viaitiors taared ltae tant and rat la lier thée Haton filet sioeg. Titis yaar's display waa arraned by Major H. J. Newmtana, diractor of Haltue Caaaty Museaum. He was appoiatad ro ha aneraîl co-ordiatt of te diaply by CANADA'S EOUESTRIAN TEAM gar a lot af support tam vivoakt et lte inteealfoi Plawinq Match fiald test Parla. Varieus pony clubs mannaid a hoste -in tae aton Coanty taint, uttina souvnirs witit precd eolag to aid tae Canadien tamil Mm. Rloboet Barbet' af Gueolpht acd Mm. Franke Dasaudan and Deugheor Kim af Oeil ara deome lne ta oot.-iStagf Phaoo AN EARLY KITCHEN froa ePionant huma af the 1840's was ditptayad in tae Haitn Ccanty Museum section ai Nattants tact et rte Iterateional Ptawieg Matcht. Mît, tria Srittain of ltae Museum staff aaemanstrate aPionner ammen's tools.-lStaff Photo) CRIS board to meet Ott. 28 The accual meting of lthe Haiton Coney Advisory lourd of lthe Canadien National Enstitate for lthe Blind wiil lie iteld nent Taetday, Oct. 2il it tae Cairent Restaurant in tise Milton Shopping Plata aI 6:30 p.a., tU te muptevisoe o f field NEW POWER, NEW SPEED HOMELITE SUPER XL-AM CHAIN SAW For aty coleinitoifr penles- sinl orrameur, itnre le lte choir, rata Ili super poser ... Tes Homelite Scper XL- AM.Wighonlyl3lbs., 12oz., less bar aid chair, bot fells Irants; upîn 4feain diamaît. Culs 18" sflwmod ine17 soc- ndu, 18"hiardwooansii24sec- onde. Bava a free domîtra- in todoy. Milton Equsanm. Ca. 3162 Bm Lita asan. Ml5aen, Oas. 878-2121 services for the CNIS ut gurît speakeri. Cnsi for lte dinner-meeîseg rs $3.15 pet peeson and feuturta Wesley Stanley as goret speakter. Mr. Stanley hua servadilt itte Films, edeacatlonsi diays and etrtelatant wense Ilelln Caeniy's cantribuationt lite big 1969 Inte' rnatIona Pleien Match hald stae Pasis lust waak. olis Halitoat tant waa a beahiva of sttvily frans, Weda"y ta Saturday as titoaada af match CNIB tinte 1938 andisas had a gindi dcii cf rsptritntt wilh hlind people ut weIl as in lthe field of administratin of services in tise bitnd. -Never Icone hîm alnne on a table. coucit or ites. No car in its class offers more guts. If anyrthing, lte Fiat 124 Sedan le ovee-egineered. lt's gnt a lot mare titan any otiter car lalits claes lo ger yoOgSoiag. And to stop yon la youe teanki. For instance. The Fiat 124 Sedntas a 4-cylinder in-lire enginemwitit a 5-itearing craeksitaft An aill yncit o 4-spteed hon. Andi power-ateisîrsi dec itraini on aIl gonr witeelî. $2,395. M E 124 SEDAN Aia about aut eauâl momnty sitationla Flneecint; anaitahia We have a detnsamoe'as h.eedforyoar test dnece unt Westiside Motors Fiat 135 LAKESHORE RD. w. -OAIVILUE ONE BLOCK WEST OF KIERA ST. commienta. Il haî baeni accoeded peinas la titrer film festivas. AltOonO thte peograin mas a conasevation film, "Valîrys and Praplas." Oct of lte diaplaya la Hslton'a lent mos a plomlng lropity 52 yers nid. Oscar Leercit, pmresly mard laspector of Georgetoma, hadl won il mitas he tos 17 or lthe 1917 plowing match hald ai Oak Park Fam nae Paris. Me. Leelcit ield thte ucdefeéated citampiontitip la ii ciln for 29 matches. Sataeday afteman Halton agala mas la rte llmalight miten lthe popular Lorce Scots Pipe Band fenten Hailon led tite mnoo parade theagit ltae Intereatioea'e lecîr c"Y. Thit afterncoc yong eiders ad ltelr. boret froas lte Alan Calta Stables, Oakville performed lteu mutical ride mitit Milton piper Bler Blacklock accompanying tita. On Titursday afternoon Halton Coaety Couecîl spocsered a tour and receptin for the press at lte Haiton lent. Sevral membrs of Conty Couedgl were n iand foc the affale, but lte press made a pour titominil-one reporter stoted up, repreaecting tmo of lthe coaely' nemepapees. Major Newmcan, hie assistant Mes. Enla Brittin, severat teenagrs mito mork port trme at lte mueeo as guidet, and asemiters of the coucty industrial and ogricaltural commit tees octed as hote and guides for tite four-day mnent ut Paris. tita couryt saecial display committea headad ap by Depisty-Reeve Roc Harris of, Vititors faand an attractive antenner diaplay iatvltieg titan ta stop aitrite tant. It featared glewiag gos ligita, tracts and aitraha, aed astige bating tite Haltan titane: "116 yeers of peogree-1153 tn 1969."1 Inside, teanagers rnr visitons and handed oat=flde Ion Haillon Coligny, packsu of coaety matches and coloeed poatoards of lthe Kelto Conservatin Arta. The ceerrai enlibiit was a diuplay of articles fromt rthe Halton Mu<seam, empitaitieg ereato la Canada's early daya and depicting a pinen kitchan aroue il ankgvg tinta la 118z.The kthn complete teit a tabla, hakeboard, chair, mikiimmar, and lard tint. Ricratinal articles incladed a bite beougitt In Georgetowns froan England in 1842, woodea sltates, lacrome sticks sd toi mie a chompioeahip le Georgetown in 1898, croqaet sticks and mome Indian wse clubs. Around tite anterne of rte tentter pictorial dispîstys deiceing Haltott as a fins place for basinessanmd comere, homes and indastey, faemng and adacatioq. The titane barre mai "Halton, i Coutl Keyad for Busaless. Haitue EMO had a dieplay of an ainargency welfare kit, and United GoIS ditpluyed titeir "Ceerrac" cutomar inqairy systan. Yarioas equestriae mnd poey clubs ataffed a boots ear rthe front enteonce, mitere greering carde, pens, key chalet, creats and glisses weee old to support Canadets equestrian tradm. lmr Day, a resideet of Halton, ia a Tremiter of the trami. AlaO n lelte limeliger tere Otto mnd Maria ielieek of BrunIe, mito won lte moeld figure sca ring champioesltip la Prague la 1962. Aportion oftheI disply featued titr picrurra. andl ithe film tetiler a Oive mi nate film of ltaeit prformance or Prague mas one cf foar filme sitome. There mas alto a dltplay on Miohawk Raceway an&- el Club fiM on thea training of ace îoraee mos thome. Main film la tae taparat taller tared leto a film tietre tut Haltonas amard-mnieg film, "Tie Man and rte Boy." iThe 26-minute film, shot tetirety la Haiton ro proore the coanty ut an ideai place to nve. work, educare and enterrain otou family, itrougitt many gond Minute-Mitdac AaElntfor MIOFFAT %"30"' RANGE Malismethaaiae is Automatic Csetmi. Ome Indcis Anaon the amas f ea ih medairn taigns. 2 * 14 21 VîICOUNT VîSCOUNT 22.65 Ft.' FREEZER 7.5 CFtf FREEZER aîO FREEZER - BCG VALUE COMPACT OPACE SAVEnR a pfl« Frame mi,'oORin ' H.Ids 262 Ile. Frons Fnod a793 11. Fînean Fard cepeairn Maralrtî 00dme t-Yr Comeserowoîarnty 5 voir w îm lana R.Oiiai Velue $2t500 W.T. Riait. Value $179.95AI. SALE tLO O SALE Pca i enI 22 .9 Ce- 1 18 %,AIR KING" ECONOMV CONSOLE earte ati fuCi esiss. iitpimh dcc Ar discmment nîth 'tah C Sorîna" tettee 'ie astonnelle hamîditait anl ai e t nat, nmsiaba Cillai, nain 10" tatn. Air King Deluxe Console Humidifier ""tpe t ni Cicnl onCi Oeiin leneoti. EO CIALUE 10995 1~1= in * 2 3 PA\R ~ 5 b Rutt CE 5 4 -9 9 *2 . HANDY' USEf L' 1/2" SQUARE DRIVET E aga5n9'. bîrirOsge 12 Pon e sîi forta i *2 5i P i i ; tir O R aranefo /6.I. F5 taaie 1,6s kPl£6Pi ti.s C eICl " I.d, 9e NOVIHSBRE THROWS I11 TONS sfr u a , tl e st i. l iaitifn r « t! 13 t oren h i ernin.MN PR299" LA SAND - MEN'S AND NYLON «ONu SALT PARKA MIXRalRm an. Gira Y. Jinstant aS llefu 10% li . = 0 n ce j îittraluî, 25 a.a . tu F il..'teCe Por o tep r al si f. aU ra SAL~E .79 ' al, ICr 23-99 %%AIR KING"C FORCED-AIR BASEBOARD HEATER hesatt i.] n rsre aî s " ta - 'In s sas ESSeaiai FRs MOUIE COMFOsT Orert buy tncmeetheatnhamt HUMIDIGUIDEH YGROMETER iNOOITO ,.irît tan i Recrd Ilt T iERM MET ana Paradeta utdo n teîssn raaiaî an REGUAR ALU 3.1 thr sans ser tnl -d SAL R 24 ARSL TILT/1151 SAW s.Eflq~/'WITH W!L-'SAFETY 4 Ç SPLITTING KNIFE 64' JFANTASTIC VALUE LE I AN 1 Si-O FOOT 24fit. EXTENSION [DER AsLUE 3998 DOMINION ANIMAL COW BOWL CLIPPER FASTEST, MOST POWERFUL ANIMAL Ci IPPER MADE! No oîrou. SUNBEAM * ?de nnlon irIsa *Oas.î5it i. 2rocici VLE .5PlEE7 .29 PRICE 54-99 FORNEY HEAVY DUTY BATTERY CHARGER Charges Wthont Removîng Battery i . ar t ltr5il 5 aîîtî 3îcer. o net hal9" 15 Fi na FONE XTNSO latCflu, éd ALE MOE2E FOR YOU cetteY W 10"R BATTERY BOSTE CABES TANGLEARLE 0. 1tt t i r. t iarti r ais yp nue 7.89 1CMONARCHS WATER SOFIENERS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC 11-i ImssIlly et,, mains on luths and finis AIC,1,ý,va1I d.y on ro 'avA non Id enloy the -faits of fort vsOIý M-200 REGULAR VALUE 25995 sPARILCEE224.79 M-120 RULLAR VALUE 239.15 SALE il PRICE 99.79 -ly- check MARKEL MILK HOUSE HEATER -ie e VAUE .9 UNIVERSAL LONG TUBE MILKERS Cl .rule 9-t4e PRCE1629 I 15 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO SHONTE ST. MILTON PHONE 87e.2391 GRAND OPEN INO0F NEW GUORGT'IOWN STORE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 AT 10:30 At.. -I Films, displays, entertainment Halton tent at plow match poue Acada. Antiqua Coppr nr Wite. Th aainCapion, Wednesday, Octoher 22, 1969 Oy7 pet cent of Ontaio's Food F000s CavrT r n Clensents & Noble population lies on farma. At the compaeativelly les thtan costs of IN U NC lanetime agr'ilculture sa Most cilher itemis. N U A E Onîsnio's hiagest and Most Fromn 1949 to 1965 the cost AGENCY LIMiTEO in riat industry. of food iocreosed 46.5 lear cent, 16 MARTIN 81. MILTON. îriýyfve per cent of the according to the Ontario 8789523 8784MI tota working force je Ontario is Departmenî of Agricutture and employed in industries Food. During rthe turne pertod, dependent on furene, rîther the cose of shelter increasod 62 .9 spplying gonds and services to per cent, wise the coat fof _______ farmoees or moving prodoces medicol tarte increased 90.2 per front the fan cent. LU i ILYU ETPECITO-tRPRIC ES ARE RIGRIT ssAIWAe CARTRIDGE TAPE RECORDER Reor aiatsriea st FREE! Proaseonal wa r by yo_ local _týO Co so va