Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 6

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£Tise Canatear Champons, Wecinéeay, Octoea 8. 1969 S peaks on, Evangel Hall at Thankoffering meeting By MmL Cecit Patterson Mua M=grt Avison wla È gat pocrfor tht e lna reaObylerian WM. flakffring tes ont Wadatesd Oct. I. Over 50 laies, gues fron Eden, Bothel, Streetavil Oakville Presbyterisa, Paiera and Milton Freabyteris chorches enjoyed Milil ion tubk on bier work at Evangel Hal the Preabyterian mission i Toronto. Oyar 100 sied ou aaamplayed mon Sather et nigb for food. Tweaty louves c brsdl sandwichesaand colle are baaded out daily. la the Quosa St. area of t mission te need la great, mua: cf te familles belped ar deserted by the buabads. Th hauig problorn la trrrific sn, pressures are Steut. Ont fanal: of riajat children and thel arns uvive la four rons a k baud on "'Failli Probm and Miracles" atresset tegeuta difficulty ta procuai food, clotblag md houitg h, tese pour people. Mias Avitor lavitrd the ladies t0 viola Ibi bMissiosi. Mis. Margaret Lamberta Clarkson fovored witb tw< beautiful solos. The organisa wac Mrs. Robert Browtridgt. Tha devotional waa gIvra by Mrs Henry Feacock. Mra. Sith --rdueil tht speaker and tak ta Cli were givra by Mas. Robera Marshall. Later ail ajourner! ta te basculent for lunch. Fresident Mes. C. Fatteraca walcoesed te vistais and presidtd. Ornagh W.A. faIt bazaar bas bran set for Solurday Nov. 22. Betel U.C.W. bazaar as Oct. I8 and Muras bazoar it Nov. t. Birthday gretags ta Margaret Kublaac, Krit Stelen, Mas. S. May, Mît. Caroline Boaner, Howard Gil, Joanae Garbowsby and Edward Perry. Tht firat meetiag of thr Horaby South 4-H Hontenakiat Club vse beld on Saturdoy Oct. 4 or 9.15 a.m. ai the home cf leader Mrs. Ctcil Patterson. Tweaty.four young ladies viens welcortd and iatrcduced ta the pric«Miet la tht Mena". Metle Kueaalg wvi churtoant and Rotalyt Merry was aecretary oaci tht nrw officers werr eltcted. ta wus dtcidtd t0 contiaue tae non. Horaby Sout Deb-tJ-Teens, aise ta record book covera would ha red la colon. Fol Boutfield volualeereil t purcbased fihette, se ail would bie the sarne cooba and briat thrni 10 tht crut meeting. Gengri asîrs for the rnabiag cf record bocks and recipe files were outtlied. Thr junior esembers aclecled ther Big Sistera frott the senior girls. Members' pamphlets acd other moterial perraint 10t club work wert handed oct and ditcussed. la was decided tIraI ail eeatings wosld hoe bld or 9.15 ani. on Saturdays. Achirvemnt Day is Nov. 29 ia Milton Christian Educatioa Building, Tht leadrs Mis. Patrrsac and Mît. K. Kieram atrrsaed te Canada Food Guide fcr Health andin l particular the raie for trast. Lesen cor wus oncnhccsinc fccd for health, for buildint body tissn, regulating and supplyisg cary. Hcw ta eseasure and tht check theets ware filird in hy each girl. Roll Cai f or need meeting is, My fantly's favorite meor dish. Sociaie cf tae irner muflier ofSatys ovailabla befor. l cicnerdya club meating h wil love ta lae beldi on a. Takgva ekend, Oct. Il. ay Ofrrelced wefre ou se folow, presidesa, Anar Ruhi, a, vice-president, Gwen Jeesemn, Io serre tory. Linda Kaenzig, ,n assistant secrerary. Glasdyea s5 Smit, treasorer, Jouira Hilsot, i, assistant treamater, Jean Kueazig, n telephone rommeittet. Kare dl Marsall, Mary Ana Salibu. h Nancy Lawrence and Betty if Marcheet. ,l Mes. Allart Thueston Of Lindsay mnd bier daaghtrr Mes. e Harold Robinson of Toronto y visited bier siater Mes. George e Ptacnck and family on Tueaday. e Congratulations mnd ail gocd 1 wishas t0 aur mmny frienda yc elabeaaing wedd i a DRUMOUIN Young po -at Georg.t< f By Mas. Cecil Fatirescu iCongratulations ta local yaang i people on their succesa aI Georgetown Pair an Saturday Oct. 4. Bruce Fickerng received a watcb as a prize for Senior Champion Sbowmmn with bis 4-H Holstein Calf. Jchn Alderson was tht Junior Chmin Showan mnd wase a are a ndsorne Baloa watcb donated by the Canadien lesperial Baab cf Coamierce. John aise placed fifth with bis corn exhbir. Faut Stewart placed fiesa andi second on las 4-H Holstein calves cf bat yeae and Ibis yeur. Congratulations aise ta Ms Pain Show an bier succeas with bier haautiful horse, firit in tht western clasa as Milton Fuir and ut Oshawa Fuir ca Oct. 4. This attractive ycuag rider and baise placed third la tht truil ride mnd fourth la tht weratera class. Tht North Trafalgar Slimiettesr fldir ibeir wetkly nigiat cf recreurion, games and ruercîsest under tae capable direction cf Mra. Fat Ciuyton cf Toronta lan tht Boyne Centre. Fcrty ntenbers attended and inere wtigiad mnd maseed, with an totalat Io f 67 pwànd& lai te- pesa wetk. Three ladiea lied ad S received a prizr fat the hast wrighr lacs cf the week, Jeaay Gatipeau of Milton, Mariel t McClure of Geargetown and hl Rata Vanaceshont cf R.R. 3,¶ Milton. F During the caffee break a brief lu business eeating wies beldi. The T ladies reqursîrd that Dr. J. Pl Wureeii cf Ocailie hie invitrd ta T addreas thelr Drup an ý Gynacciagy. Tht araup is planing adancr aI Trafalgar es Hall an Nov. 15. Tickets inili bhe a avaiuable feues the eeners. a Tht U.C.W. cf Beîbel churcb wrt entretarard uithîe home of Mrs. Stuart MuMîlinian on Wednesday evtniag Oct. I. Mes. Saliy Harris, presîdent ineiconed tht 12 ladies ccd prraîded. Mra. deautîccala an the theme "Gor Inspires." Scaipsîre passages wtere read hy Mes. Len Lister. "Show me, braiber, I cacat belirce la a nitrcifsi Gcd," a qacratica frant a crina cnmtntator inas the subjecî af discussicn for the prugrant led mnniversasrit, Mr. mnd Mes. P. Kuhlaec an Oct. 9, Mr. mnd Mes. A. Boawrn Oct. 7, Mr. mnd Mes. Wil Staatt Oct. 10, Me. mnd Mes. Jm Biss Oct 14, Mr. mnd Mas. Marris Tarnr Oct. 14, mnd 50 yeurs wied on Oct. 15, ajieciai cogatulation, ta Me. mn Mes. rcedo Roblason. Mest. William Hamnilton, forsntrly cf tae Fift Liat mnd recenaly of Milton sold baer bamne, hld a sait, mnd bas aow takenup residance ai tht home of bier broter mnd sister-la-law Mr. mnd Mes. Will Stoatt at tht Soya.. Friends avalcone bier bacs ta te axea. We eutend gar viel wisbes ta Mrs. lies Brown (Carol Hawdrn) wbo underwet a m mrgency appendictcmy la Milton Hospital on Sonday Oct. J. Happy Thmksgvmng ta aill pI. win >wn fair hy Mes. J. Firbeta Jr. Furaher stody mnd a raply writtea hy a churcb mas wifl la givra attention ai tht nent meeting. Commaittera wtere named for tht maie hamar ta lae held la tht churcb os Saaarday Oct. 18. Following tht bradidtion rtfrasbmtnts weee serard hy tht hosteas and coasmitter Mes. Carlyle Feathrton and Mes. E. Bai. We etend congrataions and al gSudi withes to Mi. ccd Mes. Peter Santeitt, inho werr marred ln Hoty Rosaiy cburcb on Saturday, Oct. 4. Tht bride wnas tht fariner Susan Sykes. John Koheey, principal af Fercy W. Mtiry Schaal and Mrs. Koheey eatertained tht staff ad theur spouset or friends aI ou enjayahie party aI their homte la Oakville ce Saturday Oct. 4. Court whist waes rnjayed hy ail. Faormer teachers and apouas vert aise includad in tht gest lat. Ocr 30 were an baud for ou evtnîag's funand social finie. Tht itoalar meetint of Hame and Scboci Association ut Fercy dtity Schooi wiil lae brîd on flaursday Oct. 9. Il init bie seet4-taelr's niglat ccd Odoctlun of tht Home ccd- ichoal's new atticers Par 969-70. Many frant Ibis ares attended hae annuai Trade Pair spcnsored y tht Marchants of Streetavilit. bhis year tht therne "Space Age air' vies a ttrrific: oucceni. A Cge parada ted hy bouda frant oronto, Bolton, Ciarkscn, rttrhorougb and cîher points. be Trade Puair, cpen to the ablin an Thursday and Fiiday veiags w as coacluded lu atardaytvaaisg fuîloiuwm tht ternoca parades. Ja Iu Cuiel.. OPTOMETRIST BURUNOTON MALL ?UNOMNE 632-7718 LAST MINUTE TOUCHES ware louag madea ta tharchanel of Grant Anglican Chartb by mambars af lb. Chantai Guiild us tbap era praparing for the Harntait Tbaabagiuivg Suavire hald la te ehurtb Sudday. Chantel Gaitd diractrons Mis. T. Bouctuil, efa, aid Mrs. C. Rownay placa tea tinal plates af trait ami aqarahiles as Pare cf tha displav..-illtaff photoi Miss Strettsviiie inni chasen -Hockey seasos is undtrway mnd cicwned. Sbt rctivtd a ccd tht cena is husy aacb asgbt sdlvar tray, a whbite fui cape, cf the waak. rosas, a trip ta New York and athar gifts. Tht Qutra is Miss Rtary Club kickad cff tht Maria and ru a prrtty, ycung iltisre ftoaoaswt cathiar lu tht I.GA. tri i tht fisai fila shcwing tast aight Sireetsviie. (Tuttduy) at Ontario Schoal for Mucu's U.C.W. are cenindint tht Deaf. their friecds af the ancuai barsar ru be field la tht churcb -E PO L C on Satarday Nov. 1.Mrs. ud of POLLOC Asbgrovt ilt ha deesccstrating ±ien ctavlag and thr bazaur ihani EE 'Christmsas ai the Country EEfl CAMPBELL Birtbday giettiats ccd guad tfï . niea ruCai Maiy, Duncan udrff sacra G ADEMroaLcs Ciaig, Karen Bradlty uy ioc ras t.dg: Raymund Robinson HR and Marilyn Ayîrs. ni-.. - BraI ishas Pue a happy Ge I'bancsgiving ta ail aur frirads. e- s anal- CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for a comploe. appralaci todoy. BILL'S AUTO BODY 2o878-2721 ma'a 878-3251 Clor Mckay appimtsd Victora counly cbak ItSton'a dapty clark for the troia and the population A oMKytf Bunllagtoa t jeonhl.Mcyrpts reinA gbipstithe end of Mr. McKayla 33,.Helai hs Nvmr.munia work wlt lies Yomr Heý boa bren natted! at =Cla Tw sa assisteat clerk-trtsrer of Victoriae clerk-tremarer and Coa. ta Cooaty andtwll rport f= aioto. .s depty clark la April at rit au oy offices ia Liandsay af 1967. os Duc. 1. Victoria hlas 17 Ha wla boa la Peterborought esualcipolitis land s total Couaaty land welcosas ibis mure population cf 30,000 perannt las it bt clbii oser to bla reaidents, althogt it lana holiday borne mdfanl. order your fuel oi I now and use our easy budget plan. your oil budget is spread over 10 easy monthly payments IF you place your order thîs mendia FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Cal 878-2381 The compile. hm ora ulsg service c~)A. (GUS) MOWBRAY 436 MAIN ST. EAST MILTON DATSUN 1000 LfrO1845 Ooly tilt radio, ra etra. Cc aheail, iprîri a tilde. nW ACORDION TEACHER ofan cla m ta ban aons. khl' a O atisotn r anc00 0.. soi Drate.. suai. Checku the lst. LIalsua 10010 Vas verythivg -aid With Dalsun reiiability, pou mat set tht inside cf then some. il ruas likv a sports car, ridets ike a big macy service dtpartmects, buI there are naarly car, sips gas lîke a cigarette tighter andi vars like 200, coast-to-coast. Witb ccvi oaa million dollars' a loch. worlh cf parts. You coi gar 100,000 miles betwetc major overbauls, Tht ouip tbicg Dalsua 1000 actais is soravane la 12,000 btna greose jobs, 84 mph. andi cp 10 love il. Someoir like pou. 40 miles 10, lhe galban. Tht ethoir ceat little package moses cutli1kv a jackrohîtt, corns ou rails aid LIaIson 1000. TItra are plenty cf cars ta bts price stops onsa nichel. And ailthis goodnes cornes in a Fange. But cothing inail ctass. s hoice of Imo or fcoîr doors, wtith romn for lor Datîrîs 1Ot0Oîs catled the mort tor-yocr-mocr', cr. big people or lise skicny utes. And nom pou know wîy. NORTH END BP Dulsun Suies & Servke 235 BASE UJNE ROADM) ILTON, ONT. PH. 878-2471 la Nrth carinca. NisO Autoarubllr o Caas Mi. iatotryar on.us aid.e Oîatuto Vana , Toront, MonOras HifnaP. a I - 'c wal chi fot bat u for dos end mo syst apst and hou diffi, doci for. tat SIrik wies bille fltw lna at tht 80 and Me. Masî. C seere oit sean tae tht wil outaide t flopped tae wiasdt it msade a bird bit. Soutl best raouatly a E. Soutâti onde a fi all-breed t Tht dol u, ws grcup, wi breed at Cluha Uthc on Se pt. second . asection ai Mrs. purcbuutd carlie. Youthk maybe we keft somethig out? T(,x1urrd sssy> upholstery Frits rrchooag Tin paddrd Faddrd instrument Fat1ýi ai-onbisbftuc crîrais rl,05,iori pair> 62 horse carheud ckisg acap Ciaet sipe wpr aleegn lighterDual barrai crbi aack-up Aiierîutor Doule oe ody suire 0'hlrices 26 i. tuecioarcirrle Real ttctart trd t îsr 2 bprt ra e surîes Z_

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