HENL>WNE e-lis j -SBOeM BY Receptionist - Switcl, Board and à .. Telex Operator Tfflng re95dred, exelflent woi&ing nonditions ced beneti. Àpply BOX 412 Canadien Champion MTRB, ONTr. 8M2 MapIe Lodge Farms LIMFPSD 'Narval, Ontario Processing Poultry Products REQUIRES A NIGHT SHIPPER Thsis is a responoile position. Applimt mont lie ale 10 mnnk on oson and asupervise one iselper. Must ho one 25 yeae oId cnd haeve on transportaI- ion. 'Appt-. 50 lions-s moik par mcdo, yens- round empinyntent. Top lr gos- lise rigist mon. Ifferencets requis-ed. CaSI for oppobitmeat 865-8340 8624 .9_EMPkOYMENT WANTED WIELL do sentng, malte cie- vises and do alteratino Pione - 878467,17. 9s-28-667 WILL blby nit preadonot cbîldren in my home. Cati cep- lime 878-3546 9c22I017 EOABY SITITING, alto typlng. by Hîgb Scheonl stodentsin Mpare Mime. Phone 877l.408 ilLGST OR STRAYED SILVER gs-ey Sierian Hus- ky, breo epen, mearing colaer and eeg miii omoer'n addes. Blue Eprace Rennels &76-6f69. 11C2241656 R EEWARD, grey mas-e, 152 bsands, lest frein hotoncn Mit- ton and Casotbetiville, notis of 401, Monday aftes-non. Sisy cf people, Calt 854-2339. t1n1700 13 FOR RENT t BEI)ROOM quiet apart- ment, centrai. 878-9228. 13o22-1705 E5iECTRIC HOT W A T E R 54EATERS %-Atht free srvice. Pone Mlkisi H3nloo 878-2345. 13s61728-tf SINGLE furnisbrd munms, 6 -tire St., Milton. Oahvtlo 844- 6904; aI 1er 6 p.s 845-0368. 13c28-tSi6 4 - BBROOM, countr-yborn. IFroc s-ont ho rettoro for fino huis daity nisores. Morry- n brooks Ferro 878-237. 13c22-1658 'FURNIBE hodrooni, is quiet home, hodding and tom- ets sapplied. conts-atty cated, gentleman prefered. 878-4675. 13e2l-1575 84AIF a bouse, 2 bedvmss obare iashmons nu ecirigerat- os- or stove. $125 plus hoat. Cati Carat 878.45 brimn 6 ond 8 pin. l3c22-1709 14 WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE is Acton - Milton vic- inity. fue 2 aduits. Cati collec 416-282-2203. 14b14-2044 2 or 3 BEDROOM apaineni, inor araund Millt. Roason- able rent. 878-2689. t4c21-16lî IFAMILY. oodo isome in Mit- ton or vhcinity, 3 isdodeuis re- qoired. Phono Guelpht 519-821- '2%"4 cottect. 14c22-1449 BiUSINESS gentlman reotair- es a 1-bedroorn apariment. Must .--Re eqaipped mitis 8sig. and ste. Culi M789703. 14c2l.1567 STORE RETAIL STORE PREMISES REQUIRED 0y Triple A teonant ini Milton Alps-a. 2,000 - 5,000 sq. tt. Preeerciity tonaird on Main SL Teteplione os- Wriie SSPINT 21Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. 142 [ s- ena~AL IL m~nvîeîm 17 REALEmTATE 17 REALESTATE 330e Canadien Unompiori, Wedeesday, CR00005' 5, 1560 , 117 IotAL ~.BiAIg *caai 1,7 U&*--- I SAT 17--- REA -- E___________ a BeEal*b. ee, imo dey oealage, 8 paL, ut 7-~11 mes8692 5o47714« Wg*um5i, tif tise ee dramr in tse -Smlpe" honnis at Milton Pair: fis-st. Ms-s. Joyce llalin 132 Cnxai St. N., Milton, sec nd Mes. Slnner MsOfonneIl, 8871 Pouetis Une, RA. 4, loI. ton. 15c221653 16 SERVICES CARPENTRY K & R Lumbers Generol conleoctosg, remni- elling. olterattono, rot.meons, trhot wnrk etc. MILTON 870.4937 ACEON 853M63 161e-t Custom Combining GRtAIN and COR.N . also - Plouging. Ciiltivating and Discing Bulldozing, Draglinlng Farmn Ponds CODE CONSTRUCTION PHONS 853-1303 26-if WEEDS Spray nom and gel a heauti- fui Iawn in tise Sprtng. RESIDENTIA5L and COMEROSAL Weed Exterminations 878-3959 16c26 United Masonry Brick - Block Stone Work CAIL ROCKWOOD 856-9957 afltes- 5 pint. 16c20 * CLEANHIS * DESPES MILTON WELL BORING M. Peltie - 878-9552 Henry Onickuk - Wntec Divner Toronto 366-4390 île-tf MITCH'S ROOFING & EAVESTROUGHING Sperhatiz[ng in ReàRoaing and General Repaie R. R. t, ACTON Phono 853-1009 16h21 Kent Precast Products Sidoealk aid Patio Stais Chiinney Ceps Cas-bing, aoy mu Cornseil Finers ced Sioops a specialty Phone ACTON 853-1013 853-1747 25 Higismay, 2 mites montS of Acion 16500 tI H. 1. Stuli Excavating R. R. 5, MILTON Cali Milton 878-9360 Georgetown 877-3840 - îSpecialszhng i- AU. YOUR DIODINO REOUIREMENT "No Job Ton Big os- Ton Smala" 166-tf Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHIONE 871114851 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin Street Services ced Repatro on @It inakos of sewni machsines. tIc-tf PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval Higis aeos pricea for dead or dbicisled ow ced liantes OALL OPERATOR - ASE FOR Zenith 9-7950 Uc. No. 10MC6 mc4f 189 Main St., Milton JUST LISTED $23.900 fult l.ire. 3 - bedrouin berik bungalow,. 4-pince bath, Yoocngctocn bîtobvu. mail-tc- croit broadîcon in the livieg roont. fuît bosemeni miib fin- iched office and rocrooiioo oo. Excellent condition. Teris.o $24,900 fuit peice. 3 - hedecent bungalow, large lieing mo, dieieg mount, hitoben, 4-pioco bath, tait bocrnsent. iinirhod hodraumr and rocrooton mo eur carooon. Ternis. $24,500 fult peico. 3 -bedrouin 'rickrbungacowu livieg recin' reporafe dinîng rooin. oarge kitobro witb noturot rup- boords, full horrineni. tond- copod lt and pabed drive. COUNTRY HOME 127900 flt peiro. hcand noir 3- hodronon brick buaowto L- obopod tiving aed dîinhg coumi, lîroplaco. hitchen rilb cotuacuphoards. 4.-pice bath aed 2-pt eco rrcrbruoin odonatrat crcodcrck. full bocomodi. dituaird oe haltt are lot. Teris. 1 135,000. fll peire 3-bedecin brick bungalowr. L-obaped lie-: Oc, ootd diocel. bitchon critb modern ochorifo cupboardr, 4-pc. bath. taoodey reom. 2 cor garage, flt baroonin. $26,500. full prîce. 3 bedrnom brick cpii-ter't cvd garage. Hacdwond fleuro tbroughu xcpt ihben oed bath whicb are tito. Troc ai ea ittilt Tecon, ACREAGE 10 acreso.p.oodcoad. Ashiot $1 .ooe. 42 ocrer. poitly cfoarrd and grovet pli. Arbing $42.000. 20 acrer. Askiug $14,000. CAIL 878-2095 878-6057 17ç122 DRESSIMAU11NG, geM ntcd ef- ficient servie. 878206. h6n22e1574 -HOUSE pIans and aditins, dramo te pour reqitremoents. Phono 878-3169 citer 5 oim. i46c22-1524 ED. MCMULLEN Contracer * Cornent Ploosi SMdewào Stoopo a Ciiney &o Pleoterlna Repaira, 3tiSo Work * P8repleces Phsone Acton 853-1818 11c25-t4 OAKVILLE EQUINE STABLES Special Wintor rates nom ie efflect. Nom hon stalso Rogolation jsnps & work ring Proensionat riding instructions 4 free lessons tooeacisnein boarder Phonet 878-3200 18e-tf 161 FINANCE MORTGAGE FUNDOS, lot and 2nd available, recidentiat. coin- miercial, aise, nsortgages pusr- chased. Cnali Glenn l7asoeo Onkoson Realiy Invontinents. Oakvitte, 827-5713 anythoe. 161h26-lffl 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2nd & 3rd IdORTGAGES Arranged in the ronvonienro ni your homoe. Lnw cis. Ynu con rail te 10 p.m. toduay for heîptcd, courte- coc'servce. Promnpt Investment Cet-p. Ltd., 62 Rirhnsand St. W., Toronto. 366-9586 EVGS. 239-4913 161e26 17 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE SALE WHY LtVE IN TOWN? North Ourtingion - Guelph LiOie, living rco, 2 hedraumo, haihrncm, biiehen and uiility entei, large hock inson. Idoot for eldeeiy couple ns- roupie nith I rhitd. Sceel hus at doue. Call 659-3055 17c22 Christie & Woods Reat Ectate Limitod REALTOR CAMPBELLVILLE AREA Atmos newrcrg brick bugaow, siuateduonlarge bulf acte country Ici, cure tioccluce in liing couie, dining orna, 3 coemy hodroon. boîbeuint critb builton vanity. vr chue camity kitchen evrry croman cul love, lic of bitroben cupbuords and ctucets, ewlty finished rer. rosit 13' x 35' milb bar aisd ertrac. Du nul miss sroîisg tim meli con. strarird home. convrtient tu 401 Hcry. Frire $28,000. Cati Ana ond Archie Coiror 878-6980. INCOME HOME Nuat wohte frume homo ine central Milon isch 2 coîf-contaiord 2-bedeoin cportemns. Goud inrestmnt proerty or piracaso place 1 t ire oltb tteodp inrumo froint ustairs aporîmntsi Becutiiot lot 86' x 132' critb tailtres vr lonking paris. Ocreer troving Ontaio. Must colt. Frire $28,900. Opon t0 cffer. Requires half rush 10 8 per cent murigoge. Colt AOnna ood Archie Coiros 878-6980. MILTON REVIREMENT HOME Cîoy 2-hodeoin hucaîo id cporktiug wnhite sturco. urcrty dcc- uraird tbroughcot. ner crol l-ocol broodionon is living romi berry iihc ith dining area, modem 3 - pice hothroon. croco bedcomr en haceonent. ceon gcs fur. noce. verctrciverfo ti looidscaped criib ircer shbh atd rodeo. gacrog- Idrot for retird coupecor sminain ily. Frire 120,500. Cash ceqoioond. Cof] Anna ond As-chie Cairnr 078-690. SOMETHING YOUR FAMILY NEEDS - SPACE Theco rs plente of runn bore for cidenrepnieo, riding hormes. heneet co e vhiog yorbreart desires, uarge 2-sturer brick home,.ic ionciilaOe cosndifiou. criîh ilmins now diî-ided in 2 crmpîeiefy reti-coetoined aprement. Spocicus livng1 moins on main fleur miib crait-teoall b. oadioomin facile eoo cith fireplace. Must ho ee tuhbc pprerialod. 2.8 aces oflootd with neathbrick barn, cttached douible garage oed chop. Poli price $42.900. Colt Annoa and Archîr Cotior 878-980. GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED Represenfofives Anna and Archie Cairns 340 'd'ocn Steet E. Moltion Phone 878-6980 Kenneth Spence Charles- Martin Rit. 3, Miton R. R. No. t, Milton. 878-4615 878.2161 17c22 Place Your Message in the The Canadian Champion ViIBEST î IR*alty and i l"Smironce Mt. OWNRR TRANSFERED - Annanos t0 soit, smart 3-inedrooni isangaime, comisination living and dîning rent, brsgls. Iten, 3 hedenoins, fuli dlvidod hasensont, completely fsnished recroatin rent minis hor, 114-car garage, paved driemay, ideal location, close t0 srbools and park. 0cm.- or open tn otter at $26.000. Ternt; avaulnhlo. M.LS. LISTING2 - 3-hodromn isungalowo, -leated cimse to sciosoî, Ionsaped living and dining rouir, bitchen, tiloît hotisen mush vanity, tinishod recreation mun, bar, don, large Iandscaped lot cr116 patio. 6 par cent tirst mnrtgage. Vont- der will tairebark asecond morioage and isopen teof fer at $26.900. COUNTRY LOTS - 4 acre mooded lot, 335' fronotage, 7 miles nonsh of Milton $8.300. 10 acre loi, corveyed. sepacated, redy fbiliding. Omner open tn ofior at $12,000. BREF OPERATION - 125 acre iseeftfartin, situaiod moot of Mit. ton mush a gond 401 Hmy. irantage, 9-reoin clone houne, in excetIent condition, large isonk haro 60' n 80', 90 acres morkahto, tient claos mater suppiy. -Oposo tn oltee et $189,000. Torms avaîlaisle. "BEFORE YOU BUY - CHECK YOUR PHOTO ILISTINGS" JST LISTED - Convenionttp iocated on Court St., clnse tn Main Si., cosy 3uedron 'honre, complote milS living montn, red hbrik firepiaro, separate dining eoin, sporlous, melt laid ot kitchen. This isnmo hias rerentty bren rewired and nom heating syslein and atuntinain ctnrm and nereen windowc instaled. Litîrd prive $22.590. Duty Solesman - Evenings this week- BOB CROSS OFFICE HOURS-Monday ihra Friday 9 a.m. t0 9 pi. Saturday 9 c.m. in 5 pin. Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Milton 878-6292 nr 878-6592 17c22 ~ 18B MARTIN STREET MILTON, ONTARIO WR TRY HARDER LISTINGS NEEDED Homes, Farms, Commercial Propertiet Required for our newly opened office in Milton Cali Mr. Neal - 878-9511 17c22 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE FOR THE SERIQUS BUYER Bransd non 6-enomn 2-storey semi-detached witis carport, dlose ta town rentre, large living roin, diomng room oint isitoien 2 coloed batitrooms, 3 large bedrooins, walito-mall car- peting, electiic heating, fuill basement and ynur on citoire of decoirating unoon. Priceeta onty $21500 colla $1,500 down papinent. 3 isedron bicka bunglowo, on large landscaped lot, clone t0 schools and shopping, hnrdwood floors througisoot, foull basement. oit henting. Pt-iced ot only $20,900 joMis 11500 down. LIKE NEW Pully remodetled 3-bedroomn bungalown miii carport and paved driveccay, large londscaped lot, mall-to-walt broadloonin living rent wah fireplnre, full hosemoot, cil hSeting, raIes- softeoor. This honte is in immacoînie condition and owoor wllnet refuse anyoasonabootofr.Aking $23900 with exc-ptioooty gond termis. G. ALEC JOHNSON REAL ESTATE i MILL STREET EAST ACTON, ONTARIO - 853-2086 TORONTO LINE 366-1795 17614 Side by Side House Bargains CHOICE 0F 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS Roc. monto cith bar 41h hedroom on hasement Gcod condition throughoot Landcaped groonds Close te schools, stores, poek aod bos Full Price OnIy $22,500. Low Down Paymont Acceptod 1 Weok Possession For complete information contnct JACK HOLMES Real Estato Broker ACTON 853-1650 17h14 56 YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Member of tise Toronto, Ontario and Oakvillo - Tralulga Sea Estate o nrds GUELPH - Eorly Caoadiao 16-eoin stone home, on hall ocre of brootiful grounds in the Univ'ersity arna. The cloanso of hy-gocer c reflected in ibis beaatifol, gencinus home 7 hedrocoir. 3 hoîho. 2 ocat-he fireploces, son -ut,. 15' x 22' drorcrng mcont, 15' x 22' sitting eon, 11'9" o 25' dinieg rocon. mrng rocon, tibrary, boler's parn- ery. bright, chorrfut kitchen, combine t0 snobe ibis a home the ycoungecctive cith a grocing fanity witl dehight te ocre. 5'rice $110,000. Gladys Richaedson 878- 2777. MILTON -A maocs amhition,. o ran's dem, is tis 6-hed- mea2-yecc-clî 1-me. Priraco crîthout isolation and fs- cicoc living withootitocmchapkeepnd gpediing Liv;g ontm, imirîI mmand etertainment O maIl broadlcomed andt ccith heaotifol stne fimplaces, diniof rocm. ultra modemoo circulor kitchen. Att moi have se- ceco ta ecîrrior of home via oliding glocc doet. Douible garage, Frire $130000. Gladys Richardson 878-2777. STONE HOIJSE -And 50 acreofflt land ithhbarnlond dricing shed, t mile on oloskiels et Guelph. 565,000. Glodys Richardson 878-2777. 2 NEW HOMES -Undet cnstruction, in gond residentint area cf Miltcon, by repolahte boilder. For detaits catI Glad- yc Richardson 078-2777. Non is the Tirne 10 Buy Your Home in thte Country ESOUESING - îh Lier. duplex, 2 yeors nid, 2hbedroom opart- nient, 4-cor garoge, on 2 ocres cf land. Price $4500O. Make anofier. ESOUESING tois Lie. newly compleind, 3-hedmon red brick hungalow, cin lireploce in living rmom, oarge hitchen. seporole dining ruentflorchcrodooand tie, 2- car ottached gacre, ce a lot 100 c 200 Foul prire $31,500. HORNBY - (9th Lino, Oak), Attroctive 3hbedsoom ctceey and a boIf t coctc .o home, oice large liing rocm, good sireehiiohrnextra large garageoand a snrogeshed on i3 cres cf laed. $27,500. Gocd tenis. HORNOY - 9th Lier. Ok), Ocalifal 4-Ledrocin home, it- ccc. dinior ciccr spacio licing zmm roc. zoom0, double grcoco t-ol shed, on 2 acico f land. $35,000. Omit- eroill tiekr.iet mrooge. Tcrmc teo rrnged. ROBERT ST. - Duplex, 2-bedeoom apartimenîs, on nire treed lot, crneienîre o dcrtcc aine. $39,000. Ormes- miii crry o larrr' frii mortgoce on gond iermct. LOT .S and ACR EAGES 2 lot in t<ilhride, 150' x 425'. $8,500 each. 2 loIs ce No. S Sidecod, Noccogocreyo. $7.000 eaeh. 1tloton N. 5Hry, Boligcn. Haoognodmwettopproved by Heotth Unit. $10,10M. 10 acreso cer Milice. $20.900. 2'i ocrcs, Nc. 5 Hiv. north ofl Diioil. 510,000. Listings anrd cule of ail types ci peoaperty mill rereive car persoco prompt attention. DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 845-4267 Memhor ufthie Oakeitie Real Esiate Board GLADYS RICHARDSON 434 KINOSLEIGH COURT - 878-2777 17c22 d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER Convonrientty located 3 bed- romi hungalow, living 00010 17' o 14', taintiy siue kitchen, rec, roin, Omo car garage. Camres for arnly, $100. P.t.T. Calil Mis. Annelte Chuchmach 878-2051 Fr22 RETAIL STORE PREMISES REQUIRED Bp Triple A tenant in Millen Appos. 2,000 - 5,000 sq. fIl. Freterihiy ocated on Main St. Tetephone or Wvite EM 4-6321 S. SPUNT 21,1 Yonge St. Toront o, Ont.172 Private Sale Sipacions rustoin bouit 34ied- eorn homo, on quiet court. - Attarhod doubile garage. - Snken, redoodPaeied iving iromin t 1100e t0 cil- ing stone tiroplace. -Large, hrigist kitrison mith neparate dining area, - Master hedronin bas bisitt- lit vaoivy. Double sinko in - Finished bastement critis panoiied doin and machreons. 'Many mitras including drapas and hreadioont. 6 por cent mortgago. Phone 878-2433 17c22 Ûlretlwur Campbeliville Area 'Stone School House Historkngi, built is 1861 and on quiet eeniing in te lving monbetore the lorge oit clone tireplace, You n aI- mont hoe tse ormoes cifultild- rens icugbtee crans goner- clinte1 geoeeation. Tihis grand otd clone Scheelt bouse bus bron tncingly mOndelled and silo quietty on 1lacre of rodtial icondocaping. S ronons csf mognificent doarocteo Ideai foe retieing coupile. 'Frire $4000 nitit totos. 23 Acres Corner propemty. 0,900 aIf nom ioocrng rriib streant, Pond & hacb. Rare. distinct peol- eety. Elevaios for bonne id- oct. 50 Acres Nortb Boelingtn iogged ond ibeautiflt stream and isuns. Ashing 1,000 per acre. 50 Acres Corer peoperty crîti pond, 1.000 x 125 pins large, excel- lent hatik barn, idini for borces. Actin $1,350 per acre. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES 119611 Loi. REALTOR 878-4121 8 Mdartin Street, Miltons 17c21 MORE REAL ESTATE ADS ON FOLLOWING PAGE The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, October 1, 1969 -2 17 REAL raiitic