Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 15

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Awcurds, oertificates, bursaries are present.d stedeof s sgd MeaOgrdae Tssarf, Patiot Venf, Rush watsna 87. Of Matoan DIStictHgs osn Wefden, Leetie Watklou, Dougflas McNabis hli gatherad as tise ansn cdy Wtie. tise l'ae Yesr lvsleganiadrede s ad, - ecodan nn gad:tin courte mnd Re cetia eand but sacls w«.e dip=ma For Y.. a Ant ad pecoltn penta u O doseni sOudants Sciance soudants mers glien O thnf 75.83 par d ne h anonuai Norteon Atward, Lawrenca fnac yeau At comsnaa crIL Baaclclay, Susso Duopisy, Bndoas Istn. Nmncy United Stegfwnrls.cs' bacsacies Lawsoo, Ptdtdp Martin, Carot crut, and Morte fram ocal970 mounn on Maetisseau, Robert MoGaf, Linda cent, wn tnp S25 eaci ee ivn o Miisg Milfer, David Morley, Ronate 12 for yea SWotns minis 84 par teon and Motter, Jactcie Fitips, Marin Cammnerce. Cacle Saceoson minis 84 par cannt. Ponte, David Wells, Nick Wotf, Grade t1f pr The eseards ara Diaen tonisandants Martin Sonda. do tisa fine ya minis tise fsgest standispd Graduatios frao tisa four ynar cancan vent tc tedustriaf Arts and Home Busingesand Commerce course, math 83.7 pai conoites la grada f0. tise fntfos.iaf cacelved dipîonas; Wif tan soiti Karin Sornnn alan won tise Bannie Anderann, Katfttyn Linda Boomiso Htarris Stunionany poing as tise Bilngsi, Trudy Calluo, Andreanand Deisiie Ay igsiat stafdon ingade f0 Cavas, Edda Dasonsi, Donna cent won fou coerciaf subjecos. Ratio fusud Dcedgn, Jean Puyarchuk, Pisytit Science profni 8' a tanmd won $50. Otisar Howvard, John fogflas, Barbsara Joanne Wilan f0 soudants O reoaje kempffee, Brenda Mitler, Valorde and Zaudra Mdl fw eds e Lydia Rentenear iff s, Nancy Restino, Mona wnn fout ynar minis 84.3 pan taon, faoi iigist Serenn, Muane Tonelli and awards. Fou standing in grade f0 Ogilis. Soaran Tacet fi. Tecisnufogy an Thesaswncd, a bonok, de givnrtisy James Marsall scnrnd 83.7 voent to Stafny fise Cimpkeftnttle Wotens par cent o min tise John Milton cent, and Paal Institute. Cisapter f.ODE. trnpisy a nd patouet, in gras Grade oin pcnficiency avvarda award. Lastin Wanfas sean tisa Lest ie Wathd me O Gond Agnnv minis 88.f George Daman Sisiefd fan tise and Nancy Re pant anmd fais Fy minis 87.3 igsgiot standing in grade f2 minis sadet court par cae la tise Bme yes. Acte and 8. par cent. plaque foc grai Sciedantsai. Hnatiser HyaOO, Gcad f2 Praficienypta fafaemr 73 pan tant and Leodra Kenney, sonne Proseanted O Lesle top for grada 72 par taenO, wnn grada mine, four yeur Artseand Scinnce amnda. Leefey Coopar, 73 par cane and Janita tngf de, 72pa cent, wan four yeau Business d Caommerceawmeda. Rnobert Mfllfen 73 par cent, and t Tom Galinen 72 potacnt, wn fndr y mn Scienca Tecisnnfogy mdTradesa audu mnd Keis Austin 76.4 par tant and Frnk Bindar 76.1 pan cent, won frie year Science Tocisnnfngy and Trades profciency awurds. Bn tisa spatial tva yeau tourtes r fi caenty fmurds vent to ecny Ramfey, 77.4 par cane, and Tnd MeMoisacsen minis 72 pan cent. Bonis are do grade nine. In grade f0 pcaficiency awneda tuent On, Sast Pearce, 87.3 par cent, and Susan Van Sititie, 86.3 C r tant, la fine year Arts mnd lento, iife Karen Efrfy, 76.4 par taon, and Mary McGee minis 76 par tct, wan fonr yean Arta mnd Science amenda. Four yeur Business and Commence awardu vie O Kuin Sornen minis 86f1 par cent, mnd Heooy Bgfoien minis 77.1 pan cent. Grade 10 furn ynar Science Tecisnofogly mnd Trades amande mant On, Bruce Shaunnon minis 84.2 pan cent, Werner Weberc minis 7f par ceon, Deisiie Smaitis TOP AWARD WINNBtIS an Milton District Higis minis 72.7 par cent mnd. Adnfa se 1 1al 19 w otiaeepsnt mae Bd Agnew. fomsey mitis 7.1 pan cm$,. - .5t = ida.Keenedlk â and Raisrt HéciJey. 1 Saian Pance van tise Wgied Ceaier Sisiefd for isigist standing la Grade f0 minis 87.3 pan cent. Gordon A8oom stonnd 88.t1a cent ta min tiseT r e O t f nglis-Pootnraphy for isigist standing in Grade 10. Cecificates osf training ic tise Omo yenr spatial counse wnnt to trom M DHS Danyf Bayoton, Bradley Bruce, Stirfing Buthfey, Danid Haisa, Nearîy 250 peoud parents tises. than misil MBnO Honnua, Allait Homoy, vatcsed theircidnnectve 30 per cent Danid Mcfntyne, Rick Perchaent, amards and diplomnas at Milton cumiser of ifi Pcf Nerd, Merg Stsecis, Debise District Higis Scisool's vient on to Smi.tht, Mauneen Soanonvaki, acd commeencementocxerctses Frsday eduocanion, Milt Roy Venerus. Hofan Smmn eceoing. fnctuded do tisos. Scisool liad 52 anniendnt la ctha t cos. graduanno vert thee Ontanio graduatos goisî attndace n ta oure. soisolats, f nge Jensec, Keccetis tisoir educatsoc. Setondeny scoof graduation B rown and Roisert Hatiley. Valedictorin diptomat la tise Oce yeur Arts Gunst speaker for tise tvecicg do las addirnn mnd Science stneast vere given no mas Gerte M. Hood, teachers mitis a Cisarlecte Arstarong, Donna oice.prenideot and geceral feltos. student' Baii, Jacqueline Banser, Tony manager of GOntario Steel seacisens sisc Burt, Lide Bdosii Richsard Penducto Ltd., Miltun. fn his spotlight mitis u Brao, Murcay Brnssoridge, address, Mc. Hood told tise Ht recaldedi Geraldine Bnyan, Patricia Bnyac, audience Canadiao youth as a terst year of hi Alma Buthtey, Brandit BDurrelf, vsoît is campos.dl of fine youcg old higis vsoc Pam Callnnd, Joune Cannon and people. Ho urged hois smn to Mactio Street Thelsof Curney. 10n hi ot itiste field of Scisool. Othrs ereJosph one is usicessand cn turc told tise Tise valed Artisur Chsamberfain, John graduates, liseron plecly of Chsam, Anne Cotoins, Collîn action ic isines." Conley, James Dance, Aon "Evetthougs you have to Detiscar, Sandra Dotby, fIngrid adisene 10 a comraooly accepted F Faflk, Jennifen Pergusan, John code of iseisanour and des, tinis E Fisher, Cassi Gallagor, Mursha dues con imply there also han to 'xcitil, Gilbert, Wiliam Gilies, Aone is intellectual samtecens as mell," Gitans, Wfnda Guay, Maron ise said. Hure, Nancy Hecry, Robenrt Mt, Hoodto ld tise gatheriso Henry, Nancy Hood, Lcnda that icaducg a profil is tise prime Hamdec, Marfene toglin, Anc respocsisnilty tise hasneots world Keidty, Ruth Kencigisan, Banc. isas tu nociesy. Ho alto utrd tise Laingi, Hacce Larsen, Jetry graduaten. au mell as tht other Legate, Betty Le Riche, Keiti staudecîs preseot, to ýpersevene Le Riche, Naccy Mahon inoallyou do acd acquire a I Mafcolma Mnfond, Juce Murh . epuîatioc for retiahilnty." Feter Matais, Donald McClue, fn his remarkn, tise uchi's Karen Mcflacsenn, Heather vicepriccipal William Tom MtGoathit, Carol MGinmis, complmectnd tise graduanf Lais MtNasi, Susac Meikle. clans fut their vors acd told Otsera more Sandra Murphy, Kathdeen Neveff, Murtin ONeilt, Adam Paterson, Barbsana Prestoc, . ~ h oa Marion Reinhardt, Noros. The n.. Routnledge, Mfans Scfianzzi, fra fl H o Cetda Sefen, David Siseppard. SalI>. N T CE re d Sutlivan, Etlec Traits, Ursula [eTOWN oOAKVLILLE1 atolme RoeneatOf ~e~sF. LEE 878-2619 CHANGE TO STANDE UNE SuIIdOy, October 26 Claves of nhe Tawn ne OnScîll merenindea of the rosolorton planait br Gakelln Courcil on Fsbraany l7nh, IBU., thas F. MoLEAN ANDERBON MAYOR TOWN? OP OAKtIstlL G THt 16W/ snt n d Lais g3ff3 pr an, la Arta md Scince sauta Mutler, 78 Noinfea Aimard cent, bath la tise tneamd Science Anatien 80 par Sarnn, 75 par honora la gode r Bosiness ant onicienty amaerdis Ails anti Scienca sJamas Marshaoll rcent and Bon f3.67 pan cent. ear 72.7 par cent 'et minis 72.5 par r yeac Arts and ency avartia and ,85.2 par tant an, 83.9 patacnt, Aine andi Business r yenr Science d Traites amards Arthsur' 72.8 par Thnmpaon, 69.5 da 1l. s, Renate Muller atino joned tise cil hacar ratl de f2. Tise Larny Scisalarsisp undi 12 Business and Conmmerce excllence manO O Nancy Restiva. Stene Cisase and Jaes Mua" sisutnd honora for lise Anne MacArthur Amard fan grade fIf Histony i ie aeyeur Érosaon. Fnica Mooe vsS00. Ingrid Paln mon S25 and thn Stisuyen amurd for Grade f2 English and Hisnory, scoing 82 par cent. Cafo Martilau on tise Mâton Deautanent Stone avurd and $ 100 for lise grade 12 gradate attendiog a tonsenucit>. colloge. Secondury scisofl isann graduation diFfamas for soudants of grade f3 sonne pres.nted ta Ed Agnaso, Dale Beret. Susan Berube, Ken Brao, Rngen Browon, Suan Cacrutsens, Steve Clensant, Sisnnyf Coanes, Aanne Coftins, Sisarn Cou, John Curk, Jane Dewhiurat, Gadl Eans, Sandra Eyles, Lards Paggion and Jnanne Ponton. Dtsons an tist onir eutl inclode Judy Ferrier, Susan Frentis, Douf Gardisous., Alfait Gilbert, Aune Gidin Mary Ano Goativins, Patricia Graneanon, Robert Hadfey, Jargen Hans.c, Anar Hophin, Sisarn Hume, David Hunten, loge Jensen, Stepsen Remne, Faut tttien. Sisowe hre minis tiseir avertis, tise soisolara relax after a hectit nifist of amant prasentstioniand tise recen gof dîplomas.-IStant Phsota) rio scholars grad class e0 opprocimatnly of tise nverage vsool groduates cistain a higiser on District Higis pon cent cf ils l on in furîher Kenorts Brown s crediteti tise lot of is and loi s sucess. "Tise ulti sisare lise s nom," ise saiti. mrmorien of fils gi s hool do tise 1 viîtisn nom Senior Fubslic ictorian Ohmn atidrosseti isis remacho to tise radicals of tise isig scisool anti bold themn "tisis scisool is only vison you maise il." Je L CulTie, O.D. OPTOMETRISI BtJRLIGTON MALL ?BII»ONE 612.7788 or Women With The versatile, ThnsT fo ashioneble, aed ThnsT olarln-onear Doret Aiglet seaodeof the hghest quet n t0% huan - hait Il is cteeda - styed tirteiner of - Loedon. Great Bains - os raemous hairstyiet orgenztse We w - shape and stle enta nalct wIple nd calt enar hait tar beaa ceins :B ortetrmai ot add instant glansa n 1h afaBet Wglet ta don't taire chantes. Order na gaanenteed Bonat Wiglet Wig/et ..hr! à Sty/ed by'Steiner of LondonjM PAM'S $18.9O BEAUTY LOUNGE NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY pari 6Days aWee, 8 A.M to 6PM JAS. SiFRI. to P.M.,SAT. to 4P.M. ANNOUNCING APPOINTMENT OF NEW STAFF MEMBER JACKIE HIGGINS SMILL ST. 878-,4581 Bais Murtin, Jmnito Matias, John MeGeacie, Rodenick McKecsie, John Merkfey, Afizabetis Noisle, Carof Ofiver, .Kait Purken, Fiiip Powell, Nancy Peentice. Lyne Rasisorry, Net Robesono Ataine Simiths, Susan Smiths, Doug Stokes. Osera incluse Janice Strous, Peter 5-dans, Edgar Taytor, Alaine Timisees, tusac Vandacan, Strpsec Wellmood, George Wifkinson, Cotlen Wrightt, Allait Yuucgand Morion Young. Inge Jensen and Kn Brovn mon grade t13 pnoicieccy peines and loge van tise Fichent uhiolti for higst standing do grade 13. Soudent coukdcil avards voent ta Kec Bnown and Ad Agreso vainnon tise Pallie Deariog Scisotanip on Engliss and lise Aune MacArthur Scisolannsip cn Science. P. L. Robertson saholarship mient to Fat Graneston a100f mils Sf00. Ken Brown mon tise Reiseh Lodtr No. 79 anisotarssip for isigist standing la Grade 13 Engliss and another longuete for $100. toge Jensen mon tise Surah Martin Chapter tOflE. amord and $200. Janice Maties moo tise Lions Ctubs isrsary of $t00 ite Roisert Hadley moc tise Tatry Denlaucint Citizenssip top and John Mitton Chapter 1.D.'D.E. ucholarssip and S50. Halton and Fretl Trust and Savnas scisolurnsip for tise isigisnt afgregato cn two 0f grade 13 Cisemintry, Biologr or Physico and $100 mient 10 Ad Agoew wils 89 per cent. Wacdo Guay won tise Russel Leadersip Trops> anti Sharon Hume von lise Halton Womnenns feistitole Bursary and $50. Dntario Scisolar certificates for 80 per cent on seven grade 13 credits anti $150 prizen vient lu lcge Jensen 81 per cent, Ken Brown 80 pet cent anti Robert Hatite> 80.3 per cent. Jane Devist won tise Wostrcs Aucilar. of Milton District HospitlI Burnar>. of $100. Honor otudmnts cn tise fite ynar Arts anti Science courne laclude Gord Agnev, Janet Brode, Patti Clement, Natalie Dudnih, Dovina Eylnn, Loin Fa>., Elinaisets Fisher, Daviti Harrison, Jolie Hanlant, Gary Matfougatl, Ros.marve Mach, Hogis Marnsall, Diane Mtltlvraith anti Marilyn Millet. Kalisy Mullin, Claudtiete Fistlps, MonItor Foirier, Lydia R eonnaar, Elizabseths Richsardison, Carot Scistniher, Tom Scott, Buis Tom, Rorn Trimisîn. Jennifer Wsnisorton, Jdfl Watsn, Marna Wilson and Auna Zanerna %one ean so oor stutients. Fine yean Science Technologr anti Trade isonor atudants vere Reish Austin and Franh Bindar. Trtr Romîn. wn tise specia Ovo year bonoer. Fine year Arts and Science aartis inclutie Norma Boomisomen, Gad Braon Boco>. Curry, Wurne Dres., Lumnae Lyntin, Tiseresa Meredît, Richard Murray, Sosan Ferce, Jomn Roberts, Susan Roisertson, Holly Stinn, Susan Van Sicsfn. Kaenc Early anti Mary McGee gratiuatnti fromt lise four year Arts anti Science cours. minis honorsanmd Brucr Shannon graduateti frnm the fout yean Science, Tecisocolgr anti Trotir cours. vils isonors. Honor nîtidents la tise four ynaî Bosni ens anti Commence nîrnarn ment Henmy Baisser, Donna Hetisrricgtoo, anti Karen Sorensen. Gratin I1lote ynar Arts anti Science isonon ntudrctn incode Sonya Agnes.. Daviti 'Austin, Karen Barber, Stepsen Chas., Donna Galbithi, Roin Gittarti. Juri Kudranous, Douglas Maison, James Marshsall, Lino Mazzorato, Aino McLaren, Lourde McFhadl, Trena entenoan, Janet Tom, John Wheliisac, Benerl>. Wdton, Geoffrey. Woolacti. Four yeor Business anti Commerce h onor stu dents icclotie Rics Bromn, Joanne Cannon, Ingrid Pols, Wantia Guay, Ants Kercigson, Lait McNahh, Lanlie Watis anti Doug Wisac. Foot yean Arts anti Science isonor studenîs vent Nointee Aboard, Londa Millet aond Renat Muller and in four yeor Business anti Commerce, Nant>. Rostivo anti Mono Sorensen receivei isocor cnrtificatrn. Listeti on tise gratin 13 isocor toIt vert Edmarti Agorv, Ken Bromn, Anne Collins, Robeort Hadlny, Inge Jensen anti Janice Malies. ALCOROUICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p. 00h01 ANGLICAN PARnce HALL HIA VING A PROBLEM? DROP IN. Tise Canaian Chsampin, Wetinestiey, Octaher 22, 1969 5 WANDA GUAY, mienner of the Russall Leadership Trophy on Friday's high school commencement chats with guest speaker George Hood af Ontario Steel after the ceomounis viee over. Miss Guay alsn servedl on the high school's student courncil lest year.-lfltaff Photo) -More thon $14,246,000 in -Use Champion clonsifeds to, sales of 1969 Canada Saviogs sell onwaoted items. Bonds tisroags payenîl naviog have isen achieved 10 date, -Hallowe 'en ecents have Ontario organizers report. Sales already slarted, and maths aod t0 date in Hallor and Peel costumes are on sole in local countie total $556,000. stores. RAPID-RELIABLE-REASONABLE DURNAN T.V.,& APPLIANCES VOUA R.C.A. DEALER lut North End B.P. DATSUN 1000 it's got everythmg as hilu g a lew àric The neaneet ltlng le tie meall car otite Canm aesyleee MWea tis pelce reclisole buesail ee. AJI Unsme woeld le haeppening nossi Wf e u Tise new Datant 1000 pmodae 82 Mr etusderd eqsdessest Daeoun 1000 andi lB comm le Wso wlld hnraee eesd %Ield Uop e 84 MIPtI deluon models - 2 eesd 4-dlons. n tie roam& Aand for eeey gallon you'll Tisere are more tisa 200da-eM Bath are sporty enssali caes tmet tank o 35-40 milea. Wlesae more Datean caf-Ooamt le Canade asd gond, fnel nlght and go greeti And givms yoa 100,0 mlle rellabllfy. $1O.Wi arts tan bec Vix. practsoalty elt tisey emd a rase oea la Dalts l10W lealmdsacm yo a funOe yaar love. ey fa dnleeslti 4-on-tie-flans- Theae Desaaeat deWiver me asti givea ylai fl ecms tome le tis hcsareposser and iserfonon se~e tiasan -~ epaeent scuit o* f rff $ 1 8 4 5 0 DATUN NORTH END B.P. Dut& Sles £ Savke W235 Baie Lin. Road Milton, Ont. Ph. 878-2471 -a,

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