Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 4

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Merchunts Mifirst el Miltion Manchanta Jutnt C Club mea tulagon Juior C'a lidy nigi l r btaonlyh calad an axtbillon of an axhibition gata whaclt tha Marchants anon 7-2. It anas tht Mfarchants, fonit garnie of the new A total qf 41 penalties watt called doriat tht pana, anhicit saw Milton open op the scoriot at 11:42 of the ficst period with a pictore goal hy Keith Bandgensan. Ha contpad al tht way don tht ice, sfter deking tano Bunliogtan playars on contra ice, skirtinga s triagnon defenceanan and falcing the golie o nttke it 1-0. Milton's second goal canne an 15:07 of tht tirit period ss Tedt Hood, asatstad hy Ktîth Higgs, slippad a qaick thon pant tuchafgnon goalie McAndrew. Tht tltird goal came an 19:02, with Keith Hiaji scocing assistad hy Marty Sanda and Ken Parton. Tht first ptriod tndad wnth Milton's goalia teian Carter, a jovnila op front Malton, atoppint six thons on goal, wnhite McAndrean in tha tonlington nets stoppaid 16 Milton thons as play seonted 10 ha centred atound lus creont for anoan of tht period. Play gt rouglter in tht second pariod which openrd with a gorlingnon goal soctd hy Cana aststed hy Salvnahorg at 33 seconds loto the peniod. inaling in 3_1. Tht score nsghtned an 8:06 of thetscond ptriod whtn tarliagnon rigolo tallird. Coont gon tht point, ausistad hy McJannet and Ramsdan. Up no thns pointno tht gaine, nht Mercantalnaddroat ti rogh play penalties, ranging front inigh snicking to cross ohecking and tht ofliciatnisg started to draan a fean coatnntns. Keith Higgs retaliated with a goal an 13:48 aasisted hy Seeds and PorIon 10 hrusg tht score op to 4-2. An 17:25 Merchants' Km Pacton drean tht firsI anisconduct of tht gante for telling ont of tht referees what he coutl do wtth tht call ha hadl jost honded Play was halted hritfly a tht tet fen mnutes of tht period se tit ont of tornonns defencesntan, Nortoo, coutl racover acontact lont he Wno bast durîttg a hrief encoonner aloog tht hoards anîth ont on Milton's forwardu. Tht penîod ended anith hoth neants ratiaterton nuglnt thons on goal Bontam teamn ties Oakvill h Milton Legnon taonant d hottlad to a scorelesa nie on Milton againan Oalcville Sunday. Coach Gien Dance sasd hia hoys playad araîl and notait Glenn Turner husd ginen an excellant perfomance bo tam tht thonoun. Tanter was hack-op gorille with the tanants test yeac hut ntoned op 10 tht nonther ont position thit year. Bill Rowney and Gîta Dance renoro as ananager and coach ntspectnoely ha Baffl befweePB 0.0aA4 OnAlaNsJA. possibilify y A honnIr for playern' rnghts B hetaneen tht G H.A. and O.H.A cotl renoîn front contplints voiceti hy several ai townn an Sonday's ntonthly a netng of the Tni-Coonty Monot hi Hockey Association on Milton. jr Rrp renen tonnons front al Hespeler, especîally contplainrd a that sevrn plsyrs, who played s annth tht toann's O.M.H.A. th Midgtt chantpionshîp neaun loin yeat and who arr stdll eligihir for R mtiger or joventlr hockey arr ai 00W playin exhihitnon gaines h. with varioos O.HA. Junior 1 neaas, aithoot releoses front the fr Hespnler Minor HockryM Antocianion. A. C.A.HA. roi rotants ilher G any boy orage for Midgrn s0 hockey ntust sign for tht ejonendl t tant in tht tanne Minor Hocke Association, hie played R an test year, unlant fOrst rrlrased M hy tht juveoile tenta. An overaga ntidget is fret to aigtn with tht Juntor teann in his localiny, only if thrre is no jurenfle neaa. FIRE 1550O FINAL OCT.5T 1: FIEPREVENTION WEEK IN MILTON MILTON ARIA gIR DEPANTIdENT as, Wada.acay, Ctehabr g. 196 troeco Berluigton hn lt Biton geecmn eMlo had aix thons taken ant nxs a contact liens. their sets hut rtaliated hy fsring Milton copied their efforti of 14 thons on turlingtoo's tanin. tht first period in tht third and Titis kroght Milton's ahois on in was Seeds, set op hy Don goal no 42 and tarlinglon's to Heanna, anho opened tht scoring 22 for tht ganie. Merchants an 1:39, no ntakie tl 5-2. picked op 22 penalties. Tanenny-tighn seconds later. Grog torliognon 19. Chachmtach lifîrd tht pock Afler the gaine, Coach RarI easily op nto tht lrft corner of Fox sid hia trsa looked pretty tht turlaignon net 10 score good although tht play anas Milton's sixth goal, assisted hy "pretty roogh" since tht teant Sttds and Chas teck. was anill feeling tht ropes. Tht only serions injory of tht C rîticizisg tht firstnght gante canne ant 8:45 of tht period officiating, ha aaid, 'Va took a whna a tarliagnon player, Rotio, lot of annactssary penalties. We caaght a high stick on tht aida of only hoit a full teant on tht ice fls face. Ht anas led off tht ice for thre or foor mninutes durisg and ltioen tri Milton Hospital for tht anhole second period." repair work. Tht refere put tht Plrastd anith tht cloh's first fanger on Marty Seedu for tht oicnory tht coach qoipprd. "Titis penalty which drewan strong is oor firit anin and tl won't he reaction front hoth tht Milton our tant." lunch and tht crowd. Oaa of tht oatstanding players Doring tht final minute and a on tht Milton tert, Ted Hood half of tht gante, Milton had a anon't set his teants other anîns, perfecn scorixg opponnooity as howevrr, for jont 24 hours alfr tht pock sloanly suid OOOoss the gainte he anas kîlîrd in on torliognon's goal creant but no aotomtohilr occident. Starting ont anas there to pot in tht thot. hock to higli nchoob to finish his At 19:30, Grrg Chuchntach had gradr 13, Hood was thoanîng fioe lte crowd on ils frrn as he took fort ogaîosn turlington. The tht pock on tht face-off to scorr rrd-haired centre had scord the finalgoal, ansisndhbyMarty Milton's second goal of tht O'Neill, no ntake tht final coont season on 15:07 of tht openint 7-2 for Milton. period. ALMOSTINwaas this tho hy Milton'slOt Winger arons during lot fin parmid wth Milton Don Chuchntach in the flirtn permod of tht Marchants tonnecting for thraa gofs.-(Staff M erchants exhibition gaina hors Fridayt Photo> tari ngton's ton n McAnd aan tank a total of 16 Equipinent exchange tenned big successc MILTON MINOt HOCKEY ASSOCIATION is Morohants Junior C club aos out helpint and ha roldint hockey school for area youngaters and anas moaohing Chrin Smnith, o Pot Wan, on tht rare keon haoing a large tart-oot o> young technique o> qaick anti carafal skating. A thate ropafuls. Irnruonors have ittan toking than archange is aise haîng run to supply yoongar hrough thooting practice, aercises and skating players anitit tae needeai equipanant aithoat ri n ortior to thip thent mno thapo for the makina their parents pay tigh priont for tut uming stasen. Dot Heans of tht Milton eqa ipinnt. -(taff Photo) Tykces lose Ont. finals bow out to Byron club Moanhray Futls Tyke Ail-Stans A six non rolly in tht fifith aond afier lthai Milton scoreti attti 10 the finalsin orthe innîng ced tht foilore cf Miln only ont rut. lnlarîo tosehal Association in capitalize on hases loadei For Milton in te second bayoffn hon a siront club front situations depctei te Mitoo gante, Hap Perron, Ste ;yron closeti tht doot, iiOig doanfol. Milton coacht John McCutcheon anti Dont Turnrr ail o gannes straîght Set. 27 anti McConcieon saiti iis boys oogleti tanicr wite Turnr added rpn. 28. Milton lont tht firit pînyrti well in Byron hut couiti a triple anti Greg Ennms hut ont nea honte 17-5 anti fr11 ot finishth lir piays. Thty single. lotît In a 10-5 irouncîng on loatirt tht hases îhree rimes Tram merinero on tht O.BA. .yrnn groantci. wnitour canhing in. finalisti inclutie Ferry Coputa, Milton useti four pitchers in Dont Turner. Roger Clenneun Rogr Cîtinron. Tot Coaradenti, ne finît gaine bt nont antre anti Gret knnns shareti tht Gary Dance, Roger Delnin, Grrg bietno star tht ttatiy offenoove pîtchng dtien for Milton, Entns, Stror Honnon, Pool roack. Byron puncheti owoy îtrîkîng ont tîgit haîers han McCann, Keoin McCoy, Steve ur runs in the first inning, to alokîn 13. Mcfuîcheon, Hop Prroî, Don tht seconti, rthrrr in tht thitti Ramgn rrlieoeti Rerti o,. île Rîdtiell, Prter Rota, Scott nti fourlth andtoi n the0 fi tyron ntound i tht fîfnh inning Seeney anti Door Tonner. .oit fifr ogle ron in thr seveotit for er17 run total. Gary Dance, Grtg kanin, ogertClmnt and Paul McCann 1 pitoheti for Milton. Ramage irrtil for lthe anînneos, fanning 2 batter ant i suing only ont te pots. Date Turnertotiuhîti for linon in tht Oirsi gaine anhite ary Dance anti Don Ridrîil ngleti tanice andi othr sigles rut nu Hap Perrot, Perry a pulo, Sttve MoCutcheon, ogrr CIraient anti PouI cCann. BOYNE MIiCE STATION HWY. 255. Ai tITANNIA WINE MAKING SUPPLIES: AVAILABLE AT MANORE PHARMACY 323 Kerr St. -LJpstairs AtOVE CORBETT SPORTING GOODI STORE 845m3483 ty John McLoan Tht hockey scitool itas keen in progress noan sunce Sept. 29 and tht stadents are shoaning progrets as thty have gone front the eercises (pushots, juntping, etc.) into skating, sooning and lthe hatias cf hockey. Registrations for Initior hockey itave heen held tiispast aneeaits anrl and alttoog tht deadior anas fasn nnght (Toesday), there is still roont for mnore boys, hon pleasn rgister scion. Tht House Loagar încloding 'Mooday-Nigters'waill gen ondraay tht annek of Oct. 20. Tht tquipntent anti skate excitange ltai MMHA has heen operaning tht pant aneti hos hen a tremtendouu succesn. Mony pople hart pickrd op uonte rest hargains for their hoys already. rause of the rsponse of tht toctange, it anilI he open again tonigitt (WED.), aud Titurstiay nigitt hetaentr 6 panm. and 9 p.m. and again Salorday ntoroiog front 9.30 uotîl 11.30 a.nt. Anyone anho h as unuold eqaipanent ait lte excitange CHICKEN pressure fried ,îuicy'n tender PHlONE 8786m02 Chcken Sack 2Pince uf CrnFisak 85c Chickon in a Box 3 Piecea or Chicktis. French Frits Cuit Slow Bttred ton $1.4 Piaiic PÉk 8 PiearsoftFiamrCosl Ctniahen Beatty Family a 1h pieces of $4.39 Party Pdk 2 ieo 5.19 PHONIE 19&60m Murray IIood Ddve I HsOHWAY 26 MILTON shoold pick tl Up hefore 11.30 on Saturday ntorning. In nent aneek's Champion tht ced mnangers, and scitedolen anili hie listed. -Milton Contnunity Credit Uinion's nean office building on Mais St. anili be officially opened on Saturday, Oct. 18. miL Etal Fox wil betkatghr fat> look aI ha MIltonMrhnt horo Pridsy ahn ta lI tht Lcaas Heapete= ia tha secnd axthition gneo h taries. Marchants anti trel .ta Itospalar Sanday for a ratorn niait and a tlan niant to ttarliagton ia heing areaagtd ban no date has biona set. Marchants open tht seaton at hanta againsl Stretaillt Ot. 17 and thon niait Sîtaetsnitae tht folloaning Tisday. Rivaley coutl dtvtlop hetwntn tht tano neaas s Murray Whtistler, fomnay an execnlina nttanhr anith the Marchants 00W is mnanager anith Streatsnille. Hart in tht schtdtia: HOME Ftldny, Oct. 17, Streetwlia 8:3. Franco. Ont. 24, Tharnhilf 8:30. Fri., Oan. 31, Georgetownn8:30. FriOary ný. 7,Oahaiii30. Frsfy Nin. 14, Bsntnantili Friay,tnt. 21. Llsndanta30. Fridar, NS. 2t, Oakhnllaa8:3. Pridars. a, , Georgetown :30. Fridar. Dec. 12, Ottaatal&t 8:3. Frsan, Dan. tO. Tharnhill 8:30. Fridat. Dns. ,Port tape 8:30. Fridar Jas. :2 Stm.asntuiiaa. Fridan. Jan 0, Nomatt8:3e. Sanden, Jan. 18. D.kniill 3:00. Fridar. Jas. 23, Geotwna 8:30. Ftiday, Jan. 30, Thnhili 8:30. Ftid.y, Fah. a, Abatg t:3n. Tunaar Oct. 21, Otnnetnlia 8:30. Oaisdny, Oc t., Thsrnhlt 8:0. Many atend hockey films Ovrr 265 yoongsners, coaches an nn ilmnagers titne d instructions] hockey filana t St. Pnul's United Churcit, Monday. Tht film anas thown hy Milton Minor Hockey Asaociation in conjonction anith tronnies Sports Shop and anas hroujt, t in front C.C.M. toth MMHA president Jot Wilsn and hockey scitool co-ordinator Joe Auger anerr fondamental in tht opration. lite flmt cooered eotry aspect of tht gane front skaning, stick itandling, Passing. _thootng, citeckisgI, t o defance and goaitending. Buir Novs. 21 Qmkolffaa :30. gailn o. 11, Gatrasae 8:30. gsdt.DNS. 1, eaet.iU.7.t Tsaidey, Dan. l'Gegetron 2:u aS i. oaa. 21, iTatenhi i 8:38. ,aady Oas. 27, LItdy 8:36. Ound@iyJa. 4, Thnhlî g:31). tasea, Jan. 11, Namnntea 2:.00 Priait. Jan. 18,Oakvilfnt.30. Tsday, Jais 27,Saatrmillia&.tg Sundass. . 1,eoreston 2:30. Sonds.ah t. Alimaal. Antar fsesa aats Potle t lieh arna. NO REASONARLE OFR REFUSEO GALLINGER MERCURY .TON PLAZA 878.28IRl an An M SI 1 f4 tan 81 25 21 Ei 21 20 Ms Na Is N. 22i 21i 212 21( Liti O Col Fei, Nu i Inn tuî o. 0 R.A , Mill jet' Fît. Bth sr M hait tiff tht anitt- TI oit M Milt front Chii Mi] Colli Hro pc Las Grang Tht Orang becaui 8 tu 0 boys I We I ria hà anal PI*ým' e IL..ý

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