la Ylic Canadian Champlaon, Wedneady, Octnhn 15,1969 DRUMOIJI M sttee mutft lion's trot in veiner; 20 ACTION SALES itedding; featbe ickE; q H orn an sc o AUCTION SALE mooy more ices o riner- Obududcmms&Antiqi ponsible for accidentu day of . u re o . Miss BERTHOA EVIEESON KEN CLAPPERTON, ByMsseieatesn iaucmih edOt1 rmvai aa Situated je due Village of Auctioncer, The birst meeting for the 00W Munro Ciosrch tJ.C.W buarsis d d HiJbrh nMi i out.2bl6 Pitone Erin 833-9796. faIt termi of Ptrcy W. Merry miiehldovI.acCfar oIstiaI Hitsitret, 0 Min t. outs.Home and Schout Association wfll attend and give a diap1aY Of ittapiiatiotta SATIJSDAY, OCTODER 18, 1969 JUNIOR OPENER mas lteld je rte auditorium un weoving and spieeieg. Ther oes. fEled At I p.m. Thaisday eveeing Oct. t. Mr. theme is "Christmas ei thte an.Bt Consisting u inture; cash -Milton Merchauts' opeing Rue Bonar, president, melcumned Couety Store". appreciation stands: uettce; anuioue lied- garnie tuf the 1969-70 schedalei s a large attendunce of parets aod Omagh Piesbyteiu buosar for titi invitaI zome suite; piee chcsi; iteouti- ibis Friday ut Milton Arena. teociters and pîesided for lthe wdl hi hield Nov. 22 and Hilton Mr. and M fui curved hall tabile; antique S treetoille supplies the business mseeting. 4-H Acitievemeet Day Nov. 29 ieeurnrd hue craille rockine cita nitrs: utet; opposition titis meek. He welcomed the new un Mdtue. vacatioe as Iîmiters and îstdauned lthe ains A vîry enjoyable social Scotiand. sud purpuaie of Homne and iveeiog and gel togetitiî ut wnuerftd hc eScituol. Piograro convener Mi. ladies truie Eden, Maaio and and trieds. Koekebaikier asked for helpeis Hilîcresi Ueited chuintes aed The John ae I nd for suggestions for thte Omagit Presityteriai citurcit was Tsashg i m coasing year't progras. enjoyed on Titarsday, Ot. 8 ----t a E W O O E 9 Trasre Ms.W.Hâ rpote he teytier geta f he 'iýéeunnarly $300.00 on bound and Bethel U.C.W. for thte mi miaiheriip conveeeir Mr. H. Mes. S. Harris aiîtcomed titi cottage. Peacocit showed thut 50 fottfiies vinitois and îead a TliaeksgiviirS The Noitht BEAUTY~~ha SAOpEORTNid thitet fies for 1969-70. poroc Mis. E. Hall mas je charge mil at ltse BEATY ALN DCORTIG iap asotitets colueteerrd as of the devotions, lakieg as hie Moeduy Oct. rot îîpîîaiolatitet. titeme 'rite Whole Woîld, God's psit. Aft V g eBeauty SaonIstallation of offuccri for World." sitom titi W Sln DRAPERY 1969 -70 mire as followsn Miss Audrey Lawrence, hom of 36 poiet A NEW COIFFURIE B AD Q M Prînident R. Bonai, firsI ce fuilougit froas Chud, Africu Bissneitti r Draugard lust For Yo R A O M vcî'pîtiditt Harold Douglas, vias titi gursi speaker for tite lotie of tht - and - * Reuideetial recoud vice-presidint Mis. Start evneieg, hring inîroducrd by Biaidt of 0 * IndutrielMcMillon, iecording scrtay Mes. L. Lister. Miss Lawrece titi coup ut COMPLPTE BEAUTY SERVICE * Codmmrial Mis. J. Cule, corraspondingtlaugitt scitail for averil yeurs et loye C Ciii 878-2461 omrca ecretory Mrs. R. Duffy, biture dicidieg lu itetp ie titi Oct. 20.i 192 Maie Str'eei Readri - made Drapes i Stock. treasuret Min. W. Hill, mission field. itypeosis ai For___________Service_ mmai hitp chaimau Henry Site îold hum site cae 10 meigit peuh PurCrstu St'vcr Peucocit, ptugraaun diroctor J. malte lier decision and itir joy in usrd to HENNY'S CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME Kuekeitaitier, publicattons Mis, lier munit in ditt itot countryt. htypertension APPOINTMENT D. Wood. Miss Lawrence itad heautiful jneretted HAI SYLNGJohn Kohcîy, principal, dliden of liter ucitool, itîr papils meeting ai HAR T LIGSYERS addressîd the grupi and ced te native peuple, and bold priai of f fty 188 Mill S. Miu"e 22f Maie St. 878-2067 explainîd lthe cules an d an ntirinriog stoiy ut te mark Durieg cr CAL 783712k-il rîgulatront of the scitool sytii sait lte grear ned foi more plais for ul CAL 87-37suad intîoducrd titi taciteru on helpors. Site is tiecher to titi mire madi. POR APPOINTMENT ther taff. Parnts 1kmn cisiîîd ther mruniuncriis' citildru and itus iecludis Mt " oe equîipm t ELECTRICAL SERVICE clunsiocais for a hrief chat wtith front six to iigitt pupits, maey i Min. Mary eqtpoe.titi teucheru. diffecint gradin. Jetant MeDi "Expert stylta8- calorbie, Trociters for titi coaiing yiur Min. Harrin înprîsaid titueku SOIS, Mrs. wavieg. 2lsitiM PH I ELECTRIC f:M ru. Preston, Miss Patrtcia oMs arnefrle ak etrGa ______________ LIMITED Ptckît, Min. Marleni Boumun. Min. K. Hawkes 1kmn led titi piovidid i PAINTING AND DECORATINO a INtIUSTltIAL Miss Murilyn Wagner, Mrm. group in ityme sing aing mitit jockey humn ______________- COMMERCIAL g rittr Misu Houer, Miss Mtn. Gludyes Lister et titi Hirîtday GIL VANSOELE PAM &HO S Cherringion, Mi. Joitn Moore, rlecîric cillait. Later ail fîieds itis S, FRMS& HMES Mrs Peddie, Minu Kingston, Mrs. udjouîned to titi iastairl, and Pcintidge, PAINTING ei SLECTRIC HEATINO Saitmitt, Min. Goindrit. c nitit prepared ity Mis. S. (nom je INSTALLATIONS At the cloni of lthe eventtt. McMillan inttoducîd titi Garitomsky Cantractor 6u Chartes St. Miltons refresnittt mire ncrvid in titi airaieru of Hithel IJ.L.W. mtith Mis. T. Aide auditorium ity titi euecuttue. c wttty verse about eci lady. Industriael Resideetta 878-9513 - 877-3752 H:'lcrnt turkry nupper cs Oct. Mrs Hamkes conductid o Song Ieterior ' Birior 21i't0 22 and Bîtitri Citurcit U.C.W. contru playing only c fcm nutes Caîl i Sufr Prie Estimalms 878-137 CUiSTOM UPHOLSTERY 1OBITUARY l TAILORING -REPAIRS MENtS TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHTtS MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Strier PHONE 878-4472 2lo47'tt MILTON UPHOLSTERING Huw omned and epested bY Lsore Arthtur PHfONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Miltue *Re-apholstit7 *Auto trias *Upitolntety cteiatg *Custom ituilt hariuturi * Pre pick-.up and delfnery 21t-t WELL DRILLING TRAILER SALES à RENTALS WELL DRILLING CAMPERS J. B. RUTTAN TItucit or tiraiter camping B. R. 2, M tIo, Ont. hales andmRenrîs Phone Harlisteton NElau 44H2 ai ____________________ Frauar'u Marine GENERAL CONTRACTORS & Camping Centre Tite ove stoy Centre for rte RAY OLAN 24 Ociuitdrsclitt Building Contractors Ltd. 637-5288f0 -t * Home lnu5ratements "*Renoautivnt ________ ti Additions *Commercial cr Industriel ALUMINUM 85-23 21c-tf ALUMINUM _______________ DOORS e WINDOWS LANDSCAPING eR GRILLES si EAILINGS _______________ eAWNINGS e SHIJTTES Dloa fir Bvee Psatpai CRANE RENTAL Oety fttty equaupped glat s titie ari mitit truacks TREE REMOVAL adexpe eced gîscieru. BUILDING DEMOILtTION W. J. KOSKI LIMITED Cati 878-9452 2e 87 8-3 351 _ _ _ _ _ _ Zt-t FINISHED CARPENTRY MOVING AND STORAGE REMODELLING REC. ROOMS MOVING KITCHEN CABINETS STORAGE GENERAL TRUCKING VANITIES *al ARBORITE COIJNTERS CENTRAL CARTAGE CLIFF BARNES 878-3351 21-f 878-9135 2ct PIANOS PRINTING New undt Recondijued For Vour Printing .. Tuning RepairsCU PETER LANDERS TH AAINCMPO OAKVILLE PIANO SIHOP 1H1 CAain CHAMPION1111 84-61 21c27 416 -878 - 2341 Mrse Doreen MacLod Many uuronded lthe tunorul service on Frudcy, Octoitet 10 foi Mcs. Oorec Pl ouffe MtacLrod, titi wetl4ttocu piopruetor ut te getrl store a Brocittilli. Site mus kiltod ut tut accident vn Tuouday, Oct. 7, a Mount Forest. Mrs. MucLod dted iru clltsion ott kiuglcay k noar Mouvt Forest. Motter cf foot ciudrev and expoarungoa ituiy crut aicutit site itad iteer vtnutirg c fruettu and cas reltuettrg homo muit lier hushand avnd ucu citde chou rte accitdent iappeved. The driver cf rte cuter cao tnvotvîd cat attut iutd. Mr. MacLeod ma ou ituatuccdcuith ie dinjaureuandaonctGary 5 hcd a itroitet arcn chute a daghter Sharon, 18 coruhu, suife ted face cois. The foreraI servuce cas hetd au rte Ructey.Shciflciter fayotaI itome ut Actut. ccttductedl hy rte Rot. D. C. Nuictson cf Campiteltiile. Palitearîrs merr John Home, Doug McLean, David Cure, Don Smcckhamir, Piler Pcttron ced Cuit Kennedy. Anuung titi mnay asoares err frierds froas u distance Mms. Mervte Yabslîy, Ottawa; Alvin and Joitn Cluitine, Paisley; Johnu Mcleod. P.El.; Mis. Lotlir Johnon, Medina, N.Y.; Mns. Catherine Young, Medina, N.Y.; Mr. and Mis. Donald Armstrong, Wcltuut, Ontarto. Mrs. MccLeod, daugittr of Ernily and Citarlen Plouffe of Batttoufad, mus hotu Nov. 16, 1930. Site and Arthtur MucLeod mcrc marrtîd iv Hallinafad citurcit on May l6, 1959. Site toutou foot youtg children, Harvey, Wayne, Gary and Sitaron;uuutorn Yvonne Morden, Arthr; Eileen McEllonny, Miltron and Lindu ut home, huotheru Charlen Plouffe, Jr., Bcllivcfad and Bruon ut home. Mt. and Min. MccLeod itegar opouaturg te stote ut Btooktille reerdl peurs ao. if you'reý Iooking for aVW, or have a VW that needs Iooking ait, look no furthier. Plaza Motors W*ONTARIOST. MI LTON 878-2882 u L EIscIIIIeI .AooesC STOR siniSa r dalety lunchi mws social lie. nnjoYd. lte muting as and hadl itaipedl shp and muetni ua ri. suie Pienie Si. tlait meet front a titrir hitnsilaed, Titry report a liday mt relatives tanai fansly spitt weikend et titei ig faieiy balidayed tek eed ai thir Trafalgar Sliierltie Hoyne Cetre un 6 tit 27 maiien;i nt weighit-f il mas oap had loîl a total ds, mitit Mis. Joue f Millon titi iesi se weik. Dr. Peter 'akiit wilI addirms llter neu meititi, entre on Munduy, Îlr mdl speak oe id is relation 10 tlems. Titis is ilso aid relaxation in tcoses. Aey ladies ieay attend itis lthe usat adision cents. ffee brek furlter te Nuviebir dance Lunch cosimittie S. Mutiel McClure, J. Wingfield, Mis. uneell, Mns. Almau Rult Wells. Mis. taie. Music wilI hi B d Haeil, a dite HBrampton greliegs 10 oui ment include: Judy Brian McCiteseey Germany), Joco -Rugir Dunnng, a Represeetati as Fu LEE e78-2619 lo fili liro a Agreed Se prid niema of $150 unsfiaHta aaeb SodaepWhO to be limd Ri the d e tO tise sourd of Nuaümprnialtorbearsn miscipai, ferormasesa HI HLIGHT casnt:m mmve l a ctas the unmant la ___________________________________$250 wu deftued, titina Hilgoa Coeetin aodfu tdhe ltie Coen TBoardaof Embraiono hus OnA t itoizi lit *i pi oie tfhe adret'asiStS t f ait scItuliei Depastait urt titi tjeiviity of Weaet f faai Uaieity ofatetlo s cielout m2,600 Teii sauie mucot of ma,00Tres r jtuent psycoa md moikidegre oia docol, i andis trii titre psocotusi carrrstly murkieg je the systrmt. ~~Apstroiid sketch glIen fo Senior Public Scitool and a projîcterd budget ot 1272,000 fui titi projeit. Thr addition mil jecludi s music rouie classiuom, gymeesiam mitit stage and taie chtange moies. Il mus reporîrd titi origieal scitoul mss approvrd by titi Dipartiment of Educatios mititoat titi tacilities, under titi Oikvil Board, os condition titi fscilitims ho addilid. ta A g î i d l u r e f u s e comercial Sfier thte use of scitoots for puitlicity paiposes aed ruled lit nue-commercial FOR AIL OCCASIONS CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIPTSO0F DISTINCTION aseouicieret, inussdisteiy 515* tappo a rt ?f priai lu diassiseai mie' h Musem ta canler te viaita la aeeoaacierelts tudl tien titi masessie of 3,090 Halton lppied Il titi Diretai ut cisltren liaI us lthe sauet thte Educatloe. Reqeesîs ta conduci rvo sr a Mb n idacational cuetesîs miS lu h e o rd . ym8 a 6 0 iy sc mesid rd by titr Diractor. u "ONE DOSF MY 8ONS WItLaERVE YOUI.o MdltMYsn a Tm Wuemifmysum @l 184 Main St. Milton h1~~1I4II- o twOIisit a BENN 1a BAE t IS .. ssotitt t l os tt, , ttrt t h .1.t O $W th wt.eo th.,e B tOttnaa ,,te st.eRN , eticese t B Ssnte ,E tRNscINA -a.tttti, . s t i lsroc, t gt eoe.t sutta tou ssasu, ,oasseitt~s. Otttee acu t..t. Y.. as RIN Dealerte l.ut, a BRI NA BENN r.ces litt gai $0 . BERNINA- Cumpeoflnem.etihesn 59.95 f0 189." 5tot stirOh nth doivsrt e nuisousun cell 59.95 Deux OsuZiZoit h euo. utt.hntsr eno 159."5 Auttiy ihae sas espus1 189.' A onuat usgt Of Sm run cainesfo kme 39a. U MILTON FABRtIC CENTRE 12 MAIIlON $MM11 Ph@."788 MLTON, ONT. withjýConfort1e Home Serice When the mveather turns cool your homo noots fuel lur the cozy me mth that means a comfortable home for your familY ail through minter. Bof fuel oil is îust the sart of being TRIl comfortable. CO-OP* Total Comfortable Home Service includlea: " fout efficientoserce thot ioeurea comfort througltout the 000000 " your choiCe of homdifiers thet pot hoalthful mosture bock ioto dry uloter 'tir thei con cause dry skitt, itreathing dtfficult end aven crack furniture "e olioof top value Ocomatic fttt'Oces to rit art'oed * Brook cil frîd catir heateto that wti keep you in more hot coter thon acir beorn * and top qcaityCO- OP Ftmice fuel oit for clean-burnigefficient home folot Talk to your Co-operative nom and find out about CO-OP Comfortaitle Home Service and products todayf 5pFCIXALOVf:l tai CO-OP Fuel 0fil Cuitomira. A reguar value $34.95 Spring Air Humidifier -luit $19.95 instaliedl A roi vale in Home Comfort. LI MiLTON 878-2381 GEORGETOWN 877-2271 colpFuel OUl Serice FOR EMERGENCY SER VICE PHONE 878-6895 GRAND OPININ O0F NEW UCO GEORGUTOWIN STORE ThurndaYOrtrio 23 an10.30 A.M.ý