Iboe Catedian Champion, Wednendy. Orbiter B, 1969l BnffshGunafml visits LowviIIe area 'y Mrs, . D.t Swallow Libirar Servce for lter. are now in Kilitaide Puic Soitool. Hourn will hae Monday and Wednaaduy; 6-9 pan.; Saurday - 9 ama. t0 12 noron. There tn o large selection of fiction and non-iction for bath cildaco and udutn, on wall us piclure and ntory booits for ltae pre.lcitool yongntean. Thutthngivtog services, ouIl ha iteld oo Oct. 12 ut Lovvsille United. On Oct. 19 titeta mi hae a guant speaherasu Mr. Banitr watt ha praachiog ltae 95th Annivaînary Service ut its former charcit in Guelpht. Anoivernary Setvicesnat Lomvvilte woIt hae Octoitea 26 ut 11 u.m. and 7.30 p.m. Edward and loger Gobrot with titeir dugittea wetie vtsttora to Lowvilla front Britisht Ciana. One of ltaei snons teaiod ut hotme while aootitaa s in Patin and asothet sn s in Afrtca. Tite Gobeina will ha npaoding titrer marks on Toronto miith titeir rident sonnand ii fumily. Tht following ns tht tint of Fuirvitw Homa aod Scitool Esacutiva for 69-70: E. M. Scott, J. H. Vernon, prnident R. Sandarnon, vica.pranidant, Hugo Gaynort, treasurr Mrs. R. Bayer, Convner, "Hot Dogn", Mms. Poodan, stcîrtary Mrs. D. Stoalloto, membar Mrs. J. Harvey. At the meeting on Oct. I tickets watt nold for "Citidren's Theatre". Tite next Home and Scitool meeting wiii hae Non. 5. Mms. W. Backer s in citarge of tht Girl Gutidan meetisg racit Mooday nigitt ut Putrytto. Tite nantes of tita yoong Iodias arr: Shatîngit Knîght, Janet Knigitt, Nancy Smnîith, Sandto Dohrsitira, Lysot Hall, Nancy Hall, Elizabetit Fargoson, Allisos Farguson, Marta Vuo Trigt. Shirley McCorstack, Lynda Rupson. Cathty Wilford, Patti-Anna Davay, Mary Hannabrrry, Brvrly Ascait, in McAnalla, Gaylr Haatitattogton. Shtaron Altos, Karen Altos, Notai Blackburon, Ano Lamrss, Chriatina Lamre. Pnmela Skeeret and William Gudgeon weme married uit Lowvilla Citurcit on Satarday. Sasa. Gailgeon wua ltae aoloial. Mms. C. Andersoat wila bridieignaid. The baide is lte daugitar of Ma. and Mrs. Eric Gadgeoo and ltre groom ia thr ton of Police Ciif Kanoatit Sitarreli and Mrs. Sharrett. Thay tafI on a honaymoon trip 10 Qaabac City and on ltaeit ratuon wsli liva ut Norlt Short Towars, Buahangton. On Friday ananiag prior to tite weddinn, ltae Gndgaonn hoslad a waddiag suppar parîy. Amsong lthosea utasdiag wr lte grooms parensn Mr. and Mrt. Sherftl, Slave and Barbata Sharrali, Tony Honiar of Barbadon, Mr. and Mas. Cyril Anderson, Glas Kangan, Mr. uad Man. Jua Smnart, Ray McArîhur and Ras. ad bita. E. E. Bahiat. The Tean tout band clared approximattly $6,500 oo thaîr sule of 12,000 roses os tht waakand. Mary Lou Middlabrook, Lyndi Basset asd Dont Wallace sold a rosa ta tht Hon. Tom Wells, Minisslr of Halti te1 sturt ltae sale. Bandt mambars thusk tvtryont for bring ar hisd and hrtpfol. bn about tmo torahs ltaey arr planntngaaadio-thon whr people cas cati sn and donaîr monay 10 halp finance ltaeit trip 10 ltae Rosa Bomi Parada. Joan Wiila andt Dorns Norton hotteS tht Lionalias pot loch suppat lit tht Luonaitan Cloub, and nitomea films os taeit tnip to Japas. A purty unS prasestutios wara halat Saturday for Mr. and bits. Rons Weir and fine children of Htghvîtw Dr., who ara leangnto lina in Kingston. A golf day waa belli in tht aflarnoon mth pot loch topp et fotlomog ai Cadar Sprints Golf Club. Mtmhaas of the Highniaw Dr. doit prasenteat tham miit a pusotad dasit utS soantroos gifîs. Mamhars of ibis tocality will hae arrry 10 say goodityr 10 titis popular famtily. Kitching resigns from planning board position A mamitar of Nashagawaya suid nomeona shotald ntrp in to Townssipt planning hourd fMI te vucaocy rgli amay and aahmsîîad is lettr of the orme of Dr. Henry Sent, a reignalion bo coonicîl Thaetday maildent of ltae tomshiip, was nîgit and il tout acceptaid pot fortoard. De . tati, a Yorh ouosnmoosîn hy ltae mambees. Univesity administraior, is a grmndsos of Dr. Chattrs H. Bsat, Carnaros Kitchîin, of R. R. 2 osa of lthe co-disconatars of Rochwood, hud recestly hacoma intatan, and a itroîher of former înnolnad toiti a patition athing Hallon M.P. "Sandy" BesI. Nassugamaya Cooncil 10 stop lthe The uppaisîment mdll ha prootsetone plart of Ontario fisulized mîith un amandanant 10 Plaîîcs. Lutoyars fat Me. thn appoinîmansshylum. Kitchîvg and calther nortit ____ Nansutuwaya ranîdant had dratos Hallon File Pravnsion lthe pelîtion mitict w as Bureu mil stage ils anouel preasan,;o caonrcl. Il mas la tta cuc ard nOkvlet criticisad for haîng "mnitîradiot chori arad o in Divll ii n its mordint", hy îomr odymrîg trmeat of couscîl. Me. -Tht Intrnational Plowing Kstching had solS tht land to1 Match mi ha belra u Paris Oct. Ontario Plastics for tht ttw 15 10 18 and many fron Hsltos plat. ara planningto1 attend or Depoty-Rnent Gordon Agnato compala. HERES HOW ... Under lte provisiont of a Sy-la. lte Town of Millon wilI pay haIt ltae cat of purcitese and plantuvg of irises sohiect ta certain specilicafions. The follnming trocs w.Il ho anailatIn aI lte cost indicatecd. Haif titis cost vviil ha barone y ltae municipai îy anS itou hy ltse appicant on filing of application mitit lte Town Clerit. TRIE TOTAL SHADEMASTER LOCUST ----- NORWAY MAPLE ......... CRIMSON KING MA-PLE-----_ LITTLE LEAF LINDEN ......... FLOWERING CRABAPPLE ..... MOUINTAIN ASN ............ JAPANESE FLOWERING CHERRY PALUS SCARLET HAWTHORN. FLOWERING ALMOND ------- COST $13.91 $11.91 $16.80 $12.97 $10.97 $ 9.93 $12.60 $12.60 $12.60 YOUR COST ... . $6.87 !$5a87 . ... $6.40 ---- $5.40 $4.88 ----- $6.87 $6.21 $6.21 Applicationo will bar accepuard on a f (rot corne, firot servard banjo to a maximum towii contribution of $200 SAPPCAflTUM MUET DE IN TO THE MILTON TOwN OMPCUII JL I Pleasse Plan Marer or lIait Whsem Tran le te bel Pion"u * 1=~~~ Breckon honored by plaque Many oid frienda and ata n y -aw Yoaaag friand.wa pa uenmeld trli aato Pdytn hnnor a ann witol wan Woeld Wlneal King in 1954 and who has serveil as a tonaten on Ste Nelson Townaship Scitool board for 14 yeurn. William E. Breckon of Enriogion serw the plaque hanaring hia uchievemenla unnailed by te Minialea of Agriculture William Stewarl on the front luwn of lthe W. E. Breckon Sohoot. Grade tive and tix pupila froan lthe acitool alelcied ont on lthe law a s ltaeit eiders sut a bit more aedately 10 heur speakers oulline lthe career and accoanpinhmentn of Me. Brackil. J. Gordon Blair was te oitaiaanan of lthe aflernoana proceedingn wicit iteard front Enelingloon anayor George Harringlon i, Hailon Conly Sourd of Educulion chuirman Fred Annilage, Surlingtoon Reeve Gordon Guliagitet and Wiliam Stewart, Minislor of Auticaitore and Food. UNVEILINO THE PLAQUE hosonion WE atft, are William atson, Gaverai manager of sthe Brnohon, Baniiogton rmsident andi lorSi Wheat tonal toinler Pair, and bit. Braciton. Theaunnniling King af 1954,. is ltae Ministar of Agriculture anS loch place Priday u litah W. E. Breciton Sohool sn Food for ltae province of Ontario, William E. Barlington.-(Staff Photo)l Stewart. Walching ltae unoailing, t0 Mr. Stewartas KILORiDE Principal speaks to school parents By Mas. William Watson (Intended for aot torah) Parents wtotl chilatras ullasdisg scitools tosith no Home and Scitool Association miglt watt hae asnioon of lthe tntarasting and informatina meeting belli biosday eenisg, Sept. 22, ut Kilhride public tchool mitas principal Normas Howall uddesnd ltae parants os (t) indinidoal diffarrsces in eacit chitd, (2) mahisg earni .sg more tojoyahla and measisgfol and (3) total danalopanant of ltae mitola otainidoal. Hea slressad lthe fact ltai ltae mords grade, paon and failore rn ter 10t 3 ure fot 10 hae osad ity pareon. Mr. HowelI olso sluted ltai lthe raportînt proruon moold hbr currird out ltae suante as tant yer ssing ltae deautil reporliot sysîtan alosg witit parant and teachr interviewas. Ha ltes introduced te tracheen, oullining ltaeit specific dnlins, uflar micit he inniled ltae parants t0 nisît ltae ruachers in ltaeit clatnrooms. James Lonswuy. progruan cossante, oollised hîs plant for isan tarastisg prograni for lthe a.hooi year 1969-70. Mes. Gordon Harrit, first vica-paasidast presided and assooscad ltai Fairnitto Home and Scitool toilI go mîith Kilittida Home and Scitool ugain itis yaar o fouit a Childtans Omo ficaire. Theta ichats fromt ltae moira tories of 12 monîrs colt tnly $3. par chilat (mitici worhs uot to 25e per film shows). The fient shomiso totîl hae Frtday avnno Dcl. 10. Met. Mal Danies and bien. Donald Coolson toara appointadl hotdog cornveers and Mm. Carl Garvait evnntng social cossante for ltae 1969-70 tarn. Tht tnt executina meeting wi0l hae on Wadnetdayaevening Dcl. 15 in lte scitool staff room. Me r J Tragunno's kindrgurea clans won lthe shitld and atourd for lthe mosi parents un ottendanca. To mathklite anS of ltae huttitaîl onoton, o barbecue hosîrd hy Dalmar Tatosa and Gary Twist, couches for lthe tqotnt teans mas anjoyrd u lit e Tumna home recently. At titis base Danny Sunderson andt Bill Watson prasanîrd Mr. Tawsa and Me. Twist acit mitit a mallt on bhaof of their teans, a gîft in appraciation of their guidance i and leadership doring titis puni flacit playar aotographad a hal for ltae mont ootsiusdisg playar of ltae naasos, mhtch wasto1 Tarry Tawna. Ross Suodarsos mas also presatd mîith as autographrd hall for ompirisg senatul of thitrr goas dorisg ltae Miss Ptggy Anne Smitht, daoghlrr of bits. Charlotte Smitht and ltae loire Normas Smith, hacuana tae brida of William Richard Parcitto, son of bit. and Mts. Ed Parcit of R.R. 2 Campitalînilla. on Saîorday Sept. 20 aI Kilbitrde U.nited Chorcit. Racapîron followrd aI ltae Boyva Conosonîty Hall. Mi. attd Mrs. Parcittan totîl rasida tn ltaeit nato home or bicNintn Road. To ntart ltaeit stason off, tht Tran Drop-in mamhters itala a cors toast Frîday evning Sept. 19 aI ltae home of bit. and bits. Ftank Hickts mîith a good altandance. -Dont loins ltae open bouseaut iton Fire Hall titis TlEarsday andt Fridayenan.ing. THURS. OCT. 16TH!I REMEMBER THIS DATE ... IT WILL PROVE TO BE A MOST IM- PORTANT DAY FOR YOU..T'S THE OPENINO DAY 0F FALI'S BIGGEST MONEY-SAVING EVENT sort a naaa drioe o Guelph. Wa ore nanan you tha advan totie on trot vo., ta plan auto pnsris e a- raat.rbar the data, Tta,,Oci. ltth. You'II loetuetny bargaina 3 floota, just foul of cli naanhnt tnds YOU WIL SAVE ON:. " W INTER QUTERWEAR " LADIES' SPORTSWEAR *YARD GOODS *BEDDING, STAPLES LUGGAGE *CHILDREN'S WEAR WATCH FOR RYAN'S A0 INi NVEXT WEEK'S MILTONJ CHAMPIONI i1 iswYNDHAM sT. NoRTU3 - GUEUlE "tteCroaawalk " tri bute Dr. Charles M. Joitnaton of lthe H iatrl and ArciaglololSita Sourd nildreased udgtta and praiaed unother of Ma. Brecitonas achienementa in netting np hia own mnaeun of Cunadianu. Me. Stewart nseled lthe plaque and ie wnnîjoined by Mr. Brackoo and one of bis old faienda William Watson, geeai manager of the Royat Aïrltrad Wlstar Fair ta 19Cntnlag on ls ftiondas 954 acblavemat, MEr. W*aaaig ald Il walefin inea=1 the Whaat Kilng tille, walal v4a won witn Gonease wlnnt. .-f1laà b ion PrevOinlion Weik in Mitton and arma Cadal. UCO BRONTE BT. MILTONi with an automatie ~êw~Îwasher and electrie' drayers BIG 16 LB. HEAVY DUTY WASHER WITH EXCLUSIVE MINI-WASII AND ELECTRIC DRYER TO DRY YOUR WASH LN ANY WEATIIER. NOW YOU CAN HAVE AN AUTHENTIC CANVÂS REPRODUCTION 0F A FÂMOUS MASTERPIECE IN YOUR OWN HOME.. 12 EXCITING y., et- " PICTURES TO ona CMOOSE FROM ritia , tc Niten aou PURCIIASE the exchalu" MINIWASH WHAT 1.S MINI-WASH"? Itla ia CGE exclusive ... an Bxira l1101. tub MI.aienltafndagngeao that lita over the activator with tas own It la extra gentie wlth delicate labies... waler naving nelting. il han a 2-touad Denigned ta handie fragla garmentes ciothen capacity and oporat.. ti the saflty ... yens, avain your sheerest lingerie. lint tilter ... thereas no lot-f nzz, even ont thone litm loadai AMd aa- pour paily hande 1001 Mini-savon hot water ... only 1ON gallonn tl will waait ateasers. coinurad fabrics of mater (total for toani and rinae) approx- that rus, or anything you'd noranaliy an imately hait the water sn on lte low by hand. netting ai mont competitive toanter. BUV NOw ON EASY BUDGET TERMS - OR USE YOUe CI4ARGEX ORE YEAR FREE SERVICE AT. RICHARDSONN'S 201 MAIN ST. 8784M a40p BARTLEOTTPS FIENOOAER 250 M T .5eSn TO ALL MILTON RESIDENTS BEAUTIFY :WITH LOVELY TREES 'at.a* HALF COST! * L GUAEANTEEO FOR ONE YEAE t t e 0 0