Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 12

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Finial PIC By Moi, lise Hasilton The 431h osslnsiey meeting cf the Northo Trafalgar commssnlly Clolo ia iteldi in lte foieeof aPotluck Saper lit the borne cf Mss. Mayblie May mt ltse seets providing ltse main Tise hostais protideil the iotday coke and dessert foc tho 25 seeoss preseit. Dorieg a sitort lousinss peried tontative plais mccc moead te tahe a triplte Ottawa se the iprief te ses the lalipi in blioom. Il wsea docidod thot a dontionibe sent te the Unitariai Service League. The reseainder cf thcocoenieî mas optent wiit the seerss jeiniol ino o yfol oiegsiog ced a caisty cf garies, The Nevembor meeting wiii bh e itnl ut he home of Moi. Alfosd McCracken with Moi. Jack Milles and Mos. Hago Lambin charge cf the progammeati. On Titasgicseg Sceday. Rnc. F. Knith Hawkes efficîcîrd ct thn Baptiite cf Russell James Leslie (latis) Ring. scon cf Mr. aid Mos. Leslie King cf Herehy. Dinns gueots fellemief te loaption wece tho goacdpureeli, Mss. Baraloosa King ef Milice, Mo. aid Mss. James Caliesick cf Lothose. New York, ced grct gsaidfather Foccy Honsitas cf Bramepton. Otite, guecto atoodiof mors Mr. and Mca. EaeS MuDoeel and Mr. and Mci. Gmry Wasstat aid Michael. Final plais have heem mcde for tse sncl Tcokey Scyper cf Hdicrnît Ujnited Clocrch ce I 1h.s Canadian Champion, W.dnaidy, Octolcer 22, 1969. ns made for annual supper Wodcesdcy eoeing, Oct. 22, 5 se 8 pin. Adoits miSl ho charged $2.00 and childe front 5-14 yeass S1.00 and citildren codes Oive fille. Friands of John Aldermen are srry te loess ltas lie ied theo msifetcte te brseaku a 10f mie playioo rugbty un Thusday aod is itespivclizod et te Milton District Hospital. His many fsieidc ectend titrir foi mll muthes. Mos. Fat Flippeece secs ste haitess fer ste Octeiter meeting cf St. Stopiten's Aeglican Citusci Gaild whiicit mas iteld un Tcesduyreveeieg, Oct. 14. Mss. lise Plant, ste pressideot, molcoed ste ladies tu te meeting miticit mas epeod mitit lte Guild Pocyr. Thte ccli cutI secs osmerd loy rigit memiters and eue visiter. Thte mieutes cf te tuot meeting sere, reod ity Mss. Buit Ceetîce. the secseiesy. In sthe abtosnc cf ther treesuee, Mos. Arthtur Plant, te treasccers report mas givee loy Mci. lue Plant. A lettes secs rod free te Cavcer Society requestief cocu stamsp and ssasiescry. Is secs discussed and decîded titet a hex ho plaurd en te ctuscit fer ste semersr mite cuisit te doeto t iis wentity caus loy itelpîvg cuiit ste doive fui postage stampo sud ssatîeeury. Thte Gcild itas effesed se itrlp cuiit lte Otuoncial part of theeew fcreecr end te reecvetiee cf te hall. Thte FaIS Buke Sale muc dîscesîrd aid wll bos beldi in Mil500 in ltse nmrly pari cf Noveasher. fi mas docided titat ths Guild wold precide lanchens fer lte Haltai Plougis Match sehicit mdl be beldi on the fasse cf Eari McDoeil et Satorday, Nec. 1. It mas aise decided that a denatien ho gicen te the Litile Helps Hollcwo'en Party. Moeloora moe semaoded cf tho ceegregaticeai scial te ho beldi in Noeomiter with tho foillemiog ceeceeos intcharge: Mss. Bco Ceekco, Mss. Cliff Hootso aid Mos. Craig Reyce. Felemiof thn itusinoss Mss. lise Plant intsedaced Mss. Clocrters, e Beecty Ceanselles, mite gave a cery intesostief doeensisetien and talk ce skio cote. Mss. Bill Bradley mat thte moeo fer the deostratcon. Theo meeting cloeod mith te rpatîeg cf theo Lerd's Frayor. Luncho mas served loy theo itosomtes mu ws cooistod loy Mss. Cseig Reyce. Thetecreatîce cettimitten cf the Beyne Ceseinnity Centre iteld titeir secod ecire cf tho fuît sects ce Fcidey nigit. Oct. 17. Titoro more 14 tables cf ecloe se play with thte prizs guief te te fciiemiog mies; Mcc. Harold Roed, Mss. e Stokes, Voeîo Bradley ced Clae Ford. Tho icy dramo more men loy Mos. Macd ILusrene, Mss. Fred Smeith, Harold Reed and red Smith. Luch wsea ervcd ced a teriai iteco ejyed. The coul ecire perty cutite bcteld et Fsîday eensieg, Oct. 31. Tht fotoilo meesting of ltse Heseby Mmlt Bala mas flaerd ai lte home cf Mss. Johno Cordingley on Satarday, OCe. 1f. at 9.15 s.m. mhe meeting eeidait it ritee setiog cf the 4H Fledge. Mnis cf te precicas meeeting mere fad loy te secoelaey, Valerie Elle. Thte roil cail fer itis meeting mcs, "Ny scre sheet fer lait meekis seis and cor way I cee isepsove tl", was aoimood by afi lte girls ccd titen stey decided miticit girls mccld mate tloe recipos iticit sere chesen loy the leaders. Janet Cepeiend andl ludy Gordon cecked Beef Sîne; Joyce Wilson and Velesie Elle mode dcseplingi te go miti tihn sier and Mary Baker aed Citristie Ksectz wseod lte dishes. The pross sepester electod fer titis meeting mas Baritara Le Riche. Neot. sere taeon ce itcyicg srcas ettey mee given loy Mss. Rey Wilson. The tees meeting wili hcoun Mcnday eeoiof, Oct. 20, as 7.00 p.se. Roc. Ted Lutz mus in charge cf ste serseon, "Thte Ged mite ansmers loy Osre is Ged", as Eden United Chuscit us Sunday. Ms. Luis is a lectures on te Depeosseevi cf Near Eaitrn Stedies et Victoria University en Toronto. Ho is clo ie charge cf Hilicrît and Brihel dcsseg te absenoceocf Rev. Keih Hawekes. Mr. ced Mss. Kenetit Soutit, lsey ced lase more dictes and Mr.OaRendislt. Mod fasauly. Annle=ae irsIss e s amd MssMedBi h 1 s.eairals Ehelr wsddiog oossiveray on Salurday, Ot. 25. Bfctloday griestiogsaors wislssd for the follomlog cellbraig their loirllodoyo; Mes. Fred Litr and Mss. Gamnt Hewde et Oct. 26, and Mss. John Fortes on Oct. 28. Mr. aid Mos. Arthur Fiaitar expeuirdi hoeonc Wedoeiay freia cery enjeyoitio trip -ceh West Cost. They visitnd with Mr. ond Mos. Russeli Guonnas and faily fer one meeo in Brittish Columbtia. Mss. Garness is a sistos cf Mr. Fiait. They ose coloctîtg home loy the U.nitnd States. We r socy le hear thot Gordon Faclew is a patient in the Millt District Hospital fellcmitg c hecol ottcck os lois hoe c cceotiy. Mr. Faclee is a locher cf Mro. Clarence Ford. Atoîvoosasy groollego te Mo. ced Mro. Gaccy Hameilton who miiil celoitroto their mndditg coolcsccy et Satocday, Oct. 25. The Northt Trafalgar Etchon Clubt miii held thoir Sost edore pcoîy cf the onaso on Satccdoy olgit. Oct. 25, ot 8.30 p.m. Final plans havo heen mode loy the Edrt Y.P.S. fer their Haloeoco Dance sehicit miii bo helil ce Friday oeeing, Oct. 24. A rembre Party mos seerét roceetly loy the Susno Laino Acxiliccy sehico mot heid at the Norlth Trafalgar Recrectice Contre. Thora visit Osrptabaof touce se play nit titiFriles t te sfolownsg Mlliers, Pascocis, Cllff Nortoo, Mms. Haold Rsad. The doo poins was mon loy Harold Raid. Luncht mac sesved and s social hemr eoed. Tise Aoias imnsd te itold thsic =airo once o mentot and hoe fer s Intgeroatteodaoce tOIt asooth. CAN CIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Coma In for a comploe. appralsall today. BILL'S AUTO BODY. 878-2721 -,Te frost Ia on thé. -Cbi$Ulst ajuslalossattwo opaati.u - w y. ROUND STEAKS....................... 9U lb. SIRLOIN & T-BONI STAK .......99e lb.- LOM A LAUNDRY DITERGEIr ... 5 Ibo. 89c FIlM LUNCHEON MEAT, 12 oz.------- 59c P.E.I. POTATOES, 25 lb . ............ 99c IMPI. LODOE BUlTTER ....... ...69e Wb AMWELL HOUSE COFFEE .........75c Ib. LAST 3 DA YS - THURS. -FRI. -SA T.! SA LE ENDS A T 5.30 SA T. OCT. 25THV! IF YOU HAVE NOT SHOPPED RYAH'S GREAT FAUL SALE, YOU SOLO FOR 50 LITTLE. WHAT SELECTIONI WHAT VALUESI YOU WILL AGlEE DON'T KNOW WHAT YOIJ ARE tdISSING. HIVER,_WAS 50 111CI WITH US THAT A SHORT TRIP TO RYANS WILL PAY Off WELI FREE! AT RYAN'S IN GUELPH! FREE! AT RYAN'S IN GUELPH! FREE! AT RYAN'S IN GUELPHI A set front Charles of the Ritz valued WE WILL MARE VOUR NEW FALL DRAPES E -s $55. 00, corrossefn of Lipstîik and Nail Cars A O C S O H IKN a aa,.agf fOaqa lusEsD aatvlsia 30,ui witit the purchase of $5.00 or more of A OCS O H AIG1Yurcieàqf fQeqe lusEuD olte iude 30,wt CHAR LES 0F THE RITZ Yas pay only for the asatarials uai. thse purelosa of $3.00 or moare of Goalquas Fleura Cousis. Viait Ryan'a Vis Ryn'sOrper Det.(Lein loo) nd nspctCommt:s Dapt. an the osts flaor lafora Eaiaey at 5:30 eid aa Rpam' Bnauty Products - sold exclcîseely in Guelpht tvir aneo Drsa eris n d et. (1mour) s dtafh ievuslacton of Quelques Fiasuls Caais aend toile advntalla of tiis qlfft offer. Ev Ryans. Visit our Street Floor Coseties rh i ralf.aniaditoe nfac Dept. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tc fo uldul.Tiofrddea eto h00 cou car havai ccc, drapas miada et. for fuant. offer AT NO COST TO vOU, FOR THE MAKING. Offer ends Sat. MCT. 25âh ai 5.3 IREG. CHRISTMAS 61F1 WRAP 98 18 seu ince7 c SAVE ON BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS- Reg. ced ci'., stylas4 7 .. REG. 5kft - $1.79 SALEI BATHROOM HAMPERS " o I RE6. 19.98 115-98 10 $12-78 $950 c. f.r y-seilf rcd cfii 8 F SAVE 25%07 ON BRAND MME LUOGE Ijm u ttira so a er LMf..,. b o h 2 4 .3 LadiSa end Mon'$ levyle in REG.- $32.50 $55.00 MO $3.93 REG- '19.50 MEN;S SUITS ALL 40001 SUITS, SMARTLY TAILORED, IN POPULAR SHADES s4 . SENSATIONAL SAVIN6S ON FAMOUS ALPACAMA COAUS REG. $15J.00 TO $95.00 Hors tloey oral Nationally faas Alpassasa Topsoat ea is, love prisa. Waoas, bu ih nwih.Good $5O0 .00 NO DOWN PAVMENT ON RYAN'S ALL-PURPOSE ACCTS. OR YOU MAY USE Tout CHARGEA AT OTAN'S. RYA S FGEP -I WI 0111$. X. GUELPH "%AT TM OSWAII" REGW. SAVE Y2~ ON LADEMITTSI oi.: asarinif Acrdio In iaid. ciouts9 e REG. rdGLwoaaafnirpr.tiard 9 E9.0 etpc Lsarnt ool i.frAsot. s3.771 RE.CANTALON SHEER 110E 3 pair $1.29 a0 Caca os vrarin thea populos Il7 I PA R i 4 $1.EO is teri est i esh tcli 69-1 Y2~ PRICE LADIES'IWDJRY 5aaslful Fairoo .lasalary 50 idd - IoM iroutils. arasases Fias. Elle. RE6. $2.0NJ110.00 TO $5.0 I Casa. FarOiais~ ie. es. u.u

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