Tyrn.r Boud MA. AND MAS. BRIAN MCDUPPE mens married on St. Poul's United dharnh an Aag. 23. She is tht former Mary Pieet. They are pictare t i nn the sha ch cith tawet gil Paline Vaughan and Leurc Jane Maa e.-Photo by Milton Phosogrophi McDuffe-Picket Os Angalat 23, St. Pauli parpltrain an d cote United Church cas decaeated mutching clastera cf pueple with candelohea asd sal carnatinis cnd baby's breath in standards cf cite muras cnd fiheit letr. Ciek gadioli fat tht marnai cf Tht facr girls. Miss Paulie orY Willc Pichett and Pete Vaughan cf Milton, and Miss Arnold McDufft. Tht brida is Leurs Jett Nacre cf Actas, tht dangliter cf Mr. aed Mes. siecta cf tht bride, cern dressed Netts L. Pickntt cf Milton, and alike le long teint sreas dresses tht grooma a tht aon cf Mn. and triiered ciah dather gren Mes. Arnotd McDufft. alan of velvet ribbnn. Thsy carrind Milîca. white baskets titîrd with purpîn Rev. H. J. Mahasty, cf and tsle carnations and rases, Londoa, ascin cf tht bride mnd watt cccl parpie carnations d'seattered in their blet. afficiated aI tht double-ring Brian McDaffe cas heat mai, cetmony. Mes. Harold Moge fbsbahrm rn Presidnd aI tht argan, aed Mes. Moffe, brathe n d h Brcam, Rahert t Ca. ca sat Glenn Shetcaad cf Barliagtnn anlaistand Richard Pickeli cf Taranla Given le mateiagt by ber ccted as niants. fethen, tht bride cas lavnly le mn A recepln faltawed in tht oraginal flan, leegia gacts cf Christian Edaratian Centre faille silh. Motifs of'lace and chere tht bride's mather peais accenled tht empire receivnd in a blue ailk sacntung caiatlann, thtea nlee caffa, and ensemble with matcbiag tht skitt front, ccd a chipai occessariesancd a corage cf pick: tera feul frontan bac ît tht sweetheant rases. Tht grooras back. A cap, oppliqîîed cash ranther assiîted wearmng a pote mosching motifs hnld tht pask hautin drens cith mutching three-titered fanîtrtip mîtl. Tht cccl, silver accesanrits ced a bride cîrrîed c cascade banquet danp piak corsage. cf Pink mnd white rases. Liter in tht tvtciag a dance Tht attendants. Miss Lactie cos held as tht U.A.W. Hall Soiseai as maii cf banne. Miss front whre tht y aag rau pin datai Ccnnon, Mins Janne lofI fat tht Pocana Mountains in McCoaig, and Misc Mollit Peansylvacia. For travelling, tht Lathartas on ideurnaida chose brade chose a oavy dreas cf cani dJeevelrc fiant ltagth gacas cf shantung, navy iccesacrii mndca ruât green peau de brache. Tht corsage cf yellow roses. emapie gacca fealred jewel Mr. and Me,. McDuffo cii nscklines, wilh tinyravernd reside Ibis winser on Omaa, bailcnsand large bacs adthng Nebraska where tht grcam puays accent la tht bicha. Thny hockey far the New Yorh carried cascade bouquets cf deep Ranger hockey organizt o Mayes-Wayne In adouble-ring crmony at Raclas Preabyterian church oc Sataeday, Sapsember 20, Nascy Eltinor Wayne and Jack Wilfreii Mayes tr. ee martied. Tht bride is tht daoghte, of Me. and Mes. Joseph Wayne. R.R. 3 Milîca; tht groom iv the soc of Me. and Mrs. Jack Moyes Sr., R.R. I Camphrlloille. Rtc. Stanley Smith ofhiciaîn and Daovii Hocden pîcynd tht orgao. Tht hrier mort a foll-lrngih gown calh whire act ove, satin, her short vri bru hy i pnî,lcand thicestont barrtte. Shr tartand white ccnd rnii carnations. She cas givtn in mîîricgr hy ht, fathnr. Mciii cf tance Sandraî Wayne watt a ful lroglh gocn of pick reffets calh chite lare. Tht bh eiaiud and santal heidesîaid, Robic Smith, Dannmir and Weniy Wayne, Milton, watt full.lenglh miuce raffets goctIs. Tht fiacr girl, Kimbheley Anne Wayne, coîr fulWt-gh pick. Graonan asc LaMr Wayne, bîotht, cf tht bride, ccd the ashera cet Dai and Joseph Wayne Jr. andi Gîery nd Knnny Ma% ra. tht receplaca cas heud an Milton Legion hall. Garas, cere prtsenl front fials Ste. Marie, Mai.nt Faret, Windsor and Toronto. Tht cnudang tip cas ta Port liarceli, tht bridr crarangoa chite iirtss walh white and ted carnations. Shoctrs cntt gacen by Misa Sandra Wayne cf Miston ccd Ms. Mary Carraet cf Toronto. EXCLSIV I LADIES' WEAR MILTON PLAZA Paît Arrngemens A NS j ajtajhL23' Blacklock-DeBruyn le a dauble ring ceremany ai s maying basket af gmace ms Haîr Rasay Cathatit Chuech, and yellac rates. Miltan, Rina D3e Buaiae cas The graonsman mai Mian martied ta Mueray Blacklack. Baughtan with Lavera Tht Rev. J. J. Marphy afficigted Blacklack, brather af tht graoom as tht Jaly 19 weddiag in a and Stewart Hepburn, friansd of setting af white gladiali. tht gecam as uchers. Jefféry De The bride is the daagbttt af Braya. nephec af the bride was Mr. and Mes. C. De Brcyn af ring heure,. Miltan ind tht graoom is tht mon Thse receptian waa hsld at the af Mr. and Mrs. R. Blactatack. Legn Hait with gasts firam aian cf Miltan. Miltoan, Actan, Geargtawn, Tht bride care a fuit leugth. Gaelph, Gaît. Kitchener, A-tint skirted gaca cf rayn Allistan, Clarksan, Lacknaw, taffeta with chantilly lace framn Capbeltnille, grankilte. Part tht empire waist ap. acd Credit and Rackwcad. careriag tht lily-paint dleeves Mrs. De BRuyn watt a saft and entc a laag ilawiag traia pink dese with black arcesacries frant tht thacîde,. Tht pitl-han and a corsage af whit baby crawn, aise cf matchiag lace sceethecet rasas. gave way ta a fangertip vtit and Tht granmsi mather watt a sht carried yellaw baby rates. light blue at and dm55s Marron cf banne was Mes. L. ensemble wath white accestanite Bcaghtcn, tisser cf tht bride. and a corsage cf ted baby Tht brideenaida were Mes. L. De ictetheart taies. lircyn, aistet-in-taw cf tht bride, Tht bride watt a dreas and and a cousin cf tht bride Mis B. capa ensemble cf pals gren De Bruihe. Tht attendants watt Caotasn with a mauve archid fall-tngth dresses cf mauve corsage fat leaving an tht rayon ccd cîrried mauve raos hannymnan trip. ccd ycltaw rasas. Tht tacwet girl A misceltatout thamer ws Lori De Bruyn, a aiece cf tht held fat tht bride hy Mrs. Leidta bride wcre a fuît length white Btacktack, and anather hy Mrs. cattan bracade des andi cntritd Nanan Conetl bcth cf Miltce. RINA OEBRUYN and Murray Blacllock eachanged wealding tacs and rings in HoIy Rascry Church July 19. They are bath tram Milton. CLEMEN FLOOR COVERINGS: FROM 0 Expert Installation 123 Thomas Se 7.2R WELCOMPLEIELY RESTORE YOUR C este - Inclsedcg febimc and labo, KeeP yaar levanite living ranra pleces. We Il moke thora tank aew aigale. 0ur skilled woke eersar frent a the hattam, ta streegthen lb them nee-tie sprnaga, replace filtg; thon re-neyer with tbe bettglut tabric. ysectn CALL FOR AN AT HGME DECORATOR AP IENT OVBR THE TI4RESMI4OLO, Michel Robant Tyne tont inabs bride Marie Bouiter. They cens meric as Greau Angtlicn Chinsh ot lily 19. The bride sa the daighten ot Mn. ced Mm Edmuni inssite, Miltos and the crao le tht son ef Mn. and Mm James yne, R. 2 Geercntecn.-IPhoto hy Milles PhooVaphici Fisher-Elson Standards cf yellec glidiati brn mcnts. Gnld rosettes dscarated Park S5. Uaited fonmed their heidpitcts. churrh, Chathiam, fer tht Tht bride cas givea le double-ring matriage cf Cora sai mnagse by ber beathen, Met tb IsablEs nd James Arthur Eisen. Graatsseesn cas Andre Fisher. Tht casdtetight Carrientasnd tht uthtn. cere ceremasny at faut e'ctack, Betait Carn and Brisa Pichet. Septembtt 20, cas parfared Tht diaser and evnni by tht Rev. Gorge Pierre. recepsias cern bsld le tht Tht brida as tht daughtet cf Mante Hall, Chathem. Ouests Mns. Mabel Eisen asd ian lie ete pesser tramt Londen, Calcin Eisn Chatham, and tht Sarnia, Wisdsor, Porhhilt, scm is thse sas cf Gtrald Blesheim, Tilbury. lsgnrsall, P i c>h et of Chathamanmd Eileen Michia mnd Milton. sentît Of Milton. Tht caupte's hastymons cas Salaici Mes. Aechihatd san ta Victoria, ritish Columbia, dutrits tht ctremasy Perfect tht bride leivitg weariag s cous Lave and Wsddisg Pnayen. mnd des of tets fartet, brocs accesanrirs and yelnc roest. Tht bride's lant leagth gacs They art liig ut 23 Faster St. cîs fashiased frao Prench Chathm. souffle stylnd cith hala Befare tht ceddiag, a neclie, ily-pales denves mnd miscellaneaus chawer cas betd Empire tank, cnmptesseated by by Mes. Met Eisen, Fran Bs a chapal trait. A fatral patieed and Kares Watsn as tht clisser held ber tcalapad farmrtr haras. Asathen illusion four-tise fuce veil. A sscscllnicus thacen a rid e cascade cf ted taies and white y Mers. Gerald Pishet mnd Mns. atephasatia formed! ber bouquet. Alec Hill os tht Pichet basse. Maid cf banne cas Prmn lan, A sncial nvenng ccd dmnce for Chatham,. sister cf tht bride, mnd tht coupte cas held as tht tht bridesmaidi cern Karen tecreatias hall as Tarsers Watson, Chathama, a frind, and Trailer Park, Marpath, chea tht Otanes Pichet, Chathama, sittet hasts cete Mn. ccd Mes. Kiagstey cf tht secam. Their gacas cern Necmbe, Mn. and Mes. Alfy cf gatd drtamette with heaca Hoacd mnd Mn. mnd Mns. vrlvet Irbmanmd they carrird Leesard Necmbe. Because we don't have to spend a lot of time on this every year, we can spend a lot more time on this. Utdtrteoth the Vollinagn ycc thick nvcr chat. ana i, sctathi.g quat rp r A Volaccgna, thot d-c Oct 14 yc-aa , -'a- -~ade. o,, aha 4,500 avprvtcentstot, Ecch oiea nquctrahcrracrhe VoIIavogrv thtcry of eouin Wniion'ttchavr tht Volkswngn calt te moka il look different, oral ta anahn if ccrk hettet, Plaza Motors M ONTARIO ST. N. MILTON 878-2062 At eflusot . 0«40tY et cf M. mnd Mn.Bmm Dessdler, 21 Blitabeth Sit., Mittg,uand ia a mctegy forthe Tact of Mllte. Thse grooma, son ef Me. and Mrs. Jams Tysntr, R. 2, Georgetown, la dblppiai CIlerk wlth Dîne Lant Pa-RW.Fsser afficiuttd ut tht daubla-tiai ctretay and tht sItar ccc decoattd clth chine mnd urange mcmi. Tht brida ce s balttaam ion cf Pench tacs aven satin bath scallapnd teck mnd lac aiemes. A peaclled headde field ber flanr tetgtb rail mnd ian catnied orange ruet bth chine Carnations. Par sond! lgck, dat coena bloc heart pin chicb belanged ta ber mothet. Ait cnaeiag curaI, tht bridai attndants cern muscat af haner Eveyxi Zaaatta, s frind, and bridtmaia lathy Baudler, tisser cf tht bride; Vicisi Tytet, Tbey cane A-lite flnr-leagth dees af coaal oanmge see bath puffy lace denvet mnd lace traits. Tbey cirtled arange mnd white carnation. Tht bride coi girais in mattisge by ber ficher. Becs monc cas Jack Ctacferd, mnd the ushets cent Tatry Tytar, brether cf tht gtaem;* Eric Boudlier, brathet af thn brida; Pul Maunîsia, Joseph Bgudter, brathen cf the bride and Reid Frank. lise wueglle ce d ainl the Maeu ona, bath gtuaris Wogck Oakvte, Nerva and TatgeMin cne recnlved feunt Gcnph mnd Great Beitais. Ttbride'& meshr wn a tita tan des bath matchit ocas, witea accessfenlai md g Cens cf pitk sceethent roem. Thse groems maltant ce s yettec lace drme bath satit mut, .hie icceemanmd a satnas efaepe sceetean tei.di claite mnd ornage sursaiera bath oangte mnd chine Ime as stan table. Tht hot=yes tir pwco te Nertssr Ottai .e brida ce s btack and chite enembte bath chine accessoes nid a corsage of md nase. lThey e livitg as l Priss Apia., Mitto. hticeaeems ehoeen cere httd by Mn.. M. Ponts mnd ber diigbter Maion mnd by Evetyt Zanitta. Tht sctf of tht Tees of Miltes prntet thons bafft a siniser. Mi. mnd MmL Tysset httd s psrty uflen the tnheatantl for ian atendats, wharfth iancouple presensed! toes te theit paents bath their thctîce .-Miay attetsded Georgetown Pair oun he okmd. Jie Brio Paie la dhits cgknd. -Palerme Scbeot mnd ivro ethen Oakvillt scisoots cern icsredd ptaques mnd Simafr the SfortY Etephtat fiage tic ceek fn ee y iesbtheut s pua occidaent dlg schooathoer. And live aittie!l Ail you need is an automatic washer and eltctric dryer. With ont setting of a simple contrai, the washer fMIS itself, washes, drains, rinses, and damp-dries. Then the dryer takes over. Keeps your clean wash free from impurities in theair. Fluffs clothes into a natural shape for easier iran- ing. And takes special care of your permanent- press garments. There's no hard work. No watching. No waiting. Your time's your ownr. You've banishsd your washday blues! With an automatic washer and electric dryer, you don't have to do the whole famiiy wash the samne day. Do a little at a time. Whenever you feel like it. Even when it'a pouring rain. Gel yourself a new automatic washer and electric dryer from your local major appliance dealer, and live a l1111.. YOUr hydro * MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION 258 MAIN E. 818.2m4 I ~