Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 13

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ua and Spic e ,,2mJtiLg j Dl'Md yna ever sec an area aftee a itueicanse bis?", Tom Chadttigh ashed me ast 1nisited bis pintc-ynac'nmn appin nreitard ost thse wtgkend. Id acrivat as the tail'end of ste nnstaught of nteehend appie pichets dtai descendcd front varinas parts of the province. Despite the staff of 25 invotved in auapeevising thse apteation, there never sntsacd te ite estougts, Tom nhserved as hc mstised tht "fsas ttsisg" in piching yoae omis apples feont te dmaef apple trees in wttieh ie speciatizes. 1 I as fasaieattd ty rte hay-magon s rdstitist follont tontes tortahs tht pichets ta an sies of tht orchard and hrtng thtent itaci to tht check-out actas. Uessiosaitly the adaîts mere enjoytsg tht nntieg as much as tht chitdren1. And clslldrtst get special attention in tht epetratin mitit a tittle instruction on hont to paitk ast apple peopecty. t Pichets masi have tahen tons of spptes amay ie te shopping itag containers prnvidcd. With an increase in production titis year as ml as tht mataring of three more nenhanda, there are plenrp of apples as te Chuditigit fart la meet tht heavy demnd. * A hoge fietd mas provided for pa king on tht farmi and miten tl filled tht ctontd cogtigssed to active for a ittatifoal fait day Of apple picking. mitit cars ltsing rhe sides of Highmay 25. Wtth tht efficient eptestion and tht entdent orgonization titete mas ptcnsy of accommnodation. mith them. And for tht smalt ciidee dicte ment seme action soya on tht lame to hcep dent enttrtaisitd. n Tht pieh.youe'ontn ptan, as tnt said cditocially itefoce, itas a certain somtiig aitout t sit pots peopte into tht action mitile they alsn enjoy s trip to ste country. And tht Chodteighs hane titeir opptt-pickieg opetation ai ita efficient itest foc fun and to ment tht practical problemas of hartatisg. *And mtth tht thasksgiving mehkend comng ap they enpect tht ccop taie a55i ittst and sthe anpply stttl latge esough to fill tht demnd. Wirh last meekendas esample thty'tl ssdoahtedly he gearcd to handle tht crontd efficienrly. S*Being a bit of a sot on non soup mit croulons I'ne dont a lot of espetintentingtlrying ta getrait croaton s0 it doessot igo soggy and stili get tht cheese ntelred ot top. tnt hradit si Montreal, Chicago and Toronto and enecynne stens toe bcable to prodoce tht dish fat isetter thon t con. The recipe hoohs don't seent ta have tht antwers and tht prepaced crolons on saptrntorhet shelves aven't qaite tht solution. Mayhe sonteone in tht great "out there" has tht ansmer. tf they have t'd appreciate hearing from thent and tnt tort nty mife ntould he happy ta have me quit mcssing around in tht hitches. There's got ta be a right ktnd of cheese ton tSar setons to Se tlsding me, s0 mayht tht "expert" that trma op wili have thal ansmer as melI. Tht mnticipatcd enioymenr of tht rte rtao harrelicd mord Thanhsgîving has ris oatieg, os tht part of mny visîrors, mas greatest impact in out me h rater thon in evideet in tht pcnin lunch rhey broioght in tahe. Down [s] in this Corner with roy downs J Entarcasa n g encoaniters bmtmeen omismitcs and mililife aven tht increase, accoeding t0 tht departent of lands and forcats Lahe Sittcot District hînlogîsl, Allan Waisio. Tht other day a lady plsnncd tht district office or Maple and snssted Ihat semeone tente 10 hem cotrage intmedialelp and remove a groundhog. Il mas insîde tht hoosre upsettissg tlomer pots, clinthint over choies and tables, pttving inIa glass caisinets, and poksng inIa claseis. This dsd not aoond lihe a groundhoýg. Whes tht coniserotion offscem questianed hem furîher and oistained a description of tht animtal, "nth a Stock ntash and fumry, rînged taii," tl mas oisviously arcon She hod ciasrd tht dîsars ahen she dsscovered tht crealume insîde, and tht pont 'con mas prohahiy jast scarching lot as exit. Tht lands and famtst saofhcetmld tise lady ta lt the anîimal out, aîîd iin future to loch the doars and hblock ony possilecenlrances mhenene shre refi tise house. Shemwasrteassuredhbut nenerlîrelers aoandcd ratiser dssapposnted Sht ol ci mas Conting nul ta SelF hem. Ail use liadt la do mas open tise denrs! Duming ont sommer sn on Milis a pair of mccoons clammered ahoal tn the entpty awmning pool, on tht hock parcS aîîd TV arsal of as eideriy couple. By nteans of tint tcaps tht gentlemtan fsnalIy rentaved tisent fron tht ntsghhomhood. What ccaIly smked frira mas tht map tht coccooas nouId cutb is u rnai ramer ai sight, st on tl Sp bis mindont and store mie his Sedroont. When hie shann tir iahiighl an thent they lust hlinked lhii epea and stred mtgbl hock. Wlhen Se rappad on tht mindon ter score thein amay lump tisest dloser. tl mas unntmviog, Se tlid tht depaciteni. Ht and hîs mtfe couidisit sirep heomint thase creasames meve pecrrng dimougis tise curtaîns, A pair of Feepînt Toms in Don Milîs! A young housemife fantscaiiy plsanrd absont a cricket shre monted rmntved front hiem houar. Apparentiy shte aird Set husisand had recenrly ntored inra a newly conattacîrd Saure in Etahîcake and socn a dep had vry litle farnîture shey simyr an a marreas isy tht fiteplace. Dnming tht fsmst ssghr a cricket hradt semcsaded then te1 sleep. Tht chîrps echard pitaantîp throughoar the entprp lieuse. "Il liadt Sets ver rontanrt," shte sasd. Bot L aflet to nteehs tht constant chirpînt mas drivint titent torShe point ofnmadines,, Thmy mouid Star tht cricket Sot rhey cauidn't fisd it. They mece belti, desperale for sonne .aandiarumistd sleep. Sht snsisted thatliands and foresta conte la the rescue. A spray mon tecatmtndtd and she mas jokîngir ttasiuttd that if tSar fostad the lans and fütrss "cicet pato oidhbc sent tn eorly sutter amonton plîond front hiem Toronto honte Sp lise Humbser River, nordi of Blanc' Street. She mas almoat in c tears Sut ntanagtd to expiais, tSar a musheat mas csting lier pcize, arnantental flottes. She mas heociscokes absout lise tlomera it had aîmeady lest. , Witile talhrng la tht offScer tsht stand Sp t wiedont, ntatcising tise mudical ambisîng abouat t gardait. Holfmay dicough tht conversation ite suddenly crird out, "Oh, Se's sttimng an nty gemansants nom." Tht officem suanested tSar site qaschiy taise a Stoont and situe the creature amay. Se mas Iua fmghttntd ta do tSar. She had ioched herseif in tht house and masnt venîarssg ont unlîl the animtal left. Tht offices tld Set ta spmead sonne mtl Sails absout Siet tomera then tl departed and rhe deparment moid rendi over o frapper latmr. Anniher tonton, alaneisarrscadsng herseif in tht Soute. phaned front Hoitasd Landing to repart that large rnappss. g tor es emaîdînt hem hackyamd. If mas la te spmîng and the large fteiles memt cvalisng aboat hem sandyhoackyamd roorsng up radîsher, cortrs and heers, ercanasînt Soirs fort their eggs. She ment nus mith a Stoont ta score tirent amay Sut tht large, arnard creatrer sreched theîr nechsaup ai Sti, issid and openrd their large, rhampiy.heaked touthu. Terrîfîrd, site roced hock a She hause inching She dieur Sehîrd hem. Wlin rite fînaiip iocaied tht departitnirs nonthar sire mssisu untmved. The lansds and faresis tan pacifird Sas Sp sapins t astre tia eggs mere lid theî(utieswouid reîurn tuthe rivet. Ht marnaed hert lieymaaildhbehach vert sprint. Unabhiniaoveiicia hic aîsger and fruatonasver tht pliant a tai shoaiod Solt a porcupîna mas nalînt hîs car iii hîr amy drîsemay. This occurred in tise foul rsear Toronto andthee mas probahiysome sait under tht cor. TSar is tSr flie paicapine was afier. Tht tan had Staîs sîrrsng iii bis cor mîsen Se ftrsi hourd a sseady, scmapi ng noise Sp ils ride. Ht paked liii head oul lte mîndont and Shert mac tlia pracapîne gvîawing amoay ithe ack fede r THE OLD SWtMMIN' HOLE is cmpty as se httore they rcanand nsce more wtin the autan nomcs to Halson. Tht syloan laaahtr of happy yoangsters.'-lttaff nettins, the dioing bord and the tope Phsotn) swing will havt to malt until sent May ne ILTON, ONTAtIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1969 Ct'att~can'èt9exce*ci4e... Pat seven reeves in a roant, tahle section contplttety, fir a ntap of Haltn Coanty, stir in Base Line, and altomini personolly estuhlished pre-reqaisites, nthote midth of tht foen divide inte sections, allant ta simmer, land. Burlington, on tht add seven depoty-reeves, provide granted ramne Ima caî espasure and examine the resaIt. Mitton retaioing its att That's the recipe Haltat lias lisk ta tise Base Liat. chosen for cutting op Halton inter It is hest, perhaps t fine anuts and the final actian miii tht ntap lias sot necesua conte mhen tht carrent proposai, .ils final stage and rit hent reieased in last meek's issue, is basin for a suhmnission ta presented ta Haiton County Council. of Municipal Affairs. Then the deputy-reeves milI he into Tmo things cancers the action la eithtr appeove. amend preparatios of tht ntap a or set aride the resaIt of tht handled. deliherations of reeves. One of course is et Tht "cattiug" operation came that srme consideratia: about sintply enough. First tht given tar the services tnt Minister of Municipal Affairs the turban oras and theiî suggested a Hoiton-Peel merger mith and possihly in the fats tht orna in Haltan heing divided itto toa iogtcal ta overlook th foot local units on tht higger regional practical approach ta fut gaversiment pragrant. Tht proposai requirements, if tht plat slashrd acrass rural tomnships tht test of lime rather dividiog then and raised an oatcry future hottltgrorund against such division. The Cauoty houodary hagging. committet coantered mith a Tht othtr point of ci proposaI for five local units. evident grned for mors Tht Minister than invited tht area mithout tht applici county cammitter, made ap of tht realismn and this is mar reevts of tacS mnncîpalîty, ta shownt ortS Halton than in tht hant they mould dîvide Halton. Thtn George tantn i tht fus bagan. Tht yre-reqaisite that immedialely aftnr the Sas daminated is that the tma proposaI thot il munît norîheen tomnships ara nat la b heua highmay 401. This has he in segments. Thas me have crîterson for tht tar Nassagamnyn choasiog ta ally mith deliheratians, mithoat Acton and taking as mach of tht snrvîcing or any of Il township in tact as possihle. prohients for futue c 1 n the Esquesing-Gtorgelontn that should ha part alliance, Esqaesing chose ta ramais consideratian. targeiy mith Georgttomn and add on Milton hoas pressed fer a slice of Oakviile sa Georgetown central part of tht casu co uld ahtain its long rauglît 401 hanis of ils potential ta ex'posurt. Corners of Esqansing and thaugh tht central pi Nassagamepa mee erodtd ta Milton caoty spans tmo mati and Acton. mriches on unrealistic mid Oakville ogres tar hava han Actait seents ta hava antenable lar sliciog off tht nartîleen on getting ouI of thi PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PÀST THE RUNNING TEAM ...Milton Pies Goiiop, Tran Lott, Bers Jones, Cal Osprment's isook anti ittidet runnino Fleming, Nelsn Rytior, Con Tolotzka, test maa photograpisot aroand toto or Cam Wyns, Eh Wynn, Bill Gaitomay, Matt tO1t. Tisey ineladati Cisief Earl, Tont Taillet, Cisarlie Jones, Cecil Eari and Jacks Cisaptan, Ue Martiep, Al Waidie, John Armstrng. Little, Cisct Hiii, Tom Cisheint, DuneS m tht lamer gMilton tht rer tomnship e other bond ricessions ta ser oorthern cpoint out, srsly reoched it fartas tht the Ministr us mith tht .s it Sas bren ementarp in a shauid be snating fron r entent nom are. It metms se nerd for a are servicing n is ta, stand thon being o for mort oncern is tht rand mare stian of anp e evident in South. ndicated Ministers' rd land on an a guidînt mn sn itu thaught of se practicol lavetopmest of such r tht nthole .oty on tht srtv ic C tvet art of the ershtds and th. bent irîtetî e Mînister's proposed alliance mith Georgntown and Sas gladlp linkad ap witk Norsagameya. Tht union mauld give that ntunicipalilp rame lvîghmay 401 erpasuren whîch Georgeton senms tai regard as tht golden tost bat il places tht prarent tamn of Acton far front tht geographîcol cente of tht This husiness of seekint tht largent passible avea dotun't oppeat ta us. Unfartuoately il's on age that hias been hrainmoshed inIa betiertiot thot bigners is tht onsmer tar aIt prablents mhen in fact tl hreeds only mort complex prabients. tt seents obvions tar us that mort municîpalilies are out ta get as mach orna msthin thnir individool hourrdarias as yossible and thîs just doesn't sarar li us ru ha realistic way of ylannaing. Wr err evn siispect Oarcp McKeough may find tht mhoîn extmnise o littît amusint as hie matches the infighting and outfighting that resuits when toao potiticions do the county-carving bit. They mee ather quink ta condemn his proposai but before tht dîsst setties they may meicotat bita ta rtfcree the fray in Haiton. Sometintes me shont an arront in the ait, mhich contes to earth mie hnnntrmhee. At others, rie drop a pelihî ins a pont asd the ripples made are realty cool. Sontethtng like this happtned recently ta my father-io'lant. Os ont last vîsir t him, tnspired hy ntho hnoms mhat hiddtn entrtiens, he flahhtrgasted as hy qaottng, nerbatent, hondreds of litres of pottry he had learned in puhlic school, tomve littît mile ago. (Ht is 78). This mas an entirely unropected facet of Grandad's ptrsonality. We gamhed with admitration and he lit ap lhe a neon sign with modest pride. Most of us cantretenther as tîght-ltnt pornt for tmo meehs, afrer ntnnortztng rf. Howmany can rtentber hondrtds of lnes afrer alntost 70 years? Bst ont thtng holhered him. Ht coatds't retenther ail the stannas of an nid favorite, "Tht Village Blachsnth." It had ont verse in partroolar mhich he manted to get straight, hecause ir mas a salace to hint ihts lonnliness, since tht loss of his mife. Tht smtth had aost hîs mife, ton, hut mas pressing on. Mont of pan ntsddle-aged and aIder folk msll rnenther the parnt, or at teast a fent ]mes, as 1 do: Under o npreading cheornat tree Tht village ontithy standn; net nth.' a ntighty mon in he, Wirh large antd sinewy honda; And sonthing, sonthing, sonething arms Are strnng on iran band.' Grandad is a mon of grear persîstence, and he dterntined that he'd remrdy tht loch. Hentrair tIna fovntt's magazine, the Fret Press Weekîr, and ashed if anynne cnuld help soppy thentissing verses. Ht mas overnthelned, aimes! physîcalîr, hy tht response. Approxiîntîely 150 letters cava pnaring iv. People front tes years oid ta those in their nonntes ntrore hînt. Sonte retenthered sradyîng rt pornt and chatîrd aboat tht gond nid days of tht ont-ront rural school. Othees sent the nthole poera. Some ntrote tl taboriously mîlli theuntatic fingees. Sorte had tf typtd. Ose lady had torn the potm front an old reader (a school rester, that os, flot an old prson ntho was reading tf). One customer went to the troobte and eopnse of honing photostatir copies made. Wttat reatty dettgrted Grandad, thoogh, was the kotdness of the notes aod lettrs thret accompanitd the poem. Ont lady sent a long list of other poonts front the old Grade Three and Foot readers. And the lettrs came from as far east as Nova Scotts and from, B.C. in tht meot. Thss my father-n-law learord of tht ponter of the press, sontething 1 learord years ago. Bat 1 alto learned that tht :etnt is ntîsleading. The people who plan aod rnecote edtoral polscy and news covrrage for tht datty papers have tht hilarisrides that they hart trrntrndoot ponter, that they infloence people's thooghts and It is to laogh. Electsons are surest proof of this. The dailles coald he onansmoos in supporring onentan for a certainrposition, and as tdcely os not thc Canadian people, ntith their ontn sense ofmwhrn they are herng poshed around, ntoold elect hs opposrent. No, tf t5 tht littie thsngs thaet detnonstratn tht ponter of tht press, sontethsng whtch tooches a chord or a orme inothermaader and roases hintfront hs hahitoai opathy to hetghts of hrndoess or fory. t'verrecnty had agodoaple. Nt long ogo, t ntrntioned here, in ont paragraph, a wmnan ntho is ctroggltng to toise a fantily of six, decently, on welfare. A gond and hîndly wmnr of Riondel, B. C.,read itad respondtd. Shentrote and offered to sendi a hon of clothiog for hoys. Iarrived today, and t'ne jost had a cll front the mamnan on melfare. Shr mas ttrrihly eocited. Tht whole fantîly sasd! it mas -Jost likeChrstmas." There ss a lot of marntth in tht world, still. Let's help spread it aroond, in a genreration thrat needs to reale it. Pages of the Past front champton files ' 20 years ago Takes front tht issue of The Canadian Chsampin, Octoher 6, 1949. Janmes Famîs. 30, or todian fat laooen, mas hurnnd tii death ]ate Satumday is ie stoi fronte shark Se accapsed os tht fart of W. H. Foson flicmEsgkih Lîne of Trafalgar Township. Foot perrons asieep in a second cohin aniy a fnmsnches amay escaped aithougS their robin ntoi scîîrched. Chief Wright heieves lise man lsad faimn asieep mhsie smoking. Osmîveg oparatîonr on matirs as Fulton and OaS Streals peslemday mere houred for a femhoursîîî tSe ntornîngmlîen thealrge digging machisne hecante msrmdand alnt ap-ended. Tht hold-ap lîapperned auto ithe large catarpîlior machine mas Sockîîg aiong tht hariki of the tîxteen Mile Crack mkere frarh tortS liadt SeanurPa iii as kill prevsoasly. The machina siv inhackmards, miring ut op ta tha caS. Cancîl met on Tueîdop evenînt and dsscussed aisortimsîgîh liîcconditiosrof roadr and dîschvs as a tasait of remage excavations. ISey passed a moion tSar "in vetmoflirefactataidainageaon tsw mails hashbeen destrymd due ta the fart thal dîtches hart Stan filird on, and falloiomnanarh roain mat liesaonv,îîaris unnecessarîiy long," ais iatthîr paymnts are aailsoeîzed for flie seatr contracter utiseli conditions are carrected. Themcoaicihosîîîcrcarndsthesalory of Sont Hall, nigisi constable, ta $1,800 pet prar. Coîssri aireaoppînard the soin of five lots oned Sp flic cotrortin onte Borton Sutvep, at $100 mach, Ai tidngkt Mm. Jonson of Jahnronsî' Giiaag came ta cueita nify thantshe remet opposite Jasper St. ctnssing Martie St. had rasedîin. Tht information mas passrd on ta tht construction company for ittrediate action in erectînt o barricade and Iights hefove other motorîis are caughl in the two er deep dutcS. 50 years ago Take front tht issae of Tht Canadian Champion, Ocroher 9, 1919. The accommodation in tht schooi buidings for Sme iigli ichool are aireadp overtad, mîtis tise prospect îsf tht cîacîîîîî if a high schaal building hccomniîg cmpuoi iiy iii tua meai futui,, Tise pcîsîîîîh aliasiiedcoff a parsol irîînt ha citraini ofitc Milton Shon Ca. buidnessadvsed t raîrsstaîonce and avrtidtroubsle. TSar Canada faces a minIer of more unempinyntent thoni since 1914-15 is tht opinion of Bere M. Stewart, heod of rte Laisor Deparmntn's empînyntent huceous. Nent Monday, Oct. 13, miti Se nomination day for tht Provincial tirerions. Tht elections mili Se held ont ment firn neut Manday on tht 201h inst. Thmme mill Se fine polling isootha in Milton, ast is the eaaiand tmoeachin thesnorth and south mords. Favoredisp the finestmwealher onSath Tuesday and pesterday, tht annual fais of tha Haltan Agmicultamal Society mas a record breaker. Tht returns are not ail avaiahie today Sut Dîmectors Sont îvfarnted The Champion tSar 13,000 is a conserva tint estintate of pestemday's attendance. Motor cars mere parhed in aIl tht spart spart in the grounds. Victoria Park mas cromdednwth aInfthen,asmee (lie tecs 100 years ago Taken front tht issue of Tht Canadion Champion, Octoher 7, 1869. Tht Toms Coancîil have ardered tht callecter of tares ta proceed forthntsth te enecute bis daty. tl miilSe mmli, therefome, troprepare for hs ssss, as thentnoep s manîrd instndiattip. Os Salardap nsght the 25th instant, me art înformed ihat tht hanse af Mr. Adamt Ling, of Nassagsmta,mwasenttrtd and a suintof msmpcarrimd off. tappars tha tht serant girl Ieft tht dont unlocked, and ther tht sermaîrs mere asirep tht roSSer entered tht hoase and carvsed offoadesh mhsclî Sm braSe open nulsîde, rstled it nf is contents amîîantîng tnabout $8, and then imft il isehînd bit. An oglp clab mas found standing Sesîde the dontr milS mbicS ir suppored tht thief snievded tn do battde if dsstarbed. The 20r5 Haiton Battaios Volunteers, assenthied ai Oakniir n pursuance of orders front hadquorters, on Mosdap, to te nanther of about 500 ta put in their arnna drill. A marrd lady, Seing asked te maîtt, gare Ibm fllommnt sensihie and approprinle ase:"No thank yu, sir; thave hgging tsougs os hante." THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 's lldh

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