Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 19

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Thse Cenaien Champion. Wednèssdey, Octoher 8, 1969 1 I Farm - fron tb br Ilefs---- FRED GURNEY, agedi 70, ut R.R. 3 Perlesa hotu inhowlsg ahesp tar 05 Veste. Hia cas tht let esiitor le tht seep choc on Milton Fair.-(Staff Photo) FBoy shows sheep with 19Fabulous Fred" Gumey Tise fahabloat Fred Gumey" made hic snusal appearnce aI Milton Fairtchia yoar, onhihitlug hies Shrcopshire chtp lu tise faine etttpc 14st. d riist aid namod Manrk Comfort seho Ioois litre hbais gtahrefullu'isglun Fahaloas Frodes footeple. Fnod, a 76-ytarold shmep man front R. R. 3 Paris, nover faile tv cake home a fuir thare of lise amomseyns e ho dace tisc fnl fait circuit mils hie shoop. Ho chvuld-he's hecîn showivg shoep for 65 Yeats, haviug etrttd aîctheagoofl11. H e acquir d lise cille "fahalone" msup poanu ago ufler cpeudiug a lot of lime isolping Westerni Ontario faonats isreod botter sheep stock. Tisey hvnaoed hies hy prosenîluf o wulhlug stock, iuscrihed "t lise fahalvue Frtd Gurnep'. Ask Fred how meut aads hie has weon foc ehowiug hie shoop, sud ha'll. tell pou he's long forgottet. But ho keepu ou wiituing thots, peur aflor pean. Hic outnios lvok six ficela a second sud a third aI Miion's 1969 faie. Math Confeont son of Mn. sud Mca. Genald Cosefool of R. R. 1 St. Anu's, waa lise poungeel shco> showmtus ut tise fair tis pean. Mark gol slurlod esosiug eheop wen hoe vlau Ihr yoars old aI cthe CNE and halc getu ut it toto sinco. Tise Comfonî family has heen in lise business for 30 Yeats. Whilt Fred Guny onIt admit it, ho mustl h nukinR of nelining in lise cour future. Not long âgv ho pnosenled Young Mark seitis shal musc hieone of hie moat pricod possesslvua-hlis first pain of shoep shouru,' a ses baes beon usîng since 1909. Gleamdet froot "ENt100 Faces News" laaead hy the Ontorio Deacocatt of Agrilcture and O Rl Fair le titis waakecd, Oct,1 tt 13, and many Hatton formatos witl ho exlhlbtiag aad î:.npttia., Tht Waat-Centrcl ostemo esastiocdip chose ie osa of tht higttist, and ites sated for Friday ut 9 oict. Hutes ons the hord tcophy st yeur for tht tinet Oluse. *Thie -yect'e Itratioal Ptowlng Match jet cf Poise Oct. 15 te 18 and marty feot Hoills will ha attosding. Two otaits tatot, os Non. 1, Sort McOowvelt of Hornhy wilt hoco tht Hatton Ftowing Match whici cctea cl qua"n of tht focoote costeat ad hooseehot pitchiog meatch. Asy Young ladites aged 16 t0 25 are iuvitod Ou compote foc tht funoow qumon titls, sud ecish contotunt wii sein a priot. tSptakiog of dates, koep Nov. 14 10 22 in mlod-thut e lise weci set Faidle foc tht Royal Agricutturat Wlntor Fait in Toonto. eMac Alexander, Brook Hansd Gordon Sinclair hase h ton chocen thete 001 ai5 olection cosesittot frot Hotn lu tîect a diroctor to tht Ontario Milk Marketing Board labor thia fait. *Gedrgo Jackson has hetu appoiated Fiain p ecistiel for chie ores, hy tht Ontario Lino Stock Branch. Boh Sîsei is tht noew heof spocialiel and Donald Stovenson la tht shttp secicliet. AS tisot en sot locattd ut tht Nowntarktt office. *Tht insutance cottelo of Hallon Fodoonlion of Agriculture is planning a spatial eetling seili a speaker onoastato planning. Tht date wll ho avnvuncod lalto. *Congraullations te Hallon Junior Farmors foc lakif firet Z cize o thoir cofoty tohihil ut ilion Fuir. Hvtnhy Souts 4-H clis sets secvond and Cumehlîvilto 4-H clubs tliid. *Hulîvo Faces Sufelp Coancil has msuy noew safety films availahle. If any ongunicution seanle a filmn for a meeting they should contact pteident Gerad Carton on stcnotaoy Mut. W. Webb. * Thoce Young mon frnt Hallon wl) ho oligihît fora livetock emagement cour in conjoniction wilh lise inton-cvuncy livoscocs judging coeoilîoo uct lise Royal Wlnîer Fuir. On visils t0 honu fido faons in Ontario lhep seill observe and discuta oconomic fuctors nolaled tv feeding, hootding sud housisg of liveucocis sud gain oxpeniocce in iudglng sud evalulion. lv îeoeslod upplicaots should contuct che Agricultul Office. Hi* allontJunior Forats coant cncinuing o0 tel) cickocs on tht enosemohilo drase, co ho held in Decomison. *A coafîs poojoct on quille is VOUNGEST COMPETITOR en the fol) foin esea> divisio' a ai offmnd ali Hollon woevnn Cosefont, 14, of R.R. 1 St. Ann's. Mar sehowed is iret ehesp at tise oGoïton IBis fl h yme . e o .oi CNE when ho was luet chree. lIes shown os faft mitis hie yoonger j, Hotnu adPo onis hrotiser Nail, eigfi.-fSaff Photo) Th lon nd el leOcni. 2 t.------------------------------- i TALK ABOUT "FARM FRESH" i PICK - YOUR - OWN i ACHUDLEIGH BROS. - R.R. 3, MILTON - 416-878-2725 i SEPTEMBER 20 TO OCTOBER 20 I NcNa.24 Hy. . I FREE DWARF iCONTAINERS A. C /TAPL TEE i FREE N i PRKNGLADDERS i PRIGTO CLIMB iWfEKDAYS MilieuOTTES.Opm APPLE CIDER to Dark No. 5 lOsy. Dsda PEARS ISA?. &e SUN. AND Dawn 9 DarkOTIIER i Iant Ar QB*W PRODUCE I 0 Mdintoh S Red Dolicious* M ortier. Spy * Russet and Golden Doudous sud 24 sud bath hefinneot sud Le einced qailteos are li Ths peut' 4-H soudes le elatend for Oct. 24. Tht weighing of tht Quault' Guintas calf etties frot Hallon selS cake place ou Oct. 10. * Achienomeut day for Halton 4-H field cnop cluis vrais held 51 Geotgttowo Fain ou Feiday, and tht 4-H shet> club heldi theirset tclie foin Salianday. Dual Purpose Shorthorns Entries frot the hond of Altost Palteecoc sud Svn, R. R. t, Milcon took tht mosc pnices in tht Dal urpose Shoothon classes ac Milcon Faie. Williaut Smith, Guelp sehowed tht champion ho)) sehile tise champion foemele s shosen hy C. Feacucis, Milton. Faltenson hâtd tournve iu bocis champion hall sud feseule classes. lu the hoceden's hord Peacock sies finsi, Smeiths second, Pattorson third. Faccensun suins covk chre finelu, thoot secondsansd shoot thiode; Smeith chiot foute, a second und o chind; Feacock tîwo finsca, choco seconds sud a third. Tht judgt cas Munvic C. Green. THACE RINGS 1>4 ACTION-Julge Cyril Cooks looks enter thse welcomed by carle men for Saturday's evant. It rained brief ly at Angus entries, whuele inthe background judging continues in thse mid-afternoon asd the wind vias cool through the clair, but sute> Guernsey and Jersey rings at the fa)) fair. Good eather was skies bleasei the ¶115th annuel tain -(Staff Phono) dvUne a Champion clucsified tv aentice unwanlnd itms. Phone HEAVY fH0RSE JUOGE ouglas Paler oves a draooc hlonte atis 878.2s4 n cono owner parodes it an osse il diamond, during compatitionsetO asilakon seill holp you word the Milton Fair-Staff Photni ad. W'd liate to think what youW pay*ifs.meb@dyel» bilslpt U hlt. -T, h..a h .~, . 1, l, ., Th v - c,.. h iý OohS*0 . .d . -, ., i.. I- io .1 Th. i. Ih . 1 ~ N. tu -. O 1- P h ih m. ~1 ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS We are now taking ordlers for Fait Dolîverîos of BEEI PULP - PLAIN or WITH MOLASSES - Check Our Prîces and Place Your Order wifh us NOW! FREE ANALYSIS SERVICE This coming fait and wînter lot us take samplos of your hay, silogo and grain for analysis. This information will help you plan a botter foeding program for your dairy or beef herd. CALL US TODAY - THIS IS A FREE SERVICE - W. stock a full lis. of* MRASTER FEEDS- FEMASTERRFSTSTIA UN- MASTERFE E DS 3il 774512 - Gopoa __ oyota Mark Il $2884 i~.The Tuootanonv utmbies i d ad sncedisyoer30 deusomCamoda. RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LItdITED Mons taThur. ac&mte p.mpo Frie8 daaaot 50500. Setardev 9àota oeP..e 1002 Spost Road -Oakisve o827-1021 -027-1031

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