$7 NWAL ISTATE 1, KIL ESTATE Iî~ KIL ESTATE Is~ REIL RITAT! lv RFAI POTATE iv RÇAl POTATP I Ph. Ceadian Chamnine, Wgdnaodav, Oesrbae 55. 1969 a -- -. --.------...--- - - - - - - I.- I*' r. I _______________________ E~. c ~RES~BBd_ * Insurarro. Ltdr j nEALTORO 324.910 PULL FRICE - Smart sporlaaaa bringriose wltla atfgdred garage Large tîvmg mom cornbiealloa kitchen - dinleg erra Tbree hodmoms - bofisraom -lotI dlvlded hersert mirIt extra hedrooer or ders, Larsdseaped lot. trees etc. Opsu lu offre. WELCOME TO YOUE FUTURE HOME - a neot dean Clama - hrdraum bungalow wlth a apaclaus L abaped lvlrg ard dlalag raom. Bothrsum mlth varily. FuS dlvlded baremeet, umort panellrd eerreatlon raom . bar. dtn or Otgs hodrauca. Large landrroped loL Ideat loratisu, dose lu adagols, Luted -Feice $26.900. Vendue outIl gake bock a 2rsd muelgage If neaessaey. OOUNTRY LOTS - bgautifsd 10 acre lut sltsooted rorth of Miluon, wuoded. seporateti, ssoreeyed, 245 fout froutage. LIsted 312.100, S1I0Ô domu - Ideol bsollding lut - -ultsmtrd un Guelph Une, roulis 0f Compbetlvllle. 1SF r 215 sepaeated sud aumuyed COURT STESET - Comgortable ard corvenleet lu domatuses - aider type, three hodrrom Isouse, Living raorn migIt 11s-g- place - suporate dlr6rsg rouer. Spaclusas kitchen, lOem Itausirg rIsteru - ouerptetely eewk-ed, Lisled Frire 322,100. OFEN TO OFFER-Wetl derigaed 3-hod. bsmgalowwiubartacbed garage - onrabiratior bing end dinlng muer - labour sovlag hocher - ceramir tOnd honlamom - susmer panel- ted recreatior rouer mils bull la bar. ause lu sdsoulr ard park. Lirteti paire 325,900. "KEEP PACE WITH INFLATION - - INVEST N REAL ESTATE" Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Streof - Milton 97g.6295 ur 878-6592 REALTOR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE Exclusive Imo ssurep hume, un large trerd -lot overluoklag scetsic acreage. 4 bedrocers sud hothmom ond entra batbroom off essor hodoacer, ail aichty broadloomed, oo second floue. Large livirg raoer mlth fireplare, dining touer mirh biallîcias ohino cablaet. dca, waohraoer sud large fatsuily kitchen. atur sun raom ovm4oukng scerin vaSey. Walk ouI brorment ou patio coasistu of Smo wood psrelled morne, fireplacu sud large wnrb muer. AltacIseti doreble garage. This is a prestige home siguaird vee5c cureraient lu 401 Highway. Ownee Oraasfett-ed lu Weuuem Canada. Faire 046,500. Resgoires 820,000 dosun poymenu. Cal homo ard Auchie Gaiers, 979-6980. COUNTRY LIVING 034,900, Wetl rnnstractod 3 itedrouer brick home un large 1>4 acre lot. Deligltscut kitehen oad diuing area. Large living raom with fireplace. Bathmom wirh buitt-in vaaity. Reonuericol bot soater heting mitit uit. TItis fine borne munI -ho seen lu ho appreciatrd. 320,000. Smart rag brick home with S bedrosers om 94 acre lut. Living muer mish Oireplace, large foanily kitchen witbood- les of cuphoards. Beautifal rea. roorn pou suiS ho prsud lu enteetain lu, mith bar anti uther entras, lu Carnpbell- viNe area, couvesient lu 401 Hwy. MunI ho finonceti. 320,500. A liotie jemel uf o home for a renierd coaple or neraît Oaer0y. 2 bedroners, livingroner, kitcdsen ard bafhraoer. Extra bedmuer in hosoment. Hem gas fomoce. Garage. Luvely lot aI nirely londucoped. Requiers corh. For Ihme horner cal Anes aod At-chie Ceiras, 878-6980, iNCOME HOMES 325,800. 2 apartmcnt hume or quiet street, convenieno to dousu laser arsa. This wbfte frarne borne bas 3 bedmuers, bath raorn, lirlagmous diniog muer, kilsdser ard uts lOy mon au main fluor Self-contained une hodmum apartereol on second floue rom eroted. Seing solti berasoe omner is cranafarerd 328,900 b central hitîton, cou seif-contolurd 2 hedmuer aparl- mentu or tovety treed lut uvrrlomking park. Dont miss aeeang Ibis fine trcome pmperty. Requiers haîf roda. 542,900. There is plerty uf muer bore for childeru, fouies, aiding r homes, keomels or aoytisiog potar heort dosires, large 2. storey bricb home, in immoualate condition, mifh Il roono, nom divded la 2 complrtely seîf-cooulaired apart- erents. Spocloas living mues on moin fluor sebtIt watt-te- malt braotilouer. foerily morn mith fireplore. Mout ho seen ou -ho opperclated. 2.8 ocres of land seitIt net brick bora, attacbed choble garage sud shop. For these bornes coOl Anna sud Amble Cuiras 870.6990. GOOD BUILDING SITES b North Buolinglon, I acre appmved lut for tise home of your dtu8ce. Frire 35,100. Colt Auna sud Arohie Ceiras. 879-4980. ta Nortgt Oglasilte, choire lot for a gond hume, la area of guoti homes, 1 ocre. Frire 915,000. CaO Auna sud Archie Caires 178-6980. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Enjoy potar huliday sehile eroking a prafif. 9 bmauekeeping col- s nages for sole, rnmpletrly fumldted, beavy duty electaic ntoves, 2-piere botbroomu, or sue of the sofest, clearmu herbes la Ootarls. South Sauble. For more information, phone ICennerh Sperre 878-4610. GIBSON WILLOUGi-OBY LIMITED Roprelentativos Anna and Archie Cairns 540 Malo Street E. Mi8tor o- Phono 878-6980 K.nnetb Spence Charles Martin LE. 3 iloer E. E. Ho, 1, h00lue. 878-4615 878-2161 17024 WANTED Private Sale Homos - Acreago - Farmo WR SlAVE several bsayeea fraie Matra Toronlu wbo arr onu. sus on psaraitoae prugtesty lis ard arerard Mtitua, TItis is us opportsarlty for pou lu re- celve top dollars sud mues Ou your deeser borne. We must art suw. These bupers mOl rot mail. SO CALL SlOW Mrs. Annotte Chuchmach MIlan representative d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER 878-2051 Spaclous cusîom bujit 3-4,ed- room home, on quiet court. - Attached double garage. -Suukesredwoodpauelled livieg room with fluor lu ceil- no atone fireplace. - Large, bright kitriten with separate dioing area. - Master bedrootu bas bulît- us vaoity. Double sînko lu batftroom. - Finished basernurt'oitlt pattelled des aod washroorn. Mosyeotras includisa drapes aod bruadluom. 6 percent tetortuage. Phono 878-2433 17c22 INCOME HOME Large older hume. hou ho en cooverîrd lu 3 self-coutained apar mets la domutosen area, Good income. Rucelleut Cern con be oeranged. Omner seul rake hock I mortgage, 4 BEDROOMS - MILTON This lonely ail elerlrir home hou beau redormi la paire as oms ers hare bosghu. 4 large hodmomu, ail snith double rIs Ibm closels. kitchen, dining mom ond living room, targ family raum wlth malla-out Ou hock garder, 4-plere hall woth entra washroom, hoosotifslly landsmped. wllhk wolklrg distance uf downtumn ard uchuols. Frlerd g 535.010 mith good termu, $25.900, Lovely 3-hedraser bungalow, on nlrely treed lut mith garage, opu lessly dem. Ashirg cash to a 696 morîgage BUILDING LOTS Spepside. 2 acres. $9.000, Hormby, 1 acre, 312,100, STELLA PARTON - Milton 878-6705 17r2 I xi 56 YBARS OONTINUOUS SERVICE Member uf the Tumeto. Oetaaio sud Orbeille - Trofrlgrr c RouI EssaIe Boardu GUELPH CIRCA 1525 - 16-muer s se home, 7 hedmumu, 3 ho s, draming mum, sittiug mum, both 15 u 22, dining mum 119 s 25, usoming mum, butteru poutey, -tibrary, brigbt cheerful kitchen, cuach hunu. Frire 5411,000. Glati- ys Richarduon 078-2777. FRIVACY WITHOUT ISOLATION - 2 peur olA 6-hedmous hume, 3t1 hathu, 3 stoua fireptacru, famiiy mum, rutertoiumrttt mum, licing ru-ous, dining ronrn, ultra modem kitcheo. double garage, on 2>4 acreuaf moudtaud groundu. Frit-o 1130,000. Gbodys Richarduos 070-2777. SMALL LUCRATIVE OUStNESS - 310.000 mitb $25.000 doms paymenî. Gladyu Riohurduon 878-2777. 100 ACRES - ius-astmeuî tond, 123,000 on acre. Gludys Richard- son 878-2777. NEEDED - Homes in the $20.000 tu 330,000 prit-e rau go. Gbadys Richurduor 078-2777. NOW s oho Timo ta Buy Your Home (n (ho Country ESQUESING - gtb Line, duptes, 2 years old, 2-hedmous opart- meut, 4-car garage, un 2 ocres 0f sud. Frire 545,000. Mahe an uffer. Dereti Lawreucr 078-9543. ESOUESINO - 3rd Line, S miles uorth of hilton, spurkliug t-rd brick bungalow. 4 yrars oid, bocaird on haif acre lu t-huit-r farmiug ama, 3 guod hedmums, 4-pirce titrA bath, fuit basemont. Frit-e 122,500. ESQUESIHG 8th LINE, 2 miles ttot-th of Grargetomu. 4 hedrouns uplit tevel hitchen dining area living tstum, sbour firepluce, fiuishnd fumiiy mum, O F. 0. Douhîr uttachrd garage Frsce 532,800 M.L S. Druail Lamreucr 078-9543. HORNBY - (9th Lino, Ouki, Attracuise 3-bedmuns storey ard a haif utuno-stut-ro home, uit-o barge living mous, gond uieekitrbeu.rsîralargrgurugraudastorugosbodon t. acres of baud. 127.500. Good trt-tmn. HORNBY - l9th Line, Ouki, Brautiful 4-taedmum home, bit- t-heu, dinina motu spot-bus living mous, ret-. double garage, tuaI nhod, ast 2 ut-rus of lord. 135.000. Oson- erwiit tube bat-k fcrst morigago. Trusu tu ho urrauged. ROBEET ST. - Dupies. 2-bedroum apurtmruts. un ait-r trerd lot, muveuirut ho domotomo area. 339,000. Oscuer miii rares. a large fiest rnortgage ou gond termu. LOTS and ACREAGES 2 lots in Elibritie, 150 n 425. $8.500 eacb. 2 lots on Nu. 5 Sidemad. Nassagameya. 17,000 each. llutonNu.SHwy.,Sartlagtun. Hasoguodmelluppmvedby HeoltIt Unît. $10.000. 10 at-no tusor bIllIon. 320,800. 2>4 acres, No. 5 Hmy. north of Doudus. 910,900. ESGUESING 3rd LINO erar Nittun, lut 125 u 220. Frit-e $0000. Dencil Lawreuce 078-9543. Listings sud sale of aIt types of praperty mil erreive uur persoual prompt arteutios. DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 845-4267 Meushor Af the OakviIle Eral Rutate bord GLADYS RICHARDSON 434 RINGELEIGE COURT - 878-2777 17024 Successful Auctions Begin Hem ED K3TO!~ Ntuoty-fîve acres of hoastifol lord slose lu Camphettvolte fmrgs ourusomuals. 1hereoreocreuofmotsrebauhmithmlling trer-fronteal grasslandn. Ideal foc foture developusent, Omeor coku 11.100 pur acre. One at-re building lot oresi of Compholle9lte in o vrey pratoy icoation. About baîf bush ard un a ntopa, Ibis Ina perfect spot for that spit.tevel homo of yuoc drearns. 30,000. Onohalfat-t-a.iree.fs-utstrdosldu-ithaotidbushaaaborkdmp t-busc to Campbrhinille ond Hwp. 401. SlighOy rotling sud sont drained thin s o pmtîy aud convenleot locaglor. Bas nom, baud loter. $5.500. Commandic,0 a fcnr vtocs of Ohe countryside for mites, this there bedronus bungalow un the sbepe of ihe Eurarpmert buastu a but-fa livingrous with wond paneling, fireplore and hulit-ins. h hou a fait diningmum, basemeot gar~, anti isjustafrscmiuoiesnnrîhuf hilton. Opeutouffer. This unique brrr brimons bungalow bas a large carpeeteti icriug/diniug urea, bright meS - eqtaipped huchet, mud- ruomiovo-t-aroarageattachodandissituotedonoone at-rebut. NortbufCampholtvilleoudjuatafescminutes frous Hmp. 401 ihin hume nAît apprat to pou. Open to offe r. Threr large hedmumu. Lcvino/diniugmuer ovith fireplace. WaIk- oui suu deck. Hunorer but-bm equinuseun. Large rusa- t-oc huseesrnt furt.ge. Ton batin-ooms. Fruced haîf acre but. Oscuerauko $20.000. Make an offer. Wr have several more set-y attractive lots and at-songes Corne to beautiful Causpheltrilie and catI us. BUY LAND NOW BUILD LATER H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Local Rop. JOHN L. NEWBOLD, Campboiiville 854-9968 878-3888 _________________________________ 17c24 Christie & Woods Real Estato Limited IROKERS 189 Main St., Milton JUST LISTED 120,900 fuit price, 3 - hodroum hoogaiow, large living room, dioiug t-cous, hitohen, 4-piece bath, fuît hasemeut, fiuished hodroom and recreatios ostru moubrouso. To rus s. 124500 luIt price, 3 - bedroom brich huogaloco, iiviog room, toput-axa diuiog roum. large hitchen tcith saturai cup- hourds. fuît bosement, land- srapod lot uud poord drive. To rus s. COUNTRY HOME 526.500. fou prit-e, 3 brdroom ht-lt-h oplitiovol urd garage. Hodscood hurt throughoat otrupt kitobro aud bath schirh at-r tilo. Trers ai reor cf lot. Tot-uss. 127.900 luit prico. hraud nous 3- hosircous hrirh buogaltro, L- shupod liciug uud diuiug cocus. firopluco, hitchen mith saturaI cuphourdo, 4-pieco bath aud 2-pince washroum, ail cabrai socodscot-k, fuit hacomoot, situaird ou haîf lot. Tot-ms. 035.000. bu pt-lt-o 3-bedroors ht-îch huogaloos. L-shaped liv- cog uoddiuing.hitrhrnmith usodaro atihot-ito cuphoards, 4-pr. bath. lauvdt-y t-oom. 2 rat- gat-ogo. foil hasement. ACREAGE 90 at-rt-oc. .4-3-mo 565.000. 20 at-roc. Ashirg 114,000. 42 at-t-on, partly rloarod ard gt-at-ri pit. Askirg 142,000. 10 art-oc, pavod t-oud. Ashcog 511,000. CALL 878-2095 878-6057 17c24 19 LEGAL The 5Halton County Medkal Society Wichr., ro aflît-tus thut its uscmhoocoesoico to continue 10 prut-tîso modicino witb the mot-aI ard ethirot stots- dardc cf pt-olosviouul carras jr tho paut. Modtcal fort noor r effect in tIaitor Couuty scîli out ho rbaogod os Ottohot- 1, 1969. On- tat-io Hoaith Sot-vit-os lusuraure Flao, bt-crever, colinot urces- sut-ilyrovor lbroutireamouut ut your dartot o htll. Thn pot- crI ict-rsporsiblofortherr- Fir,,,r rocaît cout- osco dor- t,,r broc h.. lrt-c Hoiton County Medicai Sociefy 19h24 Bethmarlen Hoîstein DispersaI 73 HEAD Tho bord ol 3. G. Cation, R.R. b, Cbnlieuhum, ut Georgetoon 001er Argon THURODAT, OCTOBRE lSed At t 30 pus. Hard chuscifit-atcunc 30 Gond Pics, t Vrry Gcod, 9 Ouod. 40 SOiklog Cama 18 Berd Halera 55 Opera Helfera md Calera ACCRE-OITRO RINCE 1930 ROF. FOR FAST 15 Y-RARE Gloorue Sky Chief (V.O.l - 23 daogb bers seli. Plus 3.4% un 1000 daus. Otvidood Cbqutoor 1-Estra> - 17 duugbters soit. Plus 2.6% on 416 daus. SOME 0F THE HIOHLIOHTSc 23 Sky Cbtef daus. Records ruuocua Omus 12.000 su 15,000, 303 day division. 4 Roeiaud daus. Witb some bang t5,S00 tu 18.000 Ibu. miib. 17 Divideud Clipper duus. t-rom yvung calvos tu hreeding agrfrouscowsmithul0toî40 ICA. 4 Carrpiag sent-e to Sriting Rookusan - 6 Currviog semice to Spring Fat-m Rofîcotion Ormtiby. Dovh mIss thissale cf hait padcgrrcc, as you buse tho colt- portuucty un put-t-base the raI- ht-o 30 t-utile ihat suiS help yoar Paît milk domard. - ALSO SELLINO AT 1.30 p.m. - 020 LBS. -SIUE QUOTA ROCKWOOD INTERNATIONAL LIVEBTOCIC LTD. Sole Managera Buu 67, Georgetoma, OuL Phone bArra Cade 4465 077-4101 - 8774101 2Bo16 20 AUCTION SALES Ward Brownridge Licersed Asectioreer Farrn - Livegtork Furniture Sales R. R. 2, GIO>RGETOWN. Phono 878-6730 2Ooug AUCTION More Auction Sales this week on Page 10 SALE FOR ESTATE 0F THE LATE MES. 8h14h31 BELL IN MILTON Dorner of 'Martin St. ced Base Line (neot Bell Bros. Garage> ou SATLRDAY, OCTOBRE lilIr At 12 arn. FURNITIIRE - Chesterfield APPLIANCES - Eleutrir aud chair; coPIer table lsoodcuotertoP utuve and oven; Fr1. tise une>; 2 ocal bail inhies <very bottomfreeaer~excellent); Old goodi; oval coffre table (good); Crosos Huron coula atove smoll round toble Ifancyt; hall Igondt; Donsinion electrir brnoh and mirror; 2 large table stove; Dotnînios rairigerator; lonspo Imatchedi; old nursisg Frigidaire dryer; Imperial porI- rocker, cone back ond seat; able dishasooher Igoodone>; chcsterlîeId ond 2 choira; moga- White elecsric sewing matisine. nine rack; captains chair; cane MISCELIabNEOUS - Braso chair; uld harreat table; childu jardiniere and pair brous vaser; aicher ormchoir f good use); large pointotg, guld frame; 1gw baby crih, old and good; pine torts; rotary toms enoseer; hianket box; set of Thibeau cuukisg atensils etc. turniturrconsioting 50 day bed, artscbair, occasionol chair, ru- HOIJSE-Alsotobeogfered, cher and foutosool, soogouine subject tu o reasonoble tu- rock, o heautiful set<likeneml; serre bid, s a4-roorn and bath, tusto brodhoard, 2 side tables brick bungalow, hou mater aud large dresser; montai heating. The dwetlit~ muot ho dock; radio; RCÂ Victor pur- muved fruer ehe permises mitb- tohie TV in 60 doys. TELMO; CASH DAY 0F SALE. Euocotororao~ticomr nul rmpuasible for ruridealr, MAX STOREY, Borkmogd. 15h16 Auctlnoeer. ANTIQUE AUCTION ON WEDNRSDAY EVENINO, OCTOBRE 22 au 7.10 FN. At Agricuttural Hait la hilton GLASS aud CHINA - fittre- choir; yarn minder; choie mitIt fiy uud herry Comivol howt repe seat; Boston rober; aud 6 matchiug frait noppies; chittis ruekiag choir; 3 presred rorerrd crystat weddiug ruer- baok chairs; otd higIt choir; pote; arcbed uval sooter pitch- chest uf dromers; teachero et-; ct-anhrrry caudp dish; desk frunu otd Beit uchoul; erg- biomu giats mater pitcher; md hugany tabte; Victurian arer- ard bior uuup tamen mitb choit-; nu. of udd otd chairs. plate; OlA Nuggrt coke stand; bat-hie ard star compute; cucua LiOthOFS - Gare mith tht put crilh2cupsaudsaucrrs;WindtampsInoltohip;cotor- chooso dish; Olti Huggeî comp- ed base lustqs; figer Imupu sud oIe; brooru ard ushite patteru- other uit tampo; butin' epe ed S0~ tureren; opalescent lOStsp. caudp dcsh; honeycoesb gubtet; - coffre cot, 9 pirces- NS star- eAOIOBENWARE KIt. - h nu or cake stand- shuttie shu- Epuon hou; butter buort, priats, diug mug, 00. uf pieces icI Or- ladIes etc.; pire candîruticlas; oustoce; Cumuatiun plates; Ir- brous attarcaodteutidks; trie- onstoor basin aud 100- O Fb ris; irons; poulcords; houka; Blur soop plates; curered veg otd botties; atereouculte ond elablo dishes; feus otd ulîser cards, scitchu pot; brasa jely pcrt-os. poil; lautere; bambou eauel; nid rarpeuters bonIs: pictures FURNITIJRE, mostly roflu- aud frumes; Coufederate hayon- isbed - Marbir topprd fine et; coules; hetîs; imu tea ket- ssavh shond; bambuo osihot-unt: tir- cottage style clark, murla- 2 Vit-lut-ian uidr chairs, ululouino c.g. s-ming mit-tut-, fers. utard; mbeoi;muisutuursingrocker;umbrrltahutder; cmeksand captacos chair, oricinat stencil; lugu; uerdtepuirt complete for sidghoard; mapla srash stund; Louis chair (seat, bock aad mupie t-radie; pife lump table; arussi; udd pieces 50 uteetile- 2 nrrdlr1noiut chacrr; caurd point. A good offrriug of uld items, la guod condition, Hall or aut-tioneer vot respeesible for arcîdereto. TERMS - CASH. MAX STOEEY, Rorkmood. 20c24 Auctiomeer. AUCTION SALE 0F YOEK8EIBE 80W8, FAIM IMPLEMENTS, HOUBRBOUI CONTENTS A ehe form, Concosuion 3, Lut 3, appmusmalely I miSa ssut8a uf Cumphoîrille, rlgh; on the Gselph Laie. FOR CEEIS 05000 SATIJRDAY, OCTOBRE 19gb At I per. 3 somu. dur ufprouimotely sorlous siars 50 pipe <ittinga Nor. 20 - 4nh litbor; Yurkubioe aud pipe; qooutity 0f scrap las bmoding boue, ont cf mg. stoch, ov;creom ramu; 247 gai. mater lyaut-oid;Svouuggiîtuduetank;24barnfan;appronim- brocreru Oct. 24 - Nov. 4. ateiy 80 gaI. 50 dark green bora Trot-toc, Abus Chalmers ~ palot; pory soddle sud bridle, ------------------------------------------oudaunesc. miSs coud rcsbher, n ucce mu- niug ordor; 7 fi. Allis Chulsuers FRED - Appmuimalrty 000 double disc; us anure sperader; bales tif choice mismi boy. 2-farrow 16>4 plous; 8-section bar- set Af t-bain hart-oms, ou- 0h50 - 1962 Fuetiac, 4 dour, y t year nid; 5 fi. boy mumer; V-O, oaîurnatic, selSng au b, Massry Fergusun forage hlm- H er; 3 furrom truibor ptow- Joho OUSPIHOLO - Cheoteslietd Deerrcautivatorsgoodones;2and2moochisgchatsi 1onis~ 2-cobrel-larer îraitern sud racla t-lbair,2mmsegbsimrteltpboer on ralsibor; mhiiewaob uproyer. - tables; ssmugbO Iran eisd tis8- ru; vanity ond large erleror; Il-mn gralu drili; farer on- hedronm dreuser mils mlerae; cou, un robbrr; net 50 doubla t-brut Af droseers; mordausho; discs. sIen utour huai; gardes soel bed anA ussootresa. stugla; smdrs: Cycboue urasu seeder, doit prom; taFge dol bed; 710, boys bîryrbo; plo croir; -boscraso; 2 imiîaîiou flueplar- pig fat-dat-; grain grindor. 9' rc, i abomîcora chorus dour, 32 plates; 2,046 ibs. scairs; bag lu. O b OtO'. G. E. mrieger tmch; fonuing mut; 32 05. ex. wasbingmat-biue.gondassem; tension tadder; o' 60 fi. ensIles uval fluor rosa; table Issiopa; brît; 4 60 fI. drive heIt; lieter steam iran sud lise regular roraier aud trocla, ail complete; huonebold dishe. TERME ARE CASE. Fares lu 5014. Omore sud auctluesser 000 reoponslble for arolderor. CHRIS A. SCSOUTEN. Au00~r Plame 879-2578, I~lrrL 2. Laisgtdyk, Clark. 20 AUCTION SALES For Competo Auction Sorvico CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER Saler of all typer, Bla or amatI, III do them all. Sales corducîrd anysehere, Toi. 878-2576 RR, 3, hilton, GeL 25e-g 55TINY'~ HOPKINS LICENSRD AUCTIONEER Phono 878-2657 20c44 WELLINGTON COIJNTY Hoîstein Club Sale To be held ot Foir Gresudo in EEI'Pd on PIOIDAY, OCTOBRE 241h At 12 noue. 100 H'EAD 0F TOP ANIMAIS - Tino is a scemothiug for ro- oryooe sale. The hest herds in the Coooly arr represeuird. Sorvirrahîr ugo but lu 141; caices; openandhrrdbei- lers, orvet-ai duo sale time; 12 arr lrom Vety Gond dams mit-h rocords 10 19.000 Ihu. Also selling, 5 grade heifers. due sale Thss s a mal choice offerirg. Flou tu attend. Catalogues avaclable f rom Harry Ounuor, Club Srcretaoy, Rochocord. MAX STOREY, Eockssuod Solo Manager & Auctioneer Assisird by Aies Fat-o, Erin. 20h16 COMPLETE