Wallkofhonm swim holped deaf athiotes Remembar t amatahon and nainathot abhat mae hald tast Sprlng vo htlp tend Canaduas teamt of deaf athlete an tae Wed Olspc o tae Deaf in Lge, YaaUgoali?; 'lhe money ann for a good cause, membera of tae Halton and Peel Association for tae Heseing handicoppadl tanad at thair October meeting on Wadnteday evening at GSI) Malton. Trcc avd field coach Hyalia Bryant of Bellevilleand vollayhall coach Donnis Snidtr of Milton mate pissent to taIt tha etorp of tae Olymvpic trip lv an audience of about 200 HPA5IH members and studens from tae erool. The Association bi caised $8,500 in chair smo marathon projarta. Ththriqet ahane of tae rnonay cerne trom tae ligh echool studans' mathachon mlvicb tum over 400 teenagers (and a fou, udulca) out on a 32-mile fundruaing hihe uround tae coada of vocch Haltov. Tht big amim featued 18 OSD stiadents mho completd frorn 2B an 72 tape of te echool poal foi movey. "Yfou peopla mada its a possible, michout your mort it THE WGRLO GLVMPICS fnr the Oef mas hall in BaIgrade, Vagoalavia in Aagamt and tr est s ha Hatnn and Peet Association for tha 'lesing t4avdicappad hourd a fuît reposa oe the Canadian concinganas muease, froan smo of the tamme coaches. Dannis Snider cf Milton andl Hyatia Bryant af Betlemitta, asie aiah cha prajaccor, show etiden ta ove af she Olympie teamu membars Linda Rossait of GSI). Milton, and Halsan andi Peel Association prasîdevi Brad Clevaens. Si. GSI). ceaIent. mare on abs trip, avd the tomal Associacian conarihutail S8,500 camards enpanese-tcaff Phaot Dam tenders received after two week delay Iow price $857,983 Afcet a cmo-antah dttoy, Ontario. I)epartmae tenders anece apeneil hy tae Nlgrsys In ithe eum Halton Regaon Conservation Scocch Bloch Dom Aathaeicy for constructiaon of concractors moulil hava tae Scatch Block Dom at a f itl arrosa Higbmay spacial meeting nf tht provincial higbmay, an auchaicy'ateocuaivt Thursday to the dain site. Grigiù nigba. mare plared foc use A total of 14 tenders an ee acrapters ny sine racaiveil aith Bot Construcaion ragultocon as not boa of Oahvitle preeaing tae movc of tae poctiesi loaneet hid af $857,983 mach ioctuding tae Cans scrapers and $873,553 mîcb Auchoricy. Thet cao-anc Irckh. Thay mari fotlomed by as put inao iffaca an Rilmer Van Nosceacil alînan concracînes an s Construction of Doanavitan choir bis to inclada use anich a hid of $866,031 anith scropars ovd coucha. acapra and Sf04.057 mich Highet bid anas raceiveil fcorn Tiday Conscrucaion ofHarnitov wath a tendar of SI1,096,828 mich trcks, féloiland by a hid from A. W. Stefenaon of Willamdala for S1,068,354. Tha dalay in calting tevders maa tht discovtcy chat centacanes coutld vol cake heavy scrapers a ceosa a provincial highanay. This isa regasat:on laid doî'n hy tht Kilbride hunter slightly injured A Kilhride hunte maes ilighty injurtil in a banting accideni Thucstuay, Orsoker 16. Arrordivg bo Mita.. OPP, Peter Bucos anas carrying bis choagun ia tae bath vort of Mahuawk Racemuy ahnka ki crippel and fr11. Tht lcadad gun miena off and toma of the pelleas todgad in Bucos' fana. ADVEBTISrEaINT Annoence New flealing ShBsIBnce: Shriks Piles f tA heha5ed ýiatitptme.bu bSetdmi read.aa~ wth the pnieety.l to f.iahae ..t aad da rntr vn minuts .n epee .nhssOaa ot the itiored, 8:1se EXTRAS reeier paie, &coiual taclartive FASCINATION Mont importuna of ala-rerco. q 3pt o 25 wmmabvmuatthimprvý aet wamaintuined mvena perinil OUR SPECIAL P etnlmasc enthe. Thin wut ateeepliehed euth a whm5b l nis- eDa celle ai cut he0 5se.î M New BlmDcen lu oifored ha sint. m 1 r tzatm 200 MA Savas, ttltaaa lyae --sY nt af osf tae peoject, ta rnovc 25, o hring it cul bide of tht e tht jan by nvolveil, ervation ch detuy oedet ta t-adjust ofboth anauli hune kenu impossible," nid Me. Sidea. Tht tevo mev thomed a colorait film ona the Canudien contingent'. trip, including acnns of racesanmd matches in Balgrad. Tht fdlm mas cahan avprassly for "tae audience huck homne" by a lady ctcher on tht sauff of GSI) Belleville. Thty alan thomed aliaja. and colared prince stan by Me. Snider, and a thora fim tache. hy ont of tht Olympiec entrunts, Grog Crockfeed from GSI) Milton. Thay gava a ronning cornmentury on tae film and alidea, pointing ouI fansilier faces in tha picturas and rtlating anme of tae mote amusing anecdotes about cha ir trip. "I chink me tank out hast acltes," Me. Snidar said. Ilamas onty tha second cime Canada has cornpatad in the Wortld Olympies and out of 35 ceuntires enterat, Canada as t lt ovecalt, second in smimrning and fourch in votîtyhall. Ha said the averuge aga of tae Canadiens mas under 20 and tae aveage age of mass of tae minnare mns noand 25, sn is anas a young avd inaxpariankcad cam Canada bild sent. But ha alaonvoted ennat of tae minnaca mece appaaring for chair second or third cime in tae morlil garnis. "Canada hua a gooil chance of tipping in tht 1973 Glympins," ha addad. Afcet tht Olymnpic ganes, tht Canadiens maya os o tO-day sightseaihig jauni arrosa many Buropean countrias. Tht tmo couches dascribail as "juat like a hiscory lauson," bo set in poison tae pluces ahay bild only taud about kefoee. Basides Mc. Snidac mhn coacheil tha volteybotl cama, aix GSI) soudants marc on tht ovarseus junket. Woi Ming Sato and Brion Gymonil mamo nabla ta ko prissent to seicthe filmse bot tht othar foor, Linda Russell, Mike Smit, Bitly White and Grog Crochfocil mare in che audience on Wadvasdoy evening. GSI) iv hoping 10 hosc an internatinal crack mccl, milh achools fcom a ovar Canada andl tae Unitedl Staces inoscail, in tht riear future. Tha originutors feat il moutd ha excellentvptritnca for local suilnts andl il moulil teuch tam hom bo compoe uguinat tae hat in chair fialds. MiLTON PLAZA 878-2881 Catenefat Newn Paît Arrangement$ Art Naim Anastabte Township refuses request for Iand separation At theit ragtu metin Monday nlghc, Elaa g couni pusscd a cesotution chat searatiov of land to P. David Thompton fcrn R. Bcoce Peame, mhare thera is not 125 fmIt froncuge on anveetahtithed moailbcrefusat. Mr. Thornpann lied pctvinusly prascttd bis eqorna foc a lund atparatiov to conînitta of adjuatmnc.t mho, refermed tae matai bo cooncil. At their Octoher 6 meeting, couiti postpovad a decieiov on tht cequeec unti they badl a chance to, eek tae advint of chair solicitor and until o fuît counicil mas pratant. Tht tomnshap soticitores report , ceod Monday iglsc, suggescail points thot sboutld ha inctudcd in any agreemant Mr. Thompn and Me. Pransa mnutd dcum up helmeen thernsttvaa, an choc tha tomnship moutd vol ha ceeponsibte aa any lima in tae future for mintaiving tht eighî ofmuay. Aftee tistcving to tha tomnship anlicitoras report, Me. Thornpson told Counicil ha and Me. Praens mare mitling to drum up avy agreemnent Couvrit moutd like an ansura abat tae tonshtip moutd vol ha rasponaibla for maintuiing tae righc of may. Ha aise ailded chut thry mare millieg tu obsneb the rosIs of having che tomnship solicitor moka biv à a "ONE 0F i top i Sj Top ià car s, .0 requin, commence on sucb on geemanc. Whao Ramae George Cucria asktd couvrit for chair decisiov, depuay-eve Tom Hill ansaneted, "Why thootd counicil mahe tht dacision on chat. proposaa? Why Utoutdn' tae conuaittat of adjusarnant do ila?" Couvrittor Rtn Marshall liad an answer for tht dapoty-rtavt. "«lv a siaviue instance", hie pnivcad ouI, "tay mare asktd not topgant saparaciona mithoot refecring te Courita". Counciloe Wilfeid Leslie aid hae coutd set vo objaction bo thg proposaIs as long as tht peoper documents mate dcnmn up. Homerer, Coosciltor Morshall mondarad hom many othees moutld approach couriti mich siasitar requesta in tae future. Ha avptuinad chat Portapis tht men invotvrd in tht preent situution coutd afford toi pay for a tolicitores commentu, but maso't mue oche!j moul ha able an do il. "Yoo'e conting dangacousty close bo huvivg u tame for tht eicb und a tam for tce poor", ha cnntanded. Dapucy-Rttva Hill said hie coutld ses vo harin in the proposais. Othara rquacivg ]and searatione of o similat noture in tae future moutd have 10, ubida by tht turne type of agreement. "Tha ovty ahing I sec mrovg On 6.3 dsI.m Town won' t In a decluiva 6-3 cecordail vote Mile.. Council dacloced chut no municipal enterprises ne tea k hiltei foc muter coscoplion, dueing a meeting Monduy. Coonilor C. Puy ohterved ia mus cue. bad the counicil couldo't set fat au makre the turne chargea to tce monicipultiy us t. tht rutepayea. "Who woutd puy theat chorgea, woutdo't itlik the rotepayors?" Couorilloc Bob MrCuuig inquircil. "Why flot poy tanes on town buildiogs an.", bie wovdcccd. ston the long con the catepayera mould pay the odditcona rosît iovolvedin a detecminiog ao moutld ha rhucgad hurk t. ah rommittat orfaribîty", Mayor B. Beat noterd ia cvpotiviog bis support for tce potary cf vo hilling. Couoriloc P. Bure maintaiveil mith chas is il moull reote a preradent", soiil the reeve. Couvcîtor Mueshaît's sobacqueva cesotution that the reqocat bie cefoscil mararriail. Th. Canaian Champion, Wedvasday, Oncehar 22, 1969p bill ifself for water he moutd lie to om bow to teansfer doBlars but the rnuch malter tach facility uses. informacion coutd kc avuitable. Ht sggeted there mue vo vaed "tv rhovgicg rnonty fromt ont pochas o tce oahar theaes mo wye ste totu", Councillot G. C a , ru k Kruntz acgued ase ovo catch ire BU pcoviding mort funda foc cclf h fie te mote consmictet me're onty building anoahet estiay tau Milton lieefaghaers tere callad moold bava mooey in a bank oui to tmo vehicle tacts dueivg accont that coutdo't ke tae puaI meek. Bot huppevtd touchad, joat take tht Hydro", oo Wadnesday of lastmtek. Coonrittor C. Omitîce An aftecoov face on tae Sixch moivtamced. Lase Nossagaantyo invotvad a Votivg agoat tht no-hilivg dump truck omneil by policy mteeCoonciltocv Barrand Tri-Couoay Truck Linta of Pay and Depucy-Reavt Ron Georgetown, mhich suffaccd Hocris. over $2,000 dasvuge o tae Cooncil alto rafaeced hillmng orvgioe ood rab. Driver Richacd romploivîs on muter, todgtd hy Boaton, S ireetaville tolil J. R. Geemon aod A. Wltiteside faeefaghtacs bis ove gas tank wav foc invavtigocion. Me. Whiaasidt naely cmpty and hadi jtaat mos bilîrd foc 52,000 gallona on amitchail orer to the auviliory o biltiog fottoming ove foc a tank mhen the lice heohe out in minimvum rote uvd Me. Garavan the moine. mus hillad $24.95 on hus Imo Thar avanrng on Highmay 401 movai urcount. a 1966 Chcysttr omnad by Poatrick Luskay, 212 Troy st. -Local schoots hadr face drills Port Credit, caogba fart, juat aneat rovduccad by tht Milton Pire of Miltonv. Tht rar aufferd Deaoîmeot iluring Pire extensive darnage. Pevevtiov Waak. Patynasie and Washabla Plaids MIEER NYLONS RICE omsy 3 prs. $1.29 BROKEN IE TON DEPT., STO RE UN ST. OPEN FRAI. UNTIL O P.i. 878-9261 .4m"