. Peint 3,5W0. Cati Asnna anti Arable Caiens, 87"-980. On Nor-th Oakville, chois-a lot for a gond home, in as-a of gond hanses. 1 acre, Prie S13.000. C-al Anna and Arable Cairns 878-6980. GIBSON WILLOUGH-BY LIMITED Representatives Anna and Archie Cairns 340 Main Sts-oet E. Mubon Phone 878-6980 Kennetb Spence Charles Martin R&A 3, Ugon R. R. No. 1, Milton. 878-4615 878-2161 878-9543 DENZIL LAWRENCE 845-4267 Mernbe of the Gakvillr Real Estate Board GLADYS RICHARDSON 434 KtNGSLEOGH COURT - 878-2777 17c25 A BCY - A DOG Anti rma ta rma.n ibis 3-heiromn bris-k bungalaow in Narth Oak- ville, stosateti an avres half acre af land. There ix a 4-pine anti 3-piant sashraorn. The basemant ix compbotely Oin- isheti and box o seif-antain-t apas-Iment. The entres le- dodoe sashar drpe-. 2 starsa fig. anti aSl drapes. At $34,800. The fisrxxrtsg ix excellont. SOLID RED BRICK BEAUTY $28,500 Mare s-lght In ta .808e imosacelate 3-bedroxes bungalow, an n spa cimus well lantiscapei lat. Os bas a ats-p-saver kits-bs-s an aye caOcbing dining suant anti a living maim that s-an ha chee-fal s-entre f or everptiay fanily living, nem b=ot- loont enfances the living anti stixig arsa, soalk tion On the ýbasement anti yco enter- a large, profemianally fie- isheti rc. exom, that boasîs a 3-piece washsuemt anti a codas- lind claset ta store those ao of sesson clos-bm. DOily minous-s ix sehxols anti shopping. We have many clients wanitind homes and property in the Milton area, please caîl HELEN BURNS - 878-3997 or our Oakville office 844-1080 PARSONS - TAYLOR LTD. REALTORS bombs-s of Oxavalle anti Missimsauga Real Extate Boards 17c25 IBEST FOoaity andl REALTORS "COUNTRY LOTS' - Localsti soalb af Campinlîvils-, itical aphot- lerel site 100' s 215', sa-sepeti anti separatei. $6,500 601h $1,000 dasso payment. 9i acres cf bearitifal mature hanb anti ralling soue - frantei geass- land, fsunting an 2 matis, are iieal fos fature tievelxp- Las-ateti nos-lb of Milton, 4 as-s-s oadei las, 335' fromlage hy 500' ment, tisse ta Hwy. 401 ast Casopheilville. Omoos- asks Ssr-eyeti and sepas-aeti. 90,500. Tes-ms availablo. Weed Exterminations $5,Wt mas laies fois hallt acre lot, cimse ta Campbellville, elear- 878-3959 ed but treoenteti. Tbis mail draineti lot is s-tam as Camp- 16e26 halivilie asti Hsoy. 401. 161 FINANCE MORTOAGE PUNI)S, tnt anti. 2od avtilable, restdeltiat, gain- met-cial, aisen morogaget pur, chaseti, Cai Gleme Danray, Gakaso Realty Inventesenti, Ontavill, 827-3713 anyttene. 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2od & 3rd MORTOAGES Asranrge in th8e coeetnce of pour 'hante. Loe s-ast. Yca n cxii ta 10 pan. îoay for hoipfril, coas-te- on ses-tint. Peust Invesîment Cas-p. Li., 62 Richanamd St. W., Toronto. 366-9586 EVGS. 239-4913 SOLVE peur MrIp WmbId pebiru hp «lag 870M41 CbuiP" aàdfd 8,530 cats o tes Iis pretty Ireeti laI, dlose ta Camphai'lville, in Saddi value. I acre of slaping haît-isureti lanst ix en idea1 site for that spt-level borne of poar tirearna. 85 arcs otf getly slaping lanti acnld maire n perfartsiato for fat ure devèltpmnest. Pare- incirides spring fed poixi anti sevora gond polontial pond loc-ations, an weil as ane soeno acreage. Osener antan 91,000 pas- acre seifo half cash. Roctaseoti in tise location of tii vont attractive 2-hetiroom bang- aloe. The smallesI uomn la 12'6" x 13 anti the baserneat ix fstity insuliateti, outiy for pxntellg. Nesety tiecorateti anti 60hiepensive aes-ctris- hest, fois beautifal borne la nest- lad at tise font of a bilt amnong boues. Weli kept lasens anti attsed garage gise ibis -the look of a large borne. Pull pris-o $25,000 601h thres--fifths cash. 97,00, on the Guelph Lie noor Brookville, me bacs- i ean ing single acre lot. Weil tiraineti anti 601h qriality hantes adjacent. chie one ix clone ta public schoat anti irina fese minutea feum Hwy. 401. Tarm. Buy Vour Land Now - BuiId Your Home Later H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Local Rep. JOHN L. NEWBOLDr Campbeivilîe 854-9968 878-3888 17605 10 acre woexais lot, sitriated inI Nassagaweyo Tmp, 245' fosutage. Askisg $12,000. SUIST LIETED" - Maoen split-lovel hame wilb contas-t, spa- ltxa living roant, canthixatian bits-heu anti dinixg area, 3 betiosum anti balhromn as xppr lavai, tiitded hase mmlt, mvesy estras, TV tor, caioes-t baths-am fisOares, entra caphoattia in the- kitcheu, large patio 25' s 15', lani. scapeti lot adjxisixg a pas-h area. List pris-e 923,900. 'EXCLUSIVE AREA" - An isaI hanta silsalcil as a beautifol lastiscapei lat 93' s 183'. This as-s-l planas-t hante camp vises a spas-ios living gesan 01h a fireplace, las-go s-ma. binatiies kils-km asti tining os-s-a 3 bedrierts, fait tiiv- idetihasemesluib exra btromas-rdens, scaltxseali broatilson, drapes, frig. anst sv-, gres-abaxso. lThis home yxx mast se-. Ps-ced t-a ssII os $33,900 witb teous. 'lI'S' - Caonirat, qaint camfoas-lah anti just whal yo are ioukiag fos- Prtceti ta s-Il ai 22,500. This 3-hatiron hante ix las-ats-t anly 3 mixaIs-s' math front the Posst Office. Large livisg mcm with fireplas-, s-pas-aIs- diaing m-an. as-s-l ploarnd kils-bs-, fs-Il bas-mca:. scas bcaliag sysIent. cempl-lslv rs-s-isrti Ther osces sare ansisous sc s-s-l. "LIST VOUR PROPERTY THE BESTWAY" PHOTO M.L.S. Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Milton 878-292 o- 078-6592 36 YBAR8' CONTINUOUS SEVICE0 Mnsfncr of dm Taoronta, Ontario anti Oakvle - Trafalgar- Rea ESate Bers Now is the Time to Buy Vour Home in the Country ESOUESING - 4th Lino, duiplex, 2 ps-ors ni. 2-betirom apar- ment, 4-xr garage, on 2 as-s of landi. Peint 941,000 . bake an affos-. Denrdl Laserence 878-9343. ESOUESING 8th LINE, 2 miles nos-lb of Gorsgeowsn, 4 bedraont split tevel tait-ce-dinisng as-ca living mcom, sînne firepace, Obuebeti fnmily mamn, 4 P. S. ourble allas-bet garage Peint 132,800 M.L S. Dons-il Lawerence 874-9543. HORNBY - (90k Lise, otai, Btsaulifal 4-setimcmn home, kit- s-bon. iing racm. spas-ixox living mcmr, s-on. soua, double garage, suoi shted, os 2 asces of lasti. 935,000. Osen- os- wii laboe bock frt mas-Igago. Ttous la bo xrs-angei. FOR THE HORSE PANCIER - Weil hut aId faou bhme, on 3 ncs-o l0anti seitt large bas-s, I tule nartb of Padero. HOUSE TO RENT - MM th option tx bsy, la-go 2-gtorey 4 yens- otti haine, 4 boos, tiiing-hving atone fireplaca, don, kit- chant, 4-pt os- anti 2-pie-e bath, foul hasement, divitiei fs-tit cailar fenceti lot 125 n 220, double altacheti garage 5 mgals no- of Milton. Aabing peint $4000. LOTS and ACREAGES t lots in Rlbriio, 139' s 423'. $8,50 oas-b. 2 lais on No. 5 Sidaroati, Nossagasepa. $7,000 esch. 1lot on N. 5 Hy., Brington. Haagndiwel approreti by Heanlth Unit. 910.010. 10 as-ou nons- Miton. $20,000. 2li acs-es, Na, 5 Hsey. nxrtb of Duntias. 910,000. BSUESONG 3rd LINS ea- Milton, lot 125 n 220. Prica $000. Doezl Leresce 878-9543, Listins anti odle of ait types cf peupccty seltI rloni aur perana prompt atotetion. VACANT POSSESSION Gaelph 'Lino - 3-Itetroorn bun- galow on 2 acres. Asking WANTED HOMES - FARMS -ACPEAGE8 90E HAVE several bayera Os-our Met-o Toronto sebo as-e xxxi- oas ta purtitase proparty fa and arouxd Milton. Tbis la an opportsxity for yoo ta s-e- ceive top dollars axd more ta your drean home. We must act oa. These bayera 6041 sot wait. SO cAlL NOW Mro. Annette Chuchmnach Miltonorepresestative d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER e78-2051 17c25 Private Sale John D. Hutchison Spocioos custom bruIs 3-bed- REAL ESTATE LTO., RLIR., roambhome,on qiet cort. - Allachoti double gos-age. - Sashes, red wooti pasellei living raien witb fîcor ta cril ing sane fireplace. - Large, bs-igbî kitchan witb separate tiiig area. - Master hedrosex bas bousl- in vaaitp. Double sisks in balbrsomr. - lFîsished hasement 600h parelleti des asti washrsom. M asy esîras iscludiso drapes asti broadloom. 6 per cetsnotgafe. Phono 878-2433 17c22 Forced Sale 3-betiom brick hangalowe with paveti tisivessap, sitoatoti xx large lot oserlookisg pas-k, large living roora, kitches & tising area, 4-pis-ce colosred ball,ooio, Isartisced floors lhroigbot, fullbaseint,col beatis-g, s-ecentlp tiecoratei. FaIl price only $20,500 with 92,000 dloms. Compara the Price Brasti ses 6-mont 2-xtorey se- mi-tietachei with cas-port clome t0 schools asti shop- pin, large llv9sg yoom;I, t- ixg mocos asdti hri, 2 col- os-ad halbrsents, 3 large boti- tans all-lo-wall cat'peting, gos beatin, fulI basrmnt and yuooras choice ofdcor- atIs0 colora. Pr-iced al only $21,500 601h S1,500 dlowx. One Year OId 5-commn brick split-level 601h garage, os privale bushei lot, large living mon anti kit- s-bon -wbth haill-in stave anti fas, 4-pis-ce color-t hat0sroen, fisisheti recrealioo rain anti extra bs-traien, sou aluexin- tia dors, strean as proparty & lot cantplet-ly lastiscapei * fesceil. Full price only $5,900. SEiE 'IT NOWI G. Alec ohnson REALTGR 8 Mill S-s-ot East Acton, Ontario 853-2086 17b17 THE COST OF AN AD 1H THIS SECTION IS VERY SMIALL - INVESTIGATE 100i Broadwap, Grangeville. Orangeville 941-3510 Toronto Lise 364-2024. 1,7c25 Christie & Woods RaI EssaIe Linniteti BROKERS 189 Main St., Milton JUST LISTED 124,500 full pris-e, 3 - bodrxoom brick bungalow, living rain, sopas-ate tising ron, las-go kiîches 600h calas-ai cap- boars, fu1l basemeas, landi- scapei lot asti pareti drive. Teents. Incomne Property $32,000 full pris-e, large 2-storey brick, altier type honte, con- vertid ixta 2 5-raam spar- mntss,.eacbnt is on bs-alixg axis. Asking 610,000 tirise payment. COUNTRY HOME $26,500. faIt price, 3 bodroue brick split-levol anti garage. Hardwosat ints lbrauifsoul excopt hitchen anti bath wtotcdh arc silo. Tsrecs al, s-ens of lot. Tros. 127,900 fail pri-e, branti naew 3- bor brick bungalow, L, shapoti living anti dtolng s-arti, fireptant, kits-han 601h alrat s-spbaards, 4 « piace bath anti 2.piece washexom ail natarat seondworh, grl haserxesr, sitatei as ba-I acre las. Trus. 53,5,000. full price 3-betisoorn brick bangalow, Lahapeti kiv- ing asti tiining raarn, kittisen sois-b matie-a arborise cop- 'boards, 4-pinte bath, larindry ram, 2-car garage fou bas&- ACREAGE 84 acres. Asking $65,000. 20 acres. Asking $14,000. 42 acres, pas-tly cleareti anti gravol pis. Askitg 142,000. 10 as-rex, paveti exat. Asklngl 911,000. 20 acres, 41boexrca altier type borne, ail conveelenes, harn asti athe- buildings. Asklng t35,000. Toens. CALI 878-2095 878-6057 17c25 INCOME HOME Large alier home, bas been s-anes-ted ta 3 onel-cained eatst- manIa in tiosntosen area. Gond income. Ensclient Ocns s-an boe arrsanged. Omner weil taire btck I maspigae. 4 BEDROOMS - MILTON This larelp ai oIns-tri- home bas been reduead lx prio a m aeu es-s have bugbt. 4 large bedexeens, xl i h double cia- tbes damIat. kittias, tiing mairn anti living raam. large family main 600h walk.out ta bacit gas-ten, 4-plro bath 601h extra soasbexarn, beautifuly Iandtonprd, 60801. walking distance of tiosstowan d echeala. Ps-lod et 835,000 wille gond tarna, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Las-ny 3'bcdrcs-m bungalow, sibcoîrd mnxicety lantiacapeti lat, wis-bsn walokisg disance s-I ,bomslssss. TItis home iv ha- masolals- asti bas esaxy s-stas waints ins-lude finishati s-sc. mont. entra wasbs-aant, 4th bedtroorn aftaced gar. age etc. Osener bas beex Is-onsferet asti pler bas bran retirceti te 925,500. Excellent trus on ha arransge& BUILDING LOTS Ipepsid, 2 acres. 913.300, Hosuby, 1 acre. 312,08. STELLA PARTON - Milton 878-6705 17.25 17 REAL ESTATE FARMS 200 Acres Grand Valley Area Sli'ghtly rolling land seitta about 180 actes scos-kabIs. Large 8- s-oom 2 - storey brick borne wi-th mode-n tastcben anti bath, extra 2-piece wasbroom, funa-e. Large L-siaaped baxk bars, set ap for beef catte, cornent slab silo, insplesocot shed. Sesatl streainon peop- s-ny. A farser's farim and priceti ta setl as ffl00t. ML.S. 200 Acres Arthur Area W.0000 fait price for 200 acres of lese prodactive farim landi osots 140 acres workable, 60 acres in bush. 8Oxome stiti brick borne that neetis moti- erxiing. Large bana barn' ideal for beef set-up, 5ltss a 60 s 28 steel driving shedi. 17 REAL ESTATE Compare the Price 923,000 baya ysea a borne or sudols beasty, lacate inI a park like neiglhas-hooi of se-l 'kept homes, selsere 0stuhs asdti rees abosant anti sere dll canvexiexces est. 2 storeyx of irsu hard sexat Oloars, 3 large bei- maims, private aide driveani caspar. A tieiightuiiy mod ern borne of fimolesa cao- strucion. Ail riais siiting as a las-ge loi anti millan s-m- ntiag distanceof Mi olton. Yco donst bave mach for a doms paymeni? 90e cao stili roake a tisal. Coul nous- Anne M. Ohrishnta-h, 876-3432 or Brampton (4t6) 41,1510. Investment Property $23,900 fu11 pri-s, soliti bloca buildiing s-onlaising 2 iowly 3-beotiomn apas-imenla, on 2 fiaas. Second On sar- mnt bas conveniontsaeporate esîrance. Peupe-ly bas n pon- sing gardon 601h Ions-tam frais Isrees. Full banoment eqaippei 6080 launtii7 tubis. 812,000 dlown ami ventios-mil takre bas-k fis-st mas-sgage as 7%6. CaO s-ms-: Anne M. Chas- ma-h 070342 or Bramopton 1416) 4514510. 27a25 18 TENDERS TENDERS The Halton County Board of Education Wiii receise tenders go-i One New 1970 Stake Body Motor Truck Ipe-ificalions fo- the abave ntap ba ohiaineti aI the (ollo- ig location: Administration Office. 166 Souith ber-ce Rd. E., Oubslle, Ont. Tendes wiii s-loto ut 4.00 p.m., Navembe- 3, 196, anti muast ho atiressei ta: '-ts-. S. T. Lindey, Iups-iatenient cai Business & 'Pinance & Treanurer 166 South Servie Rd. E., P~.0. Soxsu14, Oabville, Ont. Sedeti tende-s mmlt ha clar- ly martke as t0 contents, The tdest or any tender 601 not neesarity ha acoopteti. 18h17 19 LEGAL NOTICE 0F APPLICATION By The Corporation of the TOWN'. 0F MILTON to, Dispense with a Vote of the Electors TAISE NOTICE IAT: t: The Couns-il of the Ca- poratian of th5e Tasen cg Mtlton insentis ta apply to The Ontario Municiptd Bard for apperal of the reconstruction of Maie Stouet Eat fOm Broca Sotre tx Martin Street anti on fMartin Street tra Mais Sts-e ta Miii SIre-t ta incistie cens-rate tacha, cons-rate aitieseats, sattsero- ers rond widoxing, bridge wid- eoing sentermaina anti exat an- phiait al an estiintaed tarit of 1260,000.00 whereof the amoont if $151,97026 sabat h raisoti by the sale of deltenturea payable nut of the goneral rate mver a porioti no- enceotiing imenty 020) pears. 2: Application seili ha made ta The Ontario Mictsipal Boardt fos an as-dos- ta diapense mifo the ansonl of the ee-tas tx the undtie-aking of the sai motta. Axy rauepayer may, 600h- in Imenîpaont tays a00er the fis-st ptublication of this notice, ses iby postprepaii ta the Cirkof the Town ofMiltn, at the atitreas gison boloe, anoa- s-e in seitisg slnlhsg bis o- jction ta sas-h appeuval anti the groundsa of subit objection. 3: The Ontario Municipal Board ntoy orie- pas-suant t0 thb aloe s-bal the assent cf the ses-s-s-ss s-hall ot ha resquins- edosnd mayoapysovs-6nicteaai scories, bat befoce daing a, it Maxy appoint a lime anti place las- a public bearing sehen any ojecios 6011 ha conslderei, DATED as the Toma of bis ton Ibis 22nd day of Cctcber 1969. i. M603EAG50E Clar, Touts of uion, 251 8Mi St. BraI, MOtos, Ontario. 19e25 -Il