The. Cansadien Champion, Wadnasy, Orgoitas' 15, 1969_________________________________________________ Milton District High School FIag Hlies at haif mast for Ted Hood Byh Chard Pait ia ene's liseosl, especially if il espeesens lise deat of a Witi th lseudden pasuiag of Tedi Hood la bis l'fit and ainal yer ut Miltoa Higit, eceeyone began la receli tes mosl neesorsitie remarks i las oand has rats1 pisys oo te football field, alltougit Ted bita eeceived hie greuleel recognition as a Junior hockey star la Milton. His poplaaity around lie scitoot unas greut ced lihe nany emply salss la ]ast Tuesday aflereoon s classes mere representatice of how mesaS feit. The scitoUl has Ulso heau pesylag for Dace Hunleea former Iludent of M.D.H.S. and ses of Mo. Hunier oae principat. Daveereceived aeibus laijuries la lte lragic crash of Oct. 4 and il wisited a fast ced full recovely ity çveeyane ut Milaon Higit. MAM. Robinson Joggers By Donna-ace BYes Are yoae "panIs" t00 short? Do you rus upstairs to classes oeliy ta find yoatself gasplag for ittealth mien you llaally reacit your seat? Are you fiadlag il more and more diffecoît to ease lobo yoter reguaU chair in tite cafeteria? DISGUSTING! Especially when lthe facilities to keep in shape cee sei close at head. Suai taikto 01 memiters of a eecently foemed cluit, thte 1,000 Mile Clubt. it stoeted Ut thte begiaalag of titis year and already one femule student hue mun 28 iles. The memiters go out every mornlag befote classes aad ut ntght after scitool. Howeveî, jogging mort bce donc on yooe oms tcee and the recordiag of lte soinher of laps cmpleled is laiten Ut lthe girls' ced btoys' pitysical *education office on thte itonor systec. Yoa trc agaiost yoorselfcend oshea members of lthe clubt. A citart of she femeale miniers lui been posîrd outside in lthe Sysn mlag wite she hoys' chire ls kept safely in lte pitysical oducalien office, Afeaid yoa'll sitew us Up, eh mes? Ttc list lacludes: clady Weller 28 miles, mar Lau Middlerook 11, Peggy Moorceoft 9, Jocene Kieches 6, Joanna Bird 5, Ruth The girts' itashetitail lacens, botjusorh aad seaior, have bega iti eclic scisedule once aSoin. The trams witit sei faces pries avtse 110 expeeienced cictoey as of yet as lise juaiors bast 4e-la aad lte semeiors were droppel 45-14. Theaesday lte Seniors were defeated by a somnemhat sisailar score wite lte Juiors failed 2e-le againsa Witite Oaae. Wilis Tuesday's gaine being poslponed onîl Thursday the Junior Mustangs were iven a geaI citonce to work aoue titeir nem backfed, miticit resealîrd ia a nerprising 16-15 vicloey over lise Blakelocit Taitiies. The gaine, te first oe our brUnd nem field mas a must for Milton, itomever a vlctoey scemed for off as Biakelock bita wos te lagae opener againet lte Mustangs ity a score of 20-0. The defease once agon mas thte backitose of lte leass as Larry Beauhies fourni a stray pais fron lthe Taitiie qatertacit faliag lot fls smo ced smepI m intte end zone for lthe finil Mustang TD. The conversion mas mode ity Sias Thomas la fls firît gamne as a Mustang Q.B. The offense ltesn turord 10 lte tce of Poee Roiterts for imo siagles, moetmg lte couait to9-0. At Ihat poinl t ite garie thte Taitiies took overmiitimto iouchdowns on long pa and rus plays alose wish o imo priai convrsion and o single, teaviag the Mostcegs eind 15-9. Au tlaee itegan le run outin llthe fourlth quarter a ittacked punI ity Solo Zamitta chceged lthe Milton itencit froce e slessa locationo ta o tapiag scerie. Prom the Taitbie 30 yard lare a pilci to1 Pele Roiterts rreulted in lthe tielag toucitdomn. The coonversion mas missed ieocing the score 15-15. Anolther itlocked puni left lthe Mustangsen la renendous field positioa mt litres mnuts remaialag. In s fiseit and 10 situautien Sien Titossas surpelsed lise Tabities wilth a qusck kick, resulilg; la lise wianiag paot. Milton is nom, invnlved ina hitly lisree way tie for second pluce wilis s itome and itonseaies milie uadefealei Perdue Palisees itis Tuesday (at Perdue) aad Thursdy (la Milles) telcing plate before lte lmai gaine, geintl Wheite Oaks Wildcals. Fooltball il nosi ce epidemnic aI Mltoe Higit as lise Senioes begin 50 pracliai as a resuil of consants pluegong by Pui Peromitito le fat becong "Me. Footbsll". Wilth oue goalpasîs belag painled btoe and wite and our Sludeul Cousicil outfitîlag lte senior clubt, the scitoot il bubbtlag once wiith spirit, sean tu be conveyed 10 lte gymnasuc bleachees durieg lthe oftest notons basitetitoli contests. MILTON MUSTANGS, Milton District Higit School's erlry in pla8e wîit Biaeloca and White Oaks. Miltas District Higt Scitol SOSSA Zone Ose latine football, are sterling ta eues a fale record has bae without a senaior hall seisin t0 carry the hie end wite fer teelom ardur coach Nom Prisce. Daring titis aclias-paied talus lthraugs ltse 1969 sessio, but1 one s bslng Camail ttis gains lthe Mustangs liinel ltse itigitly toabil Blekelocit Junior mask,-lSlsff Pito) Toithies 16-15 ta brise thitmls ap inIeo athras-wsy lie Cor seoad running for 1,000 mile awards Anne Biact 3, ced Donna li..iteaiturger 2. The endevidual(s) mite mat lthe furtheal ity year's end miii recoive a cresl or T-sit or, depradmog on lthe oumiter of miles, may ie remarded mitit a jacket. A speceol noie of congratlations shouid ie said aitout lte 10 iraciters mito are alse laking part. Site shoote, she scorres! Yen Roiisoet itasettal fane, lthe girls' itoîketitil lains tailird for ceolier min, titis lime ogainse Aldeeshol Higit. Tite junior teomes ploys Ure iegiening le jeli, giving temn an effective and somnetimes explosive offence. Scoring mues as foliome: Janice Kuy (c), Son Dalton, Shtaron Harvey and Karen Laagsitam racit scoed a firld goal for o total of rigitt pointe. Georgioa Richmiond and Elhm Head racit scored titrer field goals for sic paots. Anne Ramsitum tallird for imo field goals and D. S. mot sx field goals and Imo foui shots. The senior gaine mas o purely one-eided ciclory. The M.M. nquod sevrely trouncrl lthe Aldeeshol toteeC61-23. Roitinson led ait she may;itomener in o fece litances Aidersit mould spure hock and seemei tu ite citaltenging only 10 ie Irampird ity M.M.'s more pomeefol offeace. Scorlag, led ity Lynne Young mas an foilome, Lynat Y. 16 points, Vilci Morgan 12 poits, Carol Hoimen 3 field goals for six points and Carol Young tino foui shote and titrer field goals for atotal ofe8point. cindy Ecerrîl mIita foui Itot and Sanie Titoriturn eact dropped Imo field goals. Bmv Rley, Dritiie Tuden and ce Sitepord racit netîrd a field goal racit and Sue Davey playing mitit us enjored finger scored a foui shot. On Thursday O3ct. 9, ou, -mini' Reims cioitiered Botliton Central 24-6. Tite stîong offence mot itacted ity a togcrd defetîse mici itctd tce oppoeing tramn te i single major score. Our jonier squad sceme lu ite off 10o atuccensful troson, mmnning Imo oui of titrer gain, Nelson iteing lthe one term yrt 10 hoe defroîrd. Toucitdomns mere scord ity Dace Beatty, Otto Moto, and D. Doucette. Pie senior Ruine ded not fore qaile as meil homever , in Friday nigitîs gomne againît Centrai. bn lthe firsI quarter Boit Lindiry on a short con froint lthe i10 yd. Une eded Central aiteal. Tite cooneel incomplele, lthe score Ut lthe end of lthe firsl quarter mos Crottai 6, MM. 0. In lte second White Oaks Secondary School Our bathtub stili faseaàmkst tub in By Pal Ford la 1967, lte Wite Oott tram Wr hope lthe girls cmn krep an palird ouI eatiy in lthe race and miaaeng and nom, itrgernng îlot If the fist mentit as WIJSS left the otiter titree oitvtiie itigit ment me have a laIr hue ean ai maes slom, lteres ne douit abool scitools meitool a hope. Wr moY 4.30, se me alto hope lthe extra the fact ltaI il's roiiing nom. nal men every year; buat miten me peoclese mii itelp out fooltbll Thte student garnmenî do, lt'e decîseve. term. Thte aid aecit rivai, Perdoe, spoasored a dance feeturing the And in titrir fert tino otiags braI os ugoîn, 43-0. 491th Paraliel fromt Calefornea and the girls' bositîbul Iens foond in lthe firel part of a tme-part packed te cafrlottsm, os meli as a meatote of soccese. In aur ferî meet ut Gordon Graydon Higit pultlag in a nice litl profil, gaine at home ageinel O.T.H.S. Our baltltuh tramt ciimaxed lthe Seniors mon 33-24, aishoagh the annuel Unitedi Appral Parade the Juniors ment dama 38-10S. A by mlaning for lte second lorne meet luIr mie carne ta Multa,, ta A R T S & la the foot year itory of lte te bath games, Seniors 56-20, o e race. Rrprallae aur lait vitlry and Joniors 29-18. 1 fIe ELICTRIC A COMPLUTE 1ELECTRIC SERVICE 9 INDUSTRIAL S COMMERCIAL 0 RESIOENTIAL O EiECTRIC I4EATING O RURAL POLE LINES and SFRVICES lb Cascade "40" Waller Healer Sales & lemitait quarter cenîrais' Dave Breedo. on a short mun play made lthe score 12-il. M.M. itomecer returnrd, and mitit a succession of hadoffs froin quarieeitack Bilt Dudeon 10 Leo Bertla, M.M, iligitrned lte margia mitit a titird domo play frei lte oae yord lire. The ick ity Ron Martla maes itiocked and lthe score ai lthe end of lthe second mas 12-6' In lte third quarter, mitt lthe mlad brid os MMdi Ras Martin kictrd loto CeaIrai's esd zone mto conceded o single. By lie lime Robtinsen had siarled le more, itomever, spirite mere damprard miten cerais Boit Lindley botk a handoif froi Midi' six yard llae and ment oser for lthe TD. Thte concert mas ne gond ced ai te end of lthe tird lthe score mas 18-7. In lthe foorlth queuter play itecamne scramitiy and Mid. famitled lthe hail on Centrals 33 yard lare. Ia a sccesion of rigt ground pioye Central moced lthe bitl op te Midi ' one yard uine and on o qoortereiaît sneak, Joe Lambi mient ocr for Centrae 4t T.D. Thte kick hy Mite lrelced mes comple. Tite score italf may titrougit lthe fouelth quarter vias Centrai 25, Roitinson 7. Play egain itecume qoite sceamitly. The final score maes Central 26, Robtinson 9. town Scitool in Port Ceedet lte meiget cross-cou otey tent ran away with forst place. Some individual memiters on the junior leat rten vieil Up ce lthe field, andi Mem Hughes ran fourthin1 rte senior race. The teajos go itack ta Graydon again to fies off the second haif in wook. CRAFTS[ Eveey wonuin's gulids REAOY TO CHEER lthe moment lthe Milton chie abeut titis day since titeir tai damnei lthe eus àROGUE. Mostengs mcore are lthaïe titras iteerleaders frons Blaitelci Junior Tabitie 1B-1B te pot titan into For the math i mb ayss Miltn District iigit Scitool. Monia Anrei, Sue seond ple.-SteC Pito) o minnet. Roe lthe Total Pape and Debitie Sim. Tite girls tied plenty 10 Espnsure 1 moes ,hotI noer gnmcles ith S d rro s c n d str y ommunily frets it cce offord Cesiteon naferity. Stupid e r r a e toit a m he parenst expact?" tbclfcisP.s $10000 whole image of educotion Mieilonds edit Unio ce,,e Repaeîlag on a meeting miith cycle of peoteins miticit derelap Mitnand teopreaig oh she ministr of educatios, lthe miten parents urge cale la nem Milton Commonely Ceedil provincial Irratarer and lthe itudets la lthe spring 10 fad la Union office tii Saluedoy is lthe 20 Main 87-4472 premier, Counly Board of the falit a reduclion of services. mojor public fonction of lthe Educalion chitatmas F. Atinilage "Hom do you balcece mit lthe bld inmthers lthe boards coeold deslroy thte image of educalion 1 hy slnpid ereors la jodgisenl. The cbaeeman aise reported the Minialer ured officials lo be more vocal in preeing lthe caei for btoards by perseniie lthe true fadas of situations. When stotensents are untrue titemembers Itoold eefnte themn, tie euggrsted. P R C Tite day-long meeting iteld la Tornto also iteard lthe LTU ILOU provincial Ireasurer urge restreint ced lthe full use of resorces in an efficient monner. The Ministr of Education L E euggesied sthe boards should nol eaprcl lthe province or the 21 MANS deparîmenl 10 bail tem out of proitiemes. Trustee D. Wood oeisrved lthe tNEXT PRESRIPnON-OUR FRIS ARE RIGHrI L Ho your Texaco home team beats the winter coUd. Thin in a new Texaca Choane fram neyera Farced Warm Ai Fur- models. nace. Ail are fully guaran- Il ns designed la en- leed, and available on aure the complete com- 1. 0long, easy lerm pay- buntion of avery drap aI ment plans. ail. Sa you gel maximum If yau need ana, lais heal at minimum cani. lalk abaut il. Eapecially ninca ail canin, We'll aee ihai yau always yau lena Ihan aiher fuels in the lirai have the hame camfar yau danîra. place. Day anid Nighl. Our teamwork the heat on. F. & 8. HEAflNG & OIL BURNIR SERVICE ILL 3, Mihene Osiid Phase 878.69 IL G. CLEMENTS 3a"lin .ad, àmils. Omiade Phose 0780-31 NOuE CONFORTa ANNIJAL EXHIBIT AND SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER l8th 10: 30 AM. TO 4:30 P.M. AT THE RIVIERA, NORVAL 'EVER YONE MOST WELCOME " In.... MILTON ONTARIO make your second car a.... DATSUN PICUP ile r ovs o o' aet i i oletuhi o aute a on andi no swest. Why dm It outIsl ail sIllo impnoit brunks înmbined In North Ameilca? i gises botter vail for mn5O. Yeu ual a iow-nias. hardy-naed pick op mille a croiinv speali of70 MPH ltas delis up to 35 miles Per gailvo Phne:878-2471 ~ NORTHjE JJW*BuPu 4«pmnwukliys tilhlp..m. sIL & Sun.tIll7p. a. ~lt j kil __ __ - - L