Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 16

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o Mc intiMe IPisoto bp M île .11 Eal Jeff4 Thebrdesfa eroffrarda tise ceremony misen Eluabetis Caeaipoe Dennsery (Betty) Jeffores ansi James Dauglas Engai mere mo esi n fou a dais an Augosi 16 Tise daubie'ring ceerssaoy *0 St. Georgea cisurcis, Latente, mus reforaiesi by tise Rev. R. F. E. The bride, duogister of tise Rer. ansi Mrs. Jeffares af Campiselîvilie, mas farmeeiy a teuciser mitis Nortis Vans gourd of Education, uod ufler iser marringe mitis tise Wentmortis bard of Educalion. Tise groasa, n ciseancal engineerslusiying for bis PhD. ai Mcidastee Univeesîlp, s tise son of Me. ansi Mrs. B. N. Thumas, Burlingtos. Wisite boms mus pisis Smeetisenrt rotes decorulesi tise pema ansi glodioli deicîntesi tise sitar. Mes. B. Misisilebeoais mas organint ansi anlaist Miss Marin Misidietan sang Tht Wedsiing Frayai ansi Mornels Alteisia. The bride mare a floor lenglis I omn of lace aair sispper salis *0 mpîrr style, tise satin teuin bandesi mils lace. Ber rIbote taittis veil mss iselsi in place isy a bansi of misite rases. Sisecnreîed a sinces long stemmesi resi roses. The brides sistre, Locynone Jeffores, mia moisi of isonorunsi tise bnideamaisis terre Mis. J. Skene, sister of use groom, Mes. O. Bibby ansi Mes. B. Golsitbaep. They mare floor leottis misite chiffon over misise siipper salin in Empire style mîtis deep pinS sarin canleasi ansi pinis roses n tiseir buir. Tisey rarriesi Finis tong'strmmesi rotes. Tise brides airce, Balle Jeffares, mas flomer girl mrueing a floar lengris pisis Empire atylesi dresa, ansi cursp*og a bstket of pînis Smretiseart rotes. Tise bride mas ginen n morriage by ber beotiser Davisi Jeffarea. BesI mon mas Danisi Banry; usisera terre Jacis Sisene, Trrry Douglas ansi Davisi tanîtis. The mes in tise mesidint party more formai teinte dinner jackets. Tise reception mus iselsi o Kiibride poblir arisool misere lise ladies of St. Georgos Evrnîng A.C.W. cateresi for a buffet Tise medding cake, sieroîuted mîtis pinis rotes, mas masie isp Mss. S. Frice. Tise brides motiser more a pellom crepe siress mils mauve Itomeresi but, annone ansi prtom accessories ansi a puryte orcisisi. The grooms motiser more a pinis bracasird dreis assi coul ensessisie mils aiatrisîng accessories ard a wisîlr cnenelliu. Leaving or tiseir isonrymoan top ta Florida, use bride more n blur ansi silver brorade îlress mitis maîrising accessorirsansi a misite orcisisi corsage. Thepareliaingai 1868 Main St.W., Apt. 914,Bnmilton. Gorsis ailendesi tise mrsidîng from Quebrc Citp, Moîteeni, Jsm Eagsaa Fbntngrapbîc> ;an ares Niagera Toronta, Guelpis, Fats, Brantfoed, Bastings, Geimsby. Burlinglon, Campiseilville, Hamillon, Elmiru, Kitchener, Ballon, Ancuster, Dundas, Port Erir ansi Lansion as meil as tise ilistrot. Triegruais more rrcrived fram Oublis, Rire ansi Hollymanil, Florîda. Tise brisir mss tise geest of basa r ut anveral getiserings before tise mrsiding Mes. B. Gaidlliarp iseisi a batisraons sisomer ut tise bamo of Me. ansi Mis. B. Barris. Mes. D. Bibbp, Cuopiseliviie, iseid a mîscellaneous sisomer. Mrs. R. Aoslen ansi Mes. L. Ansieems isostesi a cup ansi saucer ansi mîmeilanroos sisomer as tise Aodrrms' home n Campiseilvilie. Mm. J. ilkene ansi Mes. B. N. Tisomas isusi a mimellaneaus sisomer ai Barlînglon. A perarotatias mas mode ut tise isome of Me. ansi Mrs. J. Roueke, Ancaster. A trousseau Ira mas iseisi Saturdep, Augunt 9 ut tise brides parents' bome mises tise geesta terre receiresi by tise bride. iser motiser ansi lise grooms motiser. Poorîng *0 tise afteaioon terre Mrs. J. Roberîson, Kilcisenre: Mes. A. Penfolsi, Burlingran; Mrs. J. Raneke, Ancanter; Mes. N. Etimoosi, Lonsion; t5 tise evenîng Mes. R. Austen, Campiseilvîlle ansi Mes. T. Sotilis, Bamilton. Servint terre Ruts LePage, Mes. J. Anderson, Jeninfer Andretes, Mnrp Andeeten, Mes. J. Upper, ansi Mes. T. Dauglos. Lucyanne Jeffures mas in tise peransal trousseau raam ansi Donna Gaisilisorp in tise eoom miseer medding ansi aisomer gifîs terre shoten. Baptist group rallies hem Tise ansuai eaSy af tise Ceedit Vsliey Baptisi Aisociatian mas iseid i. Essssssanuei Baptist chssech, Mutas as Oct. 6. Rer. William Bilte, famscely af Beamalea, pretentiy leoclang ai Central Baptisi Semisury. Tarosia, was tise speaker af tise evessissg. Be baud las message an lise salutatioss i. Fassis lestera ta tise Ciseisliasss, poinsint oui thut la each instance Pasi affsemed bis rigist la declare Gnd's mesange hecause be was "an apostie by tise mit afGod." it is tise respassibiiity af tacis Ciseistian ta discover God's wil for isimself, and like Paul, ise wiilissg ta obey it, be saisi. Miss Joan Mellors iseautifai sala "Gosi Has Buii a Temple Hem" mas is accned mus lise liseme af sise ottesisg. ansi uniqneiy accestesi she speakers remarks Dsring tise short business session, officers for sise coming pone mere tiecied. The sew president i. Rev. Stuars Sylvester of Beamulea; tise ante secresary, Res. William Bille, Toronso. Aftee tise meeting, tise ladies of Emma nuet serve d refresistssents and a tisse of fetomsisip mas enjoyed by ail. St. Georges women plan fowl supper Tise Anglican Chancis Women of St. Georces Cisurcis, Lateville met eeconlty ni lise home of Mes. J. Stokes, Miton. Tise president Mes. C. Tmiss opened tise meeting. Mes. Watlor gare tise Bible reading nnd Mes. LePage tise Thossglst for tise Dsy. Mes. loy basi tise mollo ansi tise roli cali was aatswered by isandittg in an apron for tise Oct. 22 bannar. Tht canveners eeported aid dueing tise business testant plans waio made for tise hansar. A comaiittee mes nppointed ta iseip plan tise fomi supper Nov, t. Mes. Will Powell rond s penia Ricins aid condscled a content on coppers. Mes. Gastie rend un article on William Brecison misa mss Wiseat Ring of Cnnnda in 1954 ansi mss bonserd Ibis year. Tise meetint wns cloted by Rov. R. P. E. Jeffares misa alan arted as auctionrer for tise sato. Lunch was providesi by Mrs. W. Powell and Mrs. Gustîr. Mes. Doibel ncted ns courtety Yosr support is needed for tise teenagers' daice.a.tbos Ibis Saturduy. Proceesis frosa tise maratisoîs dancing day mdl isrlp tise Hospital 10 boy more modem X.ray equipaient. Parents to prevent Halloween hazards Ballomeen s tise bîment nigist cot of tise peur foi mony smoll cisîldeen. Tise Canada Safety Caoncil sapt tiseer are stops parents tisculil taise ta rosser tise saferp cf poong mîtrises, pirates, princesmi, gisosîs, astranacls ansi isigismopairs. "Fîrst cf aIl, tise risilsiren sisculiliseable icariandiseseen bp clisers", Guy McLaern, Genîral Manager of tise Counnîls Public Sufetp Sectian saisi n s pre.isclidap message. Be adrîsesi agaînît tise meaeing cf aiusiss mîtis 5h15 an nareate tise cisîlsiren rua 't set prapeely sut cf liseai. instrasi, mokeup masks a colsi cream isate for rate cf iraicral are rern~rnded. Tise rosicairs sisoolsi be ligist<alcrrsi la anise isenti~ri fer aictorîsîs lc tee the Teins or Treateri. Maris iselier masisi ise lise usidition cf refenloricesi tape ci matinal ta tise riatinsg *0 order ta muise tise risildeen n greas deni mare visibir, Me. McLaern saisi. Maiy fais cas be preventesi by outOtling tise yauntsteis n caittisses short enoagll an tisai tisrp mont tnp orer tise isiait. Fnernis cas fuether iselp avrecame this ismord by ainisint sure tiseîe porcis liglils are on ansi lise porcises clenerd of debeis, ise saisi. To peevent Ores, tise clolisiot sis oulsi be mode of flame.rrsistant ainterial or Oaaie.proofrsi n n boîic'boean solution. Me. bicLares saisi a parent sisoulsi be detegatesi ta accampasy smnii cisildeen, shrpbeedisg tisem cueefuiiy as lbep anise Ibeir rounds. Parents moy alan mail la checis tise goadies aI lama afIn tise daor.beli risglsg is orer isefare allomisg tise cisildeen ta gel mb them, ise saisi. Sanden Jane OCennor ansi Thomas Carlton Sargent were marriesi n Holy Rossry cisurcis, Milton os AugusI JO as tbree o'clank. witis Patiser J. J. Murpby officiatint. Baskets of misite mums ansi yeliow giads decoeated tise cisarcis. Miss Mny Bankmns mas organist. The bride is tise daugister of Mr. ansi Mrs. D. G. Otonnor of 380 Mosotain View Dr., Milton. The groom is tise son ofMr. ansi Mes. D. Sargent, R.R. 1, Miltoo. The bride more n foot leogtb gomo of suis orgunna fasinonesi mils a cisapel train. The scoop necis tine mas appliqurd mils Alencos lace ansi serd pearîs ansi lise boopesi skies ansi train mere alan applîquesi mils saisi penels. A iseuddress of pesris ansi crystals iselsi ber tisree-tiered veil ansi aise currird a cascade of pellom ansi misite Ira roses ansi stepisanotis. Ber sitvee cross mss tise grooms gifl. Beairly Drummonsi of Dundas mas moisi of donor, ansi tise bridesannîsis mere tisaron Watann, Milson ansi Luorie OConnor, sîster of tise bride. The itomer girl mas Ciseryl Hilton, niece of tise groom. Their gomns mere of sofl yellom ansi tisey more telase saisies n tiseir buir. Thrp carrird baskets of misite aid yeltom saisies. Ring boaror mas Miabuol OConsor, brother of lise bride. Tbe bride mus givra o marriage by ber futiser. Jerry McLean mas groamamon ansi tise osisers mere Keitis Bilson, brotber.in.lam af lise groom, ansi Bob Sargent, brother of tise brisig, Tbe bride mas giren in morriage by ber fasiser. Jeeey McLenn mas groontaman aid tise osisors mere Ktitis Bilans. brotber.in.lnm of tise groom, ansi Bob Sargent, brother of tise groom. Thereception mas beisi in Boiy Rosary panisis bail. The mosher of tise bride receivesi menring piak brocasie mus pinis ansi silver accessories ansi n corsage af resi ansi misite Smretisenrt rotes. Tht gcoom's motiser more apple green mitis aiatcbing accessories ansi a corsage of paie pink Smeetbeaet Gaesls attensird from Barrie, Orillia, Tarosto, Oshases, Londan. Oaknile, Clarkson, Bsrlington, Dundas, Bamillon, St. Marys unsi Milton. Tise couple lefi an a tnp ta Ottame ansi tise Thousansi inluoda, tise bride menriof peacis mils misite coliaransi cuffs, blucis patent acceasaries ansi o corsage of orange ansi misite roses. They are liviot 51 R.R. t, Milton. Before lise meddiog, a isatbrooss sisomer mas iselsi by Beverly Drusussossi ansi a kilcisen sisomer by Caral Bilson ansi tosan McLeao. Tmo miscellanraus aisamers mere iselsi, one isy Sisoron Wntson, ansi ose by Mes. A. Kiervin, Mes. O. Aikeniseasi ansi Mrs. B. Campisoîl. Slides shown club on tnp to Tise Senior Cstiaen's meetmg ans Wrdeessiayerentng mas enjoyesi by 90 membres. There are sate 125 airmisers. Nete members are tenrmly melcamesi. Tise presîdentexprrsand ptriaureatsreing ta mony Fessent ansi greetesi Me. ansi Mes. Wilson, membres cf tise Brampton club misa are nom living in billIon, alto tome membres misa mere peesent afler being *11 ansi friensis cf Me. ansi Mes. McPaddrn isere feoai Susbatcbeman. Mes. Fesidie reportesi carlin test ta tise ticS. Mes. Mamul playesi tise Biriisdnp sons mincis te as t~og for Ove meaibars. Mes. Cînyton Map Ibm inteadocesi Me. ansi Mes. Bulcisison misa recently retuenesi from n trip ta Alasisa. Me. Hulcisinson gare a ressaie of tise rrip mincis lastesi 20 sinys. Alaska is tise argent tinte in tise Unilesi Stutes ansi mialtt bave belangesi ta Canada under different manageaient. The party isoardesi tise train aI Taronto. it bais tisem tiseaugis tise beantiful scenerp of Nortisrro Ostaria 10 Winnîpeg, orer tise dinh prairies 10 rocks Alaska md mises sean Jasper. Tise Scesic brauty feaai lisere la Vancourre i s unsurpiaussi anymisere. il mas a pnrty af 30 tehicis isoardesi a sinp ai Prince George. They visitesi Kelcisikas, Junenu, tise Capital af Alasita ansi S~egteoy ta memiios n fete. Me. Buleislnaon ahomesi mony slides of ibese pi ares ansi otbee iateresling tisings sers is Alaska. W. A. Waosis lisanisesi Mm. Bulcisiosas for isis fine enteelainaient. il mas annouscesi thai Me. ansi Mes. Raiseri Andreson mii be aI isame ta tiseir friands an Oct 22, aI tise Bapse Centre os liseir Sols medding annivrrsary. Aisa lise enecutire meeting miii ba an Nov. 6 ansi tise reguine meeting as Nov. 19. Afier tise meeting ciosesi minis tise Q crin ereepone enjoyesi a santal isulf isour. -Hailomien sigist is u Pridey ibis peur, Dci. 31. ~-Masy local residents altendesi tise intemutiasal Plomint MaIns sesi Paris iast mrek. Huilons oms ploming ainîcis s Satueday, Nov, t. SANDRA OCONNOR becase. Mr~ Tbaaasas Sargasat uban lI, mispie nid Ilsair e.ddiog sous hefare Fatisan .1. J. Maepiay g t4sly Ronry Cbaaib Asanet 30. Tiser are rasidint at R. R. i. Mutas. SIWCl PAINT iFAY'Si A COMPLETS IL WALLPAPER IWCTRIC PaInt A Walîpapm BISIOENTIAL ___________IeeeeeeeeeeflfllellkdWleSl OAI( . Q5JEEN MAU. S BUBAL POLI LIt S INOUSTRIAI. AICVILIE O Cascada '~' Waeer THE ITALMN CANADIi DAN< AT THE LEGION HA MILTON SATURDAY OCT. 15f Il 8 MIsIc IY FREODIE AND 111$ OR(HI PROM GUELPN EVERYRODY WEL( 1H CLUB LL PuMa STRA 'ORGE MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB MIMMI C.P.S.A. Spavsnred by Milion tosary Club 2i~«iw Ç/wtikf ad44~4 TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 4.30 t. 7.30 STARTING TU ES., NOVEMBER 4fh Janice Granger- Senior Professional Terri Reuier -Asst. Professional Memb.rship Fs., ExcutIv. St - 13 peurs ancloree-S22.50 Jr. - 6 . 12 pears, mci. - 520.00 Pre~Scisaal 5 pears ansi under - 517.50 Fumiip rate foe 3 or more applicants an enqaier Pro., - Mc., limer Slachianis lst Vlan Pr.., - Mm. .1. H. McCsulebaon 2nd Vice Pea~ - Mc., Hsdaon Secretacy - Me., Vinkery Treanese - Me., R. Aispintas Pue. payable I. Pull le admaute or osa tint day .9 I.n.a Pleana MES. RON APPIETON <hr..,. 129 MINI mEVO., Mail To Mille., Ontarle IARLY O Floua. Imiade Feu w~ - APPLICATION Narre Fsrenr's Initiai Majira Asidreas Costume ~gr . Sica Telephona Na..... Pre'Scisaot.Janlar.Seador.Privat. tons..Lase badge Pratte Lassons Aralable - $250 for 15 Minutes Addltlonaî Forma Avallable g MIII.. Are.. Sargent-OConnor 1~ MILTON CURLING CLUB - i Welcomes new Curling membirs for fia. 1969-1970 FEATURWIG: MEN - MiXB) - DAYTII LADIES BUSINESS 61R15 ALSO MANY SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 2Oth-~5ih FRIS INSTRUCTION FOR ALLWI4O ARE INTEAESTED FOR FOUINER INFORUATION CALL Mal Fliolpe......4030 J..aHueimn.....3781403 Km Han......8702133 Please the man - in your life k yoo miii pieuse hîm testis a nem fali isoîr 's- style fushionesi for you by our expert styliots & . Fashion Beauty Lounge a 171 Min St. Ph... 878-9533 Iarly pIeoe* To faclitate tisa maka4ap 1 tise WUMO'e lieus peInt ofThe Cltasstplan. cssstnihsstaea ah aakad te .1.11 isetes 15555. n pontille. Tise final fan the Wedaeaday liasse lassa.... Monday. bat meSse rocelpt af nee. lIma, wassld ba .isseeeely appeoclatail. -Hast yeu's tssteessaliassai Plawlssg Malels seili ba balsi an Victatia Causty aid lise 1971 match Is achedulosi fac llntdlsasassd. -Tht Hais,. af Casasnsasss rosamea sittls~tadaj~ (Wedsseuday) aftet a sons tece. Hait.. OlP Rusi Wlsllssg estismesi ta tise rapîtal tisss wcek MOORE ICAMOflAVSUI

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