6 Thea Canadien Chaempion, Wedn.ndy, Octoise 22, 1969 Queen's Park Report by limn sur E .l usan giea eanrreOP ad =ei tan eonifies to ivei tisensgisant thelduiig nd meut nis asoi or poo perosiona. My f.nily g OYod R.eT essah aitendit tise tan, Georgetown and Actîn fits di ye. dmetgaimntf asfrisaidoisetlioeii of Lait Fridoy afinoos it wai my plisoance to hane tise Rpportanety or qetatoOntarno Maions Relaions Cooilarerit the rasodal' aiaid if excellence for thr toaît oOittndinR masnry oidi osied liaut jeux, Tise=M o Relaioas 'Coaruil es made up if rnpm.enattive if lthe chiiectorat prof, elon, the otiy-brich masafsoieorassocitio, Md te brik monso n. On Mendale aiie, Maycos erin e if Miltos cane to Ouca', Paik and t ao anmed hem ai i nier *seh if _._.P. Affilum.~ w ~ c omaedeion ad ippetai. th.o ifRa pio ifthr taoif ilto n. On Tuesdiy, Oct. 14 thr ioi. i. E. Simcnett, Miciter if Poblic Woek, made a statoceni to tho House adeii nuit durtheeet nn if the LegLctaire ii is intention to istrdoe telcltii chioh oeil Min ai fac tin for handiap~n i.9air pcoidrd in ail Pc lir M.Simoirit tttd thit iee Spim Nt i. 7 if Are Nationl BaldsaCodr, pabthiid ni 1965, menimum iandands for thrc hiodscappedl in mointrasniog citas sud carte for public bilding, inoudi standards for caîtrcia faities, tialmipi, doorosys aid a on, and tl is hi, Ooprtmrnti intenion ttuit leaisaetin mIll proide et.tla ficioitot for tht haidicapptdl in iai public buildings i Ontaro. As riamples, Me. Simiorit menioned faciAsee that hie bra in tole he Ontario Science enrthe Peint Buildi, the Macdonald, ilephuaned FerIguoa Blckienthe nro Qore', Poile Oeenlîpmeet, aid the Ontario Paillon in Espo '67. Faooliti,, have ae hs eeo peîejded fie the hiodecippei in the Irgilsive boildings, aid tht Whitney Block ', miie eog inorporited lith. deinfor Ahenewr Ontacoo Plsata Mr. Slmieett aisea aiaiested thît mach faifite shîcid hc peoided whmeraer posibe oi new pouhfe isacnia deelopariti hcilt hy tht Ontaio aoaîmag Corporation. Thre faiiies aie baens prînied ai a reveit cf meetongsahld river the paît reo yaenuis itoficiels if the Gornmeet aind offiiels cf the Caadien Parîpiei Assaionin reqirde to te prohîrmi cf tht haidieapped rarideîtt caina tht fîeiie, of public huildings. ndiapped persanes ocis to laid a normal a flfe ai posible. Vaey oflen theti aie preetedftraimdog is, tahether tlty aie malaria employmient, educotîon, or lookeeg , AIRTHUR A. _111 IJOHNSONI 0OTO F OPTOMETRYI SMILTON AND ACTON Dledeory fer D.Rtalle Shaedd 1 stop witcheng talevrien te save np eyen0 A. No. oir eyes cer made ta * c. Tise cld bef tha yoa sou maie youi eyes hy net uit ma gv e j yo more yiorteJ miolonbutic mWot oenfliche roia ROGUE. For the mon who ieclwys winner. oueo thetl f.ooie tocs, vibe, buot ee gaes ictth lasitlan othoitp. SyMidiPidl 110000 20 a. 878-4472 for meumitbon, due to tiaït aility t ot.ain mais to i pattcuaut building. W, hope that tise Gaementis proposai mig peonide haidipped prsansit ad idtiooal fnilehes to enoy i fan nf,. Tht lien. Oaeep Maimigi, ieuîten if Municipal Affie t. i sa euet ta tise Lettitatute aieiuced ieeosurinsgreqoiemeets fie laid in tht ojelitojf fToronto Intenaionial Airoaiffeted isy Me. MoKeouatl's ittaneni mai aiompaiidsienisA iffeced h' ioctaft noise, ech ioolade, ai aira cf 2,427 acauinje norA raie flahojile. Tis aoccuse t. i ehersiremitien if tht soja-cone for ajieirft deitaiti. ta tise eet ai moecayî 23 rofi, and 23 eighi, ofAth inimiteino leo Six nocie it ety zosr haie h een ritahhdied ciAh limitctions on dneliete ina feom n leetiifor Znt 1, to emy heoey limitateons fot Zont 6. The 2.427 acres affected in Noth Cakeelle lis ail othie Zone 2. ner te teguclatrron, for Zoane 2, ni esitons aie plaied on ipariseoiî, comemercial, hoiel, moîtel, office buldingsor.0 indostieal aid aooioaiy cnts. The meguetion satunthat je thi, aui for sie»Il.amily dertas and tioi-hiiaieni tha ihj a marinl zoneaid niemaysietatshrs a peshlem. Il j, eecmmeided thal deselopen hc made acair if tiis fait, and thai they Mc eeqîored ta o ai foan prospectie teatoreparhaersof resndroteil omj, le addition tii ramgeitri tAt deveeipoeeiishiiId est ptiocedi cetel ai isilytis ofehhe niase eionmieste, made aniete estohchel eh it nose ointeril faitures, if aiy' îhoîld be inclded ie the hctldteg desjgn. Ili, recomeoded thît schoili, hoitci, e îi re,, chîtîhe,, oomoaeeey centres, theotri aid auditoriums thoclil sot bc cistmicted sn thji aras un esa detejîrd auli, if noie eeducoiloeeeqcîemeots fir the ipeifj drorloprieot sn question is made, aid oeeded niea nta fuitures aie iîolcded in tht building deign. Tht iely laid ira eopetil' peaiehted te thja ores wicld he fot an otdoor aphthete. Tickets s.Ilîng vi.UI for Red- Wings goon.ksItentinlnolg Tickets racot onsoale Friday nohen wcisduling Silt not tiR Oer 3,000 tickets have eie A lunch wlS b. s.mnd tui the. dma ex.tdR y wahr -Wise bye le e for tise exhibition hockey glaie arranged. Tht. yRBr'B t receipt r a un tise tome raid up partocpat olna iegie . wu b~ , d dp 1. bran aouiCutla to, be played Friday Nov. 7 raiS go to thse Ted =ec tti pressrtes it ao idicated attse onsilsj Ctuaw towd. beineen the local Junior Memforial Pond, esiihlished tisat saenta hundred bisalred noted tisa ployer. woidd b. _______________________ Mercisants eud d thse Red recently an recognition of tis beensaold. One of tseemra avaflable for autographe rt Wing. frin cfinl ton. formier Junior hockey playBf'Bs of tise club isad iold close to 5Q tise gaie iniici Sets unR way The gaose lBt as annosl event. contribution to events in nnd one Friiloy niglat alose. Bt 8.30. ltsougs it a raiseed lait yosr tiound tise toms. I4INDSOF IAEDAC r SWI FT' VAC PAC BE F FESI4ILADW; RWASJ 5ci s EMPIRE SLICEO WRAPFEO FOR65b TORFEZRFREON CROSS RIB ROASI 65c B APLE LEAF 67,1 FRS HCK STEAK 65cVA FAC FRESH FRESH FRESH CHICKEN LEGS CNICKEN BREAUS CHICKEN WINGS Lean PORK SPARERIBS 55,. Fresh LOIN PORK CHOPS 79Î NO . ONTAI LRDPIKOWHT NO1ONAOWIE PPES ORANGEUT MS 3 02 99 MACINTOSH BASKET 4C K. RNE 9 From Mofft From Hardwic THE! TBIM.BTPLEO STANDAUD fetries: sont THE! MAIN! IV Fiatatens. ditausi etayis entiatie MOIJUN! Ir UNIAL festonea: Praginied facetfer t oa aita lta, itni. auatoatekdeltth gin 101 inet l. eoie aess atiate ai e rt te,= ditrs bedirat Atan g au t agt . lain metîtdl.aaecieteeatto.ittan et eateteeaM tiee.a etîiesen tit . eee r.itf baa,. Renrsembl Saaa= tin evet.Sne a n etsol InS c inentra i.- co e tsidMI : i, o ' n d.BOdelii nto iiaiso ne faie - Iett.e d.dineaun SR RdrSaeg dnsoa n ieftemiat esioloindjt.en.e.iseonon busiiter ah nnisrni de.i onsin t raendus Oeee tBeae/t0Mt: MaSl. doratB.ii Riv ieeuSt nitt;le, M eois i tn dOe sois i5 nia,.. fiaga rilleSs dourass . Sags m- ganrpip CaWi a u Bin ieit.itnk5et4 ~ soi "bis SP sBRaih. 48Xe; MMl'get 30; raie Reia 01-M 43%I~ ni- W; dipin. j$2~7 JUST34 70S"ftt7 From Moffat From Inglis From Maiytg RIVIERA 1 Feeturiea lav iect, desinn ti for THE! L1ENATOR Fratratee Pnrrale at. T!CIB FUgaIi N ne Pm" e t mnpose eeagett tit . yl i d t r la g e 1a.tti. u r aden intiai. vete i ftnin ian.diiBgBie ral ..teilOi fît, por lt aid: i rce118inet Cie . do nîn h etev Rt .ait.idtEiti. tetitd -Pt»ui l . tid i.ai ltgisiiiidd tt St ýi . ..ice per Itcetj is.luto,k0' neut s Il tsta tci surh.iell UT~~~ 207 sJS~~7 ng ,le Wi . i e5rtti ontal.ili ci.. Minii etta MidgIIanP. Look forlthe NeweLok'7t valuen wheeptailehop... ati-datepyosi ildet d toadrf-romeefi loie! Oln aie noir tiseergi N.tlmab 29is Ail appliances C.G.A. filprmed. Aseal.hI "re yeme I 'a , ahlu.a d a giss. apo i t a erm Uni"ted Gas Nodfotte psypin Eiiycrad teret Paymeetten piar mntblaî bill V-W, wq