Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 14

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s lu Doev»r, piper from MlIton *& Tête Canadien Chaempint Wedesesty-Octtlsa 8, 1969 Youngsters capture pile of awards Kirk Brush winner in Scottish games A yamng man mis bs ieart If matai Brarmar Le som seme set an mietiog tise adoît manîdis familier faces from htome. cbampiaasitip ta igiland Aing lte eaudience mere Mn. dancing, tO-yer-otd Kits Brass and Mns. Gardon Hesselfeidi and of Milton bas foot yeens ta mail titrir dagister Taminy frnm oatil bt's aid enoogit ta tty tf. Milton, sebo rift titis nenrimen ta Bot ie dormi' item ta mincd spesd o pean tasrmng Gret meiting ad prrpersog fan tise big Britein and Esrope. event. Thone ment meoy Canadiens Ht lait erturord fromo, 10 and Amnericeos competing merS nusit ta tise Britisht ilts onenseos tisi sommer. And itey misrr ise campoîrd on 15 brooght hoint a mejority of tise dancing campetitoatsewiocing eseards. Aagus McKtnrie of 37 amards snciadiog tise Britisht Edmonon riaired tise aduit onrrsean and tise Scottisit boys' searid cbempîoosisip, and a ritampioestips et tise iaerd Toronto girl Cerotys Marrison Ediobargit Pestinal. Ht broogitt mon tise edait Britishs Open. hsome 19 medals and 18 Kirits competilsons sere tropiis, 27 ai titti mastiy Satanday evnts, rrpresesiing finit prie amants, aititoag titene mas one see b he plat tise dîstincton ai ising lthe eotertd e contait tarit day of onty amaern la plae ta tise the meeb. Witen titey serren't fliog and jig competittoos et lte compelîog, titey mouid speod Brits Open teir tinte pnacttcisg et Misi Highland dancing han istro McGnegon's or ber tîster's basse. ainost aseaoafile faors ttseIf asn't amob,hagt. sire lie mas ases yenis ot agic. Kirk bil ltere days n taLositar, Me bas romprîrdl att oser Caoada and am a lot of Eogiesd. Ht and tise Uritd Slatrs sn tise pott tise, sprat close ta a meentin tigist yeers and itos so masy tretensi and mat in Belfast darîog amards is paemIs, Mn. and Mns. lthe rîotîog. Ht as tise Harney Brait of Macn St. W. are barricades, lte saidrrs and tise moodermng if tttylI bote ta add ciidrn seearsng itrimets aI Faits mnotter nom ta tht basse-j551 Rord, and ose day bis ban mes ta bouse lte topiis and iseid tp hall an soat sehile a medai. issenai procession passrd. Tht Thismsmme's trip to Scotand fantrai mas ion a boy af in met Kirbis second trip ocenseas. sehoseas %hot darngthestnots. Me mmit ta Scattassi mils bis KitS mas cannail ta sear tise tracter Mias Moitie McGrrgor ai righ t bîad ai dreis, deprcdîng an Scanriboroaghit n 1964 andi seiîci sections of Beltast Siemas rsjoyed tise trip ta maris ist ias nisîtîcg. Ht isad a briglît gîtesn iseen sostog eveny spaîr penny smeater for tht drys iseîoaned tiare tisaI trip ta finance bis lise Cetlii dîstîtrîts, and a 1969 trip. green sweater seili orange stniptt MisstMcGnegonrset tiKirb for mcaasng io tise protestent igain titis sommer anti tisey assit sections. along a promîsiag yaang Hemcamneihommitisra e Japaerse girl, 10-yer-oisi Elaice dianciog oaîliî a Prince Citante Kagryamea aI Tornao. Tht jactirs a it ics kilt fa:aiaîîîîg ders callid Miss MeGr-g.or's tise McLraa ai Osant tartan. home et Goaroci thir home Plot, ai cotrse, Imo big shopping boit for lte ssmer. Bat bey hagt loti ai mrdair asti tropiis. put 4,000 mîtes on a rraîrd cor, Wisai't trot ta lice for tht Iraeleling arosoti tht yossg daacr? oonînysîire cnd ctteaisg Hisiseartistset onttaytag in festirals rosi dance competîtîoss competitîsa satl bt's 19 rosi Miss Kagryama sasi lthe aid enoags ta enter tise adait distinctionao aing tht uir moîlid ciemptoasits. BrImera Jepanese girl ta enter lthe sse ansi toe ise may lait mabt iiWlisd flmng ot lte Editahargs aaoîisrr trip ta Scoans-iid go Proesta, asnd site mon L8 medait try yr ifi1 sasi tht moaeylt and senenai trapiîs tna e rcety ise asimits. A part trot job aI ai campetittoas. Site aisa pîctesi Lesittis sapenoanitet lisanresi ap a golsi medel ta tap dancing. bit samnmer trip.t Fan Kinit, tise Esitahirgs Tis yean itet bock et Mttton fessiat ansi lte Brarman Gaines Distrt Higs Scitoot ta Gr, ÎIr 12 mmre probabiy tise ighitst ai ai a flot yrar arts andi science lthe sammnr. Histî se course. Upon graduatîion esi cisampioships aI Esitabargs mi tiSe 10 go ta Royal Militrryt serer ise forgotîn rosi lie Courege at Kiogston on the siancesi lis rimes tisai dry. At ROTP pire, gel bts courege Braemer ise duncrd for tise degree ansi ester tht armasi N1sfý,Piper Gail Brown pi: KIRK BRUSH came bath tramt a sommer in Scattansi iitenally toadei dlown mîtis tropis, shiehsis andi meals. Ht piokesi up 37 amans in 16 highlaral dancing competitians in Scatland.-lStatf Photo> MERV. COLLING ANNOUNCES choit heu "l'au don't fond many aid wmmn pipera, but Im gain tu 6e ane," tay ad i rama, lait 15 prari aid and mith a hast ai bagpiping trapiies and amards already an hand, stie' gat ber fuitare ail igared aat. Pinst, site mant ta jain tise fantoos tCeigbtimaad Pipe Band aif Scatlind-an ail-boay band. Secandly, site mania ta, campirir ber Grade 13 in Miltan District High Scisaat, try fat a tctlrliad ga ta University aGlgaScatlaad. Site watts ta tint and mark in Scoansi and plant ta teacs primary ichoal artisera er imaw goals are tird in tagriber, far ste plant tai play in tise pipe bsand mbile sis ai Uninersity. Geil isas jais cempleird ont af bier isiesi sommets ta date. Site piped in 14 tomni and cuirs and camre home mitlt rigist trapsies and 21 ont of a possible 24 medain. Pniar ta tis mmer site bas amasird tisree otier bsig iropisies and 45 otiten medaît-not a bad collection af amards for a 1l5-year-old. Titis sammer ier isiggtst s'icioty in pipiag contrits mai tacing finit prie in tise Jenior Piabairracsd (tisat Gartîr, iiis pranaocrd Piisrock) for pipers 17 and ander attse Markisem Highsland Ganses. Geil describes thet Piaisaireecss as tise itandrît posoible pitre ta play "libr a sympbony". Sisr mes alto ist amateor piper, hest girl piper ai tise day and funk lstt la lister classes aI Metitamn. At Deiroit's Bois-La Island Highltansi Gaines tht mon lthe 17 and eor clati on tise isasis of total points fan iser Stnatisspey ansi Reri. At tise Bnantford games ste wos Imo uis aod maes boit gtaap ont pipr. They tames ie bon st girl piper fan tise second yeer in a rom at Tononto's tadoor Gaines, ansi site mot tise isigittt points of tise day. Sise tmb imo uis et tise 1,000 Islands Gamnes et Aleoandria, N.Y., and et Legonier, Pa., sise moo tht 18i and ioder marcis riais. ,future Gad ment ta, Mantille cera Ottewa chus sommer and aarrowly titsid tise sraoiy for the total Points of tise dy. Site lard mts a boy and tise boy mon out ser dt judgts cansdrmd tiseir fimgerreeruioa. Titis is dt biggeit pipiag competitiao la Nordi Auserire, and tise rama ai 320 rrtideais melcames 12,000 tai 15,000 competitots for tise annuel raet. Sise tisa rompetei ai Mina, Minis.- Fergas, Embro, Brantford, Cotboarg andi Port Credit gaines. Geil dans a lot of tranelling ta bansd competitons andi pipiag roatesit bai bier porets Mr. and Mes. Normes Brama of R.R. 5 Multas dosit mmnd if e bit. Sis getiag a reti edocatian misile ase's ai il. Rrrenrly ste bas hemn dt Orly girl piper in tise Woodîtarb Highlmnders Pipe Bansi, miic isas josi mergesi miti theb Hdighsland Fauilliers of Cati. Thry play a lot of faits and poradet mnd tise Woodstorb bassi bas alto bers i a enomber of rampetitiont. Tisty stooi fi an lte eonîid cisempiansipsinl Scoilansi tait yean, ast of 73 bands. Tisat contrit 'meent a titrer seti trip ion Ced, ansi sporkesi as mInrest ta lir itradiog for Scotiaad oral mmrntr for tise l16 andi anden morîti rhampioship ta piping. Tht yoaag Milton piper gai bier stieno pipiog mits Dos Drming, mio sa id ta instinct the Multas Girls Pipe Bansi, misrt site mas sevn. Sisr spesi four mostits or lthe chanter belote ite pictesi up the pipes, sehic is coosidenesi prelty fait. blaet site boit trissas front Bai Fraîhenstoor of lthe Duodas baosi. Fan rentra yeens stie playes i mt tise Galrille Pipe Bond and mas tise hoodis pipe sergeant fout yeers. Bot site gires a lot ai rrdt ta Jean Cuirs misa playesi mils tht Multas Basi. Ireait a ltheon miosa ioard me isto 4e Pare Plrk-ap & Saier>' fSt Millon Amàcum Ca aism EASTSIDE AUTO ELECTRIC OAKrVEILE BSpcchet sa Tumaaap and ~Cetiseaa Plu AUl Ca Repaira phae 844-9641 or RlIemieja 8111101 cim FOR ALL OCCASIONS GRADB 12 MARKETING CLASO ai Multas Lmnanti andi saudeats Karts Ricitetti ami Ken DimtrictMugis Schosi sid a spostai project on ParîooifrntDonna Straub adDoris Deruyn, Mrtn'o businss do rct-nus, pnioet an ear ar ediin miS the dsplay ofphotos.-Staff fatare-fta dispey e Milon Fair Transe Mr Phoao riPON FAY'S SERVICE*LECTRIC * CONFIENTIALA COMPLE ELECTIC SERVICE *COURTEOUS * RiSIDENTIAL * ELBCTBIC MEATIMO PERSOMAI.IZBD 0 RUtAL POLE LIMES andi SERVICES aceioade "40r Weae Heaier Sei" A Reaab 8P8-»2 loit ftSf S9? CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIFTSOF DISTINCTION 184 Main Bet Mima Canada Seringa Banda cen moike gond tinga Andi têtia Vear Canada Seringa Bonda gire you happen ta you-naw and in tête fmttre, Métliane tête ban retarn avenl ai Canadiens ketos têtis. Lest pear têtey bougêt more ntean trea billion dollars seortêt, Têteir Naew Canada Savinga Bonds nose yield et reasans for bayingP Simple. avearage af B.00% a pear wêtan êtald ta matmrity. Canadoaeinga Bonds ereeasyro beyfornasêtor enêt $100 Bond begina seitêt 07.00 inrerent for on inanalmente wêtere yoa work, banik or inrent tête 0iran year. pays 69.00 intareet for ecnê ai Canada Seringa Banda are raid bard nasêt- tête nent two yeare, and têten paya $8.2B i neereat inctantly. Têtey nen be radeemesi anytime et for manêt of tête lae six 'mare. On top of tia you teoir full fane alaie pinus earned intere. cen aern intecece on yoaur finterest. Têtey are efe-bankei by ail tête reanarnea of Double your maney in aine yearal Day yourte Canada. A rery spenil/aecraiey. eodey andi meke, gond têtinge happen ta youl Spotlight on teens... ta tisose timys sen onoryono us blaming tise so-culleti "yoaagrr gesoraiîn" ion mat ai lthe Utls tisaI heset lthe enrîti, ît's reiresiig ta lir saine good noms for s chaonge frnt r coopte ai yoong teenagers misa arc daiog mdil in tiscir tepurute, yct relttot fieltis ni ondornnr. Daring tise punI mecS Tise Champion tuIketi ut leageis mils Inn local teenagers, Kirk Ornash und Guit Bren, r yair ai l5-yrar-otds mis avue bath ituti hcsy bot rerting smmcc. Kirk is u Scattiss duncer rosi ho sprat lus hlîitiys camycting an iigisianti dancing competitin in Scatlrsd-hriaging hainea pile ofai eects asti itoors far bath iseti asti bis country mises ie item haine ta relues ta bis staues lasI merS. Gril pîrys tise hagpipes rosi tocing tisa puat ion mants ste isrs bora toaring tise contry campeting in pipiog campetitions andi, like Kirk, hrioging homo r fair tssae ai tise amortit. Halsofai ta a pair of fisc yauag Canudian teenagers-tise Siati yoa don't coud about in lthe court reports, tise kiati yoa mon't finti in gangs tating aronnt tise toao hangoats. GAIL BROWN ni Milton bal a batytarmer,tretlt l4tntînd citims ta compoea in bagpipe competltiots, atnd rme@ home méts e pila nf trophies andi 21 moals. Piper Oeil is 1B and êt batn pipîng for eigbt ysars,-lStaff Phto) compeiioa,' soys Ced. "Sse stroint a pro bat tht mania tai mtilly iselpesi me e lot." tali tisai off as long a3se diaie Neni, shesi liSe tu atet sie metbly lesass fram Jh Wdlsoo Brld sterending MDHS, ai looto hebsbe e pteyiag baîkerba1i, daing Toroto. as nta babytitiing, plnying in dt band receitiag some irisent frain ibis ad tenisail dt bagpipe man for tise pair couple of yrers icantpetitiott, Ciad bei a fem but mmiis tai enroil on a mtly irodrats taking lattant in piping rIais ta gain mort tapertencr. fraont bier. Ont boy, nom is Nis bAfterrighi yrars in thethiird pear ai lettons, ia daing biss, Oeil is pnetiy seti enoogs ta enter ootspoben about toiseoe of girls compeîiîianîanenî year. on momen on tise begpipes. Sisr fes tigst or aine is dt "Girls deioitely moite tise betier proper ae tai atari temueg dt pipons," site dlaims. Site boms a pipes. I taie six ta rigt mamarin misa brai ait tise mes is mandis ta master tise chaer, au open competîiiao, andi ioday dieneayear and e isalf ta twa tisent are ns wmen on thte optt ytari befoe yoo'e rteady for contrats. Soso Gait plans ta competîsion. rater opeo rampetitios isetf, Tisai, aays Ced, is misen tbe aldisagh itei coolsi cuntinoe t5 fun begint. cirean op tise amards io tise 16 assi uoder, 17 and onden ansi 10 ansi ssier rIlaiss for a fese yrers -Miton Cammauniiy Crasht yrt. Lait spriag, for istance, ite Uanm atm affire building an mas fifts in a riais ai 20-19 Mata St. miSl be ofltcialiy ino and Oeil-n an opeti opoard on Saiordey, Oct. 18, Piobaireacbd compîlitios. Cshe midi an opon isoase failowing bas atready hemn urgei ta tise apettig ceeemoay.

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