CHAMPION CLASSIRED ADS RIGQUIcK R!SULTS- *IRTHS DEATHS IN MEMORIAM$ AMF - Me. sud Mm. Ronald 100D, Theodore Murray (Ted) IRWZN - In lovinf enemory cf G. Arpa (nec Refui) cf 424 - Soddenly, as the resait of a deae be6band sud faîher, Mounlalue Dr., Milton. are an accident, on Salurday, 001- Rev. 'Roy J. Irmin, suho passedl plessed ts aunoonace lise hielh cber 4, '1969, Theodore Murray osuay Oclober 14, 1948. cf their son, Ronald Stacy (Ted). beloved son cf Joan sud To os, is oramne suill ece bc $barre, welsit7 lbs., 4oais., ai-Murray Hood ofMilo; dear Tbhe kyîbat unlockes enoy Miltos District Huspital us brocher of Catherine, Judy, 0f a dear dadi, Roue bul cher- Octcdser 4, 1969. Grandparenîs, Parti, Cissdi sud PelTi; grand- isbed yel. Mr. sud Mes. Dent Reunick, Mr. son cf Mir. and Mes. Melvin A beloved face ce'l neyer for- sud bics, Fioretîn Afpa. Husd of Miltn and hir. and fel. Ms .Harey Walerbouse of Ac- Sadly missed by suife Man- GIIOGRAS - John sud Mary Ion; nephesc cf (Marina l'Mrs, ion, sons Douglas, Jalis sud Bob R.R.1, ampbllslle, a~eJusepb Nova), Bruce Hsod and and daugilter Mary, daughte- pleased t0 annouce the srs- James Waterhoase of Milton. on - law Madelyn and grand- val cf their son, Joboalisan Fistrerai service mas beld on daughter Karen Marie. c234747 Harold,' os Oclober 1, 1%69, Toesday as Grace Anglican sceighl 5 bs.. 6 ces., ai MilIon Cborcb, Millon. Intervient in SHEPPARD - In loving maim- District Hloapital. Evergec cemetcey, MilIou, b ory cf a dear hochband, fther - MOMR - Wayne sud Marion and grandfolher, Ralph Shep- Monre t(nec Clementl of 1RF. yard, subo pascdi away Octois- 7, Guselph, are pleased ta an- CARDS 0F THANKS et 1, 1967. nurrice the birth cf Idoe son Ycar presence is ever near us, Chrictusylser ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y WyeaIS.Js I jh10bak1enrsYcr love remains wich us yet, Chritoper Wyne aiSi. os- I wih t thnk te nr oc s.ucwre tbe hind cf father - epbs HospitaI os Onytember foe tbe flowers ccd also Dr. Sy- Yor loved cnres mould neyer P. 20, 1969. A brother fcr Scott. e and 'Dr. McCutcbeos for forget, the 'PBDDIE - Wayne is happy ta their cre wbile I socs a patient Silently ch, angels tusk daddy Son announce tise hirth off bis sure io Milton Hospital. loto tbe mansion abuse, nus beother, Donald Dovid, sueight c23-1691 Cecil Carton. Tbere sbcll he test front earchs 1on 6 lbsl., i3i as., on October 2, toiling, Jing 1969, ai Milton District Hospit- Many thanks 10 'Dr. LefOte, Saf, on the anus cf God's love. lOt4i aI. Proud parents are Jies aed Dr. Aikenbeud and lise nurses Neyer t0 bc forgotriez suite pars Audrey. ccd staff 0f Milton 'District Rcse, daughler Dol, son-m-Issu milI Hospital for their car,, sud t0 Tbeo and grandchildren Rcse stits PEGG - Don and Gaille fr*my triends. seiglsbcrs and rel- cnd ktephen. c23-1748 cf s Anderson) are proad t0 anS- ctiocs for visita, cards and gifîs plan nousce che arrivalof a son, hle Iwas in theopital. STORT- In loving mmory HaIt Asdresu Clark, on September c73-669 Ecather Auger. cf c dccc motier, Mes. T. A. pres 28, 1969, as Lions Cote Hcspital. Sîcrey, subc passed asuay Dcl- Gen North Vancouver, BJC., sueifist I suieb tc îbank ail my neigh- cher 2, 1967. the 6lrbs. 5 ozs.PFirsl grandsos for bcrs, friesds and relativestfor Alsuays rememisered hy lsie and Me. and bics. Charles Anderson. the manry flosuers and carde ccd Andy Fronh. c23-1734 RUST - Me. and Mes. Rcbert sent tc me. Special thanh s tc 'Rust fuec 'MCartan) cf R.R. Dr. Legate, Dr. Rdsuvards sud TURN-ER - In loving miemcry 2, Camybelîsille, Ont., are pleau. the staff cf 'Miltcn Hospital for of sister-in-lasu Pmarl, suho cd 10 anuoce the birth cf yheir cre oEil, I suas a pal- passed asucy Septen6her 27,- theiro dcugbter, Julia Anme, ieut nteh1e bospital. 1935; of brothler AIt, subo passed -I sueig 8 lbs., 8ces., aiilton c23-1754 Nellie Schesh. cway Septeniher 30, 19)63; of a ling. District 'Hospital o Oclober 2, dear father, Bert, who passed - 1969. I moid fllen tcepress mny aecay Octooer 16, 1922. B) t-banhe and appreciaticn t0 Thero is cften a bidden hearl- ccn6 TASKER -Mr. and rs. Mur- friendsand neigbcrstcorcards, ache, ray Tauher (nc Evans) of floscerscand visitssuhile inhil The-eis oflen aunshed ea, El R.R. I, Milton, are pleaued t ton Hospital, Special lhcnks tn There are alsucys che precicus ingt anoence tha birch of cheir Dr. Legate, Dr. Markay sud the memorses,on son, Kevin Brent, weig8tl7lbs., nurses and staff suho sucre s Of the days suhen rhey suere- 6 ozs., ai Milton Dlistrict Hos- hind. here. 21, pitl on Oclober 5, 1969. c23-1730 Mrs. ffarey Basuden. Alsocys remensbeeed, Lana, suri Charlie and tasuily. c23-1IM4- Wesuisb taepress our sin- F ENGAGEMENTS cere tbcehs ccd cppreoiatioo t0 bro relatives ccd frieude for Ibeir COMINC EVENTS 873-2 Mir. sud Mes. Patrick G. Boyle many cets cf hicilcese, florol____________ ofWildfield. Olt., are pleased fines csndIb sscfath bccvd Milton Figcr Shcîing Club SE t0 ancseseeneeet mother, Phmdbe Green. Speciol opeuting, 'Novemher 4, '1969, ait coud thei daulibler, 'Barfbaam Ann,1 ta hs1 e minielers, Ren. 4.30 ai Miltoe Arenir. c23-1726 or. a Mr 'ilia Mnad fuPmce, H. G. Losury and Dr. W. J. -,illon CoýOperative Nuesery 2 son of 'Mr. sud MesSamuel R. Klempa for their suords co Svbool rommage Sale set 10 fhale Fisuse Se'. cf Hornby, Ont. The comrirt ccd t0 the palihearees, 0.F Hall, 00106cr 25, as I pe.I. ion. meddinog t0 taire place Decca- Ellt leCIifford Browun, ' l0 ber 20, 1969, ai St. Pateick's Didt Broe, Jcsph rounPI ChuchWilfied. Merv. Colemas sud Alan Green. Cautlell Social Club eamhre and Il UOr. 'sud Mes. Carsos Dm-aie Douaus ansd Hacul Irviss5. parties, Octoher 10 sudi 24, 8 delisu cf Ofiltride are 'bappyio su- a23-1690 pesm., Masonfo Hall, Caeopbel- noure lise ensgagement of their ville. c23'4634- dsoghîer, Ruth Margaret, ta The fcmily of the lare Ugo A Me. John C. ilranendorrk, son Dorante usld lihe to express Ccîbolic Wmenes t.age serte cf "Me. sud hies. J. C. Resues-_ becelfelt tbanles and apprecia- Rtumage Sale, Satur-day, Octo- phon doscb of R.R. 4, Acton. Wedding lion to everycoe for carde, flow.- ber 18, feues Il a.m. t 3 p.m., aI ery. t cakte place on Satorday. Nov- ers, mass cards, bindness sud the 'Holy Rosary JParis HaUl. esuber @, ý1969, aI 6 o'clock, ai assistance dtcricg or hereave- 0244-719 PM St. Paul's Uit3ed Churcb, Mit- ment, ccd dcriug is ilîcees, TheSe0 ton. b suitb secial Ihank 0 h ous The Senior Citizens' Chah suilI Iow cc ad staff cf billon District icnt 'Kox Cbomch Hall on office Hosyital, 'Dr. Aihcobead ced lcero 15orc a is.30 rd. Mnin COMING MARRIAGES Or. Richards of Josepeh Bront, teet o23rgai i sue.i op Paîber Murphy and Fatiser .____,1688_____ -Ph_ MoIAT BUIRLI,- M. cd resian of Kitchener ced the Esebre. Salurday, October Il Phont MesY -e BURRELL, -. . an staff cf MoKersie Fucerol as Kilbride Public Echool, spo00- - Mr.Dee BrelR R ,Home. Siocecly, sored 'by KiR>ride sud District ITIS Milton, wsss t0 aunoucce che Aide, Louis, Joanoe & Jack. Recrealion Associatiou. Admis- forI lcrthccming marriagccf theie cf3-1729 sen oc3O1c. Ldies provide. c23m00Ols dairtgbfter, Lesley Joyce, t0 hie. _______________ Brysu MfKay, soc of Me. asd 'We suld like Io thank cil MilIce District Hs-gb School bics. Wilfred MoKcy Of Con- the people subo belyrd gos up Commenceeet enercises suifl cccd, Oct., aI 7 oclch, Salue- nue 'Benefit Dance, cil the be beldi in the echeol auditor- "PE day, Nocembor 1. in Grave Ang- people suho doucîcal sud bouilli ium oc Friday evecing, Octob- ci lb licon Cborcb, Milton. tickets, also Cornes orcuhestra. er 17 as 8 c'cloeb. c24,16M 35; STURGSS - O e a thak - 20.A STREO 00 - Mr. sud 00e suuld cIso libe1 Ocu Bazaax as Bethel United 87121 hirs. Lloyd W. Wood cf PorI the mec sebo ltelped c'ean 011 Churvh, Dramquin, Sclurday, Sydney, Gel., tormerly cf Horo- afler the tire; chei ilo Octoher 18 aI 2 p.m. Home 0 by ccd Georgetowun, anscuorce ccd bis mec for fixing tee the focthcoming esarniage cf focedaîsos s0 quickly, John made miecemeas, hahing, sesu- 10, sua Ibeir daughter, Marjorie (39cr- Simpson and his men ior Irar- ieg, novellies. Afleroo Ira. 1er hit di) Eleanor, ta Me. Vcsghn sog domn the bacn acd putîing P2h1,9 one Stuegese, soc of Me. ced Mes, or haro uit as quickly au Ihey Sfallcue'en Dance, Milton -hn John B. Scareesui of Barrie, Ont. did. 1he mes suho donaled cheir Curling Club, Ocîober 16, :1969, yT The~~~ tcdg1 ah lc Irocks ccd assisled in bringing 9 cclch. Jodgiog as 19 limt hsîbildi Christ Churnis, Port Sydney, 3thn material (rom the allier Millar's orchestra. $1.50 per Crasof p.m., Noveauher 1, 1969. haro; aise, 16e people suho have couple. Ladiesb'ring lunch. service givnous hay sud sîrosu. We suill c2 17 Camp cluncys be grotefal. Thank ynu ANNIVERSARIES all cocie. Euchre cn St. George's Chuc MAI Charse ccd Lana Ecynlon. Hall, Lowcille, Taesday, Oeil> nom c23,16g3 ber 14, ai 8.39 pils. Auspice cf ted 2 Mir. ccd hics. Robert Ander- Aflernroan AjCJW. of cs S. 24c an son, 208 Sarah St., Milton, raate ____________--filoffice_ pleaocre in anooccico their Gorge5c. Przs 2L3o.Ad- ofice 9011e Weddisg Anversary on IN MEMORIAMS sio7 . 2374 the 2ed of Octoher, '1969, and Eanbre, Octv6ter 8, aI North wilreceive their relatives sud ARMSTRONG - In loving Trafalgar Recreation Contre, friendis in the Boyne Commun- memory of my dccc suite 'Net- lfcrnhy, as 8.39 o'clock. Admis- Soit ity Hall tenun 3.30 until 9 pes. tic, solo pcsed mmay, octcler Sion1 75c each. Refresument bouse, Cifts grotetully decbuned. 9, 1967. yrcnsdcd. Spoomured by Sun- nc is c2341721 Tuno ymlrs have pamsed sic c ieLais Auxiliary. eas ________________ 1-c scd day, 274 DEATHS Wheo the ose I loved suas mdl- Grave Anglican Chueeh Cisoir ________________ cd aunay, Annual Ofuemage Sale, Pridcy, MOCcALLIPsi, ~ ~ Go Jroct fyti-A 10 01 er haine. i suas Hic Ovtidec 24, as '1.38 p.m. Cloth- J usEMJntMyte- t wl ieg. Icys, jnuellery. used tfuro- M Habton Cectencial Acor, on But in miy heort ebe livefb still. iturc. Ail reasionble pricos. m Thuesday, Oclober 2, 196y9, Jas- Ahecys resemdtered, 'husbsud IOeld aI the Grace Church Par- et yrte. daughîer of the laIe Gordon. c23-1716 ogh 'Hall. cJ3-w1714 Pinlay sud Catharine MoCallIom sud nister of hies. Jase Joboson GIJMBERT - ho Jovial; maim- North Halles Mcsc Pestival of Port Credit. oryof a decrhusbcndand fa- Assoviation snua mmeting, Psineral service suas beldi on ther, Jobs Ivan, seho pcssed Wededay. Ovcher 3l5, 9.33 Saociday aI thc MeACeesie Pue- csncy Octoher 13, '1960. p.m.. Rvobert Little Public ciâ Home. Insermenl in Ever- Althou0h useen, you're alsucys Scheel. AvIon. Gpen t0 reeid- green vemeteny MilIce. ner culs and seacoers cf schsel sys- ROBINSON, 'Gnrfd Rodnvy - 51111 fond. stili misseci, stilI remn on North 'Halton.b529 () Suddvcfy, as the resaIt of a 'ccc derebSJi I matcc accident ai AvIon on Nifo Helno, Yvocn & Jck. Euvht ccd Crohinole Ni0h f2) Saturdcy, Gvtt6her 4, 1969, Ger- -23,172 il, huur cfMs HlnBh- es aId Rodney Rébinson ci R.R. vovh upon bier reûrement trom (3f 2, Actn, aged 21 yeoes, dear uon Ieaching, Monday, DOlober 20,' newsu i cf Hanry sud Isabel Robimnn Pol u th pnrebyheB ceSet et Actos mmd hecîher of Janet opebyte 4ps, a rc I cul (Mes. AMlen Laird) cf Guelphs. d Home sud SchooI Association, PaneraI service wac beldi as Champion to rea and Reffreulosens 75e. c24ic1 the 'Raosly - Ahuleseker Pun- un Hoeme, Aclon, on Tuesday read the Champion fo SOLVE pour Hmlp Sis aI 3 pus. Interment Pasriesu proMus by C-111sg 1784041 cueesy. b Buy eacli waek. asfmspisai aaa8 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Oceober 8, 1969 COMINQ EVENTS i FOlR SALE AjC.T.S. Pccing the Actionc Cburrh in Today's Societ day, Ociober 19, 1969, aile n and evening, aI WeIlin Square Uoited Cbuc, Bu ton, Ost. An active and co 1t preshîitaio is heissg pr. Il. Pacis milI ie seen. PacI be beard. They mi coi tle c comprebleneive vie chat ch, cbuecb is doingan nlnrg la do. 12 charches c ce Preshytery cuill do lb entoilons, cssicted by lb eaI Council Esecalive an Board of E. ccd SS. Coin lecro the facis. c23-62 FOR SALE REPLACE musd, aiso kinl Phon0e 0774000. 1114404 YE carniage, in excelles lition. 86-2045. 'lcJ347. ONMORE automnatic wsa machine, tn suorkisg coudil 878.237. 123475 -EIJECTROHOME TV, fi ;ing order. phone 054-2003* 1c23-15iý 'Llengih tfuc yod, dccif nsice 14, chent nom 524 I123-1739 MI-AS range, in good ilion; McClary efrigerat 714599. lc23-1731 PAIRS of ladies' figure s, size 7, in good condil- 976-6631. 1023-1746 tBWGOD, mixed softsuood sacdsood ends. 15.08 a locd tred, Phone M783@81. 10n22-1 DNG MiACHINRO, type. rst for sale or rentai, e 876.6962, Harris Station- lodt-417 ESONALIZSD sîationcsy, Iseeta plus envelcpes, as as51.40 et tise Chamnpion -- 0484f fbdmË 98 Tri Bonneville, 7,000 miles, eut condition. SM38cash. e876-9425. lc2,1696 igetting thal ime cf year mnitting. 00e seIl Emu Jonc 'Draperies &i broad- Hilton Plaza, 64.513. 1023-1728 DIOREE" baby carniage esattrese and suitacnopy, baby crib sud escitrees, LIl in excellent condition. 59. l1023-1689 MEN'S i ce sbaies so Ins Isice, 15; no '1W Irai- tll, $10; DOebec heater slove, 'bricks A-1 insidle. M8737. 1c23-1694 JWILL LIKE hayiug pour eg malerials suad coal aI ord's Campbullvllle. Wocb e. High qualily. Phone belîvifle 854-2232. lctf«416 'S of Milinshaosuig chu osnalesshkci ttuk et- sunuary~ 1. Single copie, dlu tas aI The Champion 191 boin SI., Milton. 1ci0l1111! 8' x 12' CABIN sblc for sleeping or tol ibis comni-finiehed huild- msade in 2 sections ýfor ronspoct. PRICE e160.00 Contact -E. HOPKINGS Itoni High School 87839 COMPLETE becting unit con- P O50 OF cieting of 100,000 B.T.U. tue- ON BRAND NEW n oecil boumer ccd controte, STOCK TIRES 200 gl. tankand ductwor. AUI i n excellens conditioe. Dakville EXAMPLE, 845-7793. 1c22,16i2 843 c 15" LARGE glossy peluti of Cana- dico Champion saf photos, 3 a $12.95 7 site 11.50, 8 si 10 sise $IJOplui Similar 'big livings os aIl alter les. Cash must accomaipsy se-. sec. Esquire nou met Champioai scee on Tractor, Trock and ,-If ce, 191 Main St., MlIeu,, Car Tires. USED Pursîture of aIl kisds IT N TR vbects dresses, dining sels. M LT N IR f'ocd selection of sioees, re- 191 MhILL ST. 876-271 rrigeratoce and suringer as- 1069f eM New ccd uned bedl. Johnson Pareituce & Appliance -Main St. Phone 678-3761. Large Warehoose stock 2278 Nipiselng f Rd. Open every siflet sulil 9. - lclh-86 t USE-O hiroilure cf aIl kinds 2 checte, dreccers, dicing sets; 1gocd selection of slaves, refrig- -erctors and suric8er suashece; nom ccd oued hede. 00e alla, -bily good csed froiture. John- soc 'Puroituro ccd Applisuce Exchange, Office &i Shom Room, 160 Main Si., phone 87831. Large wachouse stock, 2270 Ni- pissing Rd. Openoevery night astil 9. Jcl17-f "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" * 'READTJMIX CONCRETE * SEWER PIPE, ETC. -for 'Milton caistemeers. We have a suarehouse ai 3547 25 Hwy. ce Buroihamthospe Rond PHONE 827-1087 Dcily - e. Sanday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. le-If FABIAN FURNITURE AIl 'Kindc of Puroiture Faclory-to-Tou Prices Mcbees cf U - BE5D PIIRNITURE The turoiture that's made t0 liaI Milton Plaza 878-2091 1023 FOR SALE ColIce table; 23" Pbillipc TV; freezer, 21 ca. in.; cbesteefield and chairs, Colonial style; bi- cycle enerviser; suater softener bloc torcb; 2 pair girl's skates, size 4 & 7; 24" Coreey elctric slave; Coleman oil stove; boat, esotor & iodiler. 878-2110 Saturday sud Sunday 00mb Days 511cr 5 psu. 1023 FREEZER SPECIALS Of gavereseent înspecled grain 'fed, prime bcdf fronts,I hicds ced sridles. Cas and oncp- ped t0 your spevifivatios. Mso porb loint, cihc aed rassis. Liver off camne carlle. 10 LB. LOTS, _30c LE. Buy 'Direct ft the Pan CALL US FOR .ERICE5 Delivery in 'billon sud District Wednesdays and Thuesdays BUD ORGAN Phone 689-6561 Waterdown 1023 ' lc-If NEED A NEW TRACTOR SAVE 3 BIG WAYS Speviol Fofil Pt'cccc. No varrying charges la Aprîl 1, 1970, ou unpsid balance se useil). .Massey Perguson bave sueousccd a pelce ineise on a! ILTON EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED 3163 Basai Line Rd, - Milton 878-2121 or 2122 1h23 TV TOWER SALE 3I foseer lnsesEed suili alI cainis ne] head 356. 401 loser isllait withelichmn nul bad 572,5. 539 toseer insllis âan.- nel busd 387-50. Extra hemds (for second TV set). IautelIed $20,50. P.b. uteren head. Isaad 13 elesaiR caler iSed Isalait 164.93 Automatic rosse. Installait $69.9"- Repaira cf au types. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 281 Mafin SIreet Rim MILTON Plione 878"949 10«8 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE ýNO. I NORTHERN Spy appl- ces. Hamyper $1.00. Pick yoar mcc. George Rmadhead, Walk- cru Line, 878-489. 2023-5667 McENTGSH and Corîlsud cp- pIes, Faucy ccd CEE grade; smeel cider, grapes and posai ces. Erng ontainees. Roy BouAfield 8766W55. Closed Mon days. Open Tbsuhsgiving and Sundays. 2c22-16«8 00E ARE nom open for thse season. Apples, cIl varictien, as sasos progresses, 5 miles north cf Milton. Des-Bar Parme (f ornierly Glenspey Pesait Marketf. Open 7 days a weeh, I p.m. - 6 pe.. 2o1308-t NEW HONEY Clover, An6her or Buebetheat Iu hulk or cor containers. - also - Crecmed Claver Honey Rockhaven Apiaries 23 Sideroad off 25 Hsuy. Cali 853-0266 2b-tf 3 ANIMAILS FOR SALE 8 PICS, 8 weeks. Wilson Mic- Dcmell 876-9463. 3c23-1760 BULK shaviogo,. blosun iu, ba- les availaible. Balton 937-2336. 3c1026-g GOOD home suanted for 9 «oîs odmi dog, in courn- te osil.963566 af 1er 4.3. 3c23-1670 A NUMBER of 1969 fads, palominos, pintas and olsest- mols, saddle bred. Also saddIe horses. G. D. Mordeo 845M497. 3c23,1652 GOGO homues sucoled for 2 adosrable kicttens, age 6 sceeko; also 2gentle yongucars, age 6 mnuls. 'AIl 4 are bouse trais- cd and used t0 ssall clsildreo. 854-2384. 3c23d723 TO WOI tI FOR YOU CLASSIFIED RATES TelsPhai 1111e caIssto l 1111 ea t. 858484 Oamaiylu MItai. oitar seusIa, encraiS, seAP-scAG.o, s-oesssCsObUo scLasaLaies1. scoAoMAseIM - Be care. nUis SAL. nst 31Mr, aie. - -$1.50 »Unsmos hs. - is1 usrd. Bc- - M th oc ...Oee. 505ý.es.t tcousen (- mer htump CLAMU, mmcc STATi - s1.0 i ffle miseltc. Dsa01u lras cimuiamene - O .M siesase. DEADUNE IS 12, NOON TUESDAY 5VEHICLES FOR SALE For Your Next Cr. MYT BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. a.. i FOR SALE 'DO TOU KNOW? 99e sali Armstrong cisyl Corlon fluse coverng. Prices slarlas low as $3.69 sq. yd. Ccli nom for fece in-home consaltaio. Jonc Dra- peries & Broadîcose, Mbilton PI aca, 8M0-2513. lc23-,1727 TI1R E FI1R E S AL E KELLY SPRINGFIELD - TIRES - BUY ITH CONFDENCE - AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 1969 PONTIAC 4-door Laurentisu, V-8, autossatlc, poser .laeeing and posluer dise braies. Lic K.18186. Ossly $2,895. 1968 CHEVROLET Caprice 2-door hardtop, drivai ossly 16,471 i- les. Li. K(21315. 1967 METEOR Rideau SM8 2-door bardtrop, V«8, autossallo, posur sleering and poller brises. Li. 654M9. 1966 CHRV. plckup. Li. 3013. 1963 GMC pick-up. Lic. 30144B. 1965 E.CNOLINE vain. Lit. '129362. 1984 34AMBER 99'4 sàh6*,poler seding, poer bralkus. Lic. 1K21363. PREMIUM PRICES ARE BEING PAIO FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS, 1963 TO 1967. Lease your new 1970 Pontiac, Acadien, Firebird, Buick or CadiIlac. Attractive rates. CALL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton 7 WANTED 'BRGWNIE unlform, sise 10. Phsone 6542673. 7c23-1720 RIDERS. Ride availeble daily Torosto. Phone 87&8.66 7c23-1687 STEOLLER or baby carniage taocooveri t0 utroller. 8764342. 7023-1735 GOGO home for pet cal, Clean sud Saold suich children, 878-3287. 7c234695 ROCIING HORSE, good con- dition, esediums or large. aine 878-2119 morings. 7231692 fi HI2RSE-DI8AWN buggy or cart or buggy weus hierey brook Pans 8734i37 ,7%1 ýN.IGHT '686,1 for staisle ari kifechen, Miohawk Roceuay, feues 9 p.m. 10 6 aus.; kitchos female belp, front 7 sus. ta 3 p.. andfront3 p.m. tî12 am., Cati -854-225,. Cali belsuecu 9 and 5. 7c23-1731 8 RELP WANTEO BABY SITTER for 1 chlld. 879.3524. 8c2M.739 WOMA4 la do Veneral clesu- ing 1 day a suee. 6784M. 6c23-1733 FULL PIRiR suaireos, eupees seused pre<erred bu ol 550 sces- sar. Carsvan Restaurant 8M8 3901. 96234713 i0OMbUbMI or couple Io live le, huisnd wllh ellsur eusployusen. Reply Bo- 413, Canadisu Csampioi. 0r034744 OPI'CRTUITY tu earnwblle Iearnisrg Be su bstsaclor for Tri-Csern Liquid REmbroiderty phsone Doris Sccyne, Actos, M63- 1657. 8966 3 SALSMENRI sueded for coir nem office in MilIon. Rayais iencc su assel bol net1 noces- saey. Contact fMr. M4ani fcr i- terews t0 diacsu caomission and bonus arrangementa. M70 951,1, N. J. Longo, Reallor. 8010774f e HEU WAMTED 8 HEU WANTED Salaried Sales Representative- Au aient aud able person Is oeded tu reprisn CIAG. la Milton. Applicants sbould be energelic sud intuealedit in mleing peuple. The Associatious teaining progrun sud office support maRse sales or insorauuce espersence uuuecessaay. Starting salary op ta 100 per sueck plus trainiug alowneace, Iu addition, sue noter Production bonuises plus s car sud/or car allosusuce. Pull employas berrfits. For more complele delsll pliase write: THOMAS A. COINOLLY, District Aisaca Managew. CI.A.G. lisurs., 441 Km St. OambeLe, Ont. OK FOR AN OKUSED CAR THE CHOICE IS VOURS AT Jack Richiardson CHEV - OLDS Limitd SILL A GOQO SELECTION OF 1969 MODELS (NERW AND DEMONSTRATORS> AT BARGAIN PRICES JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTM. open 011 9 pu. - Mwisy *ton* Pdsy Salurdy 5 P. #791 Hvm" 25,1...u So 878-2393 - 878-3812 kc2 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE '13ew Beatty fitter carrer lrack, hasigees, 2 and 3 ay scuiwcles; steel stanchions; 20 steel sdala fchalu tie type>. Plose 834-2503 4023-151 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 1939 EI2SBL Ronger 2 - donc bacdlcp, new dual esismust &pm- 1cm. Beil offer over SM0. Phose 878-4304. 5023-753