Fcrty officia biamed a lock cf sufficient udvertising and preparunion lime, and tise fart flsursduy in Oniville is cabout the buaicît nigisl cf tise meek for ie smaller tison rxpecled ittendanre-leas thoan 200. They expert o big birnent for liseir tent gthsering, perhaps i siovembere mien Ontario Preier John Reisnrts i. slated o speair. ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArris. - MRA. C. 17A MIII Street, Suile 2, Acton Telepisene 853-2740 or 20 Stavebank Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Offie Houre by Aptpointenent ACCOIJNTANTS EARL G. BLACK< B. Coin., RUA., C.A. Chartered Aceeaot.nt 163,Main St., hilton Phtone 8784042 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Dector of Clsimproctle 237 lOnge Court Creecent Corner Martin St. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSURARCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANC ASSOCIATION Auto-Home, Protectlon-ccîd. cnt and Sirkneos - Pamfly Llabifity Parm labliâty Your Milton Agent Mns. Thea Kurz R. R. No. i, Milton Phone 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION v Homne Protection Auto. Accidnta Deoai asd tntpatrment S Soie 87rivag. Ete Velaicte Reductiont premitim Mim Econaiedent RR. 2 Milton, 8764Z5. Over 21 Yearsn Service The tu Lit.e R0BERT S. HART Agent 341 Orville Rond, Acton Bus. 416-431-3460 Res. 51IU53-1527 S~ ____________________________ 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS S McKERSIE Fanerai Homne 10 114 Main St., 0-o litit year cf helptiul, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOH4NSON, 0.D MILTON - '184 Main St. R: 878-9M2 0 Tueedays and Prldays ACTON - M miii SI. R. su 853-2520 Wcdnesdays and Sattuys Residacce phocne 878-9678 9. LIBRARY HOURS- 711011aY. Tlearmdey and Frldaty 12 sem.o .30; 6.30 to9.o1. stsscaly - 9.30-12; 1-5.30 SOS STANFIELD in thte Hoeocf Comment. He scelded tise Liberci gcvernmect fer "a lad cf any resi inspiration in its prcgrcno mad fcr ils lendency le go "mach toc faur in tise cisanging cf parliament's mIles. H e accused tisemonf do ngradiog lise vole cf parliaineni and "ccnverling tise Houai inlo an emasrulated cisain cf deputies." Me. Slanfield said it Wastlime tise Coneervolives empisasiced tiseir rôle astie alternative porîy te tise gcvemment-"noW n tise lime to taire OUR message le tise pecple cf lise contry, me have a greal epporîucity becacai tise gcvernmcet hat disappointeed KNHOX PREBYTERIAN CHURCH Iotvrim Mcdrrator. Rrv. F. N. Young, BA. Georgetown 877-6206 O carme lot us wcreiip mnd bsow dcon; ]et as isorri isfore the Lcrdi our Maker." SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 9.45 ave.-Sr. Ohurch Scisool. 9.45 a.m.-Ycoug Proplets Bîible Clast. 9.45 am-Tse Thiniru 10.50 0.m.-Jr. Chorris School. 11.05 oo.-Morc:ng Worship. Mict:oîr, Rev. Professor J. C. Hay. BD.. PhID. lut0 am.-Nurery. raeasday, Oct. 14 - The Rois. ertson Acxiliary Thacisof. ferlin Servai2 pmjn the chorcs. GuraI speakser, Mos. Wm. MaFadden. ILTON GOSPEL HALL 06 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chrittians galiserrd in lise cm f thve Lord Jeo- Cisrist. Lordes Day 1ONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 0.30 a.m.-Srimking cf Breadi. 2.15 p.m.-Sunday Stitool. 7.00 p.m.-4Gospel Service. frdnredtay, 8 p.m. - Frayer and Bible maOiig. Ail ove welrome 1 tisee services. Hr:og bcrccgaic, by lise 'ccd of Gcd, cchich livrlh and hidet olcrevvr. Ist Peter: t, 23. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHUECHES Mioiszrr: re. Stanley E. Smith, B.A. UMDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 '.00 a.,c.-Boscra: Thacis. g:iccgServiceand Lord's Su liera. .15 a.m ~oston: Chorcs Suhooli .15au.--Oma0r: Chovrch Sshccl. .30 a.m.-Omo0gh: Thacis. givioc Servcre. St. PAUL'S CNURCN Of THE UNITED CHURCN OP CANADA Maio St. ai James St. Minister: e.C. A. Hoiner, B.A., B.D. Irrocist mnd Choir Leader: Mns. Haroldi Mage NIYAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 00 .m-Wors'hipService. Srn,,n ..hsThavi:s V0,:h:,: Ccd." CHURCOI SCHOOI.1 .0 a.m.Socday Schccl for al] boys ccd girls ovrr 8 yrars. 0 o.m.-lcfoct Nursery In charge of registered nue and nitr' yermnt. o am-Kide aal nmd Pr.maryDpatiet ages 4 - 8. Invitation To Ait Fire hall open bouse Open houais are sciseduled for Tisursdity and Friday evenigs nt Milton Pire Hall, and yeattgsters and adults alike mvil] hae mecomne to leur tise hall, viem fdmtn mnd stck up on foce pvcvention literalure on botis evenings. Firefigiiters are sponsoring tiseir annal cran houai le coinride mitis fie prevetttien meek. They are offerig roîl nmovds fev tise Oirmcntury scisanl classs brigitlg out tise largest numbev of parents. The Main SI. lire hall ts open hatis cvenigt front 7 to 9.30 p.m. Adults wilI ha eligible for a froc dram on a fire extinguisiser-if tisey are arccompanied by a risilsi. CHURCN OF CHRIST No. 5 Sidercas and 4t5 Lino TraNagar *A<~y, OCTQBR 12, 1969 10.0 a.nt-lSible Salseci Classes 0cr all a". 1.0a.m.-iiorninu Worsfp. 8.00 pon.-Prencdnu cr tIse ospel. GlACE ANGLICAN CHIJECN Miltcon, Ontario. Rectcr: Roc. i. W. Posler Acsistont: Canon P. H. Maton SIJI31AY, OCTOSOR 12, 19 Trinity XIX 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9.30 arn.-Jr. Churis Scisani. 9.30 a.m.-108cly Eorisurist and Srmron. 10.45 a.m.-Sr. Churris Sisilol. 11.96 o.m.-.Matins and Thorsday, Orloisrr 9 - 10.00 amn., Holy Communion. Ycu are Mlways Welconsmd aI GOme Cissoci NIGI4WAY GOSPEL CNURCN A local assembly of THER PENTECOSTAL ASSR9ABLIES 0F CANADA Pastor: Rrc. M. Chrtstensen LORS3S DAY SI.NSSAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 9.45 a.m.-Suoday Sciscol. 11.03 u.m.-Mcseting Worsi5. 7.00 p.m.-Evangelittc Service. Wvdrlesday, 8 p.m. - Bible Study mnd Froyer Metin. Friday, 8 pin. - Youang People's Service. A Ohurclt You Cie 1.46e Ycun Heme A Wormn Wetcome to RuErynne EMMANUEL SAPTIST CNURCN Ccmmrcial Strreet, Milton Pootor: Rec. Clayton Cclrs 878-4473 979-3542 Tise Lord's Day SU'dDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1969 9,45 a ut.-Sccday Ochool. 1.00 o.m.-Morýning Wortsip. 7.00 pmt-Evening Wortslip. Vrdnrnday, Oct. i. 6.30 P.rn. Junior and Ynads trico- fednrsday, 6 p.m. - Bible Stady. teuriser training and prayer. Nursery at Suoday services. YPC RlLb ."fts 2 Thse Cana.dien Chsampiaon, Wedieecly, OcfeoW 8,1969 R. Stanfî.Id fi.Ilds questions Robert L. Stanfielai tie la a btf dde.M. an increnn umber cf 84015 Conservatlve pelacl Cenuomtlv petn national Stnnfield seatdtiepevtry Canadiss in an craig discorag eol feai w londeeas tisefvinasoies bt *mod e snO ccesthon ve bt! nember of Wnye. We have t Whcs i a hprescrit of distingaiiseod speakers lu maason to aspect" in perfoentiag projecl a poiat of vite, Qit miff dons. appene before Halton Yoaag ita vole ns thse offitial oppositien demaatd enpport and confidence * Canadimi withdramal Ptgesav Conseev i ld h frnt tise Canadlanepeople." NATO: The forces camail spEke md pactcipâtcd in n Then hi oi!d YPC publicint NATO absoutid anothe vedaî .Ieepit styleqaetiot peris Tonry O'Connor tob monta on a Cansa hies a enaine inte 5sO5VllOThai5ay.dias anlisfront of thermainto co.povaliag Wits tiseW Canadas =pnaoin leder anaWerverbal and Wrlttea couritries.mo fcllomed ex LbalMP Jady actions front tise adience. * Toc may civils Laidnesi, 9.41 Dr. Morton !ropirs coveaitd incladed: employons: The oaly ef Shisuman of tise 960F. and *The US nurlear tests in tise way te corloil tise manri proviacial edacatian mnitr Aleatian Islands off Alska: Ho employons is te controBDDvsi h Psste fsi aaasol sotis nrbro rg a notedt speakters and tise format dlaim of scveveiggtty ccv Arctit gcveenment pvcgvamrs, cf Thursdays dintor at tise waters; Canada ehcald have led medicare, mato more pien Holiday Inn mat cisansed le ion a jin peetest mils otiser favor a stringent revew o alloW more adience ceantries; there Wut a raja cf sort of ting. participationt. tidal W ave. venthin eue country a Civil service empl Suitably attired for a nigisi eut mnd tise govemrment sisoald have being forced te retire aI nIS wiih> HalIon's yong Tcries, Me. taben meamaret te proteat lise Rmployoe Who are flot pre Stanfield arrived Wearing atods orieo 6shu tat modlooingbroze uitwit *Guarantéed income: We 65 sa tisey Weald eeceive, orange shirt and Wide lie. But ie ought te be able te provide pension. 1 am nginst fo feand mcst cf tise audience Canadians Witis a decent inceme pecple te votive befote tis repveeetted lise senior secction cf and a decent standard cf living. prepured te retire. tise ceantyes PC grcap-tse Bat tise empsis sold hae cne John Diefenbsaker: Ho youti etement was noticeable veiabilitatien-it, net consistent former Prime Minister cf Cm and is entitied toea specia statut us suris. Wisctisr Mv. Diefenbsaker i tisere or net, t have te maintain tise confidence of my asueciates in tise paety. a Lcmsimgs tise vctiog agc te 18: Tise Liharal pavty in Quehar lomered lise votin age prier te ils defeat. It reafy depende oo missi kind cf an impact me cmn mraite on tise young voter.. Wr 6.v'rt. kfbi WId tnd.r foir Scotch S"k u systenf froc tted te med, as testein service 'active iet of S-M lice oyeon e60: c age s fuît *vcing y arc i. n lie calllag cf teaders for tise rcenstrection cf tise S c BloIek Dem by Haiton Rge IConservation Aatiseeity oificiâas Approve extrai on flwer for f lood control Tise $2,297 rosI cf conols existing semrer lieos te tiene Mslton Cocil lat ekdei~ minee objections. Il mas pointcd eut tise connoctien cf tse present laies at Wocdmard, Mountaive Ripace m W. t. DiS Sciscol would relie.e past cemplaints of flig aSin tise aven. Hnving tise connections made nom moald preven t mcving in large eqaipment Inter. Counctitor F. Barr mus critirul tisaI tise cest hâti ot been iciseded in tise original ccntract. "Tise enginonra isnem me more having preblemo in tisose arcas." Ho niaintained tise test siseald hae berne by th eotgincers for net inclading tise morS in tise original ceetrart. Counnil apprmved tise morS as an extra te tise contrnct. have aid u problem, c specially Stanfielsi for hie franir ancrera.*IJ IJE Tise speaker mas introdured by uc Ca din Bruce MrKineon. Ollton's lait fedeval PCTD candidate Peter K. MeWiims, COUNTRY CLUB teNational YPC president Ç Graham Scott andi HltonuEst . CO E MPF Jim Snom meve mong tise C BE audience.___ D NC J~) Canadian Logion Hall A .MOORE SATURDAY OCT. 111h A"71je,11111 I DOOR OPEN S.P.M. CAAUUEVIUI ORCHESTRA - THE NU1E IRDS 11114%22711NO ADMITTANCE UNDER 18 1wuaset bock lwOo eksfdur tise dlsreredl goiverienam onso m ctona lmd ot let tobee Provincial Deparlanent of lllgisaym vegelationa peclaibit Itise oveloadlng of iSigi s by trucs erconstruction machines and tise Scotch Blockspcjc waald reqive. in mont tnes saismissiens, iseavy sartit scrapers te cross HliShsy, 25 front the point tisey dlg up diet fcr tise dans tai tise point acre.s tse isigisay mbeee tise dan s ite Il Would hae possible to titans tise fdl arrose tise igWay but tse biais rcst cf lIais opevation pots it eut cf tisCenservatien Autiseelty's' tdget. Hurrird tellegeseno mere et est te aIl tenders Tisdey po3ting Wisen tise veadistec prebîe Wvos teanned by tise Autiserity. Tenders mili osa csll asuin in WO meekas time. qMEETS EVERY TUESOAy 0 p.. GRACIE ANGLICAN PARISH HALL HIA VING A PROBLEMP DROPIN. LONG CIItIMBEDC 101osob. GOILDN BAHMAS.L RIPE 12'MA s -NEW CARROT S Cim?. 1Oc ea.. Creont Style Cern.......14 0. tins S for $1.00 Duname Hi. Coke Mix............................ 2 Boxés Bo Allie.s OrsneileDrinks g 4oz.tlins ............Sfor.00 Otelsie's PotatoMini Chp . 3........o...... fSr 1.00 cils U ""Pl TURKEYS 39 li-am P on WIENERS 551b Lion DAPIO g mL_ BMCK BACON 91 Phorie RESTIVO'S ST. LÀ&WRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE ami* Serdm SHOW TiuU TUNS fUi-SA. OCT. IS.9? IF IT'S TUES; THIS MUST SIE BELGIUM (Suznne Pleshetre) (ADULT <Color) LAND 0F 1000 FACIES NOTRE DAME (Cartoon> WE.TIUM.4PRI.SA. OCT. 11-10 (4 DAYS ShwTimes SOpM 17 à 18 wiII h.e 6.30 p.... à 9pn. ICE STATION ZEIBRA (Color) ROCK HUDSON GUIDED MOUSE USLE (Cartoon)