Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 10

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17 M&N ESXTATE 17 RUAI ESTATE REL ETATE INCOME HOME Large okder home. has heen converted b3 cef-otaee pat imesis ln ducoafl la. Good hacame. Excellent ter=s cm bc arge.osaner min take bock 1 mortgase. 4 BEDROOMS - MILTON This fovely aUt electric home ham heau reduced in ps-ee as cwen- ers havebouillit4 large bdooms, alwith dobleck)- thescloets kichen dihtgmcmandliving monm, large $MMA5 wht gccd terme. $25,900. lcvely 3-hsab'nom hcngalow, ons icly traed Ict sath garage, spot- lesaly chocn. Asklng cash to o 698 mortgfge. BUILDING LOTS Speyside, 2 acres. 19.. Hcmnhy. 1 acre. $12.0130. STELLA PARTON - Milton 878-6705 17c22 Private Sale 19 LEGAL Sttaciousscustomt bilt 3-bcd- The Haltori County ceusa home, on quiet court. Medical Society - Attacbed double garage. Wishes te altire thunt is - Sunken, eed wood panelted mecebers n-ttelvt te continue living roms ceittt fleur te Pit- te practise satdicice ceith the ing s1one tin-epluce. came moral and ethical stan- - Large, heighl kitchtn rcith dards et peelestiocal cre as sepueute dioiog uires. in tht peut. - Master bedrocm has hilt- in vaity.Doubl sin s i Medical Peeo now in e«cect le o suroit. Debtsoo Haltoo Coooty will not bt - a inheu emn wt chuoged on October t. 1969. On- - Piitlpd bsemnt citbtarie Heaitb Services loturuove paeled den and ceasheousa. Plan. hocever, scill eut neces- Many extras inrludingdraps suritycee the eatire tout and bt-oadloesa. ot Veut doctor's bilt. The pat- in s cespoosiltle foc the e 6 per et ots tgagt. otuinder. Phone 878-2433 PMesse cunsoît voue o doc- 17c22 tor about bis feto. H-lIton Counly Medical Christie & Woods Society Real Ettate Limtttd 19b24 BROKERS 189 Main St., Milton Public Notice The Corporation of JUST LISTED The Township of 1;4900l tuIt price, 3 - hodeoum Nattagaweya bungaleow, large living reunt, NOTICE IS RE REBY 1GtV- dining tmont, kipch6n, 4-pitce EN tbat tht Ceuncil et tht ba th, Pull hasameot, hcitbhed Corpotationofe tht Toceoship hedrooce and recreatiott et Nassameva proposes at its reunt, entra ceasbroeut. meeting te ho beld ut tht Mun- Teet. icipaI Offices, Brobviltle. Ont- $24.9C2 fll prise, 3 -hedreusa uie (R R. t, Camphells-itle, Ont- obrick bungalece, living reuce, ario), aI tht boeux ot eight ,epatate dinin5 monto, large 'cleek Psa. on tht tceneth hîlstso vsilh natoral1 cep- day ot October, 1969, te pans boarsdvfullhbasement iand aBy-law tustpePund close scapedlot and pved d rive. that parteof t-ht uenend Terms. oed talleteance betoveeo loto 5 Tertot.and 6. Cocession 4, on tht said Towns.hip of t0assagaceeya lying COUNTRY HOME hstcocn tht tvestetly ttsait ot tho landsofe Oteer K. Van V26.500. Poli price. 3 hedrocm Sîchîr as descrihed on Instrum- hrick splil.level andaruage. evt Nuosher 195408 aod tht Hesdsuood fleurs tbruheut tends et the Haltoo Fish and ossept khthen aod bath Game Club as descrihtd in Io- which are fle. Ttees et trac tiumeont Nunther 3h42. ot lut . Ternas. The proposed By-lesc and S27.'900 fuît price, brand noew 3- plans of su cvey sbessseg tht bedtcetnbrickhbungalow, L- lands affosiodtnay be sen at sheped living and diolca n the OfPics of tht Cterh et tht meont, tîseplace. hîtchen ceitb Townoship et Nassecescoye. netucal cepbeutds, 4 -piece licoobvillo (R. E. t, Camtpbell- bath and 2-piece waeoos. cillet, Ontarie. alnalecal ceudceerh. Pull baemtl situeted on haIt The Ceencit will heer on per- acre lot. Trm-to son or bv bts et he Cee 1, aoc pescn chu c1aims tbatbi $35,000. full prise 3-bedroosa ce bet tends crîll be ptejcdic- brick bungalowe, t.shaped liv- iïls affctad hy tht By-lac igand dining, kîtchen ceith aed cho applies te ho heard. meodesnoarbocîte cuphourds, 4-ps. bath, taundcy cosa. 2 DATED at Milton, Ontario, cer garage, full basceont. thisoightooot h day et Soptem- ber. 1969. ACREAGE HOLDEN, FORD & HA ESL EN 84 acce, Ashiot 565,000. 196 Maie St.. 29 aceeî Avscg 114,000. Milton' Ont. 2 as, p.atly slearod and Barrisltes&ýSoicitors, pitys Ashsvg $42,000. 19,c23 10aie-.yed toast. Ashînt 911.000. CALI 20 AUCTIOId SALES 878-2095 878-6057 AUCTION SALE Put 17c23 RUSSELL FORREST .4At the famc, Lot 4, Cee. 2, 20 AUCTION SALES Towcnship et Guelph, iuattd ____________________ htîsoon File d& Paisley Readn, 1 ile cr051 et Guelph, on "TINY" HOPKINS SAT5JBDAY, OCTOBR 118h LICENSED AUCTIONEER CATTLE -20 beed bort ctl- o s alcos & stetes. Phono 878-2657 TRACTORS and PIPLEM- 20c-Il ENTS -M.F. 65 cas trcter and loader; .H.C. "M"; M.H. NM. 60 combine; coceplete lise For Complote of impîcecît,; mcellîaccus; Auction Service -I ansoie d antiques, ohi h of1l first ai 12 noone CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN TERMS. CASII. -MAX STOREY, AUCTIONEER Rouceeuod. Soles cf aIl types. 20b15 Auctioeer. Big or small, lIl do thesa ail. Sales condarted an>sehere. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, MilIon, Osf.w 10 %h Cs oidtn Cisomple -Learc es tdsally cbasgsgas Ca one a.. -Colds mnd fie me étang around. 2o AUCTrIONSALES Wald Brownridge Licessed Asiclioncter Fanm - Livestck Fernitsere Sales R. R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-730 2fc11 AUCTIQI 0f 2 Tractora, Fores tmpesss Acelq At thetfan. ito!ed a the ltl bnie, apprns. I mile south of thte Tensley farsa 3cd tersa ex flie cigh centre mcd. FOR MSS. MARY R. R SATURDAY,0C At Il a Foderot teecseuy board peesident C. M. <Dsd) Drury wua dtit te speak aI a Cshate cf Commette disnet in Gieorgetown lat wcek, hut he didn't sa il. The aistisa mtohe gtoucded bisa le Ottawta. Halton M.P. Rod Whiting, w1he ws to have met hinm at Toronte cieport, filledl the each mnd delivetsd c tatk te the Chamber on the ditties and tesponslbilitis cf a member cf parlicesent. N SALE tas, ltcael Fssessttre? t Coocession, Lot 5, East PIsam- village et Carlisle, formes-tp old t tht Sth Lice. cosaing froisa IWCICLIFP tOBES 151h 2 Bed obcesttpttield; chester- bus; tecel celles- and sheff; 2 *field and ceatrhing chair; ep- oul lasaps; ceanh -basin; Gilbert heistered chair and bussock; ceabat dresser; arsaphair; setidi .eathercercliniof chair,cwhite; 2 euh desh; leuther baeh chai-; nîahegany end lubies; aboa- leaht rofioished sidehuord; but- rany roNfc table; disette table Pet ceith -bevelled sairo- <nerf and 4 chairs; ceatnaî cofteniCet; arum tis-eptace; brass table ceith 2 end tables titling scoed -basket; bmass fis-cirons; insîde; large '12-dcaceer dresser; hnass ceaI barbet; brass tiro tno. of odet tubles; ne. et table scretn, certain style; lar-gerbher- 5tasaps; chromo bitchen table, eyceodhbuffet, vtryie;tove *2 chairs; hitcer steel; 5-dram- seat; inlaid rettre labIe; tblack -et dresser; 6-daceer dresser, eh eny extr a large hnebcase t Smalvanity andhtenh; paircwitlbbuilt-in barand radio; ro cI single contienotal beds and rhing chair ceith bonI arin; ant- beadboocds; eelt-aceay bed; ique sealer; 5 hand-saadt qailîs. idouble bed and saattress;- 2 , .ISCEIjLANEOUS - .22 s scail hedrtees tables, crecent single shotgun and gun rack; -shaped, basseeh; ne. et odd sIeel ieeninf bord; large c hairs; ceescent talue; cerner qatily et china, ornaceents & -and stcaight heiihshcif; a5npros. hnioh-hnarks; large qunlity nt 30'of stait creer and brass preserves 'and pickles; lurge raids; ug 5 x8;1,1x1brod. qantiy e huse paits; quart- -butan mg; asd sorte sratter tity f aden and cacpentry legs; mahogats piano bencb; fouis; 3srheetsofTsaahogaoy ply- hitcer gatlbage cao and bn-ead sceed. bosx; 2 stop taddcrs; chiîd'sro. PARM IMPLEMENTS - Ford chter; lelephone chair and tht tsasit and -leader; Massey rrgaiar hitchen cote. Harris 33 Igeei s-uhberl trac- APPLIANCES - Belceeed Mt or, jant bad a cesaplete ceetor su. it. deep -Ires-cep and con- jubh; broof daty tarsa Imiter; rents lbntasad prhl;brad 1tsteelcwhetand1 tdihe-iredt nec G;E. dishceanher teer us-rm wcecagon; 2pocertacensauc- ed); stoatl elertrir better; et- ors; 3 p.b. 6' a boyser; 6"PTM ctrir (gain a day) cron. post -bote diggtt; set et scates, ANTIQUJES - Spiosioli 2.005 lbs.; deuble dise; 3Z bie obeet treinivhedt. att cocep- elevator cilS t54 horst saotor; te. cr11 oser 150 years old; Massey Harris l-ceoy dise, on smalnursingeroke; diningetsibbee; 3-sectien drag cltiva- toao table, euh ceith tumned -c; 5-section hanreces; uniaire legs and shepherd seasters; -peader, on rubbte; 13 - mun black ebony end table ceiîh grain und Onrtiliar drill; qumr- draceer; sapîr drosser 3 dence- lils of stable stanchiens; qam- rs; large ceopte fern stand,îîy of teel and cedarttnce -hall ree; saaheguny hall table; ponts; qoantilf et used ifence; lealhereceverrd arnchairceiltcwieeand sn fere;OPsio lionfonttegs; hnick -hnack128x tiers, B.C. fr; -uit serf; Jacubean attochair witb bot caler beaters ceith ceetors; cane -bark; Windsor arsachair. 5 804 steel poses and plates; Lealbercoverod arcecbir; pecfused 2sx4steleOttr large dref-tealf table; pîne coud ttoogb. TERMS ARE CASH. Farsa s sold.i Lunch available. Ocener endt aartioner net respennible fer accidents. Auctioneer's eesaahs: "This saIn certais an eutstanding fint lot et antiques. Plan te attend. Sale ceilI sta-t prompt at Il ea.', Sale et-dri. Stetati lcunehetet items, astiques, 2 ceon lots, falleceed by isaptements. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN, Aurtienoer Phone 878-2576, Milton. J. Langedyk, Cierh. 20h23 A true blue Italian sports cffar. For just $3,675, T'he Fiat 124 Spidr is a troc bise Italien sports car. Il's gelt Icin oecrhtad casas. A 5-speed box (inctading oerdriv). Discherakes on aIt feur. Antd Laikes te tht open read at a hundrtd-and-six. There's black vinyl throughouî. Thc heatte really werks. A rtel ceabat dasb. Properly round instrumcntatien. And laffage reocin lot two. AUl standard cqeipmcot. Coe and sec. 124 SPORT SPIDER TRE 70'S ARE HERE N0W! Westside Motors 135 LAKESPIORE W. OAKVILLE 8449831 ONE BLOCK WEST? OF KERR ST. The Hallon Libseal W llieh the f final tins. tht Association wiii hotd a Associationsas a whote bas bied dimet-dancelds"y, Nov. 7 aI tIse oppottunit S0 el tcgethag th lbOlxlOin l witb ns Witiglsah Libeesl Asociation t5revident celebratsd the etnnversary cf hi David Butter said! a cabinet firsl yoat le office Jase 2S.Y misisser froms the Trudeanu Tho dinner-dante win stat a gevermmnt le Ottawa sain ha7 a h lb aay ot Suet seakr. utii sîd ie sedrvc oad juet tIs cf Trafalgar nlot 6tant 10 telease tIse Road. mioitter's noms untilb he a teccived officiai confirmation. Ballet said! tickets boys "We'r aise holding ibis cevent already hean soId te about 200 te pap tInhale t0 Hilton M.. peesens. About 350 te 400 Rud Wbitisg, Butler said. "Mis persons ae expected t0 attend WHODSE Ir BEAUTY SALON DECORATINS Vague Beauty Salon DRAPERY A NE5W COIFFURSE R A LO Deigned Just Fer You BOA LO - and - *Residmidl COMPLETS BEAIITY SERVICE Comndmrial Cai 878-2461 *Comsea 192 MaStreet Ready - mode Drapes lneoak For Customa Sases HENNY'S CALL 878-M07 FOR HOME APFOINTMENT HAIR STYLING SYERS 198 MiI St., Mille 228 Main St. 878-2067 CAIL 878-3711 21ed FOR AFFOINTMENT " Mode-n equlpsmln. ELECTRICAL SE=RVICE " Expert alyîlig, costsg, ceaving. 21c-tf McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED PAINTING AND DECORATING si INDUSTRIAL a COMMERCIAL GIL VANSOELEN Si FARMS & HOMES si ELECTRIC HEATINO PAINTING INSTALLATIONS Contractor 66 Chus-tes St. Miltos Industriel Reideotial 878-9513 - 877-3752 Interiar -Exterias- 21001 aIl] o for Free Eatlmates 878-6137 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Bos 114, Milton.21« MLO -UPHOLSTERING TAILORINO - REPAIRS Noce osaned mndqpemtad hy - Los-ne As-5n= MEN'S PHONE 878-9M94 TAILORING * Re-uh3 tez ALTERATIONS * Auto tIis *Upbolstery cleassing .NIGHTVS MEN'S WEAR * Custos hut haraltares * Fn-ce pick-sp and delbvery 202 Main Street 21c-lf PHONE 878-4472 21h4711 TRAILER SALES A RENTALS WELL DRILLINO CAM PERS WELL DRILING Truck or tiraitler camping J. B. RUTTAN Sales and Rcntals R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. raet arn ont Burtingos NElson 4W2 & CampingCnr __________________ Thteoestop Icentre e ENERAL CONTRACTORS 1249 Guolpsb Lino, Burtinftot 637-5288 RAY OLAN 21c-tf uiîding Contractors Ltd. AUIU "Home Iceproveceenîn _________________ " Renovatiens " Additions AU IU " Cocemercial ce Induntriat ALMIU eDOORS e WINDOWS 854-2263 2vat G RILLES a RAILINGS 2ctsiAWNINGS e SHUTTERS loass fer Enevy Fsarese LANDSCAPING Only betty eqitipped gass &hop le the u- aires lsstrks ILTON LAWN SERVICEan xeicd lzrs AND) W. J. KOSKI LIMITED ROTATILLING 878-9452 eego and Smatl Cotracîs 210-t JQE WILSON 878-9070 FINISHED CARPENTRY 21c22 -REMODELLING CRANE RENTAL NEC. ROOMS TREE REMOVAL KITCHEN CABINETS IUILDtNG DEMOLITION VANITIES Cati ARBORITE COUNTERS 878-3351 CLIFF BARNES 21c-t 878-9135 21v-t IOVING AND STORAGE ___________ MOVING PRINTINO STORAGE ENERAL TRUCKING For Your Printing ... Calt CALL. :ENTRAL CARTAGE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 878-3351 191 Isain SL. Milles 210.1f 416 - 878 - 2341 as Ptcar Lt NE tPENUi CLOSWD t FOR THE SEAON ONE AND ALI. hyer, fi asRosa s Bud grounded to puy tribut, t. M.Pe Rud filis in itfoue CHICKEN ... - ...... ......39e IL. CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS ........55c lb. Maple Lodgo BUTTR-----------........69c IL PORK CHOPS----------------...........89c IL Maple Leaf WIENERS ...... ...._55c l. DEVON BACON .................89c lbé. BIEF LIVER . ...................55c lb. RIS ROAST ..................._ 69c lb. SIRLOIN STEAK .. ......._... $1 .09 lb. ROUND STEAK _ -----........... 99c lb. PORK SIDE RIBS ................75c lb. WAX BOLOGNA ............. - 2 Iba. 85e IONTARIO POTATOES ..... .- 10 lb. 35c Maxwell House COFFEE ..... ..1-oz. $1.59 UNICO OIL gallon fin ----- - $-------- SALE October 8, 9, 10, il Save 20t ICE CREAM r Ilf Gallons j Reg. $1 .19 4QAil Flavors - - Pints Royal's trso-fruit faeoed siseebert. Reg. 2 ICE 3 Plot Container MILk Ice MILt Ch-os froc a aiset o cey hlvo ceps s c REG. 79t ~teSîs Righte MI AU Doilots- Dsplaylag ls loyal les Crée@ S1gus *weNs F. LI 878-261g I. s i Il Sp M Hi M di Mi Lan Oc NÉ t Eh Me Un bl Ch Oc AU Ws, 8.3 Rît sail of roitl visi Me. fon L Ae MI ai > MM ex a -t, celle ti- N um NAIN

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