Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 18

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1%is Carnadien Champion, Wednesday, Octber 8. 1969 Expject 200',000 at 1969 plowing match Up ta 200,000 people a- ath lt an ther faim gooda exp.cted to attend the 1969 d seas. Intemnatioaal Ptowiag Match aad While the major avent is the Faim Machaetry, Dernonstration competition in ptowing opta to to ha hield Oct. 15, 16, 17 and ptocmea ina ny part of tht 18. Site of the match je tire Rose cortd, the foot-day eveat Kettey Faim aad neighhoriag iaclodea a complote progrim and fims located tco milea north of varaied entertoloment for al Faria os tlighaiay 24A. memhifert of tht famity. For the The lait Interntional plowing tadiet theîe arr daily fathion matchie in thia coonty wer held showt, flcceroronging, cooking ia 149 ad 117.aid othîr demonstratioot. in 149 nd 117.Soch a ghgaatic show rîqoitr Total amonat cf tond invotned the co-oporatron and voluntary an tht Match je 600 acres and lahot cf aay people. At tht thin incldes aTented City local licol thtrr tri 24 occupyiag 70 acier. complte ccemitttt chairsr to h civir with its oea officrai Mayor. It 100 people worino on varions cdll houai displays cf faima committeir. CHAMPION STEER aI tris ysar's Milton Fait Fait cas tris Hereford onnst hc Ceil McCann cf Omagh.-lStaff Photo) Plant trees in spring to replace dead elms With tire toms of mamy lires iv majcîily cf cindhieakt. Carolina Hatton citir Dutch Bisa discte, Foplar or Scotch Fiat are oflen ait faisans shcuid ha thinking cf added hecause cf thit rapid ptantîng tioes ont spring. Noc gtccth. Black Lccust sa ont cf is rire tisai to order pour tries tire hast tries to plant to hotd fîca the Onttrio Oeprtmet cf etcding dlay sdopes. Landis tnd Forests. Write tc Tries ccst $10 per tircusad, thsa at Hîspoter or gît an citu tht exception of Scotch application fcrm frosa tire Fini chicir arr $14. Agricoltutal office. Apprncimately 1,000 tiers are Advice is aise avaitahir cn reqoîred pot acre. Acycre spocies cf titis, re. Sp rue tnd ccning river tw cescan Crdcr are tir especîrs osedîin tire cirtain thesi tirs. wA YOUNG 4-H MBMBBRS show tireiron et caes do ins ire judt fi cmpetitons as Milton Fair Tire cas avn ecellent show ut 4-H raina n tire cottle rngs tis year. StatFli chto CHAMPION ANGUS lamai t ai Mlton Fait cas Brite Gienmeîî, ocnad anti eshihitati hc Wilmc Filas Miltos. Jot Wîllmctî ir ai tht batter. This ccc cas aise lirsi ami senîi champion ai the Cetra Canada Bxhibition, Ottaca.-(Staff FPhoto) LîSTEN CLOSBLY NOW . chic a Champion phoinarapher ieught ihese smo gaoi whispericng 500cre annuler, hira oinitheun wara in tht cîcena oi cnispiring to dîcîdi op tire ewvardn in tire lu fair sot sampatitîn. Tire tocs os tire inh cattnt iv boit the iude oce lt3e ccc oui in tire rinc, irai sus idia was oiord tic iris rampaios iStaff Flictni 3153 OASELiNC RD. iMILT.ON, Ove tELEPcOrî3 878 41 il NADALIN ELECTRIC Company Limnited INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING oSUSTcnION$ AND MtooR tEPInnt - UNOitGOOUuiO WIOiNG POLi Uoir CONSTRUCTION - AcImi; F;OOD;IGHTING CUSSOM COTRtOc PANELS 24 moult MAINTENANCE stRVC LOU5 NABALIN JUDGING HORSES is a diffiuis feat tor aven an topera lutr L. L. Thibaudleau, cho tanail sic sntdis in tht moadrter teamn comrposition. Hart lie lochs ccci ont ci tht tsams. Tht o clvaes si Milton Fait seamati to mael lt gi alneai, chile entrias in many other parts ci tht tait watt dccn.-Stalf Phocto) Field crop, sheep clubs display at Georgetown fair Halion's 4-H Field Cîop cloub and 4--H Sheep cloh memirers heid unîtr achîrcemeni days ai Gergetco Foir oin tire cîîkend. Resutlsttpoied hy assistantagriultrai rersnie Hugi Cook aie as folt oss FIEiLD CROF CLUB Coin. lais John Nurse. 2nd Ken Austin, 3îd Joe Andtison, 4i Fhîlîp Agnesa, ih John Tire mihoci santîcord 4-H mosahers are elîgîhît Io exhîhît ueir coin ai Frin Fair. SHEEP CLUB ihonsa.unship, hii Keiil Aauii. 2iid Davsid McKinnîîn, 3îd Doug Gaidîiioice I/tordusinEe Cliii. Isi Jaîîcî PLAN NOW TO HIAVE A GOOD TIPdE AT WOODIRIaDGE FAIR WOODBRIDGE, ONT. Saturday, Ociober il and THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, Ociaher 13 2 DBI DATS Satuodun - Biniou Horese Show, Basa Caille. Western Horst Showa. Rabiis. Csnlaa. Manday - Juniar Hanisa Sho., Pout. Paas, lad Hay and Lîght Mntis Datty Catti., 8ilp. Childtas's admisasionsaisass riant, ta Macyclesnd tein. asttor radio. Prvlu at ai sfl MIDWAY - BOTH DAYS Hoctîr, 2nd Doofi Gardirooni, Jîd Keitir Aitinn. Market tLahb Clars. Iti David MecKinson, 2nd Keitir MeKînnon, 3îd Sosoan Corrne. THE TOWN 0F MILTON 'lis, Perm exhib"trs *More winners ut Milton Fair Hogs MCL40d, ChPahad saon twa fiacla, a cecond and pair cf owned hy G. and W. AtIcin fiis i eods he hrs third. Feigune wac drivas hyW Bd Snow, R. R. 5 Milton wac and Ico fouiths. OIte Hughes Brothers of R. R. t Atinson tnp echihitor la tire ceint tclrihîto and tuait cinnings: Strood con o fins, thite seconds ta tht classifiaid piest contstat Milton Pair. Judge G. H. Dyttent, Jeratyvitît, sixanmd a tltird; Andew cilghty Soapsto iton nd hy ia. B. Croc awaided tac hogp titree Ousta, foot seconda, one third, con sco firsts, sco secondam vr fMlo ddie j rcts. thee snecondsanmd two tco fonîrtha; Mia. G. M. Scott, a third; Clae Bacher cf R. R. Aatdy Avery cao tht top h duir. Mi. Sace atmo shoed R. R. t Mitîgrove, fine Ousits, 3, Cayoga con Ico secondsanmd coming lurit la tht lintalILh the champion soc and toseme, far seconda, ont thmrd, one' three thirds; Choicelea Faim ai mnd second la tht final. and tht hen prtocf bacon hogs. foorth; B. Steveson, R. R. t R. R. 3 Acton won Ico Oîcstc n u Tht only other compatitot and Ben Little cf R. R. 5 n u cas J. A. Kelly, Elora who won Qu a sr h Shaîhomne got.la sire wlaner'c Foot Angus feais compat a fiast, a second and o third. derho ie circla citlr a thttd. for laoîela la tht Anguc classes Dr. William Bovaird of R. R. 3 smMilton Fait. Gu.ernseys Brampton scept tht Quarter Ligflt norses Tom Jackson and Sons, Mo Hos t n d Foay classification Mr n r.Rs hmsRoa h dtecapo J. M. McCotlooagh cf Acton cith Oive fittts, a second and a dMi and Mwrsin. Rom T ha ad wot thfirts fachton h cspremir brerder and Dr. R. third while othlera cranng doiardaad i h Lgtm cnso rîOv eo D.a Konica cf R. R. 2, cira Donna Rohillard of R. Horse w clhansifit i o n s aIT M l t o n andpetihîsae Ethirirdss il Gr' orgrtccn cas premir Biooklin citr a flicst, two i dIlo tid.M.adWilm n os .R exhihitor in tht Gorrnsey show seconds mnd thisa thiidn: John second n hr hrs i n Miltot mnld Sons R.amR. hrl etMilon ait Leghta c Fegon . . Mit. R. M. Bordan cf HiDsburgh fMlo inctd rav cps Grnd aM pion ait d htst tor oil mdgu a thtrd; badl 1hre issadati r finasead eseon. ansf Grad hamio cw ad estHoar Ele ndSon of r e nts and a third; Dr. w on s mad c asecond. oddrd femaler e cn ohth Woodbîidge shr irrt ss, W. Knte scfns Mi.iagand Faim Ls intrues cf L. S. Pickering, secondoand a third. threînc seconda Mi. aroMsseaeac Dairvitit. John Y. MeNahh cf William Rohrtson cf R. R. 2 Norman Smith of R. R. 2 .schio shoeead thtrasme Gro rfitown shows tht top Dondos con tain aiconds; Jack Bramptos con a Oirst and tc Orii mnd Ico third prize tihhoi irrrdîr's hord. Thîre wr jont KMasson mnd family of R' R. t seconds; Donna Rohillard cf R.- Ron Wilson mnd Sons, R. R. tht foranhihitort tis yrar. ttglecood a third; Wray Stirling R. 1 Brocirlin cliied o second; Rochwood claimed a second ai Rasoirs cri as follcwa: cf R. R. 9 Dnvitît a OirsI; William Rohertson cf R. R. 2 a third. Cytil G. Cookr caa jdg Boui caif, Konica. Bofi Happy Valley Ranch of Dairvilla Dondas won a Oirsi and a third; yearling, MîCoilcoug, Pickering. a aicond; G. O. Mordan cf Roy Boys cf R. R. 3 St. Champion huit ccd riairve, Ocirville a third and Mi. and Mia Catharines won c second. Sheep McCoilcogr, Krînica. Norman Smith cf R. R. Ircin Nechinry cf Vlarland There cas Bond campatii Yearling harfîr, McCollcogt, Brampton a second. con a inst, a second mnd tco la tht Sharpa show at Milton Fai Korica, Pickering. Tco yrar cld thirds; G. D. Mordra of Oacnilr cith 10 tohihitois taking hi heifer, Konica, McNahh, Hewo d or a secnd; William Arnold )f dozens cf priai rihironss McNahh. Thri yaar nid ccc, H r f ds Nec Locril con c third; Mi. severaibrerda cfs aht. Konica, Konica, McNahh. Foot Six enhihitcrt rntered and Mis. Norman Smith cf R. R. J. A. Kelly, R. Rl.2 Etc yrar old ccc. Pickeing, Hereford comperilions in tht i Brampton con shîro Oirstt and shoced tht grand champion ta McCoiloogr Fîvi yrar old ccc, show ring ai Milton Pair. tco seconds; Hoghi Brownocf and con Oive flîsts, tht Pickrting, Konica, McCullough. William B. Arncld, Nec Guelph got a second seconds foot thirds and fo Dry ccc acy agi, McNahh, Locili shcced tht champion William Booth cf R. R. i foorlhs. Grand champion as Konica, McCollougr. fenmall and con a inst, a second Milton con a flîst, Mis. Rcy cas an tntty cf Fred Gome Champion fîmair and tîstini, and foot thirds in compîsition. Ellis cf Rchcood con a Paris mnd i also con sla Ots. Pickering, Konica. Bit onddrr Riserni cas a ccc rntered hy F. second; Happy Vclley Ranch in second and a third. clans, Picketring, Konica. Hustr. R. R. 2 Sttittsvilit, and Oakirnlir came op cith a third; Riairvi champion tamn con Bridit's hîrd, McNahr, i also con a second ptirr Dr. William Bovaird cf R. R. 3 ftom Gtrald Cmft, St. Ann MeCilcougr. Opea gîot cf sre, rihhon. Brampton con a Oîrst and a Ht cisc won sevra flrsts, a Konica, McCollcogh. Frcgrny cf In tht hol ccmpetitîcn, tht thîrd; Howard Bila and Son cf seconds. Tht tiserni tee ci dam, McCollough, McNahh. champion came fîcan C. F' Woodhidgorearned c third; shoca by H. Cooper r Jodgr cas Andrîc M. Tîlfîr. Fattîrain, R. R. 2 Noinal. Douglas Dilaniy cf R. R. 3 Smithville cho con Oive finit Fattrson cisc claîmod tcc firsts Acton con a second ccd third; 11 secondn, aix thirds and te Ays ie a.0;.5 second and a ihird. Rostice Wray Stirlingi cf R. R. 9 Dnville orts cas shccn hy James McCarthy, con a firit; Garnit Cochrane cf Jndgr T. K. Hendîscon ais Tin roîhioîrcomtsr fo R.R. Gîîgrocnchoair MytirStation con a second and acarded ptiret as folices: amardls in the Ayîshîrr classes cf con tcc Oints and a third. J. H. Taylcr cf R. R . 2 William Jackson, Rocircon Milton Pair, ciîh Muinin C. Graham and Enilyn Gillies, R. Borlîngtcc wcn c third prîi. tcc Oints, fout seconds, fou Trce et jodgr. R. i Milon con tcc firts, icc R hîrds, sec forthn; R. B Auex Sutherland, Paris, seconds and c tird. Cecil Races Coafoit, St. Ana's, sic fint nhowrd tht champion hou] and McCann, R. R. 4 Milîton claimed rrght seconds, Oive thirds, foc risirve, champion ferrade and a second and a tird. Thre trials cf sperd ctri ton focrths; Fîîd Lueder seccnd prie r hitdits hord. tH cff arond tht oral track tt thi Sailirvitti, 13 Ouasta, sic second stcndsmd ootflitsthîi S ortorn rt oi urn Mîltcn Pair, sco ihirds, ore forth; Ma scnsadtwc thîrds. loawore n Hontîr, Fort Dovîr, shrt finst William G. Reid, Ashhoîn hid Rîford W. Gaîdhouse, R. R. 5 driverccmpeiiig for $700 in foot seconds, Onte thirdt, te, theîrsrvi fîmair and con tht Miltoc claimed fini firsts and priit mnrny. fourths; Fred Bell, Canfleld, Onv hieeeris hord clars hîs ides thrî second puites on hîts lvy Whc cwed hy Bill Fnbl firsts, thre seconds, thtre pibckinngfiupu fsoot Osi snpîci Shcrthornrcrîirs at Milton Fait cf Milton and drivin hy Aady thirds, ico fourths; Haîri rihcns f or rcods nd co this yrar. Tht Gaîdhousî hird Acery cf Milton con hosr hiatu Currir, R. R. 5, Milton, on fouillhs. încludîed tht champion huit and in the rîcn.cincers $400 trot, In tili. H. Eizinga, Mcsslry con nne rîsiont, and rhîrerreervr tht non-cineta $400 paae, D. .,3Btst maiket tamir priai cen thîrd prie rihhcn. champion femaîr. D. Dillon cas top hcrse, ccmiang to Jackson citu Comilhî Jchc McKinncn, R. R 3 tiîd in tht flrst heci tnd first in second, Bell third and Locdtt Milton showrd tht champion the final hoat. Tht horsetir fouîth. Goats ccc. tir aise elaîsard cri first, tirtee siconds and tco ihirds. Ahbigger thanivet goat show W. R. Jackson, R. R. 4 M ait Milton Fait sac lflrchhioîs Roeircood con a second and shocinfi 86 goats in four hniid uhree thirds chili William G. M ke su re classer. Tiene cos a sic ciais Boothr, Milton cor ont thîrd this yeaî for Nohians. rz ibn Mis. J. FartooR. R. t P'aris piiih cîtir 12 finits, sic seconds, tco Heavy h res yo r h se ihitds andiwo fouiihs.MtrM. Regi Black and Sons ot seconds, fini thîrds, ove foortir; tire tracy Horse classification aiai N. Nyment, Jerrycilli, uhrne Milton Pair. Othîr cî .nnîrs in firts, tirrer seconds, tco hirds; tirar classification cite Lloyd k. Summîîfîeld, R. R. t Mofftt, Stoires cf R. R. 2 Campirelloîlir t e biii cwo finiîs, ti un seconds; Jim cith ove finit; Stan May and Sommerflrld, R. R. 1 Moffat, Sons of Hoînhy citr ihîree firsts one kmst,RRtlone tcod Wn n S o hrofR.2Donda cuti and i n t ontkins, R.n.o ihrdet, two tn iof RhiRds; A a oith nd fl i en isis. two finrisand three tirds; Bert Jodgv cas Doîoîhy Moiti. Holmes cf R. R. 3 Orili Bt relquire for top condition, vitality and stamina. Write or, drop-in for f our iiOPf of "Tht CO-OP Guide to Thne Socesfol Fooding ond Management cf Horsio, - aod a large fou » olour pr/ni suitable fcr cframing. LJ [a se 1~~\ MILTON 8782»01 u s ý GEORGETOWN 877-2271 Challenger Horse Feeds GRAlND OP>ENIN"G 0FNEW UCO GEORGETOWN STORE Thuroday Ostocie 23 an 10.30 A.M. w B. lut G. by e, a dis ho IH. S. t, Sanitary Land Fi Site OPEN FOR GARBAGE MAXDISPOSAL 0F THE HOLIDA SATU RDAY oc. 18 MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON' * FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THf TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMER CA T NOTE BRUCE McKER MPliaise check with bulIdoarerisfaor Et WORKS SUPBRIN1 R ,2ése *fe ispîosa aisa d. 1 TOWN 0F MII.TONDET M il CIAL ST. R, ENDENT, N

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