O U R I A D I R S W R IT E : TIIANES PROM GERMMrl SiIEPHIERDS Osai Mr. Dnwna: On hehaf of the Gemian Shaphord Dog Club of Canadas t ileh te extnnd te pou toir dep arclations for thse wonderful emrgi nid puhllrll given te ur 47th iaaanal Specialtp Show it Tht Champion. Se arty et me mnisaseri wee se paathuguaatc i"ot it Ihast 1 ham had te rcaa qitt a number et copiai te give Faim ý"Otn-ado ie"Pernn.Pou idda brtthe petsr werm mperb. W. nre very bmdW and 1 volia teaidd my own :r hon dlca te yen. Mont incoorely, :bjMary B. Southcott, ShwChalemmn & VicS-Presiddnt. GermaanShaphrd DosgCub ef Canad. MORE COMPLAINTS ON WATER BILLS I vili tiy mnd mnawt Councllon Pay wlio said! shat la ws difficiait to xill "DEVtous,, BiLLiNG 0F MUNICIPAL TAXES Osai Sir: As n reit of a grat deal of publlcitp tht Ontaurio Goverament pasaitd legaion lai pear which bai htcomt ppulsrlp hnowit ai s bifite 1provide "FTrath hni Ltndlng." Tht purpe et this bill ia te malce il cnmpulsorp thal a borrowtr in enli futlp yundeastanda thet hue internat rte hidd.i coss, tc. prier te arringleg a boan. I auhi, Sir, duat tht Ontario Goverament ahould nov entend this bill te caver municipal taesu. Tht present methoil et prtstntig tht municipal lait hiE sa coitfaihig, mislading, and t0 a greit exteit, disboneit. Certainly ne privat compcay or individual would dire inhanil an invoica in anch a devieus The following figures are ltaitn troi tht 1969 Ian billig on aresidence aosedi ut $4,700 which sa te tact lypical et tht nanp subdivision hoes we have in Milton. Total Asatiament S 4700 Total Mil rite charged 86.68 cailla C. Gentral & County Tan $ 72.76 SA Scheel Tan $237.901 THE5 IÎ1RBM USITEERS (1969) Tht Thetmultei fNigayi Rotbuaton, Rdrv a eia Aà for une and one fan iD When rogues and thieve ceaie lootin'. Each in bis evit vîp o very gond player At thegSamne v cal] "FairiPld", Theugb they've betit itruck colt, lhie rise agpin, le fieJsl anether day. Thty watch tht Council wriggle and iquirai As il tlths; i vtip le voîces, Or tIse "Conunittet ef the Whole" iî colled! To diFguise and hide lis choicti. They vont their Township wholr and good, Not pitcemaIaed eut te brigands, Wbo' care il up and sake il oui, Or oeil le Quurry D4ggini'. ll's odd tht vay tht silfiih uet Who put their Townshaip liI, Crilicize, ble and fear Iheai ail, Because tbey alI stand fasi. ii' airange Ilial thry'rr ail Englishmen, But, of routai, vilh Canadian paplirs Eacb of theai did their "bit" lut liie Thal te World hod a "Fit of Vapours". TItrer chrers for thesi stoulhearlrd Musketeit Who do net sit on fences, But stand te be counled eacb cime tht glove Is Ibrovit dowo by tht "chuls" and "wenichea". A. DunIas vil. "hot tht mihaimumi rate. I wfII tel the Total Taet $237.90 meter latri what pnu fiilod tn tell them, Fire poradeenio parade held UsaI aien me A pya vsip ah service This tan bill maltes ne rifertitra te the Fr pa de li iepeeto charea of1.72 ssch and overy mentit. iterim ltvy mode in Ftb. and il iseD~ ihi16 ou reuonhltleasamethat since many About 70 uniformnd Fiee Chief J. D. Wilson à in Nowhet'san te whchmus b bad caxpoyers pay tir tanes togtther with fiiofigatera front Hatton's fiee charge Of Pirade arrangements. for houts'i lani ithe nu t hr tir morigages they are beig misled by file dtpaitmenta will match Firifigltters ire etcptctd te Êter y o n g lohi pof wtt awt this miethod et hilling. dovo Lalteshoîr Rd. i Dalceile attend front Burlington, Milton, mnd t duhesn tims onra charglng tht biunrtlythe proper wny le anbcait tht tait thia Sunday aiomingb bt they Actait and Georgetownt fi -t frwn i ui Ib tis propety voutd bc aa toîîovs: vnt br htsdigto a deateniteogtwnFr mai11 valse sai ana du fer want ofTht fit. fighîrtsvlIh CifJctCuinam tt bettte word) lneura top puce. Au an haig frcucIo 19chair ac CunhamthnFe fnithi In sl8.2 rn 10 g lot e oft ay Total itcaritto $4700 P thyîie Charch lo b.e art, Fteention Bureau, nuIt head tht witi.IaaioîfferdtgiemonyssyToal 199 Tatic xred 860.4 te join tht imitiatir Rev. Robert maichrs. dtsbl doild e afndd.Lois intrrim billing $117.50 coogrigation for tht 1l an. Yon vill "wYs have troble wlth your Lt.s Province Tan Reduction $289.90 service. Tht occanion witl he thte = - o cllctngwaertaes My axs ue $ 52.00 cnnutl church parade of tht - NNOu pintet wap c calecln wrsîe tern MyTesDt 237.90 Nalton Counly F ire Fîrvenlion sI chan oerp pou retet sytii . Titelthtapyrrcsl wt Bureau, held annualty te draw 'Yir tel dui flonai.nce piten tae Thar tei th turaprs prisely whaty atttion te tht coenty-vidî PElIER L motion Il Iookstaftee is 1I fol asr and enabtîn film te ralculate "artion" mus bevneo iePeeto ta01110aM i tht cauncit wilI taow this iltls te illuatrate sports or local political tilt TH O KV LL SYSM or Yu. Gve th Peule eualit yars. Oe enty-Th Ricmond Fiîefughtîra nuIt fo rre up aI TH A V L yan fouare yo e tht plte eauty eia- full marlts for photon. ît Okil' eonHla 10.30 MAS RE and eutr daldui s tep an. ould appear tIm editor aimpîy aitl not a.m. and march btbind tht PIANO TUNING - R 1 wold as mmn teexpaint u ceaPt uny stock" shots front lu iltvillt Citizena' Bond te tht IO tou-d Iltht e boill . 10 xhin the pbolographer, and tht reauît is church service. Tht parade is huaita rad ht mtte its I Iail use tgIycilt, voold hi cabittîd se hi Id le varions teviti around tht PHONE 84 "-u counril ait a hole ehoutd teltes a hand and thot thetlaxpoyer vould bt brtti county eacb Octobîr and tht let this itralghtsnied ont. I taow thte iemdrgrigttoprinmo fininnlo rsnl =onet andarstitd why thep put 10% on renderrd dots net clrarly ahow thîse cesta do. greta watin thee Il itiIltigl arn .1 separatîty. tht Revirw rither that i t carrird dons not etate anyviiere whai tht 10% la a superlative photo-aleip e o lutte girl's for. Eloctiit bigll i the ame, la il put dreviting, by ne means aIt et which could that way ot islediag'Ittincs. be calîrd Youra traty, ioe Higgian G. Robirts 72 Commercial St. 78 Victoria St. Strikes wmdow pheusmit dies A eauttfaly colorid pheisat au li Wedneeday aihen il flew ile n lirge pictin vindow il the 80 Barlon St. home of Mi. and Mii. lot Ciflan. Mia. Cillan mnd anmte frienda aisin sitting iido tht bouse whon thep heard a loud bang ai tho window. Thny uhtd olside te faid tht dad bird flopped on their liwit. Mia. Collant cauldn't figura eut why tht iidea dida't brealt hecause il midi auch o rckrt when tht biid ht. Southc@tt dog hout in br..d Xtii Os Clnudt, s young female Germîn Shepherd 'ytnl acquied hy Mia. Mar E. Southonît of R.R. 5 Milton, made a tine ahovtg ut bier tit alt.bined dog show rocoittly. Tht dog, not pet Ian yeais of agle, vie fourth in tht vorlting group, winittit hitcb mnd beat i hreed i tht Birligton Kennet Club's show i Burigton Ata on Sept. 27. She mise tout a second prise in tht novice ssection et tht sptcialty clasa. Mns. Southcott hîd jant purchuaid tht dog s vim-lt taulier. 74 - SEA SON PINT CANADA'S SEST YEAR ROUND LOW COSI WHITE For ail oautsWde paintig 50.UL OUTUARY Ugo Durante A Milton redeitt for the peat 17 year died Sept 29 aito District Hospitat. Ugo Disrante came te Catnada it 1923 froin tlrrmay ut tht ago of 12. Sont of Joseph and Elizabeth Durantte, i was married Jeite 27, 1942, aiid tie aitd his wife hadt four chitdren, Aideofe Hornby, Louis, Je-Aitie and Peter, wlte are aIl living ai home, 27 Firsl Lini. Miltoni. There are alse thie grandchildren. Mr. Durante is alan survivrd hy a brother Angleo of Miltoi. His wife Terre Barsso and a aister, Mvi. Maris Feltrin, predeceaird him. Afterraitgrating te Canada, Mi. Durante lied ini Guelph. Ht came te tht Milton oee in 1952 and vas emptoyed ai F.L. Robertson Maitafacturing LId. Tht fuiterel nus coitducted by McKertie Fuiteral Home. Fathers G respan anid Murphy sai funeraI mastt et Holy Rosury Cburch and the inrintt vas ut Evergren Cemrlery. Falîberer vert Liedo Zanetta, Flitrete Arpa, Sente Michîloit, Peter Gueteit, G. Scupielle and Bruno Pagmait Safety pro gram May b. comsing Milton Lions Cluh members are mnvetigalîng tht potoibty ef seltig up a safety educatiot Programr fer tht towit. Lion George Clîmeit a vs put ut charge of setliitg up tht groundwerb for tht pregramn. lIt othîr itews oui of the club, pîrnidînt Lew Soles reporta Lions Club meaibers bave raiaid $1,560. during tht peat thite weebî thry havi hen conductng their blite fer tht Canodian National Institote for tht Blintd. CLOSE MON. OPEN TUES. WED. SAT. 9A.M. 6P.M TNHUASOAY end FRIDAY 9A.M. 5P.M FREDELIVIRY- -I SC E ME NT- .ANDER OF E PIANO SHOP SUMED EPAIRING - SALES 171 OAKVILLE MAALOX PEPSODENT AGENT FOR' KANKSCRAF PARDEC LIUI ITUE FAMOUS VAPORIZER LIOUID REREG un7 99 CADI ES~i~i RE.1.9' 6 .9 9 si .9 9 1111111 101, "A message about drug cosis" FAIALU REG.. TISSU REG. 2I92P0R55 6eDo you requ ire drugs regularly? ONEL-DAY MmIGHÎwmm Asic for a quotafion. MUTIPLE RIGHT It is not necessary tf0y IAMN GUARD prescription drugs ouf of town VITMIN or fhrough "discount" mail-order REG. ~ 8 SPRAY ouflefs. 3.7 s289 DEODORNT Weassure you our prescription DEG.OAN 1.9 res are as low as are 2AGAROL. 9cconsistently avaiuable 1 Z BATHROOM 6AAG BAGS REG21333 OPEN EVMR FRBETTER DRUG VALUES 'A E DAY Dlly P a ma y oià INCLUDING I VIITflM ONT ________1-5 212 MAIN ST. 818-449M2 1 59M TOYOTA MARK Il HAROTOF, ivtroduced Ibis yar he Toyota ianà non adoanca in aulomOtine engineering. Ira a handenans cambilnnîtiofnouf nIculuury taed Paver. Att Mark Il motltais v a hig 1018 bp.. HC tur cthid rigins, imibst seeotu wiîb beti reina, tintei gleai. end a flote conaile witb either tnur-ipeed fally syncbro itick juIl or apînonat automaticr Your butcher says: Won tillive citehîmraim reanwi bail hoone red or blue brind fai ddia.liv. Thir a elemur dittieri brandi o ni t ai durat ba tonied by ed spffl described a "banded". Bas ories una ve tien euili ttf te tI vuar traie. Oisuta yur em nrds niaS us by Ween Chiviten LOIN OI